* I had heard this, but wasn’t able to confirm it last week, but Michael Sneed ran it…
Contrasting styles: Dem Illinois House Speaker Mike Madigan spent the afternoon fielding the phones on Election Day in his 13th ward office . . . while Illinois House GOP leader Tom Cross played golf at Medinah Country Club in the northwest suburbs.
* And my syndicated newspaper column takes a look at a particularly sticky wicket…
Without a doubt, the worst place to be right now in Illinois politics is the state’s House Republican caucus. Their leader Tom Cross went “all in” this year against House Speaker Michael Madigan and came up way short.
There were the innumerable planted newspaper stories about Madigan, including, for instance, how he apparently picked his own Republican challenger. The Republicans then staged a downtown Chicago “fundraiser” for Madigan’s invisible opponent.
Then there were the billboards along the Tollway ridiculing Madigan, which ginned up even more unflattering media coverage. Of course, there also were the countless mailers and TV ads claiming that Madigan was the real problem in Illinois.
That’s not to mention the hundreds of times Cross boldly predicted he would win the majority and finally put Madigan in his place. Madigan detested Cross before the election. It’s gone way beyond that now.
Maybe Cross truly believed he could take Madigan out. More likely, the boasting was a ruse to raise money from gullible rich Republican businessmen.
Maybe Cross figured that even if he didn’t win, Bill Brady surely would beat Gov. Pat Quinn, and then Cross would have someone to protect him and his members from Madigan’s retribution. A Brady win also would mean that Cross would have a chance at drawing the new legislative district map next year.
And maybe Cross concluded that even if he didn’t win and Brady lost, then at least Democratic Supreme Court Chief Justice Tom Kilbride would lose his retention battle because out-of-state business groups were spending cash hand over fist against him. With Kilbride out, the court would at least temporarily lose its Democratic majority and might be frightened into going along with any Republican lawsuit against a Democratic district map.
Well, not only is Cross still in the minority, he won’t have a Republican governor to backstop him. And Chief Justice Kilbride won - big.
Most of Cross’ members are loyal, but they have to be worried about their future. Legislators, like most humans, are mainly concerned with self-preservation. But the Quinn/Kilbride wins mean that Speaker Madigan will draw the new district map. And the power of the map means that some of those Republicans won’t be coming back in two years. One time-tested map trick is to draw two or more “enemies” into the same district. In other words, the Republicans need to hope that the housing market improves soon because some of them will have to find new digs.
The remap always hovers above everything in Springfield. During the last redistricting process in 2001, several state senators were in the secure computer room on Sept. 11. Planes were crashing, buildings were falling, but they were checking on their boundaries. That’s how important this is to them.
It’s no secret that Madigan is not the forgive and forget type. And he’s not above using something as important as the map to “urge” compliance with his wishes. There are a whole lot of crucial votes coming up during the next several months as the General Assembly attempts to dig the state out of this massive hole.
The Republicans have spent the past three years in open, hostile opposition to Madigan, with the situation degrading sharply over the past year or so. Many of those members are trying to figure out how they can best navigate the next couple of years and preserve themselves in the process.
It’s not that simple, though. Even if some of Cross’ members bow down to His Royal Highness in exchange for map crumbs, they have another, perhaps even more serious problem to ponder.
Several House Republicans have state facilities in their districts, so they naturally are more amenable to “revenue enhancements.” Others, particularly in the suburbs, have long been allies of the teachers unions. But many of those same members surely are worried what could happen to them if they vote with the Democrats. Forget Cross. I’m talking about the tea partiers.
Just look at what the tea partiers did to established Republicans in primaries all over the country this year. In Delaware, they beat the most respected Republican in the state with a bizarre candidate who eventually had to run TV ads assuring voters she wasn’t a witch. No way does Harry Reid go back to the U.S. Senate if Nevada Republicans had nominated their sane primary candidate.
Illinois’ next primary will be held in a little over 17 months. Whatever the Republicans do next year still will be fresh in angry voters’ minds.
I just wouldn’t want to be in their shoes right now.
* Related…
* Despite big wins, Illinois GOP fell short Tuesday: “The Democrats will be in the catbird seat,” said Christopher Mooney, professor of political studies with the Institute of Government and Public Affairs at the University of Illinois Springfield. “There’s nothing more important politically in a decade than redistricting. It’s the most political activity that a state does. It has huge implications for policy… This will be the first time under this constitution that a single party has controlled it,” Mooney said. “There’s no hat-pulling, there’s no long, drawn-out process.”
* Despite GOP wins, Democrats still control much of Illinois government: “I woke up the morning after and I thought, ‘Nothing’s different,’” said state Sen. Dave Luechtefeld, R-Okawville. “The same people are running the place.”
* Journal-Courier: Same old same old
* House Speaker Mike Madigan has work to do: Madigan’s critics — including some quiet ones in his own party — have long argued that politics and power, not policy, consume the speaker. But policy is what we’re desperate for in this economically depressed state. Bipartisan compromise and consensus would be a welcome relief. There is no one more knowledgeable or better positioned to achieve any of this than Mike Madigan.
* Lawmakers expected to consider drastically expanding gambling: State Sen. Terry Link (D-Vernon Hills) said he’s proposing a measure this week that would allow four new casinos - one in Chicago, another in an undetermined south suburban location, one in north suburban Park City and a fourth in downstate Danville. Advocates of expanded gambling haven’t confirmed where in the south suburbs a casino would be located, but opponents of the plan say Ford Heights is a likely target.
* Horse tracks hope to hit on slots: A plan that would allow slot machines at six Illinois racetracks is expected to be introduced in Springfield this week by Sen. Terry Link (D-Vernon Hills) as part of a gambling expansion package.
* State lawmakers weigh more gambling ahead of veto session
* Lawmaker: Gambling Expansion A Good Bet
* BGA To Lawmakers: Use Caution On Gambling
* Gov. Quinn: Put state income tax hike first
* Quinn: Election win ‘mandate’ for tax hike
* Gov. Pat Quinn’s mandate equals higher taxes in Illinois
* PJ Star: A ‘mandate’ for Gov. Quinn? Hardly
* Northwest Herald: No mandate on tax hike
* Sun-Times: Police, fire pensions need legislative 911
* llinois: We’ll take Wisconsin’s $810M in stimulus money
- the dark horse - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 10:38 am:
I do not question for one second, Rich, your conclusions that the Kilbride attacks were ultimately launched with the map in mind. However, I think that the Kilbride attackers forgot one thing: traditionally (and historically) when a supreme court justice leaves, he or she chooses his own successor and the remaining court members will, out of deference, annoint/appoint that person. If Kilbride was not retained, Kilbride could have been appointed by his colleagues to fill his own seat (i.e., stay in his seat) for 2 years until the 2012 election, where he could run on a partisan ticket. Or, Kilbride could have selected another democrat to the seat until the 2012 election. The map will be drawn before 2012, which leaves me wondering whether the anti-Kilbride forces have a freaking clue. Based on the ineptitude of their “vote no on Kilbride” campaign, I think this is a real possibility.
- lake county democrat - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 10:40 am:
A casino at Waukegan’s harbor, with Metra service already connecting Chicago and north shore burbs to the door. A casino is Park City is depressing to think about — I’d gladly keep driving to get to Potawaname.
- just sayin' - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 10:41 am:
Rich, that was a really good column you had on the House, Cross and Madigan. And that story you included about what some of our officials were doing on 9-11 says it all.
Can someone explain why anyone should take the GOP seriously as long as Tom Cross is the house minority leader? If he could only get 6 seats this year (seats he shouldn’t have lost in the first place), it’s hopeless under him.
If Republicans won’t get serious they shouldn’t expect anyone to take them seriously.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 10:42 am:
If I recall, Election Day weather was perfect for golf. You can make phone calls from your office any old day.
- Amalia - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 10:45 am:
What’s wrong with Medinah on Election Day? watch the Colbert Report from last night and you’ll see a clip of Rand Paul explaining that there are no rich or poor. So Tom Cross was playing with all of us at Medinah that day!
- Thoughts... - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 10:46 am:
I saw that Sneedling and chuckled. That’s about all you need to know about the difference between House Dems and House GOPs. If you redacted all of the identifying information, any political analyst worth his/her salt could tell you which one holds the majority.
- 42nd Ward - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 10:47 am:
Not getting the Governor’s office thus year was an absolute crusher for the GOP. At root, unfortunately, it goes back to too many egos and not enough leadership in the highest levels of the party in Illinois. The primary should never have gone down as it did, producing the least electable candidate. A moderate would have won easily.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 10:48 am:
I was at the Oswego Diner in downtown Oswego on Sunday morning and all the talk was about Tom Cross playing golf at Medinah Country Club on Election Day!!!
If I am a staffer for the HGOP, and Tom Cross even looked at me with an evil eye about election day, I would ask him “were you available on election day, or was golf too important?”
I have been Uber-Critical of my state rep. for a long time, and now I feel even more contempt for a “leader” who finds time to “get in 9 holes or so” on election day, instead of being in his “War Room” (like MJM) and making dang sure things are going like they should? Geez, the people at the diner were more enraged than I was!
Further, how about having one of your candidates voting via affidavit, because there is a question of residency??? A question of residency, Goodness! Do we all think MJM would have an issue like that without everyone knowing that it might come up? I can’t blame staff so much on this issue, because, at what point does Matt have to wear the jacket when the elected member leadership does zero homework on people they want in their caucus?
Cross is my state rep., and yet, he is making the HGOP under Lee Daniels look crisp and powerful! We have the Campaing Staff of Bill Brady measuring drapes and running no election day GOTV, versus the juggernaut of the Democratic ground game, and MJM in the Ward Office making sure all measures are taken into consideration so the Madigan Rules are followed.
Meantime ….
“Tom, how did you do …”
Tom, “Mark me down for a 5 on that hole …. where is the halfway house, I can go for a hot dog!”
Brady’s loss was a Paid Staff Loss … Cross’ loss is a leadrship disconnect …
- Lee - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 11:02 am:
The remap is not going to be that big of deal. When the democrats raise taxes and the state continues to be deliquent on bills the voters will take their anger out again.
- Montrose - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 11:04 am:
*The remap is not going to be that big of deal. When the democrats raise taxes and the state continues to be delinquent on bills the voters will take their anger out again.*
Were you out golfing with Cross on election day?
- train111 - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 11:04 am:
One of the more interesting unreported campaign stories is how the GOP pretty much failed in dislodging any of the suburban Democratic legislators swept in by Obama’s coattails in 2008. (Mark Walker is the only one–Michael Bond in the Senate, but he was elected first in 2006. The Dems picked up Coulson’s seat in the house, so it was a wash for them in the suburbs)
It seems almost that suburbanites were willing to take out their congressmen, but their anger stopped there and then they reelected their State Democratic reps. Big targets like Michael Noland and to some extent Toi Hutchinson in the Senate, Keith Farnham and Carol Sente in the house were reelected. The Dems managed to hold onto Paul Froehlich’s district–56 despite all the cash Tom Roeser dumped into Ryan Higgins.
Almost all the GOP’s gains–at least in the house were downstate. Much of downstate has been shifting GOP over time, so this election only hastened something that was taking place anyways. Problem for the GOP is that much of the shift their way is taking place in counties that are losing population.
- Justice - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 11:05 am:
Say what they may about Madigan, he is a seasoned veteran with a very strong leadership style. He knows the system, knows how to use it to his long term advantage and is now in a stronger than ever position to do good for the people of Illinois.
If he can take this victory and weild it to move illinois out of the budget crisis, he will be officially crowned Madigan, King of the People.
- Louis Howe - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 11:07 am:
Playing golf on Election Day while your donors are streched-out awaiting your GOTV effort—Priceless.
- Excessively Rabid - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 11:14 am:
If he can take this victory and weild it to move illinois out of the budget crisis
Oh, yeah. That’s right at the top of his priority list.
- Just Observing - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 11:14 am:
If Tom Cross really was playing golf on Election Day, that is very, very disrespectful the GOP donors and volunteers.
- Way Way Down Here - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 11:18 am:
This story needs to be confirmed by another source.
- Ravenswood Right Winger - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 11:20 am:
if the story about Cross playing golf is true, he needs to be sacked as HGOP leader. Yesterday.
Someone with the energy to actually do the job would be nice. What say you, Chapin Rose?
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 11:21 am:
I will tell you this …at the Oswego Diner, it seemed as though some GOP “volunteers” spoke to the issue like they KNEW it was very true …and not because they read it in Sneed ….
- What's in a name? - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 11:22 am:
Let’s see, Madigan is smarter than everybody else, works harder to get what he wants than everybody else and he’s the bad guy.
We had a crooked, arrogant and incompetent governor for 6 years. His allies were Emil Jones and Tom Cross. Madigan opposed the idiot governor, and Madigan is the bad guy.
I concede no one’s perfect and Mike Madigan is no choir boy. Nonetheless, let’s give the man his due.
If I’m Quinn I ask for a private meeting with MJM and ask a few questions, like what do you want to do.
- just sayin' - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 11:23 am:
Of course an argument could be made that putting Cross out on the golf course was the best way to improve GOP chances.
- dupage dan - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 11:23 am:
Ooooooppphhh. I watched the polls in the days leading up to the election and didn’t get the feeling that this election was in the bag for the IGOP. It is not surprising that other states had similar outcomes - national posts went to the GOP in a big way but local posts in many blue states stayed blue. Not unpredictable, tho.
So, now, IGOP, what next? You GOP reps will suffer the ignominy of grovelling at the feet of MJM for some minor post in a backwater committee. Serves you right. As for the state GOP leadership - falling on your own sword (metaphorically speaking, of course) might be a good start.
As for the dems, be careful what you pray for - you just might get it. And you have. For all our sakes, I hope you’all are right.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 11:26 am:
It seems that the Republican Party in Illinois is really the Republican Parties, a grab bag of those left-over citizens who cannot identify with Democrats or with so-called third parties in the voting booth. These Republican Parties seem loath to coalesce into a real political force because their need for self-fulfillment overrides their desire for political inclusion or compromise. They have divided and conquered their own power bases.
- shore - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 11:26 am:
In case you missed the Alexi for Senate campaign or any of the fawning media coverage the last 3 years, Obama played hoops on election day. Bush usually went to the movies, and it goes on and on. Perhaps sneed can read the suntimes archives to learn this is not a new thing.
The problem with cross was not that he played golf, it’s that his strategy and leadership not only didn’t hit the green, the fairway or the rough, they went out of bounds. He and Radogno need to be canned and new leaders need to be brought in. There was no excuse for losing the hamilton chang race in congressman kirk’s home neighborhood to a guy owned and operated by the city machine who had failed before. Paul Green said at the chicago tribune forum he thought higgins was a slam dunk for that race and they blew it in an area where the guy running for congress on basically no money or party support beat the chairwoman of Obama’s presidential campaign. A lot of these candidates raised as much or more than some congressional candidates and fared worse like walsh/higgins.
someone 4 years ago on this blog made a website of cross for governor. wonder what that operation thinks of his performance now.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 11:29 am:
shore, those were candidates in presidential elections. It’s a whole lot different when you’re actually overseeing 19 alleged races. Do you think Boehner was on the links?
- Aaron - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 11:31 am:
Golf on a election day shows one of two things - the supreme confidence of winning or that vast disconnect. He should have been working the phones or something to get out the vote with swing voters. Pathetic.
- Tukas - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 11:32 am:
I still cannot believe that there were as many democrats vote back in. Anywhere to find a map of vote demographics?
- Wally - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 11:32 am:
In summary, did the downstate Republicans work much harder for the win versus the Chicago area Repubs???
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 11:34 am:
Hey the time stamps on these posts still seem to be on standard time.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 11:36 am:
Anonymous, oops. Thanks. I’ll adjust it tonight. If I do it now, all the comments will be jumbled.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 11:36 am:
–I watched the polls in the days leading up to the election and didn’t get the feeling that this election was in the bag for the IGOP. It is not surprising that other states had similar outcomes —
Nationally, the GOP won the most seats for state legislatures since 1928. The GOP pounded lumps all over the Midwest in state races.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 11:38 am:
Tom Cross, “Thank you Staff for a great election day… to all the volunteers who got up at 4 or 5 am to put up signs at the polling places, the true volunteers who were election judges, to die-hard GOP precinct workers who handed out palm cards, or ran seniors to the polls in some races
… and I shot 43 at Medinah from the back tees, so it was a great election day, so thank you, everyone, and my hardworking Staff … “
- Segatari - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 11:41 am:
> But many of those same members surely are worried what could happen to them if they vote with the Democrats.
Yeah, they should be worried. It was this exact behavior that sent the GOP into deep minority status because they fed the perception of many that there is absolutely no difference between Democrats and Republicans. It KILLED THEM BIG TIME. That’s why the Tea Party exists - to force the GOP back to where they had a lot of success - Reagan conservatism. I could probably examine the house and senate candidates that the state GOP ran and find they weren’t all that desirable.
Mark Kirk, the RINO that got elected to US Senate is already getting a lot of heat because he has pledged to vote for the “campaign finance reform” bill in the lame duck session which would put the names and addresses of individual donors online which would allow radical groups like SEIU to drive busloads of people to their front lawns to harass, intimidate, and terrorize them into not daring give another penny to any conservative candidate ever again OR ELSE.
- Northsider - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 11:49 am:
Since Wisconsin’s Gov.-elect, Scott “Jobs Killer” Walker, is going to kill his state’s opportunity to have a 21st Century transportation network, Illinois should absolutely and immediately pursue both the $810 million ARRA investment for Wisconsin AND the Talgo America plant … and all the jobs and future economic growth that will come with them.
Might as well also go after the $400 million that was awarded to Ohio for its “3C” passenger rail project to reconnect Cincinnati, Columbus, and Cleveland, too. John “Jobs Killer” Kasich is already “ordering” outgoing Gov. Ted Strickland to cancel construction contracts.
- MrJM - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 11:50 am:
It seems that while Mike Madigan was playing the Long Game, Tom Cross was working on his short game.
– MrJM
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 11:53 am:
===which would put the names and addresses of individual donors online===
That hardly seems like a terrible idea. They’re already online in Illinois and most other states.
- hisgirlfriday - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 11:55 am:
That’s one way to think of it. I also wonder if the suburban GOP volunteers were working harder on the Congressional races than the local ones Downstate where they already had GOP Congressional representation?
After this election though, how does the GOP not have a Downstate leader in one of the two chambers?
- So IL Student - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 11:57 am:
It will be interesting (as it always is) to see if the Republicans can shed their unlucky monkey and get a favorable draw from Abe’s hat this year. I am probably safe in assuming it will come to that, as it has and probably will until some other method is used.
Their next meeting should take a field trip to see ol’ Abe and make sure to have everyone give that nose a rub.
- Bill - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 11:59 am:
Those wing nuts didn’t care much about the re-map. They wanted to get rid of Kilbride because of tort reform, pension reform, and all kinds of other kinds of unconstitutional “reform” that will help the rich get richer at the expense of the rest of us. Fortunately for the 99% who aren’t filthy rich, Madigan also had a stake in the outcome. JUSTPAC and the League should fire their leaders and banish them from Illinois soil. This is one race where money didn’t talk.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 12:00 pm:
=== I am probably safe in assuming it will come to that===
Unless the Democrats can’t agree amongst themselves - which is totally unlikely - there will be no drawing out of Abe’s hat. The Dems will draw the map. Period.
- lake county democrat - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 12:05 pm:
Justice wrote: Say what they may about Madigan, he is a seasoned veteran with a very strong leadership style.
Wow, you could substitute a lot of nefarious names in that sentance for Madigan’s. Not exactly a compliment.
- So IL Student - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 12:09 pm:
==The Dems will draw the map. Period.==
Why do you say that? For some reason I thought the redistricting process wound up inevitably resting on a bipartisan commission that usually resulted in a tie. What will be different this year?
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 12:11 pm:
Please, go read the Constitution and then report back before you comment again.
- So IL Student - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 12:12 pm:
Sorry Rich, I was not being critical. I really was curious. I will do some research.
- dupage dan - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 12:18 pm:
Thanks, word, for correcting me. I was thinking about a few key states where nothing had changed and failed to do my homework on the others. I guess I was hoping that my mysery had some company. Oh, well.
- Thoughts... - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 12:21 pm:
I may be alone here, but I think the landscape of 2012 is going to look drastically different than today. It’s hard to see a way out now, but I have to believe that the economy is going to improve over the next 17 months and that’s going to make a world of difference.
I also think the Tea Party is going to go in one of two directions. Either the ‘movement’ was a snapshot in time that will fizzle longer term, or it will have the effect of further radicalizing the GOP and their people will be punished.
Here in Illinois, we’ll be under a Democratic map. A few of the Republican freshman Congressfolks will go away under that map. In addition, more than a few legislative GOPers will be running for their lives, if they haven’t been mapped in with someone else.
Better to find a new leader and work with the majority to accomplish something in the interim, at least then they’d have something to point to (and perhaps a seat without an incumbent primary opponent). Again, I may be in the minority, but I don’t think they’re going to be able to run on the $13 billion deficit, the economy and jobs again.
- shore - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 12:21 pm:
people on the north shore will have a massive revolt if a casino goes to waukegan. The last thing we want is to share our metra with some out of town or city nuts or lowlifes going to waukegan to play craps. If Link tries this stunt, Karen May, biss, schoenberg, garrett, nekritz, sente and every other north suburban springfield critter can start preparing their resumes for new employment because they will be out of work. The north shore likes the fact that its isolated from a lot of things and has no interest in having to sacrifice its security and way of life to help chicago democrats plug a state budget deficit they created by spending too much on unions.
- shore - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 12:25 pm:
For north suburban democrats a vote to put a casino in waukegan will be the equivalent of what the assault weapons ban was for democrats in 1994, and what cap and tax was for democrats in 2010-a vote that ends careers because it directly attacks the way of life of a constituency.
As for madigan, he would be smart to learn the lesson of karl rove who also mastered the art of winning elections but losing the policy debate. Eventually your policies get so bad that people hate your party so much that your vaunted machine doesn’t matter.
- So IL Student - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 12:25 pm:
I’m sorry Rich, totally forgot about the first step. With the single party rule, it will not even come to that. Sorry for not contributing to the discussion.
- Professor Chaos - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 12:31 pm:
Jaw dropping, but not surprising. Same as it ever was. There is a reason why the Speaker will still be the Speaker in January, and why Tom Cross will never be. MJM sets the tone. He is the five-star general running the most disciplined operation. Cross is in charge of a frat house.
Lee, wouldn’t be so sure of that. Downstate, which is where the GOP made its biggest gains, is going to lose seats, as the Census will most likely show people running away from downstate counties and show population in the suburbs expanding. Much like in 2001, the Dems may have a few newly created open seats to play with, while the GOP sees members lost to attrition. Who’s up for a Cavaletto/Stephens primary? Reis/Eddy?
On the flip, there may also be a few GOPers mapped into newly competitive districts. Cross and Radogno may be spending 2012 trying to hold on to what they have instead of going on offense.
- chiatty - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 12:32 pm:
All of these slaps at Cross for playing golf on election day are laughable. Last time I checked, somebody named Pat Brady was in charge of the State GOP. Cross surely worked his #@$ off during the run-up to the election and there’s no way that he could do anything about the Repubs lack of a GOTV operation on the day of the election. Still, the imagery probably will hurt him big time, but isn’t it amazing that a country club Republican party is criticizing a guy for playing (surely as a guest) at the most prestigious country club in Illinois on election day. John Boehner would not approve of such opprobrium!
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 12:33 pm:
===Last time I checked, somebody named Pat Brady was in charge of the State GOP. ===
Pat Brady had almost zero to do with the HGOP operation, other than to act as a pass-through.
- chiatty - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 12:38 pm:
Well, isn’t that a bit of a problem, Rich? Doesn’t that reflect poorly, again, on the lack of any effective GOP GOTV?
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 12:39 pm:
===John Boehner would not approve of such opprobrium!===
You mean Speaker-Designate Boehner …
Boehner won … an election, Cross won … a few “golf skins” …
Chiatty, perception is reality and the reality is Cross cares more about golf on election day than 19 seats … MJM cares about the Madigan Rules, and can golf on a day like today, if he so choses to … 67 and sunny out my window …
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 12:42 pm:
No, chiatty. The state GOP’s job is to do what they’re told by the legislative leaders. Cross is in charge of his own shop.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 12:47 pm:
–people on the north shore will have a massive revolt if a casino goes to waukegan. The last thing we want is to share our metra with some out of town or city nuts or lowlifes going to waukegan to play craps–
Revolt? Man the Mercedes, armed with nine irons and tennis rackets. Plus, you’re only a low life if you lose at craps — if you win, high roller is the correct nomenclature.
Shore, you’re on fire today, son.
- Just Observing - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 12:50 pm:
Shore: You are being quite over-dramatic about any “massive revolt” among North Shore residents if a Waukegan casino happens. You’re predictions are way off.
- OneMan - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 1:28 pm:
As someone who rides Metra to Aurora (where the boat is three blocks away), I can tell you there is not a big gaming crowd on the train.
As for Cross (taking the golf out of it for now) it was the HGOP chance to take their shot, if it wasn’t going to happen this time it wasn’t going to happen for at least 4 years (the presidential is going to to make 2 years a challenge).
You don’t inspire donors nor volunteers by saying we might pick up 5 seats, go have to go for the fences. Regardless it wasn’t like Madigan was going to play nice if the HGOP didn’t swing big.
So Madigan ends up with a smaller majority, a governor who thinks he has a mandate to raise taxes who he does not get along with real well and a huge budget problem that is not going away..
Lucky Him
- shore - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 1:52 pm:
in last 2 years democrats have proposed 1st importing terrorists and now casino gaming as ways to create jobs and revenue, we’ll leave out the olympics. For the uninitiated, there are other forms of revenue generating employment, like something called biotech, or energy, or software development, or business services. Texas I learned last night has drawn 131 companies from california alone between january and august of this year. Has Illinois drawn 131 companies to the state, period?
Instead of that we’re focused on tax increases, corections officers to guard gitmo detainees, dealers for poker tables. What a wonderful economic foundation we’re building.
- UofIalum - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 2:25 pm:
It is naive to think that we can solve our budget problems without both a tax increase and multiple spending cuts. Economic developement is only part of the solution. I think we have been doing a fairly good job recently of bringing in jobs to the state. If you think you can just cut the budget and solve the problem in one year, then you must be Bill Brady.
Also, it is about a year and a half removed, but I never got why Republicans took joy in the fact that we didn’t get the Olympics. Let’s have some pride in our country! Geeze
- Observing - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 2:52 pm:
In this election Cross came out to win. Madigan came out to work.
Nobody has ever outworked MJM.
- 47th Ward - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 3:23 pm:
===The last thing we want is to share our metra with some out of town or city nuts or lowlifes going to waukegan to play craps===
Shore, you just inadvertantly described everything that is wrong with Metra. They are not “your” trains. They belong to all of us.
- DuPage Moderate - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 3:27 pm:
What was Tom Cross to do, run each candidate’s race for them? Did anyone need/want/ask for help that went unaided? Was Tom not answering his cell phone? Was he not texting? Was his presence needed/desired anywhere on that day?
Seems to me this is merely a smear attack. While I would agree this isn’t the best press, can anyone point to any shortcoming in his leadership by being available on his cell phone rather than his office phone?
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 3:31 pm:
Any “comment” from Cross or his spokesperson?
- MrJM - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 3:39 pm:
DuPage Moderate: “can anyone point to any shortcoming in his leadership by being available on his cell phone rather than his office phone?”
Being supercilious is a “shortcoming in leadership.”
– MrJM
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 3:41 pm:
===What was Tom Cross to do, run each candidate’s race for them? ===
That IS what the staff do …
===Did anyone need/want/ask for help that went unaided? Was Tom not answering his cell phone? Was he not texting? Was his presence needed/desired anywhere on that day?===
(snark) “If anyone needs me, I will be at the country club…”
===Seems to me this is merely a smear attack.===
Tom Cross played golf … ooohhhh such a smear!
===While I would agree this isn’t the best press, can anyone point to any shortcoming in his leadership by being available on his cell phone rather than his office phone?===
MJM is Speaker, doesn’t golf, works the phones on election day and staves off a “red” wave before it got deep into the “firewall”
Cross gets his golf bag, has his car parked by valet at an exclusive country club, plays golf, while volunteers were up at 4-5 am to put up signs, work the precincts, run the campaign offices, getting donuts to election judges … and Cross in on the 3rd hole …
Nothing but a smear? It is a slap in the face to anyone Cross looked in the eye and said “I NEED your help on election day.” Next time, a “volunteer should respond “I am a good caddy, and I can drive a mean golf cart, what do ya say Tom … got time for golf, or do you REALLY need my help.”
The arrogance of your response to THINK of this as just a semar reeks of what is wrong with the HRO and the IL HGOP …
- lake county democrat - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 3:47 pm:
There’s no huge “no casino” feeling in south lake county and north lake county is desperate for the money. The trains to a waukegan casino could run express, like the ravina specials. But that’s all theoretical because Rich’s article said Park City, not Waukegan - PC is a pretty souless (sorry PC) town to the west of waukegan. It has better I94/US41 highway access but no cache whatsover.
- MikeMacD - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 3:53 pm:
“importing terrorists”
That can’t be good for the trade deficit.
- Wally - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 4:39 pm:
So regular citizens were on the phone and emailing people a week ago today, encouraging them to get to the polls and vote Republican, and Tom Cross was playing golf.
- DuPage Moderate - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 6:09 pm:
Bash away if you will as the anonymity of the internet always empowers the writer; however, just show me ONE tangible, real life failure of Tom Cross on election day due to his presence on the golf course rather than an office? Just one (other than this PR hit).
Did a call go unanswered? Did he not make any calls?
In today’s cell age, what difference is a golf course from an office if one is on the phone, engaged and working?
Give me just one detail and I’ll go away. Until someone can, I’ll continue to call this a smear and much ado about nothing.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 6:19 pm:
DuPage Moderate -
He Lost to Madigan. That is more than enough… when you lose, then doing dopey things cost you.
Name one thing … he lost to MJM … again
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 6:20 pm:
===Bash away if you will as the anonymity of the internet always empowers the writer…===
lol… pot, meet kettle …kettle, meet pot!
- Just Observing - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 6:53 pm:
DuPage Moderate:
The point is not that there was a “failure” but it is hypocritical for GOP leadership to rally donors and volunteers and say we need everyone to bust their butt working before and on election day and then go take off the day golfing yourself.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 7:01 pm:
Dear Volunteer,
I wanted to send this note of appreciation for working so hard on Election Day. I was told that you had the campaign signs up at your multiple polling place by 5:30 am and you dutifully called in your 10am, noon, and 3pm turnout numbers to the campaign office. You hard work during those 12 plus hours was greatly appreciated.
Although I was on the golf course, (I shot 43 for 9 holes, not too shabby!) and not in the precincts, I felt I was right there with you in the trenches, battling for the Illinois House when trying to make par on that tough Par 3, 8th Hole at Medinah Country Club.
Keep Swinging!
Tom “Two Putt” Cross
House Minority Leader
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 8:09 pm:
The easiest solution to Madigan’s abuse of power is a Constitutional challenge to his campaign spending limits that deny “equal protection” to all other citizens.
The other solution is a referendum to reform the state legislature by imposing term limits on Legislative leaders. That should be popular with a wide variety of independent and third party voters, as well as liberal Democrats.
What are Illinois Republican’s waiting for…a brain for Christmas?
- Wally - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 11:08 pm:
Dupage Moderate—–So, you want to argue that if you are playing golf and I am at the office, we would make about the same amount of phone calls and send about the same amount of emails?
Um, okay, believe what you want. Plus, what kind of message are you sending to people when you go golfing on election day?
- DuPage Moderate - Tuesday, Nov 9, 10 @ 11:44 pm:
Yes Wally, I’m saying that. Why, you know otherwise?
Regarding the message, you’re right, it certainly doesn’t look good and wasn’t a prudent decision. That much can’t be denied. However, I’m merely asking if there were any real and tangible shortcomings in leadership as a result of Cross’ presence on a golf course instead of an office? That’s it.
I suspect the answer is no as nobody has pointed out anything. But, you’re right, perception is reality….if only that applied to Madigan and what he’s really doing to this State.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 10, 10 @ 7:19 am:
Take a half a second and come up with another name ..lol …
===You know nothing of me and what my “clue” would be. And did this Oswego diner conversation happen? Who were these works? Clearly not people in his district as he didn’t really campaign there, right?===
Since you are clueless as to how things work on a “leadership” level, the leaders send out their OWN “troops” to other districts to work on behalf of other campaigns. Further, if they were to stay in Kendall County, and Tom asked them to work election day, what kind of guy asks someone to do something they won’t do?
As to the wether it hapeened or not at the Oswego Diner, come in for some hash browns and eggs, you would be suprised as to what people say in small town diners …
===was there any critique of his work on election day?===
Tom said he was going to get the gavel back and was “in” 19 races … I didn’t say that, Tom said it, so ask him what is feels like to be Speaker, oh yeah, he didn’t get the seats …
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 10, 10 @ 7:22 am:
Oswego Will 8:10 is NOT the real ?Oswego Willy … my response to the Faux OW is posted now @ 7:19 …
The fact you want to hijack my name and then are still defending your positon tells me all I need to know about it.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 10, 10 @ 7:28 am:
lol ===I’m clueless? Mind you, I’ve been able to post on this topic objectively without name calling…I suggest you do the same.===
But you hijack my name … too funny!
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 10, 10 @ 7:38 am:
DuPage Moderate,
The fact that you think, by proving, the amount of calls, help, etc, makes no difference is EXACTLY the reason the guys at the Oswego Diner are so upset. They asked each other, “Why should I have to get up a 4 am for Tom Cross when he is going to be golfing, I thought this election mattered?”
You are so clueless to try and measure the effectiveness of location. My kids use to say that they could study just as hard watching cartoons, as opposed to being in their room studying. So, kids watching cartoons and not being “distracted” is how you want to characterize Tom Cross, and students who study in the proper setting, study hard and smart, and get their work done without distraction is MJM.
Which student do you want?
BTW, we “decided” (We said no, and the kids decided not to argue) NOT to study in front of the TV after that 1 time discussion, and I think we will keep it tht way.
You keep telling yourself Tom Cross was just as effective on the golf course, and tell that to the guys at the Oswego Diner too …
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 10, 10 @ 8:10 am:
I’m clueless? Mind you, I’ve been able to post on this topic objectively without name calling…I suggest you do the same.
You know nothing of me and what my “clue” would be. And did this Oswego diner conversation happen? Who were these works? Clearly not people in his district as he didn’t really campaign there, right?
Again, perception is reality so he’s on the losing side of this story, my only comment was/is, if it wasn’t disclosed that he was playing golf, was there any critique of his work on election day? If that answer is no, I suggest that his location is a non-story.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 10, 10 @ 8:15 am:
Oswego Willy 8:10 is NOT the real “Oswego Willy” … my response to the Faux OW is posted now @ 7:19 …and here
===I’m clueless? Mind you, I’ve been able to post on this topic objectively without name calling…I suggest you do the same.===
But you hijack my name … too funny!
The fact you want to hijack my name and then are still defending your positon tells me all I need to know about YOUR position.
===You know nothing of me and what my “clue” would be. And did this Oswego diner conversation happen? Who were these works? Clearly not people in his district as he didn’t really campaign there, right?===
Since you are clueless as to how things work on a “leadership” level, the leaders send out their OWN “troops” to other districts to work on behalf of other campaigns.
Further, if they were to stay in Kendall County, and Tom asked them to work election day, what kind of guy asks someone to do something they won’t do? And … clearly … they weren’t golfing with Tom, and Tom wasn’t campaigning with anyone at Medinah …
As to the wether it hapeened or not at the Oswego Diner, come in for some hash browns and eggs, you would be suprised as to what people say in small town diners …
===was there any critique of his work on election day?===
Tom said he was going to get the gavel back and was “in” 19 races … I didn’t say that, Tom said it, so ask him what is feels like to be Speaker, oh yeah, he didn’t get the seats …
- Wally - Wednesday, Nov 10, 10 @ 9:04 am:
Dupage Moderate—-It is ridiculous to think that someone on the golf course can make the same number of contacts by email, text and phone as someone sitting in their office.
Try to justify it, try to rationale it any way you want. It is disheartening that Cross chose to play golf on election day. It just is. That is NOT leadership.
- I'm Actually From Oswego - Wednesday, Nov 10, 10 @ 10:22 am:
If “Oswego Willy” really was from Oswego, he would know there’s not a restaurant called “The Oswego Diner”. There’s a restaurant downtown, but nobody that I know from Oswego refers to it as the “Oswego Diner”. Makes you wonder about the rest of his story?? seems like he has an axe to grind
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 10, 10 @ 10:29 am:
You mean the Oswego Family Restaurant … by the Old Fire House …on Main … yeah, that one …We “transplants” (15 years ago I came out here) call it a Diner … doesn’t change the fact that Tom Cross was discussed, people were NOT happy …