* I won’t be watching because I don’t live in Chicago, but if you’re in the area tune in to WTTW’s US Senate debate at 7 o’clock tonight and help us out in comments by live-blogging, please. Thanks. We’ve done this before and it’s been great.
* Also, the Pollster Who Shall Not Be Named released another poll today on the US Senate race. Once again, he didn’t include all the names. And “Some other candidate” received 5 percent of the vote. Go hear and read it yourself if you want.
* From the toplines, President Obama’s approval rating here is now 51 percent. Disapproval is at 48 percent. That’s about where Raz has always had him here. The Democrats have just a six-point advantage on the congressional generic ballot, which isn’t nearly enough…
* Thinking about this year’s elections - suppose that your vote determined which political party wins control of the U.S. Senate this year. Would you vote for the Republican Party or the Democratic Party?
43% The Republican party
49% The Democratic party
8% Not sure
And then there’s this…
* Do you consider yourself part of the Tea Party Movement?
22% Yes
63% No
15% Not sure
* A proposal has been made to repeal the health care bill and stop it from going into effect. Do you strongly favor, somewhat favor, somewhat oppose or strongly oppose a proposal to repeal the health care bill?
* Back in the day,a candidate could say something inappropriate to a small publication and nobody would notice right away. That Interwebtube thingy has forever changed all that, however. Take, for instance, Gov. Pat Quinn’s comments to a publication called “Grab Magazine”…
“Senator Brady doesn’t believe in equality for women and would rather LGBT people not exist,” said Quinn.
Really? Isn’t that just a slightly less blunt way of saying what Sen. Rickey Hendon said the other day? We’re awfully close to an invocation of Godwin’s Law in this campaign, if we’re not there already.
…Adding… Oops. I forgot to post these stories today. Sorry…
* The candidate who may have been “hurt” the most by the Daley/Rahm/etc. mayoral drama is Forrest Claypool. He was most certainly counting on a ton of earned media before the election, but editors have been too busy focusing on 2011 to care much about next Tuesday.
Today is a good case in point. Claypool held a press conference this morning at 10:30 to unveil some new information. Unfortunately for him, Sheriff Dart’s “I’m not running for mayor” presser was held exactly the same time. So, Claypool gets buried once again.
In a revealing look inside county government that is both more and less than it appears to be, assessor hopeful Forrest Claypool released a detailed study that he said shows a connection between campaign cash and government decisions. […]
The findings: Of $6.2 billion in assessment cuts awarded by the board this year to all property owners — residential, commercial and industrial — 92%, or $5.7 billion, went to those who used a lawyer who has donated to Mr. Berrios, Mr. Claypool said.
That translates to just under $1 billion in taxes that were shifted to other property owners, Mr. Claypool said.
Mr. Claypool has promised not to accept campaign donations from property tax lawyers. Doing so is like “the judge taking cash from the litigant in front of him, and then making a decision.”
Claypool also said he would recuse himself as assessor from ruling on assessments if he accepted campaign contributions. He’s taken money from some bigtime land owners.
* Berrios responded via press release…
“It’s almost laughable because he obviously doesn’t know how the office operates,” said Joe Berrios, Democratic candidate for assessor. “The assessor sets the assessments. He is required by law to do so. To hire a third-party or assign the duty to someone else would require legislative approval and ultimately cost taxpayers.” […]
Claypool not only accepts money from the likes of the Pritzkers and Sam Zell, but from Houlihan, which is pure evidence of his hypocrisy and double-standard, Berrios said. “Houlihan takes contributions from anyone – including property attorneys and real estate developers — and he then turns that money over to Claypool. Allowing Houlihan to be one of the largest funders demonstrates that Claypool isn’t being straight with voters,” Berrios said.
* The Question: After all the extreme negativity this year, can positive ads like this one break through all the last-week clutter and work? Explain.
* By the way, I let Barton pick the winner of yesterday’s “Cyclone contest,” and he chose Secret Square for this one…
The Capitol Fax Political Storm Prediction Center has placed all of Illinois in a High Risk for an outbreak of severe campaign rhetoric, damaging news leaks, destructive character attacks, and attack ads gusting to 75 words per minute until 7 p.m. next Tuesday.
SS should e-mail me with his/her particulars. Congratulations and thanks to all!
An Illinois county election official is telling the ABC 7 I-Team that thousands — potentially hundreds of thousands — of voters who are expecting a ballot sent to them by mail may be disenfranchised.
That may be an exaggeration, but it’s at least thousands. This is a massive screwup. But the Lake County Clerk has to follow the law, so her sorrows are her own problem…
The Lake County clerk received a shipment of 500 ballot requests from the IDCC Tuesday. By law, her office has two days to process the ballot requests. The problem is, Thursday is the deadline for election officials to get the ballots out.
IDCC told the clerk that another 1,500 ballot requests are headed to her office, which, she says, may not give her enough time to process all the ballots, potentially disenfranchising voters.
There’s an even worse problem, though. Subscribers already know what that is. Basically, if you sign the application and stick it in the mail, it is sent to the coordinated campaign. They then process the applications and send them to the clerks. But lots of people got their absentee applications yesterday. The deadline for sending them in is Thursday. If those recipients signed the apps and send them in today, the earliest the coordinated campaign will get them is Thursday, which, again, is the deadline day. Considering the US Postal Service’s record, the Democrats will probably get a ton of applications after the deadline. This was just a horribly designed plan.
And then there’s this…
Carter and others who contacted the I-Team are furious that their vote may also be thrown out because the IDCC put the registered voters’ wrong birthdate on the form.
The coordinated campaign says that only one percent of the applications have the wrong birth date. It’s probably way more than that. But, again, Goudie is exaggerating here. Birth dates aren’t required information in some areas, including the city of Chicago. And it’s not their “vote” which may be thrown out. It’s the ballot application.
Either way, though, this stupidity is causing huge problems and mass confusion.
A Chicago elections board spokesman told me yesterday that voters who get these late applications should just download a form from the board itself and mail it in by Thursday. The Chicago media and every other state media outlet needs to get on this one fast. People need to know that their party might’ve just accidentally shafted them.
And this is another really bad thing…
Forty-five of the ballots the Lake County clerk received Tuesday from the [Democratic coordinated campaign] should have gone to Will County.
That’s almost ten percent of the ballot requests she received yesterday.
…Adding… A Daily Kos diarist wondered aloud yesterday if these flawed ballot applications might be some sort of Rovian trick…
I just noticed something strange, and I don’t know if it is a genuine mistake or some sort of evil trick. […]
I’d hate to think it is an evil plot by Karl Rove to dupe a lot of people into unwittingly committing “voter fraud.”
Nope. Karl Rove isn’t trying to suppress Democratic voters. The Dems are doing it to their own kind. And they’ll probably end up suppressing more votes than Mark Kirk and the Illinois Republican Party ever could, despite Alexi Giannoulias’ many claims.
If either Pat Quinn or Giannoulias lose by a few thousand votes, they may have their own party’s coordinated campaign to blame.
*** UPDATE 1 *** Illinois Review diarist “Ghost of John Brown” received an absentee ballot app mailer today from a Republican group…
Today Mrs. Ghost and I both received mailers from the Alliance for America’s Future, which is a group operated by Dick Cheney’s daughter, Mary. The mailer encourages you to go to a personalized website so you can get an absentee ballot. Click [here] for a full view. The trouble is that at least in my County, an absentee ballot has to be mailed out five days ahead of time, which is Thursday. How likely is it that if you fill out the on-line form that your election board will be able to mail out the ballot in time? Not likely. However, you might THINK that you are getting one, and fail to vote.
Sheesh. Both sides are suppressing their own voters. What a mess.
*** UPDATE 2 *** Blogger’s blogger OneMan received three absentee apps from that same Republican group yesterday.
* I told subscribers about this weeks ago. At least it seems like weeks ago…
State lawmakers are quietly exploring how to push through a major gambling expansion during next month’s fall session, the political safety zone that will open and shut over a few weeks following Tuesday’s election.
The details are evolving, but one version would put a land-based casino in Chicago and new riverboats in Lake County, the south suburbs and downstate Danville. Horse tracks would get video gambling to create “racinos,” and existing riverboats would be allowed to expand. Supporters are dangling the prospect of more than $400 million upfront and hundreds of millions more as the casinos come online for a state that can’t pay its bills.
Slipping through big-ticket items during lame-duck sessions is nothing new in Illinois. In the past, lawmakers have raised their pay, legalized off-track betting and cut a deal to rebuild Soldier Field into its current saucerlike shape. Legislators who aren’t returning have little to lose in casting controversial votes, creating a deal-making atmosphere inside the Capitol.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea” Gov. Quinn told the paper. Brady’s response…
“There are a lot of dangerous things that you always fear in a lame-duck session when one party loses power,” Brady said. “They should wait until the newly elected people of the state of Illinois can weigh in on it.”
Unless it has no immediate effective date, any gaming bill would have to get three-fifths majorities in both chambers during the veto session. They could, however, pass a bill with an immediate effective date in January before the new General Assembly is sworn in. If Brady wins the governor’s race, they could conceivably pass more than one bill that way. The Republicans blazed that trail in 1997, after the Democrats took back the House.
* In other campaign news, the State Journal-Register has decided to endorse Bill Brady for governor because the Democrats have failed to govern together…
If we have learned anything from the past eight years, it is this: Illinois Democrats don’t work well together.
When Rod Blagojevich was sworn in as governor in 2003, it marked the first time since the Dan Walker administration ended in 1977 that Democrats held the governor’s office and controlled both the Illinois House and Senate. Except for a two-year span during the Jim Edgar administration when Republicans controlled both houses, the parties shared power in some form for 26 years under Republican governors. Democrats and Republicans didn’t join hands and sing “Kumbaya” during this time, but things generally got done under shared power.
That’s why today we endorse Republican state Sen. Bill Brady for governor. In fact, it’s the only reason we endorse Brady.
They don’t care for Brady at all, and that’s an understatement…
We’re far from confident that Brady will fare better as governor.
We can only hope that maybe, as a Republican governor, Brady will manage to stir enough across-the-aisle cooperation to break the stalemate that finds Illinois in a deep hole and sinking fast.
This actually does make some logical sense. Republican governors can generally convince at least some Republican legislators to go along with them while the governors try to make deals with Democratic chamber leaders. How the Democrats react to Brady, however, is unknown at the moment.
Republican State Senator Bill Brady says he has no knowledge of disparaging remarks made by commentator Glenn Beck about first lady Michelle Obama while at a “Right Nation” event last month. That’s despite the fact that Brady spoke at the event.
Brady, the GOP nominee for governor, says he will not apologize for his party, despite Governor Quinn suggesting he was at the Beck appearance and clapping as Beck made an off color remark about Michelle Obama’s healthy eating plan.
“The governor’s got to realize that just because he says something, it doesn’t make it true. I was not at the Glenn Beck event… I don’t know what Glenn Beck said,” Brady said.
The ellipsis conceals that Brady actually said: “I was not at the Glenn Beck event with Glenn Beck.”
A prominent religious leader wants both Governor Pat Quinn and State Senator Rickey Hendon to apologize for comments Hendon made backing Quinn’s re-election campaign.
Bishop Larry Trotter of Sweet Holy Spirit Church claimed mudslinging that takes politics into the gutter is inappropriate. He referred to Hendon’s charge that State Senator Bill Brady, the republican nominee for governor, is sexist and racist.
“You and I may be on 2 different teams, but we don’t have to be ugly about it. It may push toward more voter apathy than if they just dealt with the issues, and left one another alone,” said Bishop Trotter.
“It’s like every time [Hendon] gets up, he’s in a rage. And I really want to talk to him, because there are a lot of people who like him. But they want to see a different — I mean he’s delivered as a senator. They want to see a different Rickey when he’s projected on a microphone. He said something terrible about Carol Moseley Braun the other week,” Trotter said.
Quinn was on a Fox Chicago program this morning and the Hendon thing came up. Watch…
* Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart is announcing at a 10:30 press conference this morning that he won’t run for mayor. A top inside source confirmed the rumors earlier today which have been swirling since last night. The source choked up at times with emotion.
Dart has a large and very young family, and the time away from them would be just too much to bear, I’m told.
To be mayor means to “be less of a father,” Dart said at a news conference Wednesday.
“This time, it’s not something that would work for my family,” said Dart, who has five children.
He said fund-raising would not have been an issue for him in a race that would have pitted him against a champion fund-raiser, former White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, the former congressman from the Northwest Side.
“I have found it impossible for it to be compatible between running for mayor and being a father and husband,” Dart said at the news conference.
“I’m disappointing people, but at the end of the day I have to look myself in the mirror,” he said of those who wanted him to run for mayor.
Dart said no back channel overtures were made by other candidates to encourage him to get out of the race. “I haven’t spoken to any other candidates at all,” he said, with the exception of Gutierrez calling him after the congressman announced he wasn’t running.
Dart said he did not call any of the other candidates and said he has “no intention” of doing so.
* Mayoral roundup…
* Potential Mayoral Picks Narrowed To Meeks, Braun
* Emanuel sitting down with city education leaders as he plots schools policy
* Sneed: Emanuel creates first Spanish version of mayoral website
* Chico media firm has Democratic ties from Chicago to Washington
* The spots aren’t posted online as I write this, but the DCCC is spending big bucks during the coming week on TV ads in two Illinois campaigns. From the Hotline…
IL-10 Open (Kirk) $590,722
IL-14 Bill Foster (D) $526,917
IL-17 Phil Hare (D) $92,158
Phil Hare’s district is cheaper to advertise in, and I’m not sure what the DCCC has already booked, so I’m withholding judgment at the moment about what that particular figure means. Noticeably absent is Debbie Halvorson, who the polls show is trailing badly, and Melissa Bean, whose Republican opponent has no money.
* The DSSC has a new TV ad connecting Mark Kirk to George W. Bush. Rate it…
* JUSTPAC has a new TV ad whacking Supreme Court Chief Justice Kilbride. Rate it…
* The Tribune editorialized on the JUSTPAC ads today…
You’ve probably heard one of those snarling radio or television ads aimed at bouncing Illinois Supreme Court Justice Thomas Kilbride from the bench.
Three actors portray criminals, describing their vicious crimes’ vivid detail. “On appeal, Justice Thomas Kilbride sided with us over law enforcement or our victims,” one says. “Unfortunately for felons like us, other justices overruled Kilbride and our convictions stood.”
No, Kilbride didn’t hand out Get Out Of Jail Free passes to rabid criminals. He brands that ad and others as “gross distortions” of his record in criminal cases.
But crime isn’t the prime issue in this race. Politics is. The Illinois Supreme Court has four Democrats and three Republicans. A switch of one seat would shift the balance of power.
* John McCain had his plumber, Pat Quinn has his welder and now Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky has an electrician…
* Schakowsky’s opponent Joel Pollak claims that this is no ordinary electrician. From a press release…
The facts about Sindelar reveal that Schakowsky’s not fighting for workers–she’s fighting for her political cronies, including Sindelar.
Sindelar is a Democrat insider with close ties to the party machine:
Sindelar is the Treasurer of “Citizens for Elaine Nekritz,” the official campaign committee for State Representative Elaine Nekritz (D-57) (http://tinyurl.com/2bsf9v5)
Sindelar filed a successful ballot challenge against Nekritz’s Republican opponent in 2006, Wayne Berzon, who was struck off the ballot (http://tinyurl.com/2dxejlx)
Sindelar ran for Assessor in Maine Township in 2005 as a Democrat against Republican Tom Rueckert, and lost (http://tinyurl.com/25nakav)
Sindelar was paid $1000 in January 2010 by Blagojevich appointee Bill Brandt, Chair of the Illinois Finance Authority, as Brandt began his campaign for 10th District Democratic State Central Committeeman (http://tinyurl.com/276trl9)
Sindelar and his wife have donated thousands of dollars to individual Democrats and party organizations over the past several years (search http://tinyurl.com/22mdeoo)
Sindelar has been paid for consulting work by the Maine Township Regular Democratic Organization (search http://tinyurl.com/2dcdrfj)
* First of all, Rep. Nekritz is not a “Machine” Democrat. She was the only Democrat who voted against Speaker Madigan’s rules two years ago, for crying out loud. I did my own searches and found $2600 in campaign contributions made by Sindelar and his wife since September of 2001. I guess that allows Pollack to claim “thousands” in contributions, but that’s an average of just $289 a year. Sindelar was paid $400 by Maine Township five years ago. Yeah, he’s some player.
Just for the heck of it, I checked campaign contributions made by my handyman. Tony and his wonderful wife have contributed $2,247 to Republicans since 2000 - not much different than Schakowsky’s alleged “Machine Democrat” electrician. Tony is also listed as the handyman for the local county party. Do those contributions and expenditures make my handyman a Republican hack? Heck no. He’s a fine, upstanding American who likes to be involved in the American Way. Does his activism make Tony less of a handyman? Absolutely not. He’s the best handyman ever, in my opinion. I absolutely love the guy and recommend him all the time to Democrats, Republicans and to folks who I have no idea what party they belong to.
There’s nothing at all wrong with people being an electrician or a handyman and at the same time being politically active. This would be America, after all.
* Let’s look at some Internet promo videos. First up, Otis McDonald, of the landmark McDonald v Chicago gun control case has endorsed Bill Brady for governor. The video is long and slow-paced and doesn’t get to the point until 3:50 into it…
Good man. Bad video.
* I think this is an Internet video, but am not sure. “Seals” for Dold…
…Adding… Politico says that the seal is actually a sea lion. Oops
“I’m what they call a 99er,” the 43-year-old Oak Lawn resident said.
I had heard of 49ers, in reference to the football team in San Francisco and to the California Gold Rush. But I didn’t have a clue what a 99er is.
“It means I’ve gone past Tier 4 in unemployment benefits, which goes to 99 weeks,” Hannah explained. “So they call those of us who are no longer eligible for unemployment ‘99ers.’ ”
And so the Great Recession has created its own language.
No one knows the exact number of 99ers, although the government estimates that they represent about 10 percent of all the people who are jobless. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, that’s 1.4 million Americans, but the number in all likelihood is much greater.
Two Chicago police officers are suing Supt. Jody Weis, alleging the city’s top cop defamed them when he stripped them of their badges after a high-profile internal investigation was launched into a group of officers who allegedly beat a handcuffed suspect.
A global-positioning device in the officers’ squad car showed the Gresham District Tactical Unit officers, Lynn Meuris and Jason Vanna, weren’t present during the alleged Oct. 11 beating and they were returned to street duty .
Outgoing Mayor Richard M. Daley took a couple of stabs at one-stop-shopping for permits and the like, but the fact is, Chicago remains an extraordinarily difficult place for someone with a good idea but little time and capital to get on his or her feet.
Historical accounts indicate that in DuPage, only the late Elmhurst City Manager Robert Palmer, who held his post from July 1953 until December 1983, served longer. And next spring, Rose will surpass Palmer to become the county’s longest-serving city manager.
After receiving millions of dollars in state assistance over the past decade, Keystone Steel & Wire Co., stunned area legislators by hiring out-of-state labor for a current plant upgrade. […]
What the company requested and received was a lower employment threshold to qualify for a utility tax exemption. The exemption is normally granted only to companies with employment of at least 1,000 people.
When layoffs at the Bartonville plant caused employment to dip to 165 salaried workers and 668 hourly workers, the utility tax would normally have kicked in.
A bill signed by Gov. Pat Quinn last January extended the company’s utility tax exemption, a move that saves Keystone an estimated $120,000 to $140,000 a month.
* I posted a Bill Brady ad earlier today that brought up Rod Blagojevich right off the bat. Another ad, called “Partner,” is far more negative with the Blagojevich stuff. Rate it…
…Adding… The ad falsely claims that Gov. Quinn stuck taxpayers “with a $250 million pay raise for government workers.” The alleged “deal” with AFSCME was about layoffs. AFSCME’s contract, which included the pay raises, was negotiated by Rod Blagojevich.
To refresh your memory, here’s that other ad, which goes positive at the end…
* And for some nighttime viewing, the SJ-R has posted raw video from their gubernatorial endorsement sessions…