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The comedy gift that keeps on giving

Monday, Jul 19, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a Scott Lee Cohen press release…


Knifing hookers exempted, of course.

* Speaking of hookers

Villa Park police raided a “spray tan spa” Friday afternoon and arrested six people suspected of engaging in prostitution a day after a patron of the place told investigators that the business was supplying sex as well as tanning services, according to Villa Park Detective Sgt. Dan McCann. […]

The business came to the attention of police in February after the Tribune reported that a convicted prostitute who was the ex-girlfriend of Scott Lee Cohen, then the Democratic nominee for lieutenant governor, had worked for the operation when it was based in Glenview under the name Eden Spa.

Expect a press release soon: “Scott Lee Cohen boasts natural tan, cleans up crime!”

* Cohen’s enthusiasm knows no bounds. He recently trumpeted an endorsement from a tiny newspaper…

Kankakee City News Says Cohen Best for African American Voters

Chicago - Within two-days of being officially qualified for the November ballot, Scott Lee Cohen, received even better news when the Kankakee City News presented Cohen with its endorsement for Governor of Illinois.

“Needless to say, this has been a very good week for our campaign”, says Cohen. “I am honored to receive this prestigious endorsement from such a well-respected, African-American owned newspaper.”

In throwing it’s endorsement and considerable influence behind Cohen’sIndependent campaign for Governor of Illinois, the Kankakee City News and its Editor, James Taylor, explained that Cohen “best reflects the interests of the Illinois African-American electorate.” The newspaper’s endorsement went on to explain that Cohen is the only candidate in the race who “understands the many challenges facing Illinois residents in today’s economic environment.”

The paper has also endorsed Mark Kirk and Adam Kinzinger. It went with Kirk Dillard in the GOP gubernatorial primary. The only people to ever cover those endorsements were right of center blogs and the campaigns themselves.

* And then there’s this

Scott Lee Cohen, the affluent Chicago pawnbroker who is running for governor as an independent, might seem an unlikely candidate to receive financial backing from a Cook County judge. […]

Mr. Cohen apparently impressed Anthony Lynn Burrell, a Cook County judge who made three contributions totaling $650 to Mr. Cohen’s campaign committee, Citizens for Scott Lee Cohen. Mr. Burrell’s donations, on Aug. 12 and Aug. 14, 2009, were made public in an amendment to a 2009 campaign finance report filed Monday.

Mr. Burrell declined to comment.

Illinois judges are required by the state’s judicial code of conduct to “refrain from inappropriate political activity” but are not prohibited from making political contributions.

From the Chicago Bar Association, which rated Burrell as “Not recommended for retention” in 2008…

Judge Anthony Burrell is “Not Recommended” for retention as a Circuit Court Judge. Judge Burrell was admitted to practice law in Illinois in 1989 and elected to the Circuit Court in 2002. Judge Anthony Burrell has problems with punctuality and absences. In addition, Judge Burrell is poorly organized which affects his ability to run a high volume courtroom.

Maybe he should join the Cohen campaign.


No comment

Monday, Jul 19, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Ryan Tronovitch, Republican National Committee spokesman, on the announcement that President Obama will hold a fundraiser for Alexi Giannoulias

“President Obama’s hypocrisy is stunning — one minute you hear him attacking the ‘fat cat bankers’ and the next he is raising money for a mob banker in Illinois. As someone who promotes transparency and openness on a daily basis, President Obama should be condemning Mr. Giannoulias for his risky actions and associations, not raising money to support his campaign for U.S. Senate.”

* Greg Hinz

Just a few weeks ago, the gun lobby was cheering the court’s decision to overturn Chicago’s handgun ban. All good people need is their own gun to fight off the bad guys, they said.

Right? Tell that to the family of Officer Michael Bailey. He had a gun. He knew how to use it. He did use it. But the bad guys had guns, too, and there were more of them.

* Illinois Radio Network, equating borrowing money with balancing the budget

Gov. Pat Quinn says he is disappointed with lawmakers in Springfield for not handing him a balanced budget.

Speaking with reporters in Chicago, Quinn said Senate President John Cullerton (D-Chicago) has told him that there won’t be a vote on borrowing to balance the state budget until after the November election.

* The least cost-efficient team in baseball according to Forbes

The Cubs rank last among 30 teams thus far in 2010, requiring $2.07 million in payroll per win, and underperforming their projected win total by 9 games.

* Pat Quinn on Bill Brady

* IEA on Quinn and Brady

* Republican state Senate candidate Cedra Crenshaw on Fox & Friends this morning

Sen. AJ Wilhelmi will appear tomorrow on the program.



Question of the day

Monday, Jul 19, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Illinois Republican Party sent out a press release last week announcing some events at the State Fair’s annual Republican Day…

In addition, attendees can take in the music of The Brat Pack, a 1980s cover band. Songs such as, “Glory Days” and “Future’s so Bright” will fit in well with the overall theme of the day.

The Brat Pack? That band fits the “overall theme of the day”? Really?

* The Question: Which songs should the Brat Pack play during the Republican event? Snark heavily encouraged.

…Adding… Here’s the band’s poster from its merchandise page


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Monday, Jul 19, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

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*** UPDATED x1 *** Quinn has $2.3 million on hand - Women boost guv in polls

Monday, Jul 19, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

*** UPDATE *** Abdon Pallasch at the Sun-Times was able to get the quarterly figure from both campaigns

Republican gubernatorial candidate Bill Brady raised more money than Gov. Quinn in campaign contributions for the second quarter of the year, bringing in $3 million to Quinn’s $2.8 million. […]

Brady had to wait until March 5 when Kirk Dillard conceded the razor-close Republican primary to start fundraising in earnest. So most of Brady’s money came in the last three months, spokeswoman Patty Schuh said.

[ *** End of Update *** ]

* Subscribers already know about this. From a press release…

The Quinn/Simon campaign announced today that it raised nearly $5.1 million in combined campaign contributions in the first half of 2010.

The campaign had nearly $2.3 million cash on hand on June 30th. Semi-annual financial disclosure reports for the two campaign committees – Taxpayers for Quinn and Quinn/Simon for Illinois – will be filed July 20, 2010.

“The people of Illinois realize how much is at stake in this election,” said Ben Nuckels, Campaign Manager. “Our contributions show voters know that Pat Quinn and Sheila Simon are the right leaders to keep growing our economy and bring jobs to the state.”

The total released by the campaign does not include contributions made after June 30, such as the IEA’s public commitment of a significant contribution during their endorsement last week.

That $2.3 million is the same as Bill Brady’s cash on hand.


* My weekly syndicated column is about the latest Rasmussen polling

So, why did Gov. Pat Quinn close the gap with Republican state Sen. Bill Brady in Rasmussen Reports’ latest poll? There’s a one-word answer: Women.

Rasmussen’s newest poll had Brady ahead of Quinn 43-40. That’s a pretty hefty swing from the firm’s June poll, which had Brady with an 11-point lead, 47-36.

Many political observers were stunned back in March when Rasmussen’s first poll had Brady trouncing Quinn with likely female voters 50-33. Quinn had a horrible time with women voters during the Democratic primary against Dan Hynes, particularly after the news hit that his administration had released a bunch of violent criminals from prison early.

Women voters were still upset with him after the primary, it appeared. Subsequent polling backed up Rasmussen’s numbers. An April survey by Public Policy Polling had Brady leading Quinn among women by 10 points.

Quinn ranks high on so-called “women’s issues,” but Brady is 100 percent pro-life, even in cases of rape and incest. Brady also has taken dozens of votes in the Illinois Senate that quite a few women, particularly in the all-important suburbs, won’t love. Some folks have been saying that Brady’s lead in all the polls was artificial because women just didn’t know what Brady stood for.

They were right. By June 7, Rasmussen had Brady leading Quinn among women by just three points, 42-39. Public Policy Polling’s June survey had the two men tied among women.

And the latest Rasmussen poll, conducted July 7, has Quinn completely turning the tables on Brady and now leading among women by 11 points, 47-36. Word appears to be gradually getting out about Brady’s very conservative stances on abortion, guns, etc.

That movement by women was totally behind Rasmussen’s latest 43-40 overall results, which is the narrowest margin that any poll has recorded in this race to date. Quinn launched a TV ad in the Chicago area last week that whacked Brady good on abortion and his vote against requiring insurance companies to cover mammograms with no out-of-pocket expenses. That ad probably will put Quinn’s numbers to where they should’ve been all along.

Meanwhile, Quinn’s signature this month on legislation creating a temporary “back-to-school” sales tax holiday dovetailed nicely with that same new poll by Rasmussen, which shows Illinoisans by a two-to-one margin believe tax cuts are a better way to create jobs than increased government spending

Every article and editorial about the upcoming sales tax holiday included the official budgetary cost estimates of $40 million to $60 million, which isn’t much, but is a definite issue during the state’s worst fiscal crisis since the Great Depression.

Yet 55 percent of Illinoisans, including 60 percent of independents and 47 percent of “moderates” believe that cutting taxes is a better way to create new jobs than increasing government spending. That’s less than Rasmussen’s national result of 69 percent favoring tax cuts, but to be expected considering Illinois’ more liberal bent. With the budget in sorry shape, tax cuts are few and far between, and with Brady advocating broad tax cuts, Quinn had to do his best to get the word out.

This sales tax holiday probably will get more publicity than any other pre-election tax cut Quinn could’ve devised. Retailers usually advertise quite heavily during back-to-school season, and they’ll surely include the automatic 5 percent discount from the sales tax holiday in their nonstop pitches to consumers. Broadcast and print news will do plenty of stories during the Aug. 6-15 tax holiday.

Not to mention all the mothers who will be thankful for a break on their purchases. Quinn knew what he was doing there, or at least stumbled into it.

But before the Quinn campaign can celebrate any victories, there is a very ominous warning sign in the latest Rasmussen poll for their guy.

Back in March, Quinn and Brady split the 65-and-older crowd with 45 points each in Rasmussen’s poll. By June, Brady had a three-point lead with seniors. Rasmussen’s July poll has Brady widening his lead to 11 points.

Seniors vote in high percentages, so Quinn needs to scare yet another demographic into retreating from Brady. Maybe a tax holiday on electric scooters?

* Related…

* Bad choices on both sides of the aisle

* Quinn won’t say if he raised more, less than Brady

* Dem leaders in search of a movement

* Bernard Schoenburg: A refreshing change of political pace

* Ballot controversy raises profile of candidate Cedra Crenshaw with tea party

* Burris bitter on criticism, but happy in Senate

* Green Party candidates face another uphill battle in Illinois


Jarrett won’t testify at Blagojevich trial

Monday, Jul 19, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Jarrett’s not needed, Adam says

Rod Blagojevich’s attorney Sam Adam Jr. said that White House Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett will not take the stand, but that the defense would try to still call White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel to testify. “All she can say is what [Tom] Blananoff said,” Adam said of Jarrett. Balanoff previously testified about conversations he had with Barack Obama’s aides about the U.S. Senate seat.

* Julie Blagojevich, the wife of Robert, testified first today. She was apparently wary of her husband’s involvement with the governor’s campaign fund…

Julie said she went out to dinner with Rod and Patti and asked about the swirling federal investigation.

“My impression … To the best of their ability, to their knowledge, the federal investigation was behind them,” she said.

Julie told Robert he could do it, but told him not to take a salary because of possible headlines.

“Did you need the money?” defense attorney Cheryl Schroeder asked.

“No,” Julie said. “I felt like Rod did not know Rob. It was a chance for them to grow closer, perhaps.”

* Robert Blagojevich also testified this morning

We’re going through Robert’s history — and resume — quite closely. With at least one veteran on the jury, Ettinger is paying special attention to Robert’s expansive military history.

Ettinger asks Robert about his political affiliation — Republican, all his life — and experience with fund-raising. He never did any, he said, until he started volunteering for the Red Cross.

Robert looks serious as he answers questions, doesn’t smile much, if at all. He’s giving the answers straight.

* Meanwhile, let’s take a look at the latest defense filing

Quoting a refrain from “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes,” attorneys for Rod Blagojevich in his corruption trial Sunday filed a 41-page memorandum in support of a motion for acquittal.

“It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data,” the motion quotes author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. “Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.”

Quibbling with the conspiracy charges against the former governor, his attorneys write: “Attempt to conspire (conspiracy being an inchoate offense) is not a crime. Likewise, conspiracy to attempt is not a crime.”

Noting that the prosecution decided not to call convicted political fundraisers Tony Rezko and Stuart Levine, Blagojevich’s lawyers claimed that the government failed to establish its RICO case, while it also prevented the defense to ask Rezko about conspiracy allegations made by former Blagojevich Chief of Staff, Lon Monk.

* Roundup…

* Lawmakers: Blagojevich trial evidence vindicates impeachment

* Taking the stand may be Blagojevich’s only hope

* The prosecution rests

* Chatty ex-governor to testify

* Blago as our own Barefoot Bandit

* Ex-Gov. Blagojevich likely to testify this week

* How did Blago get elected? Money, smart politics, luck

* Blagojevich campaign fund almost tapped out by legal bills

* Taking witness stand a risky wager


I, me, mine

Monday, Jul 19, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This is a classic version of the old saying that begins “One man’s pork…” The Southern Illinoisan wants the state to spend money to upgrade the Hayes House, which is known as the Southern Executive Mansion

Unlike the Springfield mansion, the Hayes House doesn’t host any events unless Quinn is in the residence, as it does not meet the necessary requirements under the Americans with Disabilities Act. And the house will stay that way. “It’s going to remain a residence,” Bourland said. “For ADA, it would need an elevator, and that’s not going to happen.”

Well, we beg to differ.

The General Assembly should find the money to bring the house tastefully into ADA compliance, and it should become another focal point for Southern Illinois events and culture.

And, heck, we’d like the governor and other elected statewide officials to stop down and stay for a few days more often. Have an open house. We’d like to say hi.

Why is this such a classic? Here’s a Southern Illinoisan editorial from the end of May

There really are only three things, and they must be done in combination, that can get Illinois out of this sucking financial black hole.

The state must first commit to launching no new projects and then making responsible cuts in spending. Then it can ask for more revenues (yes, taxes).

To pretend otherwise is nothing less than posturing for election or re-election.

So, no new projects except for what we demand.

Like I said. Classic.

* Related and a roundup…

* A tax holiday with doom and gloom

* Gov. Quinn to visit region today, receive briefing on TEC facility

* State budget isn’t all that needs fixing

* Bomke, Brauer open to giving up stipends

* Gov. Quinn slashes staff salaries, institutes furlough days

* Facing heat, Quinn cuts top staff pay

* Quinn says raises were needed to fill vacancies

* Statehouse Insider: Why didn’t Quinn just rescind those raises?

* Quinn Names Child Welfare Vet to Head up Youth Prisons

* Dept. of Juvenille Justice merging with DCFS

* Quinn signs teen ’sexting’ legislation

* Quinn signs bills on dog fighting, seniors, vets

* Veto pen wrong way to create open primary

* Our Opinion: Lawmakers should OK open primary bill

* Editorial: Open to the idea of primary change

* Autopsy reports frequent target of new open government law

* Besides dirty carp, what else can we sell to China?


Daley’s numbers in the dumper

Monday, Jul 19, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Tribune has more bad news on the Mayor Daley polling front

(T)he poll found only 37 percent of city voters approve of the job Daley is doing as mayor, compared with 47 percent who disapprove. Moreover, a record-low 31 percent said they want to see Daley re-elected, compared with 53 percent who don’t want him to win another term.

Then again, just 41 percent wanted to see Daley re-elected in the Trib’s poll before the last mayoral race, but Daley took 71 percent of the vote in that contest.

About 80 percent disapproved of the mayor’s handling of the parking meter lease debacle, down from 90 percent a year ago, but still in the serious problem territory. More trouble spots…

On other issues, 68 percent of voters said they disapprove of Daley’s efforts to curb City Hall corruption, and 54 percent disapprove of the mayor’s handling of crime. Only one-third of voters approve of Daley’s crime-fighting efforts.

Daley just doesn’t seem to be all that engaged on the crime issue, which is getting worse. A police officer in uniform was murdered recently by people trying to rob him

“The man was in uniform,” said Marcus Burks, 35, a bricklayer and a father who was one of the first to run to Bailey after he’d been killed in the 7400 block of South Evans Avenue.

“A Chicago police officer gets shot to death outside his house, he’s in full uniform, and he gets killed because some thugs want to rob his car on Sunday morning?” Burks asked me.

But those who think Chicagoans are begging to buy pistols to defend themselves might want to think again. 56 percent support Daley’s push to ban handguns in the city. Another positive…

Three-quarters of city voters approved of his efforts for more Wal-Marts in Chicago

And Daley is still popular in the suburbs…

In the six-county suburban area, 56 percent of voters approve of the job Daley is doing, while only 26 percent disapprove.

* The Sun-Times looks at some who think they might want to challenge hizzoner

Freshman Ald. Scott Waguespack (32nd) said Friday he’s seriously considering running for mayor — whether or not Mayor Daley seeks a seventh term — because he’s fed up with the corruption, waste and mismanagement that have dogged the Daley era. […]

Aldermen Robert Fioretti (2nd) and Tom Allen (38th) are also considering running. So is the mayor’s former corruption-fighting inspector general, David Hoffman, and retiring Cook County Assessor Jim Houlihan.

To pull the trigger on a mayoral campaign, Waguespack said he would have to raise about $2 million.

Daley responds to the Trib poll…

“Everybody’s worried about polls in the United States, and all politicians worry about polls — they should worry about their actions,” he said, speaking at a march against violence in Woodlawn. “I do this six days a week — I’m passionate about it — you have to be passionate about your job, and there’s ups and downs.”

* Related…

* Anti-violence message is lost on thug element

* Uniformed Chicago officer is shot, killed at South Side home after guarding Daley’s house

* Daley: Shooting Death of Cop ‘Outrageous’

* Quinn To Sign New Gun Legislation - Slain Officer Thomas Wortham’s Family To Join Him

* Daley on dog pound deaths: ‘Put things in perspective’

* Daley: Dog deaths ‘mistake,’ but keep it in perspective

* Daley Downplays Accidental Dog Euthanizations

* Alderman asks for increased police after rash of iPhone thefts


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Monday, Jul 19, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* Pritzker urges Senate Democrats to vote no on the Continuing Resolution (Updated x7)
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