Morning Shorts
Friday, Sep 17, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Daley: “I’ll be Very Frank. We Need Money.”
“I’ll be very frank. We need money in America,” he said. “I will take money around the world, if we can reinvest it in the city of Chicago and put people to work and rebuild our city.”
* Daley off for China, South Korea seeking investors
* Sun-Times: Despite Daley’s rant, Race to Top is working
* Daley supports changes to community policing program
* No more cops for CAPS?
* Mayor Daley proposes putting more cops on street
* Stroger’s going-away gift for pal
Lame duck Cook County Board President Todd Stroger’s administration rang up a $13,000 tab for new furniture in recent months, according to county documents obtained by the Chicago Sun-Times.
All of the furniture — including four chairs that cost $736 apiece — were delivered to the offices of Stroger’s childhood friend and chief spokesman Eugene Mullins at 118 N. Clark, according to sources at the county and owner of the company that handled the order.
* Board chief fills slot on press staff
Marcel Bright, 54, a retired Chicago cop, started Monday as an $89,000-a-year deputy director of communications for Stroger. He replaces Sean Howard, now working for a county-run youth job-training program.
* Tribune: A sound bet on O’Hare
You might have missed it in the hubbub surrounding Mayor Richard M. Daley’s retirement announcement, but the Chicago City Council just placed a billion-dollar bet on the city’s economic future.
* Metra to tighten policies abused by Phil Pagano
* No CTA fare hike soon — and no RTA chief, either
* RTA Announces Fare Hikes Likely
* ‘It’s kind of sad’ whistle-blower says of state’s attorney’s indictment
* EPA picks Aurora as site for promoting stormwater effort
* Hononegah board passes balanced budget
* Video poker advocates want Moline council to consider it a revenue source
* PJ Star: Shadid a sharp, common-sense fit for federal bench
* Panel’s secret vote being investigated
The Illinois Attorney General’s Office has determined further investigation is warranted into possible violation of the state’s Open Meetings Act by an advisory committee created to make building recommendations in the Midland School District.
The case, first reported by the Journal Star, involved a vote by secret written ballot by the nine-member facility committee on the controversy-charged issue of whether to repair, rebuild or eliminate an aging elementary school in Lacon, the Marshall County seat and the district’s population center.
* Peoria city manager is finalist for Texas job
* Springfield Chamber of commerce names director
* ESL police to get pay raises; unclear how city will come up with money
* News-Democrat: Controlling TIF is council’s job
* SIU Chancellors can call shut-down days
- Jim - Friday, Sep 17, 10 @ 9:18 am:
I just loving getting a lecture from Daley about money. What kind of investment is he talking about? Borrwoing money (sellling bonds) to the Chinese, and what revenues are we using to retire that debt? Public/private partnership (read parking meter lease)? After Daley has created the $600M hole he turns and runs and now he will lecture us, super!
- wordslinger - Friday, Sep 17, 10 @ 9:24 am:
Nice going-away trip for Daley from the chamber and World Biz. I doubt Daley has much pull in Asia on his way out the door. Still, the Shanghai Expo is probably something every “business leader” should check out.
- wordslinger - Friday, Sep 17, 10 @ 9:38 am:
Sox went out with a whimper last night. The Twins have been beating them like a rented mule for years. The Twins are 11-2 in their last 13 at Cominskey.
What’s more shocking, though, has been the Sox passivity in the face of intimidation. The Twins have been drilling Sox players with impunity all year. Last night, the Sox MVP got nailed in the face, which is connected to his head, early in the game, and not one Twins hitter bit the dust.
You hit my star, I hit yours, is as old as baseball.
- Leave a Light on George - Friday, Sep 17, 10 @ 9:51 am:
Word, just when I’m about to give up on you- you go old school law and order. Bring back chin music!
- Cincinnatus - Friday, Sep 17, 10 @ 9:59 am:
Note to Daley,
Borrowed money doesn’t cut it, if that’s what you mean. Only decreased government spending, freeing up capital for private individuals to invest, lead to economic growth. Make the city business friendly (good start with McCormick place), and investors will invest without having to go hat in hand.
- Ravenswood Right Winger - Friday, Sep 17, 10 @ 10:04 am:
The lecture from Daley +spending habits of lame duck Stroger=Crook County at its worst.
- Wumpus - Friday, Sep 17, 10 @ 10:17 am:
It was a good season Sox. Yes, you got owned by the Twins, but they are in first place. At least it was not the Pirates.
- T - Friday, Sep 17, 10 @ 10:52 am:
I’m going to be frank.
OK, can I still be Garth?
- 47th Ward - Friday, Sep 17, 10 @ 10:55 am:
Nice turnout Sox fans, way to cheer on the team. I thought Sox fans were more knowledgeable about baseball, more authentic, than we Northsiders. Or so I keep hearing. Yet with your team having meaningful games at home in September, where are the fans? Can’t be bothered to, you know, actually walk up to the box office and get a ticket. Maybe even cheer on the team in person, or at least boo the Twinkies.
The Cubs drew more for a September game against the Astros than the Sox averaged for a 3 game home stand with a chance to make this a race. That’s pathetic Sox fans.
White Sux Baseball: Good Seats Still Available!
- Rich Miller - Friday, Sep 17, 10 @ 10:58 am:
===Yet with your team having meaningful games at home in September, where are the fans?===
Meaningful? Have you seen our record against the AL Central? Pathetic.
===The Cubs drew more for a September game against the Astros than===
Shows what Cub fans know. They’ll pay to see bad minor league baseball, apparently.
- Jim - Friday, Sep 17, 10 @ 11:35 am:
Sox/Minn series would’ve been huge if there was a race, didn’t turn out that way. Stating Cubs drew better for a meaningless games makes no sense because the Cubs are in the top 10 in major leaague attandance and they haven’t played a meaningful game since May.
And I would hate to say “wait ’til next year” as a Sox fan, but with strong starting and relief pitching, solid up the middle, a few tweaks of the roster in the off-season, bring on 2010, or as JJJ would say bring on the feds.
- 47th Ward - Friday, Sep 17, 10 @ 11:42 am:
===Sox/Minn series would’ve been huge if there was a race===
That’s my point, if the White Slobs sweep that series, they’re 3 games back and momentum is on their side down the stretch.
You guys are the definition of “fair weather fans.”
- wordslinger - Friday, Sep 17, 10 @ 11:44 am:
Actually, 47th, the weather was really nice for the series.
- chicago 7 - Friday, Sep 17, 10 @ 1:17 pm:
JJJ said on WLS today that when the Indian community reps supposedly talked about giving 1M to Blago if he appointed JJJ senator, he was in their presence with the ’state director of economic development.’ That sounds like Lavin. How much longer does Quinn keep this Blagohack around?
- Amalia - Friday, Sep 17, 10 @ 2:24 pm:
Sean Howard joins the list of other rats off the sinking Stroger
ship, hoping that they can hide when the Preck comes in.
between a new County Board Pres and a new mayor, there’s going to be lots of ferreting and firing going on in Chicago!!!!!