Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Matt Ryan has passed away
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Matt Ryan has passed away

Monday, Sep 13, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I told you back in July that our good friend Matt Ryan was very sick. The former chief of staff for Will County Executive Larry Walsh passed away early this morning. His family and many, many friends are just heartbroken. I’ll post arrangements when they come in.


  1. - The Captain - Monday, Sep 13, 10 @ 10:33 am:

    He was a real stand up guy.

  2. - Rep. John Fritchey - Monday, Sep 13, 10 @ 10:33 am:

    Tough to be a good guy in this business but Matt showed that it could be done. R.I.P.

  3. - jdoerrer - Monday, Sep 13, 10 @ 10:33 am:

    God Bless him. He was a class act and truly a gentleman. I’ll miss him…

  4. - kitty herself - Monday, Sep 13, 10 @ 10:37 am:

    Our hearts are broken… God be with Angie and his family.

  5. - Steve Brown - Monday, Sep 13, 10 @ 10:37 am:

    I knew Matt Ryan as a colorful, clever and cheerful guy. He did a lot of good on this earth. It is so sad that he did not have a longer ride.

    Marilyn and I offer our prayers for Angela and all the family. I hope it will be some comfort for them.

  6. - ugh - Monday, Sep 13, 10 @ 10:39 am:

    Matt was a tremendous guy always willing to lend a hand and help those around him. He was truly a class act and wonderful person. The world is a little darker without him. Condolences to his family and the people of Will County who will no longer benefit from his service.

  7. - Lt Guv - Monday, Sep 13, 10 @ 10:42 am:

    Godspeed Matt. One of the truly wonderful people in the business. Thanks to you and Ang for your friendship and counsel over the years. I trust you’re in a more peaceful place.

  8. - Stones - Monday, Sep 13, 10 @ 10:49 am:

    I was very sad to learn the news this morning. A class guy! He will most certainly be missed.

  9. - A.B. - Monday, Sep 13, 10 @ 10:53 am:

    RIP and my deepest condolences his family.

  10. - Diana Turowski - Monday, Sep 13, 10 @ 10:56 am:

    Matt, you’re one of the most exceptional, brilliant, loved people in Illinois. It was always a joy to hang out with you, the lovely Angela, and wonderdog Cermak. You’ve endured more setbacks over the years, and have bounced back from them, with class, grace and style. Illinois is going to be a much different place without your wit, insight and wisdom. MUCH Love to Angela and your family in this difficult time.

  11. - Taylor Street Brian - Monday, Sep 13, 10 @ 10:57 am:

    I first worked with Matt during the Dixon campaign of 1992. It was a learning experience every day with him and I will never forget what a great friend and what loyal to the core person he was. My thoughts are with Ang. Going to Murphy’s after a ballgame at Wrigley was my last time seeing him and he was the life of the party and I’m so blessed to have known him.

  12. - Chuck Eckert - Monday, Sep 13, 10 @ 10:59 am:

    Matt was my office mate on the Senate Democratic Staff for several years…..never a day without a smile on his face……what a great guy!

  13. - Claudio - Monday, Sep 13, 10 @ 11:19 am:

    Big-hearted, insightful, funny. I worked with him on some projects in the ’90s and am a better person for it. What a loss.

  14. - Demo - Monday, Sep 13, 10 @ 11:19 am:

    Matt was a good man in a terrible business. May his soul rest in peace. My prayers go out to his wife and family.

  15. - Jo - Monday, Sep 13, 10 @ 11:24 am:

    The last time I saw Matt was this past spring in the Rotunda on the 2nd Floor. He was with Larry Walsh and I’m so glad that I interrupted the conversation they were in for the usual jovial hi & hug. Rest in Peace, Matt, you made this world a better place. I’m blessed to have enjoyed the good times we had, usually involving some form of adult beverage. Angela & your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

  16. - wordslinger - Monday, Sep 13, 10 @ 11:26 am:

    Great guy to have beers with. Back in the day, I’d run into him playing video poker (no payout) at the old Shamrock in DeKalb when he was running one of Pat Welch’s tough campaigns.

  17. - Porter McNeil - Monday, Sep 13, 10 @ 11:35 am:

    Thoughts and prayers to Angela and all of Matt’s family from the McNeils … very sad news as I head to the funeral of Joel Brunsvold this afternoon.

  18. - Valeri DeCastris - Monday, Sep 13, 10 @ 12:06 pm:

    I was afraid of this when I received Angela’s Caring Bridge entry yesterday. How very tragic and unfair! Seems its always the good ones. Matt and I worked together closely on energy and environmental issues for the General Assembly in the 1980s and we also had lots of fun, mainly at Play It Again Sam’s. When I would complain about “the process” - he would tell me that “it was a dirty business.” He kept my spirits up many times, generally over “spirits.” And he was a great technical and political mentor to me. Years later, in Rockford, I would see Angela as she worked diligently on Mike Rotello’s campaign. Thank God for her - and she has had her own heartbreaks (her mother) before this, the poor thing! Matt was one of a kind - he blew through life like a friendly, laughing tornado. And who could forget that laugh? He once left a Cardinals jacket at my house - for years! He was a wonderful whirlwind and this is just horrible news and hard to fathom. My heart goes out to Angela and his family. Angela was an unbelievable rock for him. Matt used to “joke” with me about having Catholic novenas said for certain politicos - I will now have one said for him. God rest his precious soul. The world and this state have lost a great man.

  19. - Chicago Publius - Monday, Sep 13, 10 @ 12:07 pm:

    Oh, I am so sad.

    The joy, grace, and goodwill that Matt brought into so many lives is living proof of this passage from the Good Book: “The souls of the just are in the hands of God.”

    There’s a little room in my heart where Matt will always sit, and it’s filled with light and laughter.

    Matt, you have helped our little body politic grow, heal, and thrive, and thousands of us are better for it.

    My prayers and my thoughts go to Angie and the rest of Matt’s family and friends.

  20. - thom - Monday, Sep 13, 10 @ 12:27 pm:

    Matt always was smiling, no matter how tough the world around him seemed to be…we toiled on many a campaign together - we sure had fun.
    Matt, always a joy to be around, continues his journey with love and in peace.
    God Bless Angie, and Matt’s family.

  21. - Amalia - Monday, Sep 13, 10 @ 12:46 pm:

    deepest sympathies to his many friends and family, it’s a big
    loss for all of us who crossed his path.

  22. - Pot calling kettle - Monday, Sep 13, 10 @ 12:55 pm:

    I met Matt on one of his first campaigns, I have considered him a friend ever since. When I have needed political advice, Matt was always willing to help. I always wished I could do as much for Matt as he did for me. He will be missed. :(

  23. - Carol - Monday, Sep 13, 10 @ 12:58 pm:

    He was a good man who made the world a better place. His good acts and good cheer will go on through everyones life he touched.

  24. - Raising Kane - Monday, Sep 13, 10 @ 1:53 pm:

    Matt was just a quality guy. Funny, ironic, helpful and unfailingly optimistic. Even when diagnosed with cancer, Matt stayed upbeat and kept active. No self pity for him. Maybe one of the reasons he was able to stay that way was because of Angela. She always had his back. Particularly these last 3 months when she fought all the red tape and bureaucracy to insure he received the best possible treatment. Day in and day out she sat by his side, read to him, joked with him and fought his battles. I know he had to have been very proud of her.

    Rest in peace, my friend, and know that you were loved by all of us you graced with your hearty laugh.

  25. - barb guttmann - Monday, Sep 13, 10 @ 1:57 pm:

    Matt and Ang are dear friends over many years and through multitudes of campaigns. I like remembering how happy he was riding around on his mower in Joliet. Just like he was King of the Hill. From the days in Lincoln Park all the way to Joliet with many stops in between - Matt was always there with a smile and a friendship that true. You’ll be missed more than any of us can realize today. Bless you Matt.

  26. - Rich Miller - Monday, Sep 13, 10 @ 2:13 pm:

    I’m pretty sure we’ll be doing an online fundraiser for Matt’s medical bills sometime in the future. I sure hope we can help out Angela. She’s been through so much and I’d hate to see her struggle with gigantic bills now.

  27. - Lt Guv - Monday, Sep 13, 10 @ 2:16 pm:

    Great idea Rich. Also Demo, I really like your phrase of “a good man in a terrible business.” That says so much.

  28. - Peter Coffey - Monday, Sep 13, 10 @ 2:27 pm:

    We lost a good man today, and I don’t have any words that can fill the void. Angela, my heart is broken for you. Please know we’re here for you.

  29. - Nia Odeoti-Hassan - Monday, Sep 13, 10 @ 3:02 pm:

    During my years on the Senate Democratic Staff, I have seen many staff come and go. However Matt left a great impression on me. He was quite a professional and respected his colleagues, especially their expertise. I will miss that smile and his compassion. May he rest in peace. Angie and family, Matt will live on through you and his friends.

  30. - KGB - Monday, Sep 13, 10 @ 3:25 pm:

    Matt was one of the best that this profession has to offer. Everyone who knew him loved him. My condolences to Ang and their family.

  31. - Dan Bureaucrat - Monday, Sep 13, 10 @ 7:55 pm:

    I’m so sorry to his family at home and at work. Those really good people in government mean so much.

  32. - Todd - Monday, Sep 13, 10 @ 7:56 pm:

    Met Matt many years ago. And always enjoyed his company at the capitol and the bar. anther oneof the good guys is gone.

    this week is really starting to suck.

    RIP. God’s Speed.

  33. - Patti Ramirez - Monday, Sep 13, 10 @ 8:00 pm:

    This picture just made me S M I L E. Matt was a great guy. He’ll be missed. Thinking of you Angela.

  34. - Dave Neal - Monday, Sep 13, 10 @ 9:00 pm:

    I spent quite some time with Matt yesterday… And it may help for you to know he died peacefully. When Matt asked “How are you doing?” he sincerely cared to hear your answer. I would say that Matt treated friends and enemies equally well …but Matt really did not consider people enemies. He taught me that today’s opponent may be tomorrow’s ally. Matt Ryan loved Illinois government and politics and every one of you involved in it.

  35. - Kevin Lampe - Monday, Sep 13, 10 @ 9:47 pm:

    Matt was one of the best. He loved this game, but loved the people in it more. Kitty and I are heartbroken. We will hold Ang and her family in our thoughts and prayers. Matt’s charm, concern and good humor will inspire us when days are tough.

  36. - Lou Lang - Monday, Sep 13, 10 @ 9:57 pm:

    Matt fought this hard for four long years. He will be missed. A great guy who really knew his business. My deepest sympathies to Angela and the family. This is a major and significant loss.

  37. - Eddy Crews - Monday, Sep 13, 10 @ 10:19 pm:

    Oh my gosh, how terrible. What a wonderful human being. My prayers go out to you Angela. Matt’s addictive smile was the window to his heart and soul. What an awesome friend, and I’m blessed to have called him friend. Rest In Peace my buddy.

  38. - Kitty Kurth - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 8:58 am:

    I am so sorry. Matt will be missed. Rich, great idea to help Angela with the bills and anything else she needs for that matter. Let us know how we can help.

  39. - Jeff Riley - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 9:45 am:

    Working with Matt on the Vallas campaign was one of my greatest political experiences. I will never ever forget, under Matt’s direction, how we gathered 50K+ signatures for Paul then went through and struck and initialized all the bad ones before we submitted to scare off a Blago/Odelson challenge. Matt and I rolled into Springfield about 3am, ate from a vending machine, slept for 40 minutes, and then got in line to file. It worked. Too bad we didn’t pull off the win in the end but it was a heck of a fight. Brothers in arms forever Matt. R.I.P.

  40. - Mike Phillips - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 9:46 am:

    I first met Matt in the early 80’s when he was working on a campaign in Grundy County. I bumped into him off and on over the years. In 2005, when I was considering a run for office, one of the first people I met with was Matt. We had a beer and he gave me an 1 1/2 of his time to discuss my prospects and plans. Over the next year and a half, Matt looked over all of my literature and press releases. He provided advice that was enormously helpful, but never a bill. Matt was one of those people you were always glad to see and who was always willing to help his friends.

  41. - Claire Manning - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 10:23 am:

    What a terrible loss. Matt was a kind, insightful person, with a good word for everyone. I worked him in the mid-80’s, in the early days of the Labor Board. He was resilient, and persistent, all at the same time. A real gift. Whenever I ran into him over the years, he always shared a good story and a tidbit of political wisdom.

  42. - tom - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 10:37 am:

    Matt was one of the good guys in the world of Illinois politics…. honest- passionate - — caring - pricipled- with the ability and understanding and capacity to get things done…I worked with him more on a local level here in will county and always enjoyed hearing from him ..Illinois politics will miss him..Will county will as well…I too will miss him and have Angela in my thoughts and prayers..

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