IEA endorses Topinka, Kelly
Monday, Aug 2, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller
* As I told subscribers last week, the IEA has endorsed Judy Baar Topinka for comptroller. This is important to the race because the union gave a huge pile of money to Topinka’s Democratic opponent Rep. David Miller in the primary. From a press release…
The 133,000-member Illinois Education Association (IEA) is recommending Republican Judy Baar Topinka for state comptroller and Democrat Robin Kelly for state treasurer. […]
“Her experience as three-term state treasurer ensures that Judy Baar Topinka will hit the ground running as comptroller at a time when an experienced hand is crucial for the good of our state,” [IEA President Ken Swanson] Swanson said. […]
“We all know that our state budget is in crisis. Robin Kelly has the experience needed to run the treasurer’s office at this important time in our state’s history,” Swanson said.
Other recommendations announced by IEA include: Democratic incumbents Lisa Madigan and Jesse White for Illinois Attorney General and Illinois Secretary of State.
Topinka is a surprise because of the primary contributions to Miller and his sponsorship of a big tax hike. But Miller also voted for that pension reform bill. Kelly has to be pleased with this nod since the union often polls extensively before endorsing. The IEA also endorsed Lisa Madigan and Jesse White. The union has not yet endorsed in the US Senate race.
* Related and a roundup of stuff I forgot to post earlier today…
* Quinn puts brakes on school mandates: Gov. Pat Quinn has signed a new law that holds lawmakers from passing any new instructional mandates. Instructional mandates require school districts to integrate certain topics into their curriculums. The mandates can call for new standards in subjects ranging from history and language to driver’s education and physical health.
* AT&T, others made big donations, got action in Illinois General Assembly : AT&T asked the Legislature to ease telecom regulations so it could more easily compete in the exploding wireless market. The bill, though controversial among consumer advocates, was approved without a single “no” vote from state elected officials — who, collectively, have received more than a half-million dollars in campaign donations from the company since January 2009.
* Cheers & Jeers: Quinn continues to wreak havoc on lives
* Illinois Views: Furlough plan filled with confusion
* Our Opinion: Quinn has opportunity to offer in-depth budget proposal
* Our View: Quinn should stop abusing his veto power
* Reject rewrite of bill to clean up lists of voters
* Illinois Ready To Help Michigan
* Critics blast law allowing flood-plain development
* Employers who fail to pay workers to face tougher penalties
* Illinois penalizes employers who shortchange workers
* Illinois Stiffens Penalties for Wage Theft
* Our View: New watchdog will help improve tollway’s image
* Quinn makes appointments to 4 state boards
* State grants help fund renovations to Kelly Park
- VanillaMan - Monday, Aug 2, 10 @ 4:02 pm:
Tough break for Miller. This has been Topinka’s come-back year so far. Kudos to Topinka for her successes so far. She could have chosen differently, but selected this race wisely.
- Pat Robertson - Monday, Aug 2, 10 @ 4:21 pm:
==Employers who fail to pay workers to face tougher penalties==
So does this apply to the State or to Quinn personally if the plan not to pay merit comp employees for their holidays goes through?
- Amalia - Monday, Aug 2, 10 @ 4:23 pm:
don’t care what the teachers think. topinka is ethically
- Rich Miller - Monday, Aug 2, 10 @ 4:24 pm:
Thanks, Rod.
- Bill - Monday, Aug 2, 10 @ 4:27 pm:
What are they thinking?
- Amalia - Monday, Aug 2, 10 @ 4:30 pm:
um, one does not have to be Rod, or a Rod affiliate to know that
Judy had some problems. please don’t conflate me with his
antics, thanks.
- eastern pol - Monday, Aug 2, 10 @ 4:30 pm:
Good for jbt. She will be the top Republican vote getter. Though it looks like the GOP may pick up a few this year.
- Tangerine - Monday, Aug 2, 10 @ 4:47 pm:
MC employees won’t be forced to take holidays w/o pay - we’re given the option of taking a furlough and a holiday simultaneously rather than have both a holiday and a furlough day off.
I’m personally getting paid for the holiday and having another day off. Not because I don’t have enough to do, but I’m still really ticked at PQ for having to take 5 weeks of unpaid time off. He hasn’t “failed” to pay us yet… yet being the operative word. As much as this sucks, I’m still glad I’m not a state worker in Cali.
- Cheryl44 - Monday, Aug 2, 10 @ 5:38 pm:
I’ll never be able to vote for Topinka or any of the others who unleashed Alan Keyes on us.
Some things are unforgivable.
- DuPage Dave - Monday, Aug 2, 10 @ 5:58 pm:
The Personnel Code says that all employees are to be paid for a full day on each designated state holiday. Quinn does not have the power to invalidate state law all on his own.
Quinn made a mess for himself giving raises to his staff (who are “deserving”, unlike the rest of us) then compounded the felony by doubling the furlough days for employees who had no raise since Quinn took office.
But however foolish his decisions are, he can’t break the law. If he tries a judge will throw it out in 5 minutes.
- Bob - Monday, Aug 2, 10 @ 6:00 pm:
Illinois employers convicted twice in two years of cheating workers out of pay could face jail time under a bill Gov. Pat Quinn signed into law today.
There are a few at corrections that need to read this one.
- Rich Miller - Monday, Aug 2, 10 @ 6:15 pm:
===who unleashed Alan Keyes on us.===
More Blagojevich revisionism. She voted against Keyes and had her own candidate.
- Loop Lady - Monday, Aug 2, 10 @ 6:20 pm:
Judy deserves something for being soundly vilified by sleazebag Rod…I agree with Amalia that she is ethically challenged, but it’s all relative in IL politics folks…
- tikkunolam - Monday, Aug 2, 10 @ 6:41 pm:
Regardless of her potential problems from her time in office or at the head of the GOP, what exactly will Topinka do to help teachers? She’d be a huge fiscal megaphone through which the GOP could oppose the tax increase that would keep IEA members in their jobs. Miller’s been a fierce advocate for HB 174, one of the only legislators in a competitive election to do so. He put himself out on a huge limb for the IEA. I declare this odd.
- Emily Booth - Monday, Aug 2, 10 @ 6:49 pm:
Before Quinn docks holiday pay, the powers that be better make sure it’s not going to short people’s paychecks by 3 days instead of 1.
- Park - Monday, Aug 2, 10 @ 7:16 pm:
IEA gave $500K to Blago first election. He then hosed their pension fund.
JBT is a shoe-in….not much risk here in an endorsement. Will they surprise us with another R endorsement? I’d be amazed if they do.
- raising kane - Monday, Aug 2, 10 @ 7:36 pm:
“Will they surprise us with another R endorsement? I’d be amazed if they do.”
I think Mark Kirk has a real shot at getting it too.
- streeterville - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 1:43 am:
Would have liked to see Raja K win the D primary for comptroller. He could have raised a ton of cash to match Judy.
- PalosParkBob - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 8:54 am:
State and local teacher unions are very smart about investing campaign cash where it will buy them influence.
Their polling must be showing that Miller is a long shot to win, and there’s no percentage in endorsing a candidate who will lose.
There may be things that Topinka can do for them, such as prioritizing education payments instead of other discretionary payments to contractors and other vendors. She may also be able to make more timely partial payments for state grants.
At the local level,my high school’s eacher union actually didn’t endorse a former IEA union member in the last election, instead going for someone who they thought would win. They were wrong, and she won by a nose.
It’ll be interesting to see how she will vote on the next union contract this summer.
She owes them ZIP!
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 9:38 am:
why did quinn force jorge montes out as head of Prison review board. I have always heard he is a fair, hardworking man. The board approves fewer than 3% of persons eligible so that can be reason. anybody know real reason
- the Patriot - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 10:09 am:
I ripped the endorsement of Quinn and I will rip these two. Let be sure we note that these are endorsments from Union bosses, not teachers. The teachers have not met with their associations since May. Odd that we are getting edorsements when we know the teachers were not even consulted. What a scam.
Does Quinn’s moratorium on school mandates also put the kibosh on his race to the top legislation on teacher evaluations being tied to student performance. He touted this as a big deal a few months ago, now he puts legislation into effect saying never mind? I am not sure Pat Quinn agrees with Pat Quinn’s education policy.