Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Dart jabs at Emanuel and others who are “in it for the money”
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Dart jabs at Emanuel and others who are “in it for the money”

Tuesday, Sep 21, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sheriff Tom Dart previewed his campaign a bit yesterday by taking a not-so-subtle swing at Rahm Emanuel

“There are too many people that gravitate toward politics that are in it for the ego; quite a few of them are in it for the money,” Dart said.

“I remember my father — he told me a long time ago, ‘If you are serious about a political career, Tom, you cannot be serious about making money. And he actually was much more in favor of me making money,” Dart said to laughter at the gathering of 260 “Women for Dart.” […]

“I made no money,” Dart said. “There were quite a few attorneys when I was down there in Springfield, who were legislators. I was one of two or three who did not practice law. My sole income was out of the Legislature, a whopping 30-some thousand a year. [I had a] 700-square-foot house and a dog, and I was happy.”

His father referred to him as “My son who lives in abject poverty” but Dart said, “If you’re serious about politics, you’re serious about government, you can’t be in it to try to make money. If your dreams are having multiple houses and cars and the rest of it, you’re in the wrong business and you need to get out of it. The people like that are the ones destroying it for everybody else and it’s really horrible.”

After Emanuel left the Clinton White House and before he ran for Congress, he made big bucks helping put together the ComEd/Exelon deal, among other things. And, of course, Emanuel’s ego is beyond legendary.

* Congressman Danny Davis becomes the latest to kinda sorta toss his hat into the mayoral ring. From a press release…

As a result of discussions with a large number of individual citizens, groups, elected officials and clergy from diverse sections of the city, I have decided to formally explore the possibility of running for Mayor of the City of Chicago.

The retirement of Mayor Daley will leave a tremendous leadership void and I feel that the city must be organized, united and structured with leadership that will embrace the thoughts, ideas, hopes and aspirations of all people and all communities throughout the city.

Chicago, like most large urban centers throughout the nation is plagued with a plethora of problems; therefore, it is going to need solutions oriented leadership, leadership willing to face realities head on, willing to engage the people, willing to assemble the most talented people that can be found and willing to listen.

I believe that I can pull it together. Therefore, we begin circulating nominating petitions today.

* Carol Moseley Braun is trying to shut down her federal campaign account, but the FEC won’t let her because she still owes more than $262,000 in unpaid debts

The other debts from that 2004 campaign include almost $90,000 to a Washington law firm, about $76,000 to the committee’s accounting firm and almost $13,000 to East Lake Group Inc. for office rent. East Lake is led by Elzie Higginbottom, a prominent Chicago political fundraiser.

Moseley Braun said the lawyers and accountants want to waive those debts but the FEC would not allow it. “They were perfectly happy not to ask me for any of it,” she said. “If I have a winning lottery ticket, I will try to pay them back just because they were so nice.”

Braun made her announcement yesterday at the Hyatt Regency, even though the hotel union has authorized a strike. And she said she will bow out of the race it if turns nasty

Former U.S. Sen. Carol Moseley Braun kicked off her “almost candidacy” for mayor Monday with a warning that she won’t get in the wide-open contest if it becomes “divisive.”

“If it gets nasty and there’s name calling and scurrilous allegations, I’m not going to be a part of that,” Braun said.

* Sandi Jackson, another unannounced but possible candidate, was supposed to appear with her husband yesterday to hand out 1,500 free chickens to constituents and talk about jobs. A bit Hooveresque, no? Anyway, Congressman Jackson didn’t show. He had a stomach ailment, Mrs. Jackson said. I would too if I knew that Sun-Times story was coming.

…Adding… No surprise. Fioretti says he’ll circulate, Ald. Joe Moore says he’s probably a no-go

“Petitions will be circulated in all 50 wards in the next couple of days,” said Ald. Robert Fioretti, who also has petitions out for re-election as 2nd Ward alderman while he weighs his options. “We are starting a fund-raising campaign.” […]

“Barring some unforeseen event, I am running for re-election,” Moore said. The Rogers Park alderman is one of the council’s leading independent voices.

* Roundup…

* Possible mayoral candidates gather signatures

* New entries, departures in mayoral derby

* 2 Big Names Move Closer To Mayoral Bids

* Dart Decision on Mayoral Run in Weeks, Not Days

* Moseley Braun declares ‘almost candidacy’ for mayor

* Braun tests water; Chico, Flores jump in mayor’s race


  1. - Knome Sane - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 11:54 am:

    If Carol Moseley Braun really wanted to “save” the citizens of Chicago, she should immediately stop this pretense that she could be Mayor.

  2. - Pioneer P. - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 11:58 am:

    Danny Davis - Mayor Talker. Good lord, he makes Quinn look quite succinct.

    Don’t know what the ST is talking about, Flores is hardly in unless “in” means he’s trying to find a job after he gets booted from the ICC. He did not announce on Saturday.

  3. - shore - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 12:03 pm:

    I have to yet to see any serious ideas from any of the candidates for mayor or any serious reasons beyond the yadda yadda yadda “people want me” stuff.

    With regards to dart, while law enforcement is a good issue for any politician not named dukakis or quinn, as the last line of the pallasch story about pregnant women getting shackled notes, the stories and images that can come out of them can be very very unpleasant. There have been a number of reports particularly in the national press lately about prison reform and some of the issues plaguing them right now and its very unappetizing stuff, that could play badly.

  4. - QRBNST - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 12:05 pm:

    Sandy “I’m in Chicago 70% of the time” Jackson has no business running for re-election as alderman much less running for mayor.

  5. - Aldyth - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 12:09 pm:

    The former Senator Mosely Braun is apparently unable to view her own situation objectively. She managed to be an embarrassment to Illinois in her one term in the Senate. Why in the world would anyone think that Mosely Braun has the skills to be mayor of Chicago?

  6. - Loop Lady - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 12:11 pm:

    right, and Dart has no ego, or is it that he has no money as compared to Rahm? Sounds a little like todays edition of Dart sour grapes to me…

  7. - fedup dem - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 12:11 pm:

    Aldyth is correct. On top of her many other flaws, Carol Moseley Braun is clearly delusional to think for a moment that she could be elected Mayor. The same holds true for most of these wannabes.

  8. - Vole - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 12:12 pm:

    Saint Dart, Revolving Door Rahm ain’t seeking his rewards in heaven, so big bucks will have to do. But, yeah, it sucks.

  9. - Levois - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 12:14 pm:

    “A bit Hooveresque, no?”

    Herbert Hoover the unfortunate 31st President handed out chickens while talking about jobs?

  10. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 12:16 pm:

    In addition, Dart could be taking shots at a bipartisan group of playas, including Madigan and the Beverly rainmakers.

    How does Kass square that? He loves those “suspenseful” TV shows, I’m sure he’s on the case.

  11. - Louis Howe - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 12:17 pm:

    I fully agree with Tom Dart on the tradeoff between careers in politics and making money. The two don’t mix if the public interest is of paramount importance. I remember that Harry Truman borrowed $10,000 to move out of the White House and then turned down offers to sit on corporate boards because, as he said, “his presidency wasn’t for sale.” In the thirty years I’ve been involved in politics, I never met a worse example of craven political self-interest than Rahm Emanuel. He’s truly the “Poster Boy” for what’s wrong with the Democratic Party.

  12. - Vote Quimby! - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 12:17 pm:

    Is CMB’s plan for the fiscal hole Chicago is in right now and the foreseeable future to “buy a lottery ticket”?

  13. - Ghost - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 12:25 pm:

    Moseley Braun translation = if people are going to be bring up my past problems I am not going to run, since there really is no good explanation for my conduct.

    Sandi Jackson is the far better jackson for the Mayor race, trips just need to step aside as damaged goods an help his wife. ie set aside his ego for his better and stronger canidate half

  14. - D.P. Gumby - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 1:00 pm:

    Is there any irony that JJJ stayed in his roost instead of handing out the chickens??

  15. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 1:05 pm:

    Louis, Truman is the reason for the presidential pension. He was broke when he left the White House (as he had been his whole life); he ended up having to sell the family farm to make ends meet before he published his memoirs.

    Think about that. He lived most of the 20th Century, when America experienced an undreamed of, exponential growth in wealth, power, freedom and liberty (Damn you, Roosevelts!). He was broke, came up on the political side of organized crime, and served in a Senate where they passed around cash pretty freely. And he’s broke.

    Only guy to drop the bomb, too. Twice. Unique fella.

  16. - John Galt - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 1:07 pm:


    “Former U.S. Sen. Carol Moseley Braun kicked off her “almost candidacy” for mayor Monday with a warning that she won’t get in the wide-open contest if it becomes “divisive.”

    “If it gets nasty and there’s name calling and scurrilous allegations, I’m not going to be a part of that,” Braun said.===

    Translation: she just wanted to get her name in the papers. Seriously, what kind of pol (especially a Chicago pol) say that? That’s like saying: “I’m seriously considering enlisting to fight this war…unless people get killed. In which case, then nevermind.”

  17. - Dirt Digger - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 1:23 pm:

    “I’ll drop out if I get attacked” sounds like a challenge to me…

  18. - dupage dan - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 1:55 pm:

    Will somebody please take Carol Mostly Blind up on her dare? Please?

  19. - Jake from Elwood - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 2:11 pm:

    If Vegas set odds for the Mayoral nomination, the Gladhandler Fioretti would be 500 to 1, Mosley-Braun maybe 400 to 1. These people are simply gadflies fluttering around in the kleig light.

  20. - centrist - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 2:40 pm:

    In many ways, Tom Dart is the “anti-Rahm,” an earnest charmer vs. a cynical political operator. Rahm would have a major money edge, but Dart is a much better candidate. If they both run, it will be interesting to see who wins the white vote (and thus probably gets into a runoff).

  21. - IrishPirate - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 3:02 pm:

    I’m sorta of the belief that Rahmbo will have a difficult time being elected.

    I have yet to meet anyone who claims to support him for Mayor. His money may actually backfire on him.

    Now I see a scenario where he could get elected. Fifteen candidates in February followed by him facing a very weak candidate in the runoff. Say Rahm V Meeks/Braun/ETC.

    If he faces any semi respectable candidate one on one methinks he is in trouble. There are plenty of semi respectable candidates out there of various ethnic backgrounds.

    Now do we have any fully respectable candidates?

  22. - Been There - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 3:29 pm:

    ===the lawyers and accountants want to waive those debts but the FEC would not allow it.===
    CMB will have to wait many years for these firms to be able to waive their fees. The annual limits on contributions would mean they can only waive so much per year. And they would have to add in interest. If this is not the case it would be easy to get around the annual limits. Just lend a campaign money and then tell them to waive it later. Doesn’t work that way.

  23. - Siriusly - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 3:37 pm:

    Bob Fioretti is to Chicago City Council as Dwight Welch is to Country Club Hills.

    Carol Moseley Braun is to Chicago Mayor’s race as Carol Moseley Braun is to 2004 Presidential Race.

  24. - Been There - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 4:14 pm:

    Fioretti just touted McCormick Place East building to put a temporary casino. I am not a huge fan of his but at least this is an actual idea instead of just rhetoric.,+Geography/States,+Territories,+Provinces,+Islands/U.S.+States/Illinois/01kh8ah2XgeuL/1

  25. - hisgirlfriday - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 4:29 pm:

    I like Dart’s rhetoric here and he definitely appeals to my goo-goo liberal sensibilities with the cold, hard truths he’s pointing out about people like Rahm Emanuel. But can someone direct me to a decent profile on this man so I can get a fuller picture? I feel like he’s been propelled as a front-runner here without any in-depth profiles being put out on him which seems strange and I’m wondering if I just missed it or the journalism has really been that shoddy.

    I mean I know about the recent stuff since he became sheriff like the foreclosure and Cook County Jail TV show publicity… but what about before? Like can someone tell me where he went to college? What he did before he was a state rep? What’s the historical legacy of the Dart family in Chicago politics and where does it stack up/fit in with the Joyces/Hynes/Madigans/Strogers (because frankly until Dart was thrown about I never saw comments about the Dart family on this blog much at all)? Can someone refresh my memory how he wound up on the ballot in 2002 against JBT for treasurer and whether he was a sacrificial lamb there or what his problem was that he was the only statewide Dem candidate who couldn’t get elected that cycle?

    As a voter, aside from this explosive JJJ stuff the Sun-Times put out, I am not feeling very well-served by all the horse-race, will-they/won’t-they, he-said/she-said, who’s gathering petitions business without anything with a little more substance of what these people are about. I hope some stuff like this is in the works and maybe they’re just holding it until people officially announce… but I’m not holding my breath.

  26. - Been There - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 4:37 pm:

    ===or what his problem was that he was the only statewide Dem candidate who couldn’t get elected that cycle?===
    He was the only dem candidate to run against an incumbent. Not the only reason he lost (there are many) but it does show something he was up against that the others were not.

  27. - Amalia - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 5:13 pm:

    maybe Been There can explain the 2002 Treasurer’s race. Dart was in the State Legislature before. but, hisgirlfriday, you
    write as if you know more than you let on, so, do, please,
    enlighten us. oh, and you forgot the Daleys in where does
    Dart stack up.

  28. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 5:19 pm:

    hisgirlfriday, give it a bit of time. He’s not even in the race yet.

    His father was a major power figure back in the day. He recommended MJM to RJD for majority leader. MJM never got along with the kid, though. The Hynes family doesn’t get along with the Darts either.

    He was a prosecutor before he went to the GA, where he was known as a wonk who sponsored too many bills. He chaired the judiciary committee. He wanted to run for atty general, but Lisa pushed him aside, and he lost the 2002 race to Topinka because she was so well known and well liked. It was uphill all the way.

    This is all on memory. Hope I didn’t screw anything up.

  29. - IrishPirate - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 5:34 pm:


    add in Sheriff Sheehan brought Dart in as Chief of Staff in his office after losing to Topinka.

    Then after announcing he wasn’t running for reelection Sheehan arranged for Dart to get the Dem Party nod for Sheriff. Over the objections of MJM.

    I know someone close to Dart and I was told that up until the last few years he always focused on being in statewide office.

    Methinks his experience in as Sheriff and the possibility of being Mayor has changed his thinking.

    Governors come and go. Mayors who don’t screw up or die in office can stay for decades!

  30. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 5:36 pm:

    ===Governors come and go. Mayors who don’t screw up or die in office can stay for decades! ===

    And Illinois county sheriffs can only be arrested by county coroners. Guess which county has no coroner?

  31. - IrishPirate - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 6:11 pm:

    Lincoln County?

    For my next overCOOKed joke…….

  32. - hisgirlfriday - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 9:25 pm:

    Thanks to everyone for helping fill in some of the blanks on Dart for me. (And sorry Amalia, if my post sounded like I know more than I let on it’s because I’m a poor blog communicator and not because I’m trying to be slick)

    Been There, thanks for posting that Fioretti casino article. This idea seems to make a lot of sense to me (not just to stop the flow of city gamblers to Hammond, but to boost tourism that’s gonna be weaker when Oprah leaves town and could be a draw to help attract conventions/trade shows to McCormick Place) but because it makes sense, of course it will never happen. :(

  33. - Amalia - Tuesday, Sep 21, 10 @ 10:42 pm:

    no worries, his girl friday. just sounded like you were
    laying out more than you claimed to know and being
    a blog cynic, I just wondered.

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