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Unsolicited advice

Wednesday, Jul 21, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Dear Illinois Democrats,

It’s not over yet

The surprisingly early end to former Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s corruption trial is “bleeping golden” news to Illinois Democrats — and even some national Democrats — who dreaded the prospect of a verdict coming just before Election Day, Nov. 2.

“Democrats should be cheering and partying in the streets about the fact that the trial is over,” said Democratic consultant Kitty Kurth. “I know my friends on the Republican side will still have plenty of things they’ll be criticizing Democrats about, but this will give them one less piece of ammunition.

“The Republicans will still talk about the trial, but at least it won’t be in the newspapers and on the radio and on people’s television every night.”

This will all be back “on the air” when Republicans start running advertisements. And that’s what people see and remember the most anyway.

* Dear Gov. Quinn,

Your campaign should reimburse the state

Gov. Pat Quinn flew to southern Illinois on the state plane Monday where he attended two campaign-related events, threw out the first pitch at a minor-league baseball game and toured a construction project at Southern Illinois University.

A campaign spokeswoman insisted Tuesday that the governor was not using state resources for political gain when he made the two campaign-related stops.

“Bottom line, he was there as the governor of the state for an event at SIU and to throw out the first pitch at the baseball game,” campaign spokeswoman Mica Matsoff said. “While in town, he stopped by two additional events with various constituents, including colleagues, party folks and supporters.”

“He most certainly did not use the state plane for any political purpose,” Matsoff said.

Yes, he did.

* Dear Congressman Kirk,

I hope your friends on the Right don’t see this

Castle and Kirk, for example, were helpful allies to Democrats after they captured control of the House in 2006.

They both voted for several proposals of the legislative agenda Democrats campaigned on to oust Republicans from power. In January of 2007, they voted to implement the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission; to increase the federal minimum wage to $7.25 an hour; and to repeal tax cuts to oil companies and mandate they pay fees for removing oil from the Gulf of Mexico.

They also voted in 2007 for a measure opposing President George W. Bush’s plan to increase troops in Iraq, and sponsored a $35 billion expansion of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program.

Senate Republicans, weary of life in the minority, are too excited about Castle, Kirk and other centrists winning Democratic seats to quibble about their records. Republicans would need to win 10 seats in order to capture the majority.

On the other hand, why are you making such a big deal out of your partisan, conservative bona fides when bipartisan moderation could woo some more votes? Or am I wrong? I’d like to know.

* Dear Illinois leaders,

Are you ashamed yet?

An alliance of social-services providers has just received and passed on to me results of a Freedom of Information Act request it submitted to Illinois Comptroller Dan Hynes’ office.

The list details who’s owed what. In particular, down to the cent, the data being released by Illinois Partners for Human Services lists $490,314,860.75 owed to tax-exempt, non-profit organizations —many of them certified charities that lead a precarious life in the best of times.

A stunning 136 groups are owed at least $1 million each, with the outstanding IOUs stretching back as far as December 2009, according to the comptroller’s office.

* Dear SJ-R,

Far be it from me to discourage your use of a subscriber firewall, but I think you’re missing the point. You’ve got this new thing called “First in Print,” where you don’t publish some stories online. Some of those stories are kind of interesting to me. Recently you teased us with this on the front page of your site…

The building that houses Norb Andy’s Tabarin on Capitol Avenue has been sold—again. Read more about the new owners in a story only available in today’s print edition of The State Journal-Register.

OK, that’s an establishment where I sometimes find myself, so I was interested in seeing who the new building owners were. But here’s what I saw when I clicked on the link that took me to the “First in Print” page

The building that houses Norb Andy’s Tabarin on Capitol Avenue has been sold—again.

The recent purchase by David Ridenour, who with David Schmitz also runs the Rippon Kinsella House bed-and-breakfast, 1317 N. Third St., marks the fourth time since 1991 that the Hickox Building, which contains Norb Andy’s, has been sold, according to Sangamon County property records. This time, the sellers took a loss.

That’s all I really wanted to know. Thanks much for the freebie.

Remember, a little less info when you’re trying to upsell. Just sayin’.

* Your turn.

…Adding… Dear readers,

Sorry we haven’t covered this

In a courtroom with fewer than 20 friends and family, attorneys Tuesday closed out, for the second time, the case against former Chicago Streets and Sanitation Commissioner Al Sanchez and city worker Aaron DelValle. Jurors will begin their deliberations Wednesday following the two-week trial, the second time Sanchez and DelValle have been tried on charges they helped organize patronage hiring of members of the politically powerful Hispanic Democratic Organization.

From the US Attorney at 3:11 this afternoon…

Assistant U.S. Attorneys Julie Porter and Manish Shah will be available at 3:30 p.m. today in the Dirksen Courthouse lobby to comment on the guilty verdicts just returned against retired Chicago Streets and Sanitation Commissioner Al Sanchez and co-defendant Aaron DelValle.


Question of the day

Wednesday, Jul 21, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From Republican secretary of state nominee Robert Enriquez’s semi-annual campaign finance report

Funds available at the beginning of the reporting period $3,151.69
Total Receipts $11,235.31
Subtotal $14,387.00
Total Expenditures $11,122.99
Funds available at the close of the reporting period $3,264.01

* From Enriquez’s Facebook page

He appears to be standing in front of the White House. No, not incumbent SoS Jesse White’s house. The White House in DC.

* The Question: Caption?


UI paying $195K for an executive assistant

Wednesday, Jul 21, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* It’s really tough to swallow the University of Illinois’ constant poverty cries when they do stuff like this

President Michael Hogan’s new executive assistant will earn $195,000. A former assistant provost, she could also serve as a sociology professor here.

Lisa Troyer of the University of Connecticut will start July 26, though she has been serving on an interim basis since July 2.

She was not available for comment Tuesday.

A predecessor, Kathleen Metz, earned $107,500 in 2009-10 as executive assistant to B. Joseph White.

The UI’s chief spokesman, Tom Hardy, said comparing the salaries was a matter of “apple and oranges” since Metz, who has retired, was a civil service employee, and Troyer has been a professor and administrator.

Not to mix “apple and oranges,” but that’s more than the governor makes.

* Meanwhile, some commenters pointed this fact out when the governor issued his 24 furlough days order…

When Gov. Pat Quinn’s office issued an administrative order last week requiring non-union state workers to take 24 furlough days this fiscal year, the declaration said the resulting pay reduction would not affect pensions.

On Tuesday, the administration acknowledged that the additional furlough days will affect pensions and that it is working to alleviate the impact.

Employees will be happy to hear that the governor is working on legislation to address this, but fiscal conservatives might be aghast…

Kraft said the governor wants to find some mechanism where furloughs will not affect pensions, including legislation if necessary.

And state Rep. Raymond Poe and Sen. Larry Bomke only recently discovered that the bill they passed this year to allow workers to make their own pension payments for furlough days has been interpreted to mean a potentially gigantic interest bill…

Poe and Bomke said they only recently learned that SERS is also charging employees interest on the amount, 8.5 percent calculated from the time they joined the system.

That’s pretty goofy.

* Related…

* State lawmakers’ kin score at Metra

* Southern Illinoisan: Airport development will aid entire region

* Graduate union says UI violates contract

* Wildlife Prairie State Park workers offered separation package

* Sheriffs Ask Quinn to Veto Foreclosure Fees Bill

* High-speed rail work to begin in September

* Deal reached to begin work on high-speed Chicago/St. Louis rail line

* Start of high-speed rail track upgrade planned


Streator mayor sits down with Cohen

Wednesday, Jul 21, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Scott Lee Cohen “listening tour” stopped in Streator yesterday. And Cohen met with the town’s mayor, Jimmie Lansford

Cohen denied accusations he failed to pay child support, abused his ex-wife and held a knife to his girlfriend’s throat.

“Those are half-truths and lies,”Cohen told The Times. “Anybody who’s gone through a messy divorce knows how things get said and blown out of context. The truth is, I never did anything wrong.” […]

Lansford told Cohen about a program at Illinois Valley Community College educating students in wind farm maintenance. He also mentioned the truck driving program at IVCC.

“I dig that,” said Cohen, who wants to plan a trip to IVCC. “We should be putting more focus on improving the manufacturing in our communities and giving them the technological skills to succeed.”

He never did anything wrong? I thought he was trying to be upfront about his past. Now he’s Mr. Clean?

Cohen is in Sangamon County today.

* Meanwhile, Cohen reported loaning his campaign about $600,000 since the February primary and spent about $425K. Some of that was on bills for his lt. governor primary campaign, but much of it appeared to be directed towards launching his governor’s bid. Cohen reported just $114,000 on hand, but it’s likely he has more where that came from.

Also, Cohen reported raising just $130 from individual contributors. Not $130K. $130.


*** UPDATED x4 With Videos *** Blagojevich, attorneys speak to the press

Wednesday, Jul 21, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 12:07 pm - OK, here we go. Rod Blagojevich speaks to reporters. Click here for NBC5’s live video. Or, you can click here for CBS2’s live feed. Help us out by live-blogging in comments. Thanks.

* Blagojevich said he wanted to testify, but relied on Sam Adam, Sr.’s advice that he shouldn’t.

“The government in my case proved my innocence.”

“Perhaps, maybe the biggest lesson that I learned is that I talk to much.” And with that, he walked away.

* Sam Adam, Sr. is now talking to the press. He said he raised his son to disagree with him on everything.

“What happened to Rezko?” … “They said constantly that they were going to call all these witnesses for four months.” … “Why aren’t you [in the media] on that case? They’re the ones who failed to prove their case here.” … “The simple answer is we were prepared to testify when they brought these people [Rezko, Levine, etc.] on. They never brought them on.” … “We’re playing our own game… which is let them prove their case.” … “Listen, we don’t have an obligation to put on a defense here.”

* Sam Adam, Jr: “Did I believe at the time when I said that, that he was going to testify? Yes, I did… We are not in the business here of pleasing people.” … “I spent, and I’m not joking with you guys, 150 hours, 200 hours going over tapes with him… He’s prepared to testify. It simply came down to an argument between an old bull and a young toad… [Putting Blagojevich on the stand] makes it seem as if the government is right.”

* Sam Adam, Sr. guesses 8-5 that Blagojevich walks. He then backs off that and says 100 percent.

* Sr: “I’ve heard every tape. They played their best [ones]. Don’t [say] that they had tapes that they hid.”

* End. Thoughts?

*** UPDATE 1 *** If you missed it earlier, here’s Rod Blagojevich talking to the media

*** UPDATE 2 *** It just gets weirder and weirder

A Wall Street Journal reporter was handcuffed in the lobby of the courthouse just a few minutes ago.

“Interviewing an attorney,” reporter Doug Belkin said, handcuffed in the elevator with several court security officers. It’s against courthouse rules to do interviews outside a designated press area.

The security officers escorted the reporter up to lock-up.

“I told him three times to back up and he didn’t. He put his hands on me,” the security officer said.

*** UPDATE 3 *** Again, if you missed it earlier, here are Blagojevich’s attorneys talking to the press

*** UPDATE 4 *** Robert Blagojevich spoke briefly to the media


Daley has spent over $300K on polling in the past year

Wednesday, Jul 21, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* After the Tribune released its polling showing that only 31 percent would like to see him reelected, Mayor Daley tried to brush off the results

“Everybody’s worried about polls in the United States, and all politicians worry about polls — they should worry about their actions,” he said, speaking at a march against violence in Woodlawn. “I do this six days a week — I’m passionate about it — you have to be passionate about your job, and there’s ups and downs.”

Yes, “everybody’s worried about polls” including Daley. I checked hizzoner’s recent campaign disclosure reports and found that he has spent $308,000 since June of last year on his pollster, Greenberg, Quinlan, Rosner Research Inc.

Daley’s campaign cut a $63,000 check to his pollster on March 5th, then another $91,692.33 check on April 2nd. Maybe he didn’t get the results he wanted the first time around.

Last August 19th, the campaign paid its pollster $91,250.24. On June 26th of last year, Daley spent $63,000.00 on the pollster.

That far from an election, politicians will use polling and focus groups to hone their messages. Obviously, it isn’t working. Then again, considering the city’s multitude of problems, mere pollster-inspired spin isn’t quite enough to do the trick.

* Walter Jacobson’s latest report reveals that Daley isn’t encouraged at all by that polling

The only way to know if he is or isn’t, is to know one of three people: the mayor himself, his wife Maggie or his brother Bill, who is the only person in politics who is in on every move the mayor makes.

Bill’s been saying in public that he doesn’t know what his brother’s planning to do. In private, he’s been saying the mayor intends not to run again - because he wants more time to spend with Maggie, and the job isn’t fun anymore.

Not enough money in the budget, and too much hostility in the press.

Bill Daley saying that Rich Daley is thinking ‘no’ is a big shift in the gusty winds of Chicago politics, and a big story to begin to tell.

* Meanwhile, the person responsible for screwing up the CTA more than anyone else is resigning from his latest Daley job

Frank Kruesi, one of Mayor Richard Daley’s longest-serving advisors, has resigned as Chicago’s top lobbyist in Washington, D.C.

The former president of the Chicago Transit Authority, who served as assistant secretary of policy at the Department of Transportation during the Clinton administration, has been a key adviser to the mayor over most of the last three decades, starting when Mr. Daley was Cook County state’s attorney.

Kruesi confirmed his resignation, saying he’s leaving at the end of the month.

* Campaign roundup…

* Campaign cash reports rolling in: Senate Majority Leader John Cullerton (D-Chicago) reported having $3.5 million in his Senate Democratic Victory Fund to help candidates around the state. Senate Minority Leader Christine Radogno (R-Lemont) reported her campaign fund has $709,000 in cash after raising $229,000 in the first six months. House Speaker Michael Madigan’s own campaign warchest, Friends of Michael Madigan, collected $788,587, spent $609,071 and had $1,968,238 in the kitty on June 30. The Democratic Party of Illinois, which the Chicago Democrat chairs, collected $149,128, spent $179,618 and had nearly $1.5 million on hand.

* Giannoulias has ethics plan; GOP fires back

* New York Mayor Bloomberg hosted Mark Kirk Illinois Senate fund-raiser Monday

* Schock outraises opponents by sixfold

* Former nun sees God’s hand in 35th House District race

* Campaign cash: Morthland leads Ahern

* 92nd, 91st districts gear up for tough fights

* Judge to rule soon on Crenshaw candidacy

* Preckwinkle surges ahead in fund-raising



Wednesday, Jul 21, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

*** UPDATE 1 - 9:22 am *** From the Chicago News Coop

Rod Blagojevich’s attorneys will rest their case today without calling a single witness to the stand, according to Robert Blagojevich’s attorney Michael Ettinger. In addition, the defense has asked Judge James Zagel to wait until Monday for closing arguments.

Walking into the Dirksen Federal Building Wednesday morning, Blagojevich attorneys Sam Adam Sr. and Sam Adam Jr. said they would make a statement after speaking with the judge.

*** UPDATE 2 - 9:24 am *** CBS2

The trial of former Gov. Rod Blagojevich appears to be coming to a sudden and unexpected end, as defense attorneys indicated before court began Wednesday that Blagojevich would not be taking the stand, despite repeated promises over the past 19 months that he would.

Blagojevich attorney Sam Adam Jr. told reporters on his way to the courtroom that they would make an official decision once the trial resumed and that the governor would then come down and make a statement.

That would indicated that the former governor would not be testifying and that his defense team would rest its case without calling any witnesses.

Man, I hope somebody has live video of that.

*** UPDATE 3 - 9:28 am *** CBS2 will have live video of the Blagojevich availability I’m told. I’ll let you know what’s going on. Meanwhile, Sun-Times

It looks like former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich hasn’t changed his mind about not testifying in his own defense against corruption charges, sources told the Chicago Sun-Times this morning.

*** UPDATE 4 - 9:35 am *** Rich Samuels makes a good point on his Twitter page…

Remember at George Ryan’s indictment Dan Webb telling us the ex-Gov would take the stand at trial. Didn’t happen, of course

*** UPDATE 5 - 9:41 am *** I’m pretty sure the live CBS2 video of the press conference will be at this link. I’ll let you know when it starts.

*** UPDATE 6 - 9:48 am *** Strike that. You’ll be clicking here for the live CBS2 feed instead.

*** UPDATE 7 - 9:56 am *** A little courtroom color from the Sun-Times…

At 9:40, the media is still cordoned off from entering the courtroom — but the tension is already palpable. One reporter is sweating profusely, wiping sweat with a napkin. Another spoke of feeling unnerved.

A security officer just announced that whoever doesn’t have a ticket should go to the overflow room on the 14th floor now, because there will be no room.

The overflow room is crowded, too. The usually-empty benches for the public are filled with people, and new media faces are vying for precious seats at the tables. Even the jury box is full of spectators.

*** UPDATE 8 - 9:59 am *** Interesting blog post by WBEZ’s reporter

This is not a “prosecution hasn’t proved anything” defense. This is a strategic move to limit the damages. The prosecution had these two witnesses listed at the beginning of the trial: Tony Rezko and Stuart Levine. The prosecution chose not to put them up in their part of the case because they were waiting for the former governor to take the stand, spew long-winded and loose and then surprise/shock the world by bringing these men up to counter. So Blagojevich would say he never did anything wrong and then bam, two convicted businessmen would take the stand and debunk everything the gov said. The problem? The prosecution showed their hand. And the defense knew what was coming, so they called.

In my eyes, this is in-trial plea bargaining. The defense realizes that the big charges won’t stick and it is not worth the risk of the jury getting a whiff of Rezko and Levine. So they are settling in-court. Now maybe the prosecution didn’t do a good job of presenting their case. But really, this is about what they didn’t present. Two guys, two people with intimate knowledge that the jury would potentially use to make up their mind. The defense can’t take that chance.

Essentially, the Blagojevich defense is content on being convicted. They are hedging their bets that it will be for something small and hope to dodge the Rezko bullet which might have been the kill shot.


*** UPDATE 9 - 10:04 am *** NBC5 has its live camera up and running. Click here.

*** UPDATE 10 - 10:08 am *** They’re getting underway. Sun-Times

Finally, just before 10:00 — a half-hour later than usual — spectators have been let into the courtroom.

*** UPDATE 11 - 10:13 am *** NBC5 reports that the defense has just rested. “The case is over.” There will be no testimony by Rod Blagojevich.

*** UPDATE 12 - 10:18 am *** Via NBC5, the prosecution is introducing a new phone call recording as a rebuttal, so there won’t be a Blagojevich media avail for a bit yet.

*** UPDATE 13 - 10:28 am *** The jurors are filing out.

*** UPDATE 14 - 10:34 am *** The judge said the proceedings will resume Monday at 9:30. From NBC5

Rod Blagojevich stands before judge. Zagel: “Is it your personal decision not to testify?” Rod: “Yes”

*** UPDATE 15 - 10:35 am *** From the Sun-Times

The government calls one rebuttal witness for Robert Blagojevich, FBI agent Dan Cain, and played a couple recordings. The defense objected to the tapes, but the judge overruled.

One is a call from Dec. 5, 2008 at 8:02 a.m. in which Robert Blagojevich tells a Friends of Blagojevich assistant he doesn’t want to talk on the phone.

“I’d rather do it on the cell, where no one can hear us,” she says.

“Oh, I don’t know about that,” Robert answers.

The government has rested its case.

*** UPDATE 16 - 10:37 am *** Blagojevich is already blaming his lawyers

As Rod #Blagojevich walks out od courtroom, with a big smile he says “Sometimes you have to listen to the advice of your lawyers”

*** UPDATE 17 - 10:39 am *** Carol Marin is now doing the live broadcast for NBC5. CLICK HERE TO WATCH.

*** UPDATE 18 - 10:42 am *** Hound

Moments after saying he wont testify, Rod #Blagojevich is in the courtroom signing autographs.

*** UPDATE 19 - 10:53 am *** Busted

Marshalls stopping Rod Blagojevich from giving autographs in courtroom


*** UPDATE 20 - 10:54 am *** More courtroom color

Rod is in a navy suit, Patti is wearing a summer dress and has a pair of dark circles under her eyes. She’s sitting next to her sister, Deb Mell. […]

After much anticipation, the scene was not a dramatic one. Judge James Zagel asked if Robert Blagojevich had any other evidence to offer. He didn’t.

In those seconds, Rod Blagojevich sat at the defense table, looking down. He neatly organized pens in front of his notebook.

Zagel then gestured to Sorosky, who stood up and announced it: “At this time, the defendant Rod Blagojevich would rest.”

The jurors all looked at the defendant’s table.

One jurors’ eyes widened hearing the news. Others, for the most part, remained without expression.

*** UPDATE 21 - 11:27 am *** Fox Chicago

Zagel asked if any of the attorneys had started to draft instructions for the jury on how to deliberate each charge. The prosecution spoke with Zagel about instructions on forfeiture charges.

Sorosky asked the judge for the prosecution to submit its version of instructions later Wednesday. The defense would look at it Thursday and possibly hold an instruction conference on Friday morning. Zagel scheduled it for Friday at 9 a.m.

Zagel also set a hearing for Thursday morning regarding the release of juror’s names based on a motion filed by several print media outlets, so it is heard before the issue possibly becomes moot.

Zagel said he’ll hear arguments for motions for judgment Wednesday afternoon and recessed court until 1:30 p.m

*** UPDATE 22 - 11:49 am *** Everybody’s still waiting

The press pit in the lobby of the Dirksen Federal Building is packed to the gills as reporters wait for Rod Blagojevich and his team of lawyers to exit the building. We’ve been told they plan to talk.

Word is the team is now hunkered down in a conference room upstairs, possibly strategizing about what to say to the media. It’s hard to get definite word, though — court personnel has banned everyone from the courtroom area.

In the meantime, court security officers have had to bring out ropes to hold back the restless crowd of reporters and cameramen. It’s the first time that’s happened this entire trial. A mic stand is nearly toppling over with microphones.

[ *** END OF UPDATES *** ]

* According to the ever-reliable Sun-Times Blago Blog, we’ll know by 9:30 today whether Rod Blagojevich will testify

Ultimately, sources tell the Sun-Times that on Monday night, the attorneys and the former governor agreed that Blagojevich couldn’t withstand what promised to be a stinging cross examination. They were also concerned because during preparation he was reluctant to admit he made mistakes and couldn’t keep his answers brief.

Also factoring into the calculation: there was some concern that Tony Rezko might be called as a rebuttal witness by the prosecution if Blagojevich took the stand.

Sorosky conceded that without Blagojevich on the stand it closed the door to calling any rebuttal witness — Rezko or otherwise.

The challenge now left for the defense: Sam Adam Jr. told jurors in his opening statement they would hear from Rod Blagojevich. Judge James Zagel will tell jurors they aren’t allowed to hold the decision not to testify against a defendant.

I’ll be clicking this link over and over again. I’m kinda amazed that they don’t have Google ads on their posts. I know the Blago Blog is getting plenty of traffic during this ordeal.

* Second-most interesting thing to come out of yesterday’s trial. The State Police swept Blagojevich’s campaign office for bugs

After the news about Wyma [cooperating with the feds and helping them plant bugs] came out, Robert testifies, someone on the governor’s team had the Illinois State Police sweep the Friends of Blagojevich office for bugs on Dec. 8, 2008 — but Robert said he wasn’t concerned.

“Having the place swept for wires and bugs didn’t matter to me. We were doing nothing improper,” Robert testifies. “I never directed it. if Rod did, I’m not aware of it.”

Robert testifies that the order came from Chrissy Jacobs, a “politically connected” administrative assistant who was “very concerned about eavesdropping” and “a very excitable personality.”

The fact that the FOB offices may have been swept for bugs is a new revelation. Ultimately it did no good, or came too late — the FBI had bugs up already in the office, in addition to tapping numerous phone lines. And the governor was arrested the next day.

Also, this wasn’t the first time that an Illinois governor had used state police to try to combat federal investigators. A top aide to now-imprisoned Gov. George Ryan had state troopers do an illegal sweep of that governor’s Rosemont campaign office during his investigation in fall 1994.

* Roundup…

* Rod Blagojevich’s quotes about planning to testify: “Let me tell you what I’m not going to do. I’m not going to do what my accusers and political enemies have been doing, and that is talk about this case in 30-second sound bites on “Meet the Press” or on the TV news. Now, I’m dying to answer these charges. I am dying to show you how innocent I am. And I want to assure everyone who’s here and everyone who’s listening that I intend to answer every allegation that comes my way. However, I intend to answer them in the appropriate forum — in a court of law.” — Dec. 19, 2008, news conference.

* No Blago No Plea: As far as the rumor that Blagojevich was ready to take a plea deal, the source called that, “the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.”

* Experts: Blagojevich Makes a Good Call

* With Testimony, Blago Risks Digging Himself Deeper: Former Federal Prosecutor Gil Soffer

* Blagojevich Lawyers Divided on Whether Ex-Gov Should Testify

* Kadner: If Blago defense rests, Jackson the winner

* Tribune: Rod? Speechless?

* Brown: You’d think he’d be ashamed to back down now

* Sneed: Is Blagojevich trial over?

* Defense Rests for Robert Blagojevich

* Robert Blagojevich: “This whole experience has been a test”

* Robert Blagojevich: Blago campaign worker had state troopers sweep office for bugs the day before his arrest

* Nayak re-emerges as key figure in Blagojevich case

* Robert Blagojevich: I had “no problem” passing my brother’s message on to Raghu Nayak

* Robert Blagojevich: Raghu Nayak, other Indian fund-raisers were “awkward and clumsy and naive in our political system”

* Local Indian leaders ‘clumsy’ in pushing Jackson Jr., Rob says

* Robert Blagojevich: $6M Jackson emissary Raghu Nayak is a “likable exaggerator”

* No foot-dragging on Senate pick, brother says

* Protecting brother from ‘land mines’

* Blagojevich trial: Prosecutors work up to key phone call in Robert Blagojevich cross-examination

* Robert Blagojevich: I wish John McCain would have won

* Robert Blagojevich on cross: Sometimes government and fund-raising “bleed over”

* Robert Blago: ‘I Was In A War With The Government’

* ‘It’s What Politicians Do,’ Rob Blagojevich Says

* Robert Blagojevich: As a fund-raiser, “outrageous” requests from donors are part of the job

* Robert Blagojevich: Hospital CEO was just a name on a fund-raising list — not a target of pay-to-play

* Rob denies pressuring hospital CEO for campaign cash

* Rob: No jobs for donations

* Robert Blagojevich unapologetic on brother’s Cabinet seat hopes: “It would be a good fit”

* Robert Blagojevich: “That’s a leap I will no way step into”


Morning Shorts

Wednesday, Jul 21, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Funeral for fallen police officer Friday at St. Sabina Church

* Police Uniform No Longer Guarantees Officer Safety

* June unemployment rate rises in Illinois, falls in 39 other states

In Illinois, the June rate was 10.4 percent, up from 10 percent in May but down from 10.7 percent in April.

But only 21 states saw net job gains in June, the government said. That compared to 41 the previous month and is the fewest this year.

* Unemployed workers await extension of jobless checks

* Reserves dwindling as [Chicago] faces $700M budget gap

As of Dec. 31, the city had just $180 million left from the $1.15 billion parking meter windfall that was supposed to last for 75 years. There was $550 million remaining from the $1.83 billion deal that privatized the Skyway for 99 years.[…]

Daley is not expected to raid the the $500 million long-term reserve fund generated by the Skyway windfall, because doing so could threaten the bond rating that determines city borrowing costs.

In a May 11 report that reaffirmed Chicago’s AA minus rating, Standard & Poor’s wrote, “The stable outlook reflects our expectation that [the city] will, with the help of careful budgeting, improve its financial operations and not draw on its long-term reserves.”

* Crime Rates in Chicago Down, But Murders Up

Total crime dropped 3.9 percent while violent crimes – which includes criminal sexual assaults, robberies, aggravated assaults and aggravated batteries — saw a 10.6 percent drop, according to a police release.

* Poll: Chicagoans believe crime is up

The telephone poll of 800 male and female heads of household from the six-county Chicago area began July 8, one day after Chicago police Officer Thor Soderberg was gunned down in Englewood.

* Email Warns Gang Members are Targeting Chicago Police Officers

* CPS maintains diversity after admission changes

Upcoming school year entry-level admissions to nine college prep high schools that admit students based on tests and grades, and to the dozens of magnet schools that admit by lottery, remained at last year’s 77 percent minority student ratio, the preliminary data shows.

Notable blips across the board are an increase in the Hispanic student enrollment at these schools, and a corresponding decrease in both the African-American and Asian student enrollments, however. And maintenance of the African-American student ratio hinged on the opening of 100 college prep seats, outside the process, to students at CPS’ lowest performing schools. Those seats, at Jones, Northside, Walter Payton and Whitney Young, were awarded under the No Child Left Behind Act.

* CPS Releases Race Data for Magnet Schools

* Chart: CPS admissions data breakdown

* Sun-Times: Bold approach needed on diversity in schools

* Marin: Can we save kids from violent destiny?

A few months ago, NBC5 producer Don Moseley and I decided to revisit that documentary we had done two decades ago. In the wake of the shooting crisis gripping Chicago’s West and South Sides, we felt we needed context and a longer lens.

We went looking for Boo to see what had become of his dreams and his life. We talked to former residents of the now-demolished Henry Horner Homes, some of whom keep up with each other. But no one could tell us about Boo and his family.[…]

On the frozen January morning in 2009 that Barack Obama, of Chicago, became president of the United States, Alonzo “Boo” Campbell was sentenced to 28 years in prison for first-degree murder as an armed habitual criminal.

* Former Sun-Times executive Conrad Black granted bail

It was not immediately clear when Black would be released from the federal prison in Florida. The conditions of his release would be determined by a U.S. District Court judge in Chicago, according to an order from the three-judge panel.

* Trying Conrad Black again won’t be easy, experts say

* Man accused in Ill. bomb plot gets new attorney

* What’s the fallout from the construction strike?

Drivers could see summer road work pushed into late fall, IDOT spokesman Josh Kauffman said, adding he couldn’t provide specifics until the agreement is ratified.

“Each project will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis,” Kauffman said Tuesday. “The strike has not cost the state any money at this time. We’re optimistic the settlement will be finalized so construction can resume and we can put people back to work.”

* Strike ends too late for Memorial School students

Work at Memorial resumed Tuesday morning after the unions reached a tentative deal with a major contractor association Monday night.

Still, the strike caused too much of a setback for the project to be completed by its original deadline of Aug. 25. District officials say the completion date has now been moved back to November, and they hope to bring students back to Memorial in early January.

* Dispatchers say labor dispute could lead to strike

Northwest Central Dispatch System is the biggest single dispatcher of police and fire in the Northwest suburbs, covering Arlington Heights, Buffalo Grove, Elk Grove Village, Hoffman Estates, Mount Prospect, Palatine, Rolling Meadows, Schaumburg and Streamwood, as well as the Inverness Police Department, Palatine Rural Fire Protection District and Prospect Heights police.

The two sides have met once or twice a month since September 2009, as they negotiate the group’s first-ever collective bargaining agreement.

There is no deadline for when a contract must be signed, said Cindy Barbera-Brelle, the executive director of the dispatch system.

* McHenry Co. unions say strike may be possible

* Alexander Square proposal withdrawn

* Aurora alderman forced to spend much less in their wards

For years, each of the city’s 10 ward aldermen received $580,000 in discretionary funds to be used within their wards. The money, which was drawn from the gaming tax fund, was mainly intended for neighborhood street repair, but there were no restrictions on it, and some aldermen used it for other projects aimed at improving quality of life.

But with gaming tax revenue dropping, the City Council agreed to a compromise last year. The plan, developed by far East Side Aldermen Lynda Elmore, Leroy Keith and Rick Mervine, cut ward funds down to $75,000 each, with $50,000 of that reserved for capital projects like sidewalks and streets.

* Fed money released for Oswego Metra station

* Tinley Park trustees lukewarm to tax break for restaurant

* Schaumburg powers ahead of 8 other suburbs to win yearlong conservation contest

* Buffalo Grove village president tells trustee to ’shut up’

* Naperville says no red light camera tickets for right turns

* Utility fund requests heating up at [DuPage] county

* Kane panel: Voters should decide coroner issue

The county board’s Executive Committee unanimously decided Tuesday to recommend putting the issue to a public vote in the Nov. 2 general election. Board members plan to discuss the wording of the referendum question at an Aug. 4 committee of the whole meeting.

* Kane County Board leaders like medical examiner over coroner

* Kendall Board lays off planning chief

The layoff was called an economic move by those supporting it, a start toward balancing a budget that could be $500,000 to $600,000 in deficit by the end of the 2010 fiscal year, and is projected to be $2.8 million in the red by the end of the 2011 fiscal year.

* Moline approves $993,000 purchase in preparation for Amtrak

* Moline to buy property for Amtrak terminal

* First look at new plans for Moline rail station

* Prep work starts for B-N transportation center

* Quincy school, teachers union officials to meet with federal mediator to speed up contract talks

* Woodford County approves wind farm

* Decatur school board approves renovation of two high schools option

* Sullivan pulls together for cleanup in aftermath of storm

The city of Sullivan was still cleaning up Tuesday after being slammed by a ferocious summer storm that ripped off roofs, snapped trees, cut power and sent bricks and debris cascading into the town square.

The storm hit about 1:30 p.m. Monday, packing winds that some locals estimated at 60 to 80 mph amid a cloudburst that dumped more than 3 inches of rain on damaged buildings suddenly exposed to the sky.

* Money owed by state results in drop in Mendon School District fund balance at end of fiscal 2010

* Champaign council approves 5-year $1.56 million contract for multifamily recycling

* Hoopeston school board to discuss use of Cornjerkers trademarks, logos

* Ball-Chatham School Board OKs updated building plan

* News-Democrat: [Freeburg] Mayor must make meetings

* Belleville redevelopment project is a go

* Saline County deputy, school board president arrested on sex charge

* More adults drinking, but not drinking more


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Wednesday, Jul 21, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

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