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Steinem’s whirlwind tour and other mayoral stuff

Thursday, Sep 23, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Here’s something to ponder: Why is Gloria Steinem all of a sudden making news in Chicago?

She’s headlining a fundraiser for US Senate candidate Alexi Giannoulias, and she’s backing Carol Moseley Braun for mayor.

And then there’s today’s Sneed column

Rahm just got rammed. Legendary feminist Gloria Steinem is not only shocked . . . shocked . . . shocked there aren’t more women running for Mayor Daley’s job, but she is NO fan of mayoral hopeful Rahm Emanuel.

• Plug ‘em: “I campaigned against him [Rahm] for Congress and I’d be happy to campaign against him for mayor,” said Steinem, who claims she disagrees with Emanuel on many issues relating to women.

• Press ‘em: Steinem, accompanied by actress/buddy Jennifer Beals, who is starring in the upcoming Chicago-based TV series “Ride Along,” was in town Wednesday promoting the Women’s Media Center, a vehicle to “positively impact the visibility of women in the media.”

The founder of Ms. Magazine was born in Toledo, Ohio. She’s never lived in Illinois, as far as I can tell. Yet, there she was on Chicago Tonight last night holding forth

* Even so, Steinem is one of the only people who has publicly questioned why there is a dearth of female candidates for Chicago mayor. Maybe that’s why she’s getting so much press. She’s saying something that almost nobody in the city is saying. News needs to be “new” to be interesting, and whatever you think about her, she’s saying something different and, frankly, new.

* Meanwhile, speaking of the mayor’s race and women, Lisa Madigan is playing her usual game of Hamlet

Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan on Wednesday refused to say she would complete her third term if she is re-elected in November, leaving the door open for a run for Chicago mayor.

Madigan, a Chicago Democrat, was asked repeatedly in a Tribune interview whether she would pledge to serve out her four-year term if re-elected. She declined to give a yes or no answer, instead talking about how much she enjoyed her current position.

“I want to serve as your attorney general. That is my goal,” Madigan said. […]

Told her answers leave open the possibility she could run for mayor, Madigan responded, “You are persistent and so am I.”

The only way to get media coverage in Chicago these days is to float your name for mayor. I’m surprised Pat Quinn hasn’t done it yet. [Just kidding… Kinda.]

* In other mayoral-related, female-related news, Mark Brown has a funny column today

[Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr.] may be the first U.S. politician to use “social acquaintance” as a euphemism for woman-with-whom-I’m-suspected-of-having-an-affair.

I mean it. This is groundbreaking stuff. Think of all the major American politicians that have walked this road before him: Clinton, Edwards, Hart, just to name a few.

I made an electronic database search of all the instances in which the words “social acquaintance” appeared in any context in any English-speaking news organization of note in recent years, and while I couldn’t make it through every one, I found no articles involving embarrassed politicians explaining their relationship with a member of the opposite sex.

The closest I came was that “social acquaintance” seems to be the terminology favored by judges who are forced to explain why they’ve been hanging out with alleged mobsters.

I think Jackson used the word “social” in the same way it’s used in the phrase “social disease.” By using such an unusal phrase, he has forever associated himself with those two words, a bit like it used to be in the old days when there were no cures for social diseases. Think: “I misremembered it wrong.”

* Tribune

Whatever happened between Jackson and the “social acquaintance,” a hostess at Ozio Restaurant & Lounge in Washington, is, indeed, his family’s business. Unless he really did have his friend and campaign supporter pay to fly her to Chicago; then it’s likely the business of the House ethics committee.

This is the real problem for me. It would’ve been inexcusable to just publish a story about Jackson having a girlfriend unless there was a reason. Having your fundraiser pal fly her back and forth to Chicago is a big no-no for a congressman, who are ruled by a gift ban.

* And then there’s this interesting point from Mary Mitchell

Nyak told the FBI that he paid for two airline trips for Huidobro, who lived in Washington, D.C., to come to Chicago.

That, of course, raises other questions.

For instance, why would a married man fly his “social acquaintance” to the city where his wife lives?

If the allegations are true, you’d have to wonder if Sandi Jackson actually lives in Washington rather than in the 7th Ward.

Yeah. You’d have to wonder.

* And this is no surprise

All signs point to White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel running for mayor of Chicago.

Emanuel’s decision is all but made — he still has some family matters to consider — but if his trajectory holds, watch for him to step down from his White House perch sometime in October. It will be a quick transition for Emanuel — from dealing with an Afghanistan war to street repairs on Ardmore, Archer and Aberdeen.

It’s good to see Emanuel doing this, but I’m not sure he or anyone else can contain it

With the potential of a mayoral race being divisive — reopening racial fault lines in the city — Davis said they talked about the kind of campaign they each wanted, “not to be designed to fracture the city, not to polarize the city but to have it be as harmonious as it could be.”

* Roundup…

* Source: Dart to run for Chicago mayor

* Davis: Jackson Should Not Run for Mayor

* Challengers: Jackson’s More Vulnerable After New Allegations

* Ethics panel quiet on Jackson probe

* Kadner: Jackson says he’s sorry, But that’s not much

* Emanuel chats up potential Chicago mayor foes, drops strong hints he’ll run

* Big three still dominate early mayoral race lineup

* Chicago mayor’s race begins to take shape


  1. - wordslinger - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 11:09 am:

    Gloria Steinem? I used to find her character very annoying on “All in the Family,” and then there were those weepy, “Save the Children” spots where it looked like she had eaten all the aid food….

    That’s not her? What’s this Gloria doing here again?

    Does Emanuel want out of the White House in a hurry or what? Obama was quoted as saying he expected him to do his job through the election.

    That ain’t going to happen. Rahm is purposely, methodically, irreparably undermining his West Wing power every day he focuses on the Chicago situation.

  2. - Vote Quimby! - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 11:12 am:

    == I’m surprised Pat Quinn hasn’t done it yet. [Just kidding… Kinda.]==
    He would still have time to circulate petitions after the election…

  3. - Northsider - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 11:15 am:

    Gloria Steinem raises a good question about the dearth of women willing to run for mayor, but does she (or anyone, for that matter) honestly believe anyone in Chicago cares whether she supports A or B or CMB in the Feb. 22 election?

  4. - Cincinnatus - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 11:16 am:

    Rich says,

    “She’s never lived in Illinois, as far as I can tell. Yet, there she was on Chicago Tonight last night holding forth…”

    Oh, but what a Chicago connection she has! About 10 years ago, she married Christian Bale’s father. Of course you remember Christian, our new Batman. Batman used Chicago as Gotham City during its filming. Ergo…

  5. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 11:18 am:

    OK then!
    Time to nominate Carolyn, Lauren or Nora Daley
    Each of these young ladies has shown talent and could keep the Daleys in Chicago power.

    Feminism - Chicago style.!

  6. - shore - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 11:19 am:

    I know absolutely nothing about Jackson’s neck of the woods, but 2 things.

    -You wonder how much sandi jackson has to lose if she dumped the guy. If she left jesse, what would her political standing be as sandi smith?

    -With congressman Kirk leaving the house, jackson is the state congressional delegation’s only appropriator in the house. LaHood left obviously 2 years ago and no one was named to the panel from the state to take his spot. I’m not in government, but Obama won’t be in the white house forever and given the needs the state has in dc it seems a tough time to get shut out of the sausage making.

  7. - Riley Diefenbach - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 11:20 am:

    I doubt Lisa Madigan will run for mayor, governor, US senator…..ever. We will be answering this question until time eternity. My prediction is that Lisa Madigan runs for re-election for AG until she is 85. Check back on this blog in the year 2050 and let me know if I am wrong.

  8. - soccermom - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 11:20 am:

    With all due respect to Mary Mitchell, it is not unheard of for married men to stray in the very same cities their wives are in. And I would cynically note that it’s easier to fly a social acquaintance in for the weekend than it is to explain to your wife why you’re heading back to DC for a few days when Congress is not in session…

  9. - Edison Parker - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 11:21 am:

    Cincinnatus. She was also a Playboy bunny in New York, but Playboy was founded in Chicago, ergo…

  10. - Way South of the Border - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 11:26 am:

    V-man, we’re waiting for your rewrite of the lyrics to Officer Krupke. Any progress?

  11. - dupage dan - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 11:29 am:

    Perfect. Gloria Bunker Stivic will now tell Chicagoans how to run their affairs? By promoting Carol Mostly Brain-dead? Hey, CMB, gonna bring back Kgosie Matthews to run your campaign? You could raise money using the time tested Nigerian bank scam.

    Isn’t there some kind of expiration date on these pathetic candidates?

    If Lisa Madigan runs, will Steinem switch over? Stay tuned to the next episode of Chicago Hurts.

  12. - Secret Square - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 11:29 am:

    Why no women running for mayor? Well, look what happened to the last and so far only woman who did so successfully (Jane Byrne) — only served one term, not remembered with the kind of respect/affection accorded to the Daleys, hasn’t held another elected office since (that I know of). Maybe Lisa Madigan and other potential women candidates don’t think it’s worth the effort if they are just going to end up like her?

  13. - dupage dan - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 11:35 am:

    Secret Square,

    Care to list the reasons why Byrne didn’t fare so well in Chicago? Think it was because she was female? Did you live in Chicago during her term in office? Were you old enough to read the papers or watch the news during that time?

    Female ain’t got nothin’ to do wid it. Arrogant and incompetent got everything to do with it. She was a clown in a pants suit. Thought she had a incumbent dynasty after getting elected. Just like CMB. They both thought they could do whatever they wanted and look what happened. It appears that Byrne may have been the only one to learn the lesson. CMB has no such shame, tho.

  14. - Amalia - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 11:41 am:

    I don’t care what Gloria Steinem says. but I do wish that
    we could, occasionally, take seriously the idea that many
    question why there are few women in play for big offices.
    I don’t want a “you have to come through my community”
    situation as is thrust upon us by some activists who
    represent racial or ethnic groups. but it would be nice
    if there were a serious worthy candidate who is a woman.
    I don’t see one in any part of the disussion for mayor.

  15. - chicago 7 - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 11:45 am:

    I’m surprised that more reporters haven’t picked up on the phone calls that JJJ made to his ‘hindu friend.’ According to he feds, JJJ’s phone records show that he phoned the Indian emissary right before and right after the emissary spoke to Rob Blago, who says that emissary made the 6M offer in that call. In this context, JJJ’s protestations ring false.

  16. - anon - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 11:48 am:

    Washington (CNN) – President Barack Obama’s chief of staff may be departing as early as next month, but Obama’s top political adviser says he will be in the West Wing until spring 2011, or so.

    In an email exchange Thursday, David Axelrod said he would remain at the White House past the midterm elections and into 2011, with a target departure date sometime in the spring.


    “Take a break. Plunge into re-elect.”

    Guess we know who’s running Rahm’s election!

  17. - paddyrollingstone - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 11:50 am:

    From her Wikipedia site (and we all know how accurate that is):

    Steinem has been an influential player in politics since the 1960s. Her involvement in presidential campaigns stretches back to her support of Adlai Stevenson in the 1952 presidential campaign.

    That one sure worked out well for Adlai. Read the whole thing; it’s like every politician she endorses looses miserably.

  18. - Cincinnatus - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 11:53 am:

    I do not think that there is much discrimination against women any more, at least compared to a 25-50 years ago. Politics requires of its participants a certain dues-paying process. We are now in the midst of seeing this, as women rise to high ranks in the government, business, etc. But change of this nature are generational in nature as the system works its way through to equality.

    One also needs to ask the question (Larry Summers got hammered for it while at Harvard), is there a predisposition among women for certain types of jobs/careers/activities. Just from the demographics of women in society, one can see certain correlations (not to be confused with causations) that can back this up.

    Bottom line is there is an excellent PhD here for someone to explore.

    But to reiterate, I think discrimination plays a minor role for why there are not a bunch of women running for mayor, or any office. It just ain’t happened yet.

  19. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 11:54 am:

    ===I think discrimination plays a minor role for why there are not a bunch of women running for mayor===

    I don’t think anybody is really saying that. Red herring.

  20. - Leroy - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 11:54 am:

    Love the story, anon@11:48.

    They must get the ‘Rahm is Leaving’ story out now, so it doesn’t look like he’s abandoning Obama after the brutual elections in November.

  21. - Secret Square - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 12:04 pm:

    Dan, I’m not saying Byrne’s problems were SOLELY due to sexism. (No, I did not live in Chicago during her administration. I lived a short distance downstate. I was in my late teens, and old enough to follow/watch Chicago news with regularity.)

    I am saying that for whatever reasons — including those you cite — Byrne does not appear to have left a legacy that would inspire others to follow in her footsteps.

  22. - Responsa - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 12:14 pm:

    I watched the Steinem interview on channel 11. I think Marin is a fine journalist and certainly one of the best interviewers in the city. But technically and journalistically that was one of the worst pieces I have ever seen her do. Letting Steinem control the discussion as she did was disappointing. Allowing Steinem to position herself, without challenge, as an authority on what Illinois voters should do in November, and who should and shouldn’t run for mayor, was embarrassing. Gloria pretending to care about fairness to women in media when she never says boo as media regularly “examines” women candidates on their looks and clothes, (think Palin and Hillary) and deeply invades the privacy of their families in a way that is almost never done with men, says it all about Gloria’s priorities.

    And to your excellent point, Amalia, I think that this different treatment of woman candidates is almost a foregone conclusion, and is one very big reason women think twice about running for the top offices.

  23. - Cincinnatus - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 12:16 pm:

    - Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 11:54 am:

    ===I think discrimination plays a minor role for why there are not a bunch of women running for mayor===

    “I don’t think anybody is really saying that. Red herring.”

    Only Gloria…

  24. - Northsider - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 12:17 pm:

    Serious question: What Chicago women, currently in elective office or otherwise well known, are qualified to be mayor of the nation’s third largest city?

    I’m not asking whether anyone would, or should, run for mayor. I’m trying to gauge the talent pool’s depth for 2011, or even 2015. I think there’s a pretty solid consensus that Carol Moseley-Braun swims near the zero-depth end, but who else is in the water?

  25. - OneMan - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 12:17 pm:

    One of the challenges to getting a candidate to run is actually getting them to run (I am looking at you Lisa)

  26. - Northsider - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 12:18 pm:

    P.S. Oy, vey. Shoud’ve been “Which Chicago women…”

    And let that be a lesson on the hazards of blog posting on too little coffee.

  27. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 12:19 pm:

    ===Only Gloria… ===

    Got a quote?

  28. - dupage dan - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 12:23 pm:


    Byrne was such an embarrassment for the city she has been rightfully forgotten. It had everything to do with her foolishness. IMO, mentioning her sex as a possible reason ignores the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

    There are some fairly well known women who are in a position of some political prominence who could announce as a candidate and no one would be discussing her sex as a +/-. They would discuss her viability based on her clout, contacts, power base, ability to raise funds, closet skeletons, etc. In short, just like they would do for a man. I would challange you to name a woman with that kind of prominence (Lisa Madigan, for example) who would be fearful of running for mayor of Chicago based on a fear her sex would be used against her.

  29. - Anonymous - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 12:23 pm:

    Uh, folks, there’s a Chicago woman who’s about to be elected Cook County Board President who could, if she had positioned herself differently, have had a shot at Mayor. In addition to the AG.

    And Valerie Jarrett is certainly “qualified” to be Mayor.

    There are certainly “qualified” women out there. But it’s a matter of positioning, timing, luck, and desire, along with skills.

  30. - dupage dan - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 12:30 pm:

    Howsabout Dorothy Tillman. Would I get into trouble if I mention her hats?

  31. - Nuance - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 12:35 pm:

    Why no women running for mayor? Maybe they are all too smart!

  32. - Louis G. Atsaves - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 12:37 pm:

    Isn’t Gloria so 1970’s? How relevant is she these days?

  33. - The Captain - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 12:43 pm:

    It’s worth pointing out that in the poll that was run right after the Mayor announced his retirement Rahm was getting more of the African American vote than the two African Americans in the poll (Jackson and Meeks) combined. If that poll is remotely accurate, and his own polling shows something similar, then it is very much in Rahm’s interest to keep the race from getting divisive when he talks with Jackson or Davis, he’s stealing votes out of their backyards!

  34. - Amalia - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 12:49 pm:

    Responsa, thanks, and many comments on this blog discourage
    in the same vein. but I must defend Gloria on Hillary. she
    said lots in support of Hillary when feminists all over the country, including irritating loud ones in Chicago, were ignoring
    the excellent candidate they had in Hillary. The performance
    of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State really makes one wonder
    if things could be better now if she were President. sadly, there
    seems to be no Hillary for Chicago. But women should move
    on now to what is the best choice from the men. Oh, and
    to those who dismiss Gloria, yes, I disagree with her on this
    issue, but she is WAY relevant, incredibly important as a figure
    in public policy discourse.

  35. - Government Can Do Better - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 1:04 pm:

    Sorry folks–Rebecca Sive said it first and she’s right! There are talented women in Chicago who could do the job–Richard Daley did it for many years and if he could do it–need I say more? I don’t think my candidate has spoken up yet–but she’s out there!

  36. - Slick Rick - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 1:19 pm:

    I was just reading over the Dart article and it made me wonder…Four years ago Dart teamed up with what is now AKPD. The article mentions that Dart was huddling with his advisers and forming a campaign staff…I assume AKPD would be leaning towards aiding Rahm. Any clue who those advisers are that Dart is huddling with? I am just not in “the know” as so many of you disgusting hacks.

  37. - Ghost - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 1:35 pm:

    === why would a married man fly his “social acquaintance” to the city where his wife lives?====

    How about a non-tin foily hat answer…. the guy is filled wiht hubris and not very brite at times.

    after all, why would an elected official who just narrowly avoided being indicted toss down the gauntlet at the US attorney challenging the USA to indict him?

    not much of a mystery there IMHO

  38. - Loop Lady - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 2:03 pm:

    DuPage Dan: Yeah, don’t mention it…here’s the thing folks…politics is still a boy’s club for the most part, unless your Daddy (or husband) preceded you in the office…the US lags in the ascension of women to the higher ranks of public office as compared to Europe and South America…sad, but true…

  39. - Chickster - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 2:15 pm:

    I saw Steinem on Chgo Tonight last evening. I didn’t walk away thinking she was backing Mosley Braun.
    What she did was READ from a list of possible female candidates. Steinem doesn’t know these women. Someone supplied her with a list of potential candidates.
    I have no doubt that several women are getting ready to pass petitions but I would imagine like their male counterparts, they are waiting to see how this race shakes out. They all want to be the only female candidate.
    Besides Lisa Madigan, who has the name recognition, quick access to money or ability to quickly raise money? If she is out there, her name is not being tossed around now.
    I don’t think this is gender bias, it’s just reality.

  40. - Amalia - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 2:25 pm:

    Loop Lady is right on the pool of women potentials and the
    reasons. it’s depressing to see countries in the Middle East
    requiring set percentages of women for their legislative body
    because they get that women need representation and we
    don’t in the U.S. political locker room mentality.

  41. - Anonymous - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 2:27 pm:

    Loop Lady - politics is an old boy’s club. It’s a lot easier for men, too, if their daddy or mommy or brother-in-law or political sponsor preceded them in office.

  42. - ZC - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 2:39 pm:

    We’ve gone a fair ways into this thread I believe without anyone mentioning that a woman, Toni Preckwinkle, is about to become the President of the Cook County Board, one of the most important governmental offices in Illinois.

    Just thought I’d throw that out there.

  43. - Loop Lady - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 2:45 pm:

    ZC: IMO she is Daley’s candidate…it will give Richie something to do after he “retires”…

  44. - Responsa - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 2:59 pm:

    ==a woman, Toni Preckwinkle, is about to become the President of the Cook County Board.==

    With all due respect to Toni, her upcoming accomplishment would feel more like a “top” elected office and one of the most “important governmental offices in Illinois” if it were not currently held by the Toddler.

  45. - centrist - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 3:09 pm:

    A possibly interesting element in the race. Stories of foreclosure fraud by banks are beginning to pop up. If they start to make major headlines, it could help Dart who was way out in front on that issue.

  46. - Amalia - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 3:10 pm:

    Government can do better: I read the Sive missive too. where
    are the names? If Sive has a candidate, or list of candidates,
    it’s way past time to share. and you can share too. names please.

  47. - Ghost - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 3:17 pm:

    So between mosley braun, found to have campaign fundraising violations, who had a nierian immigrant on her campaing staff in violation of the law, and went to visit with a dicataotr know for human right violations….is steinems pick over Sandi Jackson???

  48. - dupage dan - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 4:10 pm:


    Please read your posts before hitting the say it button. Very hard to get what you are saying what with all the typos nstuff. Maybe that’s the point tho, eh?

  49. - Amalia - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 4:21 pm:

    oh, dupage dan, come on, we can read what Ghost is writing,
    we just cannot believe what Ghost is writing! like CMB and
    Sandi are the only two choices…. gag. what about some of the
    women who run big foundations or not for profits? Barbara
    Flynn Currie has been in leadership for ages. why is no one
    mentioning her as a candidate, for example.

  50. - dupage dan - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 4:28 pm:


    I wonder what Mid-East countries you are referring to? What percentages are we talking about? You make these countries seem so benign by that comment. I have seen some of the film of women being beheaded in some of the Mid-East countries - maybe you aren’t including them in your calculations.

    Requiring set percentages of women for their legislative body - are you suggesting quotas?

    Many Mid-East countries are ruled by monarchies or single party regimes and the legislative bodies are mere rubber-stamp institutions w/little actual power. That would mean any woman in the legislature would be simply window dressing. You ok with that? Just for appearances?

  51. - dupage dan - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 4:32 pm:


    I believe there are many women who would make fine candidates for mayor of Chicago. As well as some men, too. Obviously, one would have to get the reasons they are on the sidelines from them. I sure wish some would step up! I don’t live in Chicago, but that city affects me and Ms dupagedan. The current crop don’t look too good to me. Sheeesh.

  52. - wordslinger - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 4:47 pm:

    –it’s depressing to see countries in the Middle East
    requiring set percentages of women for their legislative body
    because they get that women need representation and we
    don’t in the U.S.–

    I agree. Let’s set women representation at 10%.

    Just kidding. “Women” voters are a majority in this country. Whey should there be a percentage set?

  53. - Amalia - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 6:05 pm:

    not having the international feminist quota list at my fingertips, a simple 5 minute google search will point you to LOTS of countries with quota, gender percentage requirements, percentages of candidates on party lists required at a certain level. not certain how I would do it here, but take a look….

    Rwanda, post genocide. Morocco. Kurdish area of Iraq.
    Pakistan. India Mozambique. Tanzania. South Africa.
    Nepal. proposed in constitution in Kenya.

    want Europe? all the Scandinavian countries. France.
    Germany. Spain. Belgium. Austria.

    Argentina. Costa Rica. probably more. i’m just surfing.

    get the picture? the United States is way behind in
    erasing gender inequities. we address race and ethnic
    issues in redistricting, so gender must go another way.

    here’s my new idea for mayor for Chicago….Mary Dempsey.
    personal money. involved in education. lawyer. administrative
    experience. has experience with the aldercreatures of Chicago.
    a google look at women who are members of the Chicago
    Network gave me that prompt. there are lots of other
    great women on that list. come on Rebecca Sive, have
    your say at actual names!

  54. - Way South of the Border - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 6:19 pm:

    There are plenty of women leaders in the business and civic community and men often enter politics by that route (as have Carly Fiorina, Meg Whitman). This is usually touted as a plus.

    So here are some names: Mary Sue Barrett, Julia Stasch, Andrea Zopp, Joy Cunningham (now a judge, but orginally from the health care world), Deborah DeHaas, Sheli Rosenberg, Irene Rosenfeld, Paula Wolf.

    And that’s just off the top of my head. I’m not claiming that all are mayoral material, but there is a lot of female leadership out there.

    But decades of Daley’s iron rule has co-opted or burned out a lot of talent and narrowed our horizons. And now, before we’ve had a chance to clear our heads and see new possibilities, the usual suspects are jumping in — Rahm, Carol. Retreads. Ugh.

    Which accounts, I think, for the reactions we’re seeing here and elsewhere. I agree with Amalia. We have to start chattering, and the more specifics the better. It is too 1970s to just call for A Woman.

  55. - Park - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 7:04 pm:

    Man, I didn’t know she was still alive. Glad she is, but how is she relevant? Very 70’s.

    As a male type guy, my reaction to all of this type of complaining is that there’s more woman than men in this country (at least by a small margin). And I’ve seen statistics on the % of wealth men/woman…it’s always like 60% women (cuz’ men die earlier for one thing).

    Stop complaining and go do whatever you want. Want a woman president….elect one. Men can’t stop you. But don’t dump guilt on us. It’s your failure.

  56. - Way South of the Border - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 7:19 pm:

    Park, believe me your stern little scold could go much further than it does. Women are extremely hard on women candidates. We’re not the only group that practices self-loathing and self sabotage to such harmful degrees, but we’ve probably been doing it the longest.

    And there’s no fix but to raise it and talk about it, so you might want to plug your ears for a while, while we work this out. We’ll let you know when it is safe to listen.

  57. - ZC - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 10:35 pm:

    She’s getting little media coverage thus far, but Cook County Commmissioner Bridget Gainer has indicated several times she’s considering a run.

  58. - The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 10:56 pm:

    Way South must not be a Republican. Just a guess. We generally don’t make it a practice to practice “self-loathing and self sabotage” and certainly not to harmful degrees. Just sayin.

  59. - The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Thursday, Sep 23, 10 @ 11:02 pm:

    To support that, many R women actually like Sarah Palin–for example–and actively support her.

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* Fair hit?
* When RETAIL Succeeds, Illinois Succeeds
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