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Deciding who is what isn’t always as easy as some say

Monday, Oct 25, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Edward McClelland makes an interesting case about newspaper endorsements. After asking Alexi Giannoulias what spending he would have opposed in the past two years, a Tribune editorial board member cut him off short

McCormick: “You don’t get to have these long discussions in Congress. You vote yes or no.”

The resulting Tribune endorsement of Mark Kirk claimed that Giannoulias couldn’t answer the question, and Kirk has since used that statement in his advertising. From McClelland…

Has McCormick never watched a Senate hearing? Congress spends most of its time having long discussions. It spends a few minutes voting on the bills that result from those discussions. Presumably, as a senator with expertise in banking, Giannoulias would have had input into TARP, allowing him to shape it into a bill more to his liking. Congress isn’t simply presented bills and asked for a thumbs up or thumbs down. It’s not the Chicago City Council. It writes bills, debates them, and offers amendments.

Giannoulias gave a legitimate answer, but he was in a hostile forum. The Tribune Editorial Board only endorsed its first Democrat in 2008 — a wise business decision, considering most of its subscribers voted for Obama. Everyone expected the Tribune to endorse Kirk. We didn’t expect the paper to write his campaign ads, too

* Meanwhile, after failing to come up with any real reason to vote for Bill Brady in their original endorsement, the Tribune has since published an editorial about education reform that was red meat for the base.

* And that brings us to the 10th Congressional District race. A Tribune reported rightly noted recently that Republican Bob Dold was not exactly up front about his stand on abortion during the primary

In the 10th Congressional District, the latest Democratic ad ties Republican Robert Dold to a group that opposes abortion rights. The ad ends with the tagline, “Too extreme for Illinois.”

After being somewhat cagey on the issue during the GOP primary, Dold has said he supports abortion rights, but doesn’t want tax dollars spent on it and wants minors to get the consent of a parent or judge before getting one. Dold was recommended by the Illinois Federation for Right to Life in the Republican primary, but the group pointed out that Dold doesn’t oppose abortion

New York Times / Chicago News Cooperative columnist James Warren also just wrote a piece about Dold

A candidate can’t be expected to embrace everybody who supports him. But those backers can still leave a voter wondering where a candidate really stands.

Robert Dold, a Republican who’s running for Mr. Kirk’s north suburban congressional seat, publicly asserts he’s pro-abortion rights, but he keeps being endorsed by anti-abortion groups, the most recent being the Illinois Family Institute.

The key abortion question on its candidate questionnaire relates to proposed federal legislation to require that providers speak vividly to mothers. The proposed script for doctors includes the line, “There is substantial evidence that the process of being killed in an abortion will cause the unborn child pain, even though you receive a pain-reducing drug or drugs.”

Mr. Kirk said that he’s against the proposal. Mr. Dold, the self-proclaimed Kirk Redux moderate, said that he’s for it.

Dold, by the way, refused to eventually filled out Planned Parenthood’s questionnaire. The group, along with every other pro-choice organization, are none too happy with Dold.

And that brings us to the Tribune editorial entitled “Come on, Mr. Seals“…

You can get immune to candidates taking liberties with the truth as they rip each other during campaigns, but sometimes they mislead voters so badly you have to call them on it. Such is the case with Democrat Dan Seals.

Seals is running for the U.S. House in the north suburban 10th District. He and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee are running ads that say Republican Robert Dold is “too extreme” on abortion. But they don’t cite Dold’s own words or views on abortion. That wouldn’t work, because Dold plainly says he supports abortion rights. They cite, instead, the views of the Illinois Federation for Right to Life.

“Bob Dold is hiding who he is. Dold’s supported by radical groups that would criminalize abortion in every case,” says an ominous voice in a Seals TV ad.

The editorial gets into the tricky business of what candidates say they are vs. what they really are. We often rely on established groups for guidance on this topic. For instance, if a candidate says he’s pro gun rights, but has no support from any gun organizations at all, is he or she really “pro-gun”? Well, yes, he or she could actually be pro-gun. Endorsements often go to incumbents when it’s a close call. But if a gun group specifically blasted a candidate as being “anti-gun” I’d take some notice.

Dold ran against what appeared to be a pro-life candidate in the GOP primary, but Illinois Federation for Right to Life still “recommended” Dold. That’s always been puzzling to me. From Tom Roeser

Pro-lifer Arie Friedman lost to Bob Dold for 10th district Congress: at least Dold is somewhat pro-life—but I’m assuaged that pro-abort State Rep. Beth Coulson, worse than even NY-23’s Dede Scozzafava (the same lefty Beth who didn’t even endorse George W. Bush for reelection in 2004) has conceded to Dold.

The problem here is that Dold has indeed been “cagey” about what he actually supports. And until he has a voting record, we don’t know for sure who he really is and what he actually believes, even though his sisters insist that he’s pro-choice. Still, he’s worked overtime to publicly disassociate himself from some of the conservative groups that are supporting him, and that makes me more than a little suspicious about what’s really going on here. So it doesn’t look totally out of bounds for Seals to whack Dold on abortion since the pro-choice groups are so universally down on the guy. This isn’t nearly as clear-cut an issue as the Tribune tries to make it, except that Dold is their guy and they’re defending him. I get that, too. I just don’t follow their logic.

On the other hand, the Tribune claimed that state Rep. Mark Walker “has an anti-business voting record” even though Walker was endorsed by the Illinois State Chamber of Commerce. So go figure.

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  1. - siriusly - Monday, Oct 25, 10 @ 2:47 pm:

    We have always known that the Tribune was a GOP biased paper. It wouldn’t bother me about the Tribune endorsing all Republican candidates if they were consistent in their reasoning. They bash some Democrats for backing a tax increase, but then demand Speaker Madigan be ousted because he hasn’t “reformed” the state’s revenues. What does that mean?

    They are guilty of the same double speak that they accuse candidates of.

    The best part of each Sunday’s Tribune is now the coupons. That paper is now complete trash in my humble opinion.

  2. - unspun - Monday, Oct 25, 10 @ 2:50 pm:

    Chicago Tribune=Fox News on Steroids.

  3. - Greg B. - Monday, Oct 25, 10 @ 2:56 pm:

    Some good stuff. Does the same kind of thing go on at the Sun-Times, SJ-R, and Rockford?

  4. - J - Monday, Oct 25, 10 @ 2:56 pm:

    The sad thing is the Trib used to be a good paper. I’m not sure why the Trib had to invent a new way to attack Alexi, since there are already so many.

    Also at the rate they’re going they should start filing their editorials Independent Expenditures.

  5. - Amalia - Monday, Oct 25, 10 @ 3:00 pm:

    ok, yeah, they are way confusing at the Trib. endorsements are a parsing business.

    but let’s be clear about one thing, in the last few weeks we have learned that the Tribune has condoned an atmosphere of sexual harassment, with multiple possibilities of litigation and federal EEOC charges, and that is way more of a worry in my opinion.
    and worth more discussion time.

  6. - Louis G. Atsaves - Monday, Oct 25, 10 @ 3:03 pm:

    Planned Parenthood endorsed 89 Democrats and 5 Republicans this election cycle. It appears that all 5 Republicans are for State Representative seats. Nuff said?

    Real fair group! :-)

    Yet Seals can use a quote from Planned Parenthood that says that Seals is the “only” Pro-Choice Candidate in the 10th in various ads? Because Planned Parenthood says so? Or that Dold is a secret Tea Partier in disguise because a Tea Party group did an amateur rating on him?

    The (Planned Parenthood) definition of Pro-Choice includes no parental notification in cases of minors? Isn’t this something Ricky Hendon claimed he supported on WGN radio this morning. Who wants to bet Hendon will be endorsed by this group in future? Was he in the past?

    The Tribune is correct that Seals is deliberately distorting Dold’s position. And just how long was the Tribune going to let Alexi stammer on that question he could never answer?

    That fairness knife cuts on both sides.

    Eight days left. Can’t come soon enough.

  7. - Anonymous - Monday, Oct 25, 10 @ 3:07 pm:

    =We didn’t expect the paper to write his campaign ads, too=

    IMHO, THAT says it all. Voting record aside (only because–arguably–ten years can be considered a long time to never change a position), if you listen to Kirk on his own, he does extremely well. There’s consistency there on enough policy issues that could have been emphasized.

    However, the Campaign it seems–from the beginning–always seemed to believe in “catchy” talking points–almost of the same quality as household cleaning product jingles–drilled into everyone’s brain non-stop. The NSRC seems on board with that approach now, too.

  8. - Anonymous - Monday, Oct 25, 10 @ 3:10 pm:

    And even Kirk himself falls into that role sometimes.

  9. - George - Monday, Oct 25, 10 @ 3:14 pm:

    However, the Campaign it seems–from the beginning–always seemed to believe in “catchy” talking points

    That’s the D.C.

  10. - tominchicago - Monday, Oct 25, 10 @ 3:15 pm:

    Those editorials in favor of republicans would really hurt their democratic challengers so it is a good thing for the dems that the Tribune is no longer credible.

  11. - Conservative Veteran - Monday, Oct 25, 10 @ 3:17 pm:

    The Tribune isn’t conservative. In Oct. 2008, the Trib. endorsed Obama.

  12. - Steve Downstate - Monday, Oct 25, 10 @ 3:18 pm:

    Not Alexi’s biggest fan, but he has my sympathy on this one. Likely he wanted to say something smart in response; good thing he didn’t.

  13. - Anonymous - Monday, Oct 25, 10 @ 3:28 pm:

    =That’s the D.C. =

    Well, maybe all of the PR, spokespersons, campaign managers, etc. should try harder then to convince Voters that they’re in it because they believe in public service (and therefore, their candidate) v. a deep desire to be nothing more than “talking heads” who jump on latest “hot topic”–especially when doing so can damage their candidate and his credibility.

  14. - Rahm's Parking Meter - Monday, Oct 25, 10 @ 3:38 pm:

    The Tribune has become just very unprofessional in my view. McCormick, Zorn and the gang have started making news versus reporting it. Not a good sign for the Tribune.

  15. - shore - Monday, Oct 25, 10 @ 3:40 pm:

    the Tribune statement underscores the theme in press coverage of alexi for the last several weeks in chicago which is that at the end of the day, this guy is not mature enough to be senator. He can’t answer basic questions about the job he’s been asked repeatedly. Phil Rogers at NBC5-chicago, nate silver this morning on morning joe, lynn sweet at the suntimes, the tribune last friday have all called him immature. Silver said he lacked gravitas.

    If not for this seals has had it coming for a long time on his factual inaccuracies. neither of those 2 guys seems to want to tell the truth about their positions on issues or life stories. It’s too bad the media spent all year covering what blago had for lunch, what trash game out of his lawyers mouth, and what patti blago wore to trial because we are going to end up with a lot of awful elected officials in races like this that didn’t get half the scrutiny they deserved.

  16. - MrJM - Monday, Oct 25, 10 @ 3:43 pm:

    Alexi shouldda know that thoughtfulness has no place at the Chicago Tribune editorial board.

    – MrJM

  17. - MrJM - Monday, Oct 25, 10 @ 3:46 pm:

    Rahm’s Parking Meter - “McCormick, Zorn and the gang have started making news versus reporting it.”

    May I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the many, long-held distinctions between: 1) newspaper reporters, 2) newspaper columnists, and 3) newspaper editorial pages.

    – MrJM

  18. - Anonymous - Monday, Oct 25, 10 @ 3:47 pm:

    Former State Rep. Penny Pullen endorsed Bob Dold in the primary. Frankly, I was surprised to hear she was still around. Some of you other long time observers must remember her. She simply does not support pro-choice candidates.

  19. - Anonymous - Monday, Oct 25, 10 @ 3:49 pm:

    3:47 wasn’t this long time observer.

  20. - Puhleeze - Monday, Oct 25, 10 @ 3:53 pm:

    Hey Louie - Planned Parenthood endorsed Mark Kirk for the 10th in the past. They endorse R’s too. And there is far more evidence that Dold is a winger here:

    It’s not that that silly voter guide gave him a Tea Party rating. It’s that Dold went out of his way to try to make sure they didn’t.

  21. - Another Anonymous - Monday, Oct 25, 10 @ 3:55 pm:

    Pro-life township chairs Dan Castella and Ruth O’Connell also supported Dold in the primary.

  22. - Louis G. Atsaves - Monday, Oct 25, 10 @ 4:17 pm:

    Puhleeze: 5% of who they endorsed were Republicans, 95% Democrats? And the Dan Seals created list says what? Pretty much what the Tribune was complaining about. Rightfully so.

    Another Anonymous: I endorsed Dold during the primary (Moraine Township GOP Chairman) and I’m pro-choice. And that was after I grilled Dold on his position on this issue and many others. To say that Pullen, DON Castella and O’Connell endorsed Dold over one single issue is preposterous. I may not see eye-to-eye with them on the abortion issue, but they are not shallow one issue types.

  23. - 10th guy - Monday, Oct 25, 10 @ 4:19 pm:

    Dold is hiding behind his sisters. Boy, that’s kind of lame. I want to hear from a candidate. There are real issues about where he stands. This is just like his d not an e gig. Pure theatrics .

  24. - J - Monday, Oct 25, 10 @ 4:20 pm:

    Louis, I have to go back to a column that Rich wrote a few weeks ago. If Bob Dold is so unequivocally pro-choice, why do these things keep happening to him?

    Kirk never was endorsed by any of these pro-life groups, and yet it just keeps happening to Dold.

    I wonder why that is…

  25. - Anonymous - Monday, Oct 25, 10 @ 4:23 pm:

    Your endorsement of Dold after a grilling just means he told you what you wanted to hear and also told those pro-lifers what they wanted to hear too.

  26. - Anon - Monday, Oct 25, 10 @ 4:38 pm:

    Why endorsements?:

    Two guys named Dan. Both “the honorable.”

    This isn’t about pro-choice/life, it’s about a new guy that only cares about #1. The end doesn’t justify the means.

  27. - Anonymous - Monday, Oct 25, 10 @ 4:48 pm:

    From a recent article: “Kirk reported payments of $1.08 million to a Maryland media strategist”

    Hope he got his money’s worth. Sheesh.

  28. - Louis G. Atsaves - Monday, Oct 25, 10 @ 4:52 pm:

    -J-: Rich wrote something about this a few weeks and I responded. Why do these “things” keep happening to “him?”

    My response has been consistent: Being a Moderate Republican means you are attacked from the right and from the left. (This would also be true of “Blue Dog” Democrats.) Moderates reach out to both sides or at least try to. So when Dold reaches out to a group that is to the right of him, Seals and his minions pounce and claim that he is a “tea partier.” When Dold reaches out to a group that is to the left of him, the conservatives pounce on him.

    If you want a Parliament where one side speaks while the other jeers and neither side listens to each other, resulting in log jams and stalemates, that is your choice.

    Not mine.

    So I support moderate candidates and defend them. The attempts to claim that Dold is some right wing radical in disguise is preposterous, but some in the media, including Rich, have bought into it.

    I’m not that complicated of a guy. I walk out to my Grey Jeep each evening and stick the key in the lock and start it up and drive. But when you call my Grey Jeep orange with a straight face, don’t expect me to take you seriously! :-)

  29. - The Moderate - Monday, Oct 25, 10 @ 5:47 pm:

    Query this: If Bob had told people that he was pro-life wouldn’t he have caught him on video? They don’t have that video.
    Rich wants us to believe the DCCC’s hate ads over the clearly stated and consistent positions of Bob Dold. I think that reflects poorly on Rich’s objectivity, not on Bob Dold. Kudos to the Tribune for standing up to negative campaigns and lies. Hope and Change has turned into LIes and Cynical status quo because of people like Dan Seals.

  30. - Rich Miller - Monday, Oct 25, 10 @ 5:49 pm:

    ===wouldn’t he have caught him on video?===

    By whom?

  31. - Lifelong Resident of the 10th - Monday, Oct 25, 10 @ 5:50 pm:

    I have a copy of the IFI questionnare from the primary. Dold did in fact support the idea of requiring doctors to “inform” women seeking abortions about the pain of the unborn. Friedman did not. It looks like Dold warmth most pro life candidate in the race which is why he got “recommended”. Green, Coulson, Cadigan, and Hammon all declined to fill out the IFI questionnaire.

  32. - Another Anonymous - Monday, Oct 25, 10 @ 5:58 pm:

    Dold did fill out the IFI questionnare but he is not listed on the Illinois Federation for Right to Life site as having done so (then click on Candidate Survey Responses) and that is the group that “recommended” Dold that is being used in the Seals ads.

  33. - Puhleeze - Monday, Oct 25, 10 @ 6:08 pm:

    Dold’s response to the Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act is here as well:

    Also, when asked if Roe v. Wade should be overturned, pro-choice candidates say “no.” Dold said, “I just don’t think that is realistic.”

    What?! Can someone tell me what makes Bob Dold pro-choice? Name one thing, other than just him saying so.

  34. - Louis G. Atsaves - Monday, Oct 25, 10 @ 7:00 pm:

    Puhleeze: Dold called overturning Roe v. Wade “a moot point” in response to the Berkowitz questions. Care to take anything else out of context?

    And Another Anonymous claims Dold did fill out the IFI questionnaire but isn’t listed as having done so. Any proof in the form of the actual document or is this a continuation of the slimy Seals whispering campaign that has confused so many and which caused the Trib to lash out at Seals?

  35. - G. Willickers - Monday, Oct 25, 10 @ 9:52 pm:

    Just like the Trib writing Mark Kirk and Bob Dold ads they are also writing Dave Harris ads.

    He’s got a stack of mailer higher ‘n an elephants eye quoting the Tribbles “anti-business” this that and the other thing.

    Its a regurgitation of the Zell-out editorial board Paid For By bogus endorsements.

  36. - The Moderate - Monday, Oct 25, 10 @ 10:41 pm:

    Rich, by whom? ? UR kidding right? I must have been a long time since you have been to a political event. Here in 2010, everyone has a camera in their pocket, including the high school kids Seals pays to track Dold to events.

  37. - G. Willickers - Monday, Oct 25, 10 @ 11:24 pm:

    @The Moderate - Hey man high school kids from the other team can’t get into every political events. Lots of those events happen behind closed doors.

    Maybe Louie Atsaves can shed light on his grilling and how it was different than Penny Pullen’s or Ruthy O’Donnell’s grilling.

  38. - Roberta - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:12 pm:

    Mr. Dold is not pro choice although he wants the 10th district voters to believe he is. The facts don’t support Mr. Dold’s assertions. The Tribune editorial criticizing Mr. Dold’s opponent for pointing out the truth about Bob Dold’s anti-choice position is short on facts. On his website, Mr. Dold says, “I am pro-choice and believe that this very personal and difficult decision belongs to each individual woman.” The problem is that simply saying it doesn’t make it so. Mr. Dold wants the government involved in that “very personal and difficult decision.” Bob Dold supports the Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act of 2006 (H.R.6099), which requires abortion providers to tell mothers about fetal development and the capacity of preborn children to feel pain. Mr. Dold indicated his support for this anti choice legislation on the Illinois Family Institute questionnaire. This act is a huge government intrusion at an emotional time in a decision that should be made by a woman, her partner, her doctor and her God. This act is nothing less than emotional blackmail based on questionable science designed to influence a woman’s most intimate life decision when she is most vulnerable. No one who is pro choice supports this legislation.

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