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Another day, another lie

Friday, Jul 23, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Scott Lee Cohen has yet another explanation for why he quit the lt. governor’s race

“I was forced off the ticket by the Democratic Party,” he said Tuesday, noting this didn’t happen prior to the primary because the party didn’t believe he had a chance in the world of winning in April.

“When I won, they turned everything upside down because I’m not a career politicians, and because I stood for honesty and integrity. That’s something the Democratic Party does not like.

“You laugh, but it’s the truth,” he added.

I think somebody laughed because it was an enormous lie.


  1. - wordslinger - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 11:27 am:

    Is this guy drunk, or on medication? He’s spending a whole lot of money to continually humiliate himself in front of a mass audience.

  2. - Really?? - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 11:30 am:

    He’s like Blago Jr.

  3. - South of I-80 - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 11:43 am:

    Sounds like a nice little world he lives in……..

  4. - FirstAmmendment - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 11:51 am:

    If anyone in SLC’s campaign is reading this take note. Rich is really starting to take him seriously. That might be the best endorsement you get all year.

  5. - Anonymous - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 11:53 am:

    And OJ got charged with murder only because the prosecutor had a thing against USC running backs…

  6. - Wumpus - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 12:07 pm:

    He was honest in the interview where he admitted to some of his issues.

    I think Riccardo is becoming unhinged by this guy. I have never seen Mr. Miller stay on a subject like this for so long.

    Rich, hire another intern. You will get a break when you become the press director of Wumpus for Senate 2010-2011

  7. - Irish - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 12:16 pm:

    I take exception to those on this blog who feel Rich is hammering on SLC too much. What would you have him do? Quinn and Brady have been equally covered pro and con because they are obviously the two main candidates for Governor. SLC was not covered until he began to gain credibility by endorsements nad coverage by other media, politicians, and organizations. So now the obligation is to cover him as well. You can’t cover SLC without getting in to his past. Both Brady’s and Quinn’s past have been covered extensively here. Both of them have been called on untruths they have told.
    You have got to realize that whoever wins this election will have to lead Illinois out of the worst fiscal mess it has ever been in. The survival of the State will rest on their shoulders. Yet some of you do not want the possible contenders vetted?

  8. - One more nail - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 12:17 pm:

    He will get more votes than can be anticipated.

    I think everyone needs to keep in mind things like what happened in South Carolina and some other places. the electorate is in an angry and foul mood and being in incumbent is not a good thing. The more the established press gives him ink and air time they are creating a vehicle for protest votes.

    The governor’s race is becoming a race to the bottom with Quinn having peaked at about 40% or less, Brady slightly higher and the rest in flux but against Quinn.

  9. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 12:20 pm:

    Between Cohen and Kirk, Rich is going to have to launch a new website:

  10. - Scooby - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 12:27 pm:

    In April?

  11. - HatShopGirl - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 12:35 pm:

    Strange days in Illinois. SLC won because voters HATE the political status quo. The votes for SLC were jibes at the status quo. I think SLC is sincere, sincerely lacking in self-conciousness. If in the whacky-world of Illinois politics SLC does sneak into the job for four years, it wouldn’t be the first time the voters elected a clown.

  12. - obamalac - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 12:36 pm:

    Richard, Stay on Cohen and Kirk , not enough people did on Blago and look what happened! This clown and the serial liar would provide a reason for the rest of the country to laugh at the state of illinois if they were ever elected just like Blago!

  13. - 47th Ward - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 12:42 pm:

    ===SLC won because voters HATE the political status quo.===

    I disagree. Cohen won the primary because his ads were excellent and none of his opponents countered them. He had the right message and put major money behind it. He outspent all of his challengers combined.

    By the time Turner caught a hint of what was about to happen, it was too late. He added a weird “don’t vote for millionaire pawnbrokers” tag line into his radio ads during the last weekend, but the damage was already done.

    I’ll give credit where it’s due, and despite his many flaws (which we now know), Cohen ran a very good primary campaign.

  14. - ZC - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 12:52 pm:

    It’s shaping up as the year of the angry millionaire populist outsider:

    Money quote: “[The] approach, like that of many other rich candidates, is simple: tap into voter anger … then argue that only those who have succeeded in business can drive economic recovery, without kowtowing to special interests.”

    I wonder if we’ll see another Ross-Perot type figure run on an independent ballot in 2012, blasting both parties on the deficit, that sort of thing.

  15. - Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 1:08 pm:

    Let’s assume for a moment that Cohen was in fact forced off the Democratic ticket as the Lt. Governor nominee?

    What would Governor Cohen do when confronted in Springfield by those same party leaders or even Republican leadership?


  16. - VanillaMan - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 1:24 pm:

    At what point can we forget this guy?

  17. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 1:30 pm:


  18. - HW - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 1:37 pm:

    SLC said……..”I stood for honesty and integrity. That’s something the Democratic Party does not like.”

    Since when is it “enormous lie” that the Democratic Party dislikes honesty and integrity…???

  19. - Irisheyesrsmilin' - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 1:46 pm:

    Sorry guys, can’t play today…

  20. - washedmyhands - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 2:01 pm:

    SLC is a real danger…all he has to do is come up with some off the wall thing like “until the budget is balanced no one - not even the governor can earn more or draw a pension more than a legislator’s salary” and look out…we have the next Jesse Ventura.

  21. - zatoichi - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 2:21 pm:

    SLC comes across as one focused guy with a Jeckel/Hyde background. He may be a viable option until his past activities start to come out. Still, give the guy some credit. He got elected with a good clear message that people liked compared to the other options they had. If he did not get taken or checked out seriously until later that is not his fault. It’s his money to do as he sees fit. Now the bigs need to at least respond to him since he was able to generate enough serious to win the primary.

  22. - Sacks Romana - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 2:22 pm:

    I will beat the Whitney drum. Can the media please cover a candidate with integrity and modest funds instead of the independently wealthy independent who knifed hookers and beat his wife? Can they cover Whitney, who got on the ballot, twice, and established a new party in 2006 because he had a grass-roots volunteer movement behind him rather than the attempted-rapist who bought his way onto the ballot, twice? I know Whitney doesn’t say ironic and stupid things, and is a bit of a policy wonk. I know he’s a civil rights attorney who sacrifices his personal life to run for office, and not a demented millionaire without a hobby, but could the media please please give, I don’t know, equal coverage to these two candidates? Instead of a disparate amount to the hooker-knifing, rape-attempting SLC. Thank You.

  23. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 2:28 pm:

    SR, if he actually did anything, and I do mean anything, he’d get covered. He’s the Invisible Man. Is he even campaigning? If he is, it’s news to me.

  24. - Steve Downstate - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 2:32 pm:

    Isn’t it always the case that people who lack integrity are eager to lie about how they have always “stood for honesty and integrity.” Just once I’d like to hear a bad guy say, “You know, I’m pretty dishonest and I don’t have much integrity. Honest.” Turn it into an asset, you know?

  25. - Anonymous - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 3:16 pm:

    “if he actually did anything, and I do mean anything, he’d get covered….”
    Ummm, the Illinois Times did a piece on Whitney last week - gave a good summary of what he is about. He spent May 20-28 riding his bike and various trains on a 650-mile tour across the state to promote sustainable transportation - probably why he doesn’t get much coverage…

  26. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 3:24 pm:

    I held my toungue long enough, I dunno what is worse about SLC, the fact that he tried to be a victim … that was thrown away from the party he loves, for the betterment of the ticket …


    SLC being a champion against all things bad in politics, Democrats and Illinois, while forgetting … all things bad … which is called his life.

    The only way to make sure we never hear from this mope after November is to continue highlighting his true mope-i-ness!

  27. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 3:29 pm:

    Anonymous, that story was linked here. I was quoted in it. If you read it, you’d probably remember it.

    But it was just a profile piece. He’ll get at least one of those from everyone before it’s over. No worries about that.

    But he can’t wait for profile pieces. News is new, and he isn’t doing anything new.

  28. - Anonymous - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 3:32 pm:

    Rich, I do remember and totally agree, and that’s why the ground isn’t shaking under Whitney…

  29. - Little Egypt - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 3:33 pm:

    Take this one to the bank. IF SLC is elected Governor of Illinois, he will be the third continuously elected governor to end up in the slammer. He will do nothing illegal that will astound us (we are beyond that), but he will certainly end up committing many acts that will finally put him in his proper place.

  30. - Sacks Romana - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 3:38 pm:


    I don’t work on his campaign, but I know he’s doing things like marching in the Chicago Disability Parade, Dupage County Fair, and he’s doing a Green Jobs Tour similar to his Bike Tour that anonymous mentioned. He has various other appearences and events scheduled as well. I know his team gets out media advisories and press releases about all of this. Much of it is not “new” like you say. However, neither is SLC generating soundbytes and hypocrisy. And so the media fails to cover Whitney.

    My plea above, which was not directed at you per se, was just how the media likes covering SLC no matter how unimportant the event. In turn though, you cover the coverage, which is generally fine and what we like about the blog. I think the SLC joke is old, and I’m just waiting for everyone else to catch up. I think we’re in general agreement on this.

  31. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 3:43 pm:

    ===I know his team gets out media advisories and press releases about all of this. ===

    I haven’t seen a thing from him in so long I can’t remember when.

  32. - JeffTrigg - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 3:44 pm:

    Anything? Like participate in a debate with other candidates talking about real policy proposals perhaps? And you mentioned that, right? Fundraiser on Wed., you mentioned right? From Rich Whitney’s website.

    “Green Party gubernatorial candidate Rich Whitney will participate in two events this Saturday, July 24, in the Chicagoland area. Whitney will join Green party candidate for Senate LeAlan Jones and interact with the gathered crowds before marching in the Disability Pride Parade Saturday morning. They will then attend the post parade program at Daley Plaza from noon to 1 PM. Following the parade festivities, Whitney will then attend the DuPage County Fair from 2 to 7 PM.”

    Looks like you have a different definition for “anything” to use on Whitney than you do for Brady and Quinn or even Cohen. Maybe instead of detailing his budget ideas with more depth than Brady or Quinn, Whitney should hold a knife to someone’s throat to get a media mention and have people actually read his schedule from his website.

    So on behalf of Rich Whitney, bite me Rich. Have a good weekend.

  33. - dave - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 3:48 pm:

    @JeffTrigg… do you really think reporters go trolling on candidate’s websites?

    If Rich Whitney puts something on his website, 100 people might actually read it. It isn’t the same as an active media campaign that sends out press releases and aggressively reaches out to reporters.

  34. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 3:56 pm:

    Trigg, I’m supposed to cover him attending a freaking parade? Yeah, that’s interesting to me.

  35. - HatShopGirl - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 3:59 pm:

    47th Ward - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 12:42 pm wrote,

    SLC “ran” the campaign? I doubt it. I think some pretty crafty Republicans and turncoat Democrats were behind the SLC campaign and that Thompson and apostates continue to pump-him-up. Fee-fie-foe-fum, I smell the breath of a Swedish person, I smell pickled herring and lignonberries coming from the SLC camp. I think Illinois’ first Swede, James R. Thompson, is behind SLC. Just my opinion. I have no evidence.

  36. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 4:02 pm:

    I was given a bit of advice on campaigns and getting your message out to media … any media.

    If media has to GET the information, if media CAN’T tell you how the GOT your information, and if media can’t UNDERSTAND your information …

    You are wasting your time WITH your information.

    1) Send it clean, send it clear, and send it formattted.

    2) If you have any phone numbers, (cell, land, home), fax, (and now in the 21st century) email, a side email, and a facebook/twitter feed to team with … make all the communication forms happen.

    3) If the press tells you they dunno, guess what, they don’t … you can waste time arguing that they knew, should have known, etc., but if you do it right the first time you won’t heat they didn’t know.

    4) Pack a lunch, work the press, … and get a flack to be on it 24/7….

    All the Whitey guys … not just on this blog, but in all corners … you aren’t getting that connection out there …

  37. - JeffTrigg - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 4:03 pm:

    dave, there were media releases on the Governor debate, the fundraiser, and this weekend’s schedule. They don’t have to troll a website even when that only takes ten seconds and should be standard for their jobs if they are serious political reporters without a bias.

    In fact, I personally made dozens of phone calls to the media before the debate and personally sent Rich Miller an announcement of the debate beforehand. No mention here. Or the Chicago Tribune for that matter. Rich Miller acting just like the Chicago Tribune? Uh oh.

  38. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 4:05 pm:

    ===They don’t have to troll a website even when that only takes ten seconds and should be standard for their jobs if they are serious political reporters without a bias. ====

    And … you just loss any press guy by telling them how to do their job, congratulations.

  39. - JeffTrigg - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 4:26 pm:

    So what you meant to say earlier then was “SR, if he actually did anything (that I am interested in), and I do mean anything (that I deem interesting), he’d get covered.”

    The Governor’s debate might not have been interesting or entertaining enough for you since no knives were pulled, but there were substantive policy proposals discussed that other people do find useful and important even if it isn’t interesting.

    But I shouldn’t be that hard on you Rich. You are better than 90% of the Illinois media giving “others” some media mentions. You deserve credit and thanks for that. But it doesn’t mean you can’t do even better.

  40. - Anonymous - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 4:28 pm:

    Oswego Willy, thanks for the pointers. I was thinking of asking (timidly) Rich to do an Unsolicited Advice thread about how Whitney (and other 3rd party candidates) might be more effective campaigners when the two-party system gives you unsavory choices. But, no need for it now.

  41. - HatShopGirl - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 4:42 pm:

    JeffTrigg - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 3:44 pm wrote about the Disability Pride Parade.

    I have a “voting” position there. I voted against those two. I will continue to vote against those two. They, like you Jeff Trigg, are poor communicators. Richie Daley isn’t that great an orator, but there’s no denying, Daley loves Chicago and tries to do his best. Daley is just not that great. Those two, Whitney and Jones, are not ready for prime-time. Whitney and Jones may never be ready. Who is funding them? If you say Ralph Nader, FYI Ralph works for a REPUBLICAN law firm out East.

    One marching group of disabled women, WORE women’s SANITARY NAPKINS on their heads ala Hillary Clinton’s headband and turned TAMPONS into dangle-earrings! It is offensive because children are present and they were accosted with this crude and vulgar display that did not belong in a parade.

    This years parade might not be as good as the parade was in prior years. And that was marginal at best.

  42. - JeffTrigg - Friday, Jul 23, 10 @ 5:06 pm:

    HatShopGirl, people are receptive to all different kinds of communication. What doesn’t work for you, will work for many other people. We’re not robots tuned to your preference for communication. I haven’t claimed to be a great communicator, in any event.

    Ralph Nader hasn’t given Green candidates in Illinois anything that I’m aware of, so I don’t know where you are going with that. Do you know who funds the Republican and Democratic parties and do you care? I guarantee you there are worse names funding them than whoever you are trying to tie to Ralph Nader.

    I’m an independent that left the Democrats and then the Libertarians. The Democrats have the power to make the changes I believe would improve society but they don’t. The Libertarians say they would make a lot of changes I’d like to see, but they have no foreseeable power to do so.

    Whitney could catch a break and win. That is entirely possible even though people refuse to admit it and would rather be quoted saying he has no chance. Whitney has a chance. Put him in a fair debate with Quinn and Brady at least, even though everyone on the ballot should be invited.

    I happen to think Illinois would be better off if Whitney had won in 2006 instead of Blago. Fewer of us are Democratic or Republican loyalists than in a long time if ever. Polls show voters want more choice. I don’t think that is reflected in the media and I whine about it whenever I can.

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