Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x3 *** Did Bubba bomb? Plus Berrios’ new TV ad
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*** UPDATED x3 *** Did Bubba bomb? Plus Berrios’ new TV ad

Tuesday, Oct 26, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From WLS Radio

Former President Bill Clinton’s ‘get out the vote’ rally for Democrats at a downtown Chicago hotel was the most unenthusiastic WLS veteran political reporter Bill Cameron has ever witnessed.

Clinton was an hour late for the Tuesday afternoon rally at the Palmer House and droned on for another hour, sending dozens of the few hundred Democrats in attendance for the exits.

The “few hundred” turnout number appears to be way off. I talked to a reporter who was there who said at least a thousand people showed up. The official number given by the Quinn campaign was 1,300, and the Sun-Times used that figure.

And this is from Fox News, which is hardly a Democratic Party shill

After taking the stage almost an hour behind scheudule, Bill Clinton fired up the crowd of more than 1,000 inside the historic Palmer House Hilton saying, “We are all here. Now the question is, what are we going to do?”

“Fired up” does not sound to me like “most unenthusiastic rally ever.” According to my reporter friend, Clinton did indeed “drone on” for a long time. WBEZ said the speech sounded “more like a college professor’s lecture than a rallying cry for Democrats.” A sample

“You can win every race represented on this stage,” Clinton told 1,300 cheering Democrats at the Palmer House Hilton.

“You could also lose every single one of them. It depends on how bad you want this and whether you know what to say to the people who are not here.”

I’m told the crowd reaction was strong. Also, my friend said, only a few people actually walked out. That’s normal for an event which started an hour late because of the big storm.

The Brady campaign e-mailed WLS’ story probably hoping to gin something up. But I think WLS’ coverage may be a better angle. They pushed that totally goofy “Greek draft dodger” story every hour on the hour during their news programs yesterday.

It would be a real shame if the attitude of the station’s right-leaning infotainment jocks has now overtaken WLS’ news desk. That used to be a great station.

*** UPDATE 1 *** Thanks to a commenter, here’s a photo of the rally

As the commenter said, that doesn’t look like a few hundred listless people.

*** UPDATE 2 *** Video of what doesn’t appear to be lethargic people

*** UPDATE 2 *** ABC7’s Charles Thomas backs up Cameron on crowd size but not enthusiasm

When the former president began his speech, the Palmer House ballroom was half filled with enthusiastic Democratic Party workers. By the time Clinton finished, the candidates he promoted had been standing behind him for nearly an hour and the room was at best a third filled.


[ *** End Of Updates *** ]

* Meanwhile, in other campaign news, Joe Berrios’ new TV ad will start tomorrow. Rate it


  1. - reformer - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 3:48 pm:

    This latest Berrios ad is the best attack he’s put out so far, though that’s a pretty low bar. May be too little, too late.

  2. - Quinn T. Sential - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 3:49 pm:

    {“You can win every race represented on this stage,” Clinton told 1,300 cheering Democrats at the Palmer House Hilton.}

    Which races were represented on stage?

  3. - Georgia - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 3:51 pm:

    This sure doesn’t look like a “few hundred” bored Democrats

  4. - Quinn T. Sential - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 3:55 pm:

    Was Rahm on stage?

  5. - Jack S. - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 3:55 pm:

    I just returned from the Democratic rally. WLS’s report? Meh. Exactly what I would expect from them.

    The truth is really between FOX & WBEZ. Yes, Big Dog was late & did talk for awhile, but that’s nothing we didn’t already know about him. And there were at least 1000 people there — the floor & the balcony were filled.

    IMHO, Dan Seals & Dick Durbin gave the best speeches and really fired up the crowd. And Alexi was very well received, with his very serious speech about why this election is so important: not just for IL, but for our country.

  6. - Jack S. - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 3:58 pm:

    QTS: On stage with Bill - Durbin, Alexi, Halverson, Foster, Seals, Quinn, & Simon. And a tireless sign language translator.

  7. - Cindy Lou - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:00 pm:

    Did not view them all but here is slide show.

    Clinton was the first and only President I could listen to rattle on and on.

  8. - Quinn T. Sential - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:01 pm:

    Other than some tangential TV visibility as a background prop, Halverson, Seals, and Foster were wasting their time, because little if any reference to their races are likely going to make the cut from the editing room floor. They would have been better off spending time in their districts.

  9. - CircularFiringSquad - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:01 pm:

    Houli looks like he has been a lot of time at the East Bank Club — the bar section

    Nice spot that properly defines Forest as the Houli hack that he is

    Good work joe

  10. - justbabs - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:01 pm:

    I saw the Berrios ad already, last night, this morning? Not sure. Not bad. What is Claypool waiting for? I’m really surprised he’s not all over the radio and tv. Think he’s saving his money to run for Mayor?

  11. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:01 pm:

    The production values on the Berrios ad are excellent. The more he can tie “reformer” Claypool to regular Dems, the better.

    So Houlihan was responsible for the housing bubble bursting? He should be ashamed of himself.

    Still, I give it a 7.

  12. - phil sanders - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:01 pm:

    The would be more effective if it were true. The loss in value on your home has nothing to do with Houlihan and everything to do with the economy. The ad says under Houlihan your property value has gone like it’s his fault. sheesh

  13. - George - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:02 pm:

    Talked to several people who were there. Their feedback:
    - Clinton talked a while, yes, but it was good to hear the big dog speak.
    - a couple of them left around 12:30 because they had been there since 9 AM and had to get back to work by 1 pm (symptom of Clinton starting late, not people being bored).
    - Crowd was definitely about 1,000.
    - Dan Seals was the best speaker.
    - Durbin a good second.

    In the end, this was a made-for-TV rally, so all that matters is how it looks on the evening news.

    And with Clinton and Obama in town this week to rally with the candidates, that will suck a whole lot of air out of the room for any republican candidates trying to get in their final message.

  14. - Don't Worry, Be Happy - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:02 pm:

    OMG, you mean that Berrios is going to lower my property taxes while Claypool is going to raise them!! I’m like so going to vote for Berrios!!!!!!

    Oh, wait. I nearly forgot that the assessor doesn’t control tax rates. Yeah, and I already voted early for Claypool. Oh well.

    But at least I finally have someone to blame for the collapse in the value of my home: Incumbent Houlihan. And here I thought it had something to do with the Great Recession.

  15. - State Sen. Clay Davis - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:03 pm:

    On stage with Clinton were Durbin Quinn/Simon, Alexi, Seals, Halvorson and Foster.

    I showed up at 9:45, the first speakers didn’t start until about 11:15. It started with just Durbin and the 3 congressionals. Durbin introduced the three congress races and let the candidates speak.

    Clinton and the whole crew came on around 11:45. Quinn and Alexi spoke for a few minutes, then Clinton went for an hour.

    There was some rallying, but more than that, facts and encouragement on who to talk to (african-americans, latinos, youth) in the last 7 days and what to tell them. He went point by point through his accomplishments and how the R’s (including Kirk) started screwing it up in 2000. He spoke about each of the five races in detail and told Democrats that after the R’s have left the nation in a huge hole, it’s all about real plans to get us out. And not to turn it back over to the “shovel brigade” who got us in.

    Clinton warned people to “follow the money.” Republican plans on repealing healthcare, cutting financial regulation, slashing personal income tax rates for the top 2% and cutting green energy investment gives immediate financial benefit to large corporations and the wealthy, who are in turn donating huge sums to Republican candidates through anonymous groups like American Crossroads. “You’re getting played - we need to move forward, not let them take this country backward”

    I was impressed with his knowledge, his speaking ability, and his knack for self-deprecation. It was my first time seeing a President in person before, and I won’t forget it.

  16. - Cynic Al - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:07 pm:

    Not a fan of the Berrios ad. First, it seems like he is attacking Houlihan moreso than Claypool. Second, Berrios does realize that the Assessor doesn’t have the power lower taxes, right?

  17. - Rahm's Parking Meter - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:07 pm:

    I agree with Clay Davis, but also, if the crowd was so listless, when Clinton took off his jacket after speaking, and went down off the stage to work the crowd, why did everyone gravitate dangerously towards the stage? I got my hand shaken by the President, and while his speech was wonky, it was without notes and it was pure Clinton.

  18. - Rahm's Parking Meter - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:08 pm:

    ANON, what you don’t see is they had the lead in room behind that photo and that was filled too, you can not see it from that angle.

  19. - ANON - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:09 pm:

    Also, if you notice those people aren’t raising their hands cheering, they’re holding up there cameras and cell phones. Doesn’t indicated enthusiastic crowd to me.

  20. - too obvious - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:11 pm:

    Republicans would kill to get that many people to an event in this state.

  21. - Homer J. Simpson - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:12 pm:

    Bubba-bomb. Billy J. has got to see they’re just using him these days.

  22. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:12 pm:


    I just took WLS off the car radio as a “chosen” station, and I am a republican… “few hundred”?

    Bill Cameron has just lost a great deal of credibility… thanks for posting that picture … geez, how the heck can we, repubs, convince people in a “blue” state to think twice before voting Dem when there are truly “shills”, (and Bill Cameron, you are now a shill) trying to just tear things down, or just blatently lie, as opposed to “Clinton had about 1300 people”

    Clinton had a good turnout … he was POTUS… what harm does it do to tell the truth on something that can be verified as a lie!

    Next thing you know WLS will let Blago have a show on the station …

    Horrible … Thanks for “helping” Bill Cameron!

  23. - lawyerlady - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:12 pm:

    I don’t know how many people were at the event - maybe 700, maybe 1,000 (I’m not doing a photo headcount) but you should NEVER believe a campaign’s self-reported numbers. Anyone who’s ever talked to press about any political event knows that if there were 30, you report about 50, if there were 70, say about 100, if there were 140, report close to 200, and so on. The bigger the numbers, the more room for exaggeration.

  24. - Frank - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:14 pm:

    Cynic Al,

    The assessor may not have the ability to raise and lower taxes, but Houlihan has proven that he has the ability to shift the tax burdern (see 10/25 ordinance)

  25. - Louis Howe - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:15 pm:

    I was a Democratic Party Delegate to Clinton’s first major “Public Rattling On Session,” at the 1988 Democratic Convention. He rambled for nearly an hour of prime time with Dukakis cooling his heels. I don’t believe Clinton represents Obama’s much promised, but little delivered, “Change We Can Believe In.” It’s another example of Democrat Leadership delivering mixed messages.

  26. - Jack S. - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:15 pm:

    Hey ANON - You were not present to personally count the number of people or see how enthusiastic they were. I suggest you stop speculating about an event based your personal bias. It’s is extremely disingenuous.

  27. - shore - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:21 pm:

    1. there is no sign of dan seals in the pictures.

    2. alexi must be tall because halvorson was totall hidden behind him.

  28. - The Shadow - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:23 pm:

    - State Sen. Clay Davis -

    That’s exactly what happened there. Also for the record Clinton had notes. He barley used them but he had them. He was solid.

  29. - Amalia - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:26 pm:


    Berrios ad…good attack ad. it matters not that it is completely
    false that the bill goes up because of the assessor, but it is an effective argument in these time. Forrest should find a way to answer the hack comment. after all, his buddy Rahm is busy
    trying to pretend that his mantle is public safety when we all know that belongs to someone else. these candidates are all very good at pretending they are good at something when they are actually not. Alexi with the military attack on Kirk, Berrios on Forrest as a hack, Rahm and crime.

    come on Forrest, more ads!

  30. - State Sen. Clay Davis - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:29 pm:

    Shore, #5 and 12 in the NBC photos have Seals speaking. He was on the far right of the stage during Clinton’s speech. Man, I wish I had known Clinton was going to shake hands afterward. Missed my chance! As for turnout, it was a good 1,000+ when WJC began speaking. Full room, about 200 on the balcony.

  31. - Jack S. - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:30 pm:

    shore - Here, let me help you: Just click here, click the arrow in the lower right corner (after you watch the 5 second car ad) to scroll through the photos. Or just let them automatically scroll for you. You will indeed see a photo of Dan speaking to the crowd. And, BTW, it was a great speech.

  32. - Jaded - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:31 pm:

    Other than traffic, not sure why anyone would listen to WLS anyway.

    As far as Clinton goes, don’t care to go hear him speak, but man would I love to have a beer or five with him and hear what he really has to say.

  33. - Segatari - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:31 pm:

    >It would be a real shame if the attitude of the station’s right-leaning infotainment jocks has now overtaken WLS’ news desk. That used to be a great station.

    Thanks for revealing your true colors again.

  34. - Wally - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:32 pm:

    too obvious—Clearly you were not at Republican Day at the State Fair in August.

  35. - Dem voter - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:35 pm:

    I was at the event. Durbin, Quinn, Simon, Seals, Halvorson, Foster, Alexi and Clinton were there. There were at least 1000 people, and people like me had to start leaving by 12 and 12:30 because we had to go back to work. Crowd was enthusiastic, but they were also tired standing from 9:30am. Clinton was wonderful! I’m amazed by his grasp and in-depth knowledge of the economy, even though he is no longer president. I had a good view and he hardly looked at his notes. I agree he did speak too long.

  36. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:36 pm:

    Segatari, bite me.

    Opinion is fine. I don’t care what the infotainment jocks do. News is different. That’s what I meant and that is my true color.

    Again, bite me.

  37. - ANON - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:39 pm:

    The picture with the article on WLS’ website clearly shows a ton of empty room behind the shot posted above. Overflow crowd in another room? Hardly.

  38. - Logical Thinker - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:42 pm:

    Charles Thomas is hardly a shill. Given that, here is EXACTLY what he said on the ABC 7 news just moments ago:

    “When Bill Clinton started his speech, the Palmer House Ballroom was half-filled with enthusiastic, mostly democratic party workers. By the time Clinton finished an hour later, the candidates he promoted had been standing behind him for all that time and the room was AT BEST a third filled.”

    BTW, the TV images of the rally, specifically the looks on some of the people’s faces DID NOT play well on TV. There were a lot of very bored people there (or at least that is what they showed) and there was quite a bit of empty space in the back.

  39. - George - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:42 pm:

    I would say Rich’s true colors are black & white (newsprint for journalism and journalistic integrity), but that doesn’t really jive with this awful blend of purple, tan and red he has been rocking for the past several years…

  40. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:42 pm:

    Segatari -

    What? The last time I checked, a “news” story is based on facts, and when you say a “few hundred” to a packed ballroom, and if look at the video, versus an “observation” … AGAIN …what the heck?

    I am tired of liberal media doing that to conservative/republican to their events/stories/candidates/etc … so I expect some things … like facts of the number attending ANY event, and HOW that event, no matter WHOSE event it is, was received to be accurate.

    Period, end of paragraph, new sentence!

  41. - too obvious - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:43 pm:

    Wally, there were not 1,000 people at GOP day at the state fair unless you’re counting carnies. No way. Anyone can compare the photos.

  42. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:45 pm:

    Et tu, Bill Cameron?

    He’s more interested in palling around with the talkers than doing his job as a reporter. Really Bill, this was the most unenthusiastic rally you’re EVER witnessed? You’ve been covering Chicago for decades, which begs the question, what is in 2nd place on your list? The Illinois Solidarity Party rally for Einar Dyhrkopp back in ‘86?

  43. - One of the 35 - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:46 pm:

    Are they sure the rally was at the Palmer House Hilton? I can only see part of the room in the photo above,but it looks a lot like the Hilton Towers on Michigan Avenue.

  44. - hisgirlfriday - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:47 pm:

    It’s almost like Chicago is a twilight zone bizarro world of the rest of the country.

    While the right in this country rant about this being a center-right nation with a left-wing national media, here in Chicago we have a liberal electorate with a way more conservative media establishment.

    Anyway, about the rally… the important thing is that the people who attended got energized to do the GOTV work and it seems like Clinton’s appearance got the individual campaigns connected with these people who maybe had been sitting on the sidelines to this point. I could’ve gone to this but stayed home because I don’t really need to hear Bill Clinton exhorting about “follow the money” given the way his administration was in bed with Wall Street (thanks for signing that Glass-Steagall repeal on the way out Bill!) and in hot water for Lincoln bedroom fundraising and Chinese donations and all the rest. That Bill came to Chicago for something like this though seems to tell me that whatever PUMA resentment existed in 2008 has washed away a lot for the most part even despite Dem struggles in polling heading into mid-terms.

    Not surprised though to any report about Clinton rambling on and on. I saw him speak in person once during his big 2000 bridge to the 21st century kick and was totally bored, yet it was really amusing seeing a Rush-listening conservative I knew who also went to the speech (it wasn’t a political rally per se but a business convention) race down to the front to shake Big Dog’s hand despite the fact he probably never voted for him. I don’t deny the man has charisma but he just never has done it for me.

  45. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:53 pm:

    ===The picture with the article on WLS’ website clearly shows a ton of empty room behind the shot posted above. ===

    That photo looks like it was taken outside the main room.

  46. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:55 pm:

    “It appears there might even be a cyclone out there today, so we sent Bill Cameron to investigate, Bill?”

    “Actually, its just ‘breezy’ barely tossing my hair … it was probably the most unenthusiastic Cyclone that I, WLS veteran political reporter Bill Cameron, has ever witnessed.

    The Cyclone was an hour late and droned on for another hour, sending dozens of the few hundred tree leaves in attendance toward bon fire piles.”

  47. - lawyerlady - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:56 pm:

    - too obvious - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:11 pm:

    Republicans would kill to get that many people to an event in this state.

    The only Republican speaker I can remember of the same caliber as Bill Clinton to come to IL recently would be Sarah Palin (I can’t stand her, but she is a political name known by just about everyone so in that sense they’re comparable) for that event at the Rosemont Theater, and that had a much larger audience than this, if I recall. Republicans have the capacity for the turnout, we just don’t have many retired party darlings like Clinton.

    While there may not have been 1,000 at GOP day at the fair (I didn’t count, but there were a lot), there were a heck of a lot more folks than there were on Dem day.

    If I have a point, and I’m not sure I do, it would probably be that while Dems still clearly adore the man, Bill Clinton ain’t on the ballot this year. Oh! Also that your statement that R’s can’t turn out in big numbers is untrue.

  48. - Wally - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:56 pm:

    Were you there too obvious? I was, and attendance easily exceeded a 1000 people.

  49. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:57 pm:

    You don’t think some of those reporters were honked that they had to wait an hour for Bubba?

  50. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:59 pm:

    An hour late, plus talked for an hour. That can screw up a broadcast reporter’s day pretty badly.

  51. - George - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 5:03 pm:

    Word - Any reporter who calls himself the “dean” of chicago’s political radio press should have known about “Clinton-time.”

  52. - George - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 5:04 pm:

    Plus, this is funny from the Trib’s story:

    “The time for surrogates and other people is ending,” Kirk added. At the same time, his campaign this morning announced that U.S. Sen. Scott Brown, a Republican who won in blue-state Massachusetts, would be campaigning for Kirk and other Republicans in Chicago this weekend.

    Also, lawyer lady… (”Republicans have the capacity for the turnout, we just don’t have many retired party darlings like Clinton”)

    You got Bush!

  53. - ANON - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 5:07 pm:

    ==That photo looks like it was taken outside the main room==

    Do they have one giant continuous carpet covering every room? Because it’s the same one the crowd is standing on in the background in front of the stage, and no wall or doors in between them. Charles Thomas says the room was half full, the Trib reporters say the crowd numbered in the “hundreds”…Either it wasn’t a full room, or somehow opened up multiple rooms into one bigger room, whatever the case based on that photo they clearly didn’t get the crowd they were expecting.

  54. - George - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 5:12 pm:

    Have to say - watching that ABC7 video, the Democrats have to be pleased with the coverage. It was all about the message.

    And look towards the end… doesn’t look like many people showed up at Pat Brady’s rally. Lots of empty chairs.

  55. - ok - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 5:17 pm:

    LOL @ George

    And ANON? Yes, the Palmer House ballroom has an entry room that opens up into the ballroom that has balconies all around. The entry room is where the press riser was set up.

    The room wasn’t full, but it still held 1,000+ today.

  56. - ok - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 5:19 pm:

    And that ain’t bad for one day’s notice.

  57. - Anonymiss - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 5:20 pm:

    I was there from beginning to end, and I’m almost certain I saw Bill Cameron arrive late. Yes, Clinton went on for a while, but enthusiasm was high and the numbers were great, considering the Worst Storm of the Century.

    Shore - he’s not captured in the picture (neither is Durbin), but as all the reports have included, Dan Seals was there, and easily one of the best speakers.

  58. - Dirt Digger - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 5:44 pm:

    I am intensely confused at why it is a point of debate over exactly how many people had time to go see Bill Clinton talk in the middle of a work day.

  59. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 5:45 pm:


  60. - Jack S. - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 6:03 pm:

    No kidding, Dirt Digger. It’s incredibly silly — and sad — that this has turned into a p%#$ing contest over how many people were there (on short notice & in the middle of the work day) instead of discussing the issues in this election.

    BTW, I seem to remember that life was pretty good during the Clinton years — well, except for how the Republican congress spent millions of $$$$ and wasted countless hours investigating every move he made. Come to think of it, that’s what we’re likely to face again if Republicans win both the House & the Senate. What a way to run a country…into the ground.

  61. - railrat - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 6:15 pm:

    well said DD also whats with the
    “mines bigger than yours” re. turnout numbers? Its crunchtime folks formulate your opinions! its not(or shouldn’t be) a popularity contest!! geesh

  62. - Park - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 6:39 pm:

    Good ol’ Big Wilbur. He’s tanned, rested, and ready to raise him some money. That picture with him pointing over Quinn’s face would be a good QOTD.

  63. - VoterUSA - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 7:34 pm:

    I was there, and there was close to 1,000 if not more…Clinton was good, and hit every key.. I give it an 8…Obama’s rally’s are the bar now, and Clinton came close… Thank gawd I had a seat, because it was long.

  64. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 8:34 pm:

    I wish Clinton was still president.

  65. - Newsclown - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 8:36 pm:

    WLS has fallen quite a ways. I can’t stand a thing on there anymore except Roe Conn. It is all way too overly partisan in keeping with the majority of their syndicated programming lineup. 2010’s version of the “Silver Dollar Survey” is along the lines of: “Is Obama a Kenyan or an Iraqi?”

    Cameron has been there a long time, but frankly, I feel like he’s been phoning it in for years now, working just one story all day with “updates” that don’t update anything, just rehash whatever the line was at 8 or 9 AM that day. Not that WLS is really a “news” station anyhow.

  66. - DuPage Dave - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 8:41 pm:

    WLS = Fox News of Chicago radio. Of course they lied about the event.

    Even WGN has chosen to pursue the tea party audience. Both formerly good middle-of-the-road radio stations, now chasing the hate-filled right wing.

  67. - VoteNovember2 - Wednesday, Oct 27, 10 @ 8:59 am:

    I was in the crowd yesterday to see and hear President Clinton. It was a lively room, he did a great job of reminding all of us how this economic mess happened and who has been working for the country to recover from it. Sure you want the recovery to happen over night. That’s part of the problem in this country - instant everything!And you still want to vote for Republicans?

  68. - Wally - Wednesday, Oct 27, 10 @ 11:33 am:

    VoteNovember2———I am really surprised Bubba mentioned that the housing debacle was started under his watch. I am equally surprised that he mentioned the Fannie and Freddie mess under Dodd and Barney Frank’s watchful eyes.

    Not sure how that helps the Dems chances next Tuesday

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