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Brady hits back with radio spot

Tuesday, Jul 13, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Bill Brady has a new radio ad, which his campaign claims will air statewide beginning today. The ad is likely an attempt to dilute the focus on and “balance” the news coverage of Pat Quinn’s new TV ad, which hits Brady hard on social issues. TV trumps radio, but radio is quite effective in Chicago because so many people have such long commutes.


Legend has it that the Roman emperor Nero fiddled and partied with his friends while the City of Rome burned to the ground.

Today in Illinois, Pat Quinn is playing his own tune. The Illinois Comptrollers report said the state ended 2010 in the worst fiscal position in its history. Over 200 thousand of us have lost jobs since Quinn’s been governor.

Pat Quinn’s answer?

He increased the salaries of his own staffers, some by more than 20 percent. Sticking us with the bill, while calling for “shared sacrifice”. Some sacrifice.

The Chicago Tribune’s editorial said that Quinn is oblivious to the plight of recession-battered constituents, and is too undisciplined to do the job.

The Tribune called Pat Quinn, “downright clueless.”

We’ve all had enough of Pat Quinn’s fiddling while were suffering. It’s time for a clean break and real leadership. It’s time for Bill Brady for Governor.


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  1. - Concerned Observer - Tuesday, Jul 13, 10 @ 10:53 am:

    I don’t get the music selections in the background. I’ve got a copy of the script in front of me and I’m still not focused on the words…just chintzy music at the front (um, that’s not a fiddle, btw), a bad edit in the middle, and then both unnecessarily happy music AND an uncharacteristcally happy announcer track. She says “Quinn” in such a positive light…and that’s all that’s coming through.

    Frankly, this reminds me of an ad a college student would have done. RT 301 at Southern, I think.

    Substance is fair, but form is most definitely not. C-.

  2. - the dark horse - Tuesday, Jul 13, 10 @ 10:55 am:

    Hey Brady, want is your plan? What are you proposing? Why are you any better than Quinn? Why don’t you enlighten us- with a DETAILED plan to return Illinois to prosperity?

  3. - Rob_N - Tuesday, Jul 13, 10 @ 10:57 am:

    The content’s fair from Brady’s perspective, but I change the radio station in the car when ads come on.

    Rich is right - TV trumps radio

  4. - FirstAmmendment - Tuesday, Jul 13, 10 @ 10:59 am:

    This ad is dull, but maybe that’s a good thing. Quinn is hitting with social issues. This ad brings it back to the mess the state is in. After people hear both of them more than once the will both be tuned out. THis ad has a “bla bla bla more of the same” feel to it. If Brady sticks to that message it will definatly sink in by the election.

  5. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Jul 13, 10 @ 11:04 am:

    This is how Brady wins. He has to remind Illinoisans that this race is about keeping Pat Quinn governor.

    When Quinn brings up a social issue, Brady brings up an economic issue. When Quinn plays the rape card, Brady plays the jobs card. When Quinn brings up gassing puppies, Brady brings up gassing taxpayer’s wallets.

    Quinn has to change the subject. Brady has to return the campaign to this monumental failure of a governor.

  6. - dupage dan - Tuesday, Jul 13, 10 @ 11:04 am:

    It’s the budget, stupid!

    @the dark horse,

    Why should Brady air a detailed plan? For you? You won’t vote for Brady no matter what he does or says or what PQ does or says. For those folk inclined to vote for Brady, they don’t need to know what the plan is - only that Brady doesn’t spell his last name QUINN.

  7. - One of the 35 - Tuesday, Jul 13, 10 @ 11:05 am:

    Regardless of your political leanings, this is a compelling ad which I think will be very effective. The image is created in the listener’s mind that Quinn is fiddling while Illinois burns. That image will be hard to erase.

  8. - Anon - Tuesday, Jul 13, 10 @ 11:08 am:

    fairly strong ad: compares illinois to rome (a strong empire); hit gov quinn on his lack of fiscal discipline (something that independents can get behind); hit gov quinn on the pay raise issue (”and sticking us with the bill” great phrase) uses comptroller’s report to show how bad off we are (something that “hynes” democrats will perk up to…if there is such a demo); number of jobs lost (brady is trying to make the issue about jobs/economy and this statement makes it plain); unfortunately, lingers too long on the tribune editorial quotes and the speaker comes off too sarcastic. if brady feels that the state is in real trouble, then the tone of this ad should reflect it. the dismissive tone of this ad suggests that the state is in trouble, but not bad enough for people to get off their rumps and vote one way or another. at least that’s how i see it. 8/10

  9. - johnny life - Tuesday, Jul 13, 10 @ 11:12 am:

    “Clean break and real leadership.” How many times can Brady and his campaign repeat the same words before they realize they might actually have to give the public something concrete: an alternative to Quinn’s policy that isn’t just vaguely “better,” but actually better.

  10. - Rob_N - Tuesday, Jul 13, 10 @ 11:16 am:

    How exactly does Brady have a compelling argument re economic issues?

    He has no plan. His own comments about minimum wage will come to haunt him. He’s used legal loopholes to skip his taxes for two years running.

    The Dems are softening him up with the social issues. They have plenty of arrows with which to hit Brady on economic targets too.

  11. - shore - Tuesday, Jul 13, 10 @ 11:16 am:


    Quinn’s message to this point has nothing to do with the challenges facing the state and issues on the minds of voters. Brady hits it well here. brady is telling voters how he’ll put out the state’s fire, quinn is complaining about the color of brady’s fire truck.

  12. - Concerned Observer - Tuesday, Jul 13, 10 @ 11:17 am:

    Just a tip to those who think this is an effective ad:

    When listening to a radio ad (and when not in your car), the best thing to do is close your eyes. Close your eyes, don’t look at a script, just think about what you HEAR.

    *I* hear crappy music that at times drowns out the speaker, average-at-best production value, and a perky announcer who’s happy to talk about Pat Quinn. I do NOT hear any signs that Illinois is “in trouble”.

    I think the ad really misses the mark, even though it had good intentions. YMMV.

  13. - Anon - Tuesday, Jul 13, 10 @ 11:20 am:

    it’s not as if brady has a compelling argument to fix illinois’ economic situation, it’s just that he’s in the position to say, “the state is in serious financial trouble, and that guy is the one who’s been at the helm.” it’s not a 5-point plan, it’s not a comprehensive attack on the problem, it’s simply pointing out the fact that during the economic downturn, gov quinn has been governor. now, we all know that causation does not imply correlation, but as a member of the minority party during an economic meltdown, it’s the strongest weapon in his arsenal.

  14. - dave - Tuesday, Jul 13, 10 @ 11:22 am:

    The content of the this ad is affective. But the music/production/narrator makes it a pretty awful ad.

  15. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Jul 13, 10 @ 11:24 am:

    It’s too long. I think the message is spot-on, but the execution lags. I tuned out half-way through.

    And don’t most radio stations preface these ads with “the following is a paid political message,” which when I hear it, says to me: it’s time to ignore whatever is coming next.

    They could have done this in 30 seconds. This is like cramming ten pounds of *stuff* in a five pound bag.

  16. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Jul 13, 10 @ 11:25 am:

    Sorry, I meant to grade it a B-

  17. - D.P. Gumby - Tuesday, Jul 13, 10 @ 11:27 am:

    execution–awful…so bad it seriously undermines message.

  18. - jonbtuba - Tuesday, Jul 13, 10 @ 11:37 am:

    These Nero comparisons are idiotic.
    The music is distracting.
    The narrator is too labored in her diction.

    Given that Brady didn’t pay taxes the last two years, I find it funny that he’s calling for shared sacrifice. At least Quinn cut his office budget and his own salary.

  19. - the dark horse - Tuesday, Jul 13, 10 @ 11:41 am:

    DuPage Dan, if you think I have already decided to vote for Quinn, you are presumptuous and incorrect. Brady should unveil an economic plan not for me, but for people of Illinois. Instead of hearing why Quinn is bad, I would like to hear why Brady is better and, so far, I have heard nothing. Your post is a tacit admission that Brady has no plan and, for that reason, he does not deserve my vote. I suspect he is incapable of crafting a plan and, for that reason, he does not deserve anyone’s vote. An “anybody but Quinn” message is pretty weak; you will get some of the sheep to follow it, but not the independent voters like me who want a legitimate candidate with a legitimate message. You have demonstrated that Brady is not that candidate and has no substantive message.

  20. - Responsa - Tuesday, Jul 13, 10 @ 11:44 am:

    –something concrete: an alternative to Quinn’s policy–

    Oh gee, Quinn has a policy? Who knew. Will he be telling us about it in an ad soon?

    As to the Brady radio ad I think that a mournful fiddle should have been used as background and like others who have commented, I don’t get the perky announcer, at. all. Concept A Execution C Overall message effect B-

  21. - zatoichi - Tuesday, Jul 13, 10 @ 11:47 am:

    Same basic pol ad about an opponents problems that comes out every cycle. Does simply making statements about ‘worst fiscal position’, 200,000 lost jobs, the staff raises and the Trib’s editorial about Quinn being too undisciplined to do the job imply Brady will do the opposite? The Nero image is cute, but what tangible ideas is Brady bringing to the party. Simply being ‘not-Quinn’ does not quite get it.

  22. - Small Town Liberal - Tuesday, Jul 13, 10 @ 12:16 pm:

    Two thumbs down, even if I didn’t strongly dislike Brady I’d change the station when this annoying ad came on.

  23. - Reformer - Tuesday, Jul 13, 10 @ 12:37 pm:

    DuPage Dan: Granted that partisans on both sides will mainly vote their parties. But independent swing voters might be interested in whether Brady has a solid plan or just offers platitudes.

  24. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 13, 10 @ 1:26 pm:

    The radio spot takes the long way around the barn. What’s this Nero stuff? How about: “Are you worried about your job? When’s the last time you got a raise? Pat Quinn’s cronies just got a big one when the state isn’t paying schools, hospitals and nursing homes.” Terrible production overall.

    The Quinn spot is homerun negative, right to the heart of the suburban woman vote. I’d run it, and more like it to November.

  25. - just sayin' - Tuesday, Jul 13, 10 @ 1:29 pm:

    zzzzzzz…..oh sorry dozed off there.

    Nothing special. Just typical campaign background noise voters are accustomed to tuning out. Plus everyone knows Brady’s been in Springpatch for two decades and is as much a part of the problem as anyone.

  26. - scafish - Tuesday, Jul 13, 10 @ 1:40 pm:

    a weak ad with an inconsistent message

  27. - dupage dan - Tuesday, Jul 13, 10 @ 2:02 pm:


    The independents will make or break candidates in almost any state or federal election nowadays. The comparably easy read on any state or federal election nowadays is state of the economy/budget.

    If the incumbent is sitting in a fiscal/economic mess said incumbent is facing a nearly insurmountable problem. And the opposition only has to point out the problem. Repeatedly. No need to offer anything more than hope and change. NO ONE in his right mind would get specific. NO ONE.

  28. - dupage dan - Tuesday, Jul 13, 10 @ 4:25 pm:

    the dark horse,

    There’s always Whitney.

  29. - the dark horse - Tuesday, Jul 13, 10 @ 4:51 pm:

    Thanks, DD. At this point, Whitney looks like a superior candidate to Brady.

  30. - ReaLLY - Tuesday, Jul 13, 10 @ 7:27 pm:

    Yeah there’s no message here the State is broke so Quinn wants to soak the taxpayer with a tax increase. The unemployment rate is over 10% and state employees and everyone else is taking pay cuts. So Quinn gives his buddies in his administration a big fat pay raise, yeah its not an example of Quinn being totally inept at running state government and heartless.

  31. - Will County Woman - Tuesday, Jul 13, 10 @ 9:03 pm:

    So the Quinn people are on this thread trashing this Brady ad.

    This ad is very good. I agree with others about the cheerful sounding music. Fiddle would have sufficed. Or, even something somber would have been more appropriate e.g., a death march or something like that.

    The voice-over comes across as sarcastic, not jovial at all. I get the sarcasm tone on her voice, but given that others didn’t or claim that they didn’t maybe it would’ve been better had she read the script straight.

    I give this ad a B+/B.

    Bradys internet video ad about the pay raises is an A/A+. If he can he should make a series of ads about the pay raises. I think 3 or 4. Keep the one he has. Do another one with everyday Illinoisans sharing their stories of sacrifice then giving their negative thoughts about the pay raises. Do another one with him (brady)personally whacking Quinn about the pay raises.

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