*** UPDATE *** I just have no words to describe how I feel about this press release…
Rod’s Appeal: Blagojevich To Appear At Chicago Comic Con!
Former Illinois Governor To Sign Autographs, Pose For Pictures, Meet Fans At Pop Culture Festival Saturday!
The verdict is in! Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich will appear at Wizard World Chicago Comic Con on Saturday at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont, Ill. Blagojevich will sign autographs, pose for pictures and meet fans at the pop culture convention.
The photo session will begin at 10:30 a.m., with autographs to follow at 11 a.m. until 4 p.m.
“I’m looking forward to meeting loyal supporters and other fans on Saturday,” said Blagojevich, whose many recent television appearances included a stint on “Celebrity Apprentice.”
“Wizard World Chicago Comic Con is all about pop culture, and Rod Blagojevich is as relevant to today’s news as it gets,” said Gareb Shamus, CEO of Wizard Entertainment. “We think the court of public opinion will show him to be a popular figure at the show.”
[ *** End Of Update *** ]
* WTTW has charted the Rod and Robert jury vote counts on 52 separate acts contained in the 24 counts. They’ve found 23 instances of 11-1 votes.
Keep in mind, that some of these counts don’t match up with what others are reporting. For instance, NBC reported that a majority of jurors voted against convicting Blagojevich on the alleged Children’s Hospital shakedown. But WTTW’s count shows that a majority was in favor of convicting on one act and split down the middle on the two others…
[”Guilty” is red, “Not Guilty” is blue.]
And the Sun-Times reported that the jury voted 9-3 to acquit Robert Blagojevich. WTTW’s totals don’t reflect that at all…

…Adding… I forgot to post this one…
The father-son team of Sam Adam Jr. and Sam Adam Sr. will not represent Rod Blagojevich in a retrial, a defense attorney with knowledge of the situation told the Chicago News Cooperative.
According to the attorney, the duo has known for some time they would not stay on for another round. Speaking to reporters following Tuesday’s verdict, the lawyers refused to commit to continuing to represent Blagojevich. Although they were maligned by outside observers throughout the case, Adam Sr. and Adam Jr. will leave the former governor’s side having done better than many expected.
Blagojevich’s other main attorney, Sheldon Sorosky, has not indicated whether or not he will stay on for a retrial. Messages left with Adam Jr. and Sorosky seeking comment were not returned. A receptionist at Adam Jr.’s law office said that both attorney’s were out of town and could not be reached.
* And a roundup…
* Bill for Blago jury? $67,463.32
* Itasca juror’s birthday one to remember
* Juror: Blago could face new outcome in retrial
* Blagojevich: Senate Seat Talk Was ‘Horse Trading’
* Democrats weigh impact of Blagojevich trial
* For sale: ‘Governor had some nice stuff’
* Blagojevich’s Elvis statue has left the storage facility
* Blago Goes to Auction
* Blago TV tour starts up again today
* Blagojevich’s Media Redux
* Rod Blagojevich on The Daily Show Monday Night
* Even for GOP, Blagojevich proves popular state fair attraction
* Robert Blagojevich on Trial, Family and Stolen Mustard
* Robert Blagojevich: Retrial will be “a touchdown”
* Patti Blagojevich responds via Twitter
* Time For Federal Prosecutor To Move On?
* Kass: Wall Street Journal wrong to rip Patrick Fitzgerald over Blago
* Zorn: The Blago memos : Let’s make a deal
* Constable: Courtroom is ground zero for Blago woes, but ‘human fallout’ takes toll
* Hinz: Voters guilty of failing to end Blago-style government
* Jacobson: How To Really Prevent Corruption
* How Twitter and Rod Blagojevich Helped Converge Our Broadcast Newsroom
- ZC - Friday, Aug 20, 10 @ 1:50 pm:
While I understand the niceties of libel law, I do hope that the news media is continuing to investigate some of the … interesting allegations, that circulated on a CapFax Blog thread yesterday, about that lone holdout. Though for all I know it was a naming mix-up.
- Amalia - Friday, Aug 20, 10 @ 2:01 pm:
no matter what the real votes were, and who the attorneys
will be in the next round, it is simply clear to all who
participated, lawyers, jury, reporters, all of us, that
the roadmap has to be made more simple. it’s a trial,
not the handbook to a space ship as was referenced
in the NYTimes article on the jurors. show the
way so the jury can do the right thing.
- 47th Ward - Friday, Aug 20, 10 @ 2:13 pm:
So based on WTTW’s analysis, the prosecutors did in fact present a pretty good case. Rod got lucky. I don’t think his luck will last much longer.
- OneMan - Friday, Aug 20, 10 @ 2:29 pm:
$50 for an autograph! Wonder if I could get my courtroom art signed for that much?
But seriously, at this point does anything really surprise anymore…
- Concerned Observer - Friday, Aug 20, 10 @ 2:41 pm:
There’s a question of the day. What superpowers would Blagojevich, the comic book character, have?
- Concerned Observer - Friday, Aug 20, 10 @ 2:43 pm:
The costume would have to include a jogging suit, with sleek running pants….
- fredformeranon - Friday, Aug 20, 10 @ 2:46 pm:
The Hinz article is interesting. Alexi is a prime example. Despite two consecutive governors being found guilty of something, with the voters knowing trouble was brewing, Alexi is still in prime contention for a Senate seat? When will Illinois learn.
- Name Withheld - Friday, Aug 20, 10 @ 2:46 pm:
Maybe it’s part of the release for the new Blago action figure - with kung-fu hair! Don’t forget the “football” expansion pack.
- tunes - Friday, Aug 20, 10 @ 2:49 pm:
Talk about ironic, having the “con” -our ilustrious former gov., the felon….(maybe he should’ve been a comic!) being on display at the ‘Chicago Comic Con’?! What kind of justice, yet hypocrisy is that? As he continues to embarrass himself and our state for as long as humanly possible. What a joke he is…! I wonder how much he is getting paid for this…not that it matters.
- OneMan - Friday, Aug 20, 10 @ 3:00 pm:
Tunes –
They did a story about those shows in the Trib, some of the guys get guarantees against what they are charging. So lets say $5,000 and if they only sell $2,500 worth of pictures and autographs the show covers the other $2,500. Others may only get their expenses covered others still may only get a chance to set up. (Since they sell tickets to the show overall).
I would guess that he is not getting is much as Shatner. Then again I hear Rod is working on a pilot himself “S@!# my Governor Says”
- South of I-80 - Friday, Aug 20, 10 @ 3:03 pm:
Makes you wounder if he’ll be signing autographs from a Dunk Tank?
Here we go again with Illinois being a national joke! Buckel up!!
- Pat collins - Friday, Aug 20, 10 @ 3:09 pm:
$50 for an autograph!
f Sam Adam Jr. and Sam Adam Sr. will not represent Rod Blagojevich in a retrial
I suggest that the two are related. He needs to fund raise for the next lawyer. I can’t imagine he can get one without a substantial down payment.
- Ray Palmer - Friday, Aug 20, 10 @ 3:11 pm:
It’s a well know fact that washed up has-beens and various hangers-on frequently sign autographs at comic book conventions. Rod will fit in well with that crowd. Were you an extra in Star Wars for less than a second? Boom. $20 an autograph. That’s how a lot of these marginal pop culture icons make extra cash when things are slow. Again. Rod = marginal. (But beware getting autographs from the green man. It’s incredible, but he seemingly doesn’t know how to make change for a twenty.)
- dave - Friday, Aug 20, 10 @ 3:14 pm:
Despite two consecutive governors being found guilty of something, with the voters knowing trouble was brewing, Alexi is still in prime contention for a Senate seat?
The continuing innuendo about Alexi is getting old. There is no evidence that Alexi has done anything illegal, unethical, or corrupt. To continue to imply that he has is absurd.
- skhicks - Friday, Aug 20, 10 @ 3:15 pm:
What’s become of the allegations of endemic hiring fraud by the former governor’s administration? Were all those accusations “nebulous” too?
- Cincinnatus - Friday, Aug 20, 10 @ 3:22 pm:
Similarly, we have no evidence that Kirk has done anything, illegal, unethical, or corrupt in the execution of his official duties. We need to stop that innuendo, too.
We do have Alexi’s bald faced lie about debating Middle East topics. Can we mention that?
- Dis and dat - Friday, Aug 20, 10 @ 3:32 pm:
I don’t care what the count was — the only one matters was 23-1. People can hate Rod and hope he ends up in jail, but anybody that belives he will should buy stock in Capitol Fax. Fact is, Blago beat Fitzgerald regardless of the spin!
- DuPage Dave - Friday, Aug 20, 10 @ 3:34 pm:
Dis and Dat- Blago was found guilty. He is a convicted felon. He will be going to jail. How is that a win?
- dave - Friday, Aug 20, 10 @ 3:36 pm:
Similarly, we have no evidence that Kirk has done anything, illegal, unethical, or corrupt in the execution of his official duties. We need to stop that innuendo, too.
Actually… we do have evidence that Kirk has acted unethically by blending his military activities with politics.
But with that said, there hasn’t been much of any innuendo about Kirk’s corruption.
- shore - Friday, Aug 20, 10 @ 3:55 pm:
- Zora - Friday, Aug 20, 10 @ 4:17 pm:
Shore, to answer your question: only Rich, and Rich alone, can use obscenities on this blog but only in the form of an acronym, and only the week after a Friday the 13th and only after a hard-to-swallow jury verdict comes in.
That is your clue for the first letter. Letters two and three should be self explanatory.
- Excessively Rabid - Friday, Aug 20, 10 @ 4:30 pm:
Powers of Blagoman: Ability to appear on all televisions; ability to avoid confinement; ability to fabricate and repeat preposterous stories that send evil-doers fleeing, along with everybody else; ability to be impossibly elected, then disappear by being stolen; ability to amass unprecedented/unimaginable campaign funds through charm and without having done anything wrong. Costume includes hair as you would imagine, a black cape with a white stripe down the back, and blue suede shoes. And of course an expensive suit and tie, both new every day. Accompanied by loudmouth sidekick SamSon. Mobility provided by state plane.
For God’s sake, of course he’s at a comic book convention! Where else does he belong?
- Cincinnatus - Friday, Aug 20, 10 @ 4:33 pm:
Rod should be careful with his appearances since he will dilute the value of his National Enquirer deal.
- Wensicia - Friday, Aug 20, 10 @ 5:06 pm:
I thought I detected a slight look of fear in his face this morning when Vieira kept asking about the one holdout. I think he knows he got lucky this time, and the next trial might be it. His whining that the Feds are wasting money aren’t going to help him much. And criticizing Fitzgerald won’t help him with a plea, either. I don’t think this show will play on the road too long.
- WATCHER - Friday, Aug 20, 10 @ 5:52 pm:
I agree with Rich. FRB!
- Aldyth - Monday, Aug 23, 10 @ 8:29 am:
My diagnostic work up on Blago has been narcissistic personality disorder. He’s capable of convincing himself that he’s a superhero to the degree that he could probably pass a lie detector on it.