Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Quinn, Brady agree on no gaming expansion during veto session
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Quinn, Brady agree on no gaming expansion during veto session

Wednesday, Oct 27, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I told subscribers about this weeks ago. At least it seems like weeks ago

State lawmakers are quietly exploring how to push through a major gambling expansion during next month’s fall session, the political safety zone that will open and shut over a few weeks following Tuesday’s election.

The details are evolving, but one version would put a land-based casino in Chicago and new riverboats in Lake County, the south suburbs and downstate Danville. Horse tracks would get video gambling to create “racinos,” and existing riverboats would be allowed to expand. Supporters are dangling the prospect of more than $400 million upfront and hundreds of millions more as the casinos come online for a state that can’t pay its bills.

Slipping through big-ticket items during lame-duck sessions is nothing new in Illinois. In the past, lawmakers have raised their pay, legalized off-track betting and cut a deal to rebuild Soldier Field into its current saucerlike shape. Legislators who aren’t returning have little to lose in casting controversial votes, creating a deal-making atmosphere inside the Capitol.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea” Gov. Quinn told the paper. Brady’s response…

“There are a lot of dangerous things that you always fear in a lame-duck session when one party loses power,” Brady said. “They should wait until the newly elected people of the state of Illinois can weigh in on it.”

Unless it has no immediate effective date, any gaming bill would have to get three-fifths majorities in both chambers during the veto session. They could, however, pass a bill with an immediate effective date in January before the new General Assembly is sworn in. If Brady wins the governor’s race, they could conceivably pass more than one bill that way. The Republicans blazed that trail in 1997, after the Democrats took back the House.

* In other campaign news, the State Journal-Register has decided to endorse Bill Brady for governor because the Democrats have failed to govern together…

If we have learned anything from the past eight years, it is this: Illinois Democrats don’t work well together.

When Rod Blagojevich was sworn in as governor in 2003, it marked the first time since the Dan Walker administration ended in 1977 that Democrats held the governor’s office and controlled both the Illinois House and Senate. Except for a two-year span during the Jim Edgar administration when Republicans controlled both houses, the parties shared power in some form for 26 years under Republican governors. Democrats and Republicans didn’t join hands and sing “Kumbaya” during this time, but things generally got done under shared power.

That’s why today we endorse Republican state Sen. Bill Brady for governor. In fact, it’s the only reason we endorse Brady.

They don’t care for Brady at all, and that’s an understatement…

We’re far from confident that Brady will fare better as governor.


We can only hope that maybe, as a Republican governor, Brady will manage to stir enough across-the-aisle cooperation to break the stalemate that finds Illinois in a deep hole and sinking fast.

This actually does make some logical sense. Republican governors can generally convince at least some Republican legislators to go along with them while the governors try to make deals with Democratic chamber leaders. How the Democrats react to Brady, however, is unknown at the moment.

* Meanwhile, a crucial line was left out of this story

Republican State Senator Bill Brady says he has no knowledge of disparaging remarks made by commentator Glenn Beck about first lady Michelle Obama while at a “Right Nation” event last month. That’s despite the fact that Brady spoke at the event.

Brady, the GOP nominee for governor, says he will not apologize for his party, despite Governor Quinn suggesting he was at the Beck appearance and clapping as Beck made an off color remark about Michelle Obama’s healthy eating plan.

“The governor’s got to realize that just because he says something, it doesn’t make it true. I was not at the Glenn Beck event… I don’t know what Glenn Beck said,” Brady said.

The ellipsis conceals that Brady actually said: “I was not at the Glenn Beck event with Glenn Beck.”

* And ABC7 found another way to keep the Rickey Hendon story alive

A prominent religious leader wants both Governor Pat Quinn and State Senator Rickey Hendon to apologize for comments Hendon made backing Quinn’s re-election campaign.

Bishop Larry Trotter of Sweet Holy Spirit Church claimed mudslinging that takes politics into the gutter is inappropriate. He referred to Hendon’s charge that State Senator Bill Brady, the republican nominee for governor, is sexist and racist.

“You and I may be on 2 different teams, but we don’t have to be ugly about it. It may push toward more voter apathy than if they just dealt with the issues, and left one another alone,” said Bishop Trotter.

More from Fox Chicago

“It’s like every time [Hendon] gets up, he’s in a rage. And I really want to talk to him, because there are a lot of people who like him. But they want to see a different — I mean he’s delivered as a senator. They want to see a different Rickey when he’s projected on a microphone. He said something terrible about Carol Moseley Braun the other week,” Trotter said.

Quinn was on a Fox Chicago program this morning and the Hendon thing came up. Watch…

* Roundup…

* Brady’s AFSCME Ad Is All Wrong

* 15 billion budget deficit looms over Illinois governor’s race

* Lawmakers may probe military ballot delays

* Another vendor quits doing business with Illinois

* 18 Illinois school districts to get state funds

* Brady Counting on Downstate Voters

* Faith From Voters Key for Quinn

* Quinn to announce new economic development program for region


  1. - Vote Quimby! - Wednesday, Oct 27, 10 @ 11:28 am:

    Quinn backing up the dump truck of cash in Marion for yet another “economic development program” for southern Illinois? I thought STAR would save them…

  2. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Oct 27, 10 @ 11:32 am:

    Would amending the video poker bill to scrap the current plan and instead put slots at tracks count as “no expansion?” Take the same number of video poker machines envisioned in the capital bill and let the tracks and casinos absorb the same number of gaming position for slot machines, I think that’s a win-win for everybody and doesn’t (technically) expand gaming.

  3. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Oct 27, 10 @ 11:33 am:

    Beck is a fountain of bloviating nonsense and everyone know it even his followers. Does anyone really listen to him? Half the time he is just babbling. He is an emotional wreck and that is his appeal.

    Naturally Brady did not hear Beck and naturally can forget what Beck says immediately after each of his performances. Beck is a symbol and few really believe he knows what he is talking about.

    The Governors demand that Brady respond to something Beck says is a wate of time. Almost as big a waste of time as listening to Beck.

  4. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Oct 27, 10 @ 11:38 am:

    Now if Beck slandered Quinn like Hendon did Brady then Brady would need to apologize just as Quinn…um…right…just as Quinn ought to do.

    But then that would mean acknowledging that the cartoon portrait of Brady was about as real as Quinns accomplishments.

  5. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Oct 27, 10 @ 11:42 am:

    And I agree with the Springfield paper. Brady blows. Quinn is worse.

    If Brady wins I can start roasting him if he gets to be as bad as the last two felons we elected as governor.

  6. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Oct 27, 10 @ 12:33 pm:

    Yeah, let’s make gambling expansion the first order of business after the election. Throughout the state, the people are speaking loudly and as one that more gambling is their top priority.

    I can see how a land-based casino in Chicago might bring the state some upfront money for a license, but I doubt if the others will get you chi-chi beans. Plus, don’t count on much “economic development” out of it, unless you mean cannibalizing existing casinos.

    Illinois, and in fact, the Midwest, are saturated with casinos. Who’s going to put up the money for new ones in Danville and Lake County? The Vegas-based people are getting pounded in this economy.

    This sounds like it’s more of a deal for the track owners, who always seem to wield an inordinate amount of power in Springfield. Plus, whoever gets the license in Chicago will make some money.

    How about we just throw some slots in at O’Hare and Midway? At least we’d have a better chance of getting some out-of-state money with connecting fliers. Even better, how about taking bets on what time your flight will actually take off?

  7. - Really?? - Wednesday, Oct 27, 10 @ 12:35 pm:

    So Senator Brady won’t “apologize for his party” because of what Glen Beck said, but he wants Governor Quinn to apologize for what Ricky Hendon said? That doesn’t make any sense.

  8. - sal-says - Wednesday, Oct 27, 10 @ 12:35 pm:

    “Quinn, Brady agree on no gaming expansion during veto session”

    And, we can trust these statements because…..?

  9. - Cincinnatus - Wednesday, Oct 27, 10 @ 1:12 pm:


    Of course. Other than this being politics, Beck made his comments when Brady was not in the building, and Hendon made his comments in front of Quinn, who then hugged him.

  10. - Wumpus - Wednesday, Oct 27, 10 @ 1:35 pm:

    What exactly did Beck say? From what I comprehend, he basically implied he would should a carrot stick up MO and any gubment officials butt if they tried to take his fries. Was there more?

  11. - downstate hack - Wednesday, Oct 27, 10 @ 1:39 pm:

    Both Quinn and Brady say no to expanded gambling in the veto session, but both secretly want it to happen. The slots at the horse tracks and a downtown casino are no brainers as revenue enhancements.

  12. - Richard Afflis - Wednesday, Oct 27, 10 @ 1:45 pm:

    Wimpus, you are correct in what Beck said. That was inappropriate. Like Cincinattus said, Brady was not even in the building much less giving Beck a hug immediately after making that inappropriate statement.

  13. - lawyerlady - Wednesday, Oct 27, 10 @ 1:49 pm:

    Brady’s AFSCME Ad would have already been yanked if it was truly factually inaccurate. Both campaigns know how to threaten one another with lawsuits.

  14. - Wumpus - Wednesday, Oct 27, 10 @ 1:55 pm:

    Wimpis! Wimpis! I demand Rich Miller and Braton Larimor apologize for Richard Afflis calling me Wimpis! I don’t consider it offensive on the scale they are pretending it to be, but just condemn the remarks and move on brady.

  15. - Quinn T. Sential - Wednesday, Oct 27, 10 @ 2:04 pm:

    {Even better, how about taking bets on what time your flight will actually take off?}


    For everything else there is Master Card

  16. - Leave a Light on George - Wednesday, Oct 27, 10 @ 2:47 pm:

    =but I doubt if the others will get you chi-chi beans.=

    What the heck are chi-chi beans?

  17. - RobRoy - Wednesday, Oct 27, 10 @ 2:55 pm:

    Quinn in his interview on Fox does a great job of NOT answering the question regarding Hendon and moves right into Bill Brady = Extreme…. He’s gone from an “Ahh Shucks, I’m just a small time lawyer-advocate for the people trying to do the right thing” to a real politician who can engage in ‘political puffery’ with the best. Pretty good transformation.

  18. - Ghost - Wednesday, Oct 27, 10 @ 3:03 pm:

    === Brady’s AFSCME Ad would have already been yanked if it was truly factually inaccurate. ===

    and you say that based on what? the lack of factually inaccurate ad’s out there now?

  19. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Oct 27, 10 @ 3:17 pm:

    Leave, like chick peas. Bupkis.

  20. - Segatari - Wednesday, Oct 27, 10 @ 3:24 pm:

    >Beck is a fountain of bloviating nonsense and everyone know it even his followers. Does anyone really listen to him? Half the time he is just babbling. He is an emotional wreck and that is his appeal.

    Yeah I’m sure he’s lying about everything…VM you’re another person who chooses to find everything out the hard way, and very painfully too.

  21. - Leave a Light on George - Wednesday, Oct 27, 10 @ 5:09 pm:

    Thanks Word. Doctor has me on a low fat/high fiber diet. Found several recipes for chi chi beans.

  22. - lawyerlady - Wednesday, Oct 27, 10 @ 6:12 pm:

    - Ghost - Wednesday, Oct 27, 10 @ 3:03 pm:

    === Brady’s AFSCME Ad would have already been yanked if it was truly factually inaccurate. ===

    and you say that based on what? the lack of factually inaccurate ad’s out there now?


    I base that on the fact that both campaigns are lawyerd up and waiting for a slanderous ad that they can pounce on. I also base that on the fact that there is a difference between something that is distorted or exaggerated but based in some truth and something that is an outright lie. The outright lies get yanked, the distortions and exaggerations, which are contained in pretty much EVERY negative ad out there, stay.

  23. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Oct 27, 10 @ 6:13 pm:

    lawyerlady, stop thinking like a lawyer. The ad is false, whether or not somebody hires a mouthpiece.

  24. - jimmy james - Wednesday, Oct 27, 10 @ 9:43 pm:

    “Rod Blagojevich bargained AFSCME’s latest contract, which included a slight pay increase.” dslight? Well i sure would like a part of that slight increase at my job…

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