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Daley’s numbers in the dumper

Monday, Jul 19, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Tribune has more bad news on the Mayor Daley polling front

(T)he poll found only 37 percent of city voters approve of the job Daley is doing as mayor, compared with 47 percent who disapprove. Moreover, a record-low 31 percent said they want to see Daley re-elected, compared with 53 percent who don’t want him to win another term.

Then again, just 41 percent wanted to see Daley re-elected in the Trib’s poll before the last mayoral race, but Daley took 71 percent of the vote in that contest.

About 80 percent disapproved of the mayor’s handling of the parking meter lease debacle, down from 90 percent a year ago, but still in the serious problem territory. More trouble spots…

On other issues, 68 percent of voters said they disapprove of Daley’s efforts to curb City Hall corruption, and 54 percent disapprove of the mayor’s handling of crime. Only one-third of voters approve of Daley’s crime-fighting efforts.

Daley just doesn’t seem to be all that engaged on the crime issue, which is getting worse. A police officer in uniform was murdered recently by people trying to rob him

“The man was in uniform,” said Marcus Burks, 35, a bricklayer and a father who was one of the first to run to Bailey after he’d been killed in the 7400 block of South Evans Avenue.

“A Chicago police officer gets shot to death outside his house, he’s in full uniform, and he gets killed because some thugs want to rob his car on Sunday morning?” Burks asked me.

But those who think Chicagoans are begging to buy pistols to defend themselves might want to think again. 56 percent support Daley’s push to ban handguns in the city. Another positive…

Three-quarters of city voters approved of his efforts for more Wal-Marts in Chicago

And Daley is still popular in the suburbs…

In the six-county suburban area, 56 percent of voters approve of the job Daley is doing, while only 26 percent disapprove.

* The Sun-Times looks at some who think they might want to challenge hizzoner

Freshman Ald. Scott Waguespack (32nd) said Friday he’s seriously considering running for mayor — whether or not Mayor Daley seeks a seventh term — because he’s fed up with the corruption, waste and mismanagement that have dogged the Daley era. […]

Aldermen Robert Fioretti (2nd) and Tom Allen (38th) are also considering running. So is the mayor’s former corruption-fighting inspector general, David Hoffman, and retiring Cook County Assessor Jim Houlihan.

To pull the trigger on a mayoral campaign, Waguespack said he would have to raise about $2 million.

Daley responds to the Trib poll…

“Everybody’s worried about polls in the United States, and all politicians worry about polls — they should worry about their actions,” he said, speaking at a march against violence in Woodlawn. “I do this six days a week — I’m passionate about it — you have to be passionate about your job, and there’s ups and downs.”

* Related…

* Anti-violence message is lost on thug element

* Uniformed Chicago officer is shot, killed at South Side home after guarding Daley’s house

* Daley: Shooting Death of Cop ‘Outrageous’

* Quinn To Sign New Gun Legislation - Slain Officer Thomas Wortham’s Family To Join Him

* Daley on dog pound deaths: ‘Put things in perspective’

* Daley: Dog deaths ‘mistake,’ but keep it in perspective

* Daley Downplays Accidental Dog Euthanizations

* Alderman asks for increased police after rash of iPhone thefts


  1. - Cincinnatus - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 10:19 am:

    Hizzoner Rahm Emmanuel

  2. - wordslinger - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 10:32 am:

    You can’t beat somebody with nobody, and nobodies are the only ones out there so far. I don’t even know who a somebody would be — it sure ain’t Rahm. Meeks,maybe?

  3. - Sacks Romana - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 10:34 am:

    A few thoughts:

    The reason Daley wins by so much every year is that petitioning and campaign work begins for the city elections at the peak of campaigning for the November elections. That, combined with credible candidates rarely challenging him, means you have a burnt out electorate in February after a huge November election. So you get 25-30% voter turnout in the coldest month of the year, sometimes drastically lower depending on the ward. It’s that subset of people that give Daley his +70% victories and re-elect a lot of awful Aldermen. If you had turnout equivalent to a presidential election (~50%), there’d be more possibilities.

    My pet theory is that Daley is not running again. I think the Olympics was his final act. Either he brought them, and he would have gone out on top, or he failed, and there’s no other idea he can push that’s bigger and better. Between losing the Olympics and his rush to mass privatization, his agenda has been floundering for a couple years. Plus, the guy just looks tired these days, and his wife’s illness has been getting worse. He’s already been in office longer than his father. There’s no reason he shouldn’t spend time with his family rather than die in office like dad.

  4. - Lincoln Parker - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 10:36 am:

    I think there are a few current alderman who would be great candidates(Reily, Waguespack, Fioretti) the problem is they won’t get any of the support they need from the people that matter if Daley runs again because they’ll be scared of retaliation if Daley is reelected.

  5. - Brennan - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 10:47 am:

    Run Jesse Jr. Run!

  6. - Wumpus - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 10:50 am:

    Wow, more of an uproar/apology about some dead dogs than the men falsely imrpisioned and sentenced to death. Lovely.

  7. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 10:56 am:

    Let’s leave the bumper sticker slogans off the blog, please. Thanks.

  8. - Will County Woman - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 11:06 am:

    The last thing Chicago needs is another democrat in the mayor’s office.

    Chicago needs a Guiliani type who is going to clean up the crime because it is out of control I don’t care what CPD and FBI statistics claim.

    Chicago could really use a republican right about now, and shame on the IL GOP for once again not being ready to carpe diem! At no point in the past 60 years has Chicago been more ready for a republican takeover and where are the republicans? Is there not a decent moderate republican who can step-up to run?

    This really is the race that Hoffman should have run as an independent, rather than the dem U.S. Senate primary race. This one was totally his for the taking—a virtual gimmie for someone like him.

    The so-called field of contenders eyeing to possibly take Daley on are really weak. Allen is the only one that has a city-wide constiuency/base in the CPD, and perhaps CFD, but other than him the others have no city-wide base. Allen has also been in the city council too long, and just like his 49 colleagues, he has little to show for it.

    All a (moderate) republican would have to do is take a populist stances e.g., vow to to eliminate the entrenched democrat corruption and reduce crime and he’ll win. Would be nice too if he/she actually did those things or even a fraction of what Guliani was able to do in New York.

    It is time for Daley to go. He is too old and he’s hurting Chicago’s ability to grow and progress at this point. Chicagoans are right to be fed up with him.

    Also, I don’t trust those numbers about suburbanites be so in love with Daley. This has ben the claim for many years, but do you see any dying to move (back) into Chicago (what with the high taxes, crime, bad schools/infastructure outside of downtown).

    Sadly his appearance this weekend at the Woodlawn rally had more to do with his trying to get re-elected than anything else and the fact that he is not very popular/ well-liked. Derrion Albert, the Fenger HS student, killed in October of 2009 steps away from school died on a Thursday. The story made nations and international news. Mayor Daley couldn’t be bothered, as he had to go Denmark to try to get the Olympics in Chicago. He could have postponed the trip and made it time to make the Chciago 2016 pitch, but did he? heck nooooooo. If he doesn’t care about the violence that is destroying his own city who else should or will?


  9. - Conservative Veteran - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 11:10 am:

    I agree that a Republican should run for mayor. I emailed John Cox, Dan Proft, and Rosanna Pulido, and I asked them to run. Rosanna said that she won’t run, but John and Dan didn’t respond.

  10. - Upstate - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 11:17 am:

    You can only use the fig leaf of handgun control and community anti-violence marching for so long. With the deaths of these brave police officers under the most outrageous circumstances, Daley needs to take the handcuffs off his police force. If he’s not willing to, he should hang it up and let someone else lead.

  11. - Cincinnatus - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 11:19 am:

    Similar to Nixon going to China, Chicago will only be able to be fixed by a Democrat. There are no Illinois Guilianis.

  12. - Wumpus - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 11:25 am:

    If a Republican were to run (or fiscally conservative democrat, it definitely would not be Proft.

  13. - Sacks Romana - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 11:29 am:

    @Will County Woman

    Daley isn’t an elected Democrat. The mayor’s seat and aldermanic positions are non-partisan. “Machine” outsiders have won aldermanic seats, a lot in ‘07, but I guarantee you they’re not self-identified Republicans. Most of the outsiders that get elected would be considered more to the left than the mayor. They’re against privatization and very pro-union. Some of them even like public schools more than charter! The party system for mayor and alderman was eliminated when The Harold Washington Party started gaining traction after his death; again, a movement most considered to the left of the Democrats. If anyone did have an R next to their name, I guarantee they would lose. Chicago doesn’t need a Republican resurgence, we just need to elect real community leaders from the wards rather than the remnants of the very factionalized “Machine.”

  14. - wordslinger - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 11:33 am:

    How in the world is that like Nixon going to China?

  15. - paddyrolingstone - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 11:53 am:

    He will run again and he will win again. There is no real opposition - Wordslinger has it right -”You can’t beat somebody with a nobody.” I know of no truer maxim in politics. Polls like this are utter BS. Fioretti? Reilly? Waugenspack? Not a snowball’s chance for anyone of them.

  16. - Anonymous - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 11:55 am:

    Waguespack couldn’t raise $2million if he started with $1.9.

  17. - Pickles!! - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 11:57 am:

    Daley will continue to serve as Mayor as long as he wants to do so. He will not lose a race. There are no solid candidates that have the funds, or the name recognition to beat him. My prediction is that he will hold the office until his death.

  18. - Excessively Rabid - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 12:02 pm:

    If the burbs love Daley so much, make him mayor of Cicero.

  19. - GetOverIt - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 12:02 pm:

    @WCW “It is time for Daley to go. He is too old and he’s hurting Chicago’s ability to grow and progress at this point. Chicagoans are right to be fed up with him.”

    Maybe you haven’t been downtown lately or maybe your haven’t heard…Business’s love Daley. Just ask Boeing, United Airlines, etc. You have no idea what youre talking about.

  20. - lake county democrat - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 12:06 pm:

    Come on Oprah, shock the world!

  21. - Cincinnatus - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 12:20 pm:


  22. - Will County Woman - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 12:20 pm:


    yeah, i know that business likes daley. that’s not in dispute, nor has it ever been. so your point in stating the obvious is????? businesses don’t vote people do, and the people of chicago are fed up with him!

    money/business interests notwithstanding, if someone credible were to run against him, daley wouldn’t win in 2011. i’m just sayin’.

  23. - IrishPirate - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 12:26 pm:

    I don’t think “Senator” Jackson will be running.

    Daley is beatable, but I doubt anyone with any chance will take him on.

    Maybe Assessor Houlihan as he is already leaving office.

    I’d run myself, but I’m not sure how my campaign announcement at the Logan Statue in Grant Park would play. Me dressed as a clown standing next to that massive statue might create an interesting juxtaposition for the voters.

    “Send in the Clowns”. That’s what I expect is likely in Daley opponents.

  24. - cermak_rd - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 12:28 pm:

    There is some dispute about Giuliani’s policing habits. One of them was the habit of the police at the time of “tossing” just about anyone who “looked suspicious.” In many cases, these “suspicious” looking people turned out to be college profs, young professionals etc.

    What Chicago needs is RICO enforcement against the street gangs. At this point in time, they are more dangerous to the average citizen than the Outfit.

  25. - Montrose - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 12:29 pm:

    *money/business interests notwithstanding*

    Right. All you have to do is take money out of the equation and Daley loses. I don’t know why no one has thought of that.

  26. - Objective Dem - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 12:54 pm:

    I think I’m like most people who don’t think Daley is perfect but overall has done a good job.

    I can’t think of any opponents who will be able to take on Daley and win. The Jacksons have never been that popular in Chicago and the recent Senate Seat scandal dooms any chance. Rev. Meeks is a strong social conservative and fiscal liberal who will be best at generating money for his opponents. Other names being tossed around don’t have a track record of winning: Allen lost to Alverez, Hoffman lost to Alexi. Waguespack, Fioretti, Reilly, and Tunney won’t play much outside their ward boundaries. Guiterrez has too many ethical clouds around him.

    I don’t know about Houlihan but he is up in years and I don’t think has the fire in the belly to win.

    I think there are some people out there who could be very good mayors and could win a city-wide race. But I don’t see any of them running unless the Mayor is not. For instance, Rahm Emanuel, Valerie Jarret, Terry Peterson, Forest Claypool, and Gery Chico. I don’t think she wants the job, but Judy Rice is another contender.

    I do predict a businessman type will run because their egos will be pumped up by consultants who will suck every penny out of them.

  27. - Objective Dem - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 12:57 pm:

    Another person who could win and do a good job is Tom Dart.

  28. - Will County Woman - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 1:19 pm:

    “I think there are some people out there who could be very good mayors and could win a city-wide race. But I don’t see any of them running unless the Mayor is not. For instance, Rahm Emanuel, Valerie Jarret, Terry Peterson, Forest Claypool, and Gery Chico. I don’t think she wants the job, but Judy Rice is another contender. ”

    These are all machine people. The other last thing Chicago needs is another machine type running the city. the machine has improved a little since Mayor Daley I in that the patronage people are somewhat better educated in terms of having more than just a high school diploma. But like their patronage predecessors of the past, today’s patronage worker still doesn’t care about the work he does—his only loyalty is to the mayor, not the taxpayer. hence all the problems that persist in chicago.

  29. - dave - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 1:24 pm:

    Chicago needs a Guiliani type who is going to clean up the crime because it is out of control I don’t care what CPD and FBI statistics claim.

    Ha. In other words…

    “I don’t care what the stats say - I believe what I want to believe!”

  30. - GetOverIt - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 1:52 pm:

    @WCW: FYI. In case you missed this obvious point. In order to win in Chicago, generally speaking, YOU MUST BE PART OF THE MACHINE!!!

  31. - Will County Woman - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 2:12 pm:

    is (serious/major) crime actually down or is more the case that fewer serious crimes are officially being reported, for whatever reasons? Dave, the latter is a very valid when you stop to consider that CPD is 3000 or so short on manpower,and officers openly admit that they don’t feel empowered to do their jobs for fear of prosecution/punishment.

    Also, at the end of the day any numbers that CPD brass report are designed to make the Mayor look good. the truth and making mayor daley look good are not mutually exclusive. Whatever CPD brass is then feeding to the FBI is pure bunk and deserving of scrutiny, even by the likes of me.


  32. - Responsa - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 2:31 pm:

    In politics one never can predict the “thing” that finally drives voters over the edge. It can be a simple snowstorm, or a specific easy-to-understand scandal, etc. The overt way in which Meigs closing was handled gave many people pause because it showed the manner in which the mayor feels he is entitled to use power. But the parking meters may just be the tipping point. Among those who need to park in the city for work or school every day and for those who come in to enjoy the city on weekends, I don’t think you’ll find very many Daley fans over the way the sale of the meters was done or how the garage rates increased.

  33. - VanillaMan - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 2:32 pm:

    I have known NYC for a long time.
    Before Giuliani the city was a movie backdrop for “Escape From New York”, and other stories about Manhattan anarchy and hopelessness. We pretty much felt that the City couldn’t be controlled and was degenerating into something horrible. The guys and I who worked in Manhattan didn’t expect to continue working there because we believed things would eventually get so out of hand, we would have to leave.

    After Giuliani took the Office, NYC did a 180. Did some folks complain? Yeah - the ones that used to have free reign over the madhouse before Rudy took over. A lot of folks were worried that NYC was actually enforcing the laws and using too firm a hand. The fact is - it worked.

    Bloomberg is continuing in the same vein, and the complainers have moved onto other things. The City is fabulous in a way I never saw it before. The folks that wrecked the City are not seen in public and folks that are needed to bring in billions in shopping dollars and tourism are seen. Times Square went from a cesspool to a corny tourist mecca.

    When I read about some of you guys questioning what Giuliani did for NYC, I have to shake my head and wonder how in the world would you know anything about what it was like in NYC before and after Giuliani. I do. Honestly, what he did there was a miracle. Politically, he overstayed his welcome, but what we see there today is proof he knew what he was doing somehow.

    Chicago is not a NYC. Believing that a Giuliani could do for Chicago what Rudy did for Manhattan doesn’t take into effect a lot of reality regarding the differences between the two cities.

    Daley simply has been in office too long. Chicago will benefit when he moves on. A Daley-less Chicago scares thousands, I know. Yet, we cannot keep him like Lenin in a glass coffin and hope somehow he can instill the 1950s-2000s into the future. When these Daley supporters consider Chicago, they need to begin realizing that Chicago is really bigger than anyone, including a Daley.

    Daley has been a talisman for stability and a brand of a glorious past for the City. What we are discovering is that a brand name or a rabbit’s foot doesn’t prevent Chicago from becoming just another rust belt city past it’s prime. Chicago has rested on it’s industrial age laurels far too long. It is time to wake up and return to work, win with innovation and competition, open doors and barrier-free business plans, and transparent, anti-bureaucratic government.

    Like it used to be a century ago.

  34. - Cincinnatus - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 2:49 pm:

    Chicago crime has decreased from 1985 until the early 200’s. It has been relatively flat since then:

  35. - I Miss Burt Natarus - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 2:49 pm:

    Brendan Reilly asking for more police downtown. Ha! Real effective, young whippersnapper!

  36. - Skeeter - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 2:59 pm:

    Fascinating that Will County Woman wants to tell those of us in Chicago how to run things.
    I’ve been to Will County. A few years with Daley running thing there might bring Will County do some good.
    Solve your own problems first, WCW. Then tell us what we should do.

  37. - Skeeter - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 3:13 pm:

    With regard to the “I Miss Burton Natarus” comment:

    A lot of people who live in the City feel that there own area is safe. The thought is that as long as we don’t do something foolish that crime is something that happens elsewhere. Sure Englewood is dangerous, but we don’t live there so we don’t get all that concerned about it, and definitely not concerned enough to find a new mayor.
    However, when downtown or Streeterville start to have the reputation for not being safe, major problems occur. When people don’t feel safe downtown, all those businesses that are so fond of Daley are going to go elsewhere.
    From the SunTimes article, Daley doesn’t appear to be taking it seriously. That can be a huge problem for him (and for us who live here).

  38. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 4:07 pm:

    What in the world was Chicago like when the murder rate was hitting 900? I was there but it didn’t seem as bad as it is today. They weren’t robbing cops anyway?

  39. - Lincoln Parker - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 4:14 pm:

    Advances in medicine have gone a long way to reducing the murder rate too. There are a lot of shootings where the victims survive. We’ll probably never see the murder rate as high as it was, hopefully.

  40. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 4:26 pm:

    Good point LP.

  41. - Skeeter - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 4:26 pm:

    Have to love the Quinn thing: “When not releasing prisoners early, Gov. Quinn increases penalties for crimes that already exist. So that people can be in jail longer. At least until he releases them early.”

  42. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 4:35 pm:

    Skeeter, you’re missing the point. When he releases them early he can say that they would’ve been in prison the same time as before the new law passed… or something.

  43. - Independent - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 4:51 pm:

    It’s a shame that in a city of three million no one with city-wide name recognition has stepped forward to challenge a weakened Daley. Daley’s “vision” in recent years has consisted of a failed Olympic bid and selling city assets at questionable prices. He appears tired and disinterested, and his wife needs him more than Chicago does.

    Maybe no one is eager for the job as they will be shackled by Daley’s fiscal decisions for years to come. Chicago could use a Giuliani or Bloomberg-type to re-energize itself with a sorely needed new vision.

  44. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 4:53 pm:

    ===no one with city-wide name recognition ==

    And that would be… ?

  45. - Independent - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 5:05 pm:

    Hoffman gained recognition from his failed Senate bid. Some downplay him for losing to Alexi but he got in late with little to no party backing and still put a scare into him. Houlihan is another possibility and has recognition from being Assessor. I know, not exactly household names but of potential challengers they’re as close as it gets as they’re known beyond ward boundaries.

  46. - Objective Dem - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 7:24 pm:

    The other issue is running for Mayor isn’t exactly something you put together in six or seven months time. Unless someone has a team in place capable of a city-wide race; it will be real hard to build one now. That is one reason a “heir” the the machine could win but most others won’t have a chance.

    Hoffman does have a team based on his statewide race, but my issue is I don’t think he will appeal to that many people and definitely not to the ward bosses. Even though Houlihan won a county wide post, I don’t think of him having a real team behind him and I also don’t see him taking on Daley.

    Her name wasn’t mentioned but Dorothy Brown ran against the Mayor but I don’t think anyone views her as credible.

    I don’t see Quigley or Shawkowsky appealing to too many outside the north lakefront. Davis and Rush both tried and lost (plus age and health limit them).

    The other comment is if I was running as a true reformer, I would make the run this year even if I knew I would lose just to build the foundation for four years from now.

  47. - Loop Lady - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 7:26 pm:

    good God WCW is back…Newsflash: I think it is a pretty safe bet that Chicago will never elect a Republican Mayor….get real lady…

  48. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 7:30 pm:

    Tom Dart could win.

  49. - Objective Dem - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 8:07 pm:

    Another observation is an Obama backed candidate could give the Mayor a serious run. However, there is no way Obama will alienate the Mayor before he runs for a second term.

    Some of the names thrown out (Rahm, Jarret) have links to both Obama and Daley. As a complete wildcard, I will throw out Marty Nesbitt. He is a smart, attractive, articulate African-American businessman and currently chair of the CHA… and best friends with Obama.

  50. - Will County Woman - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 8:09 pm:

    Yes, Tom Dart could win. It would be no contest–he would HUGE. But, he doesn’t want to run for Mayor, or so that is what he has said.

    A houlihan run would be interesting. that said who might some possible black spoilers be? what’s the name of the flashy westside senator who ran for lt. gov against art turner? might he jump in. what about the westside alderman with the bald head who wears glasses. didn’t he run for cook county recorder of deeds four years ago? dorothy brown, again? Howard brookins?

    with all due respect to dart, houlihan et al. maybe we don’t need anyone from the political ranks but someone who is an outsider with a fresh perspective and experience turing negatives into positives. he won’t do it, but he’d be a good candidate, especially on the education front, but what about Tim King of Urban Charter Prep fame? Young black male, innovative, very bright, well educated, articulate, creative, sincere and scored a major coup with a 100 percent graduation rating/college bound class. he’s not Obama, he’s not JJ Jr., he’s just Tim King and that’s good enough in my book. he’s a problem-solver and a doer.

  51. - Just wondering - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 8:50 pm:

    Dart could win for sure but Dart will never run against Daley. I also don’t think he ever said he doesn’t want to be mayor…..he does.

  52. - Will County Woman - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 9:08 pm:

    look, if obama had been loyal to old what’s’er name, and hadn’t challenged her petitions, he wouldn’t be president today.

  53. - ZC - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 10:16 pm:

    WCW, her name was Alice Palmer, and if anything it was she who wasn’t loyal to Obama. She told Obama she was vacating the seat and he was welcome to run for it. It was only after she realized she had no chance against Jesse Jackson Jr that she got cold feet, and told Obama she wanted her seat back. Obama stuck to their original position. I would call that tough politicking, but hardly disloyal.

  54. - ZC - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 10:23 pm:

    I think Daley will run again and will win, but there is a case to be made for running against him in 2011 … I wouldn’t be surprised if he finally hangs it up in 2015, and then the line to replace him gets very, very long. Someone entrepreneurial might decide to roll the dice and bet long when the competition is scarce. It would probably be a second-tier challenger, however.

  55. - Will County Woman - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 10:23 pm:

    zc, thanks. naturally republicans didn’t put that one into its proper perspective/context, in their zeal to portray obama in the worst light during the ‘08 election cycle.

  56. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 7:55 am:

    Oh by all means, bring on Rudy. He’ll make everything better. He made everything better all by himself.

    What a childish outlook. You guys watch too much TV. The world doesn’t work that way. Daddy doesn’t take care of everything.

    New York changed when the taxpayers and residents of New York raised hell and demanded it. The result was they paid even more in already-high taxes, and they hired loads of cops. New York has more cops per capita than anywhere. More cops, more law enforcement. What a concept.

  57. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 8:59 am:

    Listen to VMan, the King of New York. What nonsense.

    By the way, Koch, not Rudy, started the crime crackdown.

    And you want Chicago to be like it was “a century ago?” You’re a real historian, aren’t you? As always, nostalgic for a time that never existed.

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