Today’s must-watch videos
Tuesday, Jul 20, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * UIS student Sean Olsta created this mock campaign commercial for a class. His friends said he should forward it to me and I’m glad he did. It’s a hoot… I hadn’t noticed it before, but Quinn actually does look like Fozzie Bear. * My intern Barton Lorimor is back at SIU for the summer. Gov. Pat Quinn was down ‘yonder yesterday for a press conference and Barton started right off asking off-topic questions. Quinn had to actually beg for questions on the topic at hand. Way to go, Barton… * The governor held a brief availability after the presser and Barton got some more questions in… Zing, baby.
- Concerned Observer - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 10:37 am:
Stuff…you can believe in.
I like that tag. Think it’d work for a lot of candidates!
- the dark horse - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 10:58 am:
Stuff… that is a very appropriate term for Brady’s stances. He believes in stuff- but he won’t tell you what that stuff is. What are you going to cut from the budget, Senator? Where is your detailed plan to get Illinois on track? Do you have a plan? Why won’t you tell anyone what it is, specifically?
- ShadyBillBrady - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 11:06 am:
Hey, let’s be fair.
Brady has said that there is some stuff he can cut from the budget. And then there is some stuff that can be reduced. And then there is yet some other stuff that can be undone and redone. And when all is said and done, we’re gonna have a new budget full of stuff that really matters and stuff.
And he has also said there is some other stuff he will take care of and stuff. Like that gay marriage stuff, the abortion stuff, the equal pay and minimum wage stuff.
And Quinn does look like Fozzie. Love it.
- ShadyBillBrady - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 11:07 am:
And kudos to Barton for actually asking the questions.
- Berkeley Bear - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 11:08 am:
Sadly, while Sean was being sarcastic, I think the GOP base would actually see this as a positive message for Brady. He certainly hasn’t provided any more substance than this commercial. Reminds me of how Tim Robbins’ satirical character Bob Roberts used the phrase “Now . . . more than ever” as the most vapid message possible, only to have it adopted as a slogan by a TV network and various companies as if it meant something.
I think Quinn looks more like Sam the Eagle than Fozzie, but his off timing and bad delivery is certainly up there with the bear.
- Wumpus - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 11:14 am:
Berk Bear..mroe vapid than Hope and Change? Change you can believe, etc. That is the way of campiagns.
Rich, is your intern back to plottin to take over the world? He has the name of a James Bond Supervillan…very cool
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 11:17 am:
Quinn: Fozzie
Brady: Oscar the Grouch
Alexi: Big Bird
Kirk: Commander James Bond, 007, license to misremember.
Yeah, it doesn’t work with Kirk.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 12:39 pm:
word, shhhhhh. You’re going to upset the Rooster.
- just sayin' - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 1:11 pm:
That “mock” ad is better than anything Brady’s got out there now, or probably ever will have.
All Brady campaign resources should be shifted over to running that ad.
- Berkeley Bear - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 1:32 pm:
WS, Kirk works as Elmo. At first he seems like a lovable little monster but turns out to be incredibly self-centered, whiny and ultimatey just imagined most of what he claims to have done.
I wouldn’t give Brady a leading role like Oscar - more like Slimey, Oscar’s pet worm.
Giannoulis as Big Bird? Not sure he deserves that much credit either. Maybe Snufalupagus, Big Bird’s semi-imaginary friend (especially with the way he’s been ducking the media of late).
- Will County Woman - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 8:02 pm:
I give the Sean Olsta mock campaign ad an A+!
- MKA1985 - Tuesday, Jul 20, 10 @ 10:27 pm:
I remember sitting behind Sean in class, wondering why the heck he was looking up pictures of Fozzie Bear on his laptop… Kudos Olsta!