Bill Brady responds to Quinn with harsh new TV ad
Thursday, Sep 23, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller
Hare on the bubble; Foster on the attack; Kinzinger plays victim card; Dold under the radar
Thursday, Sep 23, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * The Hill made the 17th CD its “Race of the Day” today. I agree, but with one caveat…
Hare is in the fight of his life, but the GOP hasn’t yet dumped any real money into this thing. Still, keep a close eye on this one. * Democratic Congressman Bill Foster has a new TV ad. Rate it… Script…
A bit wordy. * Republican congressional candidate Adam Kinzinger plays the victim card in his new Internet promo video… The Kinzinger video was posted to YouTube two days ago and it already has more than 13,000 views. It is chock full of distortions. He tries to make the claim that Halvorson’s campaign sponsored a rally which was also attended by one guy who brought a sign with a Hitler mustache superimposed on Kinzinger’s upper lip. By extension, therefore, Halvorson is responsible for that. Ridiculous. We’ve been over this twice before. There’s no evidence whatsoever that Halvorson was in any way responsible for that doofus who brought the Hitler signs. To the contrary. Which leaves us with the question: What’s worse, being portrayed as a Nazi by a lone goofball or smearing your opponent by claiming she was responsible for it? I would say it’s the latter. I’d also say Kinzinger was desperate, but he’s way ahead in the polls. There’s no reason to pull this shameful stunt. His campaign is out of control and the local media needs to weigh in on this. Soon. * I’ve asked the Bob Dold campaign to explain an odd passage in last month’s edition of Conservative Magazine of Illinois, a publication I knew little about until it was publicized by the Dan Seals campaign last night. Check it out… ![]() The mag’s highest rating is five stars. Dold gets three. So far, no response on why Dold’s campaign allegedly asked that it not be rated highly. This would be par for the course for Dold, who appears to be running a two track campaign. In public, he’s a “moderate.” Under the media’s radar, he’s a social conservative. The local media has mostly played this off as a he said / he said dealio, but it appears to deserve a much closer look. I’ll let you know if the Dold campaign ever answers my question. …Adding… Here it is…
I’ll be talking to the mag people next. * Down-ballot news…
Question of the day
Thursday, Sep 23, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * Way back in December of last year and then again on Tuesday, we discussed the candidacy of one Patrick John Ryan. He’s the alleged Republican who is running against House Speaker Michael Madigan, even though his voting record is solidly Democratic and he works for the city. Kass tried to talk to the guy earlier this week, but ended up speaking with his parents…
* The Question: What would be an appropriate slogan for “Republican” Patrick John Ryan’s “campaign”? Snark heavily encouraged, of course.
Whitney: Legalize pot and reap the fiscal rewards
Thursday, Sep 23, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * Rich Whitney says we could raise a lot of money by legalizing marijuana…
I’m not sure how he got to his $300 million figure, but it’s probably close enough for government (or campaign) work. Apparently, 5.74 percent of Illinoisans used marijuana in the past month, according to this site. There are about 13 million people in Illinois, so the numbers work out to 746,200 folks. That’s a bit more than $30 per month per consumer. Not much at all. Of course, because marijuana is illegal, pot dealers don’t check identification. Not all of those users are adults. So the rate per consumer would be a bit higher. Bruce Bartlett looks at the history…
It should and it ought to. Adults ought to be able to choose what they put into their own bodies without being threatened with confinement in a steel cage with murderers and other mean, ugly, nasty people. Either way, we ought to have this debate. It sure beats talking about nonsense like this…
The DGA spent $2 million trying to paint Brady as an extremist over the summer. It failed miserably. * Back to the Greens and Rich Whitney. He has a new Internet promo video up that will bore you to tears… Yeah. That’ll work. * Statewide roundup…
Steinem’s whirlwind tour and other mayoral stuff
Thursday, Sep 23, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * Here’s something to ponder: Why is Gloria Steinem all of a sudden making news in Chicago? She’s headlining a fundraiser for US Senate candidate Alexi Giannoulias, and she’s backing Carol Moseley Braun for mayor. And then there’s today’s Sneed column…
The founder of Ms. Magazine was born in Toledo, Ohio. She’s never lived in Illinois, as far as I can tell. Yet, there she was on Chicago Tonight last night holding forth… * Even so, Steinem is one of the only people who has publicly questioned why there is a dearth of female candidates for Chicago mayor. Maybe that’s why she’s getting so much press. She’s saying something that almost nobody in the city is saying. News needs to be “new” to be interesting, and whatever you think about her, she’s saying something different and, frankly, new. * Meanwhile, speaking of the mayor’s race and women, Lisa Madigan is playing her usual game of Hamlet…
The only way to get media coverage in Chicago these days is to float your name for mayor. I’m surprised Pat Quinn hasn’t done it yet. [Just kidding… Kinda.] * In other mayoral-related, female-related news, Mark Brown has a funny column today…
I think Jackson used the word “social” in the same way it’s used in the phrase “social disease.” By using such an unusal phrase, he has forever associated himself with those two words, a bit like it used to be in the old days when there were no cures for social diseases. Think: “I misremembered it wrong.” * Tribune…
This is the real problem for me. It would’ve been inexcusable to just publish a story about Jackson having a girlfriend unless there was a reason. Having your fundraiser pal fly her back and forth to Chicago is a big no-no for a congressman, who are ruled by a gift ban. * And then there’s this interesting point from Mary Mitchell…
Yeah. You’d have to wonder. * And this is no surprise…
It’s good to see Emanuel doing this, but I’m not sure he or anyone else can contain it…
* Roundup…
Morning Shorts
Thursday, Sep 23, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * Initial claims for unemployment aid rise to 465K
* Today last day for Illinoisans to apply for FEMA flood help * Latest State Education Test Scores So-So
* Teachers Union: Chicago Neighborhoods Need a “Marshall Plan” * CTU survey finds many woes at Chicago Public Schools
* CTU Survey Says: Chaos * Sun-Times: A whole lot of room to make improvement * Duncan on school violence: ‘I think it has gotten worse’ * Railing from riders has Metra rethinking UP North schedule * Board OKs $111 mil. site for new Jones Prep * Mayor’s political workers ponder future
* Alderman Stone declares for re-election * LeClercq seeks 2nd term as Oswego village president * Clifton Mayor Frooninckx resigns; cites health reasons * Loves Park manufacturing firm seeks TIF designation * Belvidere schools, support staff reach three-year deal * Crime up lately in R.I. neighborhood * QC Leader comes clean about service * Developer proposes life on the river in floating condos * Quincy School Board approves $78.4 million budget * McLean County board member Nuckolls arrested in ‘domestic incident’ * District 87: $1.3M deficit could vanish through taxes * Peru explains electric rates and fees, responds to critic * Bill Black won’t run for Danville mayor * Champaign man considers run for mayor * More cuts ahead for [Champaign] county government * State Invests Federal Stimulus Funds to Build Supportive Housing for Charleston Seniors * Construction begins on $12.5M assisted living facility in Charleston * Mattoon sees 2.5 pct. rise in sales tax revenue * Police find 3,650 pounds of marijuana during I-55 traffic stop * Researcher: Meth decline not linked to campaign * Decatur Township assessor again denied additional funds * Madison County will spend $16.6 million to replace two housing projects * Case of accused pot-dealing So. Ill. sheriff headed to jury
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition and a campaign news roundup
Thursday, Sep 23, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
Thursday, Sep 23, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller