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Learn from the past, or suffer the consequences

Wednesday, Jul 14, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* For decades, folks on the Left complained that whenever they staged a march/protest/event the media would always seem to key in on their craziest speakers or their weirdest participants. The tea party folks are experiencing that same thing now. It’s the nature of the media beast. Crazy sells.

So, we get stories like this

[Bill Brady] prefers the Tea Parties of rural Illinois to the coffee shops of Chicago.

Brady attended a Tea Party in Oglesby on Tuesday night. Like most of the right-wing bloodfeasts he holds south of I-80, it wasn’t reported on in the Chicago media. One of Brady’s biggest challenges as a candidate is to balance his native conservatism with a message that will sell across the entire state. For every LaSalle voter who jumps to his feet as Brady rails against illegal immigration, Brady is in danger of losing three or four voters in Cook County.

“Right-wing bloodfeasts”? Wow. That rhetoric is more worthy of a second-tier Daily Kos blogger than a major Chicago media outlet.

* The NBC5 blogger goes on to quote from the original LaSalle News Tribune article

Beverly Perlson of Aurora, organizer of Band of Mothers, a support group for soldiers, spoke [at the Brady event]. Perlson said she protested in Washington D.C. with a sign that said, “Al Qaeda loves Nancy Pelosi.” Perlson said Obama has been “going around the country and telling everyone we are not a Christian nation.”

And expanded a bit on the local story…

The event’s coordinator gave Brady a copy of The Five-Thousand Year Leap , a book by the late anti-communist W. Cleon Skousen, asserting that the United States is a Christian nation founded on Biblical principles. Conservative commentator Glenn Beck has cited the book as one of the biggest influences on his own philosophy. Publishers of The Conservative Magazine of Illinois circulated through the crowd, signing up subscribers with an offer of two tickets to hear Beck in Chicago.

* Brady didn’t help matters with this

Brady, a businessman from Bloomington, defended the Tea Party. “Some people say ‘ah, it’s just a fringe group.’ Continue what you’re doing and go out and recruit more people.”

Sorry, dude. Perlson is obviously a fringe type. And at least some of those types are active in Brady’s campaign

It wasn’t hard to find political extremists in the crowd, however. From her seat at a picnic table near the speakers, Streamwood resident Mary Ann McKiernan attacked Obama’s citizenship and denied he is the nation’s president.

“We don’t have a president, we have a usurper,” said McKiernan, who identified herself as a volunteer with the Brady campaign.

Then again, that sentiment isn’t exactly a quantum leap from Brady’s own public statement on the matter

“Obama will be judged on his actions and if I were him I’d just provide the proof. One action he should do is provide the proof. I really haven’t seen any proof, but I haven’t been following this issue closely.”

* Brady needs to study how the Chicago media burned Glenn Poshard for his social conservatism back in 1998. He should learn from Poshard’s mistakes. Speaking at these tea party events is just the ammo they need - and are looking for - to sink the battleship.

You wanna be inclusive? Hold inclusive events. You wanna improve GOP performance in Cook County? Dump the crazy rhetoric. You can be angry without being a nutball. Brady is walking right into a trap of his own making. The media isn’t gonna change, so he must.


  1. - Highland, IL - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 2:50 pm:

    What is that saying about a tiger not being able to change his stripes….that is Bill Brady.

  2. - fedup dem - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 2:55 pm:

    Rich, you are assuming that Sen. Brady is capable of making such a change. As far as I can see, that does not seem possible.

  3. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 3:03 pm:

    Brady could try, but to a lot of media folks, it’s gonna look like a bloodfeast!

  4. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 3:04 pm:

    Rolling with Birthers is like rolling with LaRouchies. The GOP should be fighting to keep the nuts out, like the Dems did.

  5. - Cheryl44 - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 3:07 pm:

    Beck is coming to Chicago? I’d like to know when so I can be out of town.

  6. - George - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 3:08 pm:

    You wanna be inclusive? Hold inclusive events. You wanna improve GOP performance in Cook County? Dump the crazy rhetoric.

    Or not.

  7. - So. ILL - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 3:11 pm:

    “The media isn’t gonna change, so he must.”….Demands the media.

    I’d like to see him stick to his convictions and not flip flop around just because you or other members of the ‘media’ demand it.

    People are looking for courage of conviction, not moral flexibility, to guide us through the difficult challenges we face.

  8. - justsickofit - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 3:11 pm:

    Serious question for you smart people. The old maxim for Illinois was 1/3rd;1/3rd;1/3rd for Illinois in a general(city, collar, downstate). What is it now?

  9. - David Ormsby - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 3:12 pm:

    Wait until the Chicago media starts contacting some of the nut jobs that are Brady’s Facebook “friends” who post the right-wingery on his page.

    Can you say field day?

  10. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 3:15 pm:

    ===People are looking for courage of conviction, not moral flexibility, ===

    I’m not asking him to change his stripes, just his behavior. Read it again.

  11. - stunned - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 3:19 pm:

    Beverly Perlson who founded a band of mothers is a kook? A pro solider mother is to far right for this crowd? Maybe you guys spend to much time in your Democratic cacuses. It doesn’t bother you guys when Bush is a nazi signs were being held at anti war rallies for Pelosi or the declaration that the war is lost by Harry Reid? Thats not fringe? I can see Beck but a mother standing up for the troops? And you wonder why this tusnami is coming?

  12. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 3:20 pm:

    ===It doesn’t bother you guys when===

    Where do you get that? Take a breath, man.

  13. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 3:22 pm:

    ===“Al Qaeda loves Nancy Pelosi.” Perlson said Obama has been “going around the country and telling everyone we are not a Christian nation.” ===

    Yeah, that’s too far out there for most of this crowd. If you think it’s spot on, you’re in the wrong place.

  14. - lakeview - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 3:25 pm:

    I don’t pro-soldier mothers per se are the issue, but rather pro-soldier motehrs who hold signs saying “Al Qaeda loves Nancy Pelosi” and who claim that Obama has been going around the country and telling everyone we are not a Christian nation. That’s a little extreme in some circles. Maybe not all; maybe stunned and other people think those actions are fine, upstanding, and patriotic ways to support the troops. I don’t see it myself. Stunned, can you explain it to me? How is telling lies about the Commander in Chief supporting the troops?

  15. - Deep South - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 3:32 pm:

    The idea of running to the right in the primary and then running to the center for the general is pretty foreign to Nutjobistan. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory may well be the lede story on Nov. 3.

  16. - bigRob - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 3:33 pm:

    It’s clear that Rich is a reporter and not a political strategist. To compare Brady and Geln Poshard as kindered spirits is well voters in Illinois are middle of the road voters, not wack job Leftist.

  17. - Cincinnatus - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 3:37 pm:

    - Deep South - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 3:32 pm:

    “The idea of running to the right in the primary and then running to the center for the general is pretty foreign to Nutjobistan. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory may well be the lede story on Nov. 3.”

    I find this an interesting admission of the weakness of Quinn, and the implication that he is unfit to be governor and his only chance of winning is if Brady blows it. Am I reading this wrong, or is it the same lede no matter which candidate wins…

  18. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 3:37 pm:

    bigRob, it’s pretty clear that you understand nothing.

    Both men have pretty much identical social conservative stances. Both got and are getting whacked for those stances. There are very important lessons to be learned from the 98 race.

    You’re doomed if this basic message cannot penetrate your nutty skull.

  19. - I'm Just Saying - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 3:38 pm:

    “Geln Poshard” was as conservative as they come “BigRob” i’m just guessing you were in short pants when he ran in 1998 :)

  20. - TwoFeetThick - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 3:45 pm:

    Stunned,what’s a “tusnami?” Is that French or something?

    Seriously, when a group actively and loudly wishes the president to fail, and spreads blatant lies about his policies, I don’t see how that’s in any way patriotic. I didn’t vote for Bush, but I didn’t hope and pray his policies would take the country where they did just so the Dems could win a few elections.

    Brady needs to be careful about getting too close to these folks. Poshard was skewered in the Chicago press and he was nowhere near anything like this. Rich is correct.

  21. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 3:47 pm:

    It’s clear from reading some of these comments that a few commenters are more interested in making partisan points, casting aspersions or rehashing old grievances than actually addressing what was written here.

    Try taking a breath and reading what I wrote again. If you still feel the same, go ahead and post. But remember, I always reserve the right to respond.

  22. - Deep South - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 3:47 pm:


    It may well be the headline story around the country on Nov. 3, not just in Illinois. The G NO P and its minions seem to be shooting themselves in the foot on a daily basis. Brady and Mark Kirk, are two of many who fall into this category and ts not even August yet. Throwing your hat in with the baggers is one way of removing the independent vote from your column. Say what you will about Quinn and his goof ups….but I bet he’ll run a smarter campaign than your boy Brady.

  23. - Lester Holt's Mustache - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 3:52 pm:

    “wack job Leftist.” — ” lame duck coward like Quinn”—”anti war rallies for Pelosi”

    What the hell is going on here today? I know it’s hot out there, and the words ‘chill out’ aren’t used anymore, but still…

    And you’d think Nancy Pelosi could afford her own anti war rallies. I can’t believe she got someone to hold one for her.

  24. - Vole - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 3:56 pm:

    When the Republicans had a chance to show they can govern this mess, they primary in a mess of a candidate. Illinois Republicans out right themselves again!

    Default Quinn.

  25. - Peter Coffey - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 4:02 pm:

    ===For decades, folks on the Left complained that whenever they staged a march/protest/event the media would always seem to key in on their craziest speakers or their weirdest participants. The tea party folks are experiencing that same thing now. It’s the nature of the media beast. Crazy sells.===

    Just an observation: some of the wackiest of the wacky signs seen at a few Tea Party-type events aren’t from actual Tea Party people.

    I’m referring to the Obama-as-Hitler sign holders. These are the same people that stood on street corners in Chicago with Bush/Cheney-as-Hitler signs for the last decade.

    They are followers of Lyndon LaRouche, the ultimate semi-professional nutjobs of all time. They used to infiltrate left wing events like anti-war marches. Now they infiltrate Tea Party events. Why? Because that’s where the cameras are.

    If you want to find out for yourself, ask one of these dingbats if it’s true about Queen Elizabeth and the CIA. Don’t worry, they’ll know what you’re referring to…

  26. - just sayin' - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 4:03 pm:

    My read is that there is so little enthusiasm for Bill Brady generally (and it’s hardly better for Quinn), that Brady’s taking what he can get, and the Tea Partiers are a group that gets excited.

    But I think both sides are deluding themselves. Brady’s not facing the reality that the Tea Party movement in Illinois is not the the big force it might be in some smaller more conservative states. We’re talking hundreds of true activists in the trenches at most statewide, not tens of thousands.

    And the Tea Partiers are kidding themselves if they think Bill Brady is the anti-government, pro-reforming Messiah they’ve been waiting for. For example I’m guessing Brady didn’t bring up at that event last night the fact that he eagerly grabbed onto a provision of the Obama Stimulus Plan to help reduce his tax obligation to zero one year, or the fact he voted to give in-state tuition to the children of illegal immigrants, or the fact he looks to government for help every time he votes on a senate bill designed to help his own personal business interests.

    In some other states, Bill Brady would be the kind of politician the Tea Partiers march on with torches and pitchforks.

    There are some very good people in the Tea Party movement and most of them mean well. But most of them are very new and very naive about Illinois politics. Some actually think that ‘R’ or ‘D’ means anything around here. It is to laugh.

  27. - Northsider - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 4:36 pm:

    “Right wing bloodfeast” sounds about right. So does “mass psychosis.”

    Christian nationalism? Check.
    Obama’s not a citizen? Check.

    Those aren’t fringe positions among tea party types, they’re gospel. And the more Republicans embrace that rhetoric the more they own it outright. Which is why I’m voting Democratic on Nov. 2.

  28. - downstate hack - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 4:36 pm:

    Bill Brady should stick to one issue and one issue only and that is the state of the Illinois economy no matter what group he speaks to. The fact that Illinois is broke and Quinn and the democratically controlled legislature only made it worse last session is all he has to say. He doesn’t even need to propose solutions just say he could do better by cutting waste, and he probably wins.

  29. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 4:40 pm:

    “Al Qaeda Loves Nancy Pelosi” This was an actual sign carried around by one of the speakers at an event? Seriously?!? Is this really what the Tea Party wants their public message to be? I’m not a Pelosi fan, but come on! They’ve allowed stuff like this to come to symbolize their movement, and when they give these hacks a voice, it’s only going to get worse.

    You can only blame the media for so much, and from where I’m standing, the Tea Party is getting exactly the coverage they deserve.

  30. - Amalia - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 4:40 pm:

    “The media isn’t going to change, so he must.”

    How about he changes because he is wrong, not because what
    he is doing is exposed by the media?

    Brady’s supporters in the primary included two anti choice groups which spend time fighting agains the Pill and
    IVF. we’re not just talking abortion, we’re talking the
    radical line against choice, as in choice to prevent a
    fetus from forming or a choice to make a fetus. Brady
    is with all these types of folks and the general public
    needs to know these connections.

    I’m for uncovering every bit of his extreme right wing
    agenda. go ahead on, Chicago media. Brady
    cannot be exposed enough for his extreme views.

  31. - Amen - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 4:45 pm:

    Yes Quinn can most definitely be beat by continuing to beat the economic mess drum!!!

  32. - Addison - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 4:46 pm:

    Since Beverly Perlson was mentioned by name on this post, I would like to tell you a few things about this “fringe” mom. Her son was deployed 4 times between Iraq and Afghanistan. He was awarded the Bronze Star. I have stood with Beverly outside Congressional offices in D.C. as she held up signs thanking our troops and urging members of Congress to support them. I have gone to Walter Reed with her and watched her literally open up her wallet and empty it to help those in need. She has provided support and encouragement to other Blue Star and Gold Star families.I was there with her at Walter Reed when she help deliver over 30 laptops that were donated to our Wounded Warriors because she cared enough to organize the effort. She loves our troops, loves our Veterans and she will fight for them with all she has until the day she dies. So if this military Mom who had to live for years with her son in harms way does not care for people like Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama who tried to undermine the effort her son was fighting for wishes to express herself, so be it. She has earned that right. How would you feel if your child was fighting a war and the leaders of your country called the war lost, threatened to cutt of funding for the troops and did whatever they could to meet with people like Code Pink to ramp up the anti-war sentiment? Maybe Perlson believs Pelosi put more effort into fighting the war effort and Pres. Bush than she did the terrorists. Maybe watching Pres. Obama go to foreign countries and apologize for America didn’t sit well with someone whose family has shed blood for this country. People who share the hearts of those like Beverly Perlson emerged after 9-11 all around this country as they watched young men and women go into battle. They vowed to have their backs at home and dedicate themselves to being a part of defending America by supporing those who protect us. You may not agree with her beliefs, but to the wounded soldier, Vietnam Vet, Blue and Gold star families and soldier in the fight, the world is a better place because people like Beverly Perlson get up everyday to make sure they are never forgotten.

  33. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 4:48 pm:

    Addison, I’m sure she’s a fine woman. It’s her political views at issue here.

  34. - Cheryl44 - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 4:48 pm:

    Brady’s supporters in the primary included two anti choice groups which spend time fighting agains the Pill and IVF.

    That’s the official Catholic stance–no interference with reproduction at all.

  35. - Berkeley Bear - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 4:50 pm:

    Rich - don’t give Brady any good advice. He might take it.

    Oh, and for those who don’t know, it was Thomas Jefferson (and the United States Senate that ratified the treaty of Tripoli to end the Barbary Wars and raids) who first announced the US was not a Christian nation and bore no animus to Islam, not Barack Obama. But ever since the Great Revival, Christian groups have been trying to re-write American history to fit their message.

  36. - Addison - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 5:00 pm:

    Rich: she is a fine woman and her political beliefs, like many others in her situation, are no doubt influenced by having watched people like Pelosi and Pres. Obama undermine what her son and the U.S. Military was doing and taking every opportunity they could find to bet against them. I would think that Pres. Obama has a bit of regret declaring that the surge didn’t work and voting against funding the troops (for whatver POLITICAL reason) as he now leads them as Commander-in-Chief. That does not sit well with most military families. The war debate and the way it became so political at the expense of the men and women who served and the families who supported them pushed a lot of people from the sidelines into the political fray. And as you see, they don’t mince words.

  37. - chuddery - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 5:00 pm:

    ==did whatever they could to meet with people like Code Pink to ramp up the anti-war sentiment?==

    Who did this? Seriously, give an example of a prominent Democratic politician who met the code pink whack jobs.

  38. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 5:04 pm:

    Addison, if you truly think her opinion about “Al Qaeda loves Nancy Pelosi.” is somehow mainstream, you are a seriously deluded human being. And, frankly, i feel sorry for you.

  39. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 5:05 pm:

    – Am I the only person that has noticed that of the states that are on the verge of bankruptcy, every one of them is a “blue” state controlled by democrats?–

    I think so, because it’s’ not close to being true.

    But if wishing made it so, how do you think “Red” states avoided the global recession? Did they smear ram’s blood on their statehouse doors the night Lehman Bros. went down?

    By the way, Bradyfan, my favorite is Marcia. Bad girl.

  40. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 5:08 pm:

    Marcia was the bad one? I thought Jan was the bad one. Marcia was my fave, though. Bigtime.

    OK, moving along now…

  41. - getting too old for this - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 5:17 pm:

    So, the Tea Party is what 1970 Yippies look like when they’re all grown up. If it’s not Abbie Hoffman that they’re following, its Glenn Beck, and they seem to have moved from ingesting LSD to Prozac, but apparently not often enough. These whack-jobs are just as pathetic now as they were then, and if they take over the GOP as the left-wing fringe did to the Dems in 1972, then President Obama may be the next big landslide winner, and deservedly so.

  42. - Objective Dem - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 6:13 pm:

    When was the last time a candidate with a strong social conservative record won a statewide office in Illinois? I don’t think Sen. Fitzgerald was that socially conservative. Some people may think Gov. Edgar is a social conservative but he is actually a moderate American Baptist not a fundamentalist.

    Bottomline is Illinois doesn’t go for the right-wingers.

    Just as critical, when the only images of him in the media are from small town, ultra-conservative events; the more the rest of the state views him as disconnected from their viewpoints and lives.

  43. - LincolnLounger - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 6:19 pm:

    Just when I think the Brady “campaign” couldn’t be more undisciplined and disorganized, they stoop to even more ridiculous levels. Nobody knows the guy in Chicagoland (where most of the voters are), so he spends his time doing barbecues with the Logan County GOP and tea party events in Oglesby?!?

    Note to Bill Brady’s scheduler. If they don’t know him in his neighboring Logan County (where they never vote for Dems), you are in trouble. If the Tea Party gang isn’t already in the bag, then forget about Nov. Do Chamber of Commerce and other civic events in the collars and suburban Cook. If your strategy is to run the “avoid the media” campaign of Peter Fitzgerald, remember that you aren’t bankrolling your campaign with tens of millions of personal dollars on t.v., and it won’t work.

  44. - LincolnLounger - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 6:23 pm:

    News to Objective Dem, Peter was a hard-line conservative on social and fiscal matters. The only reason he won, however, was because of Carol Moseley-Braun (and lots of $$). The same thing could happen in this instance because Pat Quinn and the Democratic record is atrocious like Carol’s was.

    The Brady “campaign” has to get a clue — and fast.

  45. - Smitty Irving - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 6:32 pm:

    For years those who advocate a progressive agenda on matters of race have been saddled by every extreme wacky statement by the likes of Louis Farrakan, Al Sharpton, and their ilk. Now the Tea Partiers are finding out how that shoe fits.

  46. - state employee - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 8:34 pm:

    Out of touch. I hate even reading about this person.

  47. - bevperl - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 8:36 pm:

    I wish the reporter of this story reported the whole story.
    The other side of my sign read “Americans Love General Petraeus!” (the best part of my sign and hate that this reporter missed that!) As I related to the audience, that sign was carried by me on the Cannon Bldg corner, where Pelosi supposedly works 3 days per week, during hearings when Madame Speaker and her Democratic colleagues were withholding funding from my Son and our Troops in the middle of a war! If you think Al Qaeda didn’t love that, then I suggest you are on the fringe and not in reality. I suggest you put on the uniform, take an oath to defend your country, and then have the politicians in DC hold funding for the very things you need to defend yourself!

    In addition, right after Obama took office, he spent several months telling the entire world that Ameica is not a Christian nation. That really happened so where have you folks been?
    On the fringe, maybe?

    Lastly, my speech the other night was rather short but to the point. I encouraged the audience several times to hug a Soldier every chance you get and THANK THEM, EVERY CHANCE YOU GET! I am an American mother who supports our troops and takes a stand against people who get in the way of these Brave Warriors and their mission. Too bad this reporter didn’t mention the real story here.

    Beverly Perlson
    The Band of Mothers

  48. - Not Not Steve Jobs - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 8:44 pm:

    @Rich - “Speaking at these tea party events is just the ammo they need - and are looking for - to sink the battleship.”


    “Brady is walking right into a trap of his own making. The media isn’t gonna change, so he must.”

    You should check out Bob Dold and his own staffers, some of whom come straight from “The Great American Tea Party”.

    Dold told attendees at a meet-n-greet which the Palatine Tea Party held for him back in March (after the primary) that he’s “more conservative than he lets on”. He’s also praised the Tea Party movement on Fox News Chicago. That same movement has not just promoted posters and t-shirts depicting Obama as Hitler but now even has a billboard up in Iowa to that same effect.

    One of his Facebook page commenters, Zach Berger, hails from various Tea Party efforts in Ohio and elsewhere.

    Dold has also told media outlets like Congressional Quarterly that he’s more conservative than Mark Kirk and proudly told a meeting of the Chicago Young Republicans “I’m no Mark Kirk”. That CYR meeting was headlined by disgraced Louisiana conservative Senator “Diaper Dave” Vitter.

    Dold was also endorsed by the uber-conservative Eagle Forum of Phyllis Schlafly infamy and is recommended by Illinois Right to Life Federation.

    But, just like the absent reporting on Mark Kirk for the past decade, the local media is ignoring Bob Dold’s “more conservative” worldview which is out of place in the moderate 10th.

  49. - Not Not Steve Jobs - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 8:50 pm:

    Ms. Perlson, We are not a Christian nation.

    We are the American Nation.

    Nowhere in the Constitution does it say Christianity is the national religion. In fact, the only time the Constitution mentions religion it says we have the right to believe whatever we like.

    That means we are a nation of many faiths and creeds. It also means we ought to follow Christ’s commandment to love one another, even if your fellow Americans are perhaps Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist or even atheist.

    And that was President Obama’s point.

    Yes, there are Christians living in America. Yes, it’s the largest faith practiced by Americans.

    But it doesn’t mean we are a “Christian nation”.

  50. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 9:20 pm:

    the main problem with the tea partiers is that when they started becoming vocal post 2008 election, they were not organized enough to define who they were and what they stood for. someone else did however, and it has stuck.

    months went by and still unorganized, they appeared to be just a bunch of angry people “hatemongering types” ranting and raving. by the time they realized that this was image being presented about them they started trying to define who they were and what they stood for. but, by then it was too late.

    but, to their credit they got scott brown elected in a state that was true-blue solid democrat, or so everyone thought.


  51. - DuPage Dan - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 10:05 pm:

    Brady should stick to the subject at hand - the fiscal mess that Illinois has been put into by the dems who have controlled the legislative and executive branches of the state gov’t. Anything more will only give ammunition to the blues in this state. Plain and simple - he goes off message and he will be trashed. Stick with the fiscal mess and he is a shoe in. Poshard didn’t have the same fiscal mess to focus on and couldn’t bring himself to accommodate himself to the urban issues and stuck to the rural crowd rhetorically.

  52. - Addison - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 10:24 pm:

    “Al Qaeda loves Nancy Pelosi”
    Maybe not, but they sure don’t fear her or Harry Reid or any other Congressional leaders who declared the war lost and stood in the way of victory. That folly was great propaganda for the terrorists. That is the point however delusional you may believe it is. That sentiment was out of touch to those who had/have a loved one in the fight.

  53. - Skeeter - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 10:27 pm:

    Thank you for all your assistance in defeating Bill Brady.
    It couldn’t be done without people like you.

  54. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 10:35 pm:

    if i were brady, i would have fashioned my campaign after chris christie’s in a lot of ways. illinois and new jersey have a lot in common, and the parallels between the two states are amazing. the dems’ culture of corruption (by this I don’t mean harp on Blago), fiscal mess, dem controlled legislature, are the same things afflicting blue-state illinois. christie took it to corizine; christie was agressive and tough.

    if memory serves christie won by eight percentage points. under the circumstances that was landslide victory.

  55. - rick - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 10:55 pm:

    Dear Addison

    Please define victory for America

  56. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 10:57 pm:

    Addison, if you truly think her opinion about “Al Qaeda loves Nancy Pelosi.” is somehow mainstream, you are a seriously deluded human being. And, frankly, i feel sorry for you.

  57. - Scott Fawell's Cellmate - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 11:26 pm:

    Bev and her fellow Tea Baggers - they love America, but hate Americans.

  58. - frustrated GOP - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 11:38 pm:

    “So if this military Mom who had to live for years with her son in harms way does not care for people like Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama who tried to undermine the effort her son was fighting for wishes to express herself, so be it.”
    Ok but she can still be a nut, her son’s service doesn’t translate into her not being a nut. For the record, I really don’t think some people look at the President’s record on helping vets both as a senator and as president compared to the last president who preferred to waste american lives and money. Give me a break.

  59. - Liandro - Thursday, Jul 15, 10 @ 12:22 am:

    A good chunk of the lib/prog commenters are focused on bashing Brady, bashing the tea party, or bashing anyone who stands by socially conservative values. Then, when done, they rant that Brady supporters and tea party people are the hatemongers. Pot, meet ke…never mind. I think the irony is lost here.

    @Rich: You tee’d up Brady good, then like Pilate wash your hands of the Chicago media. Fine. I agree that Brady should put some time into Chicago, but I completely disagree that Brady should walk the sell-out line. Gearge Ryan was great, right? Blago was solid. All these guys that play ball turn out so well, so we should keep IL politics as is. Turning off the snark, I toss out the suggestion that what passes as “mainstream” in IL politics has bankrupted Chicago and Illinois both ethically and fiscally.

    You can keep your mainstream; I want a radical shift towards a governing model that actually works. I’m not sure if Brady offers that, but I KNOW Quinn and the Democrats don’t. I also know the Chicago media wouldn’t recognize it. They still don’t know how they could have fallen for Blago.

  60. - Louis G. Atsaves - Thursday, Jul 15, 10 @ 7:21 am:

    Bob Dold is a Tea Partier? Bob Dold’s staffers are all Tea Partiers? LOL!

    Petrified Democrats in the 10th have been pushing the Dold is really and truly an extremist right winger and not the fine candidate that he actually is. They spread these lies because they now have realized that Dold is an exceptionally strong candidate and the real deal.

    So they lie about him. Lies are all they have right now.

    I personally know those Dold staffers and Bob Dold, A bunch of sneaky Tea Partiers in disguise?


  61. - Skeeter - Thursday, Jul 15, 10 @ 7:45 am:

    NOBODY is concerned in the least about some guy named Bob Dold.

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