Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** Huge elephants at Democrats’ big day
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*** UPDATED x1 *** Huge elephants at Democrats’ big day

Thursday, Aug 19, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Democrats didn’t ignore the gigantic elephant in the room yesterday

Impeachment. Recall. Ethics reform.

Democrats spent their day at the Illinois State Fair Wednesday rehashing the talking points they’ll be using in the fall election campaigns in the wake of ex-Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s unresolved federal corruption charges.

It’s going to feature heavy doses of “We did our job to get rid of Blagojevich and try to stop it from happening again,” along with smatterings of legislative accomplishments like curbs on predatory lending, utility rate relief and public pension reforms.

But House Speaker Michael Madigan, D-Chicago, who is also chairman of the state Democratic Party, bluntly outlined to Democratic party leaders at the Crowne Plaza Hotel the challenges ahead.

“We all know that there’s a huge scandal hanging over our heads called the former governor,” Madigan said. “We all know that. It’s right and proper for us to ask how shall we go forward, because the opposition will not let us forget the former governor.”

* Watch Madigan’s speech

* Everybody got into the act

Senate President John Cullerton, D-Chicago, said Blagojevich’s tenure as governor was so rocky, voters won’t necessarily link his behavior to all Democrats.

“Madigan wouldn’t even talk to him for years,” said Cullerton.

“I’m just really glad he’s not the governor anymore,” Cullerton added.

* Good analysis here

It was part of an emerging Democratic strategy: Portray Blagojevich as a freelancer who lied to his fellow Democrats even as he lied to the FBI. Remind voters at every turn that it was a Democratic-led Legislature that impeached him. Make the case that he is more akin to imprisoned fellow ex-Gov. George Ryan, a Republican, than he is with today’s Democrats.

“The Republican Party doesn’t have anything to talk about,” Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn said as he arrived at one of the related Springfield party events Wednesday, referencing Ryan. “George Ryan is in jail, Rod Blagojevich is awaiting sentencing, and I’m here to clean it up.”

* There is an obvious downside, however

But Quinn was Blagojevich’s lieutenant governor, replacing him in January 2009, so he may be especially vulnerable to the continuing fallout from the case as he seeks a full term in November.

Asked about his one-time public statements vouching for Blagojevich’s integrity, Quinn harkened to the one criminal count on which Blagojevich was convicted: “Rod Blagojevich lied to me, he lied to the FBI, he lied to the people of Illinois.”

* And talking about pocketbook issues has its downsides as well

Democrats said they hope to soften the effect of the Blagojevich scandal by talking about pocketbook issues.

They promised to bring more jobs to Illinois and criticized Republicans for wanting to lower the minimum wage, opposing a federal aid package for schools and fighting an extension of unemployment benefits. They mentioned legislative accomplishments like approving a statewide public works program and curtailing government pension costs.

There was little mention of the jobs Illinois has lost under Democratic leadership, the state’s massive budget crisis or the income tax increase Quinn wants to pass if he wins the election.

That was the other huge elephant in the room. Because of the big Blagojevich news, they could more easily gloss over that one.

* Oh, yeah, there was also this one

There were some awkward moments Wednesday such as when Cullerton was railing against Republican candidate for governor State Sen. Bill Brady, for, among other things, paying no federal or state income taxes this year and voting against the capital bill after voting for the projects it funded.

“Bill got a little confused,” Cullerton said. “He voted for the projects. He just didn’t vote for the funding. He says he’s against taxes. He’s against taxes. He didn’t pay any last year.”

A few feet from Cullerton, Giannoulias, who also paid no taxes last year, looked at the ground. By the time Quinn got up to complain about Brady paying no taxes, Giannoulias had left the stage with Sen. Dick Durbin for a state fly-around to convince voters Giannoulias’ economic plan beats Kirk’s.


*** UPDATE *** I almost forgot the other elephant at the fair. Former Senate President Emil Jones showed up. Gov. Quinn lavished praised on him from the podium. Turns out, Jones is hinting at a mayoral bid

Chicago - Former State Senate President Emil Jones is telling political insiders he may run for mayor next year, even if Mayor Daley is in the race, FOX Chicago News has learned.

Political Editor Mike Flannery asked Jones about the report at Democrats Day at the Illinois State Fair.

“I wasn’t thinking about it, it comes up,” Jones said. “I enjoy what I’m doing now. …[People] have come to me several times you know but again, I enjoy what I’m doing presently.”

When asked how he responds to those who ask him to run, Jones said, “It sounds good, but my wife won’t let me do that, I don’t think.”

Yeah. Listen to your wife. She’s right.

* The Governor’s Day media roundup shows it was all about Blagojevich…

* Dems Talk Verdict, Election at Ill. State Fair Governor’s Day

* Democrats Downplay Ties To Blagojevich Following Guilty Verdict

* Democrats try to counter Blagojevich fallout at state fair

* At State Fair, Democrats Distance Themselves from Blago

* Democrats offer a Fair amount of explaining after Blago verdict

* Analysis: Blagojevich retrial may hurt Democrats in mid-terms

* Illinois Democrats take pains to separate from Rod Blagojevich

* Democrat Day dominated by Blagojevich

* Dems refuse to let Blago drag them down

* Franken, Kaine, Democratic candidates take on GOP at state fair

* DNC Chief Kaine Puts His Weight Behind Illinois Candidates

* State house blues: Governor’s races mean bad news for Democrats


  1. - Niles Township - Thursday, Aug 19, 10 @ 9:48 am:

    “Rod Blagojevich lied to me, he lied to the FBI, he lied to the people of Illinois.”

    That is the line to use in the debate when brady mentions Blago. One of Quinn’s better lines of the campaign so far.

  2. - jaded voter - Thursday, Aug 19, 10 @ 9:56 am:

    That’s right! Mike Madigan is such a RUBE that he worked to elect Blago not once but twice. He must be so let down by how Blago turned out.

    Spare us the bs please.

  3. - OneMan - Thursday, Aug 19, 10 @ 9:58 am:

    Quinn: “Rod Blagojevich lied to me, he lied to the FBI, he lied to the people of Illinois.”

    Brady: “Yes and he also was a grossly incompetent governor, as you own party admitted in the impeachment talking points that came out before he was arrested, but yet you and the democrats did nothing, why is that Pat?”

  4. - wordslinger - Thursday, Aug 19, 10 @ 10:01 am:

    At least the weather was nice.

  5. - Trying 2 B Helpful - Thursday, Aug 19, 10 @ 10:01 am:

    I agree with Durbin that the reports of Democrats in this state being discouraged and staying home are greatly exaggerated. For the Governor’s Day brunch at the Crowne Wednesday morning, they had a packed house of more than 1500 people from all over the state.

  6. - Leroy - Thursday, Aug 19, 10 @ 10:01 am:

    “We did our job to get rid of Blagojevich and try to stop it from happening again,”

    Yeah right. How about not lining up to endorse crackpot candidates just because he is in your party?

    The only they are going to stop this from happening again is to put state before party.

    And pigs might fly out of my rear end…

  7. - Traffic Ant - Thursday, Aug 19, 10 @ 10:05 am:

    At this late date, even with lots of mail and TV, how do you inoculate yourself on the Blago issue if you’re a Dem? You’d rather talk about anything else other than Rod, but the GOP is going to bring it back to Rod each time. So, just as you open your mouth to talk about all the capital projects you brought home, you find yourself saying: impeach, recall, ethics. And you have to defend yourself saying you made a deal with the devil to get that local project and hope the voters think the ethical trade-off was worth it.

    A pretty sticky situation to say the least, it seems.

  8. - Davey Boy Smithe - Thursday, Aug 19, 10 @ 10:07 am:

    No talk of the future tax increase that they want in 2011?

  9. - shore - Thursday, Aug 19, 10 @ 10:13 am:

    In past years you had the speeches of all the big political guns. Will you do that this year or is that on the subscriber side of the blog?



  10. - 10th Indy - Thursday, Aug 19, 10 @ 10:14 am:

    I voted for Rod first time around, but by his 2nd term it was obvious he was a bad governor, unethical and quite possibly a criminal. I could not vote for him a second time. But everyone up on that stage in one way or another helped Rod get elected to a 2nd term. They don’t get to pat themselves on the back now for their too-late efforts to clean up the mess they created.

  11. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Aug 19, 10 @ 10:58 am:

    “Those of us who are in government in Illinois are well aware that Rod Blagojevich had disdain for the law and operated unethically,” said Lisa Madigan, Attorney General of Illinois.

    So, what are you claiming you didn’t know? What is it about the guy you nominated and elected and worked with and politically supported, and held fund raisers with, and push legislations for, and met in closed door meetings with - that made you so incredibly stupid?

    Voters didn’t meet Rod Blagojevich. But idiots like the ones with the public excuses being issued yesterday, do know him.

    “Rod Blagojevich lied to me, he lied to the FBI, he lied to the people of Illinois.”

    That was determined. But before that was determined we had people recognizing that Rod Blagojevich was a problem serious enough to call in the FBI. Before Rod Blagojevich was found guilty, his behavior indicated illegality and unethical behavior - for years. Yet, this is the best you can come up with, Governor? While you were endorsing him and running with him and putting your political future in his hands, did you consider the years you personally knew of this man’s lack of morals before you got into bed with him?

    Pat Quinn’s silly sentence is as bad a lie as the one he claims he was told by Rod Blagojevich. The Governor is either admitting willful blindness as our state’s second highest elected official, or he is admitting he is the biggest boob in the Land of Lincoln. He walks. He talks. Nah - he isn’t that stupid.

  12. - Excessively Rabid - Thursday, Aug 19, 10 @ 10:58 am:

    by his 2nd term it was obvious he was a bad governor, unethical and quite possibly a criminal.

    It was obvious to some of us before he took office…

  13. - Obama's Puppy - Thursday, Aug 19, 10 @ 11:13 am:

    Really? Predatory lending, utility rate relief, and reduction in admin expenses for Constitutional officers is going to win this election. Really? Talk about no message for Quinn…

  14. - Park - Thursday, Aug 19, 10 @ 11:24 am:

    I don’t know, VM. Seems like Lisa Madigan jumped on Blago as soon as Mell spouted off about the job sell thing. Also seems like he hated her more than any other elected dem, even her dad. And I don’t remember her blowing kisses at him in 2006.

    Not sayin’ same about PQ.

  15. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Aug 19, 10 @ 12:10 pm:

    The Governor today was revealed to be a white Mallard duck, surprising no one except for those within the political party who thought that holding the governor’s office was more important than nominating, electing and supporting a duck.

    “The duck lied to me, he lied to the FBI, and he lied to the people of Illinois”, the duck’s former Lt. Governor and running mate since 2002, and now governor, stated yesterday.

    “He walked like a duck, he quacked like a duck, how did you not know he was a duck, Governor?”, came a follow up question.

    “Well, we had our suspicions, but he was an awful good liar. Although there were rumors of our former governor being a duck, we felt that since we weren’t naturalists, or duck hunters, we really weren’t the ones capable of making that determination.”

    Asked if there were any future possibilities of electing waterfowl to the Governor’s Office in the future, Speaker of the House Michael J. Madigan replied that it wasn’t a possibility because other ducks can see what happened and recognize that if they would attempt to run for the Governor’s Office, they would also face impeachment and removal.

    The last three former Illinois governors from this political party, were also waterfowl, so we have our suspicions regarding the Speaker’s statement.

  16. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Aug 19, 10 @ 12:35 pm:

    I would pay good money to see a debate between the linguistically challenged Richard M. Daley and equally inarticulate Emil Jones, Jr. I know Daley doesn’t debate, but can you imagine the ratings such a forum would attract?

    It would be an hour filled with mumbling, bumbling, rumbling and non-sequitors. They’d need subtitles for sure, but a pay-per-view debate to the death would generate millions for the city’s coffers.

    Maybe Toastmasters can sponsor it and use the video for their next membership drive.

  17. - KeepSmiling - Thursday, Aug 19, 10 @ 12:36 pm:

    I’m just surprised that Quinn would “lavish praise” on Emil Jones the day after Blago’s indictment. “Restrained praise” or simply “welcomed” would seem to be more appropriate. Emil was in Blago’s corner right up until the very end… even someone who Blago considered for the Golden Seat.

    I’m not saying that Emil did anything illegal. But he is a keystone of Illinois old school politics who certainly used his power to advance his own (*cough* CSU) interests. He retired at the right time. Now he needs to go away.

    Maybe Quinn doesn’t grasp how much the State’s political culture needs to change. If he can’t get it, he certainly can’t do it.

  18. - Ghost - Thursday, Aug 19, 10 @ 12:40 pm:

    The GOP worked with blago to try and focre madigan to release 54 billion dollars to blago for capital projects. But for madigan the Blago’s crime spree would have ben far worse, aided and abbetted by the GOP.

  19. - Skeeter - Thursday, Aug 19, 10 @ 1:19 pm:

    Emil Jones for Mayor?
    That is tne one of the few things that would get me to go out and raise funds for Mayor Daley.

  20. - downstate hack - Thursday, Aug 19, 10 @ 1:23 pm:

    Emil Jones for Mayor,

    He wouldn’t get 30% against Daley. Scott lee Cohen might beat him.

  21. - Bill - Thursday, Aug 19, 10 @ 1:55 pm:

    If Emil gets elected he could hire Bill Beavers to be inspector general. Actually, Emil probably wouldn’t be any worse than Little Dick. Scott Lee could probably pull 25% if he doesn’t win the govenor race.

  22. - seebee - Thursday, Aug 19, 10 @ 2:10 pm:

    Something is really wrong with the Illinois democrats if Quinn would “praise” Emil Jones. Everything Quinn does and says makes him look like the biggest imbecile in Illinois. Why has he no memory? Is it alzheimers? The Illinois democrats sure live in another realm!

  23. - some former legislative intern - Thursday, Aug 19, 10 @ 5:09 pm:

    moreover, MJM was the only legislative leader for many years that stood up to Rod’s goofy schemes while Emil, Cross and Frank were playing along.

    Emil for Mayor? Wouldn’t even win in the African American commuity.

    Oh so glad I’m not down there anymore…

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