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No retrial until next year?

Tuesday, Aug 24, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rod Blagojevich may be yapping through Christmas about his “persecution” by federal prosecutors, according to the Sun-Times

Rod Blagojevich’s retrial may not start until next year, and if he wants the public to pay for his defense, he will get only two lawyers — down from seven.

In a private conference last week, Judge James Zagel told lawyers a quick retrial on the corruption charges wasn’t likely because of the logistics of getting a new jury pool.

Zagel said he didn’t want to put a “Christmas burden” on jurors, pushing a retrial possibly to January at the earliest, according to sources with knowledge of the meeting.

The two lawyers are not likely to be Sam Adam Jr. and Sam Adam Sr., who sources say intend on filing a request to leave the case.

Bad news for the Democrats. Very bad.

* Meanwhile, Jon Stewart busted Rod Blagojevich but good last night

Stewart played back a tape of Blagojevich from a year ago when he then tried to explain his words on tape: “I’ve got this thing and it’s f—ing golden.”

In 2009, Blagojevich explains that in the next few words that prosecutors didn’t reveal at the time, he talks about health care for Illinois. But the now-released tape shows Blagojevich actually discussed parachuting himself into the Senate seat spot and calling President Obama a “demigod.”

“The reality of what you said is very different,” Stewart says.

Blagojevich hems and haws as he tries to explain: “Listen to the whole tape.”

Stewart cuts him off: “Is this why you didn’t take the stand?” the audience laughs.

And we know the answer to this one

“You’re a guy that’s the most adamant about his innocence of anyone I ever met, so you’re either the victim of a terrible persecution or you’re a sociopath,” Stewart said.

And the answer to this one is pretty obvious as well

Stewart: You don’t feel (that) in any way that it was a fragile victory? Eleven to one to convict? You don’t think that’s fragile?

Full interview, with swear words, so be careful if you’re at work. Part One

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Exclusive - Rod Blagojevich Extended Interview Pt. 1
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party

Part Two

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Exclusive - Rod Blagojevich Extended Interview Pt. 2
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party

* Meanwhile, I agree with every word in Phil Kadner’s latest column

There’s nothing quite like listening to imbeciles rant about Illinois politics. The Wall Street Journal writes that, “If (U.S. Attorney Patrick) Fitzgerald doesn’t resign of his own accord, the Justice Department should remove him …”

The Washington Post, in commenting on the likely retrial of former Gov. Rod Blagojevich, says that “(Fitzgerald) should stand down before crossing another fine line - the one that separates prosecution from persecution.”

You want to talk about persecution, try living in a state where a “For Sale” sign seems permanently posted on the governor’s mansion.

Go read the whole thing.

* Roundup…

* Blago’s a Liar: Lisa Madigan

* Lisa Madigan calls Blagojevich a liar

* Lynn Sweet on CNN’s “Reliable Sources” on Blagojevich media blitz

* Jon Stewart to Blagojevich on Daily Show: “I’d like to see you as a victim — but you make it so hard.”

* Blago trial - ‘one of the Al Capone tax evasion cases of today’

* Byrne: Hey, Eastern pundits: Stay out of our mess

* Goudie: Fitzgerald shouldn’t be browbeaten for doing his job

* Blago stammers through ‘Daily Show’

* Journal Star: Enough of ex-gov’s antics, move ahead with retrial


  1. - ZC - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 10:04 am:

    A retrial is bad news for Dems no matter when it happens. I’m not convinced yet it’s so much worse if it’s pushed off until 2011. Would Dems be better off with visuals of Rahm Emanuel taking the witness stand in October? Forget why he’s there; Karl Rove would be salivating over that visual.

  2. - Vote Quimby! - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 10:05 am:

    I just watched the full interview and it’s definitely worth watching from a safe location. I’ve always enjoyed The Daily Show since Stewart took over, and for those who think it’s not a “real” news show–he asks Blago the questions many “real” newspeople did not.
    (Also in the full episode a great piece about hypocrisy–or worse–in the “real” media.)

  3. - Vote Quimby! - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 10:07 am:

    Would a delayed re-trial affect the tax hike planned for January? After all, Blago was removed as part of a grand scheme to raise taxes…wouldn’t that prove him right and influence the re-trial’s jury pool?

  4. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 10:08 am:

    –The Wall Street Journal writes that, “If (U.S. Attorney Patrick) Fitzgerald doesn’t resign of his own accord, the Justice Department should remove him …”–

    LOL. If the Justice Department removed Fitz, the WSJ would then editorialize about Obama-Rahm obstruction of justice in Chicago.

  5. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 10:09 am:

    Rich said,

    “Bad news for the Democrats. Very bad.”

    I’m not too sure if it is that the trial is delayed, or if we were in the middle of it in November.

    What does the delay tell us? Is the delay an attempt to get through the elections so that Roddy isn’t calling the entire Congress and Administration into court during the election? Does Fitz need the time to prepare an ironclad case since he didn’t do it the first time? Is there any input from Obama and Rahm calling for the delay? By delaying, are the Feds trying to bleed Rod of every dollar he has and can earn? What is the “typical” delay between trial and retrial in similar cases?

    There are many more questions than there are answers…

  6. - Dan S, a taxpayer and a Cubs Fan - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 10:10 am:

    Why is this convicted felon running around the country flapping his trap and possibly tainting another jury pool. The Judge needs to revoke his bond and lock him up. Why is the Court allowing this to happen?

  7. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 10:10 am:

    Anonymous, remove your tinfoil hat, please. The delay isn’t due to prosecution requests.

  8. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 10:13 am:

    –Zagel said he didn’t want to put a “Christmas burden” on jurors, pushing a retrial possibly to January at the earliest, according to sources with knowledge of the meeting.–

    Anon, I guess Zagel is in on the whole thing, too. Is he taking orders from Rahm or Obama?

  9. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 10:18 am:

    Seriously, anon, the only reason I didn’t delete your goofy comment is so we can ridicule you. lol

  10. - Responsa - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 10:18 am:

    In the event that either they personally, or members of their staffs read this blog, I would like to give both Lisa Madigan and Patrick Fitzgerald a big “thumbs-up” this morning. (For what they have said publicly, and for what they have tried to do with respect to ending the Blago corruption freak show.)

  11. - Secret Square - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 10:19 am:

    “Bad news for the Democrats. Very bad.”

    If one of Michael Sneed’s S-T columns last week was any indication, Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine feels the same way … only he summed it up in two words: “We’re screwed.”

  12. - Draznnl (Rhymes with orange) - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 10:27 am:

    Rich, You misread the sign on the gov’s mansion. It has never been “for sale”, just “For Rent”

  13. - The Captain - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 10:31 am:

    For the record Anon, I blame the delay on the undue influence of the aliens that have infiltrated the federaly judiciary. But they are our overlords now and there’s nothing we can do about it.

  14. - dupage dan - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 10:40 am:


    =There are many more questions than there are answers… =

    Only the shadow knows……bwwaaaahahahahah!

  15. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 10:44 am:

    The WSJ used to be a proud newspaper. Then it was sold by Dow Jones to Newscorp. Rupert Murdoch and his team hate Patrick Fitzgerald for having the temerity to go after Scooter Libby. The same Washington DC insiders who resent that prosecution also helps explain the Washington Post’s ridiculous call for Fitzgerald to stand down.

    What nobody in DC apparently understands is that Patrick Fitzgerald is the only guy keeping Illinois pols honest. I hope he stays in the Dirksen Building until he retires.

  16. - Cincinnatus - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 10:46 am:

    I think the delay helps Democrats. The election news will swamp anything that happens in the Blago case if it starts in 2011. OTOH, imagine if the trial was going on during the election, and Rod were calling elected Democrats. It would be a PR disaster for Quinn and Alexi.

  17. - Cincinnatus - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 10:47 am:


    I hope Fitz retires soon.

  18. - Lefty Lefty - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 10:54 am:

    I think I read it at Zorn’s blog, and it’s true: this is a case of jury nullification. That one juror was simply not going to convict Blagojevich, and she was perfectly within her right to do so.

    It stinks, but it’s true.

    I watched the broadcast version of TDS last night, and Blagojevich made a great case against himself. We should all hope he takes the stand next time.

  19. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 10:58 am:

    LL, you read it here yesterday.

  20. - Secret Square - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 10:59 am:

    Nothing against Patrick Fitzgerald — but if he really is “the only guy keeping Illinois pols honest,” something is very seriously wrong here. We should NOT have to depend on one appointed federal official with practically unlimited prosecution powers to do the job we, as voters, should be doing.

    You don’t have to be a tinfoil hatter to be a little leery of putting that much power in the hands of one person, no matter how honest or competent they are — because what if the next person to fill that job isn’t as honest or competent? Isn’t that why we have checks and balances in our system of government?

  21. - lake county democrat - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 11:00 am:

    Rich: if he’s truly a sociopath under the DSM definition wouldn’t he be not guilty by reason of insanity? I thought sociopaths can’t tell right from wrong. And since there’s no history/evidence of violence, could you institutionalize him?

  22. - Really?? - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 11:03 am:

    I don’t think I can take his second “tour of innocence” around the networks. But I think the Jon Stewart interview demonstrates, in part, why he didn’t take the stand. He can answer any question in a succinct and honest sounding way.

  23. - KeepSmiling - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 11:14 am:

    The Kadner article reminds me that Rob seems to have been quite in the know and participatory right up until the end. No wonder the jurors were hung. The charges against him should be retried, as well.

    As we await the retrial, perhaps others will be charged in the next few months, like Raghu or JJJ. The prosecutors would have time to make a deal to strengthen their case, like dropping charges and granting immunity in exchange for testimony to shed more light on the charges against Rod and Rob.

    And the delay is good news for Quinn’s ego. If he wins the election despite the Blago trials, great. And if he loses, he’ll always have an excuse for his loss.

  24. - PeoriaBob - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 11:28 am:

    How about using a Downstate jury for the retrial?
    (Yes, I realize that the Feds ran this thru the Northern District of Illinois.)

    Wouldn’t it be fair that IL citizens(outside Chicago area) get to be jurors for this federal trial of an Illinois Guv?

    Am out of the country now, so not up-to-date on any opinion commentary on this point since the verdict.

  25. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 11:33 am:

    What is so frustrating is the fact that Blagojevich is so petty, vindictive and plain downright mean, I knew he’d go down this way. Instead of just busting his chops and locking him up, he has been given 24/7 cable access to torture everyone by his presense and his obvious political spin. Everyday this moron is on television in another day voters are reminded what kind of moron we had as governor. Not just in Illinois, mind you - throughout the English speaking and entertainment world.

    He is humiliated and seem to be doing what he can to ensure that we are humiliated along with him.

    It is going to be a slaughter in November, thanks to the men who brought the Democrats back into the Governor’s Mansion. Look at this line up! Kerner, Walker, Blagojevich and now Quinn. At what point are we to simply give up and recognize that the Illinois Democratic Party isn’t ready for the Governor’s Office - ever? After thirty years out of the Mansion, they give us Blagojevich? What kind of record is this?

    This whole thing stinks all around!

  26. - Lefty Lefty - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 11:48 am:

    I knew I came here for a reason yesterday! I ended up at EZ’s place for the first time in a while and misremembered what I read where.

    You’re a bright light in a sea of darkness, Mr. Miller. (I’m still trying to save that $350 to get the 500-watt version of the light.)

  27. - Secret Square - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 11:53 am:

    “Look at this lineup! Kerner, Walker, Blagojevich and now Quinn.”

    I guess that means the last decent Democratic governor was Sam Shapiro… and he was only in office for, what, 8 months in 1968 (after Kerner resigned to become a federal judge), which didn’t give him much of a chance to mess things up. Before him you have to go all the way back to Adlai Stevenson.

  28. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 11:54 am:

    SS, you missed one. The Republican father of our state income tax.

  29. - Lefty Lefty - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 11:54 am:

    I take some solace that this November, no matter what happens, a sleazy Chicago Machine Democrat will not be elected governor. Right now I don’t think PQ could figure out where City Hall is, let alone start the indictable-level wheeling and dealing. It’s time to see how southern Illinois politics works!

  30. - Secret Square - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 11:58 am:

    I said “last decent Democratic governor.”

  31. - fedup dem - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 11:59 am:

    Note to KeepSmiling: If Pat Quinn loses on November 2, he can look at the reason for his defeat while shving the next morning.

  32. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 12:00 pm:

    SS, true, but he might’ve been a Dem today. lol

  33. - the dark horse - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 1:07 pm:

    I agree with Mr. Kadner. There is nothing like reading an uniformed newspaper (or reporter) editorialize and pontificate without the slightest bit of factual basis to back up its bloviating. Let me see, now… which paper(s) are guilty of that…?

  34. - Cincinnatus - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 1:12 pm:

    the dark horse,

    “Let me see, now… which paper(s) are guilty of that…?”

    All of ‘em.

  35. - Way Way Down Here - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 1:28 pm:

    Do you suppose he’s concerned that the media tour is “taking him away from his little girls”?

  36. - Windy City Mama - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 1:35 pm:

    Very good article from Phil. But I find the media and certain radio stations guilty of enabling this wackjob. I wish the public would send a strong message to the Don & Roma show by turning them off. Don used to question Blago’s motives. But I remember the day all that changed and he jumped in bed with Blago.
    It was the Mackinaw race. Don and Roma went to Michigan for the races. While there, they spotted Blago at another table. Blago invited them over. Don converted on the spot and soon became one of Rod’s biggest defenders. Don and Roma can be bought cheap.
    Citizens of Illinois boycott any paper or station that defends this kind of corruption.

  37. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 3:47 pm:

    Hey Windy City Mama,

    I did boycott WLS when they gave Rod a show. I actually called them and told them I won’t listen anymore and have stuck to it. All he is doing is trying to influence jurors and they are eager participants.

  38. - Amalia - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 4:56 pm:

    you can hope that Blago gets convicted and still think
    that Pat Fitzgerald can do better. lots of reasonable,
    non combine lawyers think his Lincoln rolling over
    press conference was out of bounds ethically. and
    based on the jury instructions and some of the trial
    action, need to go back to the basics.

    Rich’s commentary from some time back that the
    office misses Patrick Collins is dead on.

  39. - Gerald Pechenuk/Commendatore - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 5:28 pm:

    Your a smart guy.
    Why don’t you call Blago’s bluff about calling Obama and Rezko in his retrial?
    Why don’t you just say Rezko should be put on the stand to tell all that he knows about Blago? If it turns out that Obama was the one that introduced Rezko to Blago, surely that doesn’t mean that Obama is hooked into Rezko in some of Rezko’s illegal scheming with Blago??
    Why not just get the whole truth out in the open NOW. Obama has nothing to do with Rezko and its all just a big bluff on Blagojevich’s part!!

    Rich, You could be a hero for taking the hot air out of Blago and saving Obama and others all the grief of Blago’s fantasies about Obama and Rezko!!!
    Rich, can you handle it???

  40. - Quizzical - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 8:47 pm:


    Rich and the many commentators here couldn’t have been more clear from the beginning in saying that Blago was an empty $6,000 suit, crazy and dangerous for the people of Illinois. Rich has been clear that 90% of what he says is complete BS. Only Rezko and Obama know what happened between them. Obama has said his part. Rezko might night be emotionally stable right now for a lot of reasons (like he moved out of a mansion in Wilmette into a 10 by 12 cement box) . Putting him on the stand might not resolve anything.

    Blago should be required to make a full explanation of the specifics in his case, and nobody should air his blanket pronouncements of innocence without one. There is no general law that prevents defendants in criminal cases from speaking about the details of their case (as a matter of fact, prosecutors prefer it) before trial. This is one more lie that Blago has been able to tell without being challenged.

  41. - Gerald Pechenuk/Commendatore - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 9:01 pm:

    Obama did say his part. He said, I never talked to Blago, I had no preferences, I didn’t know anything about what was going on.. etc.. etc..etc….
    The FBI document that was “unredacted,” perhaps, accidentally on purpose, as they say, says otherwise.
    It says, for your information, and others who may not be aware of it, that BLAGO AND OBAMA HAD A PERSONAL MEETING in Philadelphia on DECEMBER 1, 2008!!!!!!!!!!
    Was that a different Barack Obama who met with Blago on Dec. 1, 2008 in Philadelphia, or is it the one and the same and only Barack Obama.??????
    If it is the one, and the only, and the same, Barack Obama, then HE IS EITHER LYING THROUGH HIS TEETH or he was just discussing the weather and other mundane manners at the September 1, 2008 private meeting with Blago.
    If it was just mundane matters, that was discussed then Obama should have no trouble “coming clean,” as they say, and offering the public a plain explanation of what was discussed on that day.
    IF, remember IF, OBAMA IS SILENT, or even DENYING AND LYING ABOUT THE MEETING TAKING PLACE WITH HIM AND BLAGOJEVICH, I leave it to your judgment as to why his nose keeps growing longer and longer…… and longer……..
    So, how do you answer that Mr. Quizzical????

  42. - Disingenuous - Tuesday, Aug 24, 10 @ 10:08 pm:

    Mr. Miller, you clip entire stories or substantial text from other articles without giving credit, or the credit is pretty well hidden and barely referenced. This is disingenuous.

  43. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Aug 25, 10 @ 12:06 am:

    Disingenuous, you ever heard of hyperlinks? Idiot.

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