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The Republicans welcome the president home

Thursday, Aug 5, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* President Obama’s trip home to Chicago is prompting all sorts of mischief. For instance, the National Republican Senatorial Committee has posted a new online video starring Alexi Giannoulias, the beneficiary of an Obama fundraiser today. Watch it


PRESIDENT OBAMA: Let me be clear, bankers don’t need another vote in the United States Senate.

VOICEOVER: You all remember my associate Alexi Giannoulias, yes? He’s been a great banker for the mob, for the borgata. Shady loans to Tony Rezko and “Jaws” Giorango.

VOICEOVER: But Alexi’s not doing so hot these days, boss.

VOICEOVER: Alexi’s not paying taxes …

CHYRON: “Wealthy Giannoulias paid no taxes last year” Chicago Tribune, Clout St Blog, 7/2/10

VOICEOVER: … but wants to raise them on the people of Illinois.

GIANNOULIAS: “I have said from day one that we need an income tax increase.”

CHYRON: BUT … “we need an income tax increase”?

VOICEOVER: Eh, Al Capone would be impressed, if you catch my drift.

VOICEOVER: Alexi’s family’s bank was seized by the Feds

CHYRON: “Giannoulias Bank Seized” Politico, 4/23/10

VOICEOVER: And he lost $150 million after gambling kids’ college savings.

CHYRON: Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias … “On Whose Watch The $150 Million Was Lost” Chicago Business Crain’s Blog, 4/5/10

VOICEOVER: Alexi’s screwing up, but Illinois voters are who’s paying the price.

VOICEOVER: Now he thinks some suits from Washington, D.C. can bail him out with fundraisers?

CHYRON: “Obama To Headline Giannoulias Fundraiser In Chicago,” Chicago Sun-Times, 7/19/10

VOICEOVER: Alexi’s going to need a lot more than a few transactions to get out of this one.

CHYRON: Alexi Giannoulias: The Mob Banker Wants A Bailout

* Yesterday was the president’s birthday, so the RNC put up a website to “help” people wish him the best. My personal favorite card…

* Republican Congressman Aaron Schock even got into the act

“[The president’s fundraising] seems a bit out of touch with the average, ordinary American citizen who is currently cutting back. This seems precisely the kind of decadence this administration and particularly President Obama has criticized against,” Schock said during a conference call with reporters Wednesday.

Yep. We don’t want anyone to be decadently out of touch with ordinary Americans. Oh. Wait. Nevermind

* Speaking of Schock, Bernie asked him about his participation in Right Nation 2010. As I’ve already told you, Glenn Beck and Andrew Breitbart will be featured speakers…

During the call, I asked Schock if he agrees with Beck that Obama is a racist. I also asked if his appearance with Beck, Breitbart and others means Schock sees himself as more conservative than his apparently moderate image.

“Well, I don’t agree with Mr. Beck’s comments,” Schock said.

And as for the strong-right bent to the event, he said, he wasn’t aware of what it was called.

He’s going to an event with Glenn Beck and Andrew Breitbart and doesn’t know what it’s called? Really?

* And while we’re kinda sorta talking about the US Senate race, since Giannoulias is raking in some much-needed cash today, this article from Public Policy Polling is an interesting read

In 12 of the 13 US Senate races we have polled in the last two months the GOP candidate is actually losing moderate voters by a wider margin than John McCain did in 2008.

The only exception to that rule is Illinois Democratic candidate Alexi Giannoulias, who has had to battle attacks on his ethics, and leads Mark Kirk only 33-27 among moderates.

In all the rest of the races we’ve polled the GOP candidate trailed by at least 21 points with moderates, and the average comes out to 27 points.

* Related…

* Obama arrives home for rare visit on 49th birthday

* Obama set to raise big money in Chicago

* Senate race forces Obama to walk a fine line

* Schock criticizes Obama fundraiser

* Obama’s Birthday Trip Home a Win for Giannoulias, DNC

* Spotlight on Ford’s S. Side plant for president’s tour

* Chicago Ford plant speech, political fundraisers on tap for Obama today


  1. - Anonymous - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 9:14 am:

    As I’ve said before, the Tea Party is now in charge and the rest of the GOP is playing catch-up. Illinois Republicans are running scared as the Breitbart/Beck bus prepares to pull into Illinois. Any Republican who happens to have their picture taken with one of these characters will probably see that photo over and over again in Democratic TV spots leading up to Nov. 2. It’s all about getting the moderates and the independents to flee Nutjobistan and vote Democratic.

  2. - bored now - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 9:15 am:

    class acts, those chicago republicans! i wonder what they thought of democrats who protested against ronald reagan…

  3. - Wumpus - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 9:28 am:

    Wow, Rich laughs at something repulicans do (opposed to laughing at Republicans).

  4. - Niles Township - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 9:30 am:

    Decent internet ad. It could be a tighter 30 second TV ad.

  5. - The Captain - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 9:32 am:

    Well courting Glenn Beck should help with the moderates.

    Every time I tell people the Republicans couldn’t possibly lose they prove me wrong.

  6. - OneMan - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 9:33 am:

    The banker line is great….

  7. - Team America - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 9:41 am:

    Rich, you’re just jealous of Schock’s fashion sense. ;-)

  8. - Davey Boy Smithe - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 9:42 am:

    I think that ad was well done. Great beginning by using the President’s own words.

  9. - Hate it - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 9:52 am:

    Great content, but can we get past the impression of Chicago and the mob. You easily dismiss the ad cause you know that it was crafted outside of Illinois, cause only outsiders view us still as a mobbed up community lead by Al Capone. Good lord. They should have followed the lead of the failed banker as the US Chamber. It is much more in line withe begining with the President’s own remarks.

  10. - Amalia - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 10:01 am:

    Right Nation, with your master of ceremonies,
    now in the role of Ryan Seacrest,
    Aaron Schock, and guest judges, Andrew
    Breitbart and Glen Beck. the fashion, the
    hissy fits! Republicans 2010.

  11. - CircularFiringSquad - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 10:11 am:

    Sending our Mr. Dreamey is the best they can do?
    Pretty funny that he turns up right after the ex Mrs. CommandoMakeItUp appears to clear up all the Commando’s issues.

    BTW this info is stunning and deserves a repeat….In 12 of the 13 US Senate races we have polled in the last two months the GOP candidate is actually losing moderate voters by a wider margin than John McCain did in 2008.

    The only exception to that rule is Illinois Democratic candidate Alexi Giannoulias, who has had to battle attacks on his ethics, and leads Mark Kirk only 33-27 among moderates.
    In all the rest of the races we’ve polled the GOP candidate trailed by at least 21 points with moderates, and the average comes out to 27 points.

    Worse than WhackyJack McCain….impossible
    Alexi LEADS…..not a chance, becuase CommandoMakeItUp appeals to moderates
    GOP candidate trailed…huh

    Hasn’t all the slop reporting been suggesting moderate and indies are headed to the GOPers…..guess that is not all locked up yet

  12. - Louis G. Atsaves - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 10:13 am:

    On Don and Roma WLS this morning, they broadcast a clip of Obama stating he was here for his “good friend” Giannoulias. Problem was, Obama severely mispronounced Giannoulias’ name both times when he mentioned it.

    With “good friends” like that . . .

  13. - Berkeley Bear - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 10:30 am:

    Every time I here someone talk about “Chicago machine politics” or reference Capone, I assume they have no actual experience with this state in the last 20 years or so. The truth is both more nuanced and nastier, but when it sounds as inauthentic as a Capone reference it is going to turn off locals. As a base whipping vote, probably pretty effective, but not persuasive. Then again, this cycle seems to be all about the GOP trying to win the base and ride a perceived enthusiasm gap, rather than actually engaging moderates with a platform or ideas that might have the widespread popular support necessary to get anything done. Not a sound long term strategy for a party, but the GOP doesn’t seem to care about the long term.

  14. - Berkeley Bear - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 10:34 am:

    Oh, and the idea that Aaron Schock doesn’t know exactly what he’s doing and with whom is complete BS. I know he avoided making it known publicly, but anyone who thinks he’s a moderate hasn’t paid attention. He aligned himself pretty closely with some extreme elements from the outset in DC (recall the trip to Honduras where the GOP basically undercut the US’ official stance on the coup and efforts to negotiate a resolution?) I’ve had multiple people who claim a personal connection with him (and generally admire him) say he is extremely conservative in his core values - his sartorial splendor notwithstanding.

  15. - Anonymous ZZZ - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 10:42 am:

    Hate It and Berkeley Bear - go to the Springfield State Journal Register and read the comments there. Those commenters make references to the Chicago machine all the time, and I’m guessing most of them are from Illinois. The Tribune, too, is filled with comment boards with “Chicago machine” references. That image is alive and well within Illinois. Whether it’s fair or not is another issue, but that’s the way it is.

  16. - WRMNpolitics - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 10:45 am:

    Question: Will Rep. Schock recreate the John Travolta role in the remake of Saturday Night Fever? The only thing he need with that outfit is the disco ball and the Bee Gees. By the way, nice appearance as a guest judge on “Top Chef”.

  17. - Living in Oklahoma - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 10:46 am:

    The Illinois republican party is worthless.

  18. - Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 11:04 am:

    Rep. Schock is clever to the Nth degree. He is conservative to the conservatives and moderate to the moderates. He knows how to work the voters and he knows how to work a bill. He is a very clever politician, and, as such, it is very difficult to know where he really stands. After a few years in the House, expect him to run for SoS or Senator and eventually Gov.

  19. - Cincinnatus - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 11:28 am:

    I found this ad to be a highly effective. It combines humor, spin, facts. Anyway you look at it, it slimes Alexi pretty well. Obama’s quote is devastating, we will see this in future ads, methinks.

  20. - Davey Boy Smithe - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 11:29 am:

    @ Living in Oklahoma
    –The Illinois republican party is worthless. –

    Very clever. I’d expect this on the Daily Herald or Tribune’s comments section. I can counter with the Illinois Democrats are thieves. Wow, that was easy and it contributes nothing to a good debate.

  21. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 12:02 pm:

    Schock didn’t know the event was called Right Nation? Right.

    Looks like Schock has more in common with Kirk than I thought. Both pretend to be moderates and try to hide their conservative leanings. Why would they try to hide who they really are?

  22. - Vole - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 1:01 pm:

    “Looks like Schock has more in common with Kirk than I thought. Both pretend to be moderates and try to hide their conservative leanings. Why would they try to hide who they really are?”

    In sharp contrast to his predecessors, LaHood and Michel, whom I would characterize as moderate bipartisan conservatives, Schock has been nothing but very conservative from day one in representing my district. Schock knows he is safe in this district so he can forget representing anyone with more moderate or left leaning views. Schock represents the growing partisan divide in D.C.

    On the other hand, Kirk has voted much more moderately as a Congressman. But he has drifted decidedly rightward, more in the mode of Shimkus during this campaign. Case in point — his change of view on energy legislation and cap and trade. Kirk reminds me very much of John McCain who has consistently shifted rightward in rhetoric during election season. Weasel.

  23. - He Gone.... - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 1:36 pm:

    Wow it appears that Schock might have some interest in prop 8 from his clothing style….that outfit is suspect.

  24. - The 'Dale to HPark - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 1:43 pm:

    I’m sort of shocked that the Tea Party hasn’t picked up on Schock’s idea of selling nukes to Taiwan.

    BTW, downstate House Reps (like Schock) should be worried because one of ‘em is gonna lose their seat in 2012… I’m not sure what the correct political strategy is at this point since we don’t know how the districts are going to be drawn yet, but I’m pretty sure treading to far to the left or right is the wrong move.

  25. - wordslinger - Thursday, Aug 5, 10 @ 2:26 pm:

    Using Obama’s opening line was great, but the rest was hackneyed “Chicago, Al Capone, bang, bang.” Not very inspired creative.

    That Schock outfit still flabbergasts me. But to borrow another hackneyed phrase, “if it plays in Peoria….”

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