*** UPDATED x1 *** This just in… Quinn pulls election-year stunt, deletes party ID laws
Tuesday, Jul 13, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * 3:28 pm - Gov. Pat Quinn just announced that he has used his amendatory veto pen to change longstanding state law. Quinn has unilaterally altered statutes that require voters to declare their party affiliation during primary elections. From a press release…
Whatever you think about the merits, the bizarre thing about this AV is that the underlying bill is only tangentially related to the subject at hand. He basically wrote a new state law from scratch. The bill, HB 4842, “Requires (now, permits) the State Board of Elections to publish an Internet voters’ guide before each general primary in the same manner as before each general election.” That’s all it did. The bill struck language stating “has the discretion to” and replaced it with “shall” Quinn’s amendatory veto, however, adds several new sections to the bill, then changes those sections to his liking. From the Illinois Constitution…
Here’s the problem. Quinn had no objection to the actual bill. His objection is to sections he added to the bill from standing law. I just cannot see how this is constitutional. If I’m wrong, please correct me in comments. …Adding… After reading my always bright commenters, I’m becoming more convinced that this may actually be consitutional after all. Whether the GA thinks so is another matter. Still waiting on responses from House and Senate leaders. *** UPDATE *** The House Democratic response was, as usual, “It’s under review.” The Senate Democratic response essentially says the same thing…
Judge may delay trial a week
Tuesday, Jul 13, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * Looks like we’re going to get a little break in the trial…
Hmm. I may use this as an opportunity to take some time off. The defense has been arguing that they can’t get a fair trial without a delay…
And we got a hint about at least two witnesses Adam wants to call…
DC is gonna go absolutely nuts over that. * The old rule about federal prosecutions is: “First one on the train doesn’t get thrown under the bus,” or something like that. Lon Monk refused a train ticket in 2005 when the feds came calling. He’s now going to prison. John Wyma eagerly jumped aboard the tren federales in 2008, and today he is testifying against his old friend Rod Blagojevich with a grant of immunity…
* Roundup…
Question of the day
Tuesday, Jul 13, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * Mark Kirk and Bill Brady during a rare joint public appearance… ![]() Caption?
We’re not Greece, Part 429
Tuesday, Jul 13, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * From Bloomberg…
But all is, of course, not well in Illinois. From the Samson Capital report…
Our pension contributions as a percentage of our state budget are far higher than the average. But this hyperbole about Greece is goofy, and I’m glad at least somebody is sane enough to back me up. Mark Kirk is a different story…
The serial exaggerator strikes again. * Meanwhile…
Nice catch by Greg, especially the part about how Quinn didn’t even mention the idea in his press release. No way does he want to talk about stuff like that. I’m curious what you think of the idea, however. Should the state employee retirement age be raised to 72? * Related and a state roundup…
No strike talks for another week
Tuesday, Jul 13, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * Unions representing striking workers say employers walked out yet again yesterday on negotiations aimed at ending work-stoppages on dozens of road and construction projects in the Chicago area. No new talks are scheduled until next Monday. From an Operating Engineers Local 150 press release quoting President-Business Manager James Sweeney…
The construction season is slipping away. No scheduled talks for another week means the governor really needs to get involved here.
Brady hits back with radio spot
Tuesday, Jul 13, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * Bill Brady has a new radio ad, which his campaign claims will air statewide beginning today. The ad is likely an attempt to dilute the focus on and “balance” the news coverage of Pat Quinn’s new TV ad, which hits Brady hard on social issues. TV trumps radio, but radio is quite effective in Chicago because so many people have such long commutes. Script…
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Obvious to everyone but himself
Tuesday, Jul 13, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * When you have a bad reputation for serial exaggeration, then fairly normal political attacks on your opponent become tougher to pull off. For instance, a Mark Kirk TV ad has been assailed by both Politifact and FactCheck.org for stretching the truth when it claims “Alexi Giannoulias’ top aide was a longtime BP lobbyist.” That’s pretty much bunk, of course. The guy isn’t a top aide and did zoning work for BP gas stations in Chicago. Kirk was pushed on this yesterday by reporters and responded thusly…
But Kirk took $150,000 in campaign contributions from lawyers at Chicago law firm Kirkland & Ellis, which is representing BP in the oil spill case. His response?…
You wonder whether he even hears himself when he talks out of both sides of his mouth like that. * Also yesterday, Kirk refused once again to talk about allegations that he’d grossly inflated his military career. He also - finally - clarified his position on repealing the new health care reform law…
* Related…
Morning Shorts
Tuesday, Jul 13, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * Lake County Ranger Killed in Afghanistan * Suburban soldier killed in Afghanistan * Report: Cook County still shaky on Shakman
* Sun-Times: U. of I. too quick to fire Catholic prof
* College orientation is emphasized more than ever — even involving some parents * State panel to look into Metra * Hinz: Can Metra clean up its own mess? * To cut gridlock, drivers should pay for fast lane, new study says
* Chicago Hotels Among World’s Best
* Chicago’s tough new gun ordinance goes into effect * City Tries To Clear Up Confusion About New Gun Law * Weis on gun law: ‘We want to know who has weapons’
* So you want to buy a gun? * Gun seekers must be patient for permit * Ex-prosecutor Coleman confirmed for U.S. bench here * Swimming Advisory at Ten Chicago Beaches * Swim Advisories Remain Through Monday * No criminal charges in pool death * Report finds drinking, nudity, sex at party
* Zoning for Islamic center in DuPage debated
* Ash borer found in tree in New Lenox * Orland SD 135 board questions grant money * Homewood SD 153 may face $3 million deficit by 2013 * District 26 board sees fourth resignation in a year * Kane health workers: Don’t cut jobs, services * Program cuts’ impact more than dollars and cents * Chicago Heights Park District Board OKs deficit 2010-11 budget * Geneva building commissioner Chuck Lencioni dies * Carol Stream parks will pay village $1.6 million for rec center * [Rockford] Alderman suggests 5% pay cut to save fire stations from closure * Budget estimates indicate more Winnebago County savings needed * Vote to eliminate Harlem Township fails as expected * [Quincy] City Council OKs spending $165,000 on improvements for apartment development * Mississippi River county developers get state financing help from 2008 flood aftermath * Union organizer nominated for Peoria County board * [East Peoria] hosts hearing on Bass Pro Shops * Growing reserves for Bloomington?
* Blue-green algae in Clinton Lake source of concern
* Champaign school board member: President bypassed policy on superintendent complaint * Springfield schools get $15 million facelift * O’Fallon bends its own rules to rush payment to state agency
DGA whacks Brady in new TV ad
Tuesday, Jul 13, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * The Democratic Governors Association is up on TV with a significant buy in Chicago. More details for subscribers tomorrow. From Politico…