Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - This just in…
Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller
Afternoon time-killer
Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * While we’re all waiting on that 2:30 Blagojevich hearing and fielding all the rumors floating around, let’s distract ourselves with this video which will probably stick in your head for a very long time. I give you Sheila Simon and friends singing Bob Dylan… Warning: This really will stick in your head for a long while.
Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller *** UPDATE 26 - 5:58 pm *** Chuck Goudie was just on Roe Conn’s show and talked about how there seems to be an indication that there was something in that note which wasn’t shared with the public. The speculation focuses on what Michael Ettinger told reporters. He seemed to strongly indicate that the note meant Robert Blagojevich was off the hook. But, who the heck knows at this point? *** UPDATE 25 - 5:30 pm *** The always reliable Paul Meincke has one of the better summations of what happened today. Make sure to watch it… *** UPDATE 24 - 5:13 pm *** From the Sun-Times…
*** UPDATE 23 - 5:00 pm *** Chuck Goudie…
What we really need is a full and accurate transcript of that jury note. Nobody seems to have it since the judge quoted bits and pieces and summarized it. From Susan Berger…
Yep. Me too. *** UPDATE 22 - 5:00 pm *** Michael Ettinger, an attorney for Robert Blagojevich…
*** UPDATE 21 - 4:54 pm *** Robert Blagojevich attorney Michael Ettinger just told NBC5 that he has been instructed to return to court tomorrow at 11. *** UPDATE 20 - 4:52 pm *** I asked Susan Berger a few minutes ago whether everything but the post-game interviews were finished for the day. Here’s her response…
*** UPDATE 19 - 4:49 pm *** The Tribune has added this line to its blog post, which may give us a clue as to what’s going on…
*** UPDATE 18 - 4:21 pm *** Judge’s response…
*** UPDATE 17 - 4:18 pm *** At least they appear to have a unanimous verdict on some counts…
*** UPDATE 16 - 4:18 pm *** Uh-oh…
*** UPDATE 15 - 4:16 pm *** And, we’re off…
*** UPDATE 14 - 4:14 pm *** Lots of family there. Can’t be a little thing, can it?…
*** UPDATE 13 - 4:09 pm *** Robert Blagojevich has arrived…
ABC7 video of Rod Blagojevich arriving…
*** UPDATE 12 - 3:59 pm *** From Susan Berger…
IL Statehouse News…
*** UPDATE 11 - 3:54 pm *** Rod Blagojevich has arrived at the Dirksen Federal Building…
“Here” means he’s on the 25th floor. *** UPDATE 10 - 3:52 pm *** The perils of post-modern reporting…
*** UPDATE 9 - 3:51 pm *** The media gathers outside waiting for Blagojevich’s arrival… ![]() *** UPDATE 8 - 3:27 pm *** It’s gonna be awhile…
Google maps says it’s a 17-minute drive, but I hardly think they can make it there that fast. Plus, he has to get through security. It’ll be awhile yet. *** UPDATE 7 - 3:26 pm *** Natasha…
*** UPDATE 6 - 3:01 pm *** Chuck Goudie…
*** UPDATE 5 - 3:00 pm *** NBC5…
*** UPDATE 4 - 2:55 pm *** From NBC5’s Twitter page…
*** UPDATE 3 - 2:52 pm *** The latest rumor…
That was posted right after this…
*** UPDATE 2 - 2:38 pm *** From Susan Berger’s Twitter page…
*** UPDATE 1 - 2:32 pm *** From the Sun-Times’ Blago Blog…
Lots and lots of rumors. Keep your powder dry. We’ll know soon. * A hearing is scheduled for 2:30 this afternoon in Rod Blagojevich’s case. Apparently, the jurors have sent the judge another question…
Everybody, just take a deep breath. We’ll know more later this afternoon. The rumors have been swirling, but one of Blagojevich’s defense lawyers just tamped it all down…
* Roundup…
This just in… Rostenkowski dies
Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * 11:25 am - Former Congressman Dan Rostenkowski has died. He’s been ill for quite a while. Ald. Dick Mell’s office just confirmed that the viewing will be Monday at St. Stanislaus Kostka Church, which is at Noble and Evergreen in Chicago. The funeral will be at the church on Tuesday. Try to keep the comments respectful. Yeah, he did what he did, but the man is dead now. …Adding… From Speaker Madigan…
…Adding more… Carol Marin’s NBC5 obit… …More… With thanks to a commenter, you should read this Mike Royko column from 1996…
Also, The Volokh Conspiracy published a very insightful story about the infamous incident with the angry senior citizens that’s mentioned in Marin’s piece. …Still More… From Neil Steinberg…
Some of the old-timers believe Rostenkowski took the fall for an underling. We’ll probably never know. …Adding still more… For the other side of Rostenkowski’s career, check the Reader, which has excerpted several harsh, anti-Rostenkowski stories, including this one…
…More… From Congressman Quigley, who represents Rostenkowski’s old district…
…Still more… From Senate President John Cullerton, who ran against Rostenkowski in the 1994 Democratic primary…
Question of the day
Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * The setup…
The Tribune editorialized against the law today. * The Question: Good law or bad? Explain.
Poll: 40-40 US Senate race, and the Libertarian Party may make the cut
Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * A new poll by Rasmussen Reports shows the US Senate race all tied up. Results in brackets are from July 26, July 7, June 7, April 28, April 5, March 8 and February 3…
From the pollster…
Kirk’s “Very Unfavorable” upward movement has to be troubling for that campaign. The crosstabs have Giannoulias leading among moderates by six points. * Other questions…
* TPM PollTracker… * Methodology…
* Meanwhile, the Libertarian Party may make it onto the ballot here…
That could be quite interesting. The conservative Constitution Party is barely holding on. We’ll know more next week.
Behind Mark Kirk’s course change on aid to states
Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * Another flip-flop, or just good due diligence?…
Just about every story I’ve read about this issue says the CBO scoring found that it would reduce the deficit by $1.4 billion over ten years. That’s one part of the CBO scoring. Another part, dealing with the Pay as You Go statue, which you can read by clicking here, says the bill adds $12.6 billion to the deficit over ten years. But a footnote says this…
It’s all DC Speak, but it looks like that $14 billion in savings more than wipes out the $12.6 billion deficit spending that Kirk pointed to. The Sun-Times talked to the CBO yesterday and was told the bill adds only $5 billion to the deficit in ten years. That’s $500 million a year, on average. Pennies to the feds. And Kirk is the same guy who is demanding an infinite extension of the Bush-era tax cuts, which if not paid for with corresponding budget cuts will deprive the federal governor of $3.5 trillion over ten years. Kirk hasn’t said how he’d like to pay for those tax cuts, by the way. * Now, remember this ad?… That ad attacking Giannoulias which is running this month is being paid for by the US Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber opposed the state aid bill because it’s partially paid for with a closure of an overseas business tax loophole. It would be tough for Kirk to vote against the Chamber while the Chamber was spending big bucks on his behalf. Just sayin… * Alexi Giannoulias responded quickly…
* But will this bill actually save all those teacher jobs? Maybe not…
* Related…
Morning political videos
Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * I’m not sure yet whether this is an Internet ad or a TV ad, but the Brady campaign has just posted this 30-second spot. Two young women discuss Pat Quinn’s pay raises for his top staff. Rate it… I’m told Brady has a new radio ad up that connects Quinn to Rod Blagojevich. I’ll post it when I get it. * Mark Kirk has a new Internet promo ad. Rate it… * And Scott Lee Cohen’s running mate Baxter Swilley was interviewed by Avy Meyers. Have a look…
Report: 235 state employees averaged 11 percent pay raises
Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * NBC5 has a story that will likely resonate out there in Voter Land…
The governor’s order forcing those workers to take 24 unpaid furlough days will wipe out most of that average pay increase, but this is not a good story for candidate Quinn whatsoever.
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition
Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller