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Monday, Jul 19, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Ryan Tronovitch, Republican National Committee spokesman, on the announcement that President Obama will hold a fundraiser for Alexi Giannoulias

“President Obama’s hypocrisy is stunning — one minute you hear him attacking the ‘fat cat bankers’ and the next he is raising money for a mob banker in Illinois. As someone who promotes transparency and openness on a daily basis, President Obama should be condemning Mr. Giannoulias for his risky actions and associations, not raising money to support his campaign for U.S. Senate.”

* Greg Hinz

Just a few weeks ago, the gun lobby was cheering the court’s decision to overturn Chicago’s handgun ban. All good people need is their own gun to fight off the bad guys, they said.

Right? Tell that to the family of Officer Michael Bailey. He had a gun. He knew how to use it. He did use it. But the bad guys had guns, too, and there were more of them.

* Illinois Radio Network, equating borrowing money with balancing the budget

Gov. Pat Quinn says he is disappointed with lawmakers in Springfield for not handing him a balanced budget.

Speaking with reporters in Chicago, Quinn said Senate President John Cullerton (D-Chicago) has told him that there won’t be a vote on borrowing to balance the state budget until after the November election.

* The least cost-efficient team in baseball according to Forbes

The Cubs rank last among 30 teams thus far in 2010, requiring $2.07 million in payroll per win, and underperforming their projected win total by 9 games.

* Pat Quinn on Bill Brady

* IEA on Quinn and Brady

* Republican state Senate candidate Cedra Crenshaw on Fox & Friends this morning

Sen. AJ Wilhelmi will appear tomorrow on the program.



  1. - shore - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 1:17 pm:

    the problem is gun violence not gun ownership. The mayor has been in office 21 years through 4 presidents and 2 changes in control of congress, there’s no excuses for an inability to deal with a bread and butter issue of a major american city.

    This is not a new issue, his engagement on the obama campaign and with the olympic bid and lack of leadership on crime, speaks to the need for a change.

    Also there’s a new profile of blago in the new yorker, it’s subscriber only but written by a david mendell who I think wrote a piece on the mayor earlier this year.

  2. - Wondering... - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 1:18 pm:

    Fox & Friends… OMG, could that show be worse? It will be interesting to see how they treas AJW tomorrow.

  3. - bored now - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 1:23 pm:

    when will mark kirk invite in pres. bush (or sarah palin) for his fund-raiser/commercial endorsement?

  4. - George - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 1:26 pm:

    Cubs may cost $2 million per win, but they rake in $3 million per win because they have fans that show up to their games.

    For the Sox to fill up their park, they would have to go win 26 of 31. Oh wait… still not full.

  5. - ANON - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 1:27 pm:

    That interview with the Cedra lady against Wilhelmy was unbelievable. How many slanderous things could she say in 2 minutes on the air? And since when can you not call the Chicago Tribune a right wing publication? Its as right wing as you can get and the two laughing commentators on Fox and friends just proved it. It’ll be good to actually hear issues between these two so folks can see how much like Alan Keyes and Michael Steele she really is.

  6. - George - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 1:30 pm:

    See? The Tea Party isn’t racist! They have black friends!

  7. - cassandra - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 1:33 pm:

    Quinn could benefit from the Giannoulis problem since this is such a symbolic race for Democrats in an up-for-grabs fall election which is obviously making Dems very very nervous at the national level. Obama, Biden and Axelrod have scheduled or held fundraisers for this struggling Alexi and I suppose there will be repeat visits if the polls suggest they are needed. The focus will be on getting the base back out in November, and the base, if they do come out, will very probably vote a straight Dem ticket.

  8. - Ahoy - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 1:38 pm:

    Maybe Quinn should have vetoed the unbalanced budget if he was so disapointed in it.

  9. - Old Milwaukee - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 1:39 pm:

    To ANON 1:27
    If you’re going to defend Senator Wilhelmi, you really should spell his name correctly. It will add at least a slice of credibility. Since when is reciting a record slanderous?

    Plus, Alan Keyes and Michael Steele are not exactly philosophically alike. It seems the only reason you mention them is because they are black Republicans.

    Please keep posting - and talk to all of your friends about your views on the issue. I have a feeling that will be good for Cedra. At least you spelled her name correctly.

  10. - Pat Robertson - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 1:40 pm:

    Now that his bank has been seized and he’s incurred tons of losses, does Giannoulias qualify as a “fat cat banker”?

  11. - wizard - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 1:51 pm:

    “tons of losses”

    I did not see where he returned the dividends he received prior to the bank failing. Or the huge tax return he was eligible for due to the bank’s losses (sub chapter S corp).

  12. - anon - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 1:53 pm:

    This is the first time I saw Cedra Crenshaw on TV or anywhere. I’ve always like A.J. and will support him again. I was surprised at how well his opponent came off. She does well on camera. The ballot access rules/games in IL far exceed most every other state, and the media bias to see partisan gamesmanship here is not unreasonable. I agree with Rich that the Dems created a problem here.

  13. - Anonymous - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 2:07 pm:

    hey bored Now do you think Alexi will campaign with Burris

  14. - VanillaMan - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 2:11 pm:

    How much longer are we going to hear Giannoulais called a mob banker?

    It is time to move on.

  15. - IEAyeah - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 2:25 pm:

    Quinn’s mad he must be getting hammered in his internal’s by the crony raises. Polls easy come easy go.

    Gee the laid off teachers and all those schools not receiving their funding must be happy to hear Quinn likes them.

  16. - Frank - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 2:25 pm:


    Does it really make Cub fans feel any better that the team has better attendance? As a Sox fan, I’d rather have the Sox be in first place at the all star break than win some mythical “attendance title”

  17. - the Patriot - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 2:35 pm:

    Face facts ont he gun issue. Daley can’t afford to put people in jail for gun violations on the books. Gun Control is a talking point, not a crime fighting tool for him. You can make gun ownership the biggest crime in the world and it won’t help because he is incapable of enforcing it. Perhaps had law abiding citizens nearby with guns, they could have aided an officer in distress. I know where I live they would have.

    I have yet to find a teacher who was even asked if they wanted to endorse Pat Quinn, much less voted to endorse him. How does he get endorsed by the IEA in the summer when no associations hold meetings and without the issue even being discussed by the rank and file?

  18. - Deep South - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 2:44 pm:

    Gotta go with Frank on the White Sox thing. Cards and Sox in the series? Well, one thing’s fer sure…the Cubs won’t even make the playoffs. Oh, but their attendance will be high. Good. For. Them.

  19. - the Other Anonymous - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 2:45 pm:

    The Forbes article uses a formula for “efficiency” that does not make sense to Cubs management. The Cubs make money regardless of winning or losing, so Cubs management will never make winning a priority. Which sucks because given Wrigley’s unique characteristics (small park, wind) they could really build a great ball team for home games by concentrating on only a few players.

  20. - Levois - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 2:59 pm:

    I think I see the point the police officer had a gun but so did the criminal, but that’s not enough of an excuse to say hey everyone shouldn’t have guns. The logic there could only mean even police shouldn’t have guns.

    Either way Hinz’ statement should bring those who wants a gun back to reality.

  21. - Barton - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 3:13 pm:

    Hey Rich,

    I heard you were hating on the Cubs losing streak, so I thought I’d help your point with yesterday’s game recaps.

    Cubs: Ace battered while Gorzelanny deals–20100718,0,7597544.story

    Sox: Sox sunk as Jenks’ sinker doesn’t sink–20100718,0,684843.story

    Oh, wait…

  22. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 3:17 pm:

    Yeah, OK. One game does not a season make. Losers.

  23. - Cheryl44 - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 3:47 pm:

    I don’t think the Cubs attendance has been all that this year. This is strictly my observation–I used to have to wait through a couple of trains at my Red Line stop after work if there was a night game at Wrigley. It wasn’t a question of getting a seat, it was there was no room on the trains going north. I have not had to do that this year. I’ve even snagged a seat one night when there was a game.

    Of course paid attendance and actually attendance are two different things at both ball parks.

  24. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 3:51 pm:

    Cheryl44, your gut instinct might be right…–20100621,0,350572.story

  25. - Honest Abe - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 3:51 pm:

    Count on Greg Hinz to get it all wrong! The SCOTUS opinion had NOTHING to do with the tragic shooting of the Chicago Police Officer. The criminals had weapons and were not deterred by the Chicago municipal ordinance that restricted the ownership of handguns. Hinz’s spin is that the criminals waited for the court decision to obtain weapons and followed up by shooting an officer. What a total distortion.

  26. - Wumpus - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 3:52 pm:

    VM, how many more times will our beloved Rich Miller and others refer to SLCOhen as Pawn Broker? He is a businessman! Who cares about attendence besides the RIcketts? The fans should care about wins.

  27. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 3:53 pm:

    ===Hinz’s spin is that the criminals waited for the court decision to obtain weapons and followed up by shooting an officer.===

    You’re a nutball or illiterate. Or both.

  28. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 3:55 pm:

    Wumpus, I don’t actually do the pawn broker label much. Hooker-knifer, yes.

  29. - Lester Holt's Mustache - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 4:16 pm:

    Hinz’s “spin” is that even if you have a gun, and know how to use a gun, and can carry the weapon around (which you and I won’t), and you actually DO fire the gun at someone- it may still not be enough.

    The “spin” is that something needs to happen, and happen yesterday. More cops, better parenting, something, anything. Read the article first, man.

  30. - Team Sleep - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 4:24 pm:

    If Tom Ricketts runs the Cubs like he runs Ameritrade, one would hope he would clean house, strategically go after free agents and reimplement a good draft strategy. The Cubs have three albatross contracts hanging around their collective necks: Fukodome, Soriano and Zambrano. If the new GM can get creative and offer some cash to a team willing to take at least one of those three, their chances will greatly improve.

  31. - John Bambenek - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 4:24 pm:

    Newsflash - Even if you have a gun, you may come out on the losing end of a fire fight when using it in self-defense.

    But the good news is, we aren’t French, so we don’t just wave the white flag simply because we may lose. Otherwise we’d have given City Hall to the Crips awhile ago.

    If I lived in a place where I thought it necessary to have a weapon to defend myself, the fact that I might still be killed wouldn’t direct me not to get a gun in the first place. That’s just preposterous druid logic.

  32. - JeffTrigg - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 5:01 pm:

    When it comes to tax dollars, the Cubs are much more cost-efficient than the Welfare Sox.

  33. - temporarily anonymous - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 5:14 pm:

    So the IEA endorses PJQ. What a surprise!.

    Those smart number-crunching fellas from Forbes should do another project on unions’ campaign spending, total spending and their overall “win ratio.”

    Says here on the back of my envelope that the IEA would rank right next to the Flubs in that study.

    To the video: formulaic, calls cuts increases (did they hire Filan as a writer?) and Swanson is scary big in the HD version. Oh, and it’s always nice to see Jeffy “I’m Running” Schoenberg trying to hog the podium.

  34. - Chubby Cubbie - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 5:42 pm:

    Love means never having to say you are sorry…. I love the CUBS…and so do many, many others…and let’s face it…the Cubs have tremendous fan loyality regardless of how they perform. White Sox…Cardinal Fans…all suffer anger issues due to Cubs fan’s cheering for their team.. regardless if they Win or lose!!! Go Cubs!

  35. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 5:58 pm:

    I can’t say I agree with Hinz. If three guys with guns are coming at me I would like to have one to fight back with. I’m sure he is in favor of taking them away country wide but while the crimnals can buy them down the street-law abiding citizens should be able to get them too.

  36. - Logical Thinker - Monday, Jul 19, 10 @ 8:15 pm:

    Let’s make this very simple for everyone.

    Chicago is the most dangerous city in the country. To argue otherwise is simply foolish. All one needs to do is read the paper on a Monday morning to see 20+ shootings over a 48 hour span encompassing any weekend.

    Furthermore, we have reached a critical (and sad) tipping point when 2 uniformed police officers are shot and killed in a 2 week period. When their guns weren’t enough to protect themselves and when the brazen criminals didn’t think twice about committing the crimes, there really isn’t much the average citizen can do to protect themselves.

    Does this mean everyone should have a gun? No. Does this mean everyone will automatically be safer if they did? No. However, like Phineas said, I’d like to give myself a chance if ever confronted with the growing reality of violence in the city I call home.

  37. - dave - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 7:59 am:

    Chicago is the most dangerous city in the country. To argue otherwise is simply foolish.

    Just because you live there doesn’t mean it is the most dangerous.

    Trust me… I, and you, I would guess, would much rather live, and would feel safer, in Chicago than Camden, Detroit, Flint, Oakland, etc.

  38. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 8:22 am:

    Zell and the Tribbies had a plan: They were going to win a World Series and have Blago and Big Jim push through a deal to put the state on the hook for the massive renovations needed at Wrigley Field. Then, they could sell high.

    That’s why they signed Soriano, Fukudome, Zambrano, plus some of their good players, to huge, long-term, no-trade deals. They weren’t going to have to pay for them, anyway.

    After 97 wins in 2007, it seemed like a good idea. Then came the Dodgers. Ricketts ended up buying for about $300 million less than the Tribbies expected.

  39. - Oswego Joe - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 8:49 am:

    It seems that everyone got off tract of the Crenshaw/Wilhelmi discussion. Who thinks thinks that Wilhelmi really cares about all the bad press he is getting right now if the court holds in his favor? I bet he feels guilty all the way through his next term…

  40. - email fax services - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 12:22 am:

    @shore: You are that it’s all about gun violation. Everyone should be responsible when they decide to own a gun.
    @video: Swanson is scary big in the HD and it’s nice to see Jeffy “I’m Running” Schoenberg who tries to hug the podium.

  41. - internet faxing - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 2:30 am:

    @Pat Robertson: Fat cat banker? lol! I do think so.

    Well, It’s most likely to happen because of what happened. So goodluck!

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