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Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Afternoon time-killer

Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* While we’re all waiting on that 2:30 Blagojevich hearing and fielding all the rumors floating around, let’s distract ourselves with this video which will probably stick in your head for a very long time. I give you Sheila Simon and friends singing Bob Dylan

Warning: This really will stick in your head for a long while.



Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

*** UPDATE 26 - 5:58 pm *** Chuck Goudie was just on Roe Conn’s show and talked about how there seems to be an indication that there was something in that note which wasn’t shared with the public. The speculation focuses on what Michael Ettinger told reporters. He seemed to strongly indicate that the note meant Robert Blagojevich was off the hook. But, who the heck knows at this point?

Here’s the Ettinger video

*** UPDATE 25 - 5:30 pm *** The always reliable Paul Meincke has one of the better summations of what happened today. Make sure to watch it

*** UPDATE 24 - 5:13 pm *** From the Sun-Times

Jurors said in their note that they are “hopelessly deadlocked” on every count that involves an act, an attorney for Robert Blagojevich told the media after court.

Lawyers are now scratching their heads, trying to figure out what that means, attorney Michael Ettinger said in a press conference at around 4:50 p.m.

The jury might be saying they are “hopelessly deadlocked” on the racketeering charges, Ettinger speculated. That’s a lengthy and complicated charge that is divided into six separate “acts.”

Attorneys saw the entire note sent out by the jury earlier today; only portions were read in court a little while ago. Judge James Zagel has responded in writing, asking the jury for clarification.

Ettinger responded with “I don’t know” over and over again when asked if he thinks the jury’s note meant they were deadlocked on every count or just some.

*** UPDATE 23 - 5:00 pm *** Chuck Goudie

Blago jury gone for day. Will return in morning to tell judge on how many counts they are deadlocked.

What we really need is a full and accurate transcript of that jury note. Nobody seems to have it since the judge quoted bits and pieces and summarized it. From Susan Berger…

Bottom line. Everyone confused.

Yep. Me too.

*** UPDATE 22 - 5:00 pm *** Michael Ettinger, an attorney for Robert Blagojevich…

“We don’t know what it means, the judge doesn’t know what it means.”

*** UPDATE 21 - 4:54 pm *** Robert Blagojevich attorney Michael Ettinger just told NBC5 that he has been instructed to return to court tomorrow at 11.

*** UPDATE 20 - 4:52 pm *** I asked Susan Berger a few minutes ago whether everything but the post-game interviews were finished for the day. Here’s her response…

Not clear. Possible jury could respond with another note.

*** UPDATE 19 - 4:49 pm *** The Tribune has added this line to its blog post, which may give us a clue as to what’s going on

The jury indicated it wanted to know what happens if it cannot agree on a unanimous decision on every count. The panel had matched up specific acts in the case to individual counts and was unclear on what to do next, the note said.

“What is the next logical step?” the jury asked in its note.

*** UPDATE 18 - 4:21 pm *** Judge’s response

Judge James Zagel told the jury, essentially, to continue deliberating.


Judge Zagel will ask them to clarify if they have reached a unanimous decision on any of the counts, then proceed from there.


U.S. District Judge James Zagel, reading from a note from jurors, said they had made “a reasonable
attempt” after deliberating 11 days and had done so “without rancor.”

“What is the next logical step?” the jury asked in its note.

Zagel said in court that he needs further clarification from the jury before deciding the next step.

The jury wants to go home for the day, the judge said.


Zagel read from the note he will send back to the jury. It asks them which counts, if any, they have been able to agree on, and also explains that it’s “permissible” for them to submit a unanimous decision on some counts and be hung on others.

“I’ll give this to the jury and we’ll see what happens,” the judge said.

Still more

Jury said they could not reach a decision on given counts. Did not say on all counts as some are reporting

AP News Alert

Jurors in Blagojevich corruption trial tell judge they cannot reach agreement on “any given count.”

*** UPDATE 17 - 4:18 pm *** At least they appear to have a unanimous verdict on some counts

Inquiry frim jury - unable to reach unanimous on some counts- what is next step?

*** UPDATE 16 - 4:18 pm *** Uh-oh

The jury can not reach a unanimous decision on given counts

Jury: “We’ve gone beyond reasonable attempts”

Judge Zagel says there has been NO shouting heard from jury room. They are “Exceptionally disciplined”

*** UPDATE 15 - 4:16 pm *** And, we’re off

Judge here. In session

*** UPDATE 14 - 4:14 pm *** Lots of family there. Can’t be a little thing, can it?

Robert #Blagojevich’s son Alex and wife, Julie are also here

*** UPDATE 13 - 4:09 pm *** Robert Blagojevich has arrived

Robert Blagojevich enters courtroom without a word

ABC7 video of Rod Blagojevich arriving


As the former governor arrived with his wife, Patti, shortly before 4 p.m. today, he was asked by reporters how he was feeling and he responded: “Butterflies.”

*** UPDATE 12 - 3:59 pm *** From Susan Berger

Blago way more somber than usual

IL Statehouse News

brother Robert still not in court, the ex-gov and his attorneys bring somber looks

*** UPDATE 11 - 3:54 pm *** Rod Blagojevich has arrived at the Dirksen Federal Building

Rod and patti here. He says “missed u guys” to people waiting

“Here” means he’s on the 25th floor.

*** UPDATE 10 - 3:52 pm *** The perils of post-modern reporting

Everyone still waiting outside the courtroom. Blackberry batteries are running low. So a powerstrip is being used to charge 9 phones

*** UPDATE 9 - 3:51 pm *** The media gathers outside waiting for Blagojevich’s arrival…

*** UPDATE 8 - 3:27 pm *** It’s gonna be awhile

Word is blago just left his house in a Red Chevy 3:20 pm

Google maps says it’s a 17-minute drive, but I hardly think they can make it there that fast. Plus, he has to get through security. It’ll be awhile yet.

*** UPDATE 7 - 3:26 pm *** Natasha

Ex-governor Rod Blagojevich and his brother, Robert, are expected to arrive at the Dirksen Federal Building shortly. Barricades have been put up on Dearborn Street and reporters and camera crews are slowly gathering outside.

It’s an unexpected development in what seemed at first to be — and which could still turn out to be — a simple court hearing about a jury question.

But the fact that the defendants were asked to show up does raise some eyebrows. Court personnel has not said anything about a verdict — they normally do, when one is reached.

If the jury reveals that it is deadlocked, Judge James Zagel will likely tell them to keep deliberating and do their best to come up with a verdict.

*** UPDATE 6 - 3:01 pm *** Chuck Goudie

Source says this IS NOT a verdict. Judge wants ex-gov and bro there to hear jury question.

*** UPDATE 5 - 3:00 pm *** NBC5

BREAKING: Judge Zagel has requested #Blagojevich appear in court today. More to come.

*** UPDATE 4 - 2:55 pm *** From NBC5’s Twitter page

defense attorneys have been in courtroom for almost 1 hour. Media not allowed inside. We are lined up in hallway on the

*** UPDATE 3 - 2:52 pm *** The latest rumor

Hearing word thet #Blagojevich may be on his way to Dirksen court building.

That was posted right after this

Somethings up. Word is barricades up outside. Blago on his way here? Just speculation

*** UPDATE 2 - 2:38 pm *** From Susan Berger’s Twitter page

There are thoughts this must be significant- the lawyers have been in the courtroom for 30 minutes. We are not yet allowed in

*** UPDATE 1 - 2:32 pm *** From the Sun-Times’ Blago Blog

But in the meantime, something a bit out of the ordinary — attorneys are having a closed-door conference with Judge James Zagel. They were told to meet him in the courtroom at 2 p.m.

We don’t know if they’re privately discussing the jury’s question before it is made public in open court, or if they’re talking about something else entirely. But it certainly has the media abuzz with the possibilities.

Lots and lots of rumors. Keep your powder dry. We’ll know soon.

[ *** End Of Updates *** ]

* A hearing is scheduled for 2:30 this afternoon in Rod Blagojevich’s case. Apparently, the jurors have sent the judge another question

Attorneys were told to be at the courthouse this afternoon and were not told that their clients must also attend.

The question comes on Day 11 of deliberations and eight days after the 12-member panel last communicated with the judge in the case.

The last communication from jurors came on July 30th when they asked for all the trial’s testimony.

Everybody, just take a deep breath. We’ll know more later this afternoon. The rumors have been swirling, but one of Blagojevich’s defense lawyers just tamped it all down

But defense lawyer Sheldon Sorosky says his information suggests that the matter is only a procedural question, and nothing more.

* Roundup…

* Long list of crooks, short memories

* Blagojevich’s luster dims, his stench remains

* Blagojevich trial: Still no word as Day 10 comes to a close

* ‘We were counting on Jesse Jr. being called

* Waiting on Blagojevich verdict is the hardest part

* Another day at Blagojevich trial with no verdict

* What’s Up With the Blagojevich Jury?


This just in… Rostenkowski dies

Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 11:25 am - Former Congressman Dan Rostenkowski has died. He’s been ill for quite a while.

Ald. Dick Mell’s office just confirmed that the viewing will be Monday at St. Stanislaus Kostka Church, which is at Noble and Evergreen in Chicago. The funeral will be at the church on Tuesday.

Try to keep the comments respectful. Yeah, he did what he did, but the man is dead now.

…Adding… From Speaker Madigan…

“Dan Rostenkowski devoted his life to his community, Chicago and the state. His accomplishments are many. His efforts on behalf of the regular people who needed a friend to wade through the tangle of government are unparalleled.

“Shirley and I offer his family our deepest sympathies and prayers.”

…Adding more… Carol Marin’s NBC5 obit

…More… With thanks to a commenter, you should read this Mike Royko column from 1996

At the federal level, they have a compliant grand jury and all the investigative tools they need: the agents of the FBI, Internal Revenue Service and every other federal agency. Plus eager assistants who will send their own grannies up the river to enhance their careers.

And the most dangerous and ruthless are those prosecutors who have political ambitions that are most easily fulfilled by hanging a well-known public figure.

That’s what did Rostenkowski in - a federal prosecutor’s personal ambitions. If I could put those federal headhunters on a lie box and ask: “Do you really believe that what he did was a terrible crime?” and they said “Yes,” the needle would clang when it went past the marking for “liar, liar, pants on fire.”

So now Rostenkowski goes to prison for a year or so. And the TV cameras go on the Chicago streets and ask people what they think.

And without having read one word of evidence, some glassy-eyed mope says, “Well, he did wrong and he gotta pay for it, right?”

Lord, please let a hard-nosed cop grab that mope the next time he runs a red.

Also, The Volokh Conspiracy published a very insightful story about the infamous incident with the angry senior citizens that’s mentioned in Marin’s piece.

…Still More… From Neil Steinberg

Many of his friends and supporters saw the conviction as a farce. Sun-Times political columnist Steve Neal called it “wrong and vengeful.”

“Dan Rostenkowski unfortunately ended his career with legal problems,” the famously-upright Sen. Paul Simon noted in his memoirs, “but his contributions as chairman of Ways and Means helped the nation immensely. He had a quality not in abundance, backbone.”

Rostenkowski was issued a full and complete pardon by President Bill Clinton in 2000.

Survivors include his wife LaVerne, daughters Dawn, Kristie and Gayle — who all shortened their names to Rosten. One daughter, Stacy Rosten-McDarrah died of kidney ailment in 2007.

The wake will be held from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. Monday at St. Stanislaus Kostka Church, 1255 North Noble Street. Funeral services are scheduled at the church at 10 a.m. Tuesday. Interment will follow at St. Adalbert Cemetery in Niles.

Some of the old-timers believe Rostenkowski took the fall for an underling. We’ll probably never know.

…Adding still more… For the other side of Rostenkowski’s career, check the Reader, which has excerpted several harsh, anti-Rostenkowski stories, including this one

Rostenkowski and Gabinski control­led their villagers with the stick of brute force and fearmongering and the carrot of services like garbage collection and snow removal. On election day they sent out thick-necked patronage workers to lurk outside polling places, passing out palm cards and intimidating the locals so they wouldn’t stray from the fold. If intimidation didn’t work, there was always the race card. During the 1983 mayoral race, Rostenkowski and Gabinski put their support behind every white candidate who ran against Harold Washington—even a Republican, Bernie Epton. It was their way of letting the little people know they weren’t going to let the blacks take over.

…More… From Congressman Quigley, who represents Rostenkowski’s old district…

“Today, I offer my deepest condolences to the Rostenkowski family. Dan served the 5th District of Illinois for three and a half decades, and I join with his former and now my constituents in thanking him for his public service. Chicago and the nation have lost a political giant.”

…Still more… From Senate President John Cullerton, who ran against Rostenkowski in the 1994 Democratic primary…

“Dan Rostenkowski was a legendary Congressman and figure in Illinois. I had the pleasure of first working with him back in 1976 as part of the national convention delegation. He was one of the most productive
members of Congress and should be applauded for his work to bring federal investments back to Chicago for the benefit of all of Illinois.”

“He was a larger-than-life political figure whose legacy of accomplishments will outlive his years on this Earth.”


Question of the day

Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The setup

Illinois employers will no longer be able to run credit checks on those applying for jobs under a measure Gov. Pat Quinn signed into law today.

Supporters say the move is aimed at preventing employers from turning away job seekers due to poor credit amid an economic crisis that has left many unemployed and struggling to pay the bills.

“If you lose your job and your credit is damaged as a result, and employers use your credit to prevent you from getting a job, this is a vicious cycle folks will never get out,” said Sen. Don Harmon, an Oak Park Democrat who sponsored the legislation.

Under the new law that takes effect Jan. 1, employers cannot use credit history to determine whether to hire, fire or promote someone. If an employer is caught accessing such information, they can face legal action.

However, some industries and positions are exempt, such as those dealing with banking, insurance, trade secrets or state and national security.

The Tribune editorialized against the law today.

* The Question: Good law or bad? Explain.


Poll: 40-40 US Senate race, and the Libertarian Party may make the cut

Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* A new poll by Rasmussen Reports shows the US Senate race all tied up. Results in brackets are from July 26, July 7, June 7, April 28, April 5, March 8 and February 3…

Kirk: 40 [41%, 39%, 42% 46%, 41%, 41%, 46%]

Giannoulias: 40 [43%, 40%, 39% 38%, 37%, 44%, 40%]

Other: 8 [6%, 9%, 7% 5%, 8%, 5%, 4%]

Unsure: 12 [10%, 12%, 12% 12%. 13%, 10%, 10%]

From the pollster…

Kirk earns support from 76% of Republicans, while Giannoulias is backed by 70% of Democrats. Kirk leads by better than two-to-one lead among voters not affiliated with either major political party in Illinois. […]

Kirk is viewed Very Favorably by 10% of Illinois voters and Very Unfavorably by 20%, up six points over the past two weeks.

Giannoulias’ ratings are 11% Very Favorable, up four points from late July, and 28% Very Unfavorable, also up slightly from the previous survey.

At this point in a campaign, Rasmussen Reports considers the number of people with strong opinions more significant than the total favorable/unfavorable numbers.

Fifty-four percent (54%) of voters in the state approve of the job Obama is doing as president, while 46% disapprove. This level of support has held steady in recent months and is well above Obama’s approval ratings nationally in the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll.

Kirk’s “Very Unfavorable” upward movement has to be troubling for that campaign. The crosstabs have Giannoulias leading among moderates by six points.

* Other questions…

* How would you rate the job Barack Obama has been doing as President… do you strongly approve, somewhat approve, somewhat disapprove, or strongly disapprove of the job he’s been doing?
35% Strongly approve
19% Somewhat approve
9% Somewhat disapprove
37% Strongly disapprove
0% Not sure

* How would you rate the job Pat Quinn has been doing as Governor… do you strongly approve, somewhat approve, somewhat disapprove, or strongly disapprove of the job he’s been doing?
10% Strongly approve
26% Somewhat approve
23% Somewhat disapprove
37% Strongly disapprove
3% Not sure

* TPM PollTracker

* Methodology

The survey of 750 Likely Voters in Illinois was conducted on August 9, 2010 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/-4 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.

* Meanwhile, the Libertarian Party may make it onto the ballot here

Looks like a Libertarian will join Democrat Alexi Giannoulias and Republican Mark Kirk on the November U.S. Senate ballot.

The word from insiders in both major parties is that the Libertarian Party’s Michael Labno has pretty well fended off challenges to his nominating petitions, throwing a potential curve into what is now viewed as a very tight race.

Sources say the electrical construction project manager now has several thousand ballot signatures more than he needs, and while a few more days are left for further action, the State Board of Elections is about done.

Mr. Labno, who was not available for comment, is a pretty conservative fellow who should please both Tea Party anti-government types and social conservatives.

That could be quite interesting. The conservative Constitution Party is barely holding on. We’ll know more next week.


Behind Mark Kirk’s course change on aid to states

Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Another flip-flop, or just good due diligence?

Just a day after Republican Senate candidate Mark Kirk said he was “inclined” to vote for a $26 billion “jobs bill” to funnel federal money to the states to stave off teacher lay-offs, Kirk voted against it.

The Democratic-sponsored bill passed anyway.

“When I returned to Washington for this special session, I read [Senate] Leader Reid’s bill and found it spent more, taxed more and borrowed more than any of the past bills I supported,” Kirk said in a written statement. “I did not support the Reid bill because it added $16 billion in new Medicaid spending and levied another $9 billion in new, permanent tax increases. According to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, the bill adds over $12 billion to our deficit. As a fiscal conservative, I could not support this bill and will work to cut spending, taxing and borrowing in this and future Congresses.”

Just about every story I’ve read about this issue says the CBO scoring found that it would reduce the deficit by $1.4 billion over ten years. That’s one part of the CBO scoring. Another part, dealing with the Pay as You Go statue, which you can read by clicking here, says the bill adds $12.6 billion to the deficit over ten years. But a footnote says this…

Excludes savings in Titles II and III that would result from changes to programs and rescissions of funds previously designated as emergency, which total about $14 billion over the 2010-2020 period.

It’s all DC Speak, but it looks like that $14 billion in savings more than wipes out the $12.6 billion deficit spending that Kirk pointed to. The Sun-Times talked to the CBO yesterday and was told the bill adds only $5 billion to the deficit in ten years. That’s $500 million a year, on average. Pennies to the feds. And Kirk is the same guy who is demanding an infinite extension of the Bush-era tax cuts, which if not paid for with corresponding budget cuts will deprive the federal governor of $3.5 trillion over ten years. Kirk hasn’t said how he’d like to pay for those tax cuts, by the way.

* Now, remember this ad?

That ad attacking Giannoulias which is running this month is being paid for by the US Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber opposed the state aid bill because it’s partially paid for with a closure of an overseas business tax loophole. It would be tough for Kirk to vote against the Chamber while the Chamber was spending big bucks on his behalf. Just sayin…

* Alexi Giannoulias responded quickly

“I am stunned that he would vote against an emergency bill to keep teachers in the classroom - a bill that is completely paid for and will save at least 5,700 teaching jobs right here in Illinois,” Giannoulias said.

* But will this bill actually save all those teacher jobs? Maybe not

Three Southland superintendents say they believe the extra money coming into the state will be used to pay the general state aid they have already been promised. General state aid is money set aside for districts by the state, and is based on the number of students and the income-levels of each district.

In Mokena School District 159, 14 teachers were laid off earlier this year. District 159 Supt. Karen Perry believes the federal dollars will be used to pay money the district is already owed.

General state aid payments at District 159 have dwindled from $4 million five years ago to $900,000 this school year, she said, which amounts to only $500 per student.

“We don’t think we will see an extra dollar,” Perry said. “This will just help them meet their $500 obligation.”

Supt. Lawrence Wyllie also doubts the bill would be a big financial boon for Lincoln-Way High School District 210.

Lincoln-Way, which fired 35 teachers earlier this year, should receive an estimated $825,000 from the feds, according to preliminary estimates the state gave to U.S. Rep. Debbie Halvorson’s office.

“If they gave me that money, would I hire new teachers? Absolutely not. I would use it to fill the (district’s) deficit,” Wyllie said.

* Related…

* Quinn to review federal funding before acting on furloughs: The passage of a $26 billion federal jobs bill Tuesday failed to persuade Gov. Pat Quinn to immediately rescind a furlough order affecting 2,700 non-union state workers. The bill, which includes $550 million in additional federal Medicaid funding for Illinois, reverses most of the $750 million federal funding cut cited by Quinn as the reason he ordered 24 unpaid days off for the non-union employees in the current fiscal year. But Kelly Kraft, spokeswoman for Quinn’s budget office, said the governor’s furlough order still stands.

* Kirk flip-flops on jobs bill

* Kirk Changes Course on Jobs Bill, Votes Against It

* Kirk flips on stimulus vote

* Federal Bill Gives CPS Cash to Prevent Layoffs

* Dist. 220 looking to cuts, teachers contract for savings

* Parents ante $4.3 mil to save Cary District 26

* Kane County cuts half of its Health Department workers

* Ralph Martire: Pension debt a symptom of state’s problems — not cause


Morning political videos

Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’m not sure yet whether this is an Internet ad or a TV ad, but the Brady campaign has just posted this 30-second spot. Two young women discuss Pat Quinn’s pay raises for his top staff. Rate it

I’m told Brady has a new radio ad up that connects Quinn to Rod Blagojevich. I’ll post it when I get it.

* Mark Kirk has a new Internet promo ad. Rate it

* And Scott Lee Cohen’s running mate Baxter Swilley was interviewed by Avy Meyers. Have a look


Report: 235 state employees averaged 11 percent pay raises

Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* NBC5 has a story that will likely resonate out there in Voter Land

At a time when Gov. Pat Quinn is speaking of the worst economic crisis since “the great recesson” NBC Chicago has learned some 235 state employees have received pay raises this year.

Earlier this summer, the Associated Press revealed 43 employees — many of them in the governor’s office — had been awarded pay hikes, but NBC Chicago, through a Freedom of Information Request, has uncovered even more pay hikes.

Of the 235 who received a pay raise in 2010, 225 of them received more than a five percent pay hike. Those rewarded with a fatter check include a labor relations expert whose pay increase is more than $5,000, to the local tourism marketing manager who received more than a $10,000 pay hike. […]

“We cannot afford to raise pay for anybody when we owe $5 billion to vendors,” Brady charged.

The pay raises range from $300 a year to $40,000 a year. The average raise for these non-union employees is 11 percent — that’s four times higher than private industry expectations.

The governor’s order forcing those workers to take 24 unpaid furlough days will wipe out most of that average pay increase, but this is not a good story for candidate Quinn whatsoever.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition

Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Report: Underutilized CPS schools driving up costs
* AG Raoul lays out extensive defense of state immigration laws
* Intoxicating Hemp: No safety? No thanks!
* USDOJ wants to join challenge to Illinois law that requires nonprofits to disclose demographics of boards and officers
* It’s just a bill
* As Chicago continues to look the other way, Decatur city council bans sweepstakes machines
* Illinois Hospitals Are Achieving Nursing Excellence Through ANCC Magnet Program
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today's edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
* Live coverage
* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Legislature's COGFA predicts lower revenues than governor's budget office
* Yesterday's stories

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