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Unsolicited advice

Thursday, Sep 30, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Dear Bill Brady,

During yesterday’s debate, you mentioned how Texas was doing so well. They ain’t

Earlier this month [Texas] House Speaker Joe Straus told county administrators the state budget deficit would be at least $18 billion.

Tuesday legislative budget staff said the shortfall has grown to $21 billion.

But on the same day, when Governor Rick Perry sat down with KERA, Perry said the gap to fund the next two-years of state government will be only half that bad, no more than $11 billion.

Yeah. No problems there.

And New Jersey’s Chris Christie, who is coming to town to raise money for you, ain’t doing all that great either

Meredith Whitney, the analyst who correctly predicted Citigroup Inc.’s dividend cut in 2008, will release a report rating California’s financial condition as the worst among the 15 largest U.S. states, Fortune said. […]

After California, New Jersey, Illinois and Ohio tie as the second-worst

* Dear Rich Voltair,

The problem was not your “word choice“…

A suburban political candidate said he regrets saying the nation’s attitude toward gay marriage will change because older people eventually will die.

“It was a poor choice of words,” said Rich Voltair, a Round Lake Beach Democrat running for the 62nd District seat. “I definitely realize that.” […]

“As a 32-year-old, I hold views that are consistent with my age group,” he said in that story, which was based on e-mail exchanges with both candidates. “These views represent the future and it is only a matter of time before the previous generation expires and our generation takes over.”

The Great Die-Off you speak of will also “solve” our Social Security, Medicare and state pension problems. But it’s not something you’re supposed to cheer for, dude.

* Dear Jason Plummer,

Chicago is a border city, too, ‘ya know

Over the last several months, [Republican lt. governor nominee Jason Plummer] said he has been on the campaign trail, visiting those cities – Rockford, Moline, Danville – that are located near borders with other states.

But, then again, Chicago also has reporters who probably wouldn’t write puff pieces about you. So, better stick with the little towns.

* Dear Adam Andrzejewski,

Timing is everything. If the primary was later, you and your “forensic audit” proposal might’ve actually won the governor’s race. I mean, even a Chicago alderman is hyping the phrase

[Ald. Scott Waguespack] now plans to put together an “agenda” — including a “forensic audit” of city finances and contracts — for a City Council expected to assert itself more forcefully in the post-Daley era.

“Open the books. Let’s look at how we’re spending and re-direct the monies towards our most important needs, including the Police Department,” he said.

* Dear Sun-Times,

Hope is not a plan

But by referring to leaving “daily operations of the bank,” the Giannoulias camp clearly was trying to leave the impression that he had walked out the bank’s doors for good.

Giannoulias’ opponent, U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk, has been no more straightforward on Broadway Bank issues. Last week, in a meeting with the Sun-Times editorial board, he ominously said the Giannoulias family “took $70 million out of the bank before its collapse” without mentioning that most of that money went to pay taxes.

We can only hope both campaigns get more straightforward in the final weeks before Nov. 2.

The public floggings need to continue on a regular basis.

* Dear national Democrats,

You may be seeing a “dead cat” bounce

Democrats say they see a bounce

The story line for Election 2010 has been set for months: Republicans are on the march; Democrats are in deep trouble. Is it possible that Democrats have begun a comeback?

Several Democrats say there is modest movement in their direction and some reason for optimism after many dismal months

* Dear John Shimkus spokesman Steve Tomaszewski,

Careful, the Interwebtube Gods can be vengeful

“It was an unknown person from an internet media source, and I did not reply,” said Steve Tomaszewski, spokesman for Shimkus, when asked about Cary’s request.

* Dear Mike McRaith…

Et tu?

The name of Illinois Insurance Director and Chicago resident Michael McRaith is being floated as the first chief of the new Federal Insurance Office, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal.

* Dear scientists…

I’m not sure this is such a good thing

If huge, hungry Asian carp end up reaching Lake Michigan, their long-dreaded invasion might turn out to be less ferocious than once expected because a tiny competitor is gobbling up their primary food source, some Great Lakes researchers say.

The quagga mussel — a thumbnail-sized foreign mullosk first spotted in the lakes two decades ago — has devoured so much plankton in southern Lake Michigan that the entire food web is being altered, federal and university scientists say in a series of newly published articles.

Hey, maybe we can use the carp and the mussels to clean up this problem

Illinois is failing to crack down on water pollution from large confined-animal farms, the Obama administration announced Wednesday in a stinging rebuke that gave the state a month to figure out how to fix its troubled permitting and enforcement programs.

Responding to a petition from environmental groups, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said its nearly yearlong investigation found widespread problems with the Illinois EPA’s oversight of confined-animal feeding operations, or CAFOs. Many of the cattle, hog and chicken operations produce manure in amounts comparable to the waste generated by small towns.

* Your turn…


  1. - Fred - Thursday, Sep 30, 10 @ 3:21 pm:

    Chris Christie has been in office, what, 9 months? If Bush is still to blame for the national economy 19 months after BO has been in office, wouldn’t NJ’s problems fall back to Corzine? Just asking.

  2. - Irish - Thursday, Sep 30, 10 @ 3:25 pm:

    Dear Bill Brady and Pat Quinn,
    Since you are the alleged qualified candidates for gubnatorial debates please be a little more specific in your plans for fixing the economic disaster in this state. For an example please see the plan of the alleged unqualified candidate Rich Whitney. We voters do not want to buy a pig in a poke.

    Dear main stream media -
    Please be a little more in depth of your pursuit? of the platforms of the candidates for statewide office. Please do not limit us to candidate’s sound bites. Follow - up questions are allowed, and may be repeated if not answered properly or fully.

    P.S. Rahm will be here for awhile. Can we get the Governor’s race over first?

  3. - Ghost - Thursday, Sep 30, 10 @ 3:27 pm:

    To the mystery canidate running against Brady: Downstate is important, you may want to campaign here and run some ad’s if you want us to vote for you. P.S., toting that you live in the mansion (or at least your scivies do) while commenting that you only care about getting votes and working for votes in Chicago is not helping. Points forusing the mansion ae washed away by bad banjo music and your distaste for engaging us as voters who matter.

  4. - MikeMacD - Thursday, Sep 30, 10 @ 3:27 pm:

    I’m naive but I had always imagined that aldermen, trustees, legislators, etc. were supposed to know where the money was being spent and allocate according to their best judgement. Sad that it’s part of what candidates run on.

  5. - Irish - Thursday, Sep 30, 10 @ 3:35 pm:

    No, the quagga mussel issue is not a good thing. Because they are filtering the water so well the water is becoming too clear. Sunlight is reaching to depths it has not reached and causing algae blooms that die off and then wash ashore leaving beautiful beaches fetid and stinking with their decay.

    A higher being or order developed this thing we call nature and no man is smart enough to improve upon it. This is shown time and time again. As Pogo said a long time ago. “We have met the enemy and he is us.”

  6. - Siriusly - Thursday, Sep 30, 10 @ 3:36 pm:

    Dear Bill Brady:
    We know you don’t have any specific plans yet. But perhaps you could have some plans. Anything.

    The more policy people that talk to you, the more of them keep describing your agenda as a blank slate. Maybe a good thing - maybe very bad too.

  7. - Irish - Thursday, Sep 30, 10 @ 3:45 pm:

    Dear Pat Quinn -

    While the location of folks BVDs have gotten them into trouble I do not recall an occassion where the location of said garment has ever before been a benefit - just sayin.

    Play us out Sheila!

  8. - OneMan - Thursday, Sep 30, 10 @ 3:49 pm:

    Dear Rahm…

    I hope you enjoy the attention, since you are going to get a ton of it.

    Dear Illinois Media…

    Feel free to share some info about SLC with the public.

  9. - OneMan - Thursday, Sep 30, 10 @ 3:51 pm:

    Dear Beacon News…

    There is more news in our local congressional race than what their ads look like and events where the candidates don’t answer questions.

  10. - wordslinger - Thursday, Sep 30, 10 @ 4:08 pm:

    –Over the last several months, [Republican lt. governor nominee Jason Plummer] said he has been on the campaign trail, visiting those cities – Rockford, Moline, Danville – that are located near borders with other states.–

    He’s too modest. Brady also had him visiting cities that border Outer Mongolia and Nepal.

  11. - Logical Thinker - Thursday, Sep 30, 10 @ 4:17 pm:

    Unbelievable. This post is actually embarrassing.

    “We’re in TERRIBLE shape in this state, but guess what? So is everyone else!”

    How is that supposed to help? Is this designed to make us feel better? I’d much rather take Texas’ problems or NJ’s attempted solutions over our corrupt and ungovernable state right now.

  12. - moe - Thursday, Sep 30, 10 @ 4:25 pm:

    Dear legislative candidates saying they’ll cut legislative salaries:

    I hope if you are elected, you are ready to provide copies of your checks to the State, with the 20% or whatever you said you would reduce your salary by and not hide by explaining you would vote for such a decrease but haven’t been given the chance to cast such a vote.

  13. - fed up - Thursday, Sep 30, 10 @ 4:27 pm:

    Yeah I remember shelia Simon doing the rounds in Chitown. A lot of attcks on the legit Lt. Gov Canidate but some kiddy gloves on the un elected Lt gov canidate, you know the one running with the Temp Gov.

  14. - Eugene - Thursday, Sep 30, 10 @ 4:29 pm:

    Texas not doing well? Texas has budget problems like other states. But, how is Texas doing relative to other states? Texas has regained all the jobs it lost in the most recent recession while Illinois has yet to fully recover from the 2001 recession. Texas has more Fortune 500 company headquarters than any other state. Texas doesn’t have a state income tax. Texas is a right to work state. Texas’ largest city Houston doesn’t have zoning problems like Chicago: because it doesn’t have zoning. So, yes Texas isn’t perfect but it’s in a lot better shape than Illinois. No wonder Texas is due to 4 new Congressional seats while Illinois is due to lose 1.

  15. - wordslinger - Thursday, Sep 30, 10 @ 4:29 pm:

    Logical Thinker, you don’t live up to your handle. The point is, times are tough all over. Things don’t change all that much when you cross the Mississippi, Ohio or Wabash.

    Historically, Texas and New Jersey can certainly compete with Illinois when it comes to corruption. They’d probably be insulted that you thought they couldn’t.

  16. - vole - Thursday, Sep 30, 10 @ 4:36 pm:

    “Illinois is failing to crack down on water pollution from large confined-animal farms”

    … and farmers are always crying about the heavy hand of government interfering with their operations.

    Farming is still one of the least regulated industries in the US. And their lobbying efforts in the SpringPatch sure shows here. Farm Bureau to ILEPA: you are doing a heck of job, keep up the good work! We can regulate ourselves. Right.
    Thanks feds for getting on the case.

  17. - Logical Thinker - Thursday, Sep 30, 10 @ 4:55 pm:


    “Historically, Texas and New Jersey can certainly compete with Illinois when it comes to corruption. They’d probably be insulted that you thought they couldn’t.”

    —I see a lot more initiative from these states to either A) grow their economies and make it attractive for businesses and hence, job creation and/or B) cleaning up the mess of excess spending in the public sector by addressing the pension issues.

    I see neither in this state and I know that a tax increase is coming regardless of who wins in a month, so that businesses will have an even greater incentive to leave and the fat pigs at the public trough will get even fatter.

  18. - Ghost - Thursday, Sep 30, 10 @ 5:16 pm:

    lt what fat pigs? can you name some?

  19. - Logical Thinker - Thursday, Sep 30, 10 @ 5:25 pm:


    Joe Berrios is one of thousands, but I’ll stop there since you asked for only one.

  20. - Fed up - Thursday, Sep 30, 10 @ 5:32 pm:

    Ricky Hendon would be a second one.

  21. - archpundit - Thursday, Sep 30, 10 @ 5:38 pm:

    ==Texas’ largest city Houston doesn’t have zoning problems like Chicago: because it doesn’t have zoning.

    And Houston is such an attractive city and livable city.

  22. - Fed up - Thursday, Sep 30, 10 @ 5:42 pm:

    Arch pundit
    Spent mich time on the south or westside of Chicago “attractive” and ” livable” they aren’t.

  23. - archpundit - Thursday, Sep 30, 10 @ 5:46 pm:

    —Spent mich time on the south or westside of Chicago “attractive” and ” livable” they aren’t.

    And Houston has just such neighborhoods as well. So what’s your point? Houston is an ugly city that’s far more difficult to get around largely because it doesn’t have zoning and it still has poor areas. So what’s the good thing there?

  24. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 30, 10 @ 5:48 pm:

    ===Texas has budget problems like other states. ===

    They’re a bit worse than that, I’m afraid.

    “Don’t mess with Texas” even in Illinois, eh? Sheesh. You ever been there?

  25. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 30, 10 @ 5:49 pm:

    ===by addressing the pension issues.===

    Like skipping payments?

  26. - MikeMacD - Thursday, Sep 30, 10 @ 6:08 pm:

    Singing praise for Texas’s economic policies without mentioning oil at $80 per barrel is a little misleading. Not only is Texas a large producer of crude but due to history many companies are located there that own and operate wells outside the state. Additionally, oil service companies that work world wide are located there.

    In the depths of this recent recession oil was at $35 per barrel.

  27. - Fed up - Thursday, Sep 30, 10 @ 6:18 pm:

    So we should ignore coal and corn in Illinois

  28. - Anon - Thursday, Sep 30, 10 @ 6:29 pm:

    They also have energy.

  29. - Piling on - Thursday, Sep 30, 10 @ 6:44 pm:

    and they also brought us Enron.
    How about we focus on the problems in OUR state for a bit.
    Or perhaps a trade. Illinois lawmakers fix Texas’ budget and TX lawmakers fix Illinois’ budget.

    That’d be fun.

  30. - Doug - Thursday, Sep 30, 10 @ 6:57 pm:

    Texas will know the true state of the budget next year. One thing you don’t mention Rich, is Texas has over $8 billion in the banks still. We have never had a budget deficit, and won’t in the future. Our budgets are for two years.

    We have created more jobs in the last 5 years than the rest of the country combined.

    We have NO state Income Tax.

    We will be just fine down here in Texas…..just fine.

  31. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 30, 10 @ 7:06 pm:

    $8 billion in the bank vs. a $21 billion deficit. Hmmm.

  32. - hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Sep 30, 10 @ 7:18 pm:

    dear capfax readers in love with texas,

    did you miss the story today that gov. rick perry has had 21 percent of his campaign donations over the last 9 years come from appointees?

    dear illinois media,
    when are you gonna give the recall amendment more attention, especially if it could mean we elect one of these awful candidates now and get to do this thing all over again in 2 years?

  33. - Okay Then/ Will County Woman - Thursday, Sep 30, 10 @ 9:07 pm:

    To all future gubernatorial race candidates:

    Always, Always, Always have a plan to offer for your policies and agenda. Your plan doesn’t have to be so detailed to cover minutae, but at the very least have an outline to offer. The budget is the most important issue in Illinois for now, and to not have a plan shows lack of forethought and preparation. It is understood that one may not have all the details and therefore one may not want to give misleading information based on the lack of details, but one must use the information that is available and provide a caveat, such as “assuming this is information true/accurate…” etc.

    And don’t make promises that you may not be able to keep like, “read my lips, no new taxes!”


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