Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Bobby Rush: I’m not sold on Giannoulias
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Bobby Rush: I’m not sold on Giannoulias

Thursday, Aug 5, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Democratic Congressman Bobby Rush stepped all over Alexi Giannoulias’ positive message about the president’s trip to town today. Rush told ABC7 that he’s “not sold” on Giannoulias. Watch


“I’m not sold on him. I don’t want just the same old stuff. We want a Senator who is willing to work hard on the real issues that this state is confronted with.”

Any theories about what’s going on there?

…Adding… The Quinn campaign already has a video up about the president’s visit to the Ford factory

* Related…

* ADDED: Raw video of president’s speech at Ford plant.

* Obama on Giannoulias: ‘You can count on him’: “I’m sure a lot of you have heard what he did for Hartmarx,” Obama said. “This is a clothing company that has employed people in this state for more than a century. By the way, I’m a customer,” the president said, to laughter and applause. “When they fell on hard times, the big bank tried to pull their credit and destroy 600 jobs. Alexi stepped in,” Obama said. “He told the bank that if they did that, they would no longer be managing the money of Illinois taxpayers. Because of what he did, Alexi helped save that company and save those jobs. That’s the kind of person you want in the United States Senate.”

* Obama Stumps for Giannoulias in Chicago: During his remarks, Giannoulias repeatedly sought to link Kirk to former President George W. Bush. “Are we going to send people to Washington to get things done, or will we elect those whose only objective is to obstruct and deny the achievements of the other party?” Giannoulias said, according to the pool report. “That’s what this race is all about.”

* Obama bets prestige on Senate seat he once held: Giannoulias may welcome the in-person support from the nation’s top Democrat, but it could come with a price: Obama has a losing track record when it comes to candidates he has personally campaigned for. Democrats lost governor’s races in Virginia and New Jersey last year, and the party suffered a stunning defeat this year when Republicans flipped a Senate seat in liberal Massachusetts long held by the late Edward M. Kennedy.

* Durbin: Alexi will ’surge forward’ with Obama’s backing: Durbin deflected a question about the records that emerged this week which show jailed developer Tony Rezko held an ownership stake in a development project that received a previously undisclosed loan from the Giannoulias family’s Broadway Bank. “The Rezko contribution to [Republican Senate candidate] Mark Kirk?,” Durbin asked coyly. “I only know about the Rezko contribution to Mark Kirk.”

* President Gives Impassioned Speech At Ford Plant


  1. - Team America - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 5:00 pm:

    As much as I wished it meant more, it’s probably nothing more than an old codger like Rush thinks that a young punk like Alexi hasn’t given his elders (specifically Rush) enough deference and attention.

    Alexi should have just asked Rush for his permission to run first, and all this could have been avoided. /snark/

  2. - been there - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 5:01 pm:

    Bobby’s supporting Roland.

  3. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 5:02 pm:

    bt, that’s certainly crossed my mind. But TA may be right as well.

  4. - Truth monger - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 5:05 pm:

    Bobby is in the twilight of his life and is bitter that all these young guys have passed him by.

  5. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 5:07 pm:

    TM, include Obama in that and you may have a point.

  6. - Ultimate Warrior - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 5:13 pm:

    What Alexi did for Hartmarx doesn’t impress me, and it appears Obama only knows half the story. It seems to me he bullied them. Also, when the sale went thru, the acquiring company laid off 300 Hartmarx employees in Blue Island. Where was Alexi for them?

  7. - Come on - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 5:19 pm:

    “Are we going to send people to Washington to get things done, or will we elect those whose only objective is to obstruct and deny the achievements of the other party?”

    Really? I recall a Jr. Senator from Illinois that did not have very many bipartisan come together moments under the Bush Administration. Now that I think about it, 18 months into his tenure, he is still pointing fingers at Bush!

  8. - shore - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 5:23 pm:

    Dear Democrats,

    There are people that work in Illinois that don’t work for the government or are part of unions. They are called private sector employees and while I commend you for your work to save a few factory jobs or teachers jobs, you are nuts if you think those of us who work in professional services or other industries confuse these small efforts for the real heavy lifting necessary to put our economy back on track.



  9. - Roscoe village voice - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 5:26 pm:

    No one has mentioned in any report how many people were at the Alexi lunch. They claimed they were going to raise $1 million. That means, with tix at 1k and 2.4k he’d have to have at least 700 people there with overhead/freebies and staff.

  10. - somebody else - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 5:27 pm:

    not surprising. Rush (for a variety of reasons) wouldn’t support Dart for Treasurer in 2002, backed Blair Hull in 2004 (so much for helping the community); sold old completely last mayoral election by backing Daley, that 1st CD relection fund or whatever the heck it was called was used as the funnel to give donations to Daley backed alderman facing difficult relections…no one knows where he is on anything. He stands for nothing but himself. A sad way to end a good career.

  11. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 5:29 pm:

    I think Alexi has been a little too smug for his own good. Being a friend of Barack’s certainly doesn’t endear him to Rush either.

    I think Alexi needs to suck it up and go kiss the Congressman’s *ring* sometime soon. Very soon.

    At least, that’s the message I think Rush was sending.

  12. - MrJM - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 5:51 pm:

    “Bobby Rush: I’m not sold on Giannoulias”

    Finally some good news for Alexi’s campaign.

    – MrJM

  13. - RJW - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 5:54 pm:

    I think 47th Ward makes a good point. Also, I may be too cynical but I have to believe some of it is racial and that Rush is still mad over how Roland Burris was and has been treated.

  14. - Anonymous - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 5:57 pm:

    I think he is just miffed because POTUS did not recognize him at the lunch like he did every other elected in attendance.

  15. - And I Approved This Message - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 6:18 pm:

    It could be as simple as guilt by association. Don’t you think that Rush is still mad at Obama for running against him for Congress? Add in that amazing performance when Rod named Burris to the seat and Roland called Rush out of the crowd to stand with him at the podium. “Bobby, Bobby is that you? Come on up here and stand up here with us.”

    Some day this craziness may come to an end. But I no longer believe it will be in my lifetime.

  16. - Amalia - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 6:20 pm:

    anyone around during the Barack vs. Bobby days knows
    what is up. and Bobby is not the only one who finds
    Barack an upstart. The State Senator’s performance
    on several key issues was less than stellar. he was
    phoning it in…literally…back then sometimes. bobby
    thumped him, Alexi is a creation of Barack, the
    African American community often plays nice with Republicans, many of whom were in Topinka’s corner.

  17. - DuPage Dave - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 6:50 pm:

    Let us not forget Bobby Rush standing at the side of Blagojevich and Burris right before the impeachment- a classy move, to be sure.

    Rush has become one of a long line of pols who stayed too long and now has nothing to offer but bitterness.

  18. - Conservative Republican - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 6:55 pm:

    Re Obama comments at funder

    Great. Now Obama is on record as favoring blackmailing private entities with public funds unless said entity skips to the politician’s tune. Another reason to reject Alexi, a practicioner of this approach, and, in 2012, Obama.

  19. - Mark S. - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 7:15 pm:

    Now that I think about it, 18 months into his tenure, he is still pointing fingers at Bush!
    That’s quite disingenuous of you, especially since he’s still cleaning up the huge mess Bush left.

    And, by the way, he also has to deal with the GOP Party of No who are obstructing everything Pres. Obama tries to do.

  20. - Wensicia - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 7:31 pm:

    Is this Rush’s way of saying the black community will not support the Democratic candidate for Senator? Or does he still believe the seat should stay black?

  21. - Nick42 - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 7:33 pm:

    “- Roscoe village voice - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 5:26 pm:

    No one has mentioned in any report how many people were at the Alexi lunch. They claimed they were going to raise $1 million. That means, with tix at 1k and 2.4k he’d have to have at least 700 people there with overhead/freebies and staff.”

    No… they typically ask for a prominent host committee to bundle up something like $10-20K, and allow them to have a photo-op or additional special gathering (or something of the sort) with the President. Other contributors as part of that bundle may not be asked to attend any part of the event.

  22. - John Presta - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 7:33 pm:

    Very obvious. Bobby Rush still has it in for Obama for the 2000 race. The nerve of Obama to challenge him then. And then Bobby’s support of Topinka in 2002 against Dart. And then Blair Hull. Seems to have calmed down. The rage in Bobby. But it’s back and he is turning on Alexi. Bobby took his best shot in 2004 with Hull and didn’t make it then. This too shall pass.

  23. - Nick42 - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 7:41 pm:

    Has nothing to do with Rush/Obama 2000. Rush came right out and supported Obama in the Presidential primary even though he’s had close ties with the Clintons. Rush is still a wily-enough politician to know the impact his statement would have. He’s using it to some benefit, not just rage.

    Other guesses here have been just as good as this one, but mine is the outreach to the African-American community that is causing this. There has been little to no involvement on that front - particularly to elected officials.

  24. - TimB - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 7:48 pm:

    Mark S. said ” he also has to deal with the GOP Party of No who are obstructing everything Pres. Obama tries to do.”

    That’s pretty disingenuous yourself. Seems that the Dems have a majority in both houses and own the White House. How can the GOP obstruct anything??

  25. - Mar Lo - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 8:34 pm:

    John Presta- on the nose! “Very obvious. Bobby Rush still has it in for Obama for the 2000 race.”

  26. - Mark S. - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 9:11 pm:

    Oh come on TimB, you’re smarter than that. Just face the facts. Majority doesn’t matter when the Senate minority insists on a 60+ vote. Pretty damn hypocritical of them when they were quite happy with up-or-down votes during Bush years.

  27. - Wumpus - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 10:00 pm:

    Who is Rush going to support, Kirk?

  28. - Will County Woman - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 10:07 pm:

    The CBS Evening News ran a story tonight about how Dems, particularly moderate and conservative ones, are shying away from appearing w/ Obama in advance of the November elections, though many are accepting his help with fund-raising. (btw…Alexi G. got a negtive slant in this story)

    Because Quinn has to try to court moderates and conservative dems, any attempt to use Obama in a campaign ad might very well backfire. Also today, Michelle Obama is taking a lot of heat, and rightfully so, for vactioning in Spain. From a PR standpoint her vacation is very hard for the White House to justify, and serves to re-inforce the idea that the Dems are not always for the working class as they claim to be.

    I can’t recall if it was the CBS evening news or one of the other national evening news shows, but one showed the economic devstation to gulf seafood businesses as a result of the BP oil spill. CBS evening news did show footage of Michele Obama trying to drum up the Gulf Coast tourism when she recently implored that Americans go down there for vacation. hmmm… so, she and her entourage decided to go to spain?!?!?!?!
    *scratching head*

    Barack goes to a Ford plant,big deal. do the working class still identify with him the way they did during the 08 election cycle? probably not.

    quinn probably shouldn’t rely too heavily on running a campaign ad featuring himself w/obama. just sayin’.

  29. - Will County Woman - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 10:10 pm:

    Because Quinn has to try to court moderates and conservative dems, any attempt to use Obama in a campaign ad might very well backfire.

    I should’ve included independents in that as well.

  30. - Bobby who? - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 10:13 pm:

    Bobby Rush…. is there a bigger farce in the IL congressional delagation (not named Jesse Jr.)? Bobby, do us all a favor and go away. You’re no longer relavant.

  31. - Quinn T. Sential - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 10:52 pm:

    {“When they fell on hard times, the big bank tried to pull their credit and destroy 600 jobs. Alexi stepped in,” Obama said. “He told the bank that if they did that, they would no longer be managing the money of Illinois taxpayers.}

    Bill Cellini is under federal criminal indictment for allegedly employing the same extortionist tactics.

  32. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 11:20 pm:


    I don’t think Tom Rosenberg would agree it was the same extortionist tactics, and neither do I. But hey, we’ll find out soon enough, won’t we?

  33. - RFK fan - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 11:27 pm:

    This has a lot more to do with Bobby Rush’s ego than anything else.

  34. - Angry Chicagoan - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 12:35 am:

    A one-time Harold Washington populist has steadily morphed over the past 30 years into a small-minded, petty, placeholding hack, exactly the kind of politician we have too many of in Illinois.

    I wish I could believe his motives were more honorable than this — it’s not as though Giannoulias is a shining beacon of perfection — but unfortunately I can’t.

  35. - Chuck - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 12:48 am:

    Maybe Bobby’s hoping for a special mention on Roland’s tomb.

  36. - wordslinger - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 7:09 am:

    When Rush says he isn’t sold, I think he means he hasn’t been bought. I’m guessing Alexi hasn’t contributed to Rush in the past. Blair Hull threw his money around pretty freely (chump).

    The idea that Rush is some Congressman Dawson pulling the strings on the South Side is silly. But it’s to his advantage if some believe it.

  37. - CheckTheD2s - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 8:18 am:

    Why isn’t Bobby “The Price is Right” Rush sold on Alexi?

    Probably because Alexi’s campaign isn’t sold on hiring Bobby’s people.

    He endorsed Blair Hull for US Senate. Come on. Show me the money!

    (Same goes for Luis Gutierrez, by the way.)

  38. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 8:32 am:

    Ditto Wordslinger.

    For Rush, Not Sold = Not Bought.

    Check back through the archives and you’ll find out Rush was “sold” on Rod Blagojevich.

  39. - anon - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 8:53 am:

    sounds like Kirk is moving some street money Bobby’s way.

  40. - jaded voter - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 9:06 am:

    No one with a functioning brain could be “sold” Alexi G. The man has failed his way to the top George W Bush style. Alexi is a liteweight personified, in way over his head.

    Obama is a bright man who endorsed Alexi and earlier Todd Stroger. It can only mean his glowing words for them are lies. It is foul partisanship and it hurts Obama’s credibility.

    If Obama truly believed the pap he was putting out about Alexi yesterday or Stroger a while back we would have an even bigger problem on our hands—a president who has lost his mind.

  41. - Obama's Puppy - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 9:10 am:

    When hearing Rush’s comments the political interpertaion is the following: “I have checked my records and it seems to me like your rent is due, Alexi.”

  42. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 9:16 am:

    === The man has failed his way to the top George W Bush style ===

    Tru Dat! Alexi got his college ‘degree’ from that papermill called the University of Chicago!

    They’ll let ANYbody into that place. Like the President.

  43. - Anonymous - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 9:57 am:

    “They’ll let ANYbody into that place [University of Chicago]” Big bucks paid by rich daddy!

  44. - OneMan - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 10:20 am:

    And GWB had a MBA from Harvard Business School and I spent 8 years listening to everyone say he was an idiot….

  45. - jaded voter - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 12:03 pm:

    Yellow Dog,

    Look at Alexi’s record. It is a record of failure –just like W.

    Alexi’s got nothing on the ball. As a rich kid he knows how to wear a nicely tailored suit. How could anyone be enthusiastic about him?

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