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No names, please, but thanks for the cash

Tuesday, Aug 10, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Some major Illinois names have been scrubbed from the Right Nation 2010 home page. Right Nation 2010 is the big Republican, conservative, tea party conference next month in the Chicago suburbs featuring speakers like Glenn Beck and Andrew Breitbart. House Republican Leader Tom Cross, Senate GOP Leader Christine Radogno, state party chairman Pat Brady and others were initially listed on the event’s main page, but those names are gone now. Why? Well, the spokesman says, the group just wanted to condense the info

“There was so much information that we had to condense it all,” Right Nation spokesman Collin Corbett, who made the changes to the site over the weekend, said. “They’re definitely still on there as hosts and nothing’s changed.”

That last part is true. Click here and you’ll see that the host names weren’t completely removed from the site, just the front page.

* There’s also some professed ignorance about the conference by at least a few of the participants, including Leader Radogno

Radogno said she wasn’t aware of “who all was going to be invited” when she was approached by the United Republican Fund about the conference.

“”I am grateful for any forum that’s going to get a lot of people excited and interested. And so it does not mean that I subscribe to all of their views,” she said. “Obviously, clearly I’m considered fairly mainstream and moderate. The same can be said about Tom Cross and Pat Brady. I just don’t think there is (a particular strategy). A lot of the party leadership is considered pretty mainstream.”

She said she will be unable to attend the conference because of a scheduling conflict.

Yeah. A scheduling confllict. That’s it.

* As we discussed the other day, Republican Congressman Aaron Schock said he didn’t even know what the event was called when he agreed to speak

During the call, I asked Schock if he agrees with Beck that Obama is a racist. I also asked if his appearance with Beck, Breitbart and others means Schock sees himself as more conservative than his apparently moderate image.

“Well, I don’t agree with Mr. Beck’s comments,” Schock said.

And as for the strong-right bent to the event, he said, he wasn’t aware of what it was called.

NBC5 has more on the exchange between Schock and Bernie

“Beck has said that President Obama has a deep-seated hatred of white people and that he’s a racist,” Schoenburg said. “Do you believe that, and if not, why are you appearing at this event?”

Schock chuckled before responding evasively, “I don’t agree with Mr. Beck’s comments, and I’m not sure I’m familiar with the event you’re speaking about.”

“It’s at the Sears Centre,” Schoenburg pressed. “You’re listed on their website. Andrew Breitbart is going to be there, who released that Agriculture Department official video, and so is Dick Armey. It’s basically a very conservative event. I thought you had kind of a moderate … Do you fit into this super hard right kind of event with these folks?”

“Well, Bernie, I would say I’m my own person, and I stand by my own comments, and I would leave it at that,” Schock concluded.

If all these Republicans are so eager to portray themselves next month as one of the faithful, then why are they so adamant about distancing themselves from the conference and its other high-profile participants?

That’s a rhetorical question, of course. The answer is pretty simple. They want to have their cake and eat it, too, without any notice. They’re embarrassed by this association with the likes of Beck and Breitbart.

* The conference won’t be cheap…

Parking Cost: $20
Ticket Prices: $1202 VIP, $302, $152, $102, $77*
*applicable fees will apply to phone and internet ticket purchases

VIP tickets include: Meet & Greet with Glenn Beck including photo and signed copy of his book.

And where’s the money going? From the website…

Our goal is to raise a minimum of $500,000 to be immediately plunged into campaigns in order to negate the avalanche of liberal special interest cash that Democrat candidates always receive in the weeks before the election.

So, that’s why those Republican leaders want to be a part of the event. Cold, hard cash. But, they’d rather you not know about it. And some of them aren’t even attending.

* Related…

* The mysterious ‘tea party consultant’


  1. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 11:00 am:

    I always object to the likes of Beck and Breitbart themselves conservatives. They’re Elmer Gantry’s selling fear and resentment for big money.

    Dick Lugar is a conservative and a great statesman. So is John McCain. These guys aren’t in the ballgame. Beck badmouths Theodore Roosevelt, for crying out loud.

  2. - shore - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 11:02 am:

    The bottom line is that the party does not know what it’s doing. Schock seems to be enjoying the perks of the job of congressman more than the actual job. Top Chef, a number of pictures and awards related to his social life, signing on for this which is a political sideshow designed to make money. I wonder how well his first term of bikini’s, aqua blue belts and purple shirts, reality show appearances and gq picture spreads in blago esque suits is playing in peoria.

    The problem is not that the event is conservative, the problem is that 6 weeks from the election rather than focusing on winning elections the party is attaching itself to firebrands who turn off the people mark kirk will be trying to convince he’s not. The democrats now have an opening because of pat brady’s affiliation and cross and radogno’s to ask every republican in the state-do you associate yourself with these people that associate themselves openly with the bs of beck and breitbart.

    a phd in political stupid.

  3. - haverford - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 11:05 am:

    How did this event get Radogno and Schock, but not Bill Brady? This is actually his crowd.

  4. - The Doc - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 11:09 am:

    ==So is John McCain==

    Maybe John McCain circa 2000, but certainly not the current iteration of McCain.

  5. - ivote - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 11:10 am:

    Here’s the real scary part. . . are people SO angry and turned off that they’ll actually vote some of these right wingers into office? If so, what will the moderate Republicans do? How will the schizoid Republican party actually govern? To the far right? To the middle? Or will there just be more gridlock? Or will the current band of Dem’s be returned to power and be emboldened to do more of nothing? This is sad. . . so very sad!

  6. - Easy - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 11:13 am:

    at least it appears everything is spelled correctly.

  7. - Segatari - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 11:18 am:

    John McCain is NOT a conservative!

    Moderate Republicans are actually responsible for most of the party’s current problems because no one votes for pretend Democrats. Really, if candidates in this state refuse to fully embrace conservativism and sharply contrast themselves from the liberal Democrats dominating this state they’ll never regain a foothold here.

  8. - shore - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 11:34 am:

    mccain got 39 percent as a “moderate” in Illinois. What do you think beck and breitbart would get ?

  9. - Plutocrat03 - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 11:41 am:

    conference won’t be cheap….

    neither was the President’s fundraiser for AG

  10. - A.B. - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 11:45 am:

    @ Segatari
    That is yet another ridiculous statement by the right.

    The failure of the Republican party in Illinois is based on a corrupt former governor, a national wave of anti-Republican sentiment, a disasterous campaign by a nut-bag named Alan Keyes and a complete failure to engage the soccer moms and spanish speaking minority in suburban communities.

    The reality is that the only Republican’s who survived this perfect storm are lead by the MODERATES. If it weren’t for the moderates like Cross, Radogno and Kirk, we’d be facing another nightmare scenario.

  11. - T - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 11:51 am:

    Cool! Jim Oberweis is gonna be there!

  12. - unspun - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 11:51 am:

    Schock just blew the needle off of my BS-o-meter. Could you please re-post that ridiculous picture of him in his tablecloth getup? PRETTY please (no pun intended).

  13. - Bakersfield - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 11:51 am:

    “No one votes for pretend democrats”

    The following people might disagree:
    Edgar, Ryan, Thompson, LaHood, Biggert, Topinka and Kirk.

  14. - Living in Oklahoma - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 11:55 am:

    More Republican Hypocrisy. Image that. The Party stands for nothing, and then wonders why they lose elections. It’s this mealy mouthed attitude that shows why Illinois will always be a blue state, because Republicans wont act like Republicans.

  15. - Mr. Cow - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 12:05 pm:

    If Chris Radogno is a truly a leader, why doesn’t she find out more about an event before she signs on to it?
    IMHO, she is central to the do nothing, obstructionist Republican BS in the Statehouse along with Cross.

    Can’t either party come up with some inspired leadership, PLEASE?

  16. - Cincinnatus - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 12:06 pm:

    I find it laughable that the most liberal members of this blog comment on what they think Republicans should so.

    iVote mentions that people are so mad, they will vote for conservatives. Yup, that is correct. Right now the conservatives have been energized by the governance of the Democrats in Washington and in Springfield. Past Illinois voter trends may indeed be thrown out the window in this cycle. This will not be due to the greatness of the Republican state candidates (God knows how true this is.) but by the perception that Democrats have created.

    With the rising conservative trends nationwide, it only makes sense that there may be a conservative upswing in Illinois. The fundraising numbers from RightNation will be very interesting, we should compare them to the Recent big ticket Obama fundraiser (for those that say the tickets for RightNation are expensive, put it in perspective with Obamas $30k per ticket costs).

    Are Breitbart and Beck “extreme?” Surely for liberals, maybe for conservatives. But they do draw a crowd that is no more extreme (and probably much less so) than you’ll see at an SEIU or ACORN convention, or a Van Jones fundraiser, or at the Canadian fundraiser that Alexi snuck into and refuses to answer questions about.

    As far as Beck being racist, look at the comments that started this claim and judge for yourself:

    As for Breibart, here is the clip that was on his web site when the Sherrod fiasco broke that clearly included her “redemption”:

  17. - unspun - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 12:09 pm:

    This just in….The IL GOP gives hypocricy a voice! “We want Tea Party Support, but we don’t support Tea Party ideals! If you question us about our support or participation, we will either dodge the question or claim ignorance.”

  18. - Will County Woman - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 12:17 pm:

    unspun, please dems are doing the same thing to obama. they’ll take the riches that he brings, but don’t want to be seen with him when they are stumping for votes.

    too bad Andy McKenna sqaundered 6 years of blago and failed to build up the Illinois GOP. it looks like they will do well this year in spite of him, though. IL GOP needs to be reminded that its candidates in top races aren’t being supported for their positions per se, they are being supported because people are very very very unhappy with the ways dems have run (mismanaged) this state.

  19. - just sayin' - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 12:17 pm:

    So basically Christine Radogno is saying that she and her fellow chieftans are all mainstream and normal, but all the peasants who will be there are out of the mainstream and possibly dangerous.

    Way to win hearts and minds Chris. You stay classy.

  20. - WRMN politics - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 12:20 pm:

    A political consultant told me that this election is too important for the Republicans not to screw it up. This event is a major way to alienate the moderate and independent voter, who will be the deciding factor in this election, while catering to a far right base who already will vote Republican. Also the northwest burbs where this is being held is generally a moderate area having elected both Democrats and Republicans at both the federal and state level. P.S. I wonder what Beck and the other featured speakers are being paid for this event, and it would be interesting to see what they demand in their contract riders, (i.e., first class airfare etc)

  21. - John Bambenek - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 12:30 pm:

    So let me get this straight. People are losing their jobs, their house values have plummetted while their property tax bill climbs 30+%, we have a governor on his way to a conviction, people’s savings are gone and something like 70% of Illinois’ voters think the state is on the wrong track…

    And you think people are going to give a crap about some event in Rosemont and that be the solitary thing that decides their vote?

    The “indepedent voter” isn’t going to notice or care.

    And if the campaign staffers wants to make the races be an attack on voters who are engaged (like 9-12 groups) you’ll see a lot more ads like the one in Alton.

    Except next time, there will be a lot more stank on it.

    Go ahead Dems, run from your record and attack voters.

    Best. Strategy. EVAR!

  22. - unspun - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 12:39 pm:

    WCW “unspun, please dems are doing the same thing to obama. they’ll take the riches that he brings, but don’t want to be seen with him when they are stumping for votes.”

    Uh, didn’t I just read about 100 articles about a fundraiser that Obama had for Alexi?

  23. - Cincinnatus - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 12:56 pm:


    Nationwide, Obama is starting to be toxic, especially in swing districts. He still is popular in liberal districts. And if he can’t draw people in his own state…

  24. - Skeeter - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 12:58 pm:

    Not to get off topic, but the right wing sure was upset because certain allegedly liberal members of the media had “listserv.”
    Where is the outrage that Beck is actually on the team raising money for GOP causes?
    Which ILGOP leaders will denounce Beck for crossing the line from reporter to advocate?

  25. - Montrose - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 1:02 pm:

    *Nationwide, Obama is starting to be toxic, especially in swing districts. He still is popular in liberal districts. And if he can’t draw people in his own state…*

    This is not a rhetorical question - Do you have specifics examples of his toxicity and/or his inability to draw crowds here in Illinois?

  26. - John Bambenek - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 1:04 pm:


    No one is under the impression that Breitbart or Beck aren’t partisans. Journalists, on the other hand, shouldn’t be in the business of picking sides and operating what was, in essence, a shadow PAC.

  27. - unspun - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 1:11 pm:

    There aren’t many dem candidates in IL that wouldn’t welcome Obama’s “toxicity” at their fundraisers. Montrose raises a good question.

  28. - jim - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 1:19 pm:

    You don’t have to agree with everything someone (like Beck) says to find yourself in general agreement on key issues raised by the group in question.
    Does Giannoulias agree with everything every far-left Democrat says. Or does he subscribe to a general philosophy.
    Of course, Schock is his own man. He should be held responsible for what he says and does, not for what some other person says or does.

  29. - John Bambenek - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 1:22 pm:

    But jim, it’s easier to do guilt by association then standing by a record of abysmal failure.

  30. - Amalia - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 1:34 pm:

    who’s going to the conference with video capabilities? please
    please give me pix of the Schock and Awe of it!!!!

  31. - Vole - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 1:34 pm:

    The schizophrenia still thrives in the IL GOP. Serves the wingers well in the primaries. In the generals statewide, not so well. The dems are lucky the GOP ain’t on their meds.

  32. - Segatari - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 1:44 pm:

    AB it is not a ridicious statement nor is it “tin-hornish.”

    >The failure of the Republican party in Illinois is based on a corrupt former governor,

    A corrupt governor that shifted far away from conservatism, most conservatives didn’t like the guy when he showed his true colors.

    >a national wave of anti-Republican sentiment,

    Because…they shifted away from conservatism and acted more like John McCain.

    >a disasterous campaign by a nut-bag named Alan Keyes

    Because the GOP leadership at the time wanted to prove conservatives can’t get elected in Illinois and they all refused to fight back against the vicious attack by the Obama campaign against Jack Ryan to have him knocked off the ballot to clear his path to the Senate and White House - a RINO blunder that the entire nation will be paying for for at least a decade or more.

    >and a complete failure to engage the soccer moms and spanish speaking minority in suburban communities.

    In other words, cowtow to the National Organization for [Liberal] Women and join the chorus of lefties wanting the abolishment of immigration law.

    >The reality is that the only Republican’s who survived this perfect storm are lead by the MODERATES.

    Really what have moderates done for this state other than be RINOs? Ronald Reagan had he been born 30 years ahead of his birthdate wouldn’t had ever been able to make a political rise in this state because of its forsakening of conservatism.

    >If it weren’t for the moderates like Cross, Radogno and Kirk, we’d be facing another nightmare scenario.

    Yeah because Kirk is really doing so well with his “misremembering” of his military service.

  33. - John Bambenek - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 1:50 pm:

    Brady is conservative and doing well. Kirk is a mdoerate and not doing well…

    Maybe things aren’t so simple, Vole.

  34. - CircularFiringSquad - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 1:55 pm:

    BTW taxpayers were thrilled to see the four page glossy campaign brochure that arrived in voters mail boxes today from Mr. Dreamey aka Cong Schock. It touts all the spending his supports for vets and the military.

    Yikes hopes the PJS does not see it and think he is campaigning on govt dime

  35. - Vole - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 2:01 pm:

    “Brady is conservative and doing well.”

    Consider the opposition and the state of the state. Elmer Fudd could have the same poll numbers.

    “Kirk is a mdoerate and not doing well…”

    Consider that he is running as a staunch conservative in the mold of John Shimkus and that Kirk has really pulled his soiled cap over his brow in this campaign.

    November will tell us how well is well.

  36. - Cincinnatus - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 2:04 pm:

    - Skeeter - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 12:58 pm:

    “Which ILGOP leaders will denounce Beck for crossing the line from reporter to advocate?”

    Beck repeatedly says he is NOT a journalist. He always claims he is an entertainer.

    - Montrose - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 1:02 pm:

    *Nationwide, Obama is starting to be toxic, especially in swing districts. He still is popular in liberal districts. And if he can’t draw people in his own state…*

    “This is not a rhetorical question - Do you have specifics examples of his toxicity and/or his inability to draw crowds here in Illinois?”

    Perhaps I was unclear. I meant to say that nation-wide he is toxic, one need only look at his favorable/unfavorable ratings. My point was that he still can draw crowds in his home state of Illinois which is still deeply blue in most areas.

  37. - John Bambenek - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 2:05 pm:


    Kirk is running as a staunch conservative? You know that word does have meaning more than just throwing it around as a derogatory term?

    And both Quinn and Alexi are damaged right now… it’s not like Kirk’s numbers are low because Alexi has done a splendid job.

  38. - Vole - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 2:21 pm:

    “Kirk is running as a staunch conservative?”

    It has been my impression that Kirk has reversed some of his moderate positions in response to the right wing blow back generated by some of his votes including that on energy legislation.
    Nothing derogatory implied. But if you run as a conservative then you should vote like one and not just be one in election years in the likes of John McCain.

  39. - John Bambenek - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 2:26 pm:

    Being conservative is a little more involved then opposing cap-and-trade. Heck, even some Dems are opposed to it.

    I must have missed it when Kirk showed up for kareoke night at the Drill Baby Drill Bar and Grill.

  40. - Segatari - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 2:51 pm:

    >>“Kirk is a mdoerate and not doing well…”

    >Consider that he is running as a staunch conservative in the mold of John Shimkus and that Kirk has really pulled his soiled cap over his brow in this campaign.

    He is? Care to explain why his position on Obamacare differs so greatly from the mainstream as in he would not vote to repeal it? I’d like to see PROOF that he is fully embracing conservative principals before I’d believe it.

  41. - Highland, IL - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 3:40 pm:

    ====”Consider that he is running as a staunch conservative in the mold of John Shimkus and that Kirk has really pulled his soiled cap over his brow in this campaign.”====

    Well there’s his problem. Shimkus can afford to run as Shimkus in his GOP district - that doen’t translate to a statewide race in blue Illinois.

  42. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 7:38 pm:

    Beck is an entertainer? Like Sinatra or Dean Martin? Like the fella once said, ain’t that a kick in the head.

    Beck is a blackhearted charlatan selling fear and resentment == for big money == in desperate times. He’s today’s Father Coughlin.

    That’s entertainment? Like I said before, Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan would plant their cowboy boots where the good Lord split him. They were patriots and optimists. Beck and crew are as anti-American as they come.

  43. - Cincinnatus - Tuesday, Aug 10, 10 @ 10:13 pm:


    Yup, Beck is an entertainer, just like Keith Olbermann, John Stewart or the ladies on the View. For serious analysis, see Charles Krauthammer, or Doug Shoen/Pat Caddell. For serious reporting, see the Wall Street Journal and most times the CapitolFax.

  44. - Brennan - Wednesday, Aug 11, 10 @ 6:21 am:

    “super, hard right”

    Awesome. That’s a new one for the list.

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