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Sam Adam, Jr. tries to explain away the expensive clothes

Tuesday, Jul 27, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 1:35 pm - I have to be on the road soon, so I won’t be able to blog this afternoon. Please help out by updating the trial’s developments in comments. Use the links in the upper right corner of the page, plus any others you’ve grown to rely on. Thanks much. You’re the best.

Here’s the latest dispatch from the Sun-Times Blago Blog, which really ought to win some sort of national award for its trial coverage…

Sam Adam Jr. leaps back into his closing argument. The topic? The ex-governor’s $400,000 wardrobe.

Jurors learned a few weeks ago that Rod Blagojevich spent $400,000 on clothes during his six years in the governor’s seat — largely on custom suits and pricey ties.

“You know why he spent $400,000 on suits in six years?” Adam says. “Because he’s a politician. A CEO for the state of Illinois. He’s on the front page of the paper every day. They have media every day. You gotta look the part.”

“Why did Sarah Palin spend $150,000 on her wardrobe?” he says. “Now she’s getting $150,000 for a speech.”

“He’s broke, man, BROKE! When I say broke, I mean BROKE!”

Adam brings up that Blagojevich paid $500,000 in federal taxes while he was governor. That was really his No. 1 expenditure during those years — a fact the government failed to tell the jury, Adam says.

Again, thanks for helping out in comments.


  1. - B-non - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 1:41 pm:

    “Prosecutor Carrie Hamilton looks up and stares into the distance.”

    I love these.

  2. - Objective Dem - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 1:46 pm:

    Blago did it for the people. We don’t want to look at a Gov in a rumple old suit with a bad haircut. We want a sharp dresser with pretty hair to take our minds off the State’s fiscal crisis.

  3. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 1:47 pm:

    Junior should have left the clothes issue alone.

    The fact that he’s broke after spending $400,000 on clothes doesn’t make one’s eyes well up with tears.

  4. - Cheryl44 - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 1:48 pm:

    “He’s broke, man, BROKE! When I say broke, I mean BROKE!”

    That’s because he spent all of his money on clothes.

  5. - Leave a Light on George - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 1:49 pm:

    $500, 000 in federal taxes and that doesn’t count the money under the table from Rezko.

  6. - Really?? - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 1:49 pm:

    I’m not one to defend Sarah Palin, but first of all, she didn’t spend that money, the McCain campaign did. Second of all, she was in a national campaign and on network TV every night. Not exactly the same thing. That doesn’t even touch on the fact that our ex-Governor worked from his home most of the time.

  7. - Stooges - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 1:52 pm:

    Man I really hate these guys. Please send him away.

  8. - Reformer - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 1:53 pm:

    Quinn is governor, and I’ll bet he doesn’t spend $4,000 on clothes.

  9. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 1:55 pm:

    By the way, how much did Blago spend on jogging suits for those days he didn’t make it into the office?

  10. - chimary - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 1:55 pm:

    Sammie boy is getting close to getting rapped on his knuckles…SIT DOWN MAN

  11. - Really?? - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 1:56 pm:

    Let’s compare Blago’s wardrobe budget to that of former Governor’s. I’m guess it doesn’t come close.

  12. - Red Ranger - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 2:00 pm:

    In terms of the money from Rezko, one thing Im not clear on is, was this income ever declared on the Blago family taxes? Is tax evasion one of the 24 counts against him? Or did they declare all of the Rezko cash with the IRS?

  13. - And I Approved This Message - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 2:03 pm:

    Defense has rested.

  14. - Boone Logan Square - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 2:03 pm:

    The Sun-Times reporters are loving this!
    Winding down, Sam Adam Jr. tells the jury he may have forgotten to tell them a few things, but if they are are stuck in jury room, they should ask themselves one question. “Now, what would Sam say about this?”

    The all-about-business juror hears this and lurches forward in his chair in seeming amazement. But Adam keeps a straight face, despite groan-like laughter from the gallery.

  15. - chimary - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 2:03 pm:

    Oh for God’s Sake…what a drama queen

  16. - chimary - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 2:04 pm:

    How long for a verdict folks?

  17. - Secret Square - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 2:05 pm:

    It’s one thing to be “broke” because of some misfortune beyond your control (e.g., illness, accident, disaster, being laid off from one’s job), an honest mistake (making a bad investment, having a business venture fail) or even due to personal life circumstances (divorce). A jury would probably have some sympathy for someone who was broke for those reasons; at least some would have experienced these circumstances themselves or known someone who did. It’s another thing entirely, however, to be “broke” for the reasons Blago is.

  18. - Alexi Kirk - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 2:06 pm:

    The Palin comparison was good. Big pols can spend big money on clothes. He should have brought up other rich pols like Bloomberg, Schwartenegger, or Spitzer, I bet they spend a lot on clothes over the years.

    But the kid fiasco ruined all the good will.

  19. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 2:07 pm:


  20. - Concerned Observer - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 2:07 pm:

    I’m on record with my wife as saying three weeks of deliberations. I will probably be way wrong…what do I know?

  21. - Montrose - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 2:09 pm:

    I say 2 days. If they start tomorrow, we know by Friday.

    For the record, I am really bad at guessing things like this.

  22. - Segatari - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 2:15 pm:

    Yeah Sam, that justifies all of his conduct…barf.

  23. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 2:16 pm:

    I was always so distracted by the hair, I never noticed that he wore nice suits.

  24. - Plutocrat03 - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 2:16 pm:

    Funny, I thought the Gov’s biggest expenditures were to Winston,Strawn from his campaign chest.

    Can he sue them to recover the money because the ‘advice’ was defective?

    Could we reserve a cell for the two Adam’s next to the former Gov’s so they can work on the appeal?

  25. - reality check - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 2:19 pm:

    @ Sam Adams Jr. - Do you really need a $400,000 wardrobe when you only work 8-9 hours a week?

  26. - hoping for a quick verdict - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 2:20 pm:

    I haven’t heard - did they bring the girls with them today?

  27. - Secret Square - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 2:22 pm:

    “Did they bring the girls with them today?”

    Amy (14 year old) came, Annie (7) didn’t.

  28. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 2:24 pm:

    Just Amy

  29. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 2:26 pm:

    “…Bloomberg, Schwartenegger, or Spitzer, I bet they spend a lot on clothes over the years”

    Dude, those guys are loaded. They would dress like that if they were Mosquito Abatement District trustees. Bloomberg’s a multi-billionaire, for crying out loud.

  30. - Leave a Light on George - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 2:30 pm:

    @ Red Ranger

    My guess is the fed’s are saving that charge for Patti when they get to her.

  31. - Nearly Normal - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 2:36 pm:

    Matt Farmer has Blago’s prison song already posted.


  32. - chimary - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 2:37 pm:

    Patrick Fitzgerald has arrived in the courtroom

  33. - Scooby - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 2:38 pm:

    Sun Times says Fitzgerald himself has come into the overflow room where all the reporters are to listen to the goverment’s rebuttal. Read into that what you will.

  34. - Mr. Cow - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 2:40 pm:

    I don’t beleive he is broke. He has money somewhere. Maybe in banks overseas, or in the Caymans. He isn’t that stupid, or is he?

    How much did Patti and Rodder make in the past year from their TV appearances?
    Friends of Blago is broke cuz he doesn’t have friends anymore.
    Will Jimmy De Leo take care of the fam if Rod goes to prison?
    So many questions, so few answers.
    Off to Oxford with him I say!!

  35. - Commonsense in Illinois - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 2:42 pm:

    So let’s see. $400,000 over six years is $66,666 per year which is $183 and change each day, 7 days a week. I guess that could be done without too much effort…stupidly, but it could be done.

  36. - Berkeley Bear - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 2:45 pm:

    The jury will likely get the case today, depending on the length of the instructions. Once deliberations start, they’ll likely be sequestered, and the judge will let them go later/start earlier if they want (and they likely will). There will be strong pressure on the group to get done by end of business on Friday so they don’t lose a weekend. If they don’t (and reaching a verdict on 24 counts could take a while, even if there isn’t much to debate) no idea how long this ultimately takes.

  37. - Nearly Normal - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 2:47 pm:

    I wonder if the judge will recess after the prosecution’s rebuttal and give the jury their instructions tomorrow.

    Tomorrow is the earliest that the jury will start deliberations anyway.

  38. - Oskee Wow Wow - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 2:52 pm:

    Assuming closing arguments wrap up this afternoon, I predict a verdict by Thursday, Friday at the latest.

    I think any lengthy deliberations will be on the case against Robert. He’s gotta be thinking agreeing to help Rod was the worst decision of his life - I’m guessing at least a few jurors might buy the defense argument that he was in over his head.

  39. - Justme - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 2:53 pm:

    ==Adam brings up that Blagojevich paid $500,000 in federal taxes while he was governor. That was really his No. 1 expenditure during those years — a fact the government failed to tell the jury, Adam says.==

    Who did tell the jury? If a witness didn’t say it, Junior is out of line claiming it to be true here.

    But let’s give him the benefit of the doubt. Top tax rate is 33%. $500k in tax means $1.5 million in taxable income over 6 years. Where did all that come from? Patti must have pretended to go to the office a lot of times to earn that much in commissions. Or throw in FICA taxes - about 7%, bringing his max rate to 40%. That’s $1.25 million in income, not so outrageous. Minus $500k in tax and $400k in clothes, that leaves $325k for everything else. He spent more on clothes than on all other personal expenditures combined? (OK, I cheated - taxable income is after mortgage interest and other itemized deductions, but you get the point, I hope. $400k on clothes is an outrageous amount for someone paying $500k in federal taxes.)

  40. - Vole - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 2:54 pm:

    $500,000 in federal taxes while he was guv?

    That sounds like a stretch. Any proof of this? I’d guess maybe half of that amount.

  41. - PPHS - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 3:00 pm:

    I am not certain why it matters how much they piddled away on clothes.

    This is the opposite of what the feds did to George Ryan, saying that he spent no money and carried a wad of cash. I never understood how much a wad is. Oh, yeah, and he got some Christmas gifts, too. Just awful. ;)

    If the feds muck up this trial, they deserve what they get. They should have allowed him to sell the senate seat and then, arrested him and set a very high bail.

  42. - Steve Downstate - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 3:00 pm:

    Commonsense, thank you for doing the math. Now that we know Blago spent an average of $66,666 per year on clothing, those of us who suspect he just might be the antichrist have another arguing point. Terribly inept for an antichrist, however, and you would have thought the hair would be better, too.

  43. - Mr. Cow - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 3:01 pm:

    He raised about $26 million when he ran for Gov in ‘06. Did he spend it all according to ISBE? I’ll wager he didn’t, but i will check right now.

  44. - OneMan - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 3:04 pm:

    Well they did publish their tax returns at times over the years so it shouldn’t be too hard to calculate

  45. - Ahoy - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 3:10 pm:

    so now Blago was using the Governor’s office to get $150,000 speaking gigs? That’s a great defense!

  46. - Vole - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 3:13 pm:

    If you buy Sam Adams argument about the need for politicians to wear snappy clothing, wouldn’t those expenses qualify as legitimate tax deductions?

  47. - Nearly Normal - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 3:20 pm:

    Vole, snappy clothes are not a uniform per se so no deduction.

  48. - chimary - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 3:22 pm:

    Nice summary Reid- tied it all up for the jury.

  49. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 3:23 pm:

    –My guess is the fed’s are saving that charge for Patti when they get to her.–

    If they didn’t charge her before, they better not do it now. The feds’ strongest case in court was against Patti.

    They didn’t charge her because they thought it would hurt their case against Blago. It would be poor sportsmanship to do it after this one’s over.

  50. - Berkeley Bear - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 3:26 pm:

    They used to be, Vole, and Willie Brown (the long-time speaker of the CA Assembly and later Mayor of SF) was infamous for taking a write-off for his suits. Now, though, about the best you can do is write off a fraction of the value by donating your used duds.

  51. - Nearly Normal - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 3:26 pm:

    From the Sun-Times Blog–

    The prosecution finishes its rebuttal and Judge Zagel adjourns court for the day.

    ‘Members of the jury, you’ve heard all the evidence and the arguments,” he tells them.

    He tells the jury it is especially important now that they avoid news reports and not talk about the case, and asks them to return in the morning for jury instructions.

    That will be followed by day one of deliberations. Court is scheduled to reconvene at 9 a.m.

  52. - GetOverIt - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 3:27 pm:

    “tied it up for the jury”

    I expected more…a lot more…

    I would hate to be a juror on this case…

  53. - LouisXIV - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 3:33 pm:

    I don’t profess to be an expert on criminal law or know all the evidence that was put on but since Blago did not take the stand, what evidence was before the jury that: 1) he is BROKE; and 2) how much he paid in income taxes?

  54. - Bluefish - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 3:34 pm:

    GetOverIt - It might be tough to decide on ROB, but the case against ROD seems pretty clear cut.

  55. - Anon - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 3:37 pm:

    @ Mr. Cow - “I don’t beleive he is broke. He has money somewhere…He isn’t that stupid, or is he?”

    Blago: If Jan could show me she had ancestors who came over on a slave ship, she would be fine!

    Yes, he is.

  56. - Mr. Cow - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 3:39 pm:

    unfortunately, I think Patti is in more trouble than her spouse who could be acused only of toxic horse trading.
    She received payment for no services rendered via Mr. Rezko, not her husband. Rezko merely gave Rod a paltry sum in exchange for a position in his administration.

    Patti received hundreds of thousands of dollars for brokering real estate deals she was not involved in negotiating. she took a lot of cash from Tony without provision of services. Maybe the feds are trotting Tony out at the future Trial of the Missus. God forbid Rod walks and Patti goes to jail.

  57. - Lawyer - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 3:42 pm:

    Adams is making the image of lawyers even worse. It is not good PR for my profession…

  58. - Civilian - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 3:58 pm:

    This trial was going to be the Dems worst nightmare. That didn’t come to pass.

    What if Blago is found not guilty? Does that help or hurt the Dems.

  59. - shore - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 4:00 pm:

    It hurts them because then the media has to talk about the problems confronting the state and guess who’s been running the state.


  60. - OneMan - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 4:08 pm:

    Don’t forget if he is found guilty I think they can bring in more evidence for the sentencing phase.

    That isn’t going to help the democrats.

  61. - lakeview - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 4:15 pm:

    The person who cuts my hair said that if Blagojevich had spent $50 on a good haircut, he would have looked twice as good even if he shopped at Target.

  62. - Cincinnatus - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 4:22 pm:

    Rod will be sucking the oxygen out of Illinois until at least September.

  63. - observation - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 4:31 pm:

    “Dude, those guys are loaded. They would dress like that if they were Mosquito Abatement District trustees. Bloomberg’s a multi-billionaire, for crying out loud.”

    Well said, Wordslinger. I’m still giggling.

  64. - Windstream - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 4:42 pm:

    I doubt the Feds will bother with Patti if Rod is convicted. I think they will go after Jesse Jr. Evidence in Blago’s trial is almost enough to convict Jesse Jr.

  65. - Leave a Light on George - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 4:52 pm:

    “They didn’t charge her because they thought it would hurt their case against Blago. It would be poor sportsmanship to do it after this one’s over”

    It isn’t about sportsmanship my friend. It’s about justice.

  66. - Little Egypt - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 5:00 pm:

    Does it really make any difference who the Feds go for next? Jeez, there’s enough corruption in this state for Patrick Fitzgerald’s next three generations to prosecute.

  67. - HatShopGirl - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 7:00 pm:

    Why is Blago JUBILENT? I have a hunch.

    At the Sun Times Blago Blog, Sara Ostman @ 11:44am notes:

    “Adam Jr.’s voice crescendos out of control snip…snip There’s laughter in the courtroom. A juror physically bends over laughing, holding her stomach, but quickly composes herself. At the defense table, Rod appears amused looking on.”

    That’s the ONE juror. ID that juror and that’s the one that’s been THE ONE from DAY ONE. I have a hunch.

  68. - HatShopGirl - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 7:03 pm:

    Should be JULILANT not JUBILENT.

  69. - Bookworm - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 7:23 pm:

    Hat Shop Girl, I burst out laughing at several of the things Sam Jr. said in court, but I still think Blago is guilty as heck and were I on the jury I would convict him of at least half the charges, probably more.

    Anonymous ZZZ asks what’s the excuse for Amy B. and her fancy pink purse — supposedly it was a gift from her late grandmother, Marge Mell, and Amy keeps it as a memento of her.

  70. - Been There - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 8:37 pm:

    ===That’s the ONE juror===
    I am sticking to my prediction on the post during jury selection. I go with the guy who works in human relations for a law firm to be the ONE.

  71. - Rich M - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 8:53 pm:

    Anonymous ZZZ Her Grandmother Marge Mell left her that purse. I think Patti and the girls took some comfort in the idea that our Mom was looking out for them.

  72. - Original Rambler - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 9:29 pm:

    Take whatever shots you want at Rod but those girls should be OFF LIMITS. You can’t excuse your shot at a 7-year old girl as “snark” - if that’s the point you wanted to make at 8:44 then that’s what you should have said. Let’s face it - your 9:21 explanation was just to make YOU feel better about crossing the line.

  73. - Park - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 9:57 pm:

    - LouisXIV- You’re correct of course. From following the Blago Blog through the trial, it seems that Adam Jr. gave a totally improper final argument. Patty worked for her commissions? where’s that in evidence? She didn’t say it.

    Broke? from what? his statements in 2008 that he wanted to start looking out for number 1?

    I wasn’t there, just read summaries, but it seems obvious why so many objections were sustained on his close. And, for the record, objecting on someone’s final argument is considered bad form unless its unforgivably improper. His must have been a real made-up doozey.

  74. - Oskee Wow Wow - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 10:22 pm:

    Louis XIV - based on your comment, I can see why you’re not impressed with the evidence against G-Rod. That he’s broke and how much he paid in taxes is not the procecution’s evidence, those are the two details provided by the defense.

    I hope the jurors were paying more attention.

  75. - Cheswick - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 10:41 pm:

    At this point, I have to believe that the defense has advised Rod and Patti that they should consider the possibility that Patti will be arrested and taken into custody when the verdict comes down. Not that the prosecution would tip the defense off to such an event. I don’t think they would, but they certainly could.

  76. - Bookworm - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 10:58 pm:

    “they should consider the possibility that Patti will be arrested and taken into custody when the verdict comes down”

    Even if Patti is indeed next in line to be charged, it would be for stuff that happened at least several years ago now (are they getting close to or past the statute of limitations on some of the Rezko stuff?). She’s not in the middle of a current “corruption crime spree” as far as anyone knows, so what would be the rush?

    If she’s going to be charged (and it appears there is probable cause to do so) it could be done with considerably more discretion than her husband received… they can just her know a few days ahead of time so she can turn herself in. To drag her off in handcuffs at the same moment her husband is convicted would be way, way over the top.

  77. - Cheswick - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 11:03 pm:

    Good points, Bookworm, especially about the statute of limitations (which I’m not up on). I was mostly just thinking out loud.

  78. - Original Rambler - Tuesday, Jul 27, 10 @ 11:18 pm:

    Pointing out a 7 year old was still using a sippy cup counts as a shot. That’s got nothing to do with any exploitation by her parents.

  79. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Jul 28, 10 @ 8:21 am:

    “He’s broke, man, BROKE! When I say broke, I mean BROKE!”

    And thanks to Blagojevich - so are we.

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