Kirk lying about something he had absolutey no need to lie about.
Alexi’s lies as the campaign went on.
A lot of bank experience, no knowlege of loans to mobsters, he was gone when the bank started doing poorly, he told the IRS he was there for a few months to collect $2.7 mil.
The moment a Democratic congressman in a Democratic district told me his own poll had him two points ahead back in September. That’s when I really knew how truly big this wave could be.
- Way Way Down Here - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 12:10 pm:
The older I get the fewer things I find stick with me, but I’ll go with the whole Scott Lee Cohen phenomenon.
Nationally, the idea that a guy (Kentucky) who believes that the Civil Rights Act should be repealed is likey to be elected to the United States Senate. It seems like 1950 all over again.
Locally, the one word will be “misremembered” which will now always be shorthand for any politician caught in a lie.
The lesson from this year will be “if you do something good, brag about it.” Dems have been running from all their successes. For more, see The Onion:
Having lived through 1994, I am predicting that the part that sticks with me the most will be the same this year as it was then:
The feeling of complete shock and dread when I woke up the next morning and considered the implications of how badly the election had gone for my side.
Two things from the SLC “resignation” press conference: First, he resigned a ballot spot with a drink in hand, outstanding! Second, his son sitting next to him crying his eys out, creepy-sad-funny all at the same time
Oh great, I can see it now… in his next run he will cite this as evidence that he ran “the most memorable campaign” in 2010 as if this is somehow a positive.
- Moving to Oklahoma - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 12:33 pm:
Quinn winning the primary and dooming the Democrat’s chances in November. He is by most accounts a decent guy but he is a truly lousy governor and a worse campaigner.
I’m considering Rabid’s move to have my memories erased also. I think erase everything after October 2005.
- Joe from Joliet - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 12:36 pm:
Sitting in the ballroom after midnight at Dillard’s primary night hotel, realizing the campaign wasn’t working out as planned. I hadn’t lost hope, but it didn’t look good. Stunned that it was Brady.
But in the broader sense, this will always be the “unforced error” election to me.
From Kirk’s unnecessarily inflated military record, to Alexi’s fluctuating role at the bank, to Quinn’s contempt for message discipline, to Brady’s puppy kill-mill bill, to Dems (and the press) letting Scott Lee Cohen slip by in the primary, to the Republicans letting Jason Plummer on television unchaperoned, to both parties suppressing their own votes with botched absentee ballot schemes, to Brady’s ads going off the air due to insufficient funds, I cannot remember any elections where so many campaigns suffered so many unnecessary self-inflicted wounds.
Dan Hynes and a lot of others underestimating Pat Quinn in the Dem Primary, and then Quinn belting out an extremely strong closing ten days and having a big election night win.
Phil Hare being video taped saying angrily back to a questioner, “I don’t worry about the Constitution.” At that time Hare was essentially an unknown congressman in a relatively obscure district. But his clueless and thoughtless put- down, widely disseminated, perfectly encapsulated for many Americans the attitude they were so hating about Washington during the Healthcare fight. Quite simply, Hare put a face and a campaign phrase to the voter frustration that has a whole lot to do with the upcoming national electoral “tsunami”.
Watching many of the House Dems being beat up human service providers, advocates and parents for not raising taxes and seeing the same House Dems being bashed for their “tax and spend ways” by the GOP.
- WI IL Transplant - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 1:02 pm:
The power of “job” fairs
- Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 1:03 pm:
Being taken by a friend to a Tea Party event. It gave me an understanding of that “movement” that even now Democrats and many Republicans don’t get, and that they would be impacting a number of races.
All the political TV ads that basically all look and sound very similar while claiming the other person is a liar, mismanages money, sends jobs overseas, only cares about themselves, and is ‘not one of us’. Reps or Dems, makes little difference.
- Small Town Liberal - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 1:11 pm:
Definitely when Rich broke the puppy gassing story, I almost fell out of my chair.
Sitting in my garage on a bitterly cold february evening smoking a Montecristo number two, listening to three different radio stations while cotinuing to update election returns on my laptop, all the while trying to grasp the fact that the late Brady surge was real and that it was probably going to win him the nomination.
It is going to be the night of November 2nd when the biggest political wave of my lifetime is going to sweep across the country. It was completely preventable and show the biggest disconnect between voters and incumbents on a mass scale, ever. The worse political decisions, the worse political deafness, the worse political presentation of the most obvious political issues.
Down here in the Deep South, the television market covers four states. That’s four states worth of political commericials on TV….constantly. We get KY, MO, IL and TN. So we get Rand Paul, Jack Conway, Robin Carnanhan, Roy Blount, Joann Emerson, Tommy Sowers, Mark Kirk, Alexi, Quinn, Brady, Madigan, some congressman down in Tennessee,along with variouos amendments and proposition, etc. And in the final days before the vote…we’re getting a bunch of the local candidates on the air. Geez…they’re all the same…one candidate attacks the other, tries to show the other as a liar, a socialist, a crime softie or the fact that he or she has some other evil personality flaw. In fact, you’d think some of these people are running against a three headed monster named Obama-Polosi-Reid. Can’t really learn anything about the candidates or what they stand for….but Gawd they’re spending the money like its going out of style.
Oh, and it seems like half these guys are either cleaning a shotgun, carrying a shotgun or actually firing a shotgun (Tommy Sowers, Democratic candidate for Missouri’s 8th CD fires a shotgun in his ads…in fact, in think he fires it twice in one of the spots.) Guess you need a shotgun to prove you’re aimin’ to go to Washington.
Lots of fun and interesting things this campaign, but to remember when I get really old I think it has to teach a lesson, these two doozies certainly taught us all something:
Kirk’s exaggerations about stuff that he didn’t need to.
Pat Quinn picking a running mate that doesn’t help him one bit.
- a fan of Cap Fax - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 2:05 pm:
When Mayor Daley announced his retirement. Couldn’t even wrap my brain around it. Calls coming in from everywhere with the news. I will miss the Mayor and Maggie Daley. So sad.
“That’s four states worth of political commercials on TV… constantly”
Yikes, I can’t even stand ONE state’s worth of political ads, let alone four. I bet Deep South will be ready to hurl the TV out the window before the polls close Tuesday
My favorite memory is of watching TV for about 2 hours on the day before the primary. I do not have a TV at home (just internet) so I had not been exposed to many of the political ads up to that point. Well, probably at least a dozen times in those 2 hours I saw Andy McKenna’s attack ad hammering Dillard for endorsing Obama and not ruling out a tax hike. It just about drove me nuts. I was so glad when McKenna lost the next day!
I remember thinking many years ago that a repeat of the bizarre episode w/the Larouche candidates could not possibly happen again. That Illinois would not go along w/such nonsense…ever.
The fallout after 11-2. I’ve already seen reports from 2 economists predicting a fiscal meltdown for the country if the GOP gets control of one of the houses of congress.
This all started when Obama and Washington Democratic Leadership bet the ranch that the economy would be rebounding in 2010 by passing an underfunded and misdirected Stimulus Package in 2009. We wouldn’t be having this GOP Wave if unemployment was 7.6% and trending lower. At the state level, once again, democratic leadership failed to lead, and stuck with an incompetent and weak candidate for Governor. Hynes would be sailing to victory with slightly lower numbers than New York’s Cuomo. Instead, the Chicago Boys bailed out Quinn and we ended up in this mess. Downstate is going to be a diaster for democrats.
- Phineas J. Whoopee - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 3:04 pm:
I will never forget the 1st time I heard that Harold Washington ad. I almost fell over.
I was going to say I’ll never forget what, in my opinion, is an unbelievable amount of money spent on negative ads and then I read Deep South’s comment and I guess were lucky.
Most of all, I will never forget how voter rage, ignorance and financial discontent will allow them to be mislead and hoodwinked by any Joe in a nice suit who promises the world. You can easily see how societies elect people who work against their best interest simply because they are angry.
==You can easily see how societies elect people who work against their best interest==
Phineas, since this is a QOTD and everyone is entitled to state their opinion I won’t go into a rant about that line. But I’d like you to at least be aware that the mantra of “stupid people voting against their interest” really annoys a whole lot of folks who feel that they (not somebody else) should be the ones to decide what in fact is in their interest, and which candidates will best serve and achieve those interests.
V-Man still doing his best to crank out songs even after the music seemed to die for many (or at least became painfully repetitive). No keeping a good man with good intentions down.
Primary night when both parties nominated mopes for lt. gov., which triggered passage of a new law to require candidates for gov and lt gov to run as a team in the future.
- The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 4:19 pm:
Sorry, 4:12 was me. Forgot my “new” handle.
- The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 4:30 pm:
And Rich, “media folk”, and all the other CapFax bloggers–muddling through all the “clutter” each and every day to help make some sense of it all and doing their darndest to keep honest and open debate part of our everyday lives.
Thank you Anonymous - it has been extremely difficult lately.
I have had an entire catalog of great stuff expecting Blagojevich’s jury to come through. When that whole thing screwed up to high heaven, it really sucked the wind out of the last bit of energy I had trying to put this election year to music.
I am now trying to figure out new words to “Afternoon Delight” to try and get my mojo back.
- Wumpus - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 11:59 am:
Kirk lying about something he had absolutey no need to lie about.
Alexi’s lies as the campaign went on.
A lot of bank experience, no knowlege of loans to mobsters, he was gone when the bank started doing poorly, he told the IRS he was there for a few months to collect $2.7 mil.
- Jechislo - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 12:03 pm:
Probably the fact that Blagojevich seemed to somehow figure into just about every political race in Illinois.
- Been There - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 12:04 pm:
I’m Jason Kyle
and I am voting for SCOTT LEE COHEN.
- Anonymous - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 12:06 pm:
Scott Lee Cohen’s press conference withdrawing from the campaign, and the mug shot of his ex “girlfriend.”
The Hynes Harold/Quinn ad.
- George - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 12:09 pm:
I think we will all remember the things that were NOT reported.
Because they always pop up sooner or later. By then, its too late.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 12:09 pm:
The moment a Democratic congressman in a Democratic district told me his own poll had him two points ahead back in September. That’s when I really knew how truly big this wave could be.
- Way Way Down Here - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 12:10 pm:
The older I get the fewer things I find stick with me, but I’ll go with the whole Scott Lee Cohen phenomenon.
- Anonymous - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 12:11 pm:
The Tribunes constant and often slanted/bias editorials favoring Republican candidates.
They have no shame and in my opinion have lost all credibility.
- Bring Back Boone's - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 12:11 pm:
The Dan Hynes Harold Washington Ad. Still think it was the best of the entire season.
- Bman - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 12:11 pm:
democrats not focusing on primary for lt.governor.
early release of prisoners.
- Aldyth - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 12:17 pm:
Scott Lee Cohen
- unspun - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 12:18 pm:
Plummer’s sputtering mental engine. If that were a job interview, would you hire him?
- Skeeter - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 12:21 pm:
Nationally, the idea that a guy (Kentucky) who believes that the Civil Rights Act should be repealed is likey to be elected to the United States Senate. It seems like 1950 all over again.
Locally, the one word will be “misremembered” which will now always be shorthand for any politician caught in a lie.
The lesson from this year will be “if you do something good, brag about it.” Dems have been running from all their successes. For more, see The Onion:,18333/?ref=nf
- MrJM - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 12:23 pm:
The time when a Democratic operative told me that he wasn’t worried “because Bill Brady is too extreme for Illinois.”
I replied, “But is he too extreme for fifty-percent plus one in Illinois?”
The look on his face filled me with fear.
– MrJM
- ILPundit - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 12:25 pm:
Having lived through 1994, I am predicting that the part that sticks with me the most will be the same this year as it was then:
The feeling of complete shock and dread when I woke up the next morning and considered the implications of how badly the election had gone for my side.
- Red Ranger - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 12:28 pm:
Two things from the SLC “resignation” press conference: First, he resigned a ballot spot with a drink in hand, outstanding! Second, his son sitting next to him crying his eys out, creepy-sad-funny all at the same time
- Excessively Rabid - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 12:30 pm:
Regarding Illinois events, I plan to have my memory erased.
Nationally, I will never get over a candidate for the US Senate running an ad saying she is not a witch.
- Cincinnatus - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 12:30 pm:
Peter Roskam choosing to not run for the US Senate.
- Ron Burgundy - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 12:32 pm:
Scott Lee Cohen.
Oh great, I can see it now… in his next run he will cite this as evidence that he ran “the most memorable campaign” in 2010 as if this is somehow a positive.
- Moving to Oklahoma - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 12:33 pm:
Scott Lee Cohen.
- DuPage Dave - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 12:35 pm:
Quinn winning the primary and dooming the Democrat’s chances in November. He is by most accounts a decent guy but he is a truly lousy governor and a worse campaigner.
I’m considering Rabid’s move to have my memories erased also. I think erase everything after October 2005.
- Joe from Joliet - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 12:36 pm:
Sitting in the ballroom after midnight at Dillard’s primary night hotel, realizing the campaign wasn’t working out as planned. I hadn’t lost hope, but it didn’t look good. Stunned that it was Brady.
- Mr. Peepers - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 12:38 pm:
The overwhelming taste of bile in the back of my throat…
- Way Way Down Here - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 12:44 pm:
Erased memories—-but then wouldn’t we be doomed to repeat it.
- Ghost - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 12:45 pm:
In context, the Rich Whitney name mixup coming during the term of our first black president.
- MrJM - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 12:47 pm:
But in the broader sense, this will always be the “unforced error” election to me.
From Kirk’s unnecessarily inflated military record, to Alexi’s fluctuating role at the bank, to Quinn’s contempt for message discipline, to Brady’s puppy kill-mill bill, to Dems (and the press) letting Scott Lee Cohen slip by in the primary, to the Republicans letting Jason Plummer on television unchaperoned, to both parties suppressing their own votes with botched absentee ballot schemes, to Brady’s ads going off the air due to insufficient funds, I cannot remember any elections where so many campaigns suffered so many unnecessary self-inflicted wounds.
– MrJM
- Statewide - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 12:49 pm:
Dan Hynes and a lot of others underestimating Pat Quinn in the Dem Primary, and then Quinn belting out an extremely strong closing ten days and having a big election night win.
- Responsa - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 12:49 pm:
Phil Hare being video taped saying angrily back to a questioner, “I don’t worry about the Constitution.” At that time Hare was essentially an unknown congressman in a relatively obscure district. But his clueless and thoughtless put- down, widely disseminated, perfectly encapsulated for many Americans the attitude they were so hating about Washington during the Healthcare fight. Quite simply, Hare put a face and a campaign phrase to the voter frustration that has a whole lot to do with the upcoming national electoral “tsunami”.
- Mark Buerhle - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 12:52 pm:
Art Turner’s standing O, and Bill Black’s kind words, on the House floor as he walked off to go save face at the slatemaking for Sheila Simon.
- Fed up - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 12:57 pm:
The democratic machine ignoring the voters and forcing SLC off the ballot and then treating Art Turner like yesterdays garbage. Way to keep it classy
- Anonymous - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 12:57 pm:
the hynes ad with the late great mayor’s appearance…
the prisoner release ads were pretty memorable too…
- Rich Whitey - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 1:00 pm:
- Give Me A Break - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 1:01 pm:
Watching many of the House Dems being beat up human service providers, advocates and parents for not raising taxes and seeing the same House Dems being bashed for their “tax and spend ways” by the GOP.
- WI IL Transplant - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 1:02 pm:
The power of “job” fairs
- Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 1:03 pm:
Being taken by a friend to a Tea Party event. It gave me an understanding of that “movement” that even now Democrats and many Republicans don’t get, and that they would be impacting a number of races.
- zatoichi - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 1:04 pm:
All the political TV ads that basically all look and sound very similar while claiming the other person is a liar, mismanages money, sends jobs overseas, only cares about themselves, and is ‘not one of us’. Reps or Dems, makes little difference.
- Small Town Liberal - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 1:11 pm:
Definitely when Rich broke the puppy gassing story, I almost fell out of my chair.
- Carl Nyberg - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 1:12 pm:
Being involved with outing Mark Kirk as a serial liar about his military record was kinda cool.
- Anonymous ZZZ - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 1:14 pm:
I was shocked at how close both the Dem and GOP gubernatorial races were in the primary.
SLC winning the LTG nomination and the train wreck that followed.
SLC paying junkies (supposedly) to circulate petitions.
The Harold Washington ad.
Rich “Whitey”
- OneMan - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 1:16 pm:
SLC and how close both gubernatorial primaries were.
Also the running joke in my house in the morning when my daughter was watching the news and the ads would come on…
- cuban pilot - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 1:22 pm:
Sitting in my garage on a bitterly cold february evening smoking a Montecristo number two, listening to three different radio stations while cotinuing to update election returns on my laptop, all the while trying to grasp the fact that the late Brady surge was real and that it was probably going to win him the nomination.
- VanillaMan - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 1:31 pm:
It is going to be the night of November 2nd when the biggest political wave of my lifetime is going to sweep across the country. It was completely preventable and show the biggest disconnect between voters and incumbents on a mass scale, ever. The worse political decisions, the worse political deafness, the worse political presentation of the most obvious political issues.
This is going to be mind blowing.
- Matt - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 1:32 pm:
Forrest Claypool’s independent candidacy against the head of the Cook County Dems.
- Bluejay - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 1:36 pm:
The guy in the shark suit following Alexi around
- soccermom - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 1:38 pm:
I will remember how much older I got during the campaign. It was like the portrait of Dorian Gray.
- Deep South - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 1:38 pm:
Down here in the Deep South, the television market covers four states. That’s four states worth of political commericials on TV….constantly. We get KY, MO, IL and TN. So we get Rand Paul, Jack Conway, Robin Carnanhan, Roy Blount, Joann Emerson, Tommy Sowers, Mark Kirk, Alexi, Quinn, Brady, Madigan, some congressman down in Tennessee,along with variouos amendments and proposition, etc. And in the final days before the vote…we’re getting a bunch of the local candidates on the air. Geez…they’re all the same…one candidate attacks the other, tries to show the other as a liar, a socialist, a crime softie or the fact that he or she has some other evil personality flaw. In fact, you’d think some of these people are running against a three headed monster named Obama-Polosi-Reid. Can’t really learn anything about the candidates or what they stand for….but Gawd they’re spending the money like its going out of style.
Oh, and it seems like half these guys are either cleaning a shotgun, carrying a shotgun or actually firing a shotgun (Tommy Sowers, Democratic candidate for Missouri’s 8th CD fires a shotgun in his ads…in fact, in think he fires it twice in one of the spots.) Guess you need a shotgun to prove you’re aimin’ to go to Washington.
- siriusly - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 1:53 pm:
Lots of fun and interesting things this campaign, but to remember when I get really old I think it has to teach a lesson, these two doozies certainly taught us all something:
Kirk’s exaggerations about stuff that he didn’t need to.
Pat Quinn picking a running mate that doesn’t help him one bit.
- a fan of Cap Fax - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 2:05 pm:
When Mayor Daley announced his retirement. Couldn’t even wrap my brain around it. Calls coming in from everywhere with the news. I will miss the Mayor and Maggie Daley. So sad.
- Secret Square - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 2:11 pm:
“That’s four states worth of political commercials on TV… constantly”
Yikes, I can’t even stand ONE state’s worth of political ads, let alone four. I bet Deep South will be ready to hurl the TV out the window before the polls close Tuesday
My favorite memory is of watching TV for about 2 hours on the day before the primary. I do not have a TV at home (just internet) so I had not been exposed to many of the political ads up to that point. Well, probably at least a dozen times in those 2 hours I saw Andy McKenna’s attack ad hammering Dillard for endorsing Obama and not ruling out a tax hike. It just about drove me nuts. I was so glad when McKenna lost the next day!
- Vote Quimby! - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 2:16 pm:
The Lite Guv primary debacle leads to a new law pairing the governor/LG before 2014.
- Swing Vote - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 2:16 pm:
Election Day!
- dupage dan - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 2:21 pm:
I remember thinking many years ago that a repeat of the bizarre episode w/the Larouche candidates could not possibly happen again. That Illinois would not go along w/such nonsense…ever.
Then along came Scott Lee Cohen.
- Bluefish - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 2:27 pm:
Jim Ryan siphoning DuPage votes away from Dillard allowing Bill Brady to win the primary.
Watching a SLC commercial on a DVR’d show about a week after the election fallout and realizing how that guy won.
- Anonymous - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 2:30 pm:
Rahm’s election as Mayor of Chicago.
(Oh, that didn’t happen already?)
- justbabs - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 2:42 pm:
The fallout after 11-2. I’ve already seen reports from 2 economists predicting a fiscal meltdown for the country if the GOP gets control of one of the houses of congress.
- Vote Quimby! - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 2:45 pm:
justbabs-the fiscal meltdown is coming REGARDLESS of who gets control…
- Frank - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 2:55 pm:
Rickey Hendon’s rant followed by Quinn’s hug.
- Louis Howe - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 3:01 pm:
This all started when Obama and Washington Democratic Leadership bet the ranch that the economy would be rebounding in 2010 by passing an underfunded and misdirected Stimulus Package in 2009. We wouldn’t be having this GOP Wave if unemployment was 7.6% and trending lower. At the state level, once again, democratic leadership failed to lead, and stuck with an incompetent and weak candidate for Governor. Hynes would be sailing to victory with slightly lower numbers than New York’s Cuomo. Instead, the Chicago Boys bailed out Quinn and we ended up in this mess. Downstate is going to be a diaster for democrats.
- Phineas J. Whoopee - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 3:04 pm:
I will never forget the 1st time I heard that Harold Washington ad. I almost fell over.
I was going to say I’ll never forget what, in my opinion, is an unbelievable amount of money spent on negative ads and then I read Deep South’s comment and I guess were lucky.
Most of all, I will never forget how voter rage, ignorance and financial discontent will allow them to be mislead and hoodwinked by any Joe in a nice suit who promises the world. You can easily see how societies elect people who work against their best interest simply because they are angry.
- Anonymous - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 3:07 pm:
Seeing an ad for Melissa Bean paid for by the DCCC. Then I knew D’s are in bad shape.
- Amalia - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 3:09 pm:
Scott Lee Cohen. and the Republican use of a baby, on the Madigan billboard and in the Kirk commercial.
- Responsa - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 3:21 pm:
==You can easily see how societies elect people who work against their best interest==
Phineas, since this is a QOTD and everyone is entitled to state their opinion I won’t go into a rant about that line. But I’d like you to at least be aware that the mantra of “stupid people voting against their interest” really annoys a whole lot of folks who feel that they (not somebody else) should be the ones to decide what in fact is in their interest, and which candidates will best serve and achieve those interests.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 3:28 pm:
the SLC debacle …
Harold Washington Ad …
Danny Hynes saying good-bye - for now …
The utter class of both Brady and Dillard … but …
Dillard telling us about “sundown”, “tomorrow”, etc …
Kirk “misremember” …
Plummer’s “blank”…
SLC’s Ponce interview(s) …
Halverson telling us “I am going to win” after everyone and their brother “announced” she is done …
And … sorry Rich,
but it happened … the Daley announcement … history
- Who Cares - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 3:49 pm:
That the Chicago Tribune endorsed Republican candidates who didn’t even turn in questionaires. I should not have been suprised but I was.
- Anonymous - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 4:12 pm:
V-Man still doing his best to crank out songs even after the music seemed to die for many (or at least became painfully repetitive). No keeping a good man with good intentions down.
- Reformer - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 4:16 pm:
Primary night when both parties nominated mopes for lt. gov., which triggered passage of a new law to require candidates for gov and lt gov to run as a team in the future.
- The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 4:19 pm:
Sorry, 4:12 was me. Forgot my “new” handle.
- The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 4:30 pm:
And Rich, “media folk”, and all the other CapFax bloggers–muddling through all the “clutter” each and every day to help make some sense of it all and doing their darndest to keep honest and open debate part of our everyday lives.
- anon sequitor - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 6:45 pm:
How really, really bad the candidates for Governor and U.S. Senator are. How did we do this to ourselves?
- VanillaMan - Friday, Oct 29, 10 @ 8:01 pm:
Thank you Anonymous - it has been extremely difficult lately.
I have had an entire catalog of great stuff expecting Blagojevich’s jury to come through. When that whole thing screwed up to high heaven, it really sucked the wind out of the last bit of energy I had trying to put this election year to music.
I am now trying to figure out new words to “Afternoon Delight” to try and get my mojo back.