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Count me out

Friday, Nov 12, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’ve changed my mind and I’m not moving to Chicago for the mayoral election. I made my decision last Wednesday evening when I finally realized I just couldn’t take another campaign right now. And I’m feeling much better about it as I scan this week’s mayoral campaign stories.

For instance, the local Republicans have approached Rahm Emanuel’s tenant and asked him to run for mayor

A fourth possible candidate, Rob Halpin, said he’s been contacted by politicians- presumably Emanuel’s opponents- to make a run. He’s been living in Emanuel’s house since the former White House chief of staff left for Washington, D.C.

Halpin, 50, is a industrial real estate developer. The married father of three said he knows as much as any other candidate about what the city of Chicago needs. […]

“What I’m hearing is it may cost me some money to get some signatures and get some assistance in the other areas,” said Halpin. “I’d have to consider that when we get to that, which will be soon.” […]

“Anybody that knows me will tell you this is not a stunt, and I wouldn’t be involved with anything like that,” said Halpin.

Yeah. OK.

* Carol Moseley-Braun’s plan to fix the city’s budget and put more police officers on the street to combat gang violence made me cringe

I propose bringing all of us together to work on these issues

* From CNN

Former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel — better known in some political quarters as “Rahmbo” — found himself the target of an incoming egg during a stop Wednesday in Chicago’s Little Village neighborhood, NBC Chicago reports. The egg missed Emanuel, who is expected to make an official announcement soon that he’s running for mayor — and the egg thrower remained unidentified, the TV station reported.

Actually, if you watch the video, Emanuel stayed almost completely focused on what he was doing while the egg flew by. That may be the best indication yet that he’s mayoral material.

OK, see what I mean? I’m actually suggesting that that an egg-throwing incident brings out the best in a candidate. I just can’t do it any more.

* And Emanuel’s response to the parking meter deal was a big bumbler

“I do have a problem because the money was not used for its original intended purpose, which was to invest in key infrastructure, investments in making the city a more productive city economically so you can grow jobs,” he said.

Despite Emanuel’s comments, none of the proceeds from the $1.15 billion parking meter lease were designated for infrastructure improvements.


* Whatever, Rahm’s got the bucks

Emanuel made the first TV ad buy of the mayoral campaign. Broadcast sources said it was “big.” Emanuel’s TV ads are set to begin running next week.

However, Alexi Giannoulias still has $1 million in his state campaign account.

* Anyway, I’ll post about the campaign on the blog, but I’ll be too busy covering the upcoming session to deal with that goofy circus as well.

I’m out.

* Related…

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* Emanuel, Davis, Braun to announce mayoral runs

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* Davis Plans Formal Annoucement: He’s Running For Mayor

* Giannoulias being asked

* Alexi Giannoulias draft for Chicago mayoral run?

* Report: Giannoulias to meet Friday about mayor run

* Emanuel’s tenant: Possible run ‘not a stunt’

* Mitchell: My people, my people, why can’t we get it together?

* Chicago’s next mayor will need to be an international player

* Mayoral candidate Chico weighs in on parking meter lease

* Braun wants Chicago’s parking meter lease undone


  1. - dave - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 6:50 am:

    Emanuel made the first TV ad buy of the mayoral campaign

    Thats not true. del Valle had an ad up several weeks ago. It was a small buy, but ads were up on cable. And there was a female mayoral candidate that was running ads election night.

  2. - Rich Miller - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 7:41 am:

    ===Thats not true. del Valle had an ad up several weeks ago.===

    $20K on cable citywide is not exactly a “buy.”

  3. - dave - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 7:51 am:

    $20K on cable citywide is not exactly a “buy.”

    Not sure what it would be then. Agree that it was mostly to get PR (and it kinda’ worked). But he was still up on the air.

    And there is still the female mayoral candidate (that I can’t remember her name) that had several ads during election night coverage.

  4. - Louis XVI - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 8:02 am:

    $20k is not fit for a king–of if you’re looking to become king.

  5. - wordslinger - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 8:24 am:

    I don’t think you’re going to miss much, at least initially. The TV stations and the Trib will do their best to get Rahm to at least a runoff. The second, race, the one-one-one, might be interesting if it gets that far.

  6. - Cincinnatus - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 8:31 am:


    We’ll watch Rahm so you don’t have to.

  7. - Scooby - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 9:21 am:

    If Alexi’s going to run somebody better start sobering up his staff, and I don’t see that happening anytime soon.

  8. - Amalia - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 9:23 am:

    Rich, I will certainly keep on this blog and post whatever I hear or think about the mayoral and aldermanics. I think it is up to all of us who care about this forum to do that, especially in light of that other blog with subscription that has been created, supposedly as a Chicago alternative to CapFax. A pox on them.

  9. - shore - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 9:29 am:

    I considered blogging the braun interview last night which was pretty bad. It’s now online.

  10. - Aldyth - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 9:40 am:

    Of course we want Rahm in the game to the end, if only for the entertainment value. Otherwise, it is like ratings of a World Series being played between the Cleveland Indians and the Cinncinnati Reds.

  11. - Draznnl (Rhymes with orange) - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 9:57 am:

    Rich, I, for one, am glad you’re not moving. As a Chicago area resident, my options for decent statehouse coverage are limited at best. We need you down there continuing your quality reporting.

  12. - 42nd Ward - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 10:01 am:

    Not sure what “Local Republicans” the Trib was gloomy about. It is not the local GOP leadership. There is a small group, mostly Democrats, who are convinced Rahm can’t pass the residency requirement given Halpin.

    We have had “birthers”, now we have ” “residencers”!

  13. - 42nd Ward - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 10:23 am:

    It gets better. The “local Republican” pushing the Halpin candidacy is from the 19th Ward, and well known to be strongly tied to the 19th Ward Democratic organization. As suspected, this is a Democratic, not Republican, move.

  14. - Responsa - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 10:27 am:

    Are you starting to get the feeling that no one who could actually DO the job wants it at present time–except for Rahm? For those who were blaming many of the White House’s problems on Rahm, it’s hard to see that things are better there since he left. Some might even say they’ve gotten worse. In a field that is neither exciting or particularly comforting, Rahm is starting to look better and better as the mayor of Chicago.

  15. - shore - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 10:56 am:

    The worst line from carol mosely braun last night (there were a lot of them so it was stiff competition) who seems to have a phd in stupid, was when arruza-a rising star asked her how she would rate mayor daley’s performance as mayor.

    Former Ambassador to New Zealand/liaison to koala country/nigerian expert Braun told arruza “it’s too early to tell”.

    Because after 21 years of being mayor it’s too early to tell if daley has done a good job?

  16. - Loop Lady - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 11:18 am:

    Please, Alexi, there’s only so much of your egoism and mug on the TV that a person can take in an election season…like I said weeks ago, it’s Mayor Emanuel, and I can live with this thank you very much…

  17. - 47th Ward - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 11:21 am:

    I think you’re making the right decision Rich, although we’d love to have you back. I think keeping your distance will help your perspective, and we all know your coverage will remain first-rate regardless.

    One thing I know for sure is that lots of commenters will be opining on this race, and many of them won’t be voting, so readers should consider the source. I expect lots of concern and advice offered from the political experts here, but will take most of it with a grain of salt. It would be helpful to know which commenters live in or work in Chicago, and which are simply posting without knowing much about Chicago. Everybody is going to have an opinion about this race, but I’d like to hear from those who have some skin in the outcome, and not just the outsiders throwing bombs.

  18. - Ghost - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 11:25 am:

    Didn’t we just elect Rahm Gov, Senator and Reprensative of IL? at least it appeared that way from all the media coverage….

  19. - VanillaMan - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 11:47 am:

    There is no election here folks, nothing to see, move along. The Party has already made the best choice for your next mayor. You know what to do. Don’t start getting all smart with us.

  20. - ANON - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 12:06 pm:

    Braun and Alexi…So is the mayoral election now partially a consolation bracket for scandal plagued Democrats who failed to win a general elections for US Senate? Will the one who finishes with the smallest percentage be crowned The Biggest Loser?

  21. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 12:18 pm:

    Atleast Braun meets the residency requirement.

    Given that he hasn’t lived in Chicago for the past two years, I don’t even know why we’re talking about Rahm as a candidate.

    Who’s next, Alan Keyes?

  22. - 42nd Ward - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 12:25 pm:

    Thanks for the post YDD! We were wondering if it was just Ed Burke. All is clearer now. I guess this solves the Billy Bracken riddle as well.

  23. - Ghost - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 12:25 pm:

    Write in campaign to elect Carl Rove mayor of chicago…

  24. - wordslinger - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 12:30 pm:

    –Given that he hasn’t lived in Chicago for the past two years, I don’t even know why we’re talking about Rahm as a candidate–

    That’s weak. He was in Congress from Chicago when he was asked by the president-elect to be Chief of Staff. You can’t turn down that job and you can’t penalize someone for taking it.

  25. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 3:55 pm:


    Penalize someone for taking it?

    You make it sound as though Rahm was drafted against his will…forced at gun point or something.

    I don’t know Rahm, but based on what I’ve heard, I’m guessing he maneuvered, machinated, and lobbied his way into the job of Chief of Staff.

    He didn’t just choose to leave, he BEGGED to leave.

    But even if you think he didn’t beg to leave, going to work for the White House ain’t the same thing as being drafted to serve in Afghanistan.

    Heck, atleast as Congressman, Rahm actually returned to the 5th district from time-to-time.

    But as White House Chief-of-Staff, he moved his family and all his belongings to DC and turned his residence into a rental property. For $5K a month.

    Wouldn’t we all like to collect $5K a month in rent for the house that we “reside” in?

    Look, anyone who wants to argue that the law shouldn’t apply to Rahm because he’s Rahm should make that argument.

    But the residency requirement for office doesn’t say “Unless you’re White House chief-of-staff.”

    Ask former State Rep. Pat Bailey, who was convicted and removed from office for not meeting the law’s residency requirements.

  26. - Anonymous - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 4:12 pm:

    Rahm stated like a 100 times, he never wanted to be Chief of Staff. Anybody that follows politics would tell you that. YDD, your dog aint biting.

  27. - Vote Quimby! - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 5:29 pm:

    Good choice, Rich…until the runoff it’s just going to be a circus anyway. Springfield SHOULD have plenty on its plate to tackle…

  28. - Gregory Tejeda - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 6:37 pm:

    And here we were all looking forward to having you live up among our ranks, even if just for a couple of months.

  29. - Cheswick - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 10:04 pm:

    I love watching Chicago politics (from afar), but this race became uninteresting to me about a day and a half after Daley announced he wasn’t going to run. Not that my opinion matters.

  30. - Bruce CROSBY - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 11:10 pm:

    William Walls the peoples candidate for Mayor of Chicago has came out in the last week with a plan to reduce the city council in half and how to address the leadership issue at the Chicago Schools and you have not reported no it.
    Why ?

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