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Brady’s concession speech live blog - Raw video

Friday, Nov 5, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* You can click here to listen or watch the live video.

* 1:29 pm - The video feed is now hot.

* 1:30 pm - Two minute warning. Jason Plummer will speak first, followed by Sen. Bill Brady.

* 1:32 pm - If you’re having trouble with the ABC7 feed, CBS2 also has a live feed.

* 1:33 pm - Plummer vowed to work with the lt. governor and the governor any way he could. He choked up a bit when thanking his staff.

* 1:34 pm - Brady is now speaking. “This election, this campaign for us was all about a path to bringing jobs” to the people of Illinois.

“We thank the voters of Illinois, the millions of voters who were willing to listen to us.”

“I just a few minutes ago got off the phone with Gov. Quinn, and I congratulated him on his victory, as he deserved.”

Brady said he also offered to work with Gov. Quinn.

Sen. Brady praised his wife Nancy, “who could not do a better job.”

“Jason and I have truly been blessed” with their hard-working staff.

“But it’s the people of Illinois that we truly are grateful to.”

Brady said that after a “bitter election,” it was time to work together to make the state as great as it can be.

* 1:40 pm - End of remarks.

* 1:41 pm - He’s going to take questions from the media. Said the governor had invited him to Manny’s Deli to talk. Said the big GOP congresional wins show that the people want their leaders to work together in a bipartisan manner. Asked about his campaign strategy, he said he’d leave it to the pundits to decide whether it was the right one or not.

He wouldn’t rule any further run out right now. “Life’s too short to rule anything out.” Mrs. Brady said something at the same time, but I didn’t catch it. Did anyone else hear what she said?

* 1:44 pm - End of questions.

Classy, reserved, firm, yet not defiant. A decent job by a decent man.

* 2:12 pm - Sun-Times

Trailing Gov. Quinn by more than 19,000 votes, Republican Bill Brady conceded the gubernatorial race Friday afternoon, saying: “Gov. Quinn won this race. He worked hard for it.”

Speaking to reporters and supporters at a Bloomington hotel, Brady said he had just spoken with Quinn.

“I congratulated him on his victory,” Brady said,

Brady’s announcements ends a gubernatorial campaign that had led Quinn in most pre-election polls.

* 2:18 pm - Gov. Quinn is holding a 3:30 presser. I’ll look around for live audio/video. Help me if you can. I still have to finish my syndicated newspaper column. If you missed Brady’s speech, here is the raw video

* At the end, Brady is asked whether he might run again. “Third time’s a charm?” a reporter asked. Brady said that life’s too short to rule anything out. Mrs. Brady, however, shook her head, smiled and said what sounded like “We’re not going to entertain that right now.” I don’t blame her. That was a grueling campaign. Bill’s basically been running for governor for the past six years.


  1. - Vote Quimby! - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 1:32 pm:

    Here we go!

  2. - Vote Quimby! - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 1:33 pm:

    “We have a lot of opportunity ahead of us” Jason Plummer…says he spoke with Sheila Simon. Tearing up now..

  3. - I don't want to live in Teabagistan - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 1:34 pm:

    Unlike baseball, there seems to be a lot of crying in politics.

  4. - Vote Quimby! - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 1:35 pm:

    BB “We started this campaign there’s nothing more important than family.” Family WAS the campaign…

  5. - Vote Quimby! - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 1:36 pm:

    Called Governor Quinn and congratulated him on his victory as he deserved.

  6. - Amalia - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 1:39 pm:

    Thanking staff with him for the campaign, 6 years, 18 years.

  7. - Vote Quimby! - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 1:40 pm:

    “It’s a great state, and we can make it even better.”

  8. - Amalia - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 1:41 pm:

    rich, thanks for posting the live video!

  9. - Vote Quimby! - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 1:43 pm:

    Going to meet Quinn at a Chicago restaurant. Dutch treat, I bet.

  10. - anon - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 1:45 pm:

    Thanks for posting this. Glad it is over. Congrats to Quinn/Simon and the people of Illinois!

  11. - Rich Miller - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 1:46 pm:

    People, enough with the harsh remarks. There’s really nothing lower than throwing brickbats at a man while he is conceding. Next one gets banned.

  12. - And I Approved This Message - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 1:51 pm:

    Politicians who take time to thank their staff, including some by name, are class acts. It’s all too rare.

  13. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 1:51 pm:

    I did find it striking that when Brady thanked Gidwitz and Jerry it was very quiet … everyone else got a hand, even Brady’s Driver …and when asked “what happened”, Brady was class, but you know, by the way he walked around his answer in “polling, blah, blah”, he wanted to say “We lost it on eletion day”, and further on that point, Brady made a point of how hard Quinn worked in the campaign.

    I feel sick for Brady, this is not a candidate loss … and he knows it.

  14. - Lefty Lefty - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 1:51 pm:

    It was good of him to step aside. Time to fix this mess.

  15. - siriusly - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 1:51 pm:

    Good speech.

    I wonder what his role in the SGOP caucus will be going forward. I assume he’s going to stay in the Senate.

  16. - Vote Quimby! - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 1:51 pm:

    A dignified concession speech, and well-timed. Did not drag it out 30 days, so it’s time to move on.

  17. - Mike Ins - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 1:53 pm:

    Did not get the sense that Brady was suddenly embracing the pension borrowing bill, and explicitly reiterated the position on increased taxes. Maybe this comment belongs in the “A Look Ahead” post on the blog today, but no doubt that one will be tumble-weeds and dust-bunnies with a few stray comments as compared to the fun and games in this thread. Heh.

    But bottom line - perfunctorary and routine concession, nothing that will be quoted for future generations… and on to the biz at hand.

  18. - I don't want to live in Teabagistan - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 1:53 pm:

    Brady needs to come prepared to meet with Quinn.

    Manny’s deli is pricey and doesn’t take credit cards–last I checked.

  19. - Amalia - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 1:54 pm:

    Is Quinn doing anything public today or tomorrow? when do he and sheila step up to the podium? or is it so Quinn to just keep on keepin’ on?

  20. - Just Sayin' - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 1:56 pm:

    Both Plummer and Brady were class acts in this final act of the 2010 campaign. I met Plummer last summer & spoke with him privately for a minute. He was just so convinced that he and Brady were going to win. I’m sure they’re still shell-shocked they didn’t.

  21. - kj - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 1:56 pm:

    It’s funny with so many candidates, you think “if only they had shown this before the election, they would have won.” It has been true for Brady and Quinn.

  22. - view from the cheap seats - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 1:56 pm:

    somebody said it here first, but i thought it was classy for bill to thank staff. bill handled it very well. classy overall.

  23. - not on the clout list - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 1:58 pm:

    So am i gettign this right-Gov. Quinn is eating @ Manny’s 2 days in a row? Sounds like the Harold Washington diet-just saying

  24. - hisgirlfriday - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 2:00 pm:

    enough mannys deli quinn! meeting him in spi would be a lot more meaningful and symbolic.

  25. - siriusly - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 2:00 pm:

    So right NOTCL! That food is good for the soul and bad for the heart.

  26. - 47th Ward - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 2:01 pm:

    Dude, have you SEEN Quinn’s refrigerator?

  27. - siriusly - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 2:01 pm:

    Yes but breadstretchers closed.

  28. - D.P. Gumby - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 2:02 pm:

    I agree w/ above comments about how much more class candidates seem to show after the election than they do during the campaigns. Once out of the hands of handlers, they seem to become better people. Flash back to Al Gore’s campaign and all the grief about his “image”. Are campaign professionals destroying candidates?

  29. - S - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 2:03 pm:

    I missed that… so Ron & Jerry didn’t get an applause from the crowd? Huh…

  30. - Bill - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 2:03 pm:

    Good luck, Buddy. You got a lot further than I ever thought and were right there at the end. You put a real scare in a lot of tax eaters over the last 9 months.
    I know you’ll be back. Until that time, Senator!

  31. - Anonymous - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 2:04 pm:

    They take credit cards now.

  32. - kj - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 2:05 pm:

    hisgirlfriday- How about bloomington, that would be really meaningful

  33. - Nearly Normal - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 2:05 pm:

    WJBC has announced that Gov. Quinn hold a press conference later today from Chicago.

  34. - I don't want to live in Teabagistan - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 2:06 pm:


    I am now going to gain 20 pounds in the next 6 months.

    Thanks jerk :)

  35. - Secret Square - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 2:07 pm:

    Re Quinn inviting Brady to Manny’s Deli: how about Brady returning the favor during veto session and inviting Quinn to The Food Mart, a really good (albeit space-challenged) Springpatch deli?

  36. - ChrisChicago82-Independent - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 2:14 pm:

    That is the 2nd classy Republican moment I saw today (the first being Bush on Oprah and refusing to chime in on President Obama). Both Republicans handled themselves with great class and incredible dignity.

  37. - Rich Miller - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 2:15 pm:

    ===The Food Mart, a really good (albeit space-challenged) Springpatch deli? ===

    They also have gourmet food and wine. A great downtown lunch spot.

  38. - hisgirlfriday - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 2:19 pm:

    breadstretchers closed? bummer! but they could meet in the rathskellar right? ;)

    meeting in bloomington would be a trip but maybe after this election quinn is scared of going out in public outside of cook? of course i have a hard time picturing bill at booboos dawg house just the same. hmmm maybe avantis?

  39. - girllawyer - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 2:20 pm:

    Everyone being decent and classy. Could it continue? Could people quit yelling and start working together on the huge problems we face? Probably not but that would be awesome.

  40. - hisgirlfriday - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 2:21 pm:

    oh what am i thinking? steak n shake! the bloomington original

  41. - I don't want to live in Teabagistan - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 2:22 pm:

    Have any of you tried the lunch buffet at Holy Land Diner? Good stuff. You can walk from Stratton.

  42. - Rich Miller - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 2:24 pm:

    My wife’s favorite Spfld restaurant is Holy Land Diner. It’s also the only place to buy real, Middle Eastern flatbread in 100 miles. We’ve eaten our Chicago or St. Louis supply in the past and begged for a few bags from the fine folks who run that place.

    Anyway, let’s get back to the concession speech, shall we?

  43. - S - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 2:24 pm:

    Thanks for posting the video link, Rich!

  44. - D75 - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 2:25 pm:

    Gov. Pat Quinn was honest with the people of IL. that to fix this mess taxes will have to be raised.By the time the next election cycle comes around we the people of IL. will be better off than we are today.

  45. - Justica O ! - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 2:26 pm:

    Brady ran a good race and conceded with class. I respect both Quinn and Brady for steping up to the plate and actually putting their names in the often times harsh arena of politics to serve the people. God Bless them both.

  46. - Doug Dobmeyer - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 2:27 pm:

    Now is the time to move on and solve the problems of Illinois. I hope some of the ideas talked about in the campaign by others will be given serious thought.

    Quinn cannot return to the bad old days of before the election to solve Illinois’ problems. I know that in the interests of the state we can all stand behind that feeling.

    I’m in Minnesota now, where there will be an automatic recount in the governor’s race. That process will prolong what is already known, the Dem won by over 8,000 votes. It’s best to move on.


  47. - Quinn T. Sential - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 2:29 pm:

    I missed the whole thing and don’t have time to look back, through the information right now, but I sure hope this reference to bi-partisanship would take the form of a yes vote for a new pension borrowing debt obligation.

  48. - Quinn T. Sential - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 2:34 pm:


    WOULD NOT take the form of a yes vote for a new pension borrowing debt obligation

  49. - Peter - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 2:36 pm:

    Quinn presser at 3:30 according to CBS.

  50. - Anonymous - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 3:03 pm:

    “By the time the next election cycle comes around we the people of IL. will be better off than we are today.”

    Hope for the best but expect the worst.

  51. - Just The Way It Is One - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 3:16 pm:

    Nice concession by BB and Plummer. Graciousness, courtesy, and heartfelt emotion is never overrated and always welcome in life. It’s finally over. Thank you God. Now let’s all enjoy Quinn’s little victory Fred Astaire dance move ‘cuz soon and very soon the real work of governing our beloved home must proceed, and to call THAT a gargantuan task would be putting it quite mildly, dontcha think Rich?

  52. - Bluejay - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 3:17 pm:

    You have to wonder if this was an election where the weather really did make a difference. It was sunny and clear across Illinois on election day. If it had rained (or even snowed) in Cook County, would that have depressed turnout enough to make up the 19,000 vote gap? Guess we’ll never know.

  53. - Conservative Veteran - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 3:23 pm:

    About a year ago, I said, on a few websites, that Sen. Brady shouldn’t run for governor, since he would lose. Too many Illinois Republicans ran statewide, lost, and ran again, thinking that the first loss would help them win their second statewide race. However, those candidates almost always lose their second (and sometimes third) statewide race. This happended to Al Salvi, Jim Oberweis, Joe Birkett, Steve Rauschenberger, and Andy Martin. Therefore, Brady should have known that he would also lose. I hope that, in 2012, Congressman Tim Johnson will retire and that Sen. Brady will run for Congress.

  54. - CLJ - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 3:31 pm:

    =oh what am i thinking? steak n shake! the bloomington original=

    Actually, Normal, IL. Too bad they moved out of the original for a bland cookie cutter near the highway.

  55. - hisgirlfriday - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 3:52 pm:


    FWIW, Dan Rutherford and JBT both ran statewide and lost in 2006 yet they both won GOP statewide offices this year. It also wasn’t a fait accompli that Brady would lose this race and that he lost this race seems to have had nothing to do with what happened in his run four years ago.

    I also think it’s strange to include a fringe guy like Andy Martin among the other people you mentioned even a fringe for a different reason guy like Oberweis.

    That said, I share your sentiment that Bill Brady should not run for statewide office again. If it didn’t happen this year, I don’t think it ever will for him.

    Also, does Brady even live in Tim Johnson’s district? I know they redistricted Kelleher out of there because he came pretty close against Johnson in 2000 and McLean County is pretty divided right now in its representation.

  56. - kj - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 3:59 pm:

    I think Brady is in the 11th, but who knows after redistricting.

  57. - eastsider - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 4:00 pm:

    Classy speeches. Both of these guys are great family men and it’s easy to see why their families have been so successful in business.

    To “conservative veteran”…Tim Johnson’s seat has Jerry Clarke’s name written all over it.

  58. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 4:09 pm:

    Conservative Veteran -

    Way to know of what you speak, it was only last cycle that jbt and Rutherford had lost and now one, as it has been pointed out. If I were you, I wouldn’t post this same post on ALL those other blogs you were bragging about … for your credibility’s sake.

  59. - ShadyBillBrady - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 4:47 pm:

    Legitimate question: Plummer mentioned something about being willing to work with Quinn, Simon, whomever. In what role would he be working with them? Did anyone else notice that?

  60. - Anonymous ZZZ - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 4:53 pm:

    ShadyBillBrady - I didn’t listen to the speech, I just saw the summary Rich posted above. I would assume, though, that the offer was just one of those things Plummer kind of had to say to strike a conciliatory note, knowing full well Quinn and Simon would never ask for his assistance.

  61. - ShadyBillBrady - Friday, Nov 5, 10 @ 4:56 pm:

    Probably so … it’s tough to give a speech like that off-script, especially with the emotion. Just found that statement odd. The script for Bill’s speech was excellent, by the way.

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