For a guy who supposedly has a 90% chance of winning this thing, he sure is running a lot of negative ads.
But this ad is, unfortunately, pretty good. The choppy, text visuals annoyed me. I felt like I was watching an annoying powerpoint presentation. But the content was good.
Fair Ad, I’d give it a B- rating. Quinn has very few arrows to shoot back and rumor has it no Bow (read money) to shoot any. The Chicago mayor’s race has siphoned many potential donors away. His only hope is a disaster debate mistake by Brady.
6/10 It responds to Quinns ad, but did it really need to? It was visually boring, but the music was a nice change from the usual dirges that accompany these types of ads. It is very well written. It’s like a radio ad with some hastily thrown together visuals.
Good, quick in and out ad. Nice smooth switch from Brady’s tax defense to Quinn’s problem points. Easy to remember the major points.
- Cool Hand Luke - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 3:52 pm:
I am not sure that I would say that it was a “harsh” new TV ad. I would be more inclined to call it a “Statement of Fact” TV ad.
All Bill Brady has to do is keep breathing air and remain quiet from now until November 2nd and he should be okay. Pat Quinn’s chances of getting elected in November are about the same as those of Rod Blagojevich or George Ryan were they ever to delude themselves into thinking that they could run sucessfully for governor again.
A It responds to the people out there who have not figured out that business losses lower or eliminate taxes, and, pounds away at Quinn’s shortcomings.
For every Quinn attack, there is a Brady counter-attack immediately following.
Spent more, borrowed more, gave staff raises, wants a tax increase, and repeat.
Spent more, borrowed more, gave staff raises, wants a tax increase, and repeat.
Does anyone think Jerry Clark will let Sen. Brady get off message?
I give it an 8 or 9. I give his campaign credit for being ready to respond to the “he didn’t pay taxes” charge and I think they turned it around quite nicely.
Some advisers would have said to just hunker down and ignore the hit. Instead they chose to address Quinn’s strongest attack head on and remind voters what this election is about, which is the financial condition of the state and Quinn’s mismanagement of the same.
In addition, it nicely undermines Quinn’s weak credibility. That sets things up for the “Don’t believe anything he says” defense.
I would like to see this item from the Tribune where they said he paid what he’s owed. Other than that interesting pivot to Quinn’s ineptness as Governor.
i’m not sure if the response on the income tax issue will convince anyone who knows much about taxes. the Trib and Quinn can both be right; Brady paid no taxes for, i presume, 2009, because he owed no such taxes, so he paid what he owed.
i assume his earned income was limited to his state salary, allowing him to offset earned income below a certain amount with tax losses.
i can’t fault either Brady or Alexi for not paying more taxes than they had to, and i bet lots of independents will feel the same and perhaps react negatively to their would-be accusers.
A - Right message for Brady…What’s Quinn’s response???….Oh, Yeah…”Brady will be worse than me”….I don’t see how that message sells in this economic environment.
Hmmmm. Score a zero
Would have used a quote from the West Podunk Gazette.
Anyone else wonder if endorsement from a bankrupt company cited for fraud by a federal court examiner is the “best” supporter to use? Especially when you are deny you are a tax cheat
NoTaxBill made a lot of Ks from IL…seems like he should have sent in a few coins just for show
Meanwhile Daddy’s Little Deduction has not reported how much Daddy saved keeping him on the tax return.
7 out of 10. I agree with others that the words popping up on the screen were annoying. Content, however, was good. Short and to the point. Quickly defends himself against Quinn’s attack and then again reminds voters of the current situation.
Brady is hammering home the idea that PQ has been in the gov office long enough to have a record. That record is bad. Time for someone else to have a go at it. A.
Brady has to respond to the tax issue because, as some have said here, many potential voters are not as well informed as those who post here - the tax issue should be addressed as frequently as PQ issues ads regarding it.
9 out of 10. The choppy text was a little annoying, but not all that noticeable. The pace was better than the last ad (they didn’t try to cram as much info into this one), the music was upbeat, narrator was good. As for the content, an excellent job of a quick, brief response to Quinn’s attack (to take it off the table), and then quickly shift gears back to the message theme: bad to worse; spent more, borrowed more, gave staff raises; clean break.
They smelled the blood in the water with the last Rasmussen poll, and they’re going for the kill now. Excellent job by Clarke to keep the campaign disciplined and on message. And here I thought Marchiori pulled off a miracle in the primary in the LG race…
Overall a very good ad, turns the income tax thing around then gets right back on the campaign message knocks Quinn and pushes the idea, I think effectively, that any Quinn attacks on Brady are attempts to distract voters from the real issues.
Perhaps it would save a lot of time and bandwith if everyone just agreed to agree that the LG candidates for both parties are not factors in the governor’s race. (But at least Brady got stuck with his, while PQ made the selection hisownself.)
Nice visuals on the Brady spot, yet 30 seconds later, I am struggling to retain anything detailed out of it. The canard about a 33 percent increase ( saying your taxes will go up by 33 percent sounds way more scary than saying it will rise from 2 percent to three percent or so) and that’s why they say it like that, I know. But especially when he hasn’t got a plan of his own and is promising money for nothing, it rings as dishonest.
I would retaliate with a negative ad that says Brady is a tool of big businesses like Walmart, wants to cut wages and health care for workers and lobbied for legislation that profited his personal business, a business he ran into bankruptcy and had to write off his taxes as a loss. Big business lacky who is out of touch with a state in deep need.
You got 30 seconds to make an impression big guy. Stick to a theme.
Spent more, borrowed more, gave staff raises, wants a tax increase, and repeat.
Spent more, borrowed more, gave staff raises, wants a tax increase, and repeat.
Good ad, but seems to invite a response from Quinn to the ‘paid all I owed’ line. Post his State salary (whatever that is), then ‘0 tax paid’. too easy.
7/10 nice pivot on the taxes issue the Trib quote gives him lots of cover.
I think that with the airwaves fillingup with the nice fluffy, I support Dick or the warm and fuzy table shots it will stick out more than the others and I think it begs the veiwer to look at closer and pay attentionthe second time around.
Brady is sticking to a message/theme.
Quinn is still looking for one. He might as well go to the kitchen, cook up a pot of spagetti and find a wall. It can’t be any worse then what he has tried so far.
“Quinn is still looking for one. He might as well go to the kitchen, cook up a pot of spagetti and find a wall. It can’t be any worse then what he has tried so far. ”
Or, he could try governing effectively and showing leadership. But I suppose that is too much to expect at this point, so sticking with negative ads is his only option.
I think the time for what you suggest has passed. Had hoped it would be different, but the sloganeering goverance seems only one step above government by press release.
I just don’t know what happened. Was he really this incompetent? I think hes a good man with some true feelings for people and those with less. But My 10 year old seems to have a better grasp on things and longer attention span.
I may not agree with his reasoning, but at least he tries to have a reason.
I don’t think Quinn is currupt. inept. desperate. but an honest man overall — note all politicians fib a bit by not telling everything, but I digress.
His campaign is truely dissapointing to a lot of people. But it is of his making. No one else’s
It’s a good ad, 8/10. Anyone else notice the cognitive dissonance of Brady hitting Quinn on the deficit while attacking him for wanting to increase taxes?
Yeah, I’m probably the only one bothered by that. The voters won’t care. Until January.
The ad is just a continuation of the “Big Lie” strategy, which I thought was supposed to have been eradicated form human society around May 8, 1945. With every one of these BS ads, the fuel for an eruption in our society will increase. Is that what Illinois needs? I think not.
Okay…so we are still be subjected to mud slinging and each side seems to have gotten it down pat. Hopefully!! sometime prior to election day, we have candidates who stand up and give us their personal views and solutions to our budget situation going forth! How will their solution help education, elderly, disabled, Vets…our consituent base as a whole??!! With their solution, how will their plan help to restore employment for so many to help the economy of our State! That’s what I want to hear before I have to go to the poll to vote. I like to learn about candidates to make my choice from intelligent facts presented to me. As of yet??!! Most have torn into each other’s keesters so they need donuts to sit on! Real and viable solutions…honesty…conviction in themselves to govern FOR those who elect them into the office they seek. OH…wait! That would be classified as “reform”!!
P.S. Does any of these candidates know the true meaning of “bi-partisanship”???? Put the egos on a shelf and get a grip! Governing is about “ALL” of us…not just a selected few! Rome did not last forever. Think about it!
Production A-. While some people think the graphics in the ad are bad or flashy, I think it’s good to drive home what you want the voter to remember like Lake Watcher said: Spent more, borrowed more, gave staff raises. Also the 33% (which I thought was 67%) increase in your taxes.
Content A++. Excellent message, as it deflates Quinn’s ad and accentuates why voters shouldn’t vote for Quinn.
I do think it’s time for Brady to come out with a positive ad (or at least have it play downstate) like the ad where it shows Chicago at the end and the one he had when the Primary was ending. Give the voters excitement about you. Maybe I’m not watching TV enough. I just see the negative right now.
- Ghost - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 3:24 pm:
Who is this Quinn you speak of? I thought Brady was running unopposed.
- OneMan - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 3:28 pm:
Boom goes the dynamite…
Hits the right points on Quinn…
- Stooges - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 3:30 pm:
I like the narrator.
- dave - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 3:32 pm:
For a guy who supposedly has a 90% chance of winning this thing, he sure is running a lot of negative ads.
But this ad is, unfortunately, pretty good. The choppy, text visuals annoyed me. I felt like I was watching an annoying powerpoint presentation. But the content was good.
- downstate hack - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 3:33 pm:
Fair Ad, I’d give it a B- rating. Quinn has very few arrows to shoot back and rumor has it no Bow (read money) to shoot any. The Chicago mayor’s race has siphoned many potential donors away. His only hope is a disaster debate mistake by Brady.
- We Todd Did - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 3:36 pm:
6/10 It responds to Quinns ad, but did it really need to? It was visually boring, but the music was a nice change from the usual dirges that accompany these types of ads. It is very well written. It’s like a radio ad with some hastily thrown together visuals.
- A.B. - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 3:40 pm:
I think this was damned good. Message will stick with the lay person after the first time they watch it. Solid A-
- zatoichi - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 3:49 pm:
Good, quick in and out ad. Nice smooth switch from Brady’s tax defense to Quinn’s problem points. Easy to remember the major points.
- Cool Hand Luke - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 3:52 pm:
I am not sure that I would say that it was a “harsh” new TV ad. I would be more inclined to call it a “Statement of Fact” TV ad.
All Bill Brady has to do is keep breathing air and remain quiet from now until November 2nd and he should be okay. Pat Quinn’s chances of getting elected in November are about the same as those of Rod Blagojevich or George Ryan were they ever to delude themselves into thinking that they could run sucessfully for governor again.
- Fred - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 3:54 pm:
A It responds to the people out there who have not figured out that business losses lower or eliminate taxes, and, pounds away at Quinn’s shortcomings.
For every Quinn attack, there is a Brady counter-attack immediately following.
- Lake Watcher - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 3:55 pm:
Spent more, borrowed more, gave staff raises, wants a tax increase, and repeat.
Spent more, borrowed more, gave staff raises, wants a tax increase, and repeat.
Does anyone think Jerry Clark will let Sen. Brady get off message?
- Home Sick - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 3:58 pm:
I give it an 8 or 9. I give his campaign credit for being ready to respond to the “he didn’t pay taxes” charge and I think they turned it around quite nicely.
Some advisers would have said to just hunker down and ignore the hit. Instead they chose to address Quinn’s strongest attack head on and remind voters what this election is about, which is the financial condition of the state and Quinn’s mismanagement of the same.
In addition, it nicely undermines Quinn’s weak credibility. That sets things up for the “Don’t believe anything he says” defense.
- Me - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 3:59 pm:
I’m so distraught by the pitiable choices we have this upcoming election…..but to the point…this was a good TV ad
- Levois - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 4:00 pm:
I would like to see this item from the Tribune where they said he paid what he’s owed. Other than that interesting pivot to Quinn’s ineptness as Governor.
- corvax - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 4:02 pm:
i’m not sure if the response on the income tax issue will convince anyone who knows much about taxes. the Trib and Quinn can both be right; Brady paid no taxes for, i presume, 2009, because he owed no such taxes, so he paid what he owed.
i assume his earned income was limited to his state salary, allowing him to offset earned income below a certain amount with tax losses.
i can’t fault either Brady or Alexi for not paying more taxes than they had to, and i bet lots of independents will feel the same and perhaps react negatively to their would-be accusers.
- Louis Howe - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 4:07 pm:
A - Right message for Brady…What’s Quinn’s response???….Oh, Yeah…”Brady will be worse than me”….I don’t see how that message sells in this economic environment.
- CircularFiringSquad - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 4:09 pm:
Hmmmm. Score a zero
Would have used a quote from the West Podunk Gazette.
Anyone else wonder if endorsement from a bankrupt company cited for fraud by a federal court examiner is the “best” supporter to use? Especially when you are deny you are a tax cheat
NoTaxBill made a lot of Ks from IL…seems like he should have sent in a few coins just for show
Meanwhile Daddy’s Little Deduction has not reported how much Daddy saved keeping him on the tax return.
- D.P. Gumby - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 4:14 pm:
Visuals not good. Content good response. Why didn’t Brady just stand up and say it himself?
- LincolnLounger - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 4:21 pm:
The Brady campaing FINALLY seems agile, well-funded, and disciplined about staying on message.
This ad will reinforce Quinn’s negatives. Not sure why it is “harsh”. Facts are stubborn things.
- Demoralized - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 4:37 pm:
7 out of 10. I agree with others that the words popping up on the screen were annoying. Content, however, was good. Short and to the point. Quickly defends himself against Quinn’s attack and then again reminds voters of the current situation.
- dupage dan - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 4:44 pm:
Brady is hammering home the idea that PQ has been in the gov office long enough to have a record. That record is bad. Time for someone else to have a go at it. A.
Brady has to respond to the tax issue because, as some have said here, many potential voters are not as well informed as those who post here - the tax issue should be addressed as frequently as PQ issues ads regarding it.
- eastsider - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 4:44 pm:
9 out of 10. The choppy text was a little annoying, but not all that noticeable. The pace was better than the last ad (they didn’t try to cram as much info into this one), the music was upbeat, narrator was good. As for the content, an excellent job of a quick, brief response to Quinn’s attack (to take it off the table), and then quickly shift gears back to the message theme: bad to worse; spent more, borrowed more, gave staff raises; clean break.
They smelled the blood in the water with the last Rasmussen poll, and they’re going for the kill now. Excellent job by Clarke to keep the campaign disciplined and on message. And here I thought Marchiori pulled off a miracle in the primary in the LG race…
- Don't Worry, Be Happy - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 4:47 pm:
If you watch the ad using a magnifying glass you can see Jason Plummer’s name on the screen for about one second at the end.
- RMW Stanford - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 4:55 pm:
Overall a very good ad, turns the income tax thing around then gets right back on the campaign message knocks Quinn and pushes the idea, I think effectively, that any Quinn attacks on Brady are attempts to distract voters from the real issues.
- Responsa - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 5:26 pm:
Perhaps it would save a lot of time and bandwith if everyone just agreed to agree that the LG candidates for both parties are not factors in the governor’s race. (But at least Brady got stuck with his, while PQ made the selection hisownself.)
- Anon - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 5:39 pm:
The “giving staff raises” point is going to haunt Quinn every time he tries to argue about fiscal responsibility. And it should. Good ad, B+.
- KGB - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 5:47 pm:
Anyone who knows (or cares) about paying taxes should realize that Brady’s “paid what he owed” skirts the real issue.
But alas, the masses want Quinn’s head, believe he could be a liar, and thus will let the response slide.
Give it an 8/10 because it does well what it set out to do.
- soccermom - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 6:01 pm:
I was deleted? Why?
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 6:02 pm:
Because I was having a snack when you posted and it made me feel yucky.
- soccermom - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 6:04 pm:
I am shrieking with laughter. Who knew you were so sensitive?
- mia - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 6:05 pm:
it’s ok—the quick response in itself, is even better.. brady appears to hv a good team behind him.
- soccermom - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 6:05 pm:
As a parent, I assumed you had grown used to that sort of thing. Also as a political reporter.
- Newsclown - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 6:08 pm:
Nice visuals on the Brady spot, yet 30 seconds later, I am struggling to retain anything detailed out of it. The canard about a 33 percent increase ( saying your taxes will go up by 33 percent sounds way more scary than saying it will rise from 2 percent to three percent or so) and that’s why they say it like that, I know. But especially when he hasn’t got a plan of his own and is promising money for nothing, it rings as dishonest.
I would retaliate with a negative ad that says Brady is a tool of big businesses like Walmart, wants to cut wages and health care for workers and lobbied for legislation that profited his personal business, a business he ran into bankruptcy and had to write off his taxes as a loss. Big business lacky who is out of touch with a state in deep need.
- Lake Watcher - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 6:38 pm:
Hey Clown,
You got 30 seconds to make an impression big guy. Stick to a theme.
Spent more, borrowed more, gave staff raises, wants a tax increase, and repeat.
Spent more, borrowed more, gave staff raises, wants a tax increase, and repeat.
Winning Campaigns 101, Brady camp gets it, Quinn camp doesn’t
It really is that simple.
- Park - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 6:57 pm:
Good ad, but seems to invite a response from Quinn to the ‘paid all I owed’ line. Post his State salary (whatever that is), then ‘0 tax paid’. too easy.
“Clean Break” theme is very good.
- Todd - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 8:30 pm:
7/10 nice pivot on the taxes issue the Trib quote gives him lots of cover.
I think that with the airwaves fillingup with the nice fluffy, I support Dick or the warm and fuzy table shots it will stick out more than the others and I think it begs the veiwer to look at closer and pay attentionthe second time around.
Brady is sticking to a message/theme.
Quinn is still looking for one. He might as well go to the kitchen, cook up a pot of spagetti and find a wall. It can’t be any worse then what he has tried so far.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 9:01 pm:
“Quinn is still looking for one. He might as well go to the kitchen, cook up a pot of spagetti and find a wall. It can’t be any worse then what he has tried so far. ”
Or, he could try governing effectively and showing leadership. But I suppose that is too much to expect at this point, so sticking with negative ads is his only option.
- Todd - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 9:38 pm:
anon –
I think the time for what you suggest has passed. Had hoped it would be different, but the sloganeering goverance seems only one step above government by press release.
I just don’t know what happened. Was he really this incompetent? I think hes a good man with some true feelings for people and those with less. But My 10 year old seems to have a better grasp on things and longer attention span.
I may not agree with his reasoning, but at least he tries to have a reason.
I don’t think Quinn is currupt. inept. desperate. but an honest man overall — note all politicians fib a bit by not telling everything, but I digress.
His campaign is truely dissapointing to a lot of people. But it is of his making. No one else’s
- TimB - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 9:40 pm:
The spaghetti/wall thing IS how he governs.
- matt - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 9:54 pm:
Nice ad…Don’t think it really matters what Quinn says now, anyway.
- 47th Ward - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 10:01 pm:
It’s a good ad, 8/10. Anyone else notice the cognitive dissonance of Brady hitting Quinn on the deficit while attacking him for wanting to increase taxes?
Yeah, I’m probably the only one bothered by that. The voters won’t care. Until January.
- 4 percent - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 10:50 pm:
Pat Quinn had more attention deficit disorder on picking a theme that Tom Cross has in most meetings!!
- fedup dem - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 11:10 pm:
The ad is just a continuation of the “Big Lie” strategy, which I thought was supposed to have been eradicated form human society around May 8, 1945. With every one of these BS ads, the fuel for an eruption in our society will increase. Is that what Illinois needs? I think not.
- Marty - Friday, Sep 24, 10 @ 1:20 am:
a good, effective ad. The issue is kinda stupid, but Quinn raised it (again) so Brady had to respond. The ad served its purpose.
- SouthernIL - Friday, Sep 24, 10 @ 7:52 am:
Okay…so we are still be subjected to mud slinging and each side seems to have gotten it down pat. Hopefully!! sometime prior to election day, we have candidates who stand up and give us their personal views and solutions to our budget situation going forth! How will their solution help education, elderly, disabled, Vets…our consituent base as a whole??!! With their solution, how will their plan help to restore employment for so many to help the economy of our State! That’s what I want to hear before I have to go to the poll to vote. I like to learn about candidates to make my choice from intelligent facts presented to me. As of yet??!! Most have torn into each other’s keesters so they need donuts to sit on! Real and viable solutions…honesty…conviction in themselves to govern FOR those who elect them into the office they seek. OH…wait! That would be classified as “reform”!!
- SouthernIL - Friday, Sep 24, 10 @ 7:59 am:
P.S. Does any of these candidates know the true meaning of “bi-partisanship”???? Put the egos on a shelf and get a grip! Governing is about “ALL” of us…not just a selected few! Rome did not last forever. Think about it!
- CM46 - Friday, Sep 24, 10 @ 8:00 am:
Production A-. While some people think the graphics in the ad are bad or flashy, I think it’s good to drive home what you want the voter to remember like Lake Watcher said: Spent more, borrowed more, gave staff raises. Also the 33% (which I thought was 67%) increase in your taxes.
Content A++. Excellent message, as it deflates Quinn’s ad and accentuates why voters shouldn’t vote for Quinn.
I do think it’s time for Brady to come out with a positive ad (or at least have it play downstate) like the ad where it shows Chicago at the end and the one he had when the Primary was ending. Give the voters excitement about you. Maybe I’m not watching TV enough. I just see the negative right now.