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Quinn is now just inviting scorn

Monday, Aug 16, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Pat Quinn held a press conference today to tout his new $2,500 tax credit for each new employee hired by companies that have 50 or fewer workers. State Sen. Bill Brady has a different jobs tax credit proposal. It’s lower, $2,100, but it applies to all companies, large and small.

According to the AP, the governor accused his Republican rival of wanting to “lower the overall tax credit so he can help big businesses,” and then added

“Big businesses we have programs for in Illinois,” Quinn said. “We don’t have to take some of the largest corporations on earth and hand out tax incentives to British Petroleum or someone like that. We want to target our tax credit in a very focused way to our small businesses that are right here in Illinois, not multi-national corporations.”

But it didn’t end there

“He knows all about layoffs,” Quinn said of Brady. “He’s applied his chainsaw to his real estate development company and laid people off. He hasn’t created any jobs at all.”

Yikes. And the retort…

“It’s the ultimate hypocrisy for Pat Quinn to attack a family business for making difficult decisions when he’s been a life-long politician who’s never directly created a job in his life,” Brady spokeswoman Patty Schuh said.

Here we have a governor who has presided over a budget that has resulted in countless job losses among private human service agencies, schools, police departments, state contractors, etc., and he’s calling Brady, whose very successful company suffered because of a national economic crisis, “an expert at layoffs“?

That’s a bit much, if you ask me.

Maybe Brady should’ve just followed Quinn’s lead and given his staff huge raises instead of laying them off. Yeah. That would’ve worked.

…Adding… Speaking of jobs for large companies

Another Illinois lawmaker says that if the St. Louis Rams need a new home, and folks on the Missouri side aren’t willing to help, then the team should look to the east — the Metro East.

First it was State Senate President John Cullerton, now it’s Democratic State Representative Jay Hoffman of Collinsville.

“I believe that Illinois would work in conjunction with Missouri to keep the Rams,” Hoffman tells KMOX. “We need to keep them here.” […]

“And even though they only won one game last year, we’re seeing good things on the horizon,” Hoffman says, “and understand the economic tool that the Rams are, and any sports franchise is.”


  1. - OneMan - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 2:57 pm:

    It’s different when it’s someone else’s money….

  2. - Truth monger - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 2:58 pm:


    You might want to look into what is happening with this tax credit program at DCEO. I heard that they have less then 100 jobs created thus far out of the 25,000 promised.

  3. - John Bambenek - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 3:01 pm:

    I think we can reduce Quinn’s campaign at this point to fill-in-the-blank ad-libs.

  4. - eastsider - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 3:09 pm:

    Wow, did Quinn really just say that?? So Brady was supposed to just ignore the housing meltdown and continue to pay all of his employees until the company went bankrupt…thus costing everyone their jobs? Not everyone can borrow on the taxpayers’ dime to keep people employed.

    And what is Jay Hoffman talking about? Where is he going to come up with funds for a $500mil football stadium? This sounds like an election year faux promise to me.

  5. - OneMan - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 3:09 pm:

    Hey Quinn cares about government jobs, just ask the IDOC director, he has done everything he can to avoid laying him off

  6. - Joe from Joliet - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 3:12 pm:

    Pat, I’ll tell you how to help businesses that hold state contracts:

    PAY THEM !!!

    If that happened, they may not need a handout.

  7. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 3:15 pm:

    Everytime Quinn opens his mouth, Brady gains another point or two in the polls. Perhaps Illinois Republicans should hold a fundraiser to send Quinn on a speaking tour of the state.

  8. - George - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 3:19 pm:

    here is he going to come up with funds for a $500mil football stadium?

    STAR Bonds!

  9. - Fire Ron Guenther - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 3:20 pm:

    Is there anyone at Quinn’s campaign who has any control over him? Where is the great Ben Nuckels?

  10. - George - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 3:21 pm:

    In order to qualify for these tax credits a small business has to pay almost $14 per hour. Wonder how many jobs have been created thus far? Quinn administration seems to be hiding the real numbers.

  11. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 3:22 pm:

    Politics ain’t Bean Bag.

    If Brady wants to criticize Quinn for cutting state spending, he should.

    As for this line from Patti Schuh:

    === “It’s the ultimate hypocrisy for Pat Quinn to attack a family business for making difficult decisions when he’s been a life-long politician who’s never directly created a job in his life,” ===

    My response would go something like this:

    Bill Brady is the ultimate career politician — a politician across the last three decades — and the ultimate Hypocrisy is Bill Brady to complain about taxes when he isn’t paying any.

  12. - Pat Robertson - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 3:22 pm:

    ==“We don’t have to take some of the largest corporations on earth and hand out tax incentives to British Petroleum or someone like that. We want to target our tax credit in a very focused way to our small businesses that are right here in Illinois, not multi-national corporations.”==

    PQ: I’m shocked! Shocked! That my worthy opponent is proposing to give credits to big multinationals.

    Aide: Excuse me, Governor, but it’s time for your umpteenth press pop on the Ford plant.

  13. - George - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 3:23 pm:

    Dude, who is the new George?

  14. - Segatari - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 3:24 pm:

    Why do the Rams need out of the Trans World Dome? It’s only like 15 years old.

  15. - grand old partisan - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 3:26 pm:

    === “We want to target our tax credit in a very focused way to our small businesses that are right here in Illinois, not multi-national corporations”

    (1) Why not, Governor??? We need more jobs in this state, and this is a bad time to be picky about who you want creating them. When it comes to employment, beggars can’t be choosers, and choosers just might end up as beggars.

    (2) Anytime I see these sorts of “targeted” initiatives, I always wonder, in this case, what about companies with 51 workers? Why are they less deserving of assistance as companies with 49? Is 50 a magic number that cleanly divides “small business” from “multi-national corporations?”

  16. - eastsider - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 3:27 pm:

    Funny that Quinn throws BP into the mix and tags them as “multi-national”. Isn’t Ford a multi-national company?

  17. - George - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 3:27 pm:

    Only in Illinois can a 20-year career politician and his 25-year government employee spokesperson get away with attacking someone else for being a “Life-Long Politician.”

  18. - John Bambenek - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 3:30 pm:


    HEY! Don’t let your facts get in the way of good invective!

  19. - the Patriot - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 3:42 pm:

    I suggest a poll of unemployed workers. Do you want a job:

    A. At a company with less than 50 employees

    B. More than 50 employees

    C. don’t care as long as I have a job.

    No one cares who gives them a job, they just want a freakin job guv.

    Maybe this is why the DGA keeps spending so much money on PQ. They figure they will give him all the companies with 10 employees and they can take all the companies with 1000.

    Pat Quinn, Good for Business…in other states!

  20. - One of the 35 - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 3:44 pm:

    Both of these guys have been splashed with their own mud from all their campaign attacks on the other guy. I’m an R but would strongly suggest that they both start talking about what they are each going to do themselves and stop bashing the other guy. The latter is really turning off the voters from both sides of the aisle. I just might write in Rich Miller’s name for gov!

  21. - George - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 3:45 pm:

    I just might write in Rich Miller’s name for gov!

    Oh god

  22. - D.P. Gumby - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 3:47 pm:

    Has anyone checked the air quality in the gov. offices? Is there a lack of oxygen? Quinn’s beginning to go as wacky as Blago w/ his public statements….granted, Brady never has, but that’s another story.

  23. - Adam Smith - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 3:49 pm:

    All the time Brady has been in the legislature he has also been working for his family business. That is a big difference. He is a citizen legislator, not a hack who must have a government paycheck to survive.

    Quibble about Brady’s taxes and his time in the GA, but this is another bitchy Quinn temper tantrum that shows his truly distasteful character.

    Another shot that is not only far off the mark, but one that comes all the way back around to hit Quinn in the foot.

  24. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 3:53 pm:

    I am skeptical that this tax credit would be much incentive for many small business owners. Many employers with just a few employees are sole proprietors who at a 3% state income tax rate are not paying much to begin with, maybe less than $2500 to the state.

    Until employers see a real economic pick up, they won’t be hiring, tax incentive or not. I don’t see what either candidate gets out of whacking the other over these weak and ineffective tax policies.

  25. - Excessively Rabid - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 3:53 pm:

    Looking briefly into sheep breeds, it seems the Rams could become the Alton Altays or the Belleville Beltexes.

  26. - Will County Woman - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 3:57 pm:

    “Bill Brady is the ultimate career politician — a politician across the last three decades — and the ultimate Hypocrisy is Bill Brady to complain about taxes when he isn’t paying any.” —YDD

    YDD, Brady is only 48 or 49-years-old. He hasn’t been in politics spanning three decades.

    And, if you didn’t owe taxes because you used legitimate and legal exemptions, would you pay anyway? If your answer about yourself is no, why would expect/want Brady to? Why hold him to a higher standard than you would hold yourself?

  27. - shake and bake - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 4:00 pm:

    It’s Brady’s business and if he is applying to run Illinois it’s important to know that his own personal company is floundering. Quinn is right on the money here!

  28. - Skeeter - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 4:00 pm:

    This is the sort of trash that Quinn does that drives us nuts.

    He claims we need an income tax increase since we have such a massive deficit.

    So what does he do? A tax holiday and then a tax cut.

    The guy has zero credibility.

  29. - unbelievable - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 4:02 pm:

    so on the same the day Quinn signs the tax amnesty bill for multi-national corporations who dont pay their taxes.. he’s complaing about brady giving them a tax break–oh brother!

  30. - Commonsense in Illinois - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 4:03 pm:

    Unfortunately until business picks up there is no reason for employers to expand payrolls. If policy makers are truly interested in helping Illinois business, and I don’t really care if someone wants only to help the smallest out there, we need to expand the demand for products that consumers are buying and bring those manufacturers here to Illinois and/or help existing businesses expand into those products. Creating demand starts the economic cycle and then you can have job growth. The tax credit isn’t a bad idea, but nobody is going to hire someone for the credit if there isn’t work for that person to perform.

  31. - Anon - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 4:05 pm:

    I hope as November draws closer media outlets will start providing us all with civics lessons on how to do write-ins. Even when I’m throwing a vote away, I’d like to make sure it gets counted.

  32. - the Patriot - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 4:07 pm:

    I think you summarized the difference between Brady and Quinn. Brady has some ideas you may think are out there, but he has a pretty consistent pro business-social conservative philosophy. Quinn sees a different memo on a daily basis and changes positions 180. I don’t think he has a philosphy he just tries to get along. That is probably why he made it 6 years under Blago and didn’t say a word.

    BTW if you are against millionaires, you can’t support small business. Most multi national corporations have no millionaires in our IL or the US for that matter. Many small business owners are millionairs and live right here amontg us.

  33. - Cincinnatus - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 4:10 pm:

    If Quinn continues his current pace of flubs, gaffs, bad decisions, irrational comments, etc. Rich will probably stop wasting threads on him in about 4 weeks. It’s about time to send Quinn a fork, he’ll need one very soon.

  34. - Commonsense in Illinois - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 4:12 pm:

    Cincinnatus, one has to remember that much of Pat Quinn’s professional life has been dedicated to bomb-throwing. All he’s doing here is what he’s done since the Walker Administration left office in 1977.

  35. - Aldyth - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 4:21 pm:

    Quinn, do you plan what you’re going to say ahead of time? Do you talk to any of your about it and get some feedback? You ought to get a few more opinions about your public statements.

  36. - HolyCatz - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 4:23 pm:

    Bring the Rams to the Metro East. Hand them a jar of horse radish and a summons to appear in civil court all at the same time!! What a great new avenue for litigation.

  37. - OneMan - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 4:23 pm:

    The thing is, I suspect Quinn walked away from that thinking he was really clever.

  38. - Cincinnatus - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 4:25 pm:

    Like about 99 out of 100 politicians, Quinn needs a joy buzzer in his pants, actuated by a staff member standing just out of sight. Whenever Pat starts off, ZAP.

  39. - Vote Quimby! - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 4:27 pm:

    The Rams won’t come to the Metro East just like the Bears would never move to Gary. Who is this pumpkin-like man, anyway?

  40. - Wait a minute - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 4:54 pm:

    I hope employees of Caterpillar, Deere and all the other multinational companies with operations in Illinois are paying attention. I guess Pat Quinn doesn’t care about their jobs.

  41. - And I Approved This Message - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 4:59 pm:

    Same question I asked about six months ago:Is it possible (likely) that Pat doesn’t want to be Governor any more?

  42. - train111 - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 4:59 pm:

    Is it November yet??

  43. - 4 percent - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 5:00 pm:

    Quinn is full of hypocrisy. He signed tax incentives for Ford and Navistar before meeting with Cat’s CEO at a ball game (which Quinn leaked to the media) and then he failed to get Cat’s new plant to locate in Illinois.

    Memo to the Governor: We NEED JOBS - especially good-paying manufacturing jobs.

  44. - Louis G. Atsaves - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 5:03 pm:

    Quinn has been in State Government since the start of the Dan Walker Administration, or more than three decades, basically twice as long as Brady.

    He’s the tired old face in this race, not Brady.

  45. - Plutocrat03 - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 5:13 pm:

    Support for hugely expensive sport venues is the ultimate in supporting the rich.

    The rich owner, the rich players. The money never comes back. Anyone who proposes public money to support a sports stadium should be forced to meet with every single vendor, retiree and state employee who is being affected by this downturn and explain why their concerns are less important than some prissy multimillionaires.

  46. - Wensicia - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 5:15 pm:

    Quinn, the gift that keeps on giving, to the other side.

  47. - Responsa - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 5:18 pm:

    —Quinn, do you plan what you’re going to say ahead of time?—

    Aldyth, LOL. I thought we had all pretty much ironed out the answer to that question after Quinn’s rambling State of the State address!

  48. - Will County Woman - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 5:21 pm:

    - One of the 35 - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 3:44 pm:

    No. Brady is not act fault here!

    Actually, just like the primary, the personal attacks/mudslinging are coming from one-side: Quinn’s.

    he always talks about how his parents raised him to be polite and civil toward others (and seriously what 60 something year old man talks like that?). then, he is the first one to sling mud and act all crazy.

    quinn’s becoming unglued; he had a rough week last week, and this week is getting off to a bad start. could this be the start of the end? stay tuned.

  49. - Luke - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 5:50 pm:

    Quinn sounds rather desperate. Big businesses can locate elsewhere. Why should Illinois government favor one size of business over another? This afternoon The Tribune Co. announced that favor Texas over Illinois.

  50. - Edison Parker - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 6:43 pm:

    Tim Nieukirk, save us!!!!

  51. - Park - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 6:59 pm:

    I spent a lot of my career in the private sector. We always held most politicians in contempt because they had no concept of the real world. I still feel that way when politicians, like our current president, attempt to ‘create jobs’. Aside from government employment, most of these folks have NO IDEA how the economy works. None. Zero. It’s not just D’s….the sainted Jim Edgar never had a real job outside of government.

    Quinn is no worse than average at this….he doesn’t know how the economy works. Brady (probably) does.

  52. - flabergasted - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 7:01 pm:

    I just heard that Blago is out of money to pay his attorneys and the tax payers will have to pick this expense up. Will there be a donation box on the 2011 tax form and a credit later? SNARK

  53. - steve schnorf - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 8:58 pm:

    Park-wrong about Edgar

  54. - Betsy - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 9:38 pm:

    quinn is actually right on the policy disagreement with brady - makes more sense to give the tax credits only to small businesses, since they tend to be owned by Illinois residents, whereas big businesses are often owned by shareholders. so it keeps the benefits in state. plus with state budget, the fewer tax credits in general, the better.

    but wow, did he handle this poorly. Cincinnatus @4:10 said it right

  55. - VanillaMan - Monday, Aug 16, 10 @ 11:20 pm:

    When the Governor brings up economics, jobs, or businesses in Illinois, he cuts his own throat. Pat Quinn needs to shun any debates over the economy, because the economy sucks. When he tries to discuss it, the Governor loses the argument.

    When the Governor tries to cut Brady down for some kind of business stand, he loses the argument.

    Pat Quinn has to tear down Brady over social issues because he will not win over economic ones. Pat Quinn has to smear Bill Brady and scare voters into believing that as governor, Brady will bring back the 1880s.

    That is the only way Quinn can have a chance.

  56. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 1:14 am:

    Everybody knows in IDOC Randell did not call the shots. D.B. was the one who brought about the early release program.

  57. - Brennan - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 7:37 am:

    This must be why CAT chose Texas over Illinois. Pat Quinn is the worst salesman ever.

  58. - The Truth - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 8:27 am:

    Very simple. Pat Quinn is crazy. Bill Brady is dumb. Brady laid off all those people so he didn’t have to pay taxes and what about all those illegals working at his hotel that he doesn’t pay taxes on. Amazing. I’ll take crazy and honest over dumb.

  59. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 8:41 am:

    Randell is an albatross. He knows he is. He should resign on his own. Quinn will not win if Randell is hanging around his neck.

  60. - Pat Robertson - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 8:48 am:

    ==Brady laid off all those people so he didn’t have to pay taxes==

    The real truth is that he didn’t pay taxes because his business expenses (including wages for employees) exceeded his income. If he had laid all those employees off earlier, as soon as his business dropped off, he might have saved enough to still owe taxes.

  61. - George2 - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 8:52 am:

    Wow. Quinn’s jobs credit created 92 jobs!!!!

  62. - OneMan - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 9:08 am:

    ==Brady laid off all those people so he didn’t have to pay taxes and what about all those illegals working at his hotel that he doesn’t pay taxes on. ==

    Yes because you only pay taxes on active employees. He let people go so he could avoid paying income taxes. Oh and those ‘illegals’ at his hotel, that’s right a guy running for governor has decided he isn’t going to pay withholding or other taxes on some of the folks who work for him. Because that will not attract attention or be against the law at all…

    Dude, The Truth is you should look at adjusting your tin-foil hat. Remember if you can see your temples so can the microwaves!

  63. - The CARDINAL - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 9:37 am:

    Quinn has done virtually nothing to “create jobs” Please spare me, if anything the lack of leadership has cost hundreds of young teachers their jobs. As for Brady (a less than an inspiring candidate) he has a family business and worked within the framework of the tax codes that He did not create.
    As for Quinn ask this question
    Where are all the Bond sales that were going to provide projects and infrastructure and good union jobs that were promised. Oh wait you have to have a plan to pay those back before you can sell em. Even someone dumb enough to extend financing to Illinois would require to get paid back.

  64. - fed up - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 12:01 pm:


    Quinn the career politician heck he Even had campaign funds for positions he never ran for . Hmm he Even made a profit from a campaign fund for a position he never ran for. HMM did Pat Quinn pay taxes on the profit he took from a campaign fund that’s campaign never occurred. Quinn is a quack that was fun to listen to make crazy statements but not really care about. The Dem’s didn’t even want him as Lt. Gov he has done nothing for 8 years but collect a check and be Blagos buddy. He had no problem keeping quiet while Blago was shaking down campaign contributions. Its time for Illinois to pink slip Quinn.

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