Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x2 *** Ads and videos: Personal PAC; Giannoulias; Kilbride; Hare; Foster; Cohen; Roeser
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*** UPDATED x2 *** Ads and videos: Personal PAC; Giannoulias; Kilbride; Hare; Foster; Cohen; Roeser

Thursday, Oct 7, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

*** UPDATE 1 *** Gun control group Brady PAC Illinois is doing an initial round of 65,000 robocalls with the following message

“My husband, JIM Brady, is from Illinois,” Sarah Brady says in the call. “We’ve voted Republican many times, but we think BILL Brady’s gun policies are awful.”

[ *** End Of Update *** ]

* Personal PAC has a powerful new ad featuring a rape victim. The ad is running on cable TV in the Elgin area. The group is holding a fundraiser later this month to raise money to put the spot and three others on the air throughout the Chicago region. Rate it


Jennie: When I was 18, I was raped. I don’t know what I would have done if I had become pregnant.

Narrator: As governor, Bill Brady would seek to outlaw abortion, and Brady opposes any exceptions, even for victims of rape and incest.

Jennie: Forcing a rape victim to carry a pregnancy is unthinkable, and scares me to death.

Narrator: The more you learn about Bill Brady, the worse it gets. We deserve better than Bill Brady.

* Alexi Giannoulias has a new TV ad that, once again, calls Mark Kirk a liar and a George Bush guy. Watch

* “Vote No Kilbride” has a new radio ad blasting the Supreme Court Chief Justice. Listen

*** UPDATE 2 *** Kilbride’s campaign responds…

Kilbride actually voted in support of the state’s position in one of the cases. Together with the Supreme Court’s majority, Kilbride voted to support a harsher sentence against the defendant in this case. The case is People ex rel. Waller v. McKoski. […]

In the Waller decision that JustPac skewered in the radio ad, Tom Kilbride wrote a concurrence opinion arguing the Supreme Court should issue its order through a supervisory order rather than through a mandamus writ - a purely procedural distinction that did not interfere with his support for the harsher penalty.

JustPac’s pretend criminals also flubbed explanations of the other two specified cases. In People v. Bannister, Kilbride questioned the wisdom of allowing testimony from a convicted murderer in a 13-year-old case. This convicted murderer was given a plea agreement vacating his two murder convictions and reducing his sentence in order to get his testimony. And in People v. Runge, Kilbride and Justice Charles Freeman joined a dissent authored by Justice Anne Burke. In this dissent, Burke argued a juror who cheered out loud for the prosecution in a capital case should have been excluded.

[ *** End Of Update 2 *** ]

* Justice Kilbride’s campaign has two new ads. Here’s one

The other one is here.

* The American Future Fund is now broadcasting its stock “Pelosi” ad in Democratic Congressman Phil Hare’s district

* Congressman Bill Foster’s new ad is called Beach

* Scott Lee Cohen stormed out of his own press conference yesterday

The full ABC7 report is here. More from WLS Radio

Independent candidate for governor Scott Lee Cohen lost his temper with the media during a campaign appearance Wednesday morning.

Cohen was angry because a reporter asked whether his plan to create more jobs could take 10 or 15 years.

“You know, I am so sick and tired of the negativity by the media. Do you see anybody that has a better plan? Do you? Do you see anybody out there trying to put the people back to work? You know, that’s enough, I’ve had enough, thank you very much for coming,” Cohen said.

With that Cohen walked away from the podium. He later came back to say what made him angry was a negative Associated Press story about his Rockford job fair Tuesday - a story that quoted attendees who said it was more like a campaign event.

* Jack Roeser’s Illinois Republican Renaissance PAC is trying its hand with Internet videos. This one’s called “Doctors for Brady”

* More videos…

* Hare vs. Schilling debate: Why should the Democrats have another chance?

* Hare vs. Schilling debate:Fair Trade

* SJ-R: Judy Baar Topinka, Republican for comptroller

* SJ-R: David Miller, Democrat for comptroller

* SJ-R: Jesse White, Democrat for secretary of state

* Governor Quinn Creates Elgin-O’Hare West Bypass Advisory Council


  1. - Dirt Digger - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 11:50 am:

    If Cohen’s going to stomp off from his event he could at least stay gone. He even undercut his own roid rage.

  2. - wait a minute - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 11:58 am:

    The anti-Kilbride ad is ridiculous. First, I don’t think it is even remotely factually accurate. Second, the only judges that can “overturn” Kilbride’s decisions are those who sit on the US Supreme Court. To my knowledge, none of the cases they cite have even made it to the court. What a joke.

  3. - Swing Vote - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 11:59 am:

    Imagine that, Scott Lee Cohen lost his temper. At least there wasn’t a knife close by, that darn reporter may have had a problem.

  4. - dupage dan - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 11:59 am:

    Scott’s Liquid “f”ing Gold.

  5. - Amalia - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 12:03 pm:

    Illinois Republican Renaissance PAC …. a new term for wordy!
    Pediatricians for bad grammar!
    Brady: Choices, Autonomy and Freedom, except when it
    comes to reproductive rights!
    Personal PAC, get the ad on! it is great.

  6. - Moderate Repub - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 12:05 pm:

    Doctors for Brady…
    What a snore. They should repackage it as a cure for insomnia.

  7. - Team Sleep - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 12:06 pm:

    The Personal PAC ad is a very good piece, but, as I’ve typed before, will that type of ad have the impact Personal PAC wants when we have a $13 billion deficit and unemployment at 10%?!

    The Foster ad is okay. The purchase of toxic mortgages and assets is such a complex issue that you almost have to offer a video “Cliffs Notes” with the ad so people get the message.

    As for the Kilbride that Rich posted on the page - it would be better if most of the participants didn’t look as though they were reading off of a cue card to one side or the other.

  8. - Carl Nyberg - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 12:10 pm:

    The attacks on Kilbride are sleazy and dishonest.

    He wasn’t ruling on the crimes, but the legal questions about the trial.

  9. - The Enforcer - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 12:10 pm:

    That Personal PAC ad is powerful. Since Brady has got his own ad featuring his daughter as a campaign prop, perhaps someone wants to ask Brady if his daughter agrees with him that victims of rape should be forced to carry the pregnancy to term. It is fair game.

  10. - John Bambenek - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 12:12 pm:

    Last I recalled, Brady already answered this directly. As Governor, he can’t do anything about the legality of abortion in any circumstance. That is, until we amend the US Constitution to allow the Governor of Illinois to appoint justices to the US Supreme Court.

  11. - the dark horse - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 12:14 pm:

    These people launching attacks against Kilbride make my skin crawl. Their “facts” are twisted so badly that they lack credibility to any informed person.

  12. - Nearly Normal - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 12:15 pm:

    Re Docs for Brady–Friedman ran in the primary for the 10th Cong and lost. Neerhof and Carroll write for anti Obama care blogs.

    Now, if a more mainstream group of docs had been in this ad I would have been more impressed. These are just more Roeser buddies.

  13. - David Ormsby - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 12:15 pm:

    I could make it through only 55 seconds of Roeser’s 5:31 epic. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Just because you can make video does not mean you should.

  14. - OneMan - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 12:24 pm:

    I used to work for Waste Management so I guess in Bill Fosterland I am unqualified for congress since they got into accounting trouble.

    Using Bill Foster’s logic just about anyone who works for any bank is also evil…

  15. - Mannheim John - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 12:25 pm:

    Quinn’s add is more irritating than powerful. I say that as someone who liked the “who is this guy?” strategy, and thought his recent commercial at the Ford plant at least helped him make an argument that he’s the candidate about jobs and the economy.

    But, anyone with a pedestrian interest in the separation of powers knows a governor can have no ultimate effcet on whether abortions will be accessible to rape victims. Further, it’s a total red herring to raise the spectre that Brady wants to “outlaw abortion.” First, he knows he can’t. Second I haven’t seen anything put out by him or his campaign indicating he intends on pushing his personal agenda in the legislative arena.

    If anything, Quinn does himself a disservice by veering far off topic (deficit, jobs, etc…) and injecting incest into the public conversation- something even more horrifying than his tenure as governor.

  16. - Skeeter - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 12:26 pm:

    That doctor is right. We do have a malpractice crisis: Too many bad doctors committing malpractice.

    Another note: Is the article actually suggesting that tort reform should be at a national level? In a very conservative way, Brady wants to reverse 200 years of law. Tort law has always been on the state level.

    But it doesn’t matter. That piece is boring as heck. Nobody will listen to it.

  17. - Him Say - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 12:29 pm:

    I just hope the anti-Kilbride ad doesn’t run on Radio Disney. Really? Throat-slashing, killing people in front of children? It’s no wonder people hate politicians. These ads are gross and mean-spirited. All in the name of tort-reform!

    And to think my kids were getting nightmares from the boogie-man.

  18. - Him Say - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 12:32 pm:

    Jeesh, the Doctors for Brady” ad should be called, “Doctors to cure Insomnia”. Oh boy, was that bad.

  19. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 12:34 pm:

    ===If anything, Quinn does himself a disservice by ===

    That’s a Personal PAC ad, not a Quinn ad.

    Also, there’s only one “d” in “ad.” Not two. Please, learn that.

  20. - Amalia - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 12:51 pm:

    John Bambenek, you are wrong. regulations, actions with
    a legisature controlled by his own party, Brady could be
    very dangerous on a wide variety of reproductive health
    matters. no person who disagrees with Brady and the
    right wing groups who support him on reproductive issues
    should risk a vote for him as governor.

  21. - ugh - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 12:54 pm:

    If Justice Kilbride’s campaign response is correct, that ad is totally irresponsible and should be removed. I hope the mainstream press picks up on this.

  22. - D.P. Gumby - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 12:56 pm:

    Murnane and “JustPac” have no interest in the legal system or justice or accuracy. Indeed, for the most part, none of the outside groups that get involved in judicial campaigns ever really have any idea what they are talking about. They cherry pick hot-button phrases and misconstrue them just like in other political campaigns. However, it’s much easier to document their stupidity…This is why we the U.S. Supreme Court has damaged the entire judicial election system by striking down Judicial Ethical prohibitions such that the only alternative is eliminating judicial elections in favor of “merit” selection.

  23. - Cincinnatus - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 12:57 pm:

    Alexi should be reminded that GW Bush hasn’t been POTUS for about 2 years. This pathetic line of attack shows a bit of desperation that he must feel, even though I don’t think he is so far behind that he has to resort to his canard. You sure can’t blame the lack of support, even among Illinois voters, for ObamaCare on Bush, an attack line that has been shown to be effective only among the very liberal voter and lost its effectiveness about 12 months ago. Voters are swinging around to blaming Alexi’s B-Ball Buddy Barack.

  24. - Cincinnatus - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 1:00 pm:


    Simply put, given the fact that abortion has sustained constitutional challenge and is now the law of the land, is it a government obligation to fund abortion? One of the first actions Chris Christie took was eliminating state funding for abortion. I expect Brady will do the same.

    The woman’s right to choose is just that, a woman’s right. It is not a state obligation to fund an individual’s choice.

  25. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 1:01 pm:

    ===Voters are swinging around to blaming Alexi’s B-Ball Buddy Barack. ===

    Not yet in this state.

  26. - just sayin' - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 1:03 pm:

    I really don’t think Bill Brady gives a hoot about abortion or any other issue beyond Bill Brady. But he’s pandered for conservative votes in primaries and tried to be the most conservative. But whether he personally truly cares about the abortion issue or not, the fact is he’s on record as being opposed to abortion even in the case of rape. It just floors me that someone with that view could be leading in any poll in Illinois, even in bad economic times.

    And I would agree with what others have said about the Roeser video. It’s so bad and boring I’m surprised it’s able to float in cyberspace.

  27. - Skeeter - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 1:04 pm:

    Cincy has repeatedly claimed on this forum that social issues should not matter but his 1:00 note shows exactly why they should.

  28. - the Patriot - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 1:07 pm:

    Brady is on the record that he understands he can’t pass pro-life laws substantially changing abortion rights due to the position of the United States Supreme Court. On the other hand, it appears that Pat Quinn’s supporters openly advocate ingnoring the Supreme Court hoping infringe upon citizens 2nd Amendment rights.

    It is a lose lose for Quinn. Pro-choice advocates don’t vote Republican so Brady doesn’t lose anything. On the other hand, a lot of Democrats, especially down state, are worried about 2nd Amendment rights and may vote on that issue alone.

    Not many undecideds at this point still see Abortion or Gun Control as the issue that will sway them. The undecideds are worrried about the economy, the budget, and taxes. Quinn has proven he has no clue on the first two, and will raise the third.

  29. - Amalia - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 1:15 pm:

    Cincy at 1:00 thanks for showing us how the anti
    choice crowd misrepresents the issue and for giving
    me more energy to work harder for Quinn.

  30. - Responsa - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 1:16 pm:

    The Alexi ad is just terrible and unpersuasive on all levels. Old hat. Yesterday’s campaign. He’s still bragging about Bright Start? He’s still ragging on Bush? What? He didn’t have time to slip in what a fabulous young banker he was? When the ad was finished I wanted to borrow a line from Debbie’s campaign and say, “Young man, you don’t know what you’re doing.”

  31. - hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 1:19 pm:

    “But, anyone with a pedestrian interest in the separation of powers knows a governor can have no ultimate effcet on whether abortions will be accessible to rape victims.”

    That’s not really true. A governor can cut funding for family planning programs and special women’s health programs that the state offers. Or in a situation like now where the state is broke, Brady could just not pay out the money because the truth is we don’t have it.

    He can also sign legislation so it’s OK for pharmacists to refuse to give a Plan B pill to a rape victim if that pharmacist thinks that’s abortion and is morally opposed to it.

  32. - the Other Anonymous - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 1:21 pm:

    Scott Lee Cohen asks, “Do you see anybody who has a better plan?” Than what, job fairs?

    Job fairs — even if they were legitimate — don’t create jobs. They don’t improve the business climate, they don’t increase demand for goods and services, they don’t create investment in infrastructure, and they don’t create incentives for businesses to hire or relocate to Illinois.

    It’s fun to talk about Scott Lee Cohen’s roid rage, but we shouldn’t forget that he’s a dope as well.

  33. - Cincinnatus - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 1:22 pm:


    I never claimed that social issues SHOULDN’T matter. I have repeatedly said they WOULDN’T matter in this particular election cycle.

    Jobs/Spending/Taxes. In that order.


    In what way do I misrepresent the issue? Is not the issue state funding of abortion? Is not the debate whether a private individual woman’s choice should be publicly funded? Has not the Hyde amendment been in force at the Federal level for over 30 years?

  34. - wordslinger - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 1:27 pm:

    What’s with Dr. Mark in the Roeser video? He might be in a good place for himself, but he’s not selling it on video. Someone might want to check the medicine locker.

  35. - Skeeter - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 1:30 pm:

    Getting off topic, but interesting that Cincy apparently believes that the Supreme Court will not touch abortion for the next four years.

    Also, interesting to see that Cincy has no problems with the state borrowing $50 billion. Some of us would add that to your little list.

  36. - hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 1:30 pm:

    It’s funny that these two Kilbride ads were put together. I am voting for Kilbride, but I actually am more upset by HIS ad with all those endorsements because as a judge he should know better.

    I mean the opposition to him is nonsense, but I don’t want to vote for a judge being endorsed in a commercial by the Fraternal Order of Police or a county state’s attorney who advertises being “on the side of law and order” any more than I want to vote for a judge who is totally on the sides of defendants.

    Wish Kilbride had stuck to his first ad with him talking.

  37. - wait a minute - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 1:36 pm:

    == I am voting for Kilbride, but I actually am more upset by HIS ad with all those endorsements because as a judge he should know better.==

    The Judicial Code prohibits a judge from taking contributions, that’s why a committee of his supporters is footing the bill for everything - not him. So he really has no say in the endorsement process. I would think that commercial was put together by his supporters, not him.

  38. - Cincinnatus - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 1:42 pm:


    When have I said that I do or don’t have a problem with borrowing $50B. I have not commented on Brady’s plan since I don’t know the specifics (I’m probably in the same boat as Brady here). Citation please. As a general rule, I do not like bonding anything other than infrastructure projects, the state’s unfunded pension obligations don’t seem to be an infrastructure project.

    What does the Supreme Court have to do with Illinois funding abortions? If anything, the SCOTUS would affirm its 1980 decision in Harris v. McRae. I know your trying to make a point here, it’s just unfathomable to me…

  39. - OneMan - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 1:47 pm:

    == He can also sign legislation so it’s OK for pharmacists to refuse to give a Plan B pill to a rape victim if that pharmacist thinks that’s abortion and is morally opposed to it. ==

    I think that is already the law in Illinois

  40. - Skeeter - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 1:50 pm:

    We sure do have a different version of what is fathomable. To me, it is completely fathomable that this Court may decide that Roe is no longer good law. The court is about the most right wing activist court that we’ve had since the 1930s. Anything is possible, so abortion matters.

    I understand, of course, that as a Brady backer you don’t want abortion to be an issue since Brady has just about the most anti-abortion position possible, but that doesn’t change reality. If people hear how extreme Brady is, the issue will matter.

  41. - Louis G. Atsaves - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 1:59 pm:

    The Brady gun radio spot left out the words “we are not related to Bill Brady.”

    I wonder why? :-)

  42. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 2:02 pm:

    ===The Brady gun radio spot===

    It’s a robocall.

  43. - Okay then/ Will County Woman - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 2:04 pm:

    Why the automatic assumption that if Bill Brady were to become governor abortion would be outlawed in Illinois ?

    I absolutely agree with Jennie and others who think it is wrong to force a woman who was raped and impregnated to have the baby. But, if Bill Brady becomes governor he, like George W. Bush, won’t stop abortions. He, like George W. Bush, will undoubtedly continue to express his opposition to abortion. Funny how the so-called pro women’s neglects to mention how despite 8 years of George W. Bush women in the United States had abortions and continue to have them to this day, though that fact is rather obvious. But, you couldn’t tell by Jennie and her ilk. Also, if memory serves, didn’t George W. have a republican-controlled Congress (Frist; Hastert)? He could’ve pushed through his anti-abortion agenda. But, he didn’t. I suspect that the IL GA will see a return of the democrat majority, albeit perhaps a reduced majority. It is because the GA will remain democratic that I would have no problem with Bill Brady being governor. There a little thing in government called checks and balances, maybe Jennie and the so-called pro-women’s movement have heard of it? After 8 miserable years of one- party rule, this state needs some serious checks and balances.


  44. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 2:04 pm:

    ===I think that is already the law in Illinois ===

    It’s a disputed part of the law.

  45. - Ahoy - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 2:07 pm:

    So Tuesday Brady walks out of a press conference because he can’t answer questions about his own budget proposals.

    Yesterday SLC walks out because he can’t answer a very simple question about job creation and time.

    Today Quinn is holding a press conference somewhere and doesn’t know how to stop talking about the nothing that he is talking about.

    Tomorrow Rich Whitney will hold a press conference that no one else will attend because he doesn’t have a chance and SLC is taking all the 3rd party coverage.

    No matter who wins, Illinois is boned.

  46. - Responsa - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 2:09 pm:

    This is a legit question-not snark. Do campaigns really have evidence to believe that people stay on the line for robo calls? I did a little informal survey of my own today. Total of 39 (mostly non-political junkies but still involved voters) who are neighbors or business associates. 100% declared that they find them invasive and annoying, hang up on robo calls without listening, block them, or nuke them off of answering machines the minute they are determined to be robos. Is it proven to be worth the money to finance and instigate these robo calls even when they annoy many on the receiving end?

    I plan to continue my informal survey later this evening among attendees at an event (just for my own edification).

  47. - Okay then/ Will County Woman - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 2:14 pm:

    Re: his girl….

    Brady could cut funding etc.,as you suggest, but why would he? Assuming that he wants to run for re-election and given the very real prospect that he would be facing a formidable challenge from someone like, oh, i don’t know, lisa madigan maybe.

    The reality of the state’s fiscial crisis is such that serious cuts NEED to be made across the board, I’m not saying 10 percent ought to do it, but going foward NOTHING should be spared. It would not be fare to expect law enforcement or municipalities to bear the burden of the state funding cuts, while letting schools and special interests (i.e., women’s issues) off the hook.
    Have you ever heard of shared sacrifice in tough times? Its kinda of ironic how the so-called pro women’s movement likes to argue that women should be treated equal and not viewed as weak. I agree. That’s why women of all people should not be crying about how cuts are going to hurt. I happen to think that tough times call for one to be resourceul and use igenuity.

    Unlike you and other women, I happen to think that women could rise to the challenges posed by budget cuts to programs and overcome them. I happen to think that Illinois has a lot of smart, creative, powerful and dymanic who can pool their resources or find./create new ones to help other women who are likely to be impacted by any state budget cuts to women’s programs. What was it that madeline albright said about women who fail to help other women.

    It’s 2010, and I cannot believe that women are still whining and complaining. Then again, who the so-called pro-women’s movement has been traditionally designed for and run by, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.

    Cheers, girlfriend!

  48. - Amalia - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 2:20 pm:

    OT/Will County Woman…you cannot believe that women
    are still whining and complaining? why is it that women
    are always the group expected to stand down on their rights,
    or told that in these financial times that their rights are not
    an important election issue?

  49. - Okay then/ Will County Woman - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 2:31 pm:

    Stand down what rights Amalia? Come on this abortion stuff is 36-years-old and frankly it’s a little more than tired in my view. I’m sick of talking about it and hearing about.

    Abortion is not an important election issue for many women, and until women like you learn to recognize and respect that fact that not all of us women get all worked up abortion, WE won’t be able accomplish what WE need to. And I really don’t appreciate that the women who constantly do the stereotypical whining and complaining (on issues like abortion) assume/presume to speak for me or represent my views.

  50. - Cincinnatus - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 2:33 pm:


    Just because women have a “right” to an abortion does not mean that the state has to fund that right. I have a “right” to own a gun, that does not mean the state must fund my firearm purchase.

    Democrat motto:

    “No good intention goes unfunded.”

  51. - hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 2:45 pm:


    Way to totally mischaracterize my post to get our your own “whining and complaining” about the women’s movement off your chest. I hope you feel better, but that really has nothing to do with my post.

    I’m not “whining and complaining” by simply pointing out the logical results that would come about from Bill Brady acting on his convictions as a committed and sincere opponent of abortion in all or almost all circumstances who has also promised a 10 percent cut across the board to balance the budget.

    Also, I’m not against shared sacrifices during the state’s fiscal crisis (WHICH I ACKNOWLEDGED IN MY ORIGINAL POST) so I don’t know where you get that from.

    But I don’t think it’s “weak” for anyone, even a woman like me, to point out how state budget cuts will or could affect them or other people in this state. It’s a majority of women workers who will be laid off when the next governor cuts funding for social services and it’s a majority of women as single mothers who will have less benefits. If he’s running on a pro-life platform and as a budget cutter of programs the state can’t afford and gets elected, then he should do those things as elected and follow through on his convictions. If he doesn’t take steps to satisfy his base as governor and keep some promises, his currently motivated base will lose enthusiasm and abandon him so he would get clobbered by the Democrat in this blue state in four years anyway. That’s why Bill Brady might just do what he says.

    BTW, you may not remember this, but like you, I supported Hynes in the primary. I liked Hynes better than Quinn and I still do, but the election didn’t go my way so I have a new choice before me and I like Quinn better than Brady (or Whitney or Cohen) and that’s that. Good for you finding a candidate in Brady you can support.

    But despite my nickname and yours, I personally don’t think either of us personify any generic general viewpoint that all women share as in my experience the women I know are a bit more complicated than that. I would appreciate it if you responded to my individual opinions with the recognition that they are my own and not paint them with whatever broad brush of prejudice you have against “women who fail to help other women” whatever that means in my circumstance.

    Helpfully yours,

  52. - Responsa - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 3:05 pm:

    I note that the tomcats are for the most part quite wisely staying out of the cat fight.

  53. - the Patriot - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 3:23 pm:

    I think a lot are missing the point. Yea, Brady can cut funding to abortion clinics, yea he can enforce pharmacist constitutional rights and we can argue Roe v. Wade for a week. But the fact is, if pro-choise is your issue, you ain’t voting republican. Anybody remember Topinka in 06, pro-choice and all, still got thumped by Rod.

    People pretend that a republican can pull pro-choice voters away by claiming to be pro-choice, but it never happens.

  54. - Air - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 4:02 pm:

    Hultgren is not qualified to be in public service with that kind of background. How did he manage to be a state senator for so long? Quite telling what kind of people we have in Springfield, running a mug.

  55. - Amalia - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 4:18 pm:

    Responsa: why go straight to “cat fight” when women
    have a disagreement? why don’t you just weigh in
    on the issue?

  56. - Amalia - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 4:23 pm:

    WCW: “this abortion stuff is 36 years old….” really? you
    are reducing reproductive choices to “abortion stuff”? the
    big picture is that the pill you may be taking which is also
    advertised as something to clear your skin is something
    which the Brady side of anti choicers is against. it’s not
    just about abortion….it’s about reproductive choices.

  57. - Responsa - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 5:07 pm:

    OK, I’ll tell you why I did not previously, and am not now, going to “weigh in” on the cat fight, Amalia. When back at 12:51 you pronounced:

    ==no person who disagrees with Brady and the
    right wing groups who support him on reproductive issues should risk a vote for him as governor.==

    in my view you basically closed down discussion by dissing and insulting the intelligence of ANY voter who does not consider himself or herself a single issue voter on this, or any other issue.

    Over several years of voting in elections I have yet to find any candidate with whom I agree 100% of the time, so I (as do many people) vote for the candidate I agree with on the greatest number of things, or since this is Illinois, the one whom I consider the least egregious of those running. As a thinking voter I believe that’s the best way for me to judge candidates.

    It’s simple. You appear to be a single issue voter and I and many others are not. No harm, no foul. That’s just the way it is.

  58. - Correction - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 9:54 pm:


    You got the wrong guy. The prosecutor you just described is Jeff Tomczak, the former Will County state’s attorney and son of the former Daley water commissioner.

    You owe Jim Glasgow a very, very big apology.

  59. - Anonymous - Thursday, Oct 7, 10 @ 11:09 pm:

    =As a thinking voter I believe that’s the best way for me to judge candidates.=

    Hope it’s better than your judgment of ads. That Giannoulias ad is pretty effective.

  60. - Linkster - Friday, Oct 8, 10 @ 10:50 am:

    I stand corrected and apologize. I’m glad somebody out there is running an honest blog and fact checking what gets posted. I’m not the only one who made a mistake like that one about Jim Glascow. I’m not saying that as an excuse. I will triple check my sources and what they say from now on. I can offer as a lesson that what gets said again and again and again becomes a substitute for the truth.

Sorry, comments for this post are now closed.

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