Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x10 *** Topinka: Justice will prevail, it’ll just take some time
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*** UPDATED x10 *** Topinka: Justice will prevail, it’ll just take some time

Tuesday, Aug 17, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The first post-verdict campaign press release has just arrived…


CHICAGO – Former State Treasurer and 2006 Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Judy Baar Topinka released the following statement Tuesday in response to the verdict of a conviction on one charge and a hung- jury on the remaining 23 counts announced in the trial of former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich:

“While I applaud the jury for convicting Rod Blagojevich of lying to the FBI, I am disappointed in today’s announcement of a hung-jury on the remaining counts in the trial of Rod Blagojevich. I believe the evidence of his guilt was clear and persuasive, however it is clear that at least some of the jurors were unable to reach the same conclusion.

“Today’s decision does not change the facts in the case or the reality that personal enrichment cannot be tolerated. It does not diminish my confidence in our judicial system, or my strong belief that a jury will ultimately hold Blagojevich fully accountable for his actions – and I would hope that the prosecution would move to retry the remaining counts without delay.”

“Justice will prevail; it will just take longer than many of us hoped.”

*** UPDATE 1 *** From Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady, who said this week that he probably wouldn’t try to make political hay over the verdict…

“We extend our gratitude to the men and women of the jury for their sacrifice and hard work. They had a difficult job, as demonstrated by their many days of deliberations. The fact that Rod Blagojevich was convicted on only one of the counts against him does not take away from his serious breach of the Public’s trust.

“From his infamous “bleeping golden” remark to his attempt to shake down Children’s Memorial Hospital, Blagojevich was all about pay-to-play. The lack of any real defense and Blago’s refusal to testify spoke volumes.

“The entire case was a black eye for Illinois, but made even worse by the fact that Pat Quinn, Mike Madigan and the Democrats stood by this man, supported his re-election and later denied the public the right to a special election for the U.S. Senate seat Blagojevich had tried to sell. The trial also showed that Blago’s scheming was going on in the earliest days of his administration, and yet Quinn, Madigan and the Democrats were silent.”

*** UPDATE 2 *** Senate President John Cullerton…

“On January 29, 2009, the Illinois Senate Impeachment Tribunal voted unanimously to remove Rod R. Blagojevich from office and to disqualify him from holding any future public office of the State of Illinois. Our impeachment proceedings were part of a political process that is independent of the criminal trial proceedings and outcome.

Now a criminal trial jury has spoken. While jurors deadlocked on many charges, they clearly confirmed the former governor’s pattern of dishonesty. As I said last January on the day the Senate delivered our verdict, this is a sad occasion. There’s no pleasure or relief in this outcome.

I’m proud of the manner with which the General Assembly carried out its obligations under the constitution. The process was detailed, deliberative and fair. Our decision was based on un-rebutted evidence, including evidence that related to professional conduct that had no connection to the federal criminal charges.

I voted to remove Mr. Blagojevich because he was clearly unable to govern, demonstrated disdain for the laws and processes of our state and pathologically abused his power without regard for the people he was elected to serve.

I ask my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to recall how we worked together to resolve this crisis of integrity. I ask that the same spirit of cooperation be used to finally address the lingering challenges facing our state.”

*** UPDATE 3 *** Mark Kirk…

“This is a sad day for Illinois. Rod Blagojevich disgraced our state and deserved the full weight of justice. For the sake of our economic future, the citizens of Illinois need to turn the page from Rod Blagojevich and the team he brought to power by electing thoughtful independent leaders who will restore integrity to our state.” - Congressman Mark Kirk

*** UPDATE 4 *** Rich Whitney…

Green Party gubernatorial candidate Rich Whitney reacted to the outcome of former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich’s trial today by calling for reform of the Illinois political system. For Whitney, the actions of Blagojevich are a result of a corrupt political system that fosters such behavior. He explained that “Rod Blagojevich’s conduct is a symptom of a much more widespread disease. There is a pervasive mentality—in the corporate media and in the two corporate-sponsored parties—that politics and political success is all about raising money and almost nothing else.”

Mr. Whitney believes this same system encouraged the attitude of the former governor. He stated that “Blagojevich’s other unethical behavior—rewarding supporters with jobs or contracts, i.e. pay-to-play, ultimately including a U.S. Senate seat as a golden prize—all flows from that same premise. The issue for Illinois voters today is not whether Blagojevich was found guilty or innocent. There is no question that he engaged in unethical behavior: trafficking in the awarding of political favors in exchange for campaign cash.”

Whitney continued that “This is verdict is not exoneration. That Blagojevich was not convicted of these particular crimes at this time does not mean he is innocent. Corruption is still corruption. Pay-to-play is still wrong and unethical. And a political system completely overrun by an overwhelming and obscene focus on raising tons of cash, above all else, is still a disease that we must combat and overcome.”

He continued that “we have to stop this and through the Green Party and my campaign, we can stop this. This is a systemic problem that demands a systemic solution. And the way to do that is by building a grassroots political party that is beholden and accountable only to the people. It is the Green Party that has stood up for the principle of not accepting any corporate campaign contributions whatsoever and that has stood firmly on a platform of making serious campaign ethics reform a top priority. This devotion to grassroots democracy is what makes me and the other Green Party candidates the best choice for voters who seriously want to clean up Illinois government.”

*** UPDATE 5 *** Bill Brady…

“The people of Illinois are grateful to the men and women of the jury for their hard work. While we hoped this decision would mark the end of an unfortunate chapter and put this embarrassing episode behind us, today’s conviction of Rod Blagojevich for lying to federal law enforcement officials will likely result in further action in the pursuit of justice.

But one thing is clear - the people of Illinois are rightly frustrated about the unchecked power of politicians like Rod Blagojevich who put the special interests before taxpayers. This important election in November marks the single best opportunity in our lifetimes to finally clean house in Springfield.”

*** UPDATE 6 *** Senate Republican Leader Christine Radogno…

“One of my biggest concerns is that the Blagojevich defense team may have convinced people that he was just practicing politics as usual in Illinois. If that is the case, it is a real indictment of the political leadership in this state. If there is one thing that elected officials need to do in Illinois, it is to send a strong signal that the politics of the past are over, regardless of what the final verdict may be in the Blagojevich trial.

“I intend to redouble my efforts to achieve fundamental, structural reforms of state government. It is our job as elected officials to make sure the public has confidence in the integrity of their government. We all have a responsibility to send a clear signal that Illinoisans do not need to tolerate even the appearance of conflicts of interest by elected officials.

“That means reforming state contracting rules to guarantee competition and protect against political influence. Elected officials need to get out of the business of lobbying. We need to end legislative scholarships and other outdated perks. We need real campaign finance reform. We need to make government more open and transparent and that means opening up the legislative process and empowering individual legislators to follow the will of their constituents.

“We need a clean break from the past so that no corrupt politician can ever again claim to be simply following business as usual.”

*** UPDATE 7 *** I asked House Speaker Michael Madigan’s spokesman Steve Brown for comment. Here it is…

We finished with him at impeachment

*** UPDATE 8 *** Congressman Bill Foster…

“I am disappointed that this dark period in Illinois’ history is not yet over - taxpayers have suffered enough as it is, and it is a tragedy that they will have to foot the bill for a retrial. The jury has confirmed to us that former Governor Blagojevich is at a minimum guilty of significant wrongdoing, and he deserves to go to jail. I hope for a speedy retrial so that the state of Illinois can begin to heal.”

*** UPDATE 9 *** House Republican Leader Tom Cross…

“The jury’s decision today in the Blagojevich trial doesn’t bring much closure in the ultimate fate of Rod Blagojevich. Unfortunately, the real losers in all of this continue to be the residents of Illinois.”

*** UPDATE 10 *** Alexi Giannoulias…

“Today, the jury found Rod Blagojevich guilty for lying, and on November 2nd, the voters of Illinois will reject Mark Kirk for lying. The people of Illinois deserve leaders they can trust.”


  1. - bored now - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 4:54 pm:

    hopefully, she’s right…

  2. - Really?? - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 4:58 pm:

    So, Pat Brady is already going back on his word. I’m shocked. I wonder what he does consider “political hay”???

  3. - Amalia - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 5:01 pm:

    Judy was under investigation by the Feds herself. It was in
    the Tribune. was that investigation officially dropped?

  4. - The Captain - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 5:03 pm:

    Mark Kirk on the jobs bill, Pat Brady on the verdict, apparently a Republican’s word expires after 24 hours.

  5. - shore - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 5:03 pm:

    another trial has to be a worst case scenario for the state democratic party. they have to deal with this all fall long.

    not a total loss for the state party.

  6. - Team America - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 5:04 pm:

    Can’t wait to see if we hear from Rezko in the new trial. Or Rahm. Or Valerie.

  7. - Raising Kane - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 5:06 pm:

    Well Amilia that would be one hell of a statute of limitations issue, wouldn’t it?

  8. - Cincinnatus - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 5:07 pm:

    - The Captain - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 5:03 pm:

    “Mark Kirk on the jobs bill, Pat Brady on the verdict, apparently a Republican’s word expires after 24 hours.”

    Using your logic, I guess every Democrat is a felon.

  9. - Amalia - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 5:09 pm:

    Raising Kane, the Tom Delay investigation after 6 years
    was just announced as done. The Judy matter was
    in the papers, I believe in early 2003. I looked it up
    in the Tribune archives and posted about it when a judy
    matter was under discussion some months ago. I don’t
    know the statute of limitations, but I also don’t know if
    the Feds announced that there was nothing there
    about Judy. It was something about raising money
    on State time with employees.

  10. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 5:10 pm:

    Amalia, stop. That’s long over.

  11. - Indupage - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 5:11 pm:

    So the head of the opposition party isn’t supposed to comment? I would hardly call his comments “making hay”.

  12. - Skeeter - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 5:13 pm:

    The guy who lied about — come to think about it, just about everything — is talking about restoring integrity?

    Pot, meet kettle.

  13. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 5:13 pm:

    LOL, everyone thanks the jury then goes on to say they blew it.

    Who are these “thoughtful, independent leaders” Kirk is referring to?

  14. - Anonymous ZZZ - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 5:14 pm:

    ==Cullerton: “There’s no pleasure or relief in this outcome.” ==

    Yeah, you got that right.

  15. - shore - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 5:14 pm:

    carol marin just made my point, pat quinn wanted this over today. He now has to deal with this all over again and it’s not going away.

  16. - shore - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 5:14 pm:

    carol marin just made my point, pat quinn wanted this over today. He now has to deal with this all over again and it’s not going away.

  17. - Raising Kane - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 5:15 pm:

    I don’t know that there even was an actual investigation. It seems some whack job made a charge and that went nowhere. I know that breaks your heart.

  18. - Amalia - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 5:15 pm:

    just looking for facts.

  19. - Bookworm - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 5:15 pm:

    “Justice will prevail, it will just take longer than many of us hoped.”

    Like maybe until he goes gray or bald? :-)

  20. - Jack S. - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 5:17 pm:

    ***”…thoughtful independent leaders who will restore integrity to our state.” - Congressman Mark Kirk ***

    Oh, like you, Kirk? Yeah, right. Just what we need: a liar in the Senate. I’ll take a ‘mob banker’ over a serial liar.

  21. - Amalia - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 5:17 pm:

    Raising Kane, just looking for facts. and you might find that
    multiple persons complain on matters.

  22. - DuPage Dave - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 5:21 pm:

    As a state employee who was forced to display Blagojevich’s picture in our office, I am extremely happy that he his now a convicted felon.

    Blago also made us post the “I’m an ethical employee- are you?” posters in each office. And made us take an ethics test. So I say ha, ha, and ha! to you, Mr. Felon.

    I can’t wait to post the picture of you in your orange prison suit.

  23. - just sayin' - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 5:22 pm:

    Oh like Topinka, Pat Brady, and Mark Kirk have never lied. Sheeesh.

    There but for the Grace of God go you.

  24. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 5:22 pm:

    When do we get the Roland Burris statement?

  25. - Addison - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 5:32 pm:

    Too bad the government didn’t quit while it was ahead in the 2005 lying to the FBI portion of the case. Could have spared IL a lot of grief and saved us a lot of money.

  26. - Addison - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 5:46 pm:

    Once again, Mike Madigan wins. Too bad Pres. Obama, Sen. Durbin and the rest of the leaders of the IL Democratic party didn’t have the guts to tell the public the truth in 2006 when Blago was up for re-election. In fact, Obama and Durbin went O-2 in the long run with endorsing Blago and Stroger. Great statement by Madigan.

  27. - Nearly Normal - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 5:46 pm:

    Blago on TV venting. Blah, blah, Blago. Of course the feds are persecuting him and he is so innocent.

    when the Feds go to prosecute Blago on some of these charges, they are going to do a better job of making these charges clearer to the jury.

    I will be interested to find out what went on in the jury room.

  28. - FillB - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 6:00 pm:

    Steve Brown FTW!

  29. - BigTwich - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 6:01 pm:

    I think the Feds should offer him a plea bargain. They will not retry him or ask for jail time on the one conviction if he will just never, never say anything in public ever again.

  30. - Quizzical - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 6:07 pm:

    Why doesn’t the press ask questions to Adam and Blago about the evidence? For instance, Rod says he didn’ let the people down, what did he mean when he said ‘*bleep* them’? If it wasn’t to solicit a bribe, why was JJJ (who he hates) back ‘in play’ for the Senate appointment?

    I think the lovable doofus image has tainted the jury pool. I hope that the result of this phony image is that he gets retried until a jury can be formed without anybody snowed by their relentless claims of victimization.

  31. - Das Man - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 6:14 pm:

    Isn’t this special? You could probably get a conviction of “making false statements” for any politician in the General Assembly.

    It would seem that the Marx Brothers have been upstaged.

  32. - shore - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 6:30 pm:

    “we finished with him at impeachment”. He’s not finished and the voters certainly are not with you, Steve.

  33. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 6:41 pm:

    –…the real losers in all of this continue to be the residents of Illinois.”

    That could probably be worded a little more artfully in an election year.

    “Tom Cross says the people of Illinois are real losers.”

  34. - flabergasted - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 7:24 pm:

    A Hung jury on 23 counts is not a jury that aquits on 23 counts. Blago is acting like he has been found not guilty. I thinks this result just speaks to the complications of prosecuting “white collar” crime.

  35. - Ultimate Warrior - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 7:25 pm:

    Oh Alexi, you lie just like Kirk does. I wonder if AG has figured out yet when he left the bank.

  36. - phocion - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 9:22 pm:

    Tacky, Alexi. Show a bit of class for a change, young man.

  37. - Vote Quimby! - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 9:39 pm:

    ==Unfortunately, the real losers in all of this continue to be the residents of Illinois.==
    This statement could be true about statewide politics in general, not just the results of the trial.

  38. - jaded voter - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 9:57 pm:

    I thought the jury might be hung. Blago was very close beating 23 out of 24 counts. Blago wins 23, the Feds win one, and everybody loses.

    Blago is guilty and so are many other big names in IL politics. The campaign finance system we have in IL is dirty and corrupt and needs to be overhauled.

    The Feds over-reached in their case against Blago. Keep the indictment simple and stop the intimidation and overkill. They made Blago sympathetic at least to a few jurors.

  39. - Retired Non-Union Guy - Tuesday, Aug 17, 10 @ 10:20 pm:

    Now that it’s been reported the vote was 11-1 to convict on the selling of the Senate seat count, you can bet the farm there will be a re-trail.

  40. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 8:19 am:

    Today, the jury found Rod Blagojevich guilty for lying, and on November 2nd, the voters of Illinois will reject Mark Kirk for lying.

    After reading through all the statements, I was struck by how completely lame this one is. Giannoulais isn’t addressing the issue in a way deserving of this news. It is a knee-jerk shallow statement that speaks only to his need to speak for himself.

    Giannoulais usually does a much better job. I am very disappointed.

  41. - Sucka free - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 8:27 am:

    Alexi’s response may be crass, but it is on message and will stick with those that matter — the voters. I read all the statements and as I write this the only one I really recall is Alexi’s

    Kirk is a liar is like “588-2300 empire”. Repeat repeat repeat until it is ingraned in the brain.

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