This has to be one of the most hard hitting ads Hotline On Call has seen so far this cycle: Rep. Debbie Halvorson (D-IL) is up with a new ad that attacks Iraq war vet Adam Kinzinger (R) for supporting free trade agreements.
The ad features a series of heartfelt testimonials from people who lost their jobs. “It’s real hard to explain to my wife why I was losing my job,” says one. “You get cut off at the knees.”
In the final testimonial, the speaker levels a direct attack at Kinzinger as the screen goes black.
“Young man, you have no idea what you’re doing,” he says.
This is a Halvorson ad, but the DCCC has reportedly reduced its ad buy for the Chicago area.
…Adding… The NRCC responds…
“This ad is a farce: it’s the policies of Washington Democrats like Debbie Halvorson that have been forcing jobs overseas with higher taxes and job-killing mandates. Unlike career politician Debbie Halvorson, Adam Kinzinger is committed to putting an end to the Democrats’ agenda so that we can finally create jobs and grow the economy.” — Tom Erickson, NRCC spokesman
* Roundup…
* IL-10: Bob Dold’s Amateur Hour on Channel slated for cancelation Nov. 2: A 10-second investigation into what else user has done at Wikipedia reveals that the same Dold for Congress computer has also repeatedly fouled up Dan Seals’ Wikipedia article with juvenile acts like surreptitiously changing his party affiliation from Democratic to Green, etc. as far back as July of this year.
I live in the district and the Halverson campaign has been a mess. But this is a solid ad especially when you consider that Grundy and K3 have some of the highest unemployment in the state, if not the country. A-
Not that I’m a protectionist, but the popular sentiment is these free trade deals work a lot better for the other side at our expense. Having gorwn up in Kankakee, yeah, I think this will play very well there.
Alexi take some notes. When you hit Kirk on China, remember to aim for his nose with a spot like this one.
Good ad. Kinzinger is working hard in some of the solid Dem areas of that District and no one has seen Debbie at an event in a long time. She needs to come home to her people.
Meanwhile, the Dems can’t go after the only winners in this economy. They too are hard-wired with the financial Masters of the Universe who had to beg Uncle Sam to mortgage the farm for bailouts after a bad bender at the casino.
good ad. this is what democrats have to do, get a stake in voter anger or disappointment and turn that anger towards republicans. it’s the only way to win, and halvorson has her work cut out for her…
I think it’s a very very good ad. Lipinski had some idea about a 21st century manufacturing agenda but this is the sort of stuff that should have happened from day 1. oh well.
This is a completely disingenuous ad. The fact of the matter is that Democrats are just as much to blame for free trade, sweat shops and corporate imperialism than the Republicans. At least the Republicans don’t hide that fact.
And taxes don’t have anything to do with sending a job overseas where a product can be manufactured for 1/1000 of what it could in the U.S.A., unions or not.
Voters will see right through this same old, same old…
This is a desperate ad for a desperate candidate. How pathetic that her first ad out of the box has to be a hard negative. All of the national and local indicators show that she is toast.
An outstanding ad that completely hits home.
Couldn’t have chosen better people for the ad also. Each one seems compelling.
The final line could not be better.
By far the best ad I’ve seen for any candidate in a long time.
Good ad for its message. Different and to the point. The people come across as real. Free trade is more complicated than this, but it makes its points easy to remember.
I’d give it an A-. You can’t go harder at someone without turning off a lot of voters. My only complaint is that Halvorson has the paid for by disclaimer at the end so people might relate her name with the ad. I don’t know if that is an FEC requirement. If not, I would prefer the disclaimer be at the beginning when she gives her approval statement.
You know it is a good ad when the GOP types go after her rather than after her ad.
Apparently, some people don’t like her. Noted.
But this is supposed to be about an ad.
Re: the Halvorson ad. Solid A. —As political ads go this is a very, very good one. Of course it insults the opponent, stretches the truth and taps viewers emotions, but that’s life in election season. Effectiveness of the ad is a question mark. How Adam reacts and handles the issue in this ad on air and in person will tell voters a great deal about him and his capacity to be a quality U.S. Congressman. He’s apparently already convinced a lot of people that he does know what he’s doing.
It seems Halvorson has sort of the same problem as Quinn. A lot of the people in her district feel she’s “had her chance” in congress and that she’s not done well by the district, nor connected well with her district with that chance. So, as good as this ad is, I’ll be surprised if it comes even close to ameliorating the true problem Halvorson has, or that can be a game changer for her.
B + …It’s a good message, but are Democrats believable any more as the Party supporting working families?
If you want to understand the issue I’ve attached a most interesting and prescient discussion that the late Sir James Goldsmith, a billionaire international businessman, had with Charlie Rose in 1994 about GATT, international trade, financial and corporate dominance and the “purpose of a national economy.”
Later in the interview Mr. Rose brings in Clinton’s Chief Economic Advisor, Laura Tyson, to debate Mr. Goldsmith. Listening to Tyson provides a good example of the economic policies that have decimated our working class. Tyson is also advising Obama, and of course, nearly the entire Obama economic team is from the Clinton Era.
Bottomline: Democrat’s aren’t creditable anymore with voters on trade issues and the bill is coming due this November.
Sir James Goldsmith video with Charlie Rose and Laura Tyson, Chairman of Clinton’s Economic Advisors in 1994.
it’s a bad indicator when a candidate-an incumbent no less-goes negative w/out leading positive. that recdueced ad buy from the DCCC is all bad for her too though…that may be the most telling sign yet
More so on the jobs issue, where Mr. Kinzinger is very vulnerable, as Kinzinger doesn’t have a job himself.
He is a “citizen-soldier” who plays soldier part-time and working citizen no-time. He does a short glamour tour every once in a while, and totally blows off civilian employment. How can AK understand or sympathize with workers in the 11th CD?
The ad also starts off “Politician Adam Kinzinger”, a reference to the fact that he’s been a politician since his early 20s.
An effective hit for Halvorsen, but she needs more than this to keep her seat.
Actually, I don’t. Adam should post his DD214s so people can see what he does between his short tours.
He’s had a lot of time when he wasn’t volunteering for short tours to have civilian employment. He didn’t. He could have shared the experience, but he chose not to.
It’s embarassing now that he’s seeking the votes from people who do work every day, long hours day in and day out, getting up early and facing a bad economy.
No, I’m just a vet who thought the ad was effective, but not enough in and of itself to win the incumbent another term.
The ad is effective because it highlights people losing their jobs and attributing it to a National Guardsman who is supposed to have a civilian job but doesn’t. Oh yes, he’s 32+ years old. Times are tough for returning soldiers, but reservist Mr. Kinzinger doesn’t have a civilian job, and hasn’t for years. Others work 2 or 3 jobs, but not Kinzinger.
Maybe I’m old fashioned, but when guys like that came calling on my daughter, I showed them the door.
For the record, the incumbent doesn’t have a normal job like everyone else, either.
By all means, please enlighten us, Apple. What business, what location, what hours, how many employees, how much revenue, when started, phone numbers, where advertized, etc. It is a well guarded secret because Mr. Kinzinger’s website (nor literature that I’ve seen) makes no mention of it.
Blazing, if you are a vet I’m sure you understand the term agr, and that pilots in the air guard are almost all full time. I’m saying this as an air guard life support person myself. I have no other job, this little war prevented that.
As a vet who is supporting Kinzinger (and also Quinn- who has done a lot for Vets), I give this ad a B. It is a shame that she has sank recently. She used to command respect in the area but people are tired of her strong-arm tactics with federal/state money. The area won’t miss her one bit.
- Ravenswood Right Winger - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 10:38 am:
I saw it this morning at 6am, on NBC I think. Could have been more negative, in my opinion. B-
- We Todd Did - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 10:40 am:
Dey Tuk Ur Jurbs!!!!11!!!!!!
- Reggie P - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 10:42 am:
I live in the district and the Halverson campaign has been a mess. But this is a solid ad especially when you consider that Grundy and K3 have some of the highest unemployment in the state, if not the country. A-
- IlliniMan - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 10:50 am:
I see Kinzinger sign’s all along south Joliet, Manhattan, Petone area not one Halverson sign
- 47th Ward - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 10:51 am:
That’s a pretty solid punch in the nose. 9/10.
Not that I’m a protectionist, but the popular sentiment is these free trade deals work a lot better for the other side at our expense. Having gorwn up in Kankakee, yeah, I think this will play very well there.
Alexi take some notes. When you hit Kirk on China, remember to aim for his nose with a spot like this one.
- WOW - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 10:56 am:
Good ad. Kinzinger is working hard in some of the solid Dem areas of that District and no one has seen Debbie at an event in a long time. She needs to come home to her people.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 10:57 am:
Trade pops up again in a Dem ad.
Meanwhile, the Dems can’t go after the only winners in this economy. They too are hard-wired with the financial Masters of the Universe who had to beg Uncle Sam to mortgage the farm for bailouts after a bad bender at the casino.
- bored now - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 10:58 am:
good ad. this is what democrats have to do, get a stake in voter anger or disappointment and turn that anger towards republicans. it’s the only way to win, and halvorson has her work cut out for her…
- shore - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 11:03 am:
I think it’s a very very good ad. Lipinski had some idea about a 21st century manufacturing agenda but this is the sort of stuff that should have happened from day 1. oh well.
- west side don - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 11:09 am:
This is a completely disingenuous ad. The fact of the matter is that Democrats are just as much to blame for free trade, sweat shops and corporate imperialism than the Republicans. At least the Republicans don’t hide that fact.
And taxes don’t have anything to do with sending a job overseas where a product can be manufactured for 1/1000 of what it could in the U.S.A., unions or not.
Voters will see right through this same old, same old…
- shore - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 11:15 am:
Where else is she going to attack him? He has no voting record in a legislature.
- josie - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 11:24 am:
This is a desperate ad for a desperate candidate. How pathetic that her first ad out of the box has to be a hard negative. All of the national and local indicators show that she is toast.
- Skeeter - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 11:29 am:
An outstanding ad that completely hits home.
Couldn’t have chosen better people for the ad also. Each one seems compelling.
The final line could not be better.
By far the best ad I’ve seen for any candidate in a long time.
- zatoichi - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 11:45 am:
Good ad for its message. Different and to the point. The people come across as real. Free trade is more complicated than this, but it makes its points easy to remember.
- Draznnl (Rhymes with orange) - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 11:50 am:
I’d give it an A-. You can’t go harder at someone without turning off a lot of voters. My only complaint is that Halvorson has the paid for by disclaimer at the end so people might relate her name with the ad. I don’t know if that is an FEC requirement. If not, I would prefer the disclaimer be at the beginning when she gives her approval statement.
- IlliniMan - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 11:51 am:
Too bad she cannot campaign on what she accomplished/voted for during her term in office. Cap & Trade, Healthcare etc…
- Skeeter - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 11:54 am:
You know it is a good ad when the GOP types go after her rather than after her ad.
Apparently, some people don’t like her. Noted.
But this is supposed to be about an ad.
- Responsa - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 12:05 pm:
Re: the Halvorson ad. Solid A. —As political ads go this is a very, very good one. Of course it insults the opponent, stretches the truth and taps viewers emotions, but that’s life in election season. Effectiveness of the ad is a question mark. How Adam reacts and handles the issue in this ad on air and in person will tell voters a great deal about him and his capacity to be a quality U.S. Congressman. He’s apparently already convinced a lot of people that he does know what he’s doing.
It seems Halvorson has sort of the same problem as Quinn. A lot of the people in her district feel she’s “had her chance” in congress and that she’s not done well by the district, nor connected well with her district with that chance. So, as good as this ad is, I’ll be surprised if it comes even close to ameliorating the true problem Halvorson has, or that can be a game changer for her.
- Bill Edley - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 12:06 pm:
B + …It’s a good message, but are Democrats believable any more as the Party supporting working families?
If you want to understand the issue I’ve attached a most interesting and prescient discussion that the late Sir James Goldsmith, a billionaire international businessman, had with Charlie Rose in 1994 about GATT, international trade, financial and corporate dominance and the “purpose of a national economy.”
Later in the interview Mr. Rose brings in Clinton’s Chief Economic Advisor, Laura Tyson, to debate Mr. Goldsmith. Listening to Tyson provides a good example of the economic policies that have decimated our working class. Tyson is also advising Obama, and of course, nearly the entire Obama economic team is from the Clinton Era.
Bottomline: Democrat’s aren’t creditable anymore with voters on trade issues and the bill is coming due this November.
Sir James Goldsmith video with Charlie Rose and Laura Tyson, Chairman of Clinton’s Economic Advisors in 1994.
[Highlight the link and hit Control/Click]
- OneMan - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 12:21 pm:
Not a bad ad…
Wonder if it would make sense to go after the
Young man, you have no idea what you’re doing with this and his military service
In 2006, the Wisconsin Red Cross named Kinzinger “Hero of the Year” for wrestling a knife-wielding man to the ground and disarming him
You run a risk if you try to hard to make him appear immature.
- Downstate GOP Faithless - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 1:14 pm:
it’s a bad indicator when a candidate-an incumbent no less-goes negative w/out leading positive. that recdueced ad buy from the DCCC is all bad for her too though…that may be the most telling sign yet
- Cincinnatus - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 1:14 pm:
Decent ad. Wait for the rebuttal, it’s going to be explosive.
- Blazing Saddle - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 1:28 pm:
Hard hitting ad.
More so on the jobs issue, where Mr. Kinzinger is very vulnerable, as Kinzinger doesn’t have a job himself.
He is a “citizen-soldier” who plays soldier part-time and working citizen no-time. He does a short glamour tour every once in a while, and totally blows off civilian employment. How can AK understand or sympathize with workers in the 11th CD?
The ad also starts off “Politician Adam Kinzinger”, a reference to the fact that he’s been a politician since his early 20s.
An effective hit for Halvorsen, but she needs more than this to keep her seat.
- cindy - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 1:41 pm:
You know Kinsinger was active duty until about a year ago right? The glamour tour statement was completely uncalled for
- Blazing Saddle - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 2:03 pm:
Actually, I don’t. Adam should post his DD214s so people can see what he does between his short tours.
He’s had a lot of time when he wasn’t volunteering for short tours to have civilian employment. He didn’t. He could have shared the experience, but he chose not to.
It’s embarassing now that he’s seeking the votes from people who do work every day, long hours day in and day out, getting up early and facing a bad economy.
- Blazzing Liberal - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 3:05 pm:
Just another Halvorson supporter who can only supports veterans when they vote for her
- Apple - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 3:32 pm:
Tell that to the VFW, which just endorsed her over Adam. Evidently they disagree.
- Blazing Saddle - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 3:43 pm:
No, I’m just a vet who thought the ad was effective, but not enough in and of itself to win the incumbent another term.
The ad is effective because it highlights people losing their jobs and attributing it to a National Guardsman who is supposed to have a civilian job but doesn’t. Oh yes, he’s 32+ years old. Times are tough for returning soldiers, but reservist Mr. Kinzinger doesn’t have a civilian job, and hasn’t for years. Others work 2 or 3 jobs, but not Kinzinger.
Maybe I’m old fashioned, but when guys like that came calling on my daughter, I showed them the door.
For the record, the incumbent doesn’t have a normal job like everyone else, either.
- Apple - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 4:04 pm:
Being a small business owner doesn’t count as a “normal job”?
- Blazing Saddle - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 4:15 pm:
By all means, please enlighten us, Apple. What business, what location, what hours, how many employees, how much revenue, when started, phone numbers, where advertized, etc. It is a well guarded secret because Mr. Kinzinger’s website (nor literature that I’ve seen) makes no mention of it.
- Apple - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 4:24 pm:
You misunderstood. I was referencing Halvorson.
- Blazing Saddle - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 4:56 pm:
My apologies to the Congresswoman.
- cindy - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 5:08 pm:
Blazing, if you are a vet I’m sure you understand the term agr, and that pilots in the air guard are almost all full time. I’m saying this as an air guard life support person myself. I have no other job, this little war prevented that.
- K3_vet - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 6:31 pm:
As a vet who is supporting Kinzinger (and also Quinn- who has done a lot for Vets), I give this ad a B. It is a shame that she has sank recently. She used to command respect in the area but people are tired of her strong-arm tactics with federal/state money. The area won’t miss her one bit.