* Republican gubernatorial candidate Bill Brady attended a somewhat odd little event last night…
Also in Chicago Wednesday night was Sharron Angle, the conservative Republican running against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in Nevada. Angle is here to headline a fund-raising cruise for Bill Brady, the conservative Republican candidate for Illinois governor.
If you’ve been watching the news lately, you know that Sharron Angle is not exactly your usual mainstream Republican. I was wondering all night if she or Brady might do something newsworthy.
Alas, Angle didn’t say much of anything controversial, and neither did Brady. A buddy of mine was there and taped both speeches. Click here to listen to Brady. And click here to listen to Angle. Perhaps the most controversial thing Angle said was when she tried to convince the audience to hold their conventions in Las Vegas. Not a swift move. My buddy also had a camera, but he said Brady went nowhere near Angle all night. Good idea.
* Meanwhile, Brady’s campaign is claiming they’ve busted Pat Quinn’s campaign yet again. The controversy stems from this new Quinn TV ad, which had to be altered to its current form…
From a press release…
-After First Quinn Attack Ad Pulled in June, New TV Ad Pulled for Blatantly False Charge Against Brady-
Springfield – For the second time of his campaign, Governor Pat Quinn was forced today to pull his latest attack ad from the airwaves for misleading attacks against Republican gubernatorial candidate Bill Brady.
Yesterday, Brady for Illinois was notified by two television stations in the Springfield-Decatur/ Champaign market of a decision forcing the Quinn campaign to pull its latest TV attack ad for falsely charging that Brady missed 58 percent of the session days in the Illinois State Senate.
“Once again, Pat Quinn’s smear machine has been caught lying about Bill Brady’s record, misleading voters with yet another ad that distorts the truth, and offers no ideas for fixing the fiscal mess on the Governor’s watch,” said Brady Campaign Manager Jerry Clarke.
The move comes after an earlier ad by Pat Quinn, the first of his campaign and funded by the Democratic Governors Association, was pulled after the Daily Herald reported the ad “crossed ethical lines,” by lifting footage from the taxpayer funded General Assembly’s website, and was misleading to viewers.
* But the Quinn campaign says they just tweaked a graphic…
We most certainly did not pull down the ad; we chose to tweak a graphic. It is up and playing across the state. If you are watching television in Champaign today, you will see our ad on the air.
We’re happy to debate Brady’s 17-year record in Springfield — including his record of skipping session days this year to campaign.
Once again, as he tried to do with his wikipedia page and the IL GA website, Bill Brady wants to delete his record from the public record. Senator Brady skipped out on votes 25 out of 43 days this session - that equals 58% of session days http://www.dailyherald.com/story/?id=386106.
It’s clear Bill Brady and his campaign are concerned that when voters discover what he really stands for they will judge him for neglecting his elected responsibilities and being too extreme on a range of issues. And they’re right.
If Brady and his campaign will try to scrub information that has existed in the public realm for weeks, months, years and even decades, what does it say about how they will govern? Illinois residents shouldn’t expect any forthrightness, transparency, or accountability from a Brady administration.
* So, what did the Quinn people actually do to that graphic? Follow-up response…
We tweaked a graphic to match the voiceover. The voiceover says Brady skipped out on more than half of days this session. The graphic HAD said, “Brady missed more than half of days of session..” - it now says, “Skipped out on more than half of session days.” (we switched out “missed” for “skipped out” - to match the voiceover track).
* And I’ll give the last word to the Brady folks…
The bottom line is, they got caught again. They’ll say and do anything if they think it will help them. When the stations were advised of the accuracy problem, it forced the removal of the ad and forced a change. This isn’t the first time. There’s a pattern here.
* Speaking of ads, remember a while back when I posted an ad made for a University of Illinois at Springfield class? Here’s another one, and from what I hear the Quinn campaign is thinking of doing something just like it. Watch…
It was not a fundraiser for Brady. It was an annual boat cruise fundraiser for Eloise Gerson’s local ward organization. Brady was the main guest. Angle happened to be scheduled to be in town fundraising, and asked to go. So they both appeared. Jason Plummer was also on the boat and spoke.
- Davey Boy Smithe - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 2:18 pm:
So is this U of I-Springfield journalism class centered on making videos attacking Bill Brady? Do they have any Pat Quinn ones, or is it just cool and accepted that liberalism is the status quo?
- Student in Class - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 2:24 pm:
The class was split into two groups at random. One group developed a campaign for Bill Brady. One group developed a campaign for Pat Quinn. A negative and positive TV ad was required. It was a political science class on political campaigns.
Being anywhere near Sharron Angle is not good for a guy trying to claw back from a perception as “extreme.” She’s asserted people should use their “2d Amendment remedies” against the government (and specifically Harry Reid), advocated bringing back prohibition, that rape and incest leading to pregnancy are “part of God’s plan” so there should be no exceptions permitting abortions and that healthcare reform and other spending should be opposed as violating the First Commandment - not Amendment, but Commandment. Oh, and that journalists should only ask the questions politicians want to answer and let pols use interviews as pure fundraising ads, complete with donation request.
As for UIS, I can assure DBS that there is a campus conservative movment and that there are conservative students more than willing to express their opinions. In my limited experience, however, they tend not to be very funny or all that well informed of opinions.
- Davey Boy Smithe - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 2:29 pm:
Rich, I was just asking a fair question since I don’t recall seeing any of the Quinn videos. I do like to be entertained by funny videos, but it seems like you’re piling on Brady by not showing any of the Quinn videos.
I was hoping you’d put the ad up from our group too. Just to let everyone know, this was the ad that was actually turned in for a grade as the negative Brady ad. The other one was just for kicks…
- Davey Boy Smithe - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 2:51 pm:
Sorry if I sounded like a blowhard, that wasn’t the intention.
It’d been funnier of it showed Brady with at least one other Illinois figure. The idea had potential, I’ll grant it that. But it can’t be that hard to find 7 Illinois conservatives with some controversy to link to.
This almost seems like “dirty tricks” from the Dems, trying to show some connection between those three and the ILGOP.
What is sort of funny about the poor GOP judgment is that I assume the IL Dems would have picked up the travel expenses for those three. That people like those three reflect the ILGOP is at the heart of the Dems argument.
People in the ILGOP think those three are good for them. Which is why the ILGOP is so bad at the “winning elections” part of politics.
One last note — if this was a Gerson event, she should have had the courage and judgment to say no when, as alleged, Angle requested to attend (assuming that the comment is true). It sure reflects poorly on her that she did not.
Not disagreeing and it’s only going to get worse for Quinn when the kids head back to school with longer bus rides, bigger classrooms and missing programs.
Then things are going to get interesting because when everyone complains their reps are going to blame Pat
Actually, yes, it is galling that someone who is campaigning as if being a ‘businessman’ is a good thing in government. We all lived through the MBA Presidency, and look where that got us.
Also, he’s the most anti-woman candidate I’ve seen in a while.
One Man,
And Brady is going to claim to help that situation out? Without a tax increase?
But we are getting off track here.
Bottom line is that when Brietbart, Angle, and Beck come to town, it hurts Brady and Kirk. Illinois is not Alabama.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 3:52 pm:
=== It’d been funnier of it showed Brady with at least one other Illinois figure. The idea had potential, I’ll grant it that. But it can’t be that hard to find 7 Illinois conservatives with some controversy to link to. ===
The ad was great.
Using Illinois conservatives would be mostly pointless…they’re unrecognizable.
Although I doubt few people can name any of the conservatives except Palin.
Slap some names on them, slide in Bachmann, Alan Keyes and George W. Bush and you’re good to go.
Maybe Team Quinn’s admen will wake up from the deep sleep they’re in and produce something creative.
Skeeter for the most part the people who are engaged in the race at this point have made up their minds so regardless of who shows up at this point it just plays to the base. As much as Quinn and the crew want to argue for a tax increase the fact is they have over a year to do it with Quinn as governor without a single Republican vote needed and they decided not too..
So if anything Brady is taking the same position as the majority of Democrats in Springfield (no tax increase) the only difference is at least he is being honest about cuts instead of saying he is going to cut something than caving in like a deck of cards.
If Quinn wanted to he could have vetoed the budget and made the legislature do it’s job, he decided against that.
Cheryl44 at this point I would argue just about anything is better than the crew thats been running this state for the last 8 years.
I would argue not paying the schools what you owe (and promised them) is a bit anti-woman too)
Come on. Brady has not said what he will cut. He has not proposed a balance budget. He has not come close to offering specifics.
And you think the minds are made up? Again, not even close.
What we have is a lot of hostility to Quinn, so there are votes for “the other guy.” That lasts until people find out that the other guy is pals with Brietbart, Angle, and Beck. Then “the other guy” doesn’t look so good.
That being said, I’m 99% sure you will never see Brady propose a balanced budget. Why should he? People believe that if we can get rid of patronage workers, the budget problem can be fixed. Why should Brady deal with reality, when voters don’t require him to deal with reality?
But again, we are off topic. The question is whether Angle hurts Brady, and in Illinois, it will hurt him. A lot of moderates here. Hanging with people who believe that government violates the First Commandment is not going to help.
Being at the same event as someone is somewhat different than ‘hanging with them’
Also the point I was trying to make is that some minds are made up, at this point the non-junkies and non-activists are paying a ton of attention.
As for him not proposing a balanced budget, you want him to do something the sitting governor and the party that controls both chambers in Springfield hasn’t done in years?
“it is galling that someone who is campaigning as if being a ‘businessman’ is a good thing in government”
I think your use of “in government” is telling. Running as a businessman, in this political climate, should be good for most anyone who is not actually in government.
I suppose the people “in government” may not see it as a good thing.
The better question is whether Brady has a sucessful business record to tout.
Get some photos of Brady with Angle and you have at least 9 weeks of mailings with all the dumb things she has said-which Brady clearly has no problem with seeing as he appeared with her.
I don’t care if it was Eloise’s annual funder or Oscar the Grouch’s event. The fact that he was with her associates himself with her goofy, silly statements that are so bad Reid may actually win re-election in Nevada when he should be toast.
He did say hello to her, but that was about it. It was a good sized, two level boat with over 150 people on it so it was not hard to steer clear. Besides, Brady had politicking to do. There was no time to chat with Sharron Angle.
Washedmyhands….JBT isnt a conservative so being in that ad wouldnt make much sense. And to answer Smitty’s question for John, The only two conservative statewide winners that I can remember were George and Jim Ryan.
Brady’s response team is terrible. Hard to even figure out what they’re whining about, beyond the fact the Dems are running some pretty devastating ads against him.
Sharron Angle is showing why she’ll lose her race, by a lot. Why would you spend hours cruising Lake Michigan with a handful of Republicans from a different state who can’t even vote for you? A serious candidate would at most stop by the dock to meet any potential donors and then move on to the next thing. You don’t actually go on the booze cruise.
It nauseates me that yabbos like Breitbart, Beck, Limbaugh et. al can get away with misappropriating conservatism. They’re snake-oil salesmen, political Elmer Gantrys making millions peddling fear, ignorance and resentment to the anxious.
They degrade political conservatism just as the hate-filled, homophobe “preachers” pervert The Gospels.
Barry Goldwater would introduce them to the business end of his cowboy boots.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 9:13 am:
42nd Ward - How the heck do you know whether Brady talked with Angle? Are you on his staff or just stalking him?
YDD–I’ll accept that Brady spoke with Angle! Great! Maybe she and Brady share several views on public policy, like the idea that people on unemployment would rather stay on unempolyment then find a job–despite the fact so many are looking and have been out of work for 2 years with benefits running out! Or that there shouldn’t be a minimum wage!
Outstanding! That will play great here in Illinois! Bring it on!
- 42nd Ward - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 2:16 pm:
It was not a fundraiser for Brady. It was an annual boat cruise fundraiser for Eloise Gerson’s local ward organization. Brady was the main guest. Angle happened to be scheduled to be in town fundraising, and asked to go. So they both appeared. Jason Plummer was also on the boat and spoke.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 2:18 pm:
42nd, take it up with the Sun-Times.
- Davey Boy Smithe - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 2:18 pm:
So is this U of I-Springfield journalism class centered on making videos attacking Bill Brady? Do they have any Pat Quinn ones, or is it just cool and accepted that liberalism is the status quo?
- 42nd Ward - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 2:21 pm:
Just correcting the record.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 2:21 pm:
Davey Boy, you got some thin skin there, dude. Take a breath.
- Ahoy - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 2:23 pm:
That video is hillarious.
- Student in Class - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 2:24 pm:
The class was split into two groups at random. One group developed a campaign for Bill Brady. One group developed a campaign for Pat Quinn. A negative and positive TV ad was required. It was a political science class on political campaigns.
- Publius - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 2:26 pm:
I’m sure there are some good Quinn ones out there. I would love to see a SLC or a Whitney ad done by the students
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 2:26 pm:
SiC, it rarely helps to use facts with people like that. They cherish their angry paranoia and that’s that.
- Berkeley Bear - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 2:28 pm:
Being anywhere near Sharron Angle is not good for a guy trying to claw back from a perception as “extreme.” She’s asserted people should use their “2d Amendment remedies” against the government (and specifically Harry Reid), advocated bringing back prohibition, that rape and incest leading to pregnancy are “part of God’s plan” so there should be no exceptions permitting abortions and that healthcare reform and other spending should be opposed as violating the First Commandment - not Amendment, but Commandment. Oh, and that journalists should only ask the questions politicians want to answer and let pols use interviews as pure fundraising ads, complete with donation request.
As for UIS, I can assure DBS that there is a campus conservative movment and that there are conservative students more than willing to express their opinions. In my limited experience, however, they tend not to be very funny or all that well informed of opinions.
- Davey Boy Smithe - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 2:29 pm:
Rich, I was just asking a fair question since I don’t recall seeing any of the Quinn videos. I do like to be entertained by funny videos, but it seems like you’re piling on Brady by not showing any of the Quinn videos.
- MKA1985 - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 2:44 pm:
Try the top one, Davey.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 2:44 pm:
Isn’t 42nd Ward burying the lede.
Jason Plummer was there? When was he released from captivity? How did he escape?
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 2:47 pm:
The Plummer audio wasn’t listenable, by the way. Too much background noise and he didn’t speak into the mic.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 2:47 pm:
Davey Boy, lighten up. I’m sure Brady can handle the “piling on” from some college kids. If he can’t, he’s in the wrong line of work.
The video is a natural and hilarious.
- 42nd Ward - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 2:49 pm:
He was there. One large guy! Nice speech.
- UISer - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 2:49 pm:
I was hoping you’d put the ad up from our group too. Just to let everyone know, this was the ad that was actually turned in for a grade as the negative Brady ad. The other one was just for kicks…
- Davey Boy Smithe - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 2:51 pm:
Sorry if I sounded like a blowhard, that wasn’t the intention.
- UISer - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 2:52 pm:
Davey boy,
You should know that the Brady cmapign was ran by the College Republican President at UIS. The Quinn campaign was ran by the COllege Dem President.
- John Bambenek - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 2:52 pm:
I found it a little childish, really.
It’d been funnier of it showed Brady with at least one other Illinois figure. The idea had potential, I’ll grant it that. But it can’t be that hard to find 7 Illinois conservatives with some controversy to link to.
- Cheryl44 - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 2:58 pm:
==Being anywhere near Sharron Angle is not good for a guy trying to claw back from a perception as “extreme.”==
How’s he going to do that? He is an extremist.
- Skeeter - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 3:04 pm:
Breitbart, Beck, Angle –
This almost seems like “dirty tricks” from the Dems, trying to show some connection between those three and the ILGOP.
What is sort of funny about the poor GOP judgment is that I assume the IL Dems would have picked up the travel expenses for those three. That people like those three reflect the ILGOP is at the heart of the Dems argument.
People in the ILGOP think those three are good for them. Which is why the ILGOP is so bad at the “winning elections” part of politics.
One last note — if this was a Gerson event, she should have had the courage and judgment to say no when, as alleged, Angle requested to attend (assuming that the comment is true). It sure reflects poorly on her that she did not.
- OneMan - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 3:08 pm:
== How’s he going to do that? He is an extremist.==
He’s also leading in the polls, that must gall you to no end…
- Skeeter - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 3:10 pm:
One Man,
Right now anybody not named Quinn would be leading that race.
- OneMan - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 3:16 pm:
Not disagreeing and it’s only going to get worse for Quinn when the kids head back to school with longer bus rides, bigger classrooms and missing programs.
Then things are going to get interesting because when everyone complains their reps are going to blame Pat
- Cheryl44 - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 3:42 pm:
Actually, yes, it is galling that someone who is campaigning as if being a ‘businessman’ is a good thing in government. We all lived through the MBA Presidency, and look where that got us.
Also, he’s the most anti-woman candidate I’ve seen in a while.
- Skeeter - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 3:42 pm:
One Man,
And Brady is going to claim to help that situation out? Without a tax increase?
But we are getting off track here.
Bottom line is that when Brietbart, Angle, and Beck come to town, it hurts Brady and Kirk. Illinois is not Alabama.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 3:52 pm:
=== It’d been funnier of it showed Brady with at least one other Illinois figure. The idea had potential, I’ll grant it that. But it can’t be that hard to find 7 Illinois conservatives with some controversy to link to. ===
The ad was great.
Using Illinois conservatives would be mostly pointless…they’re unrecognizable.
Although I doubt few people can name any of the conservatives except Palin.
Slap some names on them, slide in Bachmann, Alan Keyes and George W. Bush and you’re good to go.
Maybe Team Quinn’s admen will wake up from the deep sleep they’re in and produce something creative.
- OneMan - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 3:53 pm:
Skeeter for the most part the people who are engaged in the race at this point have made up their minds so regardless of who shows up at this point it just plays to the base. As much as Quinn and the crew want to argue for a tax increase the fact is they have over a year to do it with Quinn as governor without a single Republican vote needed and they decided not too..
So if anything Brady is taking the same position as the majority of Democrats in Springfield (no tax increase) the only difference is at least he is being honest about cuts instead of saying he is going to cut something than caving in like a deck of cards.
If Quinn wanted to he could have vetoed the budget and made the legislature do it’s job, he decided against that.
Cheryl44 at this point I would argue just about anything is better than the crew thats been running this state for the last 8 years.
I would argue not paying the schools what you owe (and promised them) is a bit anti-woman too)
- Skeeter - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 4:01 pm:
One Man,
Come on. Brady has not said what he will cut. He has not proposed a balance budget. He has not come close to offering specifics.
And you think the minds are made up? Again, not even close.
What we have is a lot of hostility to Quinn, so there are votes for “the other guy.” That lasts until people find out that the other guy is pals with Brietbart, Angle, and Beck. Then “the other guy” doesn’t look so good.
That being said, I’m 99% sure you will never see Brady propose a balanced budget. Why should he? People believe that if we can get rid of patronage workers, the budget problem can be fixed. Why should Brady deal with reality, when voters don’t require him to deal with reality?
But again, we are off topic. The question is whether Angle hurts Brady, and in Illinois, it will hurt him. A lot of moderates here. Hanging with people who believe that government violates the First Commandment is not going to help.
- OneMan - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 4:06 pm:
Being at the same event as someone is somewhat different than ‘hanging with them’
Also the point I was trying to make is that some minds are made up, at this point the non-junkies and non-activists are paying a ton of attention.
As for him not proposing a balanced budget, you want him to do something the sitting governor and the party that controls both chambers in Springfield hasn’t done in years?
Interesting metric.
- Niles Township - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 4:07 pm:
Simon and this class for UIS should replace Quinn’s media consultants pronto.
- Son of Ben - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 4:09 pm:
“it is galling that someone who is campaigning as if being a ‘businessman’ is a good thing in government”
I think your use of “in government” is telling. Running as a businessman, in this political climate, should be good for most anyone who is not actually in government.
I suppose the people “in government” may not see it as a good thing.
The better question is whether Brady has a sucessful business record to tout.
- OneMan - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 4:10 pm:
I mean
t this point the non-junkies and non-activists are NOT paying a ton of attention.
- Skeeter - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 4:10 pm:
“Being at the same event as someone is somewhat different than ‘hanging with them’”
Sure won’t look that way when the ads run. And right now, NOBODY but junkies is paying attention. Frankly, nobody is even in town in August.
Bottom line is that it was very poor judgment. An unforced error. The sort of stuff that the ILGOP does routinely.
- OneMan - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 4:15 pm:
I’ll take a hanging with Angle over running on the same ticket as Rod any day of the week….
- washedmyhands - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 4:33 pm:
I’m a Republican…but credit is due. The Brady Bunch ad is A+++ material. I love JBT…but shoulda tossed her in as Alice at the end….lol
- David Ormsby - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 4:44 pm:
Someone should replace the critics of the SiC video with people with a sense of humour.
- somebody else - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 5:34 pm:
Get some photos of Brady with Angle and you have at least 9 weeks of mailings with all the dumb things she has said-which Brady clearly has no problem with seeing as he appeared with her.
I don’t care if it was Eloise’s annual funder or Oscar the Grouch’s event. The fact that he was with her associates himself with her goofy, silly statements that are so bad Reid may actually win re-election in Nevada when he should be toast.
- 42nd Ward - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 6:46 pm:
He did say hello to her, but that was about it. It was a good sized, two level boat with over 150 people on it so it was not hard to steer clear. Besides, Brady had politicking to do. There was no time to chat with Sharron Angle.
- Smitty Irving - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 7:25 pm:
John Bambenek
Please name the last 7 Illinois conservatives ELECTED TO STATEWIDE OFFICE. Thompson and Edgar don’t count.
- raising kane - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 8:41 pm:
Washedmyhands….JBT isnt a conservative so being in that ad wouldnt make much sense. And to answer Smitty’s question for John, The only two conservative statewide winners that I can remember were George and Jim Ryan.
- steve schnorf - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 9:30 pm:
There is a whole universe of difference between a George or Jim Ryan and an Alan Keyes, or a Beck or Limbaugh.
- just sayin' - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 1:05 am:
Brady’s response team is terrible. Hard to even figure out what they’re whining about, beyond the fact the Dems are running some pretty devastating ads against him.
- just sayin' - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 1:09 am:
Sharron Angle is showing why she’ll lose her race, by a lot. Why would you spend hours cruising Lake Michigan with a handful of Republicans from a different state who can’t even vote for you? A serious candidate would at most stop by the dock to meet any potential donors and then move on to the next thing. You don’t actually go on the booze cruise.
- wordslinger - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 7:34 am:
It nauseates me that yabbos like Breitbart, Beck, Limbaugh et. al can get away with misappropriating conservatism. They’re snake-oil salesmen, political Elmer Gantrys making millions peddling fear, ignorance and resentment to the anxious.
They degrade political conservatism just as the hate-filled, homophobe “preachers” pervert The Gospels.
Barry Goldwater would introduce them to the business end of his cowboy boots.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 9:13 am:
42nd Ward - How the heck do you know whether Brady talked with Angle? Are you on his staff or just stalking him?
- someone else - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 1:03 pm:
YDD–I’ll accept that Brady spoke with Angle! Great! Maybe she and Brady share several views on public policy, like the idea that people on unemployment would rather stay on unempolyment then find a job–despite the fact so many are looking and have been out of work for 2 years with benefits running out! Or that there shouldn’t be a minimum wage!
Outstanding! That will play great here in Illinois! Bring it on!