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Question of the day

Thursday, Nov 4, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The setup…

WLS News has learned that senior Illinois Republicans are now urging Bill Brady to concede the governor’s race to Pat Quinn.

Our John Dempsey has more.

A source tells WLS that party leaders want Brady to concede because they do not see any way he can overcome what is now a 19,000 vote deficit to Governor Pat Quinn.

The source also says the national Republican Governor’s Association is driving Brady’s decision not to concede after the group spent nearly $8 million on Brady’s attempt to defeat Quinn.

* The AP’s latest count has Quinn ahead of Brady by 19,514 votes. That’s down 47 votes from last night.

* The Question: Should Brady concede today, or should he wait until the absentee votes are counted tomorrow, or should he wait a month until the ballot is certified? Explain.


  1. - dave - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:21 am:

    he should concede

    he appears more stubborn by the hour.

  2. - Aaron - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:22 am:

    I have no problem with him waiting for absentee ballots to be counted or waiting it out a few more days. That is his right. But I think it is pretty clear that there are just not enough votes left out there to be counted in his favor. The question now really is does he work with Quinn or go against him at every turn. With Democrats in control it will certainly be interesting.

    I think we are likely to see it wait more than a few days though given the way the Republican primary played out.

  3. - Him Say - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:22 am:

    Brady should wait until tomorrow, after the absentee and Military votes have been counted. He deserves that much. Rich is right when he wrote in his Cap fax today: “Losing takes some getting use to after one has not only just measured the drapes, but ordered the replacements.”

  4. - shore - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:23 am:

    concede today. The party needs to move on and I’m sick of him and jason plummer-daddy couldn’t buy this office. One of your next columns needs to be on how the gop took a golden opportunity in state politics- a democrat governor on trial in a recession and came out with nothing and what it says about the party and its future. This was absolutely ridiculous.

  5. - Demoralized - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:23 am:

    I’m willing to let him wait until tomorrow so he can see for sure that he is not going to be able to get enough votes from the absentee ballots. He should concede, though, tomorrow or Monday, at the latest. It is clear that he has lost and he does not need to wait a month as the results are going to look much the same. He also does not need to go down the recount road because he is not going to find 19,000+ plus votes. I know it is close, but he needs to bow out graciously very soon.

  6. - Justica O ! - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:24 am:

    I think he should wait until the absentee votes are counted, then concede with grace and dignity. Brady should do what is best for himself and his reputation and follow his values. He should forget what paid staffers, the national republican governors association et al want..they are just in it for themselves anyway.

  7. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:24 am:

    He should do whatever he wants, whatever makes him feel better. There is no legal obligation to concede, and we all know Quinn won, so it only makes him look foolish and beholden to his RGA donors by delaying the inevitable.

    Personally, I think he should be gracious in defeat. But if he wants to be a poor sport, that’s his right. He’s still a loser whether he concedes or not. I doubt Quinn is waiting by the phone for the call.

  8. - Levois - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:24 am:

    He should wait until he is sure there are more votes could be counted in his favor. Only when all the votes are counted when he should concede. Of course another mind says he should let Pat Quinn have this one and save the fight for 2014. :P

  9. - Tom Joad - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:26 am:

    The longer he waits, the more he seems to not be facing the reality of the situation he is in.
    The GOP has blown this election the same way they did in Delaware!

  10. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:26 am:

    If Brady doesn’t concede today, Quinn should refuse to accept a concession and get all the votes counted to see how big we can really get this victory.

  11. - just sayin' - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:29 am:

    Brady should definitely concede. Of course it really doesn’t matter if he does or not. Quinn won. He’s moving ahead and not thinking of Brady anymore. No one is other than the Brady people who thought they were going to get state jobs.

    And let’s face it, it’s kinda fun watching Brady’s arrogant crew making fools of themselves now pretending they still have a chance. Brady seems to have more lawyers now than he had voters. Too funny.

  12. - Secret Square - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:29 am:

    Tomorrow after the absentees are counted. Friday afternoon is the best time to deliver bad news anyway, right?

  13. - Amalia - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:31 am:

    my partisan heart says concede all freakin’ ready.

    my campaign head says wait for the absentees and military ballots and then try to be decent in your concession, Mr. Brady.
    it’s amazing that with every election there is a need to educate folks on the process of taking in the votes. election authorities are honorable and have detailed and thankless work to do, but they do it whether or not there is a victory speech. there are rules to be followed, so thanks to them for doing that work.

  14. - Small Town Liberal - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:31 am:

    Concede when the votes are counted, if that’s tomorrow, then wait until then.

  15. - justbabs - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:32 am:

    The longer he waits, the worse he looks. It’s like guests and fish - the longer it takes the more he smells. He’s starting to stink.

  16. - Nearly Normal - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:32 am:

    Brady is an achiever and this is really hard on him and his team to admit defeat. But, on the other hand, it is becoming time to man up and concede. Don’t drag this on into next week.

    Time to look like a statesman and not a politician.

  17. - 2012 - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:32 am:

    In relation to those who would like their vote to count, he should wait.

    Politically, he should concede. (soap box moment: He, Republican Leadership, and any/all Republican staff, consultants and fundraisers should then pow wow to have an honest, open discussion as to why a Republican didn’t win the gubernatorial race in a year like this then make the necessary changes to personnel, messaging, candidate recruitment and grassroots organizing to win in the future!)

  18. - Jake from Elwood - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:34 am:

    The public is tired of election recounts–Bill, do you remember the primary? The gap is too far to overcome. Pull the pin.
    For extra credit, trying being conciliatory like (gulp) Alexi was and wish Pat Quinn luck over the next four years. He is going to need it.

  19. - Cubs2010 - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:36 am:

    Us Quinn folks have taken to calling this the “maintain the gain” project. This is the most fun I’ve had in the 14 plus months I have been on the Quinn camp. That being said, count the votes, it will be great theatre to see Gidwitz try to justify how they can still close a 22k vote gap with 2k military ballots.

  20. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:38 am:

    Tomorrow when the absentees are counted is well beyond fair … but Jerry, do Bill a favor and have the “Pro” Patty with Bill when they head to Springfield to handle the press so there are no mis-communitaions on the “whats” and the “whos” … Don’t let Bill, and for goodness sake, don’t let Plummer, comment …

    Wait for the Absentees … then congratulate and walk away.

  21. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:39 am:

    I think he and Peraica should drag out the pitchforks and torches and storm the castle.

    Just kidding.

    I guess he’s still trying to figure out HOW to concede, and probably whether its too late to return the new drapes and furniture he bought for the Governor’s mansion.

    He remains a State Senator — does he vow to fight on in the General Assembly, as Senator Mitch McConnell has done, and stonewall efforts by the Governor to move Illinois forward?

    Or does he concede graciously, as President Obama did, and vow to work with Democrats to find common ground?

    Brady has a rare opportunity to redefine himself and move to the middle, staking the middle and moral high ground, and extending his political shelf life.

    Or he could be partisan, small and shrill.

    My hope is the former, but my expectation is the latter. After all, the Tea Party is his base.

  22. - A.B. - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:40 am:

    I think this really comes down to the process. At some point in time a candidate will finally reach the point where they say, “enough is enough, I can’t win this.” If for some reason they don’t reach that point, then the process will ultimately tell them it is over.

    More importantly should be the question of how Brady envisions his political future. If he thinks he is going to run statewide again in the future, then he should probably make all of his decisions based on what image he wants to leave the voters with going into the next election.

    AG’s concession speech is a prime example. He did a very nice job setting himself up to potentially be a statewide candidate again in the future.

  23. - JN - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:40 am:

    He should concede on January 11, 2011. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be as funny.

  24. - Northsider - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:41 am:

    He should concede today or tomorrow, unless wants to seem petulant and small.

    And given Quinn’s long support of military families, I wouldn’t assume that most of those military absentee ballots will come back R…

  25. - NIref - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:42 am:

    He should concede. That gives him more time to abuse the recall amendment.

  26. - Logical Thinker - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:42 am:

    Game over. Concede.

    Same for Melissa Bean

  27. - Angry Republican - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:42 am:

    Concede; margin is too large to overcome. The election results should have removed any doubt from everyone’s mind that IL is solidly blue. Alexi G has to be wondering how he could lose when Quinn the bumbler and Berrios the criminal won.

  28. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:43 am:

    Along with the drapes, Plummer is upset that he has to return his air hockey table and slurppe machine he got for his Capitol Office

  29. - Joe Blow - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:43 am:

    Why can’t people wait until all the votes are counted? That is the least we can do for the soldiers getting shot at everyday that had to vote in those conditions. Pat Quinn can start writing more press release of jobs he is not creating to take his mind off of things.

  30. - Dirt Digger - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:45 am:

    Brady should demand several debates over whether there should be a recount. I’ll moderate.

  31. - The Oncoming Storm - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:46 am:

    Bill Brady needs to concede soon, but he can wait until tomorrow.

  32. - Fed-Up - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:47 am:

    Waiting is an exercise in futility but it hurts no one. Quinn should and is proceeding as if he will remain in office.

  33. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:48 am:

    Dirt …lol

    Jason can go on a Downstate Border-Towns “listening tour” on the pros and cons of a recount …

  34. - Aldyth - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:48 am:

    The people who filled out those military and absentee ballots deserve to feel like they mean something. Waiting another day to let that happen is no big deal. Then, do the grownup thing and wish the winner well and walk away.

  35. - Logical Thinker - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:49 am:

    Angry Republican,

    I disagree that the results show that IL is solidly blue. On the state level, yes. On the national level, it’s changing. The GOP now has the majority of US House seats and a Senate seat. Couple that with the win in 99 of 102 counties on Tuesday for Brady, and you see where the wheels are turning. I think it’s widely acknowledged that just about any other candidate not named “BRADY” (or “KEYES”) would have won. I think the next 4 years are going to be VERY interesting in Springfield because the unions and their politicians are going to be in quite a few significant battles. There is no cover.

  36. - cassandra - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:51 am:

    Do the national Repubs have some info we don’t have.

    If not, say, concede late Friday and take a vacation over the weekend. It’s no tragedy if you hold on until all the votes are counted but why
    put yourself through all the hassle. Sit back and watch the (Democratic) show on the budget. It’s going to be a doozy.

  37. - Montrose - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:51 am:

    Wait until tomorrow. It is a natural time to throw in the towel at this point.

    Brady should take YDD’s advice and use the opportunity to begin to redefine himself. He won’t, but he should.

  38. - Liandro - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:51 am:

    He can wait til the votes are counted, but it doesn’t look like it will matter. It’s not like he’s delaying Quinn from doing anything, so I don’t really care.

  39. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:52 am:

    Brady got kudos from many when he graciously allowed Dillard to work all the angles so that all knew that the final results were indeed final.

    Brady did not act like we see and hear so many doing now. Many recognized it at that time. It demonstrated empathy and professionalism.

    I guess that is lacking for some partisans now. The same group that prides itself on empathy and understanding are standing around like vultures telling the executioner to quickly finish the job.

    How about pretending to care about handling this tied election in a way that respects the other half of Illinois. You know. The part not Chicago?

    We have seen Brady do it. How about having the same courtesy?

  40. - Louis G. Atsaves - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:53 am:

    He can wait until the absentees are counted and then reassess his position. He has the right to do so as does Melissa Bean.

    Our failure of a State Government can wait a few more days and Quinn is still the governor and looks like he will be in January. What’s the hurry?

    The gang that trashed the place the past 8 years has been reelected! How do we in Illinois “save face” over that fact? :-)

  41. - God's Country - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:53 am:

    Who’s going to be counting ballots tomorrow? Properly dated absentee ballots could still arrive up until the 16th, military/overseas ballots until the 19th.

  42. - hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:57 am:

    Why does the RGA want him to wait on conceding? To keep up the pretense that they didn’t lose Illinois and thus have one less loss on their record until the election coverage dies down?

  43. - P.T - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:58 am:

    Why are we letting Washington, DC insiders tell us what to do in Illinois? I voted for Beady, but this is getting embarassing. Concede and live to fight another day.

  44. - Commonsense in Illinois - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 11:59 am:

    VM…one big difference here…about 18,700 in difference. Sorry, but Senator Brady needs to concede and vote up or down on the pension borrowing bill today.

  45. - cassandra - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 12:01 pm:

    It has occurred to me that the national Repubs might be planning to push for a recount, if that is legally possible. This is really all about the 2012 presidential race now and the Repubs’ stated aim to restrict Obama to one term. A prolonged recount during which Republicans got to highlight decades of Cook County corruption and fraud might be viewed as worth the turmoil.

  46. - Anonymous - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 12:02 pm:

    “Brady is an achiever?”

  47. - Thoughts... - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 12:02 pm:

    He’s baked and should concede.

    That said, I couldn’t care less personally what he does. Quinn won and everyone knows it. Brady’s handlers with the RGA and locally know they can’t win, but they have a strategy to de-legitimize the election. Fine, go with it.

    The folks taken in by this alleged de-legitimization are the people who would never in a million years support Quinn or Democrats so it’s really no loss. In the meantime, the people who held their nose and voted for Quinn, or even held their nose and voted for Brady, will evolve their thinking to realize that Quinn really was the right choice.

    The more he waits it out, the more he appears petty and petulant, all while making Quinn appear statesmanlike and more sympathetic. Long term, the longer Brady waits to make a concession, the more it benefits Quinn, so I say wait it out. Heck, file a lawsuit. Please.

    Anyone who doesn’t think this race is over doesn’t understand basic math, let alone electoral math.

  48. - Political wannabee - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 12:03 pm:

    Where is the discussion of how the polls were so off? Or his overconfidence in putting together a transition team?

    Brady is a puppet of others, the Tea Party folks who don’t want to see graceful and the RGA that funded him that can’t believe they lost.

    Everyone knows he should have conceded by end of yesterday, including Brady. Every day he stays in shows he is not his own man but is acting at the behest of others.

  49. - ChicagoR - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 12:06 pm:


  50. - VoterUSA - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 12:07 pm:

    Put a fork in it!….Brady is done.
    The longer he waits the more he looks like a sore loser.

  51. - Louis Howe - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 12:08 pm:

    Does anyone really think the GOP has ever made governing easier for democrats? I agree that Brady should wait until Friday afternoon and then concede. Democrats get to draw the map, but have to vote for tax increases and let incompetent Quinn squander the money. Quinn winning is nobody’s prize.

  52. - ShadyBillBrady - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 12:13 pm:

    I am enjoying this, especially since I know the outcome. One thing he could do is stop asking his Facebook supporters for mkre of their hard-earned money in this economy to help the RGA make up some of their cash. Seriously.

  53. - unspun - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 12:14 pm:

    He should concede as soon as possible, primarily so that we can get back to the important matter: Rahm.

  54. - Thoughts... - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 12:14 pm:

    VMan sez:

    ===Brady got kudos from many when he graciously allowed Dillard to work all the angles so that all knew that the final results were indeed final.===

    I say:

    That’s exactly what Quinn is doing and that’s exactly why the longer Brady waits, the more it benefits Quinn. Look back at the post-primary threads and I’m sure you’ll see plenty of hand-wringing in the comments about how Dillard should concede.

  55. - Joe Blow - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 12:15 pm:

    Everything looks too shady.. I demand a revote. :)

  56. - just sayin' - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 12:17 pm:

    Maybe Brady’s extra votes are hiding with Plummer’s tax returns.

    All I know is there was extra happy tail wagging at Chicago’s dog beach today.

  57. - Little Egypt - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 12:21 pm:

    Yes. Explanation: Man up and do the right thing.

  58. - J - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 12:25 pm:

    Concede-It doesn’t matter what the DC guys say anymore, and it just makes you look weak when they’re the reason you refuse.

  59. - Skeeter - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 12:28 pm:

    As a lawyer, I think he should not only avoid conceding but hire many lawyers to file many lawsuits contesting what is clearly an outrageous and scandal-driven result. Any decent lawyer can find some reason to contest the result, and the resulting coverage of the litigation will keep Brady’s name in the public [Free publicity!] for the next six months. He obviously will lose, but again, the public will remember him.

    It will take many, many lawyers to do this well. And hire a few Dem lawyers, just so your side does not appear too shrill and also to impress what may be Democratic judges. Make sure the Dem lawyers get nice retainers, since I hear Brady had problems paying some campaign-related bills.

  60. - Team Sleep - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 12:28 pm:

    Mark my words: the RGA will file lawsuits and demand a recount. I have no idea if and/or when that will happen. And yes, it’s my prediction, but they sunk $5 million (or more, I can’t remember) into Brady’s campaign efforts. D.C. politicos don’t ever want to let anything go. But if I were a regional RGA person, I would want to pull out now. They will be up against President Obama and OFA in 2012. There will probably be a toss-up gubernatorial race in Missouri that will command millions. Mitch Daniels may want to move up or even retire, thus leaving Indiana as a possible toss-up. Don’t squander it now on a race with candidates who are 20,000 votes apart.

  61. - Joe Blow - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 12:31 pm:

    @just sayin’ - Maybe at the Chicago dog beach but not at the Cook County Animal Shelter.. not that you have ever been there. We know its not ritzy enough for you.

  62. - Newsclown - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 12:32 pm:

    Brady has let that toxic perpetual campaign ethos of his national party override his common sense. He should concede Friday and move on with life.

  63. - What's in a name? - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 12:33 pm:

    He should concede tomorrow with a comment about honoring our troops abroad by being sure their votes got counted. He should spend today writing a short, eloquent, classy speech. YDD is right on the money he has a chance redefine himself and become a Statesman.

  64. - Both Sides Now - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 12:37 pm:

    I think the reason some many people are calling for Brady to concede is we are all tired of the election cycle. Notice, I didn’t say “negative” election cycle because quite frankly, when isn’t it? We wanted it over weeks ago.
    It is Brady’s right to wait until December and then he doesn’t need to concede as it’s obvious BUT it does him no good to wait - the rest of the state is moving on without him.
    He could wait until mid-November when all the absentee ballots are counted “to be fair to the troops” BUT I bet they voted for Senator, AG, Comptroller, etc too. So does that mean that Giannoulis, Kim and Miller were “unfair to the troops” by giving a concession speech when it appeared they had no way of winning?
    He could wait until the RGA says it’s OK but why? The RGA needs to get over the fact that they lost one in the Midwest.
    If Brady wants to appear a statesman, he should concede today or Friday. Key word here is “if”.
    Why didn’t he win? Lack of a focused and realistic message that would energize voters, no track record of accomplishments, a millionaire’s personal background that the common many couldn’t relate to, views that were out of touch with women, SIMON and his great videos, and a laundry list of others. And let’s not forget the puppy-killing. I seem to remember Rich focusing on this issue back in the spring, and noting the number of pet-owners who would not appreciate this view and how it would work against him. GLEE, (video pun intended) we could have saved ourselves a lot of time and anguish by holding the election as soon as Brady came up with that idea.

  65. - South Side Mike - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 12:43 pm:

    Something I haven’t understood, so I would appreciate explanations from some of the level-headed persons on this site: What is the legal value of a concession? Absentee and military overseas ballots are still tallied, correct? If there was a sudden surge in valid military ballots that gave Brady the victory, he would still be the governor-elect, correct, regardless of a concession?

    Concession, to me, simply indicates that the numbers do not favor Candidate X and that he/she has decided not take actions to contest the election results unless there is a significant development (large shift in numbers, discovery of fraud, etc.). It does not preclude any legal remedy. Is this analysis correct?

    If so, then Brady should gracefully tomorrow (after the majority of absentees are counted). It can help his stature in the state, and does not stop him from exercising any other rights later.

  66. - Anon for Today - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 12:47 pm:

    Let him wait, make sure all the ballots are counted, which will most likely widen the gap. All those who voted deserve to have their votes counted. Then he might see the trend. I’m trying to figure out why anyone cares if he concedes? He has lost. “Governor” Pat Quinn will be sworn in this January and will continue his duties for the next 4 years.

  67. - cermak_rd - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 12:48 pm:

    I think he should never concede. Did Peraica ever concede to Stroger? And look how that helped him!

  68. - Far Northsider - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 12:49 pm:

    @VanillaMan - The trouble is this is not “a tied election”. If it were Brady would be right not to concede. This is a “lost election”. Not conceding makes him look petulant and silly. I think he should wait it out though so he looks more and more idiotic.

  69. - lake county democrat - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 12:54 pm:

    Who cares? What will be held up while we wait the meaningless month or sped-up if we don’t?

  70. - Who Cares - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 12:55 pm:

    Unless Brady can give some thought or reasoning as to where he thinks his votes will come from, conceed. You are looking more foolish with each passing day.

  71. - Wumpus - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 1:00 pm:


  72. - Elmhurst - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 1:03 pm:

    I’d go with a non-concession concession today- a statement along the lines of how he has confidence in the process, honestly say that the numbers do not look good for him, express a desire to see the result of the absentee count.

    Don’t tool up for a fight, just bring the team in for a gentle landing.

    Everyone is relieved when politicians act like grown-ups. Leave people with that feeling, since the numbers aren’t there for a fight.

  73. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 1:03 pm:

    I laughed my off at this line from the Tribune editorial board today:

    “Quinn’s lead in the governor’s race leaves challenger Bill Brady searching for the Lost County of Atlantis, where everyone voted Republican.”

    Good one, Bruce.

    Important for Republicans: Brady’s hemming and hawwing is stepping on Mark Kirk’s message.

  74. - Irish - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 1:04 pm:

    He should do what he feels right. I see no problem with him waiting until the absentee ballots are counted.

    I think we are becoming a culture that wants everything right now. We want it all done and wrapped in a neat little box and set on a shelf so we can move on to the next thing. Well, we don’t always get what we want.

    I get tired of the major media outlets starting to project winners based on exit polls. If I walked out of a polling place and someone was standing there with a camera and microphone asking me how I voted I would purposely tell them the opposite of what I did, just to screw up their exit poll.
    What happens if a candidate finds themselves in this situation and concedes because there PROBABLY isn’t any way they can win and then low and behold they pull within a couple hundred votes. Now if there is any improprieties brought up about a certain group of votes how does that candidate go back and ask for a recount or ask to have those votes checked since he has already conceded?

    So, No he should not concede. Let everyone who is chomping at the bit take their medicine, take a nap, or whatever, and let things play out.

  75. - wordslinger - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 1:10 pm:

    He can do whatever he wants. It makes no difference to anyone or any thing.

    It’s kind of a silly tradition. These guys say the nastiest stuff about each other in public — and whisper much worse in private. Who needs the added hypocrisy of some forced, gracious concession speech? I don’t need it.

  76. - QBF - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 1:11 pm:

    Brady is applying for a job with Sara Palin and Fox News. He’s already got the right wing-nut credentials. Now he needs to prove how far he’ll go to obfuscate reality and common sense. $$$

  77. - Anonymous - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 1:12 pm:

    Take your time Bill.

  78. - Irish - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 1:21 pm:

    I just wanted to add that all politicians should take a cue from Alexi and Mark. The example they set on how contests should end needs to be emulated by all of us.

  79. - eastsider - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 1:32 pm:

    I’ve heard that the RGA will file lawsuits and investigate voter fraud in Chicago. This will get dragged out for quite some time.

  80. - wordslinger - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 1:35 pm:

    Eastsider, the RGA has no standing in Illinois courts. Are you implying they’ll finance lawsuits by harmed Illinois citizens? Put some of those lawyers that were hanging around the ballot boxes to work.

  81. - sarbanharble - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 1:35 pm:

    I think Brady passed the point of a gracious concession when he made his vow to wait up to 30 days. Don’t think he’ll enamor anyone any differently whether his concession speech comes now or in another month. The majority of the people in Illinois, outside of this website, care less about politics post-election after being inundated with such filth for so long.

  82. - 29th Pct Voter - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 1:38 pm:

    I predict Sen. Brady will concede the race by Friday, at the latest, and possibly in the next few hours. Maybe Sen. Brady will want to sponsor a bill bringing back single party voting - anyone remember “Punch 10″?

  83. - Greg B. - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 2:00 pm:

    No harm in waiting. Keep a low profile and caucus with GOP leaders and RGA. As long as they have a plan, they’re fine. Just be ready to explain the rationale when you do concede/or seek a recount. I also know there are independent efforts out there to raise money for one. As of yet, I don’t know how serious they are.

    Moreover, I haven’t heard real people running around demanding Brady concede.

  84. - EazyTurner - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 2:02 pm:

    Greg-who exactly is a ‘real person’?

  85. - steve schnorf - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 2:05 pm:

    Elections are over whether candidates concede or not.

  86. - (618) Democrat - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 2:16 pm:

    Brady should concede today but he won’t because that would be the classy and gracious thing to do. The votes are not there and he knows it or should know it.

    The bottom line here is it doesn’t matter if he concedes. Brady lost the election and Quinn won the election.

    I do hope someone tells Jason Plummer that he lost. It will be embarrassing for him when he is wondering around the Capitol looking for the office his Daddy paid for.

  87. - anonymiss - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 2:19 pm:

    Concede Friday, but by late afternoon to make the evening news cycles. Media will move on much after that (especially in Chicago/Mayoral markets), leaving him looking like a sore losere and unrealistic. As many have said, everyone is VERY tired after this LONG, BITTER election season.

  88. - winco - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 2:21 pm:

    The concession is kind of a peculiar tradition. The best i can tell, its basic function is to give media outlets cover for calling an election, or to give them a basis for calling an election. There’s obviously no legal requirement or function of the concession. And if 20,000 Brady votes showed up the day after he conceded, it is not like his concession would prevent those new votes from being counted. I suppose it also allows him to hit up supporters for cash, as other other commentors indicate he is doing–to ostensibly finance a possible legal/battle or recount.

    BTW, I think Melissa Bean is still waiting for a concession from Phil Crane.

  89. - Responsa - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 2:21 pm:

    He should announce today that realistically the numbers are not looking as good as he’d like, but that he personally plans, and is also asking the people of Illinois, to grant the process one more day to complete. That, he should say, is so we can all show our respect to the absentee voters, many of whom are overseas, whose votes have not yet been counted for either candidate.

    For anyone of either party who has ever needed to vote absentee from afar and wondered if their vote mattered, it is a nice and gracious gesture to show that absentee votes do count and that mailed-in votes are not treated like chopped liver.

    Then concede tomorrow afternoon.

  90. - George - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 2:22 pm:

    Brady just announced that he isn’t conceding and that he believes he will win.


    I think this quote from Quinn sums up the whole race:

    “The numbers are basically there. Arithmetic, there are basic rules of arithmetic and I think they are on our side,” Quinn said.

  91. - anonymous coward - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 2:23 pm:

    Quinn doesn’t need Brady’s concession to move forward, take office, whatever. Get over this Brady must surrender thing, honestly.

  92. - Greg B. - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 2:35 pm:

    A real person is someone who is not obsessed w/politics like we are.

  93. - How Ironic - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 2:36 pm:

    Using “BradyMath” it’s easy to agree with Bill. He’s down 20,000 votes. There are approx 2,000 military votes outstanding. 2,000 is 10% of 20,000. Ergo, you cut 10% and the entire deficit is eliminated.

    Clearly Bill Brady is the winner.

  94. - LakeCountyLarry - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 2:36 pm:

    This is so much fun, watching Brady and Plummer squirm rather than making us, the people of Illinois, squirm with their mean-spirited, anti-social policies they planned to force down our throats. Sometimes life is fair, and that is a classic case!

  95. - wordslinger - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 2:39 pm:

    –I just wanted to add that all politicians should take a cue from Alexi and Mark. The example they set on how contests should end needs to be emulated by all of us.–

    Beers with the Mob Banker and the Treasonous Stooge for China. If this is to be emulated, I guess their behavior the last months has been awful.

  96. - Quinncidence?...I think not - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 2:47 pm:

    Concede now, tomorrow, Monday? Who cares? Quinn was the Governor. Quinn is the Governor. Brady is the latest entry in the almanac. GOPers understandably care how his holding out reflects on them going forward. But, if he chooses not to bow out with dignity, that shouldn’t surprise anyone given the campaign he just ran.

  97. - Ken in Aurora - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 2:54 pm:

    “I think he should wait until the absentee votes are counted, then concede with grace and dignity.”

    What Justica said.

  98. - Lewis Grad - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 3:00 pm:

    What is the big deal if he just waits until tomorrow or even after the vote is certified on the 30th? Quinn is going to win and since he is an incumbent, he does not need a transition period. Brady not conceding is not hurting anybody.

  99. - BigTwich - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 3:03 pm:

    I do not care if Senator Brady concedes or if he does not concede. I am irritated with reports in the media that suggest this action has something to do with the result. It ain’t over till it’s over, but when it’s over, it’s over

  100. - Toastman - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 3:16 pm:

    Why would anyone want the job anyway? The most memorable thing to happen in the next four years may be Illinois declaring bankruptcy. Would you want to be the governor who presides over that? I’d concede.

  101. - Vote Quimby! - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 3:19 pm:

    Tomorrow afternoon would be a great time to wrap this up…

  102. - PPHS - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 3:19 pm:

    Oh, well. It doesn’t matter legally, anyway.

    I thought it was funny 3 weeks ago, when he had the transition team in place and was asking questions about how to raise funds for the inaugural.

    That is when I suspected that he was toast.

  103. - ourMagician - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 3:20 pm:

    Conceding would require a plan-something he hasn’t had and why he lost.

  104. - Willy Wonka - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 3:27 pm:

    The amazing thing is after all the primaries, the general election and all the money spent Illinois didn’t get a governor upgrade. But we never had that choice anyway.

  105. - MrJM - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 3:35 pm:

    Q: Should Brady concede today, or should he wait until the absentee votes are counted tomorrow, or should he wait a month until the ballot is certified?

    A: Brady should hold out until the last moment. Then he should fight the result until the last dime is spent from Republican coffers. Then he should beg Republican donors for just a bit more money to take the fight to the Democrats. And only when all hope is lost, he should declare that the Democrats stole the election and that the Republican party didn’t back him enough.

    The voters of Illinois deserve nothing less.

    – MrJM

  106. - zatoichi - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 3:37 pm:

    Who cares if he concedes or not? The outcome is done. He is simply looking for that missing 20,000+ votes that got dropped on the floor somewhere that makes him the winner. He grazed the ring and it’s extremely frustrating to not get the whole piece. The next step will really make his future. Does he go full tea party bag of wind; become an active, involved, leader statesman to build solid credentials; or return to back benchdom with a nice title for future personal business deals. I hope he goes 2, but 3 seems more likely based on his history.

  107. - Ghost - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 3:43 pm:

    I think the time and opportunity for a concession speech has passed; but hecould still concede tomorrow at the end of the week to maintian some decorum and dignity.

    at this point he is just tilting at windmills anyway.

  108. - Amalia - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 3:43 pm:

    the email from Ben in Quinn land says that 100% of the precincts are counted and they believe they have won. oh, wait, Ben’s from out of state, he doesn’t know the nutty way things go in Illinois elections……

  109. - Vote Quimby! - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 3:46 pm:

    Amalia–Ben probably was one of those in Florida who thought they won the White Sox when the clock struck midnight on the new Comiskey deal..if he’s old enough to remember :-)

  110. - I'm Just Saying - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 3:49 pm:

    Bulletin: AP declares Pat Quinn winner of Illinois Governor’s race

  111. - Statewide - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 3:51 pm:

    Two lines from a Zorn column Rich noted on Mar.9, 2010:
    “Brady said the minimum wage should be controlled by “market-forces” and opposed increases in the minimum wage.”
    “Regarding pay equity for men and women, Brady said the marketplace should set pay standards.”

    To which I say, hey, Bill & Company (& to your out of state RGA investors), in this case the electoral marketplace has spoken and deemed you not worthy of the Governor’s office pay standards. It only seems logical therefore that you should graciously accept this marketplace outcome.

  112. - lincoln's beard - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 3:53 pm:

    Even though large numbers of absentee votes and many provisional and early ballots have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Democrats and all the odious apparatus of Democrat rule, we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in Cook County, we shall fight on the rivers and lakes, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength on the radio, we shall defend our State, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the editorial pages, we shall fight in the courts and in the streets, we shall fight in the downstate prairies; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Party or a large part of it were bankrupt and hates, then our Party beyond this state, armed and funded by unlimited corporate donations, would carry on the struggle, until, in God’s good time, the national party, with all of its attorneys and flacks, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the Illinois GOP.

  113. - Carl Nyberg - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 3:56 pm:

    I think gov’t should get into the habit of counting all the ballots, not just the ones that are convenient to count.

    What’s the hurry for Brady to concede? Is it preventing or delaying something from happening?

    Politicians should concede on the timeline that makes sense for them. If the members of the media get impatient, so what?

  114. - Amalia - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 4:02 pm:

    if the AP has called it, time to fire up the statement for tomorrow morning, Sen. Brady!

  115. - Bubs - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 4:02 pm:

    Count the votes - it will not take that long.

  116. - Captain Illini - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 4:12 pm:

    Wait for the sun to rise, then make your way to a press conference to announce your concession and congratulate Governor Quinn on winning the election. The only way to avoid this was to have won handily, which of course, he didn’t do…but lost marginally, but lost none the less.

  117. - gsb - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 4:18 pm:

    Maybe this has already been said…I haven’t read every post…but he owed it to his volunteers to hold out and not concede. However, now it’s time to put on a good face! Hopefully, tomorrow we will see him being gracious and accept the voters wishes.

  118. - Third Generation Chicago Native - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 4:20 pm:

    Brady needs to concede sooner rather than later. The longer he lets this drag on the worse he will look. If he has any plans of ever running for something again, he needs to end this now. People will remember and this will hurt him, dragging this on will only let people know he is they guy that will drag everythig on, and who wants to elect someone like that?

  119. - Amalia - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 4:51 pm:

    Dear Sheila Simon: please start planning the banjo related festivities for the inauguration. I suggest contacting Steve Martin to see if he will play with the band!

  120. - Will Watcher - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 4:57 pm:

    Who cares? It will all be forgotten four years from now.

    Too bad the RGA didn’t spend 1M on a ground organization in Cook County and cut back on the ads.

  121. - TimB - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 5:06 pm:

    Nothing is being held up except the celebration on one side or the other. Wait till ALL ballots are counted, if that’s the 19th then so be it. If it’s until the election is certified, then wait till then. Quinn is governor until the 10th of Jan. regardless of whether the votes are counted or not!

  122. - Just The Way It Is One - Thursday, Nov 4, 10 @ 9:46 pm:

    Concede–today, or at worst, on Saturday, after I understand the bulk of Cook County’s total will have been determined. The AP didn’t rush to judgment–they waited 2 days and carefully analyzed the numbers…even at best, maybe around 25,000 or so outstanding votes maybe left. If we pick that number, Brady would need to capture around 22,500, or 90% of those to MAYbe succeed… it ain’t gonn a happen. WE all know it’s over, the PUBLIC now believes it’s over, and heck, even if he concedes, the final total could, in that needle in a haystack chance, show he somehow garnered more, so, legally, then, we’d ALL somehow look stupid (i.e. not just Bill) and a win is a win. Plus, politically, not admitting defeat soon and very soon (i.e. accepting his little dose of humility, which we ALL must get once in awhile) would be dumb (and, quite frankly, unkind to his supporters to lead them on unrealistically–give ‘em a good night’s rest already to start the healing process). People want to see public figures they respect, even if they don’t like them, take it like a man when they know (and inside, HE knows too…) they’ve taken it on the chin, cordially congratulate the other side, and get on with the rest of your public (and other) life. Shucks, at this point, too, if I was Brady, I’d take Quinn up on the free lunch at Manny’s Deli or other “waterhole” somewhere Downstate for a sandwich and brewski. No matter what you think of Kirk, now THAT was classy inviting AG to the Billy Goat, as well as for AG to show up…My God! Don’t we need some UNITY already? You know, after every sporting event with our CHILDREN, what do we insist upon? Win or lose, “line ‘em up!” we say to them, and then go and shake the other side’s hand (and in even some small way, everybody feels better about it having happened). And why do we teach our kids that kind of sportsmanship? Because it’s the RIGHT thing to do….

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