Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** No campaigning on the state dime here. Nope. Move along
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*** UPDATED x1 *** No campaigning on the state dime here. Nope. Move along

Friday, Aug 6, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From Gov. Pat Quinn’s state office…

**Friday, August 6, 2010**

CHICAGO - Governor Pat Quinn will encourage shoppers to take advantage of Illinois’ first-ever back-to-school sales tax holiday.

WHO: Governor Quinn
WHEN: 9 a.m.
WHERE: Sears Company
2 North State Street
Chicago, 60602

ROCKFORD - Governor Pat Quinn will encourage shoppers to take advantage of Illinois’ first-ever back-to-school sales tax holiday.

WHO: Governor Quinn
WHEN: 11:15 a.m.
WHERE: Macy’s
CherryVale Mall
Harrison Avenue and Perryville Road
Rockford, 61112

MOLINE - Governor Pat Quinn will encourage shoppers to take advantage of Illinois’ first-ever back-to-school sales tax holiday.

WHO: Governor Quinn
WHEN: 1:15 p.m.
5000 Avenue of the Cities
Moline, 61265

That’s a lot of time on the state plane to promote his campaign… um, I mean… the tax holiday.

* Your savings? About 30 bucks

A 10-day sales tax holiday kicks off Friday in Illinois, cutting 5 percent off the ultimate cost on qualifying school items. The National Retail Federation expects families to spend about $600 to get ready for school. The tax holiday would therefore save a family around $30, about the same amount it would cost to go to dinner at a casual restaurant.

However, in today’s economy, experts say, that dinner - or whatever families may put the $30 toward - is a real incentive for many shoppers. And recession-weary retailers are stoking that bargain-hunting mentality with additional promotions, discounts and coupons as a way to create a shopping frenzy similar to that seen on Black Friday, the day-after-Thanksgiving buying spree that kicks off the Christmas shopping season.

In fact, for many retailers the back-to-school period is second only to the Christmas holiday in generating sales and profits.

“The tax savings along with other sales will mean a substantial savings for the consumer,” said retail analyst Neil Stern, partner at Chicago-based McMillan/Doolitte retail consultancy. “If you’re a smart shopper, you can save quite a bit of money over the next 10 days.”

* A trip down memory lane. My syndicated column from a few weeks ago

This sales tax holiday probably will get more publicity than any other pre-election tax cut Quinn could’ve devised. Retailers usually advertise quite heavily during back-to-school season, and they’ll surely include the automatic 5 percent discount from the sales tax holiday in their nonstop pitches to consumers. Broadcast and print news will do plenty of stories during the Aug. 6-15 tax holiday.

Not to mention all the mothers who will be thankful for a break on their purchases. Quinn knew what he was doing there, or at least stumbled into it.

…Adding… He was also on Fox Chicago this morning

*** UPDATE *** A lot of people don’t realize that adult clothing also qualifies for this sales tax break. Even, apparently, bras

G Boutique, a Wicker Park store that specializes in lingerie, has sent an e-mail to its customers reminding them that replacing “nasty old bras that you should have thrown away months ago” and the like now are temporarily eligible for a 5% sales-tax exemption.

Under the tag line of “Thank You Mr. Governor,” the e-mail congratulates the Legislature for realizing that “charging the highest sales tax in the country is NOT helping small business.”

The e-mail then goes on to depict some goods from manufacturers like Hanky Panky — all with a goal of stimulating — sales, that is.

* Related…

* State sales tax holiday begins today

* ‘Tax holiday’ saving may not be big, but shoppers still happy to have it

* Our View: Sales tax holiday more about hype than financial hope: Go ahead. Prove us wrong. We hope you prove Gov. Pat Quinn right and stimulate the Illinois economy.

* Quinn coming to CherryVale Mall to promote shopping tax break


  1. - confused - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 10:45 am:

    Isn’t one of his roles as Governor to boost the economy and help spur consumer spending? If so, then why doesn’t promoting a program that will help do that qualify as performing a duty of the Governor’s Office?

    Just because it’s a “promotion” event, doesn’t mean he’s campaigning. He’s pushing a policy he implemented as Governor, not a campaign platform or policy proposal.

  2. - Anonymous ZZZ - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 10:49 am:

    confused, I agree with your basic point - IF it actually spurs consumer spending. I was reading an article yesterday (Sun-Times, maybe?) that said that in other states that have sales tax holidays like this, it doesn’t necessarily increase spending, it just changes the timing of people’s shopping.

  3. - OneMan - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 10:51 am:

    Yeah, it’s not like you are going to buy your kid two book bags. Or ‘Hey I am saving 5% Doug so lets get more pencils’!

  4. - "Clerks" fan - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 10:53 am:

    Any public thing done by the Gov. in an election year is campaigning. If this had been done last year it would have just been Quinn promoting it.

    Right or wrong that is what people will say. I for one agree with the tax break and am glad after years of Sen. Clayborne introducing the bill it has finally passed.

  5. - CircularFiringSquad - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 10:55 am:

    Hey Capt Fax aren’t you getting a little carried away? If this really trouble you move to Maine or some other go go state
    In the meantime anyone seen DaddyLittleDeduction (akaJason the litegov) recently?

  6. - unspun - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 10:56 am:

    Promoting changes in policy is a fundamental part of its implementation. If the Guv didn’t promote it, far fewer people would be aware of it….which would lead to its failure. I don’t understand criticism of a Governor for making positive change (even marginal savings help folks right now) and making the citizens aware of it. This is part of his job.

  7. - Wondering... - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 10:57 am:

    Making such a big deal of this is pathetic. The individual savings are meaningless to the vast vast majority of Illinois citizens. On the other hand the total loss of revenue to the state is meaningful given the woeful financial position the state is in.
    I saw Quinn on Chicago Ch.9 this moning touting this and I wanted to puke…

    What a sad situation we are in as November approaches and our choices for major offices in this state are so poor.

    What will it take to turn things around in Illinois??

  8. - Cincinnatus - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 10:57 am:

    Anonymous ZZZ - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 10:49 am:

    “…in other states that have sales tax holidays like this, it doesn’t necessarily increase spending, it just changes the timing of people’s shopping.”

    Absolutely correct. Same for Cash-for-Caulkers, the Homebuyers tax credits etc. Also, by extension, one-time tax rebates (often called Tax Cuts by Obama and Bush) are one of the least efficient methods of growth stimulation. Only long-term tax cuts of marginal and business tax rates spurs significant stable growth of the economy, since people are allowed to keep more of their money and plan, spend and invest accordingly.

  9. - Sacks Romana - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 11:07 am:

    A sales tax holiday is just irresponsible. Either our state needs the revenue or it doesn’t. And we all know it does. 30 bucks a person isn’t going to solve any family’s problems, but if a million families save $30, that’s $30 million less in the bank. I know we talk in billions with the state defecit, but can’t we still appreciate that some vendor or state-grant agency that hasn’t been paid in nine months could use some of that money?

    This is just something to make everyone feel good, especially Quinn. It’s campaigning, and not just state business, because it’s not a real policy or solution. It’s not governing.

  10. - Truth monger - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 11:14 am:

    Good politics but fiscally irresponsible. Nothing new for the phony reformer Quinn.

    Enjoy the plane rides till January.

  11. - Wumpus - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 11:15 am:

    I was going to send Wumpus Jr. to school w/o supplies. Now that there is $15 in savings to be had, Wumpus Jr will now have markers and pencils! Nice sentiment, but no big whoop. Enjoy the further delaying of payments vendors.

  12. - Wumpus - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 11:16 am:

    I am a big fan of reducing taxes, but how can he push for this while at the same time, push for an income tax indrease?

  13. - DzNuts - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 11:18 am:

    Wondering if Rod Blagojevich will publicly thank Quinn for the savings after he and Patty go shopping for back to school stuff? That $30 savings could probably buy him a nice pair of running socks, no?

  14. - cassandra - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 11:19 am:

    If folks are dumb enough to vote for Quinn because he implemented a tax holiday for obviously political reasons and despite what he and his pal Vaught claims is a budget crisis, then they deserve him.They also deserve the large income tax hike his is planning to impose on middle class taxpayers, whatever the impact on the economy.

  15. - Conservative Veteran - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 11:21 am:

    To increase revenue, the Illinois legislature should cut the gas tax rate and cigarette tax rate. Many people, who live close to neighboring states, go to those other states, to buy those products, because the tax rates are lower, in those other states. If IL has lower tax rates, more people will buy those products in IL, and the state will get more money.

  16. - A.B. - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 11:33 am:

    The hypocrisy of Quinn pushing for an income tax increase, but a tax holiday for school supplies is sickening.

    The voting public knows this is a campaign ploy. The reality is that there will not be a big increase in sales for back to school, this will just defer when people buy and leave the state coffers a little more bare. What a sham…er I mean shame.

  17. - John Bambenek - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 11:35 am:

    If this 5% reduction in sales tax is supposed to spur $1 billion in economic activity, what will a 2% increase in the income tax do?

    Just curious. ;)

  18. - How Ironic - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 11:40 am:

    My wife bought all of our kids supplies yesterday. $230, and we paid the tax. I figured the state needed it.

  19. - Rayne of terror - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 11:43 am:

    $600 to get ready for school? For how many kids per family? I’m sure I spent less than $100 outfitting my kindergartener including a Lands End backpack.

  20. - Hungry - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 11:56 am:

    Dinner for a family at a casual restaurant for $30? Somebody find me that restaurant.

    On second thought…maybe I don’t want to eat there.

  21. - (618) Democrat - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 12:52 pm:

    ‘No good deed goes unpunished’

    This tax holiday just proves no matter what you do some people are going to complain, even if it will save families money on necessary purchases.

    The $30 saving is a big deal to many families and I for one think it’s great.

    Governor Quinn was right to insist on this tax holiday and to promote it.

  22. - Dan - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 12:57 pm:

    Bras are included in the sales tax holiday? Dont ever, ever say the Governor doesn’t provide support to teachers!!

  23. - Niles Township - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 1:03 pm:

    Fox had a Rassmussen poll last night showing up almost 2/3 support for the holiday. A smart political move by Quinn. His folks also e-mailed around a study of the Florida tax holiday showing it was revenue neutral.

  24. - Small Town Liberal - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 2:02 pm:

    - It’s not governing. -

    Of course, its easy to say this when you support a candidate (and party) that will never have that responsibility. You see, you Greens seem to forget about an important part of being an elected official, namely the elected part.

  25. - Ghost - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 2:09 pm:

    Interestingly, the sales tax holiday will cost the State close to double in lost money what Quinn alleges he is saving by furloughing those employees who have not yet unionized.

  26. - Amalia - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 3:35 pm:

    Re G Boutique….yeah! shop for the girls! remember,
    Brady doesn’t care about the mammograms!

  27. - Glenn - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 5:20 pm:

    Where was all the criticism when Obama spent millions in federal dollars for a personal and political trip this week? Every movement Quinn takes these days is made out to be unlawful and unethical behavior. I am not buying the argument.

  28. - dinger - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 7:04 pm:

    One more state rip off ! They should charge the Gov for use of the state plane to fly around the state -nothing but campaigning and he knows it .

  29. - C'mon - Friday, Aug 6, 10 @ 10:21 pm:

    I don’t see how you can ding Quinn for this - is he supposed to avoid anything that people might like b/c it’s campaign season?

    Obviously he wants to do popular stuff pre-election - that’s the advantage of incumbency. Doesn’t this creates short-term cash flow for lcoal governments? You could easily argue its his job as Gov to maximize the publicity and proceeds from this period.

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