* The AP is up with a short radio-style piece on Bill Brady’s media availability today. Check back because I expect more soon…
Brady calls the [AFSCME “no layoffs] agreement a “secret deal” that’s scandalous because it comes shortly after an endorsement from the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees.
Brady says it’s also questionable that Quinn’s budget director was at the endorsement interview.
As reported by Capitol Fax, state Budget Director David Vaught both negotiated the deal and accompanied the governor to a meeting with union officials to discuss its endorsement.
And adds…
Mr. Quinn said the new concessions, together with earlier concessions on pensions and other matters, amount to more than a $300-million savings for taxpayers. In comparison, he said, Mr. Brady has only a “secret” budget-cutting plan that could lead to increases in property and other taxes.
The deal is not and does not look bad, Mr. Quinn said. “Sometimes, a governor has to make tough decisions.”
But Mr. Brady termed the deal “unconscionable,” and called on Mr. Quinn not to sign the deal, which is expected to be finalized later this week.
…Adding… A friend sent me this earlier today after reading this morning’s subscriber edition…
The news about Vaught attending the AFSCME endorsement session reminded me of the scene from the Godfather when Frankie Pentangeli is getting ready to testify, and his brother shows up and sits in the back of the room, causing him to change his story. Vaught didn’t need to say anything in the meeting - the message was pretty clear.
I hate to say it, but Quinn really screwed up on this one. How is this any different from having the administration point person on a vendor contract be present at a political meeting when the vendor is asked to make a campaign contribution, and then the contract is approved a few days after the contribution is made? That would have the US Attorney all over it.
I have been fighting for reform all my life! When I cut a politically advantageous deal, it’s ethical because I said so!
*** UPDATE 2 *** Bill Brady campaign press release…
Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Bill Brady today called on Pat Quinn to renounce a secret deal with state employee union leaders, calling it an apparent example of old pay-to-play politics that will cost taxpayers millions.
“This secret, backroom deal reminds voters of pay-to-play politics,” Brady said. “It ties the hands of the next governor to fix this economic catastrophe, and proves Pat Quinn is more concerned about his political crisis than our fiscal crisis.”
Reports yesterday revealed that Quinn’s office and leaders of AFSCME, the state employee union, struck a deal at almost the same time union leaders endorsed the Governor’s re-election bid. The deal mandates increased state pay hikes, job security and no layoff guarantees in exchange for promises of future, but limited budget efficiencies.
Brady also raised the fact that the state’s budget director apparently helped negotiate the deal and also sat in on the endorsement session.
“Illinois should be outraged that the same budget aide that received a $24,000 pay hike from Pat Quinn was present at a political endorsement session with the very union leaders with whom he’s negotiating an agreement that mandates even more pay hikes.
“Unfortunately, this is part of a disturbing pattern we’ve seen from Pat Quinn,” Brady said. “He should embrace every cost-cutting measure possible, work with union leaders to freeze salaries, and avoid eleventh hour, election-year agreements that lock in more pay hikes and job security guarantees in an arrangement that reminds voters of the very pay-to-play politics that I seek to end”
It’s Godfather II and the scene has been edited w/ other clips–but it’s a great scene. However, the analogy is not perfect. Michael bringing Frankie’s brother sends a different message. However, it’s an interesting contrast to see the chief of staff resign over trivial emails compared to this situation which is not really covered on any of the state ethics tests I remember.
I’ve heard of desperate men, but do Quinn and his advisors have a living brain cell left in their heads?
On the one hand Quinn makes a secret deal for an endorsement, using his Budget Director on his “off time”. (I’m sure everyone is already having touble with that one.)
Then Quinn has the gall to try to evade the natural consequences of his actions by saying it will save taxpayers money, which seems to put his Budget Director right back on state time, negotiating a union political endorsement through direct agreements with the Governor-candidate affecting State employment policies - announced at a press conference no less!
Change “endorsement” to “cash” and this is mighty close to Blagojevich pay to play.
I sure hope the Feds will pass on this lunacy, leaving Quinn to his just deserts at the ballot box from outraged voters. We don’t need three for the last three.
Trading position on state issues for political endorsement = politics.
Saying you won’t get my support for a government issue unless you pay me or give money to my campaign = extortion. See Blago, Rod (allegedly).
Saying you won’t get my support for state money in your pocket unless you endorse me? Probably politics.
Unless you endorse my boss (and I’m on state tim)? May be a state law violation. Less clear that any federal law is violated.
- Small Town Liberal - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 3:48 pm:
This seems a bit dramatic to me. Is there a law against the Governor’s staff working on campaign issues on their personal time? No, because personal time is just that. And is David Vaught such a threatening figure that the union trembled at the mere sight of him and agreed to endorse Quinn? I hardly think so.
It’s almost too much for the Brady campaign to deal with. How do you pick a line of attack?
1.) It’s an egregious example of pay-to-play, exchanging official actions for political favors
2.) It’s the height of fiscal irresponsibility to say that billions in spending are untouchable in the midst of a financial meltdown.
3.) It’s grossly insensitive to give state workers iron-clad job AND PAY RAISE guarantees when 10% of Illinoisans are out of work and millions more are taking pay/benefit cuts.
4.)It’s the perfect example of how Pat Quinn is completely beholden to organized labor rather than the best interests of the taxpayers.
5.)This guy’s totally incompetent
Maybe that’s the plan. Give Brady so much scandal and flat out buffoonery to shoot at and they won’t be able to focus their attacks.
“Trading position on state issues for political endorsement = politics.”
Bad politics. Quinn is supposedly representing the public interest in these “negotiations”. His appearance of negotiating to benefit not only the union but also his own political interests might be contrary to what is in the best interest of the taxpaying public.
There was absolutely no gain for Quinn to do this before the elections. It was a loser for him and the public.
Look this is self preservation for both AFSCME and the Governor. Although it may be typical goofy Quinn, one step forward two steps back politics-it’s not secret deals. The union has an incredible incentive to see Quinn elected and the Quinn admin has an incredible need for budget cuts, union funding and workers.
If Brady don’t like it, tough. If he wins he’ll have his ax out right?
Politically stupid. BUT… you do all realize that AFSCME didn’t have to give up anything, right? It isn’t like Quinn gave them the raises - Blago did. And Quinn was able to convince them to open up their contract in order to find savings. But AFSCME has no incentive to give Quinn savings unless they get something in return.
Dramatic in the grand scheme of things, probably not, but damaging to Quinn none the less. In particularly given Illinois history how do you think this looks to your average voter?
Put aside the obviously bad mistake made by both Quinn and Vaught and look at what actually happened — Quinn just guaranteed a bunch of workers they would keep their jobs. If a private entity was threatening to cut the amount of jobs Illinois should have on the table, there would be non-stop publicity. And when the company agreed not to cut any jobs, we’d all be jumping up and down saying how great it is that people are getting to work.
THis just in….DH confirms scene of Sat. Fright Fest was less than 1/2 full….”McLeod said it was an exciting day for the village and Sears Centre, the 11,000-seat arena that the village owns.”…. and that is 11K before seats on the floor…..perhaps the teasters are not the big hit they think…could this have been a money loser?
And yet unions can contribute to campaigns while vendors who have to submit sealed bids cannot. How…Illinois.
I agree with Rich’s opinion of Quinn in his subscibers only piece today - he believes his own PR as a “reformer” so doesn’t believe he can ever act unethically. This one is so wrong. So blatant. Quinn is going to end his reign of errors with quite a different legacy than the one he started with 18 months ago. I would feel pity for him if I didn’t feel so much contempt.
Ugggghhhh…so what was Brady going to do? Oh right, nothing! Brady has offered…nothing…so he is upset about nothing! No Plan, No Vision, No Leadership!
Then again, and to be fair, Brady did say he would let us know after November 2nd. Well we deserve better than that, so until Mr. Brady releases his secret playbook I advise him to just shut it!
And for you Mr. Quinn…you’re not getting my vote!
In other news, another mayoral challenger and another ego trip…
Press release by Brady is good but it would have been better had he stuck with the facts. The agreement doesn’t give any additional pay increases to the union.
Brady doesn’t have to run on his own merits, because he can just keep on pointing out how incompetent Quinn is. In a state where pay to play is doing business as usual, you’d think that Quinn would be a little more savvy than this. Illinois admires crooked politicians who are clever and successful. Illinois has been known to re-elect such individuals.
Quinn just amazes me by how oblivious he seems to be to be.
Unlike Alexi, who keeps growing through the campaign, PQ keeps shrinking–more and more, he’s less and less. Only the fact that Brady is an empty suit keeps PQ from disappearing completely. There debate should be an episode of the Simpsons!
I almost wrote “What a lunkhead!” but that’s really not it, is it? He knew what he was doing. For the last year and a half, I wanted to give PQ the benefit of the doubt. He has been an outsider after all. If you have to stand on a soapbox and scream, “I’m a reformer,” you’re probably not one. Don’t tell me you’re honest - show me, or go home.
My hatred for him is approaching Blagojevichian levels. And I’m a Democrat. Brady scares the bejeezus out of me, he’s going to be in over his head and the state of the state is likely to get a lot worse before it gets better. That said, PQ reaps what he sows.
I think the bigger issue here is that the actions by Vaught - which must have been approved by the Quinn campaign - show a pattern of boneheaded moves by a guy who claimed/claims to be a reformer. It also shows that perhaps The Good Ship Quinn is rudderless and full of people who are in over their heads.
And by “must have been approved”, I am intimating that hopefully someone on the campaign sign would have had knowledge of Vaught’s actions and at least taken the proposal to attend the meeting into consideration. If not, Quinn’s folks are certainly not behind the 8 ball.
I don’t really fault AFSCME for any of this, they are a union and unions work for the best interests of their members.
- dumb ol' country boy - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 4:43 pm:
oh come one the minimum wage crap again…the only people who make minimum wage our the high schoolers…most every job payes more then that. Lets get past it and move on to more important issues. The Gov has cut a deal with the Union, because the letter from Bayer to the membership states that Quinn is STARTING to get it. WOW…They backed a guy that was starting to get it…come on the dirty deal was cut. The Gov conintues to place his people into positions even when he claims we have no money… It’s a shell game…
It’s almost to the point when you you can stick a fork in Quinn, he’s done.
- dumb ol' country boy - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 4:47 pm:
Also AFSCME is going to try and get its members to agree to defer pay raises once again…Rich have you seen the letter Henry Bayer sent to the membership? I have read it, they go back to 2002 to talk bad about Brady. But state even though Quinn had puposed layoffs and closures in the past, he was starting to get it what a joke…
I think Quinn starting to get it means that when the next contract is negotiated in 2012, a grateful Quinn, if he’s still the guv, will arrange for some very merry Chrismases over the next contract for AFSCME members. Just imagine.
Anyway, why did Vaught bother to go to the meeting. He didn’t have a role in it. Was he afraid Quinn would mess up. Why didn’t Vaught stay back at the office and work on the wish list
for that income tax increase he keeps talking about–the one that he always says is right around the corner. Again, just imagine.
Cassandra, why do you always find it necessary to go to such silly extremes?
DOCB –” they go back to 2002 to talk bad about Brady”–
Presenting someones overall voting records and putting it into prespective if not ‘talking bad’ …oh, I guess unless one considers the voting record to be ‘bad’.
Informing members items to consider it not ‘talking bad’ and presenting members with items to consider is not out of line. I’m sure I can run around and find something somewhere were somebody presenting items for considertion is ‘talking bad’ of Quinn too.
Seriously, voting records are not secret. This is online to all who wish to view it, it’s from Aug/Sept Council 31 On The Move. If I did not read it there I could goggle it up all by myself.
Remember that Vaught is the genius (he’s an attorney, dontcha know) who told non-union employees that taking 24 unpaid furlough days would not affect their pension status. Then two days later he had to admit he was wrong.
Sounds like he doesn’t understand the difference between being a state employee (with a $24,000 raise- thanks Pat) and being a political employee.
This is the guy Quinn thinks so highly of? He’s just making a bad situation worse.
Also- I saw Quinn last Tuesday in the upper deck at the Sox game- they lost that game and every one since. Quinn’s magic touch strikes again!!
1) He knows he’s only got a 10% chance of winning, and is trying to screw Brady by sticking him with a less manageable budget. Makes Quinn feel good now, but ruins his reputation in the future. Gives Brady a built in excuse and scapegoat…”this is what Pat Quinn did to you” (kind of like the ‘bush economy’ excuse that’s only now starting to wear out’). Don’t forget how Roland Burris ruined his political legacy at the very end of his career. PQ is doing the same.
2) He’s doing it with the expectation that the endorsement and the money that will follow will help him get elected. If so, he’s nuts. The average taxpayer blames State employees for everything. When they hear about ‘pensions’, they think State employees get the same deal as those Bell, California managers that have been in the news. They have no idea how relatively pitiful State benfefits really are. So this, plus the 20%-ish raises he just gave to his staff, will give Brady a great issue for the election.
What did he expect to gain? Everything about this move is just stupid.
A lot of conclusions that Pan Quinn is done. In Chicago, far from it. None of his missteps seem to get a lot of media play. It really doesn’t seem like anyone is paying attention. All chicago media cares about is who is going to run for mayor. This will come down to who can get win the voter turnout battle Chicagoland vs. the rest of the state
Anonymous, it’s the Chicago Media. They are 100% Democratic voters, and just don’t have the same vigor for Democratic dirty laundry in an election season.
Wait until Brady screws up and note the difference - right to the lede.
Before all the ‘Godfather’ references could the media please explain what ‘accompanied’ him to the endorsement meeting means? Generally only the candidate is allowed in the room without any ‘helpers’.
618: This state is very anti-worker. Illinois is not a right to work state. Some one who takes a job at which a union is established is forced by state law to join the union and pay dues even though they don’t want to. Where is the freedom in that?
In ‘09, SEIU tried to force IL families who care for their disabled relatives to be unionized simply so SEIU could take a cut from the public aid checks the families get. Hooray for the families that defeated the union and retained their freedom! And Pat Quinn engineered that hoping to deliver the more state funds to SEIU’s pockets away from folks who need it. [If the state’s going to give out handouts, make it be to those unable to care for themselves and do not let union poachers get at it.]
- Both Sides Now - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 9:27 am:
Last time I knew, what worker’s wages were part of the budget. If so, whether the state’s budget director (Vaught) went to a meeting on his time or state time that would discuss a budgetary item seems pretty irrelevant to me; as does a discussion with the Governor (who should be concerned about the budget)about a budgetary item (worker’s wages). Sorry, I just don’t see this as that big a deal.
- dave - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 3:01 pm:
How is it a secret deal if everyone knows about it?
- davE - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 3:06 pm:
What would Betsey say?
- Demoralized - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 3:07 pm:
Whether or not Director Vaught was on personal time is irrelevant. It clearly: (a) looks bad; and (b) is ethically questionable.
- Whatever - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 3:10 pm:
Pat Quinn, “reformer”. What a phony. Looks like Pat learned something during those 6 years at Blago’s side.
- Downstate - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 3:12 pm:
What would you expect from Dan Walker’s second term.
- ILPundit - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 3:15 pm:
Unfortunately for Democrats across the state of Illinois, you can’t fix stupid.
- RMW Stanford - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 3:22 pm:
Quinn has no one to blame but himself
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 3:22 pm:
So Schermer has to go because of a couple of emails, but the budget director is working on the campaign? There are ethics, and then there are ethics.
- D.P. Gumby - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 3:29 pm:
It’s Godfather II and the scene has been edited w/ other clips–but it’s a great scene. However, the analogy is not perfect. Michael bringing Frankie’s brother sends a different message. However, it’s an interesting contrast to see the chief of staff resign over trivial emails compared to this situation which is not really covered on any of the state ethics tests I remember.
- Bubs - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 3:30 pm:
I’ve heard of desperate men, but do Quinn and his advisors have a living brain cell left in their heads?
On the one hand Quinn makes a secret deal for an endorsement, using his Budget Director on his “off time”. (I’m sure everyone is already having touble with that one.)
Then Quinn has the gall to try to evade the natural consequences of his actions by saying it will save taxpayers money, which seems to put his Budget Director right back on state time, negotiating a union political endorsement through direct agreements with the Governor-candidate affecting State employment policies - announced at a press conference no less!
Change “endorsement” to “cash” and this is mighty close to Blagojevich pay to play.
I sure hope the Feds will pass on this lunacy, leaving Quinn to his just deserts at the ballot box from outraged voters. We don’t need three for the last three.
- 47th Ward - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 3:30 pm:
Vaught came in all the way from Springfield, at his own expense, to help his Governor at a time of need Senator.
- Rahm's Parking Meter - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 3:33 pm:
This is hard to swollow. Quinn is quickly moving from unpopular territory to Todd Stroger territory!
- Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 3:38 pm:
Only difference here is these guys are in the snake oil business instead of the olive oil business.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 3:39 pm:
Trading position on state issues for political endorsement = politics.
Saying you won’t get my support for a government issue unless you pay me or give money to my campaign = extortion. See Blago, Rod (allegedly).
Saying you won’t get my support for state money in your pocket unless you endorse me? Probably politics.
Unless you endorse my boss (and I’m on state tim)? May be a state law violation. Less clear that any federal law is violated.
- Small Town Liberal - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 3:48 pm:
This seems a bit dramatic to me. Is there a law against the Governor’s staff working on campaign issues on their personal time? No, because personal time is just that. And is David Vaught such a threatening figure that the union trembled at the mere sight of him and agreed to endorse Quinn? I hardly think so.
- Adam Smith - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 3:50 pm:
It’s almost too much for the Brady campaign to deal with. How do you pick a line of attack?
1.) It’s an egregious example of pay-to-play, exchanging official actions for political favors
2.) It’s the height of fiscal irresponsibility to say that billions in spending are untouchable in the midst of a financial meltdown.
3.) It’s grossly insensitive to give state workers iron-clad job AND PAY RAISE guarantees when 10% of Illinoisans are out of work and millions more are taking pay/benefit cuts.
4.)It’s the perfect example of how Pat Quinn is completely beholden to organized labor rather than the best interests of the taxpayers.
5.)This guy’s totally incompetent
Maybe that’s the plan. Give Brady so much scandal and flat out buffoonery to shoot at and they won’t be able to focus their attacks.
Don’t think it’s gonna work…
- Vole - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 3:54 pm:
“Trading position on state issues for political endorsement = politics.”
Bad politics. Quinn is supposedly representing the public interest in these “negotiations”. His appearance of negotiating to benefit not only the union but also his own political interests might be contrary to what is in the best interest of the taxpaying public.
There was absolutely no gain for Quinn to do this before the elections. It was a loser for him and the public.
- Phineas J. Whoopee - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 3:55 pm:
Look this is self preservation for both AFSCME and the Governor. Although it may be typical goofy Quinn, one step forward two steps back politics-it’s not secret deals. The union has an incredible incentive to see Quinn elected and the Quinn admin has an incredible need for budget cuts, union funding and workers.
If Brady don’t like it, tough. If he wins he’ll have his ax out right?
- dave - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 3:55 pm:
Politically stupid. BUT… you do all realize that AFSCME didn’t have to give up anything, right? It isn’t like Quinn gave them the raises - Blago did. And Quinn was able to convince them to open up their contract in order to find savings. But AFSCME has no incentive to give Quinn savings unless they get something in return.
- RMW Stanford - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 3:55 pm:
Small Town Liberal,
Dramatic in the grand scheme of things, probably not, but damaging to Quinn none the less. In particularly given Illinois history how do you think this looks to your average voter?
- ugh - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 3:55 pm:
Put aside the obviously bad mistake made by both Quinn and Vaught and look at what actually happened — Quinn just guaranteed a bunch of workers they would keep their jobs. If a private entity was threatening to cut the amount of jobs Illinois should have on the table, there would be non-stop publicity. And when the company agreed not to cut any jobs, we’d all be jumping up and down saying how great it is that people are getting to work.
- ugh - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 3:57 pm:
It’s “job growth”
(I accidentally hit say it before I was done and lost the sarcastic edge I was looking for)
- CircularFiringSquad - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 3:57 pm:
THis just in….DH confirms scene of Sat. Fright Fest was less than 1/2 full….”McLeod said it was an exciting day for the village and Sears Centre, the 11,000-seat arena that the village owns.”…. and that is 11K before seats on the floor…..perhaps the teasters are not the big hit they think…could this have been a money loser?
- phocion - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 4:01 pm:
And yet unions can contribute to campaigns while vendors who have to submit sealed bids cannot. How…Illinois.
I agree with Rich’s opinion of Quinn in his subscibers only piece today - he believes his own PR as a “reformer” so doesn’t believe he can ever act unethically. This one is so wrong. So blatant. Quinn is going to end his reign of errors with quite a different legacy than the one he started with 18 months ago. I would feel pity for him if I didn’t feel so much contempt.
- GetOverIt - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 4:05 pm:
Ugggghhhh…so what was Brady going to do? Oh right, nothing! Brady has offered…nothing…so he is upset about nothing! No Plan, No Vision, No Leadership!
Then again, and to be fair, Brady did say he would let us know after November 2nd. Well we deserve better than that, so until Mr. Brady releases his secret playbook I advise him to just shut it!
And for you Mr. Quinn…you’re not getting my vote!
In other news, another mayoral challenger and another ego trip…
- (618) Democrat - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 4:06 pm:
Bill Brady is the most anti union anti working men and women career politicans I have ever seen.
Bill Brady shows again that he is not a friend to Unions and their members.
- Demoralized - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 4:11 pm:
Press release by Brady is good but it would have been better had he stuck with the facts. The agreement doesn’t give any additional pay increases to the union.
- Aldyth - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 4:11 pm:
Brady doesn’t have to run on his own merits, because he can just keep on pointing out how incompetent Quinn is. In a state where pay to play is doing business as usual, you’d think that Quinn would be a little more savvy than this. Illinois admires crooked politicians who are clever and successful. Illinois has been known to re-elect such individuals.
Quinn just amazes me by how oblivious he seems to be to be.
- OneMan - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 4:12 pm:
Any truth to the rummor I am now just making up that Dan Hynes is going to run some radio ads with the following..
“Both the Late Harold Washington and I tried to warn you… But nooooooooooooooooo.”
- Old Democrat - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 4:13 pm:
(618) democrat,
Afscme has screwed things up for unions with their greed and overreach. They need to be reigned in by someone and it will take a new governor to do.
- D.P. Gumby - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 4:21 pm:
Unlike Alexi, who keeps growing through the campaign, PQ keeps shrinking–more and more, he’s less and less. Only the fact that Brady is an empty suit keeps PQ from disappearing completely. There debate should be an episode of the Simpsons!
- Thoughts... - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 4:24 pm:
I almost wrote “What a lunkhead!” but that’s really not it, is it? He knew what he was doing. For the last year and a half, I wanted to give PQ the benefit of the doubt. He has been an outsider after all. If you have to stand on a soapbox and scream, “I’m a reformer,” you’re probably not one. Don’t tell me you’re honest - show me, or go home.
My hatred for him is approaching Blagojevichian levels. And I’m a Democrat. Brady scares the bejeezus out of me, he’s going to be in over his head and the state of the state is likely to get a lot worse before it gets better. That said, PQ reaps what he sows.
- Team Sleep - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 4:25 pm:
Gee, 618, tell us something we didn’t know.
I think the bigger issue here is that the actions by Vaught - which must have been approved by the Quinn campaign - show a pattern of boneheaded moves by a guy who claimed/claims to be a reformer. It also shows that perhaps The Good Ship Quinn is rudderless and full of people who are in over their heads.
- Taylor - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 4:25 pm:
So how much money is Afscme contributing to Quinn and does it then become an official bribe?
- OneMan - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 4:26 pm:
When your opponent keeps tossing interceptions you don’t need to put on much of an offense.
- Team Sleep - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 4:28 pm:
And by “must have been approved”, I am intimating that hopefully someone on the campaign sign would have had knowledge of Vaught’s actions and at least taken the proposal to attend the meeting into consideration. If not, Quinn’s folks are certainly not behind the 8 ball.
- (618) Democrat - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 4:29 pm:
@old dem 16:13
When working men and women fight for a decent wage it is not greed or overreach. I disagree with you and Brady on that.
Remember that Brady thinks people making minimum wage are being paid too much.
- OneMan - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 4:41 pm:
I don’t really fault AFSCME for any of this, they are a union and unions work for the best interests of their members.
- dumb ol' country boy - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 4:43 pm:
oh come one the minimum wage crap again…the only people who make minimum wage our the high schoolers…most every job payes more then that. Lets get past it and move on to more important issues. The Gov has cut a deal with the Union, because the letter from Bayer to the membership states that Quinn is STARTING to get it. WOW…They backed a guy that was starting to get it…come on the dirty deal was cut. The Gov conintues to place his people into positions even when he claims we have no money… It’s a shell game…
- Wensicia - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 4:44 pm:
It’s almost to the point when you you can stick a fork in Quinn, he’s done.
- dumb ol' country boy - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 4:47 pm:
Also AFSCME is going to try and get its members to agree to defer pay raises once again…Rich have you seen the letter Henry Bayer sent to the membership? I have read it, they go back to 2002 to talk bad about Brady. But state even though Quinn had puposed layoffs and closures in the past, he was starting to get it what a joke…
- Wensicia - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 4:57 pm:
Whoops, sorry for the “W”.
- cassandra - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 6:03 pm:
I think Quinn starting to get it means that when the next contract is negotiated in 2012, a grateful Quinn, if he’s still the guv, will arrange for some very merry Chrismases over the next contract for AFSCME members. Just imagine.
Anyway, why did Vaught bother to go to the meeting. He didn’t have a role in it. Was he afraid Quinn would mess up. Why didn’t Vaught stay back at the office and work on the wish list
for that income tax increase he keeps talking about–the one that he always says is right around the corner. Again, just imagine.
- Cindy Lou - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 6:19 pm:
Cassandra, why do you always find it necessary to go to such silly extremes?
DOCB –” they go back to 2002 to talk bad about Brady”–
Presenting someones overall voting records and putting it into prespective if not ‘talking bad’ …oh, I guess unless one considers the voting record to be ‘bad’.
Informing members items to consider it not ‘talking bad’ and presenting members with items to consider is not out of line. I’m sure I can run around and find something somewhere were somebody presenting items for considertion is ‘talking bad’ of Quinn too.
Seriously, voting records are not secret. This is online to all who wish to view it, it’s from Aug/Sept Council 31 On The Move. If I did not read it there I could goggle it up all by myself.
- DuPage Dave - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 6:43 pm:
Remember that Vaught is the genius (he’s an attorney, dontcha know) who told non-union employees that taking 24 unpaid furlough days would not affect their pension status. Then two days later he had to admit he was wrong.
Sounds like he doesn’t understand the difference between being a state employee (with a $24,000 raise- thanks Pat) and being a political employee.
This is the guy Quinn thinks so highly of? He’s just making a bad situation worse.
Also- I saw Quinn last Tuesday in the upper deck at the Sox game- they lost that game and every one since. Quinn’s magic touch strikes again!!
- Park - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 6:45 pm:
This move by Quinn is bad on two levels:
1) He knows he’s only got a 10% chance of winning, and is trying to screw Brady by sticking him with a less manageable budget. Makes Quinn feel good now, but ruins his reputation in the future. Gives Brady a built in excuse and scapegoat…”this is what Pat Quinn did to you” (kind of like the ‘bush economy’ excuse that’s only now starting to wear out’). Don’t forget how Roland Burris ruined his political legacy at the very end of his career. PQ is doing the same.
2) He’s doing it with the expectation that the endorsement and the money that will follow will help him get elected. If so, he’s nuts. The average taxpayer blames State employees for everything. When they hear about ‘pensions’, they think State employees get the same deal as those Bell, California managers that have been in the news. They have no idea how relatively pitiful State benfefits really are. So this, plus the 20%-ish raises he just gave to his staff, will give Brady a great issue for the election.
What did he expect to gain? Everything about this move is just stupid.
- Corduroy Bob - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 7:39 pm:
The way you can tell that Pat Quinn’s been caught red-handed?
He calls the accusations against him “baloney” or “phony baloney.” It’s like his “tell” at the poker table.
Quinn today: “Quinn dismissed Brady’s allegations as ‘a lot of baloney.’”
- Emily Booth - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 7:50 pm:
That’s funny because AFSCME told the membership this afternoon there was no endorsement. Yet, the endorsement is on the Council 31 website. Hmmmm…..
- anonymouse - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 8:26 pm:
A lot of conclusions that Pan Quinn is done. In Chicago, far from it. None of his missteps seem to get a lot of media play. It really doesn’t seem like anyone is paying attention. All chicago media cares about is who is going to run for mayor. This will come down to who can get win the voter turnout battle Chicagoland vs. the rest of the state
- Bubs - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 8:55 pm:
Anonymous, it’s the Chicago Media. They are 100% Democratic voters, and just don’t have the same vigor for Democratic dirty laundry in an election season.
Wait until Brady screws up and note the difference - right to the lede.
- public employee - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 10:26 pm:
Before all the ‘Godfather’ references could the media please explain what ‘accompanied’ him to the endorsement meeting means? Generally only the candidate is allowed in the room without any ‘helpers’.
- Peggy SO-IL - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 11:35 pm:
AFSCME delende este.
618: This state is very anti-worker. Illinois is not a right to work state. Some one who takes a job at which a union is established is forced by state law to join the union and pay dues even though they don’t want to. Where is the freedom in that?
In ‘09, SEIU tried to force IL families who care for their disabled relatives to be unionized simply so SEIU could take a cut from the public aid checks the families get. Hooray for the families that defeated the union and retained their freedom! And Pat Quinn engineered that hoping to deliver the more state funds to SEIU’s pockets away from folks who need it. [If the state’s going to give out handouts, make it be to those unable to care for themselves and do not let union poachers get at it.]
- Both Sides Now - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 9:27 am:
Last time I knew, what worker’s wages were part of the budget. If so, whether the state’s budget director (Vaught) went to a meeting on his time or state time that would discuss a budgetary item seems pretty irrelevant to me; as does a discussion with the Governor (who should be concerned about the budget)about a budgetary item (worker’s wages). Sorry, I just don’t see this as that big a deal.