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Gaming the media and the media’s games

Friday, Sep 24, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Want your campaign to get a lot of notice for almost nothing? Post a TV ad to YouTube and don’t tell anybody how much you’re actually spending…

* Tribune: First TV ad of Chicago mayor’s race

* CBS2: Del Valle Unveils TV Ad

* ABC7: First mayoral campaign ads hit TV

* NBC5: Del Valle First to Air Mayoral Campaign Ad

There were other stories, but you get the idea. Here’s Miguel del Valle’s much-covered ad

I checked and del Valle is spending just $10,000 to run this ad. The city-wide cable TV buy started yesterday and runs until Tuesday. Only ABC7 [ADDING: and the Sun-Times] noticed this little factoid.

By comparison, the Senate Democrats are spending $36,582 a week, every week, on cable in appointed state Sen. John Mulroe’s campaign. And that’s just in one Comcast zone out of the company’s five zones. The Republicans are spending $8,350 per week in the same zone.

I’ve been gamed this way myself, but I try to update you when that happens. We’ll see if anybody else does that now.

* I haven’t spent much time on Daleypalooza the past few days, but I did want to point something out from earlier this week. The Associated Press claimed a major scoop on Wednesday

Tom Dart, the Cook County sheriff who made national headlines when he sued Craigslist, halted court-ordered evictions and headed a probe into the alleged resale of a historic cemetery’s burial plots, will run for mayor of Chicago, two people close to Dart said Wednesday.

“He’s all the way in,” said one person, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the person was not authorized to talk publicly about Dart’s plans. “He’s decided to run.”

From the Chicago Sun-Times on September 8th

But now that Daley is out, Dart, an Irish-American son of Beverly, whose father was a confidant of the mayor’s father, “is all in” the race, a top source said.

Not much of a scoop. Heck, it was basically the same quote recycled two weeks later.

* Considering that Terry Peterson has been seen as a potential mayoral candidate, this is an interesting little development

Sneed hears rumbles CTA board Chairman Terry Peterson, who was Mayor Daley’s campaign manager four years ago — and was considered a possible mayoral contender — has reportedly signed on to manage Rahm Emanuel’s mayoral bid.

Since the rest of her story was about her interview with David Axelrod, we might infer that’s where her little nugget came from.

* Out before it begins

* Assessor Houlihan won’t run for Chicago mayor

* Bill Daley Won’t Run for Chicago Mayor

* From our friends at WBEZ comes your weekly advance copy of their fine politics show…

Best Game in Town 9/24/10 – Daley, Nixon and the mad dash for cash

As the race for mayor becomes the race to raise dollars, a quirk in the new fundraising law may make holiday parties an expensive proposition.

Also, we talk with an author who is finishing up work on a forthcoming biography of Richard M. Daley.

And Frost/Nixon makes its Chicago debut at the Timeline Theater. We talk with actor Terry Hamilton about what he learned playing President Richard M. Nixon.

Click here to listen.

* Roundup…

* Daley to put a bandage on 2011 budget - Deeper cuts, pension shortage to fall to his successor, sources say

* Rahm Leaving White House “Very Soon,” Says Quigley

* Would-Be Mayors Aren’t Waiting for Rahm

* Rahm The TIF Reformer?

* Walter: Money Doesn’t Equal Mayoral Leadership

* Time crunch for Emanuel in mayor race

* Hinz: Axelrod speaks: He’s coming home – next year

* Michele Smith Running In Chicago’s 43rd Ward

* Cook prez opponents gang up on Preckwinkle

* Joe Berrios Vs. the BGA: Class Struggle or Sour Grapes?

* Preckwinkle praises Berrios to Tribune editorial board


  1. - Anonymous - Friday, Sep 24, 10 @ 2:09 pm:

    Although I did not condone it, I understood Preckwinkle siding with Berrios ‘for the good of the party’ and all that nonsense. But now allowing him to play the race card and *actively supporting him* is inexcusable. She just lost my vote. So much for her being a “reformer.”

  2. - unclesam - Friday, Sep 24, 10 @ 2:17 pm:

    I think DeValle has a great campaign slogan — “for all Chicago, for every neighborhood — and he will have a slight advantage by going up this early. I think that slogan will resonate with a vast majority of voters in the City.

  3. - Rich Miller - Friday, Sep 24, 10 @ 2:20 pm:

    Anonymous, the funniest part is that the Tribune spent more time on the assessor’s job than the county board president’s job in an interview with preznit candidates. They overplay their hand way too often over at that shop. Ridiculous.

  4. - Skeeter - Friday, Sep 24, 10 @ 2:26 pm:

    Good thing he is only spending $10,000 running this. Best if nobody sees it. What a miserable ad. It says nothing.

  5. - Demoralized - Friday, Sep 24, 10 @ 2:28 pm:

    I think Del Valle’s ad is pretty bad. He does have a catchy slogan, but other than that . . .

  6. - Rich Miller - Friday, Sep 24, 10 @ 2:46 pm:

    Skeeter’s right. It’s completely hollow.

  7. - Al B - Friday, Sep 24, 10 @ 2:52 pm:

    Glad to see Toni come out for Berrios. She ran with his support when she was deffinately having trouble getting started. Hate to tell you guys but Cook County is not all Lakefront and Hyde Park

  8. - diehard Dem - Friday, Sep 24, 10 @ 2:56 pm:

    More women and minorities were slated for county and state wide offices then under any other Dem Chairman. I guess Forrest has spent more time bucking the Dem Party and slamming minority office holders. Truth is the truth on that. Call it reform if you like, but that’s a phrase created by the Trib now that a Republican can’t get elected Dogcatcher

  9. - Who Cares - Friday, Sep 24, 10 @ 2:59 pm:

    “I’m an independent Democrat,” she (Preckwinkle) said. “The idea that I’m the machine hack is preposterous”
    How any independent minded candidate can back Joe Berrios is beyond me! Preckwinkle just showed her true side. I just wonder how all those self proclaimed progressive independents who helped push Preckwinkle to victory in the primary feel about her now.

  10. - Responsa - Friday, Sep 24, 10 @ 3:02 pm:

    Although I don’t vote in Chicago I agree with Skeeter, Rich, and Demoralized. Assuming anybody actually sees it, the ad may serve a useful purpose, though, by helping potential money players and regional party honchos to start prioritizing where they will expend financing and support.

  11. - diehard Dem - Friday, Sep 24, 10 @ 3:04 pm:

    how many Progressive Dems are in Cook County to begin with? Preckwinkle was backed by Daley and the County Dem Party. Look at the numbers and the wards. Even the press came on late to support here. they were too busy bashing Stroger to cover substance, just like today with the Berrios race. Sling mud first and talk about the property tax process second

  12. - Rich Miller - Friday, Sep 24, 10 @ 3:09 pm:

    ===How any independent minded candidate can back Joe Berrios is beyond me!===

    From the Tribune story…

    “I’ve worked with Joe and I’ve worked with Forrest. I’m not a fan of Forrest, and as I said, I wouldn’t recommend him to be hired.”

  13. - Who Cares - Friday, Sep 24, 10 @ 3:14 pm:

    @diehard As someone who was out on there on the campaign trail I saw first hand Preckwinkles attempts to brand herself as an outsider, independent thinking, progressive candidate despite the fac that Daley was supporting her.

    There is a core group of Chicago/Cook County Dems who CLAIM to be progressive and independent. They aren’t much different in my mind but they pretend they are cleaner and more honest than the rest. Independent and progress is simply a lable they have given themselves to BS the voters.

  14. - Why Not? - Friday, Sep 24, 10 @ 3:16 pm:

    On AP’s story of Dart running for mayor, wasn’t AP threatening to sue other news sources for plagiarism? They can’t have it both ways.

  15. - Not business as usual - Friday, Sep 24, 10 @ 3:43 pm:

    I moved from the city but still keep up with politics, the Forrest Claypool run is nonsense. The guy has run for every office under then sun with the same platform, with the same results. And the way HE has covertly injected ethnicity into this race is unamerican. If u still believe in the American dream n real democracy, then Joe Berrios should be ur man.

  16. - ZC - Friday, Sep 24, 10 @ 3:54 pm:

    So which newspaper is going to use “Ready to Rahm-ble” first? Bets?

  17. - Quinn T. Sential - Friday, Sep 24, 10 @ 4:06 pm:


    Lisa Madigan is “all in” for Mayor.

    Tom Dart is “all out” for Mayor; euchered by Madigan squared once again.

  18. - enn - Friday, Sep 24, 10 @ 4:13 pm:

    Can someone explain to me why self-described progressive people would vote for Forrest Claypool? I’m not happy about Berrios. I voted for Figueroa in the primary. But the sight of all these ostensibly progressive groups lining up behind Claypool in election after election baffles me. This is a guy who in 2005 was talking in interviews about keeping a picture of Ayn Rand in his office. His rhetoric about the dehumanizing nature of the state is straight Tea Party. And yet even my Democratic ward organization is going to hold an endorsement vote on this guy for assessor, when he couldn’t be bothered to run for it in the Democratic primary. It’s bizarre.

  19. - Quinn T. Sential - Friday, Sep 24, 10 @ 4:13 pm:

    Do you think that this “cover” is just a coincidence for someone looking to be the next Mayor of the Windy City:

    TODAY’S CHICAGO WOMAN,0,7547152.story

    Timing of course is everything

  20. - Quinn T. Sential - Friday, Sep 24, 10 @ 4:15 pm:

    Sherren Leigh, founder and editor of the magazine, Madigan was a good sport, agreeing to have her hair set twice despite her busy schedule. But in the end, the shot seemed appropriate, Leigh said.

    “We do live in the Windy City, so I think we have all seen her like this, maybe just not looking so happy about it,” said Leigh.

  21. - justbabs - Friday, Sep 24, 10 @ 4:20 pm:

    Rahm vs Lisa is shaping up as the biggest show on earth.

  22. - Amalia - Friday, Sep 24, 10 @ 4:39 pm:

    dear trolls of CapFax: nice job trying to paint Forrest Claypool
    as something other than a reformer. his actions speak
    louder than your words.

    del valle’s ad is a waste of $10,000. pablum.

  23. - Quinn T. Sential - Friday, Sep 24, 10 @ 4:40 pm:

    Lot’s of questions percolate as a prelude as well.

    When Obama steps up on behalf of RAHMBO, what happens if and when he loses, and how does this reflect on Obama for 2012.

    Meeks is the only one in the African American community who has; or can raise the money to compete in this race; aside from someone like OPRAH or others outside politics, but I don’t believe anyone like that will be inclined to do so.

    After having been burned once by BLAGO; Meeks is much the wiser now, and it will take more than a nudge and a wink to keep him out of the race. He will have significant LEVERAGE. What do they offer Meeks to keep him out?

    How about the process of replacing the Attorney General; four months after she has been sworn in. What kind of influence does the State Democrat Party Chairman have in that process? Is there a “bargaining chip” to be had there?

    Wold the Attorney General “step down” or take a leave of absence to run for Mayor, or would the taxes of voters from Zion to Carbondale continue to fund her payroll while she ran for Mayor of Chicago, right after being re-elected as AG?

    Lots of questions; too few answers just yet. Stay Tuned.

  24. - Jklien - Friday, Sep 24, 10 @ 5:01 pm:

    I thought the Delvalle as was good as an intro to the voters. With all that is going on in Chicago I found the ad kind of refreashing. Still need to learn more about him though.

  25. - Obamarama - Friday, Sep 24, 10 @ 5:05 pm:

    Just thinking through my fingers…

    When Lisa wins on Nov. 2nd, she could theoretically step down the next day and run for mayor considering petitions aren’t due until the 22nd. At which point, who decides her replacement?

    I get how it works with nominations pre-election, but what happens when AG is vacated so early in an election cycle.

    Again this isn’t a prediction, just a hypothetical.

  26. - Rich Miller - Friday, Sep 24, 10 @ 5:12 pm:

    ===At which point, who decides her replacement?===

    The governor.

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