Is it any wonder that Quinn finds himself looking up in the polls at a right-wing slacker who looks the part of a pleasant businessman and promises to cut the state budget, even though he can’t actually explain how he plans to do it either?
Let me answer that. No, it’s entirely understandable, and it’s a shame, because Pat Quinn is a good man who wants to do right by the people of Illinois. But he continues to show he just doesn’t get what the world of state government looks like to those outside it.
I can’t argue with a single word in that. Same with this…
The only means the governor has at his disposal to force AFSCME to the bargaining table is the threat of layoffs.
The problem is that Quinn considers himself a friend of state workers and doesn’t really believe in layoffs, which means that when push comes to shove, he’s a pushover.
“The worst thing to do in a recession is lay people off,” he told the editorial board.
I can understand that. Hasn’t been much fun to watch my friends ushered out the door here in recent years, maybe the same where you work. But I sure as heck don’t believe in increasing the pay of state workers when the state is broke and its residents are taking real pay cuts — the kind that leave you with less money than you used to get, not just a scheduled raise that gets postponed.
But not this…
There was some nonsense Tuesday from Republican candidate Bill Brady that the deal is “scandalous” because Quinn agreed to it around the same time he got the union’s endorsement. That’s stupid because the real problem is that Quinn was always inclined to protect those workers and always going to get that endorsement.
Not necessarily. Quinn signed the pension reform bill and AFSCME was hugely upset. They’ve sat out governor’s races before, they could’ve done it again. Quinn wanted that endorsement badly, so he pushed hard for it.
Gov. Quinn said Tuesday that Sen. Bill Brady should apologize to first lady Michelle Obama for a wisecrack commentator Glenn Beck made at her expense Saturday night. […]
“Get away from my French fries, Mrs. Obama,” Beck warned. “First politician that comes up to me with a carrot stick, I’ve got a place for it. And it’s not in my tummy.” […]
“I thought it was important: I was disturbed on Saturday night to see Glenn Beck come to our state and disparage and mock the first lady of the United States of America,” Quinn said Tuesday following a private debate before the Commercial Club of Chicago. “Michelle Obama is my friend.” […]
Tuesday’s Commercial Club forum was closed to the press and public. But Brady spokeswoman Patty Schuh said when Quinn asked Brady to apologize for what Beck said, “Bill answered to the roar of the crowd. ‘You have to be kidding me.’”
Tying Brady to Beck in a news item is a good thing, and Mrs. Obama is still quite popular, but this is more than a little trivial.
8/10. While it doesn’t sway me at all to any one side, I think it will sway the common person who does not follow Illinois politics or elections as much
Is Quinn saying that Brady broke the law? Sure sounds like it from the ominous tone used by the narrator. Brady did nothing illegal or immoral, and used the same tax breaks used by Alexi. Quinn, ever the hypocrite, thinks Brady should maybe make a donation to state coffers with some fraction of those taxes he “hasn’t paid.” Perhaps we have now seen the first glimpse of Pat’s strategy to balance the state budget, voluntary donations by anyone who did not owe taxes on their returns. Pony up, folks.
I like it…solid “B”. However, Quinn better start attacking the “No Plan” man soon. Not only does Brady drive a Porshe, think the minimum wage is too high, and doesn’t pay federal income taxes, he has failed to articulate his economic platform, i.e. how will he get us out of this mess?
9 out of 10 on content; 3 out of 10 on visuals. For the average taxpayer, this ad will catch their attention. They will think this is yet another rich guy who knows how to work the system. The system that makes them pay for everything, but for which they feel they see little benefit.
It is a good commercial. Does what it needs to do. Sow the seeds of doubt. I still like the “Who is this guy?” theme.
It is not enough for Quinn, of course. He needs many more like this flooding the airwaves. And they need to be complimented with commercials that highlight what Quinn has done for jobs in the state.
Cincinnatus - We get you don’t like Quinn, but do you think it is an effective commercial?
It looks like Quinn reads this blog too much to get ad ideas. Nobody’s going to get the issue of his state senate salary not being taxed, despite the fact the Rich Miller railed about it when the issue first came out. Villifying people based upon their earned wealth also strikes many as class warfare. While Quinn may think that strategy is just fine, it just goes to show the tin-eared “populist” at work again. The ad was lame, and Quinn is deader than Jesse Jackson, Jr.
The Tribune Editorial, While I seldom agree with the Tribune editorial board this latest one is sound and very damaging to Quin. No real disputed facts and raises very real concern son the Quinn/AFSCME agreement.
5/10. I think Joe Slade White swung and missed with this. I know he’s working on a shoe-string budget, but it seems to me this ad would be more effective if it spliced video of Brady speaking about taxes being too high, then BAM, cut to Brady paid no taxes. The hypocrite attack, in my mind, is always more effective than the straight attack.
It’s cheaply produced and comes across as a cheap shot. This could be a devastating line of attack for Quinn, but they missed it by a mile.
6/10 Good message but couldn’t we get visuals of Brady in the Porsche, or Brady’s house or Brady in Florida? CMON Quinn people. You need good visuals to convey millionaire. It shouldn’t be that hard.
Let me get this straight. Governor Quinn wants to raise my taxes. And raise your taxes. And now he is complaining that Bill Brady did not pay taxes?
So what? I do not consider it immoral to not pay taxes when no taxes are owed. I do not consider it immoral to avoid paying taxes when no taxes are owed.I do not consider myself more moral when I pay my owed taxes. I do not consider Bill Brady or anyone not paying taxes to be immoral for not paying taxes they do not owe.
Who wants to pay taxes?
Quinn looks like he is preaching to pro taxers instead of to the majority of v oters who do not want to see their taxes raised. Quinn does not justify his tax increases by fingerpointing at those who do not pay taxes.
This ad is stupid.
I am not jeolous of Bill Brady. His Porsche or his condo. I am not voting against someone because they have stuff most of us don’t have.
Because I am an adult not some whiner comparing themselves to others.
Quinn got the states largest employee union to agree to wage and salary cuts that could save a hundred million dollars to a broke state and people wonder why he would bring his budget director to meetings with this group. This was a great move for both parties. The union protects it’s members from a slash and burn candidate who is bent on taking every state employees pension but his own and Quinn cements his already strong bond with organized labor who were already solidly in his corner.
BTW, the electorate hasn’t even started focusing on this election. The meaningless polls and moronic 90% GOP projections mean absolutely nothing. Most of the people I’ve discussed this race with say something like, “Quinn’s not doing so well, hey, who’s he running against.”
Well, guess what they will do when they find out who Bill Brady is? I figure you can look for about a 10 point slide in his numbers and Quinn getting most of the undecided. And if women start to focus in Big Bill, watch out.
B + The tax free “Millionaire” Ad is good, but Clueless Quinn continues to undermine his primary case for election—which is… he’s capable of executive management as Governor. Quinn’s signing an AFSCME agreement extending layoff protection for 50,000 state employees during the worst recession and budget crisis in 80 years is a slap in the face to every private sector worker scared senseless about losing their job. I am a devoted democrat, but I can’t vote for Quinn because he repeatedly demonstrates why he can’t perform his job. Brady may very well be worse, but after 19 months of Gov. Quinn we know he can’t handle it. How he changes that impression in the next 6 weeks is beyond my comprehension.
What Quinn’s ad doesn’t address is how much Brady owed in taxes during those years…oh wait, he didn’t owe anything. Simple ad to rebut…D+ for the desparation.
I agree with Cinciattus. Brady dId nothing wrong. The imagery and ominous sound effectively carry the intended message. It is another ad sowing seeds of class envy by a desperate candidate. Brady can easily counter.
I don’t think the average voter begrudges success or otherwise believes you should pay taxes when you legally don’t have to. Does Quinn pay taxes he doesn’t have to pay? I don’t think people are that stupid.
Great ad. Almost as good as the Cohen one you had yesterday with the line about “gassing puppies” or whatever. lol
The millionare state senator with the Porsche and Florida condo who pays no taxes is a theme I would stay on like a laser if I was Quinn.
But I still think Quinn should be making a lot more hay out of the senate votes Brady made on bills that were specifically written to benefit his real estate project. That’s truly old school corruption.
Although and unfortunately the municipal pension fund has no anti-spiking prohibition, someone really needs to investigate what happened with the Highland Park Park District -it is one thing to pay an employee a bonus but to pay someone for an entire year of salary but excuse the need to work seems very close to official misconduct- how is requiring someone to work only two years on a three year contract not ghost payrolling?- The AG can’t overlook this so I hope someone in her office reads these comments
Brady can hit back hard. He can say something along the lines of
“I am a businessman who creates jobs, not a professional politician who hands them out for votes. I suffered took huge losses in my home-building business in this terrible recession, just like so many others. But I saved my buisness in the worst of times, and it’s coming back. Now I want to apply sound business management to our state government to bring Illinois back.”
B PQ is getting there…not as good as car & condo, but the theme “Who is this Guy?” is good, but I hope there’s more in the quiver that hits harder including Brady’s wacko words from his own mouth…or at least shows him dancing w/ Geo. Ryan!
I think Quinn’s closest advisors have no idea how hard this recession has hit, economically and psychologically. It’s not just the layoffs and the increase in unemployment. It’s the paycuts we’ve already received and the fear of “What if?” that keeps us awake at night.
The Quinn inner circle doesn’t understand how privileged it seems to have a job with guaranteed pay increases and a promise of no layoffs. They also don’t realize that, to many people, the average pay of a state worker seems enviable. And no, I am not saying that state workers are overpaid — far from it. But to people who are living below the poverty level — and that’s about one in five Chicagoans — $50,000 a year sounds like a fortune.
Every elected official should have at least one advisor who keenly remembers what it’s like to count the days until payday, and how it feels to break into tears when your car breaks down and you don’t have the money to fix it.
Because that’s the norm for the majority of people. And you forget it at your peril.
Lets see, Pat Quinn has lived off the dole for nearly 40 years and now critizes Brady for having a couple of tough years.
Someone needs to remind Quinn that all of Bradys employees were still paying income taxes and sales taxes on the items they were able to purchase, the materials for the new homes were charged sales tax, and the new homes they built are paying property taxes. So even though Brady Homes might not have generated a profit, the companies economic activity was still generating revenue for state and local governments. In contrast Quinn continued right along living off the taxpayers.
great point, Brady’s employees were paying their taxes while their millionaire state employee boss paid nothing. You should do all Brady’s press releases.
On both sides, I am tired of ads that patently mislead or provide innuendo, guess I just vented in my earlier comment.
On this ad, I wonder how effective this particular line of attack is. I actually think saying that Brady didn’t pay taxes is something that may backfire as a message. Voters are going to wonder why Brady is not in jail for failure to pay taxes. This, in turn, makes the voter wonder why he hasn’t heard of such a high profile legislator not being called in front of prosecutors. Since the voter knows this is Illinois, and it is unlikely they haven’t heard of an illegal act, they then assume that Quinn is distorting something about Brady. All in all, the message is so weak that voters will think Quinn is just making stuff up to tar Brady unfairly. Net loss for Quinn.
I think many folks commenting on here are missing the point. People want, on some level, to be able to relate to the person they are voting for. They want to see a part of themselves in that person. This ad is about making Brady someone the average voter cannot relate to. Owns a Porsche? Doesn’t have to worry about paying taxes? How can he understand my problems?
In that way, this ad works. To Rich’s point, there is probably polling data that shows people are less inclined to support Brady when they learn these facts about him.
A rationale explanation about why Brady does not have to pay taxes does not effectively counter that feeling in the gut folks have that says he doesn’t get it.
Having been a small businessman for nearly twenty-years, I can safely say that owning a successful small business is the best tax shelter any taxpayer can enjoy. The issue is wiping out 100% of earned state salary income with Brady’s private Sub-S corporate losses. It’s a legitimate deduction, but a publically not well understood benefit. Brady enjoys corporate limited liability from business creditors while being able to pass through losses to his personal income statement. Quinn has every right to exploit Brady’s crocodile tears about high taxes.
We wouldn’t have such a budget problem in this state if fat cats like Bill Brady paid their fair share, instead of paying expensive accountants to help them avoid paying anything. Brady adds insult to injury when he’s on the state payroll for two decades and is using the hard earned money we pay him to pay those accountants. Brady screws us coming and going.
While Brady doesn’t have money to pay taxes, it’s good to see he does have the money to drive around in a big luxury campaign bus. The paint job alone on that thing probably cost more than a lot of workers make in a month.
Brady’s campaign theme might as well be “I’ve got mine suckers.”
If you don’t like the rules, change them. Do not fault people for playing by the rules, or as I like to think of it, the rule of law. I am aways amazed that so many liberals complain about the rule of law when the situation suits them. Intellectual honesty demands you insist on law changes or quit complaining, or leave the country.
It is a populist appeal, no doubt about it. When it comes to political strategy, that type of appeal has value.
But, like I said in my original comment, he needs more than this ad. It is good and all, but if it is not coupled with a bunch of other ads that build effectively on the “Who is this guy?” theme AND ads that can show Quinn has done a some good things around the jobs and the economy (and that folks can relate to him), Quinn is, as you say, breadcrumbs. I sadly have to agree with you on that point.
Interesting how many people can’t put aside their personal bias and just rate the ad. Mmmnn. Cincy and VMan don’t like the ad. I’m shocked! Guys, some times the other side runs good stuff. You might not like it, but you have to give credit where credit is due.
In any case, I thought it was a pretty good ad. The details as to why he paid no taxes (loopholes, etc.) really don’t matter. The message is that he’s not one of us. While I’m paying taxes, this rich guy isn’t.
Which gets me to my last point (and my bias): I just wish that Hynes was running this instead of Quinn. I’m pretty confident that Hynes would be winning by 10.
Final note — the polling thing is interesting. Haven'’t seen it mentioned on this blog. That may explain why I’m hearing that Quinn’s next ad is going to tout his capital bill. Just what Illinois voters want to hear — more spending.
This is a message that they should be able to kill Brady on, but this commercial was weak, IMO. I’m pretty disappointed in the delivery; it could’ve been much more devastating. I’d give it a B- or a C+
- Ray del Camino - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 12:40 pm:
I think the ad works.
And remember, it’s not “class warfare” when the rich screw the little guy. It’s only class warfare when the little guy points it out.
Public employee unions like AFSCME have to be mindful of their public image too, and it’s not that great at the moment. So why so greedy? They already had a no-layoff agreement stretching to
July 1, 2011. They didn’t even need it. It’s pretty clear that our Pat doesn’t want to lay anybody off ever. He wants more govt employees. Despite his claims of fiscal disaster, he hasn’t even instituted a hiring feeze since he came on board as governor.
Of course, AFSCME had to make our Pat pay for its endorsement. That’s the way it works in Illinois. But why did they make him give up so much–no institution closures, no increase in retiree health premiums (now $0)–, in addition to a second one-year extension of the no-layoff agreement. At the risk of looking, well, greedy in the middle of a recession. And they’ve been very upfront about wanting an income tax increase on the middle class to pay for it. Isn’t this a teensy bit politically risky?
My guess–they figure Brady is probably going to win. It’ get what you can while you can time and it’s no doubt going on all over state government.
I can’t fault Brady for not paying taxes. Between the property tax credit on my home and a loss on rental property, I didn’t pay any state tax last year. Nothing wrong with taking advantage of the tax laws.
Sorry, I forgot to rate the ad. I think it is a good ad but too early. Voters are not focusing on this race yet and I think it is too early to go negative. Quinn needs to build his positives before going negative. Too me, all this negative stuff should be saved for October.
Does anyone know that Illinois had more job growth than any Midwestern state this year? Nope, I didn’t think so.
I saw the ad for the first time on my local TV station this morning. I thought it was very effective. It drives home the point that Brady is “not one of us.” Rich career politician who pays no taxes? Who’d want to vote for that guy?
This ad is decent production wise and has a sharp message, even if a little boring in presentation. So, it will likely have some effect. But it still feels (to me) like nobody on the Dem side is “getting” the fact that this is a different kind of election, that undecideds in the electorate are looking for a different approach of some kind in this state, and that lots of Dems are behind nationwide because aspects of the traditional Dem agenda are sort of “on trial” this year. So even with a weak candidate to sell and not a lot of options, it still floors me that Dem ads are generally staying with the tired old themes from the tired old playbook.
They’ve already done the scary abortion thing, the scary gun control thing, and the class warfare thing. Does no one on the Dem marketing side see from the polls how futile that line of attack has been so far? As relates to this particular ad did they ever stop to think about how many voters, both so-called rich and middle class, may themselves also have used appropriate deductions and credits in the tax code to quite legally “not pay any income taxes” in an especially unusual year?
But another point I just thought of as to why this ad is ineffective is that I think the time to make this case on Brady has long past. Let’s look at the Lying Kirk/Mob Banker Alexi meme. These were established in people’s minds many weeks ago, and now are briefly and occasionally reinforced in new ads. While Quinn has tried this line of attack this summer, it never stuck. Now he is introducing it again, instead of reinforcing and existing meme. Voters are already sick of negative ads that have little to do with legislative/governance issues and plans (where negative ads are still effective).
Looking at polling, there are very few undecideds in this race. Quinn needs something more than this recycled ad. If this were July/August, I’d have a much more favorable opinion of this ad. Right now, it’s a waste of money by an unfocussed and lost campaign.
One note — it is one thing for a series of ads to have a common theme or a common feel. But these last three Quinn ads almost take it a step too far by being visually nearly identical.
I think when stuff is that similar, people tune out thinking they’ve seen it before. They’ve got to come up with some variation to keep people interested.
The Dems must be getting desperate. I don’t think
Alexi paid taxes at least one recent year either.
He’s a lot richer than Brady. I thought the two parties would cancel each other out on this one.
In fact, I believe close to 50 percent of Americans don’t pay federal income taxes.
And in Illinois, only the richest richest retirees pay state income taxes, since Illinois does not tax any pension income regardless of amount. Those school administrators and govt officials who retire at $200k and up–they don’t pay a penny if they stay in Illinois.
There are too many folks riding on the tax-free train for this to be a major issue. Logically, anyway.
I’m not saying that Brady would be better. Eeeuuw. I’m just saying that the AFSCME thing was politically tonedeaf, and that someone needs to make it clear to the Governor how this stuff plays, not just in Peoria, but in Peotone, Pecatonica, and Paulina St.
==Does anyone know that Illinois had more job growth than any Midwestern state this year? ==
*Credible citation needed. Even if true, that’s like being the tallest midget. We beat out Michigan? Yay.
As for the ad, meh. C. His commercials have had similar messages (porsche, no taxes, condo) for a while now. Besides, Brady paying no taxes and wanting those who do to pay less is not as bad as, say, someone who pays no taxes and wants those who do to pay more. Yeah, I’m looking at you Alexi.
Ad is pretty good for the average person. The fact that Brady did not have to legally have to pay Fed taxes while getting a state salary means nothing in how the idea is sold. No need for any facts to get in the way of an opinion. A rich guy avoided taxes that poorer guys had the pay. Right hook to the mid section. The Brady counter will come soon.
Cincy, you see class warfare? What classes are you talking about, and where’s the warfare?
It’s a great spot. Quinn wants Brady to be seen as the boss employees don’t like. Who can’t relate?
Brady’s a millionaire who, because of the tax code, didn’t pay taxes. But he drives a Porsche and has a Florida condo. He has a running mate that’s probably in the same boat.
Quinn’s a broke schlump like most. He’d have to be a lunatic not to knock the difference out of the park.
I think the ad was at best a ‘C’. There was a lot of opportunity to include references to a porsche or second home, which coupled with the no federal taxes would have been a major hit. A missed opportunity.
But I also agree with the commenters who say that this issue hurts Alexi as well. I’m sure he cringes every time Quinn runs this ad and hopes for a small buy with limited exposure.
- late to the party - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 4:51 pm:
I disagree that it hurts Alexi. Taxes are not an issue in the Senate race. Also, Alexi is not saying don’t raise my taxes like Brady is.
“Also, Alexi is not saying don’t raise my taxes like Brady is.”
So, Alexi is saying I want to raise your taxes, but I don’t have to pay any myself despite the fact that I’m a millionaire who cashed out of a bank before the feds had to shut it down at a cost of $319 million. But at least Alexi doesn’t drive a Porsche; he drives a state owned vehicle he bought with Bright Star money - you know, the fund that lost millions. And instead of a condo in Florida, Alexi hangs out with interesting characters in mob-owned hotels in Florida. Oh, ok. Run with that one.
If anything, the ad shows how the tax code works to benefit those who are well off, even when they suffer business losses. While Brady can’t be held personally responsible for not paying taxes, it’s rich politicians like him who create these tax codes to begin with.
Pat Quinn is also busy unionizing upper management positions. Some SPSA positions are on the verge of being in the union. This will not only give job protection for upper management positions. They will all get a big bonus check retroactive to when they first lobbied CMS to join the union. And very very big salary increases. What is he thinking ?
Too bad Quinn couldn’t have put out this ad out a couple months ago. Now after weeks of hearing Kirk’s same exact hit ad on Alexi, I think about Alexi here more than Brady actually. And because of this I think it could be confusing for voters at this point trying to sort out who exactly are all the politicians are who aren’t paying taxes, to the point that everyone just assumes every rich politician doesn’t pay taxes which just feeds into the throw all the bums out and vote in someone new tide that Quinn is trying so hard to fight against.
I get why they are trying to stay away from issues with Quinn already so unpopular and bumbling and they can’t really run on a tax increase but I feel like this is just a re-run attempt to make Brady some (Who is this guy?) bogeyman like Blago did to Judy to great success with the (What’s she thinking?) ads.
The difference is, Quinn apparently doesn’t have any goofy pictures of Brady or any goofy soundbites so all they can bring to this is some black and white headshot of him smiling and not looking ugly or weird or sinister at all? WTF?
If the rich guy stuff hasn’t worked so far, why isn’t Quinn hitting Brady more on the social issues? Maybe get a female announcer on the next ad and point out the dog-killing or finally run an ad on abortion so women will actually turn out and suburban women especially will realize this guy is way further right-wing than they realize? Tie him to Sarah Palin perhaps? Didn’t he appear at some fundraiser with her?
And does Quinn have no soundbites of Brady saying something dumb when Brady has been a public official for 15 years? REALLY? If not, then just find the most wacko things Glenn Beck has said and piece them together in an ad that ties him to Brady. None of that carrot stick stuff.
- Publius - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 11:19 am:
8/10. While it doesn’t sway me at all to any one side, I think it will sway the common person who does not follow Illinois politics or elections as much
- Cincinnatus - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 11:25 am:
Is Quinn saying that Brady broke the law? Sure sounds like it from the ominous tone used by the narrator. Brady did nothing illegal or immoral, and used the same tax breaks used by Alexi. Quinn, ever the hypocrite, thinks Brady should maybe make a donation to state coffers with some fraction of those taxes he “hasn’t paid.” Perhaps we have now seen the first glimpse of Pat’s strategy to balance the state budget, voluntary donations by anyone who did not owe taxes on their returns. Pony up, folks.
- GetOverIt - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 11:27 am:
I like it…solid “B”. However, Quinn better start attacking the “No Plan” man soon. Not only does Brady drive a Porshe, think the minimum wage is too high, and doesn’t pay federal income taxes, he has failed to articulate his economic platform, i.e. how will he get us out of this mess?
- Niles Township - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 11:28 am:
9 out of 10 on content; 3 out of 10 on visuals. For the average taxpayer, this ad will catch their attention. They will think this is yet another rich guy who knows how to work the system. The system that makes them pay for everything, but for which they feel they see little benefit.
- downstate hack - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 11:29 am:
The new Quinn Ad C-. It is relatively boring and not as effective as his last one. He needs more and better so or it is a lost cause.
- Montrose - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 11:30 am:
It is a good commercial. Does what it needs to do. Sow the seeds of doubt. I still like the “Who is this guy?” theme.
It is not enough for Quinn, of course. He needs many more like this flooding the airwaves. And they need to be complimented with commercials that highlight what Quinn has done for jobs in the state.
Cincinnatus - We get you don’t like Quinn, but do you think it is an effective commercial?
- phocion - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 11:33 am:
It looks like Quinn reads this blog too much to get ad ideas. Nobody’s going to get the issue of his state senate salary not being taxed, despite the fact the Rich Miller railed about it when the issue first came out. Villifying people based upon their earned wealth also strikes many as class warfare. While Quinn may think that strategy is just fine, it just goes to show the tin-eared “populist” at work again. The ad was lame, and Quinn is deader than Jesse Jackson, Jr.
- downstate hack - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 11:33 am:
The Tribune Editorial, While I seldom agree with the Tribune editorial board this latest one is sound and very damaging to Quin. No real disputed facts and raises very real concern son the Quinn/AFSCME agreement.
- Ahoy - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 11:34 am:
I love the “Who is this guy?” theme, I just doubt they have enough money to burn that into voter’s heads.
- Taylor - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 11:34 am:
This is a good ad for making Quinn’s 35% feel good.
Too bad that Pat is not the viable alternative for the undecideds. They’ve already decided about quinn by being undecided.
I don’t think he has enough money to play this ad very widely.
- 47th Ward - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 11:36 am:
5/10. I think Joe Slade White swung and missed with this. I know he’s working on a shoe-string budget, but it seems to me this ad would be more effective if it spliced video of Brady speaking about taxes being too high, then BAM, cut to Brady paid no taxes. The hypocrite attack, in my mind, is always more effective than the straight attack.
It’s cheaply produced and comes across as a cheap shot. This could be a devastating line of attack for Quinn, but they missed it by a mile.
- Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 11:36 am:
6/10 Good message but couldn’t we get visuals of Brady in the Porsche, or Brady’s house or Brady in Florida? CMON Quinn people. You need good visuals to convey millionaire. It shouldn’t be that hard.
- VanillaMan - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 11:38 am:
Let me get this straight. Governor Quinn wants to raise my taxes. And raise your taxes. And now he is complaining that Bill Brady did not pay taxes?
So what? I do not consider it immoral to not pay taxes when no taxes are owed. I do not consider it immoral to avoid paying taxes when no taxes are owed.I do not consider myself more moral when I pay my owed taxes. I do not consider Bill Brady or anyone not paying taxes to be immoral for not paying taxes they do not owe.
Who wants to pay taxes?
Quinn looks like he is preaching to pro taxers instead of to the majority of v oters who do not want to see their taxes raised. Quinn does not justify his tax increases by fingerpointing at those who do not pay taxes.
This ad is stupid.
I am not jeolous of Bill Brady. His Porsche or his condo. I am not voting against someone because they have stuff most of us don’t have.
Because I am an adult not some whiner comparing themselves to others.
- Phineas J. Whoopee - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 11:40 am:
Quinn got the states largest employee union to agree to wage and salary cuts that could save a hundred million dollars to a broke state and people wonder why he would bring his budget director to meetings with this group. This was a great move for both parties. The union protects it’s members from a slash and burn candidate who is bent on taking every state employees pension but his own and Quinn cements his already strong bond with organized labor who were already solidly in his corner.
BTW, the electorate hasn’t even started focusing on this election. The meaningless polls and moronic 90% GOP projections mean absolutely nothing. Most of the people I’ve discussed this race with say something like, “Quinn’s not doing so well, hey, who’s he running against.”
Well, guess what they will do when they find out who Bill Brady is? I figure you can look for about a 10 point slide in his numbers and Quinn getting most of the undecided. And if women start to focus in Big Bill, watch out.
As you can tell, I’m starting to focus.
- Louis Howe - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 11:42 am:
B + The tax free “Millionaire” Ad is good, but Clueless Quinn continues to undermine his primary case for election—which is… he’s capable of executive management as Governor. Quinn’s signing an AFSCME agreement extending layoff protection for 50,000 state employees during the worst recession and budget crisis in 80 years is a slap in the face to every private sector worker scared senseless about losing their job. I am a devoted democrat, but I can’t vote for Quinn because he repeatedly demonstrates why he can’t perform his job. Brady may very well be worse, but after 19 months of Gov. Quinn we know he can’t handle it. How he changes that impression in the next 6 weeks is beyond my comprehension.
- indupage - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 11:43 am:
What Quinn’s ad doesn’t address is how much Brady owed in taxes during those years…oh wait, he didn’t owe anything. Simple ad to rebut…D+ for the desparation.
- Richard Afflis - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 11:43 am:
I agree with Cinciattus. Brady dId nothing wrong. The imagery and ominous sound effectively carry the intended message. It is another ad sowing seeds of class envy by a desperate candidate. Brady can easily counter.
- Anon1 - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 11:45 am:
I don’t think the average voter begrudges success or otherwise believes you should pay taxes when you legally don’t have to. Does Quinn pay taxes he doesn’t have to pay? I don’t think people are that stupid.
- just sayin' - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 11:47 am:
Great ad. Almost as good as the Cohen one you had yesterday with the line about “gassing puppies” or whatever. lol
The millionare state senator with the Porsche and Florida condo who pays no taxes is a theme I would stay on like a laser if I was Quinn.
But I still think Quinn should be making a lot more hay out of the senate votes Brady made on bills that were specifically written to benefit his real estate project. That’s truly old school corruption.
- Sue - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 11:48 am:
Although and unfortunately the municipal pension fund has no anti-spiking prohibition, someone really needs to investigate what happened with the Highland Park Park District -it is one thing to pay an employee a bonus but to pay someone for an entire year of salary but excuse the need to work seems very close to official misconduct- how is requiring someone to work only two years on a three year contract not ghost payrolling?- The AG can’t overlook this so I hope someone in her office reads these comments
- We Todd Did - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 11:50 am:
SLC does better black and white ads than Quinn.
- Bubs - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 11:53 am:
Brady can hit back hard. He can say something along the lines of
“I am a businessman who creates jobs, not a professional politician who hands them out for votes. I suffered took huge losses in my home-building business in this terrible recession, just like so many others. But I saved my buisness in the worst of times, and it’s coming back. Now I want to apply sound business management to our state government to bring Illinois back.”
- D.P. Gumby - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 11:54 am:
B PQ is getting there…not as good as car & condo, but the theme “Who is this Guy?” is good, but I hope there’s more in the quiver that hits harder including Brady’s wacko words from his own mouth…or at least shows him dancing w/ Geo. Ryan!
- soccermom - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 11:58 am:
I think Quinn’s closest advisors have no idea how hard this recession has hit, economically and psychologically. It’s not just the layoffs and the increase in unemployment. It’s the paycuts we’ve already received and the fear of “What if?” that keeps us awake at night.
The Quinn inner circle doesn’t understand how privileged it seems to have a job with guaranteed pay increases and a promise of no layoffs. They also don’t realize that, to many people, the average pay of a state worker seems enviable. And no, I am not saying that state workers are overpaid — far from it. But to people who are living below the poverty level — and that’s about one in five Chicagoans — $50,000 a year sounds like a fortune.
Every elected official should have at least one advisor who keenly remembers what it’s like to count the days until payday, and how it feels to break into tears when your car breaks down and you don’t have the money to fix it.
Because that’s the norm for the majority of people. And you forget it at your peril.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 12:01 pm:
===I don’t think the average voter begrudges success or otherwise believes you should pay taxes===
You may not think that, but TV ads are usually run after extensive polling, focus grouping, etc.
Then again… Well, I can’t talk about that point here.
- dave - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 12:02 pm:
I am a businessman who creates jobs
Haha… and then Quinn runs an ad talking about all the people that Brady laid off.
- dave - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 12:04 pm:
I think Quinn’s closest advisors have no idea how hard this recession has hit, economically and psychologically
And Brady, or anyone working for Brady, does?
- anon - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 12:04 pm:
Lets see, Pat Quinn has lived off the dole for nearly 40 years and now critizes Brady for having a couple of tough years.
Someone needs to remind Quinn that all of Bradys employees were still paying income taxes and sales taxes on the items they were able to purchase, the materials for the new homes were charged sales tax, and the new homes they built are paying property taxes. So even though Brady Homes might not have generated a profit, the companies economic activity was still generating revenue for state and local governments. In contrast Quinn continued right along living off the taxpayers.
What’s wrong with this argument?
- Phineas J. Whoopee - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 12:09 pm:
great point, Brady’s employees were paying their taxes while their millionaire state employee boss paid nothing. You should do all Brady’s press releases.
- Cincinnatus - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 12:09 pm:
On both sides, I am tired of ads that patently mislead or provide innuendo, guess I just vented in my earlier comment.
On this ad, I wonder how effective this particular line of attack is. I actually think saying that Brady didn’t pay taxes is something that may backfire as a message. Voters are going to wonder why Brady is not in jail for failure to pay taxes. This, in turn, makes the voter wonder why he hasn’t heard of such a high profile legislator not being called in front of prosecutors. Since the voter knows this is Illinois, and it is unlikely they haven’t heard of an illegal act, they then assume that Quinn is distorting something about Brady. All in all, the message is so weak that voters will think Quinn is just making stuff up to tar Brady unfairly. Net loss for Quinn.
- Montrose - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 12:14 pm:
I think many folks commenting on here are missing the point. People want, on some level, to be able to relate to the person they are voting for. They want to see a part of themselves in that person. This ad is about making Brady someone the average voter cannot relate to. Owns a Porsche? Doesn’t have to worry about paying taxes? How can he understand my problems?
In that way, this ad works. To Rich’s point, there is probably polling data that shows people are less inclined to support Brady when they learn these facts about him.
A rationale explanation about why Brady does not have to pay taxes does not effectively counter that feeling in the gut folks have that says he doesn’t get it.
- Louis Howe - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 12:17 pm:
Having been a small businessman for nearly twenty-years, I can safely say that owning a successful small business is the best tax shelter any taxpayer can enjoy. The issue is wiping out 100% of earned state salary income with Brady’s private Sub-S corporate losses. It’s a legitimate deduction, but a publically not well understood benefit. Brady enjoys corporate limited liability from business creditors while being able to pass through losses to his personal income statement. Quinn has every right to exploit Brady’s crocodile tears about high taxes.
- just sayin' - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 12:22 pm:
We wouldn’t have such a budget problem in this state if fat cats like Bill Brady paid their fair share, instead of paying expensive accountants to help them avoid paying anything. Brady adds insult to injury when he’s on the state payroll for two decades and is using the hard earned money we pay him to pay those accountants. Brady screws us coming and going.
While Brady doesn’t have money to pay taxes, it’s good to see he does have the money to drive around in a big luxury campaign bus. The paint job alone on that thing probably cost more than a lot of workers make in a month.
Brady’s campaign theme might as well be “I’ve got mine suckers.”
- Cincinnatus - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 12:24 pm:
So you admit that all Quinn is doing is playing the class warfare game? If that’s all he’s got left, he is no longer toast, just breadcrumbs.
- OneMan - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 12:25 pm:
So I am sure all of you hating on Brady for not paying taxes feel the exact same way about Alexi, right?
- Cincinnatus - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 12:26 pm:
just sayin’,
If you don’t like the rules, change them. Do not fault people for playing by the rules, or as I like to think of it, the rule of law. I am aways amazed that so many liberals complain about the rule of law when the situation suits them. Intellectual honesty demands you insist on law changes or quit complaining, or leave the country.
- Cincinnatus - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 12:29 pm:
I guess it is only bad when a Republican has a few bucks:
On April 15, 2010, the White House released the Obama’s 2009
tax returns. Based on that release, Barack Obama’s net worth is $10,111, 249.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 12:30 pm:
Try to tone it down a bit, people.
Also, we’ve had this tax payment debate here many times and I’m seeing lots of, frankly, boring reruns in these comments.
- Montrose - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 12:31 pm:
It is a populist appeal, no doubt about it. When it comes to political strategy, that type of appeal has value.
But, like I said in my original comment, he needs more than this ad. It is good and all, but if it is not coupled with a bunch of other ads that build effectively on the “Who is this guy?” theme AND ads that can show Quinn has done a some good things around the jobs and the economy (and that folks can relate to him), Quinn is, as you say, breadcrumbs. I sadly have to agree with you on that point.
- Skeeter - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 12:34 pm:
Interesting how many people can’t put aside their personal bias and just rate the ad. Mmmnn. Cincy and VMan don’t like the ad. I’m shocked! Guys, some times the other side runs good stuff. You might not like it, but you have to give credit where credit is due.
In any case, I thought it was a pretty good ad. The details as to why he paid no taxes (loopholes, etc.) really don’t matter. The message is that he’s not one of us. While I’m paying taxes, this rich guy isn’t.
Which gets me to my last point (and my bias): I just wish that Hynes was running this instead of Quinn. I’m pretty confident that Hynes would be winning by 10.
Final note — the polling thing is interesting. Haven'’t seen it mentioned on this blog. That may explain why I’m hearing that Quinn’s next ad is going to tout his capital bill. Just what Illinois voters want to hear — more spending.
- eastsider - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 12:39 pm:
This is a message that they should be able to kill Brady on, but this commercial was weak, IMO. I’m pretty disappointed in the delivery; it could’ve been much more devastating. I’d give it a B- or a C+
- Ray del Camino - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 12:40 pm:
I think the ad works.
And remember, it’s not “class warfare” when the rich screw the little guy. It’s only class warfare when the little guy points it out.
- cassandra - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 12:41 pm:
Public employee unions like AFSCME have to be mindful of their public image too, and it’s not that great at the moment. So why so greedy? They already had a no-layoff agreement stretching to
July 1, 2011. They didn’t even need it. It’s pretty clear that our Pat doesn’t want to lay anybody off ever. He wants more govt employees. Despite his claims of fiscal disaster, he hasn’t even instituted a hiring feeze since he came on board as governor.
Of course, AFSCME had to make our Pat pay for its endorsement. That’s the way it works in Illinois. But why did they make him give up so much–no institution closures, no increase in retiree health premiums (now $0)–, in addition to a second one-year extension of the no-layoff agreement. At the risk of looking, well, greedy in the middle of a recession. And they’ve been very upfront about wanting an income tax increase on the middle class to pay for it. Isn’t this a teensy bit politically risky?
My guess–they figure Brady is probably going to win. It’ get what you can while you can time and it’s no doubt going on all over state government.
- Retired Non-Union Guy - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 12:42 pm:
I can’t fault Brady for not paying taxes. Between the property tax credit on my home and a loss on rental property, I didn’t pay any state tax last year. Nothing wrong with taking advantage of the tax laws.
- Phineas J. Whoopee - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 12:43 pm:
Sorry, I forgot to rate the ad. I think it is a good ad but too early. Voters are not focusing on this race yet and I think it is too early to go negative. Quinn needs to build his positives before going negative. Too me, all this negative stuff should be saved for October.
Does anyone know that Illinois had more job growth than any Midwestern state this year? Nope, I didn’t think so.
- Deep South - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 12:45 pm:
I saw the ad for the first time on my local TV station this morning. I thought it was very effective. It drives home the point that Brady is “not one of us.” Rich career politician who pays no taxes? Who’d want to vote for that guy?
- Responsa - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 12:56 pm:
This ad is decent production wise and has a sharp message, even if a little boring in presentation. So, it will likely have some effect. But it still feels (to me) like nobody on the Dem side is “getting” the fact that this is a different kind of election, that undecideds in the electorate are looking for a different approach of some kind in this state, and that lots of Dems are behind nationwide because aspects of the traditional Dem agenda are sort of “on trial” this year. So even with a weak candidate to sell and not a lot of options, it still floors me that Dem ads are generally staying with the tired old themes from the tired old playbook.
They’ve already done the scary abortion thing, the scary gun control thing, and the class warfare thing. Does no one on the Dem marketing side see from the polls how futile that line of attack has been so far? As relates to this particular ad did they ever stop to think about how many voters, both so-called rich and middle class, may themselves also have used appropriate deductions and credits in the tax code to quite legally “not pay any income taxes” in an especially unusual year?
- Cincinnatus - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 12:59 pm:
See my mea culpa above where I rate the ad.
But another point I just thought of as to why this ad is ineffective is that I think the time to make this case on Brady has long past. Let’s look at the Lying Kirk/Mob Banker Alexi meme. These were established in people’s minds many weeks ago, and now are briefly and occasionally reinforced in new ads. While Quinn has tried this line of attack this summer, it never stuck. Now he is introducing it again, instead of reinforcing and existing meme. Voters are already sick of negative ads that have little to do with legislative/governance issues and plans (where negative ads are still effective).
Looking at polling, there are very few undecideds in this race. Quinn needs something more than this recycled ad. If this were July/August, I’d have a much more favorable opinion of this ad. Right now, it’s a waste of money by an unfocussed and lost campaign.
- Skeeter - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 12:59 pm:
One note — it is one thing for a series of ads to have a common theme or a common feel. But these last three Quinn ads almost take it a step too far by being visually nearly identical.
I think when stuff is that similar, people tune out thinking they’ve seen it before. They’ve got to come up with some variation to keep people interested.
- cassandra - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 1:00 pm:
The Dems must be getting desperate. I don’t think
Alexi paid taxes at least one recent year either.
He’s a lot richer than Brady. I thought the two parties would cancel each other out on this one.
In fact, I believe close to 50 percent of Americans don’t pay federal income taxes.
And in Illinois, only the richest richest retirees pay state income taxes, since Illinois does not tax any pension income regardless of amount. Those school administrators and govt officials who retire at $200k and up–they don’t pay a penny if they stay in Illinois.
There are too many folks riding on the tax-free train for this to be a major issue. Logically, anyway.
- dave - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 1:05 pm:
Does anyone know that Illinois had more job growth than any Midwestern state this year? Nope, I didn’t think so.
I did know this, or at least have heard this, but haven’t seen a source. Do you have a source for the info?
- Skeeter - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 1:06 pm:
One more note on the comments (and bias of same):
The “The [insert opposing party/candidate] is
getting desperate” comment is sort of Godwin’s law, applied to discussions of political ads.
The first person to make that comment loses.
- truthman - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 1:17 pm:
Since AFSCME has endorsed Quinn, do they just make it easier and sit on the same side of the negotiating table now?
- Phineas J. Whoopee - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 1:30 pm:
try this website,
- dave - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 2:06 pm:
dave, try this website,
I see nothing there about 2010 job growth. And pretty sure that Ron Gidwitz would hide that fact if it were true anyway.
- Cosmic Charlie - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 2:34 pm:
Maybe they cut the ad when they were without a pollster because it seems to me that they are not hitting the right issues.
- soccermom - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 2:35 pm:
Dave —
I’m not saying that Brady would be better. Eeeuuw. I’m just saying that the AFSCME thing was politically tonedeaf, and that someone needs to make it clear to the Governor how this stuff plays, not just in Peoria, but in Peotone, Pecatonica, and Paulina St.
- Anon - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 2:55 pm:
==Does anyone know that Illinois had more job growth than any Midwestern state this year? ==
*Credible citation needed. Even if true, that’s like being the tallest midget. We beat out Michigan? Yay.
As for the ad, meh. C. His commercials have had similar messages (porsche, no taxes, condo) for a while now. Besides, Brady paying no taxes and wanting those who do to pay less is not as bad as, say, someone who pays no taxes and wants those who do to pay more. Yeah, I’m looking at you Alexi.
- Missing--> - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 2:56 pm:
Quinn’s AD is about Brady’s Taxes.
Brady’s AD is about Quinn raising the Voters Taxes.
Voters care about Brady’s taxes but care more about their own.
- dave - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 3:03 pm:
I’m not saying that Brady would be better. Eeeuuw.
Ha… this made me laugh. Thanks soccermom.
- late to the party - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 3:20 pm:
dave -
Here is a link to the 2010 reports.
Not good at all for Illinois or Quinn.
As for the ad, it was better without the visuals. I think this line of attack will only be effective if Quinn continues harping on the message.
And gassing puppies. More gassing puppies.
- zatoichi - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 3:42 pm:
Ad is pretty good for the average person. The fact that Brady did not have to legally have to pay Fed taxes while getting a state salary means nothing in how the idea is sold. No need for any facts to get in the way of an opinion. A rich guy avoided taxes that poorer guys had the pay. Right hook to the mid section. The Brady counter will come soon.
- state employee - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 4:07 pm:
For everyone who likes to bash state employees I paid over $500.00 last month toward my retirement not zero like most people like to think.
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 4:33 pm:
Cincy, you see class warfare? What classes are you talking about, and where’s the warfare?
It’s a great spot. Quinn wants Brady to be seen as the boss employees don’t like. Who can’t relate?
Brady’s a millionaire who, because of the tax code, didn’t pay taxes. But he drives a Porsche and has a Florida condo. He has a running mate that’s probably in the same boat.
Quinn’s a broke schlump like most. He’d have to be a lunatic not to knock the difference out of the park.
- Blazing Saddle - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 4:40 pm:
I think the ad was at best a ‘C’. There was a lot of opportunity to include references to a porsche or second home, which coupled with the no federal taxes would have been a major hit. A missed opportunity.
But I also agree with the commenters who say that this issue hurts Alexi as well. I’m sure he cringes every time Quinn runs this ad and hopes for a small buy with limited exposure.
- late to the party - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 4:51 pm:
I disagree that it hurts Alexi. Taxes are not an issue in the Senate race. Also, Alexi is not saying don’t raise my taxes like Brady is.
- phocion - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 4:59 pm:
“Also, Alexi is not saying don’t raise my taxes like Brady is.”
So, Alexi is saying I want to raise your taxes, but I don’t have to pay any myself despite the fact that I’m a millionaire who cashed out of a bank before the feds had to shut it down at a cost of $319 million. But at least Alexi doesn’t drive a Porsche; he drives a state owned vehicle he bought with Bright Star money - you know, the fund that lost millions. And instead of a condo in Florida, Alexi hangs out with interesting characters in mob-owned hotels in Florida. Oh, ok. Run with that one.
- Wensicia - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 5:06 pm:
If anything, the ad shows how the tax code works to benefit those who are well off, even when they suffer business losses. While Brady can’t be held personally responsible for not paying taxes, it’s rich politicians like him who create these tax codes to begin with.
- WindyCityGardener - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 8:49 pm:
Pat Quinn is also busy unionizing upper management positions. Some SPSA positions are on the verge of being in the union. This will not only give job protection for upper management positions. They will all get a big bonus check retroactive to when they first lobbied CMS to join the union. And very very big salary increases. What is he thinking ?
- hisgirlfriday - Wednesday, Sep 22, 10 @ 9:32 pm:
Too bad Quinn couldn’t have put out this ad out a couple months ago. Now after weeks of hearing Kirk’s same exact hit ad on Alexi, I think about Alexi here more than Brady actually. And because of this I think it could be confusing for voters at this point trying to sort out who exactly are all the politicians are who aren’t paying taxes, to the point that everyone just assumes every rich politician doesn’t pay taxes which just feeds into the throw all the bums out and vote in someone new tide that Quinn is trying so hard to fight against.
I get why they are trying to stay away from issues with Quinn already so unpopular and bumbling and they can’t really run on a tax increase but I feel like this is just a re-run attempt to make Brady some (Who is this guy?) bogeyman like Blago did to Judy to great success with the (What’s she thinking?) ads.
The difference is, Quinn apparently doesn’t have any goofy pictures of Brady or any goofy soundbites so all they can bring to this is some black and white headshot of him smiling and not looking ugly or weird or sinister at all? WTF?
If the rich guy stuff hasn’t worked so far, why isn’t Quinn hitting Brady more on the social issues? Maybe get a female announcer on the next ad and point out the dog-killing or finally run an ad on abortion so women will actually turn out and suburban women especially will realize this guy is way further right-wing than they realize? Tie him to Sarah Palin perhaps? Didn’t he appear at some fundraiser with her?
And does Quinn have no soundbites of Brady saying something dumb when Brady has been a public official for 15 years? REALLY? If not, then just find the most wacko things Glenn Beck has said and piece them together in an ad that ties him to Brady. None of that carrot stick stuff.
Just do SOMETHING man.