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Afternoon videos

Monday, Jul 12, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Republican state Senate candidate Cedra Crenshaw of Bolingbrook has a new radio ad blasting the “Chicago Machine” for conspiring to kick her off the ballot. She’s become quite a celebrity in tea party circles. Background here. The ad is quite something to behold. Have a listen

* Pat Quinn’s campaign has two new Internet videos. Here’s one on labor support

LGBT support…

* Bill Brady’s campaign has a new Internet video slamming Quinn over his staff pay raises

Rate ‘em all.


  1. - Will Watchin - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 12:48 pm:

    Crenshaw always sounds that angry.

  2. - fed up - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 12:55 pm:

    Cont know anything about her but petition challenges arer a favorite way to stifle democracy by the chicago machine. It was even abused by Obama

  3. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 12:58 pm:

    ===It was even abused by Obama===


  4. - Cedra Crenshaw vs. The Machine - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 1:00 pm:

    I love the shot at A.J. Wilhelmi and the pay raise!

  5. - Moving to Oklahoma - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 1:02 pm:

    How many signatures did she need? a few thousand? If she cant get it done, and go over the number needed then she wont be able to win a campaign.

  6. - fed up - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 1:09 pm:

    Rich Im sure you remember this

    In his first race for office, seeking a state Senate seat on Chicago’s gritty South Side in 1996, Obama effectively used election rules to eliminate his Democratic competition.

    As a community organizer, he had helped register thousands of voters. But when it came time to run for office, he employed Chicago rules to invalidate the voting petition signatures of three of his challengers
    The move denied each of them, including incumbent Alice Palmer, a longtime Chicago activist, a place on the ballot. It cleared the way for Obama to run unopposed on the Democratic ticket in a heavily Democrat district.

    “That was Chicago politics,” said John Kass, a veteran Chicago Tribune columnist. “Knock out your opposition, challenge their petitions, destroy your enemy, right? It is how Barack Obama destroyed his enemies back in 1996 that conflicts with his message today. He may have gotten his start registering thousands of voters. But in that first race, he made sure voters had just one choice.”

  7. - John Bambenek - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 1:10 pm:

    The issue isn’t her signatures. She filed with 2300 if I recall and needed 1000. The issue is that the law is ambigious as to what is required in the circulator affidavit as this is the first time slated candidates had to circulate. There is a debate between 75 or 90 days out being the allowed period.

    In Cedra’s case, she didn’t start until 19 days out anyway, but they refused to allow admission of evidence to substantiate that. They are deciding based on the form, not the substance or reality of what really happened.

    In addition, the argument used was rejected everywhere else in the state except in Cedra’s race. It was even rejected in the case of Eggert’s state rep candidacy… BY THE SAME BOARD.

  8. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 1:12 pm:

    fed up, the key was that Obama knocked out an incumbent. When was the last time the Chicago Elections Board did that? Her petitions were a disaster. She deserved to go. These aren’t “rules” they are “laws.”

  9. - shore - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 1:12 pm:

    It’s interesting that big labor thinks things are going so well in the state in that video. Reading this blog, looking at the unemployment numbers, reading about financial challenges you get a different perspective.

    If Governor Quinn’s campaign is funding yard signs that say brady = hate like the signs in that video, I’d say it’s a sign of some severe desperation on his behalf and not very tasteful.

  10. - Montrose - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 1:12 pm:

    So, Cedra is the one dressed up as an elephant on that ILGOP t-shirt discussed here last week. It is all clear now.

  11. - fed up - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 1:20 pm:

    Rich my point is the Chicago Dem Machine has used these petition challenges to stifle democracy. It is a way to use up an upstart canidates time and money until they have to drop out. The rulings in these ballots challenges are random and enforcment is a joke. If you are part of the favored few (madigan seal of approval) nothing else matters if you are an ousider your screwed. Why do you think Claypool went out and got so amny signatures he knew he needed an overwhelming amount just to get near the ballot. These ballot requirements are abused to stifle choice and protect the incumbents. Obama was able to turn the table on an incumbant and to others so that he could run unopposed thats democracy in Crook co machine politics.

  12. - The Shadow - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 1:22 pm:

    “If Governor Quinn’s campaign is funding yard signs that say brady = hate”

    Quinn did not pay for those signs. Personal Pac did.

  13. - fed up - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 1:26 pm:

    “If Governor Quinn’s campaign is funding yard signs that say brady = hate”

    great now maybe we can get some Baby killer/Quinn signs. This state is turning into a joke. I think their is a curse on Ill. politics.

  14. - Brennan - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 1:28 pm:

    =fed up, the key was that Obama knocked out an incumbent. When was the last time the Chicago Elections Board did that?=

    What would the Chicago Elections Board have to do with Barack Obama trying to invalidate a petitioners signature’s for a state office?

    Barack Obama didn’t employ the same method employed against Crenshaw, but he did use every tool available so he had no party challenger.

    Rich: I figured you had a problem with fed up’s use of “abused”. To me, Obama just “used” options available to any challenger.

  15. - johnny life - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 1:28 pm:

    fed up, I don’t get your point about Obama, if anything it’s proof that the law works both ways, because it proves even an incumbent can have his petition rejected.

  16. - Small Town Liberal - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 1:31 pm:

    - I’d say it’s a sign of some severe desperation on his behalf and not very tasteful. -

    I’d say its more a sign that Brady has voted to deny basic rights to the GLBT community. That might be thought of as slightly less than tasteful.

    I think the Quinn videos contrasting Brady’s views with Quinn’s are pretty great. Quinn is working to make things better, these videos show how Brady will make things worse.

  17. - Brennan - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 1:34 pm:

    The GOP might as well hire Michael Kasper on retainer to represent their candidates.

  18. - the dark horse - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 1:35 pm:

    Ms. Crenshaw has quite a flair for melodrama. I listed to a radio interview she did, and it was quite entertaining. The Chicago political machine is afraid of her? I don’t think so; I think the democrats are not afraid of this pesky fly; they just have bigger things to worry about and would prefer to focus their resources on other races and not this one.

  19. - Concerned Observer - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 1:36 pm:

    Kinda hope Cedra gets to stay on the ballot, just so I can vote against her. This is the first time I’ve heard of her. She scares me.

    A note: It’s “ARE the Chicago Machine and AJ Wilhelmi afraid”. Not “IS the Chicago Machine and AJ Wilhelmi afraid”. I’d expect my State Senator to know that. Well, except Gary Forby. (Ba-ZING!)

  20. - the dark horse - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 1:37 pm:

    Don’t even try to pull this nonesense that “ballot challenges are a democrat ploy” - republicans engage in ballot challenges too. Be intellectual honest and call a spade a spade, or keep your mouth shut.

  21. - The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 1:40 pm:

    Crenshaw has a GREAT message. However, she is THISCLOSE to sounding over the board angry. Angry, less angry, and not angry in the right places throughout would be much more effective. Having said that, STILL a really GREAT message from a very interesting person.

    Brady’s ad is REALLY, REALLY good.

  22. - Chad - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 1:49 pm:

    Petition drafting, passing, and submitting is really not all that complicated. It just takes precise work, and identification of those who have the sufficient expertise to vet the product. If a candidate is careless with the very documents upon which a candidacy (and career) will rest, this suggests to me that the candidate is either not sufficiently serious, or thinks “technical rules” shouldn’t apply to them. Either implication suggests a candidate that may not stand the tests of examination and persistence that come with a political career. If a candidate believes technical petition drafting and passing requirements are unfair to enforce, then I suppose the technical requirements regarding gift giving and lobbyist expense reporting should be equally unfair to enforce. Persons who oppose candidates that submit less than pristine petition documents have every right to object, and are smart to do so. No action is more cost-effective and efficient in slowing the campaign of an inattentive opponent.

  23. - Brennan - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 1:51 pm:

    =I think the democrats are not afraid of this pesky fly; they just have bigger things to worry about and would prefer to focus their resources on other races and not this one.=

    Really? You think just any candidate hires Michael Kasper to argue their case?

    Michael Kasper is so good he can get candidates on the ballot that do not even live in the district they claim to represent.

  24. - Will Watchin - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 2:01 pm:

    Crenshaw challenged the petitions of someone else trying to run in the district, not like the guy had a chance of staying on with 1 signature, but it is kind of hypocritical. She even admits to it here;

  25. - downstate hack - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 2:13 pm:

    The Brady Add A-, Very effective.

    Quinn’s adds B-, pretty good but plays only to core supporters.

  26. - Liandro - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 2:16 pm:

    Crenshaw’s ad I give a 7/10…a solid appeal for justice. Some commentators here seem to think the ridiculous petitions process in IL is fine because it is the “law”…I say it is undemocratic, biased, and corrupt. I would have rated her ad even higher, but as others have pointed out it was just slightly too angry for mass consumption. I guess an argument could be made that she is specifically targeting certain groups with this ad, though, in which case (for those groups) I would give it a 7 or 8.

    Quinn labor ad: 5/10. This ad is pretty much mediocre to me, for two main reasons: it targets a constituency Quinn already will win, and it blithely ignores the troubles in the state. Preaching to the choir doesn’t get you elected this cycle, Quinn.

    Quinn LGBT ad: 4/10. Same problems: preaching to the choir. I rated this one slightly lower because the labor ad at least somewhat deals with jobs and the economy, which is what voters are more worried this cycle. LGBT issues are critically important to a impotent certain segment, but again it is a segment that Quinn already leads with.

    Brady “staff raises” ad: 7.5/10. I couldn’t give this one an 8, because it got annoying with it’s use of Quinn’s one line (even though it IS an effective line). Production value just needed a tap upward and it would have been perfect. Could rate it only a 7, though, because this issue hits hard exactly where Quinn is weak right now. People are talking about those raises–this ad was NOT just preaching to the choir.

  27. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 2:16 pm:

    DH, it’s “ad,” not “add.” Pet peeve of mine here. Please, learn. Thanks.

  28. - John Bambenek - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 2:19 pm:

    Will Watchin-

    If Cedra didn’t challenge Pedersen’s petition, he stays on the ballot, even with one signature. I suspect you know that. So do the Democrats who convinced him to withdraw in every race he filed for except for the state senate race just so we can have a breath-taking screen from the Senate Democrats about these outrageous act of hypocrisy that even shocked them.

  29. - Liandro - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 2:28 pm:

    Wow, “impotent” was supposed to read “important”. I apologize profusely!! =O

  30. - Betsy - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 2:34 pm:

    Brady ad: B+ (rich material to choose from but tagline is weak … “You should know better” … Is this a mother talking to her five-year-old child?

    Quinn ads: C+ (not a good sign that the Guv feels compelled to rev up the base with those … but may also be a sign that each party’s base will be key in a splintered race with Green Party and who knows how much money that Cohen will be spending in the fall … he is still on the ballot right? … also, please run a spellcheck and catch that it is “violator” and not “violater” in the labor ad

  31. - Will Watchin - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 2:35 pm:

    John, I am not upset at her for doing it, it is part of the sport. The one thing I don’t get is that when the only issue she is really running on right now is her petitions, why you would pick your neighbor to challenge Pederson’s. She is trying to make herself a martyr for something that everyone, including herself, does.

  32. - Give Me A Break - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 2:56 pm:

    Good Lord, is Crenshaw off her meds or just has “issues”? The women sounds like she about to go postal.

  33. - What? - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 3:07 pm:

    I find it a tad hypocritical for Cedra to grumble about Kasper’s involvement. How can “just one mom” afford Burt Odelson as her election attorney? Isn’t he the one who went to secure the 2000 Florida election for Bush?

  34. - just sayin' - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 3:14 pm:

    Cedra Crenshaw got the signatures. Objections on that basis failed. Any technical noncompliance with a brand new law should be dismissed too in my view as immaterial. There are partisan politics going on here by the Dems and a Dem controlled election bd in Will County, no question. Under identical facts, a Dem candidate would have been approved for the ballot, I have no doubt.

    But that said, the crocodile tears from Republicans on this are very hypocritical.

    A big unreported story right now is that the Illinois Republican Party is behind what may be a record number of objections in process now, including objections to the entire Libertarian and Constitution Party slates of statewide candidates, plus about 9 independent candidates. The Democrat Party is behind many fewer challenges.

  35. - Louis Howe - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 3:41 pm:

    The Brady ad deservers an A. There really is not an excuse for Quinn’s senior staff to take a raise during this budget melt down. I know Dave Vaught, and he’s a likeable, intelligent guy, he should have known better. However, having worked in the Blagojevich and Quinn administrations I am not surprised, just very, very disappointed.

  36. - Still Gettin Twisted - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 4:02 pm:

    Brady’s ad is good.. really good. Hopefully, he can stick to his talking points

  37. - Responsa - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 4:08 pm:

    Cedra didn’t sound angry to me. She just sounds like she’d had maybe one or two cups of coffee too many before shooting the ad. I think commenters are being awfully hard on her considering many of the horrible ads we’ve seen over the past few months. If her ad is placed before or behind one of Quinn’s droners which ad do you think is going to get viewers’ attention? You go, girl!

  38. - Responsa - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 4:14 pm:

    Brady’s “Quinn raises” ad is an A. One of the best political ads in recent memory. Every aspect of it hits the mark (and leaves a mark.)

  39. - Responsa - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 4:54 pm:

    Quinn’s ads: For strictly pander-y ads (and I mean that as a descriptor, not as a slam) they are both interesting. The union ad is much stronger in my opinion because of its emphasis on jobs. Having the different union leaders on camera helps them, too, in that their dues paying members get to see them in action–close to the governor and seemingly having his ear. I give it a B.

    The LGTB ad seemed awfully single issue oriented even for an obviously targeted ad. I assume it was road tested with the constituent group it is trying to rally, but the ad saying “here’s where the candidates stand on the issues important to you” –and then narrowly mentioning only a few certain issues– sure seems patronizing. Most adults, I believe prefer to make their own decisions about what issues are “important to you”, rather than have somebody else tell them that. This one I give a C-.

    Mostly I am fascinated that the Quinn people apparently feel it is necessary to expend this much production time and money on ads for these two constituancies.

  40. - justsickofit - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 7:48 pm:

    Quinn’s job ad: C, downstate supports workers comp, safety regs, trade unions but think public employee unions have bankrupted us — this cuts both ways.
    Quinn’s GLBT ad: B, it may be preaching to a choir, but that choir is bigger than just the GLBT community itself; many fear religious fanaticism
    Brady’s ad: A, downstate is outraged over the raises; people can get their arms around this issue, and it is the simple hit that works the best.
    Cedra’s ad: OMG! To whom is she appealing? Independents? They are smart enough to check the record. I don’t know her district, but she, personally, claims to have witnessed 2000+ signatures on her petitions in 19 days (hers is the only circulator affadavit mentioned)? And the entire democracy is threatened for not buying that? PLEASE!

  41. - VanillaMan - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 11:18 pm:

    Brady ad is effective and irritating.
    Quinn ad is unnecessary, appealing to a small group of core Democrats he already is getting support and funding from. It speaks to Democrats only.

    “I believe in tolerance” - well duh - so does everyone. Accusing your statewide opponent of not supporting tolerance is a hard sell because most folks won’t believe that in 2010 there could be a major party political candidate wishing ill towards others different than him. The attempt to portray Brady as an evil person is a waste of time. Voters Quinn needs to reach will not believe that Brady is what his opponent claim he is on this issue. Brady isn’t leading parades of hate mongers through Near North or New Town. There is no video of Brady screeching hatred. Accusations that Brady = hate is cartoonish and not credible.

  42. - Honest Abe - Monday, Jul 12, 10 @ 11:40 pm:

    Alice Palmer’s State Senate petitions may have been shoddy because her original efforts were directed towards running in a special election for Congress. Failing in that effort, she made a belated attempt to retain her State Senate seat when her former protege’, Barack Obama, stabbed her in the back by objecting to her petitions. According to many, Obama was designated to succeed Palmer in Springfield if she had moved up to the Congress. When she lost the special election and her nominating petition for the State Senate was faulty, Obama chose not to step aside as previously discussed, but to knock Palmer out of the box.

  43. - Cincinnatus - Tuesday, Jul 13, 10 @ 9:34 am:


    Quinn’s objective is not to reach voters, it is to reach donors and volunteers. I doubt if we will ever see this ad on TV, cable or broadcast.

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