Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » DGA up with new radio ad blasting Brady
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DGA up with new radio ad blasting Brady

Tuesday, Aug 3, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Democratic Governors Association is running a new radio ad attacking Bill Brady. Rate it


“Auction” – 60-second radio

Auctioneer: The bidding starts at eight dollars. Do I hear eight dollars? Eight…eight…

Man: I’ll go eight dollars…

Auctioneer: Thank you, Mister Bill Brady. Do I hear seven? Seven-dollars-an-hour for a lower minimum wage…

Wife (whispering to husband): Darling! What is Bill Brady doing?

Man: Seven! Yes! I’ll go seven…

Husband (annoyed): Keep your voice down, dear.

Auctioneer: Again! It’s Bill Brady! Can we go lower? Lowwwwer…

Wife (whispering to husband): But…how awful! Brady’s bidding to lower the minimum wage?

Husband (irritated): Yes, Mumsy! He said it back in June – Bill Brady thinks the Illinois minimum wage is too high.

Wife (urgently whispering to husband): And Brady wants to roll the minimum wage back?

Husband (irritated): Correct…

Wife (incredulous, whispering to husband): But, darling…we’re not even that cruel to the gardener!

Auctioneer: Sold! Bill Brady would roll back the minimum wage for Illinois families. And that’s why this ad is paid for by the Democratic Governors Association-Illinois. Not authorized by any candidate and no candidate is responsible for Democratic Governors Association-Illinois’ activities.

Strangest ad I’ve heard so far this season. What the heck? Am I wrong here?

…Adding… An alternate view from a trusted buddy who isn’t connected to either campaign…

I spend about 20-40 minutes a day in the car and have been through a few sessions with ad folks on this stuff.

Sounds, voices and repetition are what make radio ads good.

First thing you hear: “crack” of the auction gavel. That catches the listener’s attention.

Next thing is a fast talking auctioneer, then a husky voice of brady, then back to the auctioneer who deliberately changes his speed when he says “lowwwwer” minimum wage.

New voices from the couple at the auction, the back and forth on it and Lower minimum wage is repeated no short of 5 times.

Another crack of the gavel and then bill brady would roll back the minimum wage.

That is a great radio ad. It has sound effects, changing voices and it repeats the main thing they are trying to get across at least 4 or 5 times. Most people are distracted when listening to radio by driving or working. So, great radio ads involve tons of repetition and distinguishing sounds that make them memorable. The story is less important than the acting to catch someone’s attention.

I think it’s just way too cluttered to be effective. The repetition gets lost in the nonsense. But, we’ll see.

…Adding More… From a friend…

I know they are working a theme, but this doesn’t make me hate Bill… Unless they just want me to remember he is against the minimum wage as a set-up piece for when they go in for the kill on the taxes, Florida condo and Porsche

Good point.


  1. - Niles Township - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 11:35 am:

    No..your not wrong..this one is just plain weird.

  2. - Vote Quimby! - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 11:37 am:

    “Mumsy”? Is the ice-cream-truck music part of the ad too? YIKES!

  3. - George - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 11:38 am:

    we’re not even that cruel to the gardener!we’re not even that cruel to the gardener!

    Where is this ad airing? Country Club radio?

  4. - Amalia - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 11:38 am:

    no, you are not wrong. it is a waste of money. the point, even
    the very rich think Brady is wrong is just worthless, and the
    voices on the ad don’t sound like what they are to portray.
    especially whoever plays mumsy. WEIRD!

  5. - Small Town Liberal - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 11:39 am:

    How cruel are they to the gardener?

  6. - shore - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 11:40 am:

    the messaging on brady is missing the boat. the issue on voters minds is jobs and taxes and this is like offering someone a bathing suit on a 30 below zero day.

  7. - Peter - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 11:40 am:

    Hah, that’s the same smarmy Brady picture that the DGA uses for their last TV spot at

    I like the concept for the ad — even rich aristocrats are more connected to working voters than Bill Brady “But, darling…we’re not even that cruel to the gardener!”

  8. - WRMNpolitics - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 11:42 am:

    I guess the DGA is letting the interns write their spots. This one makes no sense at all and the character voices are just plain strange and annoying. The message, if you can figure it out, is buried in the weirdness.

  9. - Davey Boy Smithe - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 11:45 am:

    Not impressed. A minute too long. I’d be surprised if the state minimum wage vs the federal minimum wage is that big of an issue for the Land of Lincoln.

  10. - well - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 11:45 am:

    Sounds like they’re trying to combine “Bill Brady hates women” and “Bill Brady hates poor people” into a single ad.

    Doesn’t look like they succeeded particularly well.

  11. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 11:46 am:

    Well first of all, the ad is a liar. A governor cannot roll back the Minimum wage any lower than what the Federal Government has set. Claims that Bill Brady will roll back the minimum wage is a half truth at best. As presented in this wacked out ad - the DGA claim is a lie.

    That said, the ad sucks. It presents a stereotype that only a narrow minded idealogue could enjoy. The ad is full of spite. It portrays businesspeople as slave buyers at a slave auction, buying labor as coldly as they would buy a Rembrandt.

    The faux accents are foreign, not Illinoisan. Consequentially their target audience will have to listen carefully to this radio ad. The ad requires that you stick with the entire silly dialog to the very end.

    Auctions don’t go down in prices - they go up, unless it is a “reverse auction”. The ad fails to explain why the price is going down at an auction. This confuses needlessly. So the setting for this script is all wrong.

    Other than that, it is a waste of money. Radio listeners, except for NPR, are demographically conservative. You want to reach conservative and independant radio listeners? Talk to them in their language. Show some respect. Demonstrate how Quinn is being conservative. Don’t portray radio listeners as some kind of rubes.

  12. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 11:46 am:

    DBS and others, I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t run more than one ad on the minimum wage if the issue wasn’t polling well.

  13. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 11:47 am:

    ===Radio listeners, except for NPR, are demographically conservative. ===

    Nationally, yes. Chicago, not as much because of the long commutes.

  14. - Wumpus - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 11:52 am:

    FIne, let’s have the DGA members who actually are governors raise thier min wage to match those of IL.

  15. - Small Town Liberal - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 11:52 am:

    - Auctions don’t go down in prices - they go up, unless it is a “reverse auction”. The ad fails to explain why the price is going down at an auction. This confuses needlessly. So the setting for this script is all wrong. -

    Seriously? I’m not a big fan of this ad, but this criticism almost made me spit out my coffee.

  16. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 11:53 am:

    I’d be surprised if the state minimum wage vs the federal minimum wage is that big of an issue for the Land of Lincoln.

    In what way did this radio ad tell listeners that this is a case of the state minimum wage being higher than the federal minimum? How well would this issue poll if Quinn’s folks honestly explained what Brady is actually proposing?

    This issue is being presented falsely.

  17. - Small Town Liberal - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 11:55 am:

    - In what way did this radio ad tell listeners that this is a case of the state minimum wage being higher than the federal minimum? -

    It didn’t. It tells listeners that Brady expressed support in lowering the state minimum wage, which is true. You may not like it, but that doesn’t make it a lie.

  18. - Small Town Liberal - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 11:56 am:

    - Unless they just want me to remember he is against the minimum wage -

    I do think people will remember this ad, and probably the main point of it.

  19. - Ghost - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 11:59 am:

    meh, its not bad. IMHO brady has several bad social issues, such as eliminating FMLA etc. I would put more then one in an ad. Brady wants to reduce the living poverty level wage we pay for work, and prohibit working parents from being able to take time off to tend to the needs of their children or ailing family members.

    nice one two punch.

  20. - just sayin' - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 12:00 pm:

    I love it.

    But the hit ad I’m really waiting for is one about Brady’s shady land deal and the votes he cast in the senate to specifically benefit his own real estate project.

    Actually there is already a movie about pretty much the identical thing. It’s called “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.”

  21. - Cincinnatus - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 12:08 pm:

    If this ad signals a shift from Quinn’s current strategy of attacking Brady on “social” issues to one of economic issues, Quinn may be opening the door to Brady on what would be Brady’s strength.

  22. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 12:55 pm:

    You may not like it, but that doesn’t make it a lie.

    Is this the same blogger who roasted Kirk over half truths?

    The Federal Minimum Wage is $7.25, as of 7/24/2009. The radio ad clearly implies that Brady wants it lowered to $7.00. Listen to the faux reverse aution again. The ad is claiming that Brady wants it below the Federal level.

    That cannot be done.

    That makes the ad misleading at best - and a lying pile of crap when considering the facts.

  23. - Small Town Liberal - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 1:14 pm:

    - Is this the same blogger who roasted Kirk over half truths? -

    I wasn’t aware I was a blogger, I just comment. You weep and moan over the Kirk criticism and you’re calling this a “lying pile of crap” over a quarter? And I’m inconsistent?

  24. - Worried about REAL issues - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 1:50 pm:

    I doubt the minimum wage ad will mean much - realistically, the voting population that work for the minimum wage is probably minimal anyway.

    This is just a diversion from the states real issues like operating in the red!!!

  25. - Joe from Joliet - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 1:52 pm:


    CHAUNCEY Gardener?

    If he is advising Brady that would explain a
    lot. If Brady does a “Growth in the Spring” ad, we’ll know.

  26. - schwarz - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 2:08 pm:

    Joe from Joliet - love the Being There reference.

  27. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 2:14 pm:

    You weep and moan over the Kirk criticism…

    Did you check out how I am weeping and moaning over the Giannoulais criticism earlier today?

    It isn’t about a quarter, and you know it. It is about the fact that this crappy ad leads listeners to believe that Brady would lower the minimum wage to below where it is now in Illlinois, and where it is now everywhere else. Then it suggests that Brady would go even lower.

    Governors can’t do that. Brady didn’t propose that. The ad is a deliberate crock of crap, and I’d call it out regardless of party or candidate.

  28. - downstate hack - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 2:19 pm:

    D+ both on content and on effectiveness for this Ad. I didn’t think the theatrics were effective at all.


  29. - Small Town Liberal - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 2:38 pm:

    - Governors can’t do that. Brady didn’t propose that. -

    Its about beliefs, Vman. Brady is against the state minimum wage, he’s against FMLA, he’s against GLBT rights, he’s against humane euthanization of pets, etc. He may not actually be able to directly change these things as governor, but if presented with a bill to do so he would surely sign them. Whether thats a likely scenario or not, these are the positions he’s taken and they’re fair game for political ads.

  30. - Worried about REAL issues - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 2:50 pm:

    Small town Lib -

    What has quinn said he will do for real issues like the deficit and the economy?

    Oh, he’ll just leave those alone for now - just in case he loses.

    You want social issues - what bothers YOU more - animals being mass euthanised (these aren’t peoples pets - these are “strays” or animals that have not been adopted from the shelter.) OR would you feel more comfortable knowing that people who have committed violent crimes and sentenced to prison have been let out early and some repeated their crimes?

    I’d rather live with a animal killing governor given those 2 choices (and those ARE your 2 choices)

  31. - Small Town Liberal - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 3:02 pm:

    - What has quinn said he will do for real issues like the deficit and the economy? -

    Well, since Quinn is actually governing, he’s had to do things, not say things. Brady hasn’t said or done anything regarding those issues. And what bothers ME most is people using CAPITAL letters for NO apparent reason.

  32. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 3:02 pm:

    “Its about beliefs, Vman…He may not actually be able to directly change these things as governor, but…”

    So, it isn’t about facts? It is about what you can get away with in a political ad by taking statements out of context and twisting them into an outlandish claim that is actually constitutionally impossible? Because, “It’s about beliefs”?

    I believe you need a new set of beliefs.

  33. - Concerned Observer - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 3:20 pm:

    I really dislike this ad. ‘Mumsy’? Old people whispering in a bad English accent?

    And I think your friend is wrong, Rich…right on principle about the gavel catching attention, but it’s not loud enough. And then you spend the next 10, 15 seconds trying to figure out what’s going on. Who starts an ad with “So”?

    It’s cluttered, it’s a poor mix, and I have no idea who the intended audience is. Feels like an average :30 that got stretched to a poor :60.


  34. - Small Town Liberal - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 3:24 pm:

    Vman - For crying out loud, the fact is Brady said he would support lowering the minimum wage to the federal level. If the ad said $7.25 instead of $7 would you not be so upset? If the last line said “Bill Brady would roll back the minimum wage for Illinois families if he had the chance” would that make it all better for you?

  35. - John Bambenek - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 4:01 pm:

    Here’s a new draft per STL specifications:

    “Bill Brady will beat your women, cut your pay and drive away in his porsche with tons of your money in the trunk to his condo in Florida while paying no taxes. Bleep that, I’m voting for Rich Whitney”

  36. - Cincinnatus - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 4:04 pm:

    Per capita income is over $22/hr in Illinois. Very few people are affected by the minimum wage, no matter what it is. The biggest percentage of people earning this wage are teenagers in temporary jobs, and entry level positions. Increases in the minimum wage affects companies, since they may only hire 9 employees instead of 10.

  37. - John Bambenek - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 4:13 pm:


    I seem to recall reading at one point (and now that it’s come up, I’d like to confirm) that union contracts are written such that wages are set to some multiple of minimum wage so that when the min goes up, they go up to.

    Is that accurate?

  38. - Cincinnatus - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 8:49 pm:

    John Bambenek,

    Most union contracts are linked to the “prevailing wage” which is, in turn, linked to the minimum wage. Here’s a recent article:

  39. - steve schnorf - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 9:16 pm:

    Unless it has changed in the past few years, the contract of the largest union in Illinois is not linked to the minimum wage

  40. - Liandro - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 10:52 pm:


    “living poverty level wage”? That the official term? For the umpteenth time, the minimum wage is not, and is not meant to be, a living wage. It would be economic suicide to even attempt tying the two together. Inflation, barriers to entry, many small (and bigger) businesses getting shuttered, lay-offs, service cuts, man hour cuts…you don’t live in a world free of repercussions.

    @Small Town Liberal:

    You consistently harp on this minimum wage drama, and I can understand why. This is classic bleeding heart in which the cure–raising the minimum wage above federal levels–worsens the problem (attainable living wage by low skill workers). This whole “minimum wage for families” bit is nonsense. Minimum wage is not, and never was, intended for supporting a family. It is for entry level positions. Let’s review: raising it lowers the labor percentage left for actual living wage employees. Again: the actual minimum wage is 0$/hour, which is what far too many are making right now. That is the wage paid to laid off employees, or employees of businesses that closed, or employees who lost their position to others because their skill set just couldn’t justify that high a wage.

    I know I’m a bit naive to argue actual economics and logic when emotions and drama carry much more political weight, but these ads need to be challenged. This minimum wage hike is a flashy but ineffective mistake, just like the governor who gave it to us.

    Oh, and Quinn actually having to do things because he’s a governor? Yeah…his failure to do that effectively is why he is polling so low.

  41. - Liandro - Tuesday, Aug 3, 10 @ 11:02 pm:

    FWIW, I found the ad flawed in concept, annoying in its execution, and wrong on its merits.

    I may be biased against any positive this ad could possibly offer, though, since I am 100% opposed to Quinn’s (and Blago’s) position on this issue. Their stance is shortsighted and appeals to the worst, and most ignorant, aspects of populism without even attempting to explain why they think their position is smart or effective. Smart campaigning, maybe, but bad for the state on several levels.

  42. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Aug 4, 10 @ 6:37 am:

    The setup is too long and the humor really doesn’t bring the funny.

    In this economic and job climate, a high tight fastball would be more effective than a scroogie. “If you’re struggling to make ends meet on the minimum wage, Bill Brady thinks you’re overpaid. Easy for him to say — he doesn’t pay taxes.”

    Overall, the radio creative have been bad so far. “Nero fiddling?” Give me a break.

  43. - dave - Wednesday, Aug 4, 10 @ 9:43 am:

    raising it lowers the labor percentage left for actual living wage employees.

    Of course, there is zero evidence that this is actually true in practice, but you can go ahead and pretend it is true.

    Study after study shows that raising the minimm wage has not had a negative impact on higher wages, nor has it had a negative impact in jobs.

    As for the ad… strange. Not really sure that I think about it But I do think that the strangeness does make it memorable.

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