Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Quinn campaign blasts Brady as “extremist” on guns
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Quinn campaign blasts Brady as “extremist” on guns

Tuesday, Jul 20, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* As we’ve already discussed, Gov. Pat Quinn signed a gun bill into law yesterday

One day after a third Chicago police officer was gunned down after his shift, Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn was in Chicago to sign the state’s newest get tough on guns law.

But it is not the weekend tragedy or the spike in violence in Chicago that is most significant about the law. The legislation that requires prison time for criminals caught with a gun is one of the few gun laws that passed the legislature with broad support. […]

Todd Vandermyde with the Illinois State Rifle Association said the new law deals with a topic that both gun supporters and opponents can agree on. Vandermyde says no one wants bad guys to be walking around with illegal weapons.

“If you don’t posses a FOID card and you’re prohibited from owning a firearm, those are the people we’ve always said should be punished.”

* Part of what made this announcement political is that Sen. Bill Brady missed the vote on the bill this year. From a Quinn campaign press release…

There is an epidemic of violence in our state. Our citizens and first responders are under assault from criminals using illegal weapons that have no place on our city streets. Just yesterday, another officer was shot and killed, the third such tragedy in two months.

At such an important time, Bill Brady didn’t think that increasing penalties for illegal gun possession mattered. He failed to appear to vote on this bill.

Our campaign has repeatedly pointed out that Bill Brady is outside the mainstream, more than any gubernatorial candidate in the history of our state. When it comes to guns, Brady isn’t a conservative; he’s an extremist.

And then they go on to list Brady’s gun votes…

For example, Brady opposes a ban on assault weapons. These are the same guns former Republican Governor Edgar called, “weapons of slaughter and destruction used by criminals” that had “no legitimate civilian purpose in a civilized society.”

These are Senator Bill Brady’s positions on weapons:

* Voted against safe storage of firearms to keep guns out of children’s reach [SB 117, 4/28/99; HB 156, 3/22/99];
* Would eliminate IDs for gun owners and destroy records of gun purchases [Chicago Tribune, 2/27/06];
* Voted against licensing gun dealers [HB 225, 3/22/99];
* Voted against penalties for ‘straw purchases’ of guns, one of the main ways illegal weapons make it onto our streets [HB 228, 3/22/99];
* Sponsored legislation to destroy records of gun purchases and eliminate waiting periods at gun shows [SB 57, 11/4/05];
* Voted against requiring gun license applicants to certify that they had not been convicted of domestic battery [HB 127, 5/31/97];
* Said he would veto legislation to ban semi-automatic weapons [Associated Press, 12/13/09].

* The Quinn campaign has now posted an Internet video blasting Brady’s gun stance. Watch it



  1. - shore - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 1:51 pm:

    blaming guns is a cop out-no pun intended-for failing to adequately address gun violence issues. Quinn can say extremist all he wants but new york city has a murder rate 1/3 of chicago’s.

  2. - DzNuts - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 1:56 pm:

    Quinn would blame a compass for pointing north. I don’t profess to know all about Brady’s voting record, but it would appear to be consistent and at least principled. What happened to the police officer was horrible, but there’s already a handgun ban in Chicago. Does Quinn think criminals will suddenly be concerned about another law if they already flouted one to begin with? He has blown every opportunity to be a statesman and, instead has apparently drank 4 years worth of kool aid in record time.

  3. - Cincinnatus - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 1:59 pm:

    This is a reasonable law. Let’s try enforcing it, and the current laws on the books, before we try anything new. Hear that, Mayor Daley?

  4. - Small Town Liberal - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 2:04 pm:

    - but there’s already a handgun ban in Chicago. -

    Don’t pay attention much, do you?

    - I don’t profess to know all about Brady’s voting record, but it would appear to be consistent and at least principled. -

    So its ok to be an extremist as long as you really believe in it and stick by it? Not to mention, gun advocates always profess to be against criminals having guns. This law is in punishes them, so is Brady not against criminals having guns?

  5. - The Shadow - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 2:07 pm:

    I agree. Brady is running for Governor and this is an indication of what he may veto or be against. Good for the Quinn camp for pointing it out.

  6. - Montrose - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 2:08 pm:

    The video is good. It needs to be modified and made into a commercial that can go up on the air.

    That list of bills that Brady voted for/against is pretty bad. It definitely paints the picture of extreme on guns. Voting against certifying you have been convicted of domestic battery? Wow.

  7. - Fed up - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 2:09 pm:

    Not sure what Quinn really believes in anymore. He has always been a phony headline chaser. It is just becoming more noticeable evry day.

    How many press releases is is sending out every day now? Does he really think that imitating Rod and the old Pat Quinn are going to work in a year when the people want to throw everybody out and start over.

  8. - He Makes Ryan Look Like a Saint - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 2:18 pm:

    This is one of the big problems with the state, Chicagoland believes in strict gun control. Where if we downstaters had our way we would be free to carry nearly all the time. If you grow up with guns and are taught properly how to shoot, clean and act around them safely there should not be problems. I do not need government to tell me the proper way to store a gun is.

    The fact is the Criminals/Gang Bangers that carry guns probably obtained them illegally and are without FOID cards. All the rules effect only the Law Abiding Citizens.

  9. - the dark horse - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 2:21 pm:

    Rich, an off topic question: are you going to post the video from AJ Wilhelmi’s morning Fox News interview?

  10. - paddyrolingstone - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 2:22 pm:

    Politically this is Quinn’s best argument on why he and not Brady should be elected Governor. As Rich pointed out yesterday, the Women’s vote is where the election will be decided. If Quinn can post serious numbers with the women that will put him over the top. I say this regardless of the merits of gun control, concealed carry, blah, blah, blah. I know that with women like my wife that the gun issue is the Silver Bullet. Couldn’t resist the pun.

  11. - Montrose - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 2:22 pm:

    *The fact is the Criminals/Gang Bangers that carry guns probably obtained them illegally and are without FOID cards. All the rules effect only the Law Abiding Citizens.*

    You know innocent people get hurt/killed by guns outside of gangbanger, right? If there is a history of domestic violence - maybe not a paper trail even - I sure don’t want a gun in the home. There are lots of good, public safety reasons to have limits on guns outside of gang problems, and many of those reasons exist in every corner of the state.

  12. - Really - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 2:23 pm:

    So Brady is extreme on Guns how many of these bills passed and were signed into law, few? If the democrats in the GA can’t get them to pass how extreme are these bills? Many of the other things that have passed are already against the law as it is for a felon to use a gun in a crime they receive an extra 5 years. Why did Quinn wait until now to sign the bill if it was so important? Not sure what Quinn believes he sure isn’t pro gun. They have instant check now.

  13. - johnny life - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 2:26 pm:

    “phony headline chaser”
    Strong words, but Quinn’s stance on guns has been constant. Unfortunately, so has Brady’s. It comes down to which side you would rather be on. I can’t imagine being on Brady’s side of this issue, and would love to hear his explanation.

  14. - grand old partisan - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 2:27 pm:

    Funny how when national GOP candidates talk about ownership or social issues like abortion they are denounced for distracting the electorate with “wedge issues.” What a crock. This state is in shambles…absolute shambles. And what has the Governor staked his re-election campaign on? Attacks on his opponent’s opposition to gun control laws that haven’t helped prevent violence and support of abortion policies that would almost certainly be thrown out by a federal court anyway.

    Tell us how you are going to combat violence, Governor Quinn - beyond just adding to the laws that the criminals are already breaking anyway.

  15. - Small Town Liberal - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 2:30 pm:

    - All the rules effect only the Law Abiding Citizens. -

    Except this one, which increases penalties for those UNLAWFULLY possessing a gun.

  16. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 2:38 pm:

    Quinn’s stand is not a solution to the shooting you are hearing around you and your family today and tomorrow. Government is failing. Passing more laws isn’t going to change a thing.

    Quinn’s political message here will only appeal to Democratic optimists living in safe neighborhoods.

  17. - jonbtuba - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 2:42 pm:

    This is an absolute crush by the Quinn campaign because I cannot imagine Brady having a sensible response. Given the topical nature of the issue, Brady cannot say it’s a distraction from the real issues (like he does when he’s asked about something that isn’t the economy) and also can’t hide it for weeks (like he did with his tax returns).

  18. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 2:53 pm:

    The “he’s not a conservative, he’s an exremist” is a pretty good theme if he sticks to it.

  19. - grand old partisan - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 2:53 pm:

    “This is an absolute crush by the Quinn campaign because I cannot imagine Brady having a sensible response”

    I wouldn’t be so sure about it being a crushing blow, nor do I even think it requires much of a response. I think people are starting to wake up to the fact that gun control is not violence control. None of the bills that Brady opposed would have prevented the deaths of those 3 officers.

  20. - Small Town Liberal - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 3:00 pm:

    - None of the bills that Brady opposed would have prevented the deaths of those 3 officers. -

    Brady and the overwhelming majority of his supporters are strongly in favor of the death penalty. It strikes me as odd that Brady or any of his supporters can at the same time argue that tougher penalties aren’t a deterrent to crime.

  21. - Chubs Mahoney - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 3:01 pm:

    -Quinn’s message will only appeal to Democratic optimists living in safe neighborhoods.-

    Please. Do you think Emma Mitts represents the safest neighborhoods?

    Note Bill Brady’s radio silence on this subject. The crickets can’t chirp forever.

    But he’s right to take cover, because his record is toxic for most Illinois voters.

  22. - grand old partisan - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 3:06 pm:

    LOL. Thanks, STL. I always know when I have a valid point when someone ignores the question at hand and changes the subject. I can play that game too! Let’s see….well, it strikes me as odd that Quinn or any liberal can at the same time argue that convicted criminals have a right to life but not unborn children.

  23. - Melancton Smith - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 3:19 pm:

    Maybe Quinn should close the revolving door that lets these guys with long raps sheets out again and again. It’s like ‘catch and release’ in Chicago. There’s the real crime.

  24. - Small Town Liberal - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 3:19 pm:

    grand old partisan - I never said I was against the death penalty, just that Brady and his supporters were definitely for it. Nice straw man though. And I didn’t change the subject, you made a claim that this law wouldn’t save the slain officers. Well, no kidding, but by the logic of death penalty supporters, it could possibly save officers in the future.

  25. - Reformer - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 3:21 pm:

    The bills Brady opposed do get strong public support in the polls. A 2007 poll in the ‘burbs, for example, found 79% support for a ban on semi-auto assasult weapons & 96% support for state licensing of handgun dealers.

  26. - Montrose - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 3:24 pm:

    *- None of the bills that Brady opposed would have prevented the deaths of those 3 officers. -*

    I think the issue of gun violence in Chicago has in many ways played into the hand of gun advocates. They can point to laws not stopping gang violence or the the recent murders and use it as an argument for eliminating gun restrictions and ignore the many many many other valid reasons to restrict the number of guns in circulation, including that people with guns in their homes are more likely to die from a homicide or by suicide in their home. Kids are more likely to be shot, battered spouses are more likely to be shot, and so on. This conversation is bigger than the recent headlines.

  27. - Skeeter - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 3:26 pm:

    “Now ask yourself, if you’re the single woman living alone in a bad neighborhood, are you going to be better able to defend yourself when confronted by a gang or rapist with a purse or a gun? {gun}”

    How completely ridiculous.
    The Chicago PO that was killed this week was in uniform with his weapon. That didn’t stop anybody. I’m really tired of these people who claim that a gun is any use at all against a mugger. It isn’t. The idea is insane. The bad guys don’t care. It won’t stop them.

  28. - Melancton Smith - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 3:31 pm:

    Skeeter said: “”

    You should check out the news outside IL. There are countless instances of people using firearms to defend themselves, including a 15yr old that used his Dad’s AR15 (classified by Quinn as an ‘assault weapon’) to drive off two home invaders thus protecting himself and his younger sister.

  29. - Peggy SO-IL - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 3:33 pm:

    Sorry I don’t see a Kirk-Giannoulis thread. Kirk is on with Mark Reardon of KMOX getting to the Metro East voters. I don’t like him, as you know. He frankly did a good job. He answered succinctly both the military record and the flip flop on c*ap and tax issues. He brushed off the social issues as not being important right now. We’ll see about that. I suspect that Reardon might have a pod cast at a later time.

  30. - grand old partisan - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 3:38 pm:

    STL –

    “I never said I was against the death penalty, just that Brady and his supporters were definitely for it”

    - Right, and that’s why I didn’t say you were against it either. I said that ‘Quinn and his supporters.’ I presume now (but did not assume earlier) that you are a supporter of Quinn’s. Now, I will I concede that it was unfair of me to assume that all of Quinn’s supporters share his position on that issue, apparently you may not. But, while I hate to be ‘that guy,’ didn’t you assume in your comment that all of Brady’s supporters share his positions on gun control??

    “but by the logic of death penalty supporters, it could possibly save officers in the future”

    - Perhaps, but the problem with the death penalty analogy (and the death penalty itself, really) is that it is not used consistently and regularly enough to provide a front-of-mind disincentive for prospective murderers. Furthermore, even if it is fair apply the underlying logic of death penalty advocates in that way, no one is actually making such an argument, besides you, that is. By contrast, Quinn himself is explicitly saying that the gun laws he supports (and Brady opposes) could have prevented shootings like the one that claimed Officer Bailey’s life, which is at best ignorantly naive, and at worst a disgraceful and tastelessly exploitative lie.

  31. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 3:45 pm:

    Brady might want to counter Quinn by saying “extremism in defense of liberty is no vice.”

    Actually, that didn’t work for the other guy.

  32. - Small Town Liberal - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 3:49 pm:

    grand old partisan - You said the law wouldn’t have saved these officers’ lives, implying that that was a good enough excuse for Brady not to vote on the bill. I was pointing out that Brady, and those supporters that are in favor of the death penalty (which I correctly labeled an overwhelming majority), can’t really use that line of argument. Thats not changing the subject, its pointing out a flaw in an argument.

  33. - grand old partisan - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 4:01 pm:

    STL, I said brought up the fact that those bills wouldn’t have saved the officers’lives because Quinn suggested that they would have. I really don’t see a direct connection between that and Brady’s support of the death penalty; so yes, I call that a change of subject.

  34. - MJZ - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 4:06 pm:

    Just to add some context here, HB5832 (yesterday’s bill) was relevant because the kid who shot Wortham, Paris McGee, had an Agg UUW in his background for which he was placed on probation. Again, no one is saying Wortham would still be alive otherwise, but the best part about this bill is that it takes an existing gun law and makes it stronger. No new law on the books, just a better one.

  35. - Chris - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 4:19 pm:

    Quinn’s the radical anti-rights person, not Brady. Lawful gun owners aren’t the problem, criminals are. I’m sick and tired of the anti-rights bigots labeling me - gun owner - as the problem.

  36. - Concerned Voter - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 4:20 pm:

    Okay, my opinion on this issue. I am NOT a gun owner, never have been. That being said, any tougher gun laws should only be against those using guns in a crime. Those who are eligible to and wish to legally purchase a pistol or rifle, should be able to. Whether it be for target shooting, hunting, or protecting themselves-homes-loved ones.

  37. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 4:21 pm:

    Chris, you did notice that the NRA supported this bill, right?

  38. - TimB - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 4:30 pm:

    Yes, made a law better. But if it’s so important and such a great tool, why wait 50+ days to sign it? It was passed on April 28, sent to the Gov on May 27. Not signed until July 19. Waiting for the right “political” moment? Use the laws on the books, quit turning loose felons.
    Oh, and the old saw about “guns in the homes more likely to hurt family members”. That “urban legend” stems from a study done in 1986 by Kellerman who later admitted that the study was flawed, not valid, and was conducted to achieve a desired result.

  39. - jaded voter - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 4:33 pm:

    Hey ________________[blank] is extreme on guns. {Que the scary music and shadowy images}

    This strategy worked for good ol’ George Ryan as he blasted Glenn Poshard who was pretty much identical to Ryan on his gun position.

    Quinn & Brady actually are polar opposites on guns.

  40. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 4:53 pm:

    There are two types of law in Chicago.

    One is for law abiding citizens, government courtrooms, guys with law degrees, and police.

    The other law is for gang members, their families, their neighbohoods, their markets, and their communities.

    One is the law of civilization.
    The other is the law of clans and tribes.

    Chicago is being overwhelmed by the laws as interpreted by clans and tribes. The violence, murder and mayhem South Chicagoland has lived with for generations, with it’s clan and tribal law system has risen to a point where it feels that it has replaced civilized law within the City.

    For generations South Chicagoland has created it’s own world of government handouts, broken schools, broken families and black nationalist churches tending to it’s victims. Today, in hindsight, it seems inevitable that this world’s view of justice and order would challenge the status quo. The immediacy of violence and the strength of the physical will trump a legal system that can take years to reach a verdict.

    Governor Quinn’s law will have the same impact on this situation as a wet noodle. Politically it demonstrates that he is “doing something” - especially for those still clinging to a notion that their lives can escape the Law of the Streets, somehow. But the Governor, the Mayor, the State and the City don’t keep your neighbor’s delinquent high school drop-out addict from shooting up your street, so in the real world of the Street, within the world of the primitive clan and tribal law, Mr. Quinn may as well live on Mars.

    We can sit here and endlessly debate arcane legalities, just as we have for the past forty years without seeing an improvement in this situation. Or we can do something different by acknowledging that citizens have a need to protect themselves when no one else can, and have the constitutional right to do so.

  41. - todd - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 5:00 pm:

    Rich — NRA didn’t support the bill, we didn’t oppose it. The bill has a number of consitutional flaws that we will address next session in light of the McDonald decision.

    Quinns people had told me, and the Governor himself, that he wasn’t going to talk about this issue nor bring up gun bans. His words to me.

    He seems to be reliving the days of when the dems thought this was a winning issue. I think it firther demostrates that he will give up downstate to wage a war and campaign based upon winning the collar counties chasing soccar moms.

    the bills lisyted have some very negative baggage with them for the Governor. And he is on record as supporting the Chicago handgun ban.

    there is a “silver bullet” in this. And the Governor should be careful to kick a sleeping dog. Last poll had 67% of people supporting the right to own a firearm. Rich has said that 70% seems to be the magic number for issues to be taken serious. i would point out that the past polls have support for concealed carry split at about 48/48. It’s not as radioactive as anti-gunners or lefties would have you believe.

  42. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 5:06 pm:

    Stereotypes are fun, aren’t they VMan? Everything is simple and tidy.

    I’m sure the great majority of folks on the South Side who work and are law-abiding citizens would be mesmerized by your latest lecture. But, like I said, the great majority of them have real jobs and probably don’t have the time.

    What box of cereal did you get that sociology degree, anyway?

  43. - Anon - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 5:07 pm:

    In Illinois, the good guys are deterred from owning and carrying firearms.
    Violent criminals do not fear law enforcement officers and defenseless citizens. Violent criminals fear an armed society.
    Illinois needs to allow the good guys to be armed. Strike down the FOID. Allow concealed carry and open carry. Concealed carry without a permit like what will happen in Arizona next week would be the best to do. Pat Quinn will always infringe on the right to keep and bear arms.

  44. - Chubs Mahoney - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 5:14 pm:

    Bud, calling Quinn a “flake” might make you feel good but it’s way off.

    The guy earned degrees at Georgetown and Northwestern Law and won races to three statewide offices.

    A flake he ain’t.

  45. - Amalia - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 5:38 pm:

    Brady is against safe storage, FOID, straw purchase
    penalties, and domestic violence as a prohibitor on
    guns and that’s NOT extreme?!? Brady is a world
    class gun nut. his positions are WAY out of the
    mainstream in Chicago, the suburbs, and I would
    bet on these issues, elsewhere in the state. what
    a tool.

  46. - Nieva - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 5:46 pm:

    Just because a man or a woman gets into it with their spouse or family member say it be a minor thing such as push or shove it should not keep someone from owning a gun. Unless convicted as a felon you should not lose your right to own a gun!

  47. - Champaign - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 6:05 pm:

    All of the quoted bills have very quotable summaries and synopses, but the meat of the bill is where the issues lie.

    * Voted against safe storage of firearms to keep guns out of children’s reach

    -What else did it do?

    * Would eliminate IDs for gun owners and destroy records of gun purchases

    Fewer than 5 states require ID cards to buy guns. The Feds do an instant background check on every sale through a dealer…

    * Voted against licensing gun dealers

    ATF licenses gun dealers - they not doing a good enough job?

    * Voted against penalties for ‘straw purchases’

    There are already federal penalties for straw purchases - what’s wrong with them?

    * Sponsored legislation to destroy records of gun purchases and eliminate waiting periods at gun shows

    -I know several jewish people that are against gun registries - ask them why. Did you know there are many states that don’t have a ‘cooling off’ period?

    * Voted against requiring gun license applicants to certify that they had not been convicted of domestic battery

    -I’ll give you that one. Just that one.

    * Said he would veto legislation to ban semi-automatic weapons

    -Semi-automatic weapons? ZOMG!?!?! You mean guns where you have to pull the trigger each time you want the gun to fire one round, right? Wait, isn’t that what the cops use? Why shouldn’t I get to have a semi-auto?

    This is navel gazing at best, and exploitation of the death of police officers. Just like the Blair Holt bill in the US House. Quit the catch and release of criminals who use guns as a course of their business. Enable law-abiding citizens to protect themselves however they choose. It seems to be working on 48 other states.

  48. - Buzzard - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 6:22 pm:

    Gov. Quinn is just the latest example of Democrats’ incompetence. The Dems have run Illinois right into the ground. Illinois is now in worse shape than California! Why is it that all the states in the U.S. that are now broke are being run by liberals? It’s true. Check the facts.

    Gov. Quinn released dangerous, violent criminals after serving mere weeks because of prison over-crowding. Yet he insisted we sell a brand new Illinois prison to help Obama close Gitmo. Oops! That didn’t happen. But the prison got sold anyway.

    Then the paroled prisoners were “lost”. No one knew where they were. Quinn blamed old computers. If that were truly the case, then why didn’t he buy new computers with the $116,000 he wasted on fresh baked sugar cookies for the felons in prison? Yes, that’s true. Check the facts.

    And you Democrats are whining and crying about Bill Brady allowing law-abiding citizens to exercise their Constitutional rights to arm themselves? It’s about time! Indiana has had a concealed carry law for handguns for YEARS!

    Every state surrounding Illinois has a concealed carry law except Wisconsin! Did you know that? Of course you didn’t! People in the states all around Illinois conduct their daily business while carrying guns all the time. When you travel you’ve been surrounded by guns and didn’t even know it.

    Forty eight states have some form of concealed carry law. In every state that prepared to pass concealed carry laws there were always those people that predicted “Wild West shoot-outs” and people getting killed over parking space arguments.

    And in every case after passing concealed carry - CRIME DROPPED!! Every time, people. Let’s stop rewarding our criminals with sugar cookies and give our citizens the ability to defend themselves. We need a Governor like Bill Brady. We’ve seen what Pat Quinn can do.

  49. - Hank - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 6:32 pm:

    Quote: #

    - Amalia - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 5:38 pm:

    Brady is against safe storage, FOID, straw purchase
    penalties, and domestic violence as a prohibitor on
    guns and that’s NOT extreme?!? Brady is a world
    class gun nut. his positions are WAY out of the
    mainstream in Chicago, the suburbs, and I would
    bet on these issues, elsewhere in the state. what
    a tool.

    All Tools aside, states with much much lower crime rates do not have the FOID system. As far as Brady being against straw purchasing laws, it’s already illegal, why pile more useless gun laws on top of the 22,000 we already have? Are you catching my drift Amalia? Do some research and get some sound data, it’s worth enlightening yourself with facts and the truth.. Start with FBI statistics in reference to crime rates in states with restrictive gun laws. MOre people than you think have figured out the Liberal BS that the progressives like Quinn are spewing at them.
    Hank “The Tool” Robinson

  50. - Really - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 6:33 pm:

    Everyone has to lock up there guns doesn’t that make them hard to get to when you need them to protection of your family.

    Why would you treat domestic battery differently then any other crime?

    Few guns aren’t Semi-Auto which almost everyone owns; in other words Quinn is for banning almost all guns.

    Few of these bills passed because guess what the democrat GA thought they were an extreme form of gun control maybe its Quinn that’s to extreme on guns.

  51. - Park - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 6:34 pm:

    OK so Brady was a misogynist, now he’s a gun nut. Ok, talking points from the national dems. Pretty soon interim gov. Quinn will forget the palm cards they are giving him and say some really stupid stuff. lots of time before November.

  52. - LieutenantDan - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 6:36 pm:

    This law signed by the hand me down Governor passed in what?….April? It’s been sitting on his desk for over a month and a half. He has simply waited for a golden moment to sign this somewhat flawed legislation.

    Those who say that Brady is against safe storage…I say that he is against the government telling me how I should safely store my firearms, because he knows that as a responsible owner, I know how to do that without a nanny telling me how.

    Yes he voted against a bill that prohibited the issuance of an FOID card to a person convicted of domestic violence, because he doesn’t (nor do I) believe in the necessity of an FOID period! 49 other states aren’t wrong.

    The so called “straw purchase” bill that he voted against had more to it. Mainly being the prohibition of the transfer of more than one “1″ firearm to any “one” person in a 30 day period.

    Study the facts and stay away from the media talking points.

  53. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 6:42 pm:

    –Why is it that all the states in the U.S. that are now broke are being run by liberals? It’s true. Check the facts.–

    Well I’ll be dipped in it. It’s true. I did not know that 48 states were run by liberals. Some of those governors pretend to be right-wing GOPers, too.

    Like the Buzzard said, check the facts:

  54. - PeteyPal - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 6:43 pm:

    I believe strongly that Mayor Daley and Pat Quinn are for “reasonable” gun control.

    I also believe that Daley and Quinn believe that no “reasonable” person would own a gun.

    So, it would follow then that Daley and Quinn believe that anyone who owns a gun is “unreasonable.”

    Following the bouncing ball - we gotta believe that Daley and Quinn view the taking away of guns from “unreasonable” people as being for the public good.

    Thus, Daley and Quinn have cast themselves as the Frick & Frack of the gun control movement.

  55. - Chicago guy - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 6:59 pm:

    If guns are not the answer, why does Daley have an armed police guard 24/7? I guess he’s worth much more than the ordinary citizens who elected him. If Illinois would look around at 49 other states they would be surprised to see that WE, in Illinois are the extremists. Very few other states have laws even remotely as strict as Illinois.

    Hey, we gave gun bans a 30 year chance to work. They didn’t. Let’s try something new, not more of the same. Didn’t Albert Einstein say that repeating the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result is insanity?

    Let’s stop acting insane with the same old gun laws that the criminals are not about to follow

  56. - bwana - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 7:09 pm:

    so todd now you dont have dugan is sweeney about guns? or about quinn??

  57. - Really - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 7:12 pm:

    –Mainly being the prohibition of the transfer of more than one “1″ firearm to any “one” person in a 30 day period.–
    Yeah Quinn seemed to be a little extreme on other Bills too–Voted against licensing gun dealers [HB 225, 3/22/99];–I think it’s a little extreme that he thinks its ok that this Bill also requires that the small business pays $1000 per license per location so if the Gun Shop does a gun show or multiple gun shows it costs them a $1000 for each. I guess if you are for Gun Control you would really like that Bill because you know it would put gun shops out of business.
    I guess what we are learning is Quinn is extremely of base with the truth when he is talking about issues and ready to leave out part of the facts to deceive the voters.

  58. - Buzzard - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 8:00 pm:

    Oh Wordslinger…

    I did not not say 48 states were run by liberals. What I said was “Forty eight states have some form of concealed carry law.” I’d tell you to re-check the facts….but in your case….I’m recommending a remedial reading course so you can improve your comprehension. Ok, buddy?

  59. - handcuffed - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 8:29 pm:

    I work at a prison and review inmate files all the time. I can tell you every time I see a new gun bill it gripes my @##. These guys violate weapons laws time and time again and get nothing for it. We don’t need more gun laws we need to enforce the ones we have and get these judges and states attorneys to stop bargaining with these guys and lock them up. Also for the ones that have been arrested multiple times the sentence should be stiffer. I see guys get 3 years for retail theft and a guy on a weapons charge gets 1 year what is the message sent. I will tell you don’t shoplift a pack of lifesavers instead use a gun and hold up the store clerk and you will get less time.

  60. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 8:43 pm:

    Buzzard, you’re having trouble following your own post(understandable).

    You said every state that is broke is run by liberals and that we could check the facts. I did and posted the article that states 48 states are running deficits. Then I made with the funny. I wasn’t referring to conceal and carry at all.

    Have someone read the article I posted to you, friendo.

  61. - Walter - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 9:06 pm:

    Pat Quinn calling someone an extremist on the gun issue when 48 states have concealed carry.

  62. - just sayin' - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 10:21 pm:

    I’m pro-gun, but I do have to say the point in that ad about Brady having no problem with domestic batterers buying guns, does make Brady sound like nut.

  63. - chicity1 - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 11:04 pm:

    The video is short, sweet and to the point. It makes points with numerous demographics and gets a thumbs up.

  64. - Buzzard - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 11:43 pm:


    I wasn’t talking about running a deficit…I’m taking broke, outa coin, can’t pay the bills. Honestly, man. When I last talked to the secretaries at the capital - they were expecting the phone service to be cut off.

    Since we’re sharin’ links…here ya go. enjoy.

    “Illinois Replaces California As Most ‘Bankrupt’ US State”

  65. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jul 21, 10 @ 12:04 am:

    You do realize, Buzzard, that California has a Republican governor.

  66. - LieutenantDan - Wednesday, Jul 21, 10 @ 7:29 am:


    - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jul 21, 10 @ 12:04 am:

    You do realize, Buzzard, that California has a Republican governor.

    And solid Democrat majorities in the House and Senate. Solid Democrat majorities in the U.S. House. And both U.S. Senators are Dems.

  67. - Amalia - Wednesday, Jul 21, 10 @ 12:26 pm:

    re Hank at 6:32

    I’ve seen the stats and I’ve also seen the missed opportunities
    to get bad guys, oh, like terrorist types who get guns. i’m not
    in favor of banning handguns, even before the Heller and
    McDonald decisions. I am in favor of keeping in place and
    putting in place as many ways for law enforcement to
    keep important records and check them. the 2nd
    amendment says “well regulated,” and I’m a believer
    in that part too.

  68. - Melancton Smith - Wednesday, Jul 21, 10 @ 4:32 pm:

    THe terrorist watch list has no due process attached. We didn’t totally give up our 4th Amendment rights.

    In the period of the 2nd Amendment, “Well-Regulated” referred to the proper functioning of it, not legislative restrictions. That is a modern concept.

  69. - Ryan - Wednesday, Jul 21, 10 @ 6:14 pm:

    Quinn is the extremist for ignoring our rights and the 2nd amendment. Brady’s position is in agreement with 49 states. Illinois is the only one that completely bans both open and concealed carry. Let’s see, is the stand-alone gun-banner (Quinn) the extremist, or is the one who believes that we should have the same rights that currently most Americans already have?

  70. - Gene - Thursday, Jul 22, 10 @ 1:09 pm:

    That, “…subject to the police power…” with the ratifying of the IL Constitution as written at the 1970 ConCon sure opened a can of words, huh?

    Did you know that prior to that event, controlled by Chicago area delegates, with a Chicago area delegate as Convention Pres, and Chicago delegates occupying all major committe chair, incl the Gill of Rights Committee, there was no mention in any of the previous IL Constitutions of firearms, and certainly not the “..right to keep and bear…”?

    In other words, pior to the 1970 IL ConCon, the 2nd Amendment was the “gun law” for the state of IL.

    Now, every session, it’s a dogfight to regain the right as guaranteed by the 2ne Amendment of the Consition of the United States of America.

    Seems to me as how Gov Quinn has no respect for the 2nd Amendment, Bill Brady does!

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