Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x2 with VIDEO *** Quinn vs. Brady debate is expectedly tough
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*** UPDATED x2 with VIDEO *** Quinn vs. Brady debate is expectedly tough

Wednesday, Sep 29, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* Tough talk today during the first governor’s debate of the season between Pat Quinn and Bill Brady. The other candidates weren’t invited.

Click here to download the raw video file of the debate. This is a very big file, so I hope it doesn’t crash my site. If bad things happen, I’ll have to chop it up and post it on YouTube. [To make it easier to watch, I’m uploading the files to YouTube now. They’ll be ready after lunch.] Many thanks to the folks at Blue Room Stream for the file.

I’ll also be posting stories about the debate as they come in. From the Sun-Times’ take

The people of Illinois “need a governor with a heart - somebody who cares about them,” Quinn said. “Sen. Brady wanted to cut human services 50 percent. He didn’t have a heart then and he doesn’t have a heart now.” But Brady said Quinn’s announcement Tuesday that he was spending $75 million in state money to fund a program that gives 26,000 state residents $10-an-hour jobs now that the federal funding has run out for that program was heartless for the state’s social service providers, who are waiting six months or more to get paid by the state.

“Governor, where¹s the money?” Brady asked. “There is no federal money tied to the $75 million. Those 26,000 jobs should be provided by the public [he meant to say “private”] sector. Our human service providers, you don’t have the money to reimburse them - and they’re having to lay people off. This is a dishonest campaign ploy.” Among the other issues the candidates argued about are whether Quinn really lives at the governor¹s mansion. His predecessor Rod Blagojevich rarely visited the governor¹s mansion. Quinn said he was there Saturday night and he does live there.

“My clothes are at the governor’s mansion - even my underwear are there. I think that establishes residency, doesn’t it?” Quinn said after the debate to chuckles from reporters.

* AP

Quinn accused Brady of “pie in the sky” promises. He says Illinois needs a governor with “common sense not nonsense.”

Brady blamed the “instability” of Quinn’s proposed tax increase for the state’s financial problems.

* NBC5

When asked whether he really resided in Springfield, Quinn replied with extemporaneous aplomb.

“The test is, where do you have your underwear,” Quinn said, before explaining unbidden that his skivvies are located at the state mansion.

*** UPDATE 1 *** The Tribune has a long story. Here’s part of it

Brady also contended it is time to end the “secret deals” like the governor’s agreement with AFSCME, the state’s largest employee union, to avoid layoffs until mid-2012. The deal, which Brady wants Quinn to nix, came within days of Quinn getting the powerful union’s endorsement in the race.

Further Brady lashed out at Quinn over Tuesday’s announcement to pump $75 million to keep alive a jobs program until Congress can act to extend federal funds by November. The federal funds are due to expire this week. Brady said the state money should have been spent on paying down billions of dollars in backlogged state bills.

But Quinn, more than once calling himself the “Jobs Governor,” argued he could not cut a program that has given jobs and hope to as many as 26,000 people in Illinois, part of training program that typically pay $10 an hour to people who otherwise might be unemployed.

Quinn called on the hundreds of people in the audience to consider how he has improved campaign finance laws, reformed pensions and won passage of a major construction program, saying he should be judged by his record and suggesting they should refrain from embracing the platitudes of “fast-talking politicians.”

*** UPDATE 2 *** The Union League Club explains why it didn’t invite Green Party nominee Rich Whitney

Supporters of Green Party candidate Rich Whitney picketed the event with signs reading “Let Rich Debate.”

According to Union League Club Executive Director David Kohn, Whitney was excluded because he hasn’t reached 10 percent in any recent polls.

“The ULCC’s policy for a general election candidate involving statewide offices requires candidates to demonstrate support of at least 10% in an independent , statewide poll conducted in reasonable proximity to the forum,” Kohn said, according to Green Party officials. “As the most recent statewide polls in the Illinois Governor’s race (conducted by Rasmussen Report, September 12; Chicago Tribune , September 3) show Mr. Whitney polling at 4% and 2%, respectively, Mr. Whitney does not meet this criterion and is, therefore, ineligible to participate in the forum.”


  1. - Cincinnatus - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 11:18 am:

    Thanks for watching it Rich, so I don’t have to!

    Somehow all I can picture is the way they handled Charlie Brown’s teacher:

  2. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 11:20 am:

    No heart? Quinn’s nothing if not a gut-puncher.

    Brady doesn’t need to get bogged down in the never-ending Mansion issue. People care, but not that much. Quinn has given Brady a lot better material than that.

  3. - Fred - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 11:21 am:

    I think Brady will save most of his ammunition for the October debates and for ads the last 2 weeks prior to the election.

  4. - Niles Township - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 11:21 am:

    A commenter on the Sun-Times site took the words right out of my mouth about this choice: Brady doesn’t have a heart and doesn’t have a brain like the Wizard of Oz!

  5. - Taylor - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 11:24 am:

    Quinn’s use of $75 million for political purposes while the state can’t pay it’s bills is amazing.

    What is he thinking?

  6. - Cincinnatus - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 11:26 am:

    The people of Illinois “need a governor with a heart - somebody who cares about them,” Quinn said.

    This is one of the singlemost vacuous remarks I have ever heard in a debate. This statement can be rebutted in so many ways, I won’t even get into it. Is this guy kidding?

  7. - Bill - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 11:28 am:

    I asked the same question as Brady about the $75 million. We’re starving out here and this guy comes up with $75 million!?1?!
    You wanna save some jobs? Quit stiffing providers and agencies. This guy is worse than Rod and Madigan combined. This is like the gong show. Somebody get the hook!

  8. - Fred - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 11:30 am:

    Cincinnatus———Since Quinn was co-chairman of the committee to elect Blago for his 2nd term, I think he was referring to ol Rod.

  9. - Squideshi - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 11:35 am:

    I give a big thumbs down to Union League Club of Chicago for undemocratically excluding the other candidates on the ballot. There aren’t that many candidates on the ballot; and it would not have been an undue burden to include them all. The Union League Club of Chicago did the people of Illinois a great disservice by excluding candidates which the people have seen fit to place upon the ballot and between which they will be expected to choose at election time. Boo!

  10. - Justice - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 11:36 am:

    Don’t know about the rest of you but I feel that my financial future and the State’s future are safe now that we know where Quinn’s skivvies are.

    Good grief!

  11. - OneMan - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 11:39 am:

    Bill and Bill making the same point?

    It makes my head hurt almost a much as Pat talking aviation…

  12. - unclesam - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 11:41 am:

    Squid — I do not think the Union League Club intentionally excluded Whitney; rather Whitney did not meet the threshold of “polled support” (I believe 10%) needed to qualify to the standards established for this debate. If Whitney was polling at 10% support, he would have been included (if I remember the Union League’s rules correctly).

    And as one of those in attendance, I would give the edge to Brady at this debate.

  13. - Bill - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 11:42 am:

    Oneman, The last time that happened Brady was debating Oberweiss.

  14. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 12:03 pm:

    “The people of Illinois “need a governor with a heart - somebody who cares about them,” Quinn said.”
    Quinn’s statement is really interesting to me. It certainly explains his unwillingness or inability to cut. If he is right, he should get re-elected. But I believe that most citizens in Illinois do not want a Governor who “cares about them” so much as one who leads the state and is ready to make hard choices about spending. I am not convinced that Brady is that person either, to be clear, but am dead-certain it is not Quinn. He as much as says so directly.

  15. - Fred - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 12:09 pm:

    Squid———Here is Whitney’s position. Legalize marijuana, tax it and everybody gets buzzed. So, tax revenues go up plus sales tax revenue explodes on the sale of chips and Dorita’s. Not nearly enough to cover the 13 billion dollar deficit, but everybody feels good and doesn’t really care.

    There it is in a nutshell.

  16. - cassandra - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 12:19 pm:

    The Republicans need to get off the 75 million. It’s a minuscule amount, it’s short term, and it goes right back into the economy. I doubt many of the beneficiaries are saving the dough. It’s a modern form of WPA, which has an honored history in this country.

  17. - Sue - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 12:34 pm:

    Brady needs to get someone in the media to ask Quinn a simple question- Do you take all legitimate deductions you are entitled to when filing your tax returns- The assertion that Brady has somehow done something wrong not paying taxes is totally BS- if Brady had business losses and it offset his other income then that is no different then if Quinn reduced his taxable income by taking deductions for property taxes- Quinn is offbase with his tax assertions

  18. - Fred - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 12:38 pm:

    Sue———I believe that will be an October issue, discussion and explanation.

  19. - vole - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 12:40 pm:

    “everybody feels good and doesn’t really care”

    beer, hockey, football, baseball, TV, technology, etc. pretty well got that feel good base covered

  20. - WhosRDaddy - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 12:44 pm:

    Companies all over this state use workers in this country who are on a temporary visa. In doing so American Citizens can not work, this causes all of the problems we have now. We have high unemployment, people without health insurance, people loosing their homes. All so some CEO can get a bonus for keeping cost down. When will one of you running for office come out and say what really needs said?

  21. - vole - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 12:46 pm:

    Bet a lot of those $10 per hour jobs Quinn is supporting is going into rent and food to Republican landlords and grocers. Brady should have a heart for his own.

  22. - shore - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 12:48 pm:

    quinn called brady a career politician about 6 times. that’s pretty funny.

    brady seems to have the depth of a kiddie pool. We’ll see how that goes if he’s elected governor.

    quinn wore the purple tie, I think he wears that every day.

    the best line by far was quinn on carp:”if you can’t beat it, eat it”. reminded of a crazy al yankovich mockery of michael jackson.

  23. - fedup dem - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 12:50 pm:

    Since by its history and culture the Union League Club is an exclusionary group, it is hardly a shock to see them to set arbitrary thresholds to benefit their candidate, Bill Brady. (And if you don’t think that Brady is their candidate, I’ll gladly give you a great deal on the Chicago Skyway!)

  24. - Cincinnatus - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 12:53 pm:


    And the follow-on question to yours would be, “Governor, do you have the same problem with Alexi for doing the same thing?”

  25. - Sue - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 12:57 pm:

    Cinnci- actually Alexi seems to have a worse issue- he apparently needed to claim emplyment with the Bank for a time period he has stated he wasn’t there-Perhaps the IRS can investigate but highly unlikely that will happen since the IRS works for Alexi’s patron

  26. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 12:57 pm:

    ===Since by its history and culture the Union League Club is an exclusionary group===

    They asked me to join. And I did. And they let me in. Just sayin…

  27. - Bill - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 1:15 pm:

    but do you really want to belong to a club that would have you as a member?

  28. - Squideshi - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 1:30 pm:

    “Squid — I do not think the Union League Club intentionally excluded Whitney; rather Whitney did not meet the threshold of “polled support” (I believe 10%) needed to qualify to the standards established for this debate. If Whitney was polling at 10% support, he would have been included (if I remember the Union League’s rules correctly).”

    That inclusion standard is bogus. The people of Illinois, through their elected representatives, have already set a legal standard that candidates have to meet in order to get onto the ballot. These are the candidates that the public has seen fit to give a place on the ballot, and they are the candidates from which the people will be expected to choose at election time.

    There aren’t that many candidates on the ballot; and it would have been an undue burden, or even difficult, for the Union League Club to include them all. If Free & Equal can do it, so can the Union League Club.

    The fact is that there was simply no reason for the ULC to adopt this standard, other than for the explicit purpose of excluding candidates like Whitney. Besides, that whole “conducted in reasonable proximity to the forum” bit is just more wiggle room to add to the arbitrary nature.

    “Squid———Here is Whitney’s position. Legalize marijuana, tax it and everybody gets buzzed. So, tax revenues go up plus sales tax revenue explodes on the sale of chips and Dorita’s. Not nearly enough to cover the 13 billion dollar deficit, but everybody feels good and doesn’t really care. There it is in a nutshell.”

    You have just demonstrated that you don’t know much about his platform. Legalization is a very minor component. Go read it for yourself.

  29. - Squideshi - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 1:33 pm:

    My third paragraph should have read that it would NOT have been an undue burden.

  30. - MrJM - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 1:39 pm:

    Has anyone ever squandered an opportunity the way that the Illinois Green Party has squandered their major party status?

    – MrJM

  31. - bored now - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 1:41 pm:

    Squideshi: there is really no need for anyone to take whitney seriously since he’s not taking the race seriously. how much money has he raised? it’s not like these standards are new; y’all knew exactly what was required and decided it shouldn’t matter anyway. complain all you like — this *is* america — but don’t expect the rest of us to take someone seriously when he doesn’t take us (or his campaign) seriously…

  32. - Ghost - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 1:47 pm:

    If Whitney spent some real time and effort fundraising and campaigning I might be interested in hearing his thoughts.

    But if they guy cant take this contest seriously enough to get out there and raise money why should I take him seriously.

  33. - Good Thinkin' Lincoln - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 1:51 pm:

    Maybe if Quinn and Brady would agree to more than 3 debates - we could have the 3rd Party candidates included too.

  34. - Squideshi - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 2:08 pm:

    “Squideshi: there is really no need for anyone to take whitney seriously since he’s not taking the race seriously. how much money has he raised?”

    Whitney is voluntarily refusing all money from corporations. It is a principled position that makes it more difficult for him to campaign. He deserves recognition for that–not criticism. He’s only taking money from real living breathing people, and the economy is bad. This does not mean he’s not taking the campaign seriously.

    “it’s not like these standards are new; y’all knew exactly what was required and decided it shouldn’t matter anyway.”

    It’s just like NBC Chicago reported, “Whitney did receive 10 percent in the only poll that really counts: the 2006 governor’s race…the Greens met a benchmark established by the state board of elections. That should be good enough for the Union League Club, too.”

    “But if they guy cant take this contest seriously enough to get out there and raise money why should I take him seriously.”

    Because he has an amazing amount of integrity, good positions on the issues, and an actual plan to solve the budget problem here in Illinois.

    “Maybe if Quinn and Brady would agree to more than 3 debates - we could have the 3rd Party candidates included too.”

    Maybe, but there will be other partisan organizations (bipartisanship is a type of partisanship) like the Union League Club that will try to exclude any and every candidate other than a Democrat or a Republican. For example, I have also criticized the Illinois Education Association for refusing to even consider Rich Whitney during their endorsement process.

    I suspect that some of these organizations are bullied by the Democrats. I know for a fact that the Illinois Radio Network excluded Rich Whitney from the debate in 2006 because the Blagojevich campaign told the Illinois Radio Network that they absolutely would not participate if Whitney was invited. The Illinois Radio Network couldn’t stomach the idea of a debate without both the Republican and Democrat, so they caved.

    I also suspect that there are often Democratic Party operatives in the leadership positions of organizations like the IEA. I wonder if this might have something to do with their behavior.

  35. - Quinn-bashing fad - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 2:08 pm:

    Quinn clearly won the debate! Brady’s a liteweight, in over his head, propped up by the Tea Party.

    Quinn cut the budget $3 billion plus mega-billions cut long-term on pension reform, both unprecedented accomplishments. Unlike his opponent, he’s got real accomplishments to back up his claims of common sense and a good heart.

  36. - Fred - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 2:09 pm:

    Ah Squid—-That was a joke. I should have included a notice about checking your sarcasm meter.

  37. - Cincinnatus - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 2:13 pm:

    - Quinn-bashing fad - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 2:08 pm:

    “Quinn clearly won the debate!”

  38. - Fred - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 2:14 pm:

    Quinn bashing fad—-Would that common sense issue include the early release program? The state deficit has probably increased close to 50% in the 19 months Quinn has been Governor. Are you a relative of Pat?

  39. - Segatari - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 2:19 pm:

    >According to Union League Club Executive Director David Kohn, Whitney was excluded because he hasn’t reached 10 percent in any recent polls.

    Well gee, no wonder, because the polling firms haven’t included Whitney’s name in them! Pathetic.

  40. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 2:21 pm:

    ===The state deficit has probably increased close to 50% in the 19 months Quinn has been Governor.===

    Please. Try to stick at least somewhere close to the facts here.

  41. - Bill - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 2:34 pm:

    Whitney is taking the campaign seriously. He is working just as hard if not harder than either of the majors and he is doing it at virtually his own expense. He’s appeared everyplace that will have him and if you would listen once you would see that his platform is without question superior to all of the others. It has specifics and it would work. But never mind about that. Just watch the 30 second bits on cable and base your vote on that. You can always deny that you voted for the winner. One reason the majors don’t want Whitney at the debates is that he would make them sound even more stupid than they already do by themselves.

  42. - Cincinnatus - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 2:38 pm:

    2008 deficit was about $11.5B
    2010 deficit is about $12.8B.

    Are my numbers correct, Rich?

  43. - Fred - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 2:45 pm:

    If my numbers are incorrect, I apologize. I read the deficit was about 9 billion at the end of 2008 and is close to 13 billion now.

    If Cincy’s number are correct, my mistake. I should have checked my source.

  44. - Cincinnatus - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 2:47 pm:


    Your numbers may be wrong (as might mine) but your point is still correct.

    Pat Quinn - Bread exposed to high heat

  45. - late to the party - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 3:14 pm:

    So the Union League won’t allow Whitney to participate in the debate because he has not polled over 10%. Whitney does not receive the free publicity a debate would give him and therefore nobody knows about him or his positions, plus he is not included in any polls.

    Sounds like a broken system.

  46. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 3:22 pm:


    - Bill - Wednesday, Sep 29, 10 @ 1:15 pm:

    but do you really want to belong to a club that would have you as a member?–

    Bill, in these anxious times, a little Groucho is greatly appreciated.

    Folks, the Union League Club is quite bedrock establisment, to say the least. They’re not going to invite guys like Whitney and Cohen, although the main Cohen pawn shop in right behind the building.

    If you want a free-for-all debate, talk to Bruce Finkelman at the Empty Bottle, maybe he’ll sponsor.

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