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Question of the day

Friday, Nov 12, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* If you could ask Gov. Pat Quinn a few questions today, what would they be?

No snark, please. I’m serious about this.


  1. - Justice - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 7:37 am:

    1. We are billions of dollars in debt. What is your detailed plan to get us out of debt?

    2. Why do you feel it is right to give unions preferential treatment when they, in great part, add to our debt problem?

    3. When can we expect to see you clean out the Blagojevich holdovers?

    4. What new ethics legislation are you going to propose in order to help deter undue influence by lobbyists and special interest groups on our legislators?

  2. - JakeCP - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 7:50 am:

    Governor Quinn,

    If you don’t receive enough support from the General Assembly to raise taxes, what is your back up plan?

  3. - OneMan - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 8:12 am:

    Governor Quinn,

    1) With video poker, the current casinos, horse racing and the lottery how close do you think we are to saturating the states gaming market?

    2) Why did you feel the need to call the special session for after the election when it was obvious the votes were not there and to approve new borrowing.

    3) What if anything do you think you need to do to convince Rutherford and Topinka that additional borrowing is needed and should be approved by them?

    4) Are you willing to let the legislature pass another budget that kicks the budget/deficit problem down the road further?

    5) At what length will the delay in paying vendors and others owed money by the state be long enough that it because completely unacceptable?

    6) What are you going to cut?

    7) Since property tax relief is supposed to be part of the income tax increase, what will be the rough net increase in taxes?


  4. - HM - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 8:20 am:

    1)While many won’t like raising the income tax to 5%, do you understand that many more will be angry if, four years from now, you’ve done nothing for schools and the state budget is still more than $10 billion in the red?

    2)Are you aware the people elected you to lead and not dither?

    3)Are you going to engage with the Speaker or will you wait to react to whatever his agenda is?

    4)Did you see #2 above?

  5. - Cincinnatus - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 8:26 am:

    How do you propose to reign in the burden of pensions on state budgeting and what are your proposals for long-term pension reform?

    Name one program over $10M that you are willing to cut. Specifics only.

    What will you do to stop state benefit payments going to non-residents of Illinois and to illegal immigrants?

  6. - 4 percent - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 8:35 am:

    1. Would you consider hiring some Republicans in your administration to make it more balanced while demonstrating a desire to work together?

    2. Will you call a Workers Comp agreed bill process to help reform and lower costs of WC?

    3. What did you know and WHEN did you learn about the early release program?

  7. - 4 percent - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 8:35 am:

    Oh…and who are you endorsing for Mayor of Chicago?

  8. - Tom Joad - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 8:38 am:

    Are you really going to release the funding for all of those member projects, like Hendon’s $40 million to build a college campus on the WEst side of Chicago?

  9. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 8:39 am:

    What can I do to help?

  10. - Boone Logan Square - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 8:42 am:

    You’ve made strides to increase wind energy development in this state. What measures will you take to increase solar energy development? What measures will the state take to encourage/help utilities implement SmartGrid so that we can better generate energy (and revenue) through local renewable energy?

  11. - fed up - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 8:43 am:

    How can you with a straight face say we need to raise taxes when you appointed someone to the Parole Board and they havent shown up for work in 17 months? If the state can afford to have ghost employees such as Roger Walker Jr. then surely thier are more areas that can be cut before asking the taxpayers for more money.

  12. - Angry Chicagoan - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 8:45 am:

    1. How do you get Mike Madigan onside with the state’s need for more revenue, and eventually deliver on the income tax increase?

    2. How do you get the public employee unions onside with the state’s need to reform the pension system, especially when you depended on them for re-election?

    3. Do you have any plan for addressing the severe extent to which Chicagoland is shortchanged on transportation spending, with the resulting arrears of tens of billions in repairs and renovation?

    4. The income tax increase only accounts for about a third of the deficit. What are you plans for the rest of the deficit? Growth? Cuts? Medicaid reform? Sales tax reform? Tolls on roads?

    5. Can you please communicate these needs clearly and consistently to the legislature and the public rather than meandering around?

  13. - Concerned Citizen - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 8:47 am:

    Will you consider selling off state assets to private industry in order to raise revenue and decrease the state’s annual cost of maintaining and operating these state properties? Many feel that private industry can operate them far more efficiently than the state government can. For instance, could some (or all) of our state’s prisons, a portion of our state owned real estate such as state parks, and excess state vehicles that are being maintained as perks to management, etc. be sold off to reduce our annual state operating costs.
    Would a possible solution be for Illinois to declare bankruptcy so that the state could start over with newly written contracts/agreements with the unions that are more realistic and more in tune with retirement benefits that are given to employees in private industry?

    Will you be willing to go against the dictates of your own Party leaders and risk your future political career in order to fiscally save the state of Illinois?

    Could we abolish the expensive and unfair indulgence of giving legislative scholarships to the politically connected? Shouldn’t the awarding of these be entirely removed from the political arena? Aren’t they also an expensive indulgence by our politicians that taxpayers can no longer afford to bear the burden of?

  14. - SouthernIL - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 8:48 am:

    So many concerns regarding our current deficit woes and possible “cures”. During the election, “forensic audit” was a favorite line used among Republicans. However, in reality, I don’t foresee this particular procedure implemented. My question to you is….would it be possible to hold a “real, old fashion pow-wow with yourself, the Party Leaders, the Comptroller, Treasurer and!!! the Approp. Directors in a REAL sit down and concentrated effort to trim, redirect and create new funding in a responsible fashion? Would it be possible to hold all “new money projects/raises” until a solid and firm budget ~ one with a “light at the end of the tunnel” is birthed??! Will we have a balanced budget by the end of our pending Spring Session of the 97th GA?

  15. - Responsa - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 8:48 am:

    Looking into the future four years from now what is the single SPECIFIC important acomplishment you most want to achieve and be known for in your term, and that you expect the success or failure of your governorship to be judged on both by yourself and the citizens of Illinois.

  16. - Downstate GOP Faithless - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 8:49 am:

    How come you can’t gamble your way to prosperity, but you can seemingly tax your way into it? (BTW Gov, nobody wants to gamble our way into prosperity, but taking advantage of an existing revenue stream seems prudent)

  17. - worried - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 8:50 am:

    When will you get rid of the Blago hold overs? You didn’t have the guts to do it before the election - several of them helped and wanted Bill Brady.

  18. - lake county democrat - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 8:50 am:

    1) Are there any items on your agenda that you vow to use your amendment or veto power to pass, even if it meant bringing state government operations to a standstill, and if so what are they?

    2) Do you support a gerrymandering-free redistricting map? Why or why not?

    3) In Illinois, lawyers can give money to the judges they appear before, non-anonymously, with no duty of the judge to recuse themselves from cases such lawyers appear in. Would you support eliminating this? Why or why not?

    4) Do you believe that local governments have the right to declare that they won’t enforce laws they don’t agree with? Why or why not?

    5) Community college nursing programs are being overwhelmed with applicants. Given both the economy and the health care crisis (both in the state and the nation), what can you do to QUICKLY get money to these programs?

  19. - fed up - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 8:53 am:

    Can my wife have an $86,000 dollar a year with good health insurance that she wouldnt actually have to show up for? Or have you already given all those out to your political supporters?

  20. - Can't Say My Nickname - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 8:53 am:

    According to the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), there are more than 775,000 illegal immigrants living in Illinois. FAIR estimates that illegal immigrants cost Illinois taxpayers 3.5 billion annually for education, health care and incarceration. Will you put a stop to this blatant misuse of taxpayer dollars before raising Illinois’ income tax?

  21. - jerry 101 - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 8:59 am:

    1. When are you going to get around to raising my taxes and what can I do to help facilitate the process?

    2. How do you plan to get Illinois caught up on all of its outstanding obligations to vendors?

    3. Do you think you’ll have any luck landing that Wisconsin train money?

    4. What are you doing to lure that train building company down to Illinois from Milwaukee? What are you doing to lure in other manufacturers to Illinois?

  22. - wordslinger - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 9:00 am:

    How can we get the various state university governing boards to play nicely together, rather then spend money building satellite campuses and competing for the same students, to maximize educational and private investment opportunities tied to all that brainpower?

  23. - jerry 101 - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 9:01 am:

    Oh, are there any plans to push for a constitutional amendment to allow for a graduated income tax?

  24. - Niles Township - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 9:05 am:

    Governor Quinn:

    I am and have been a supporter of yours for some time. I was somewhat disappointed with the last two years’ performance. However, I still casted my vote for you

    Gov., will you govern the way you always wanted to; will you govern like you have this four year term, and that is it. Perhaps if you govern that way, you may find the people of Illinois will want to keep you around longer. If you govern the way you did these last two years, your one and done.

    I can support an income tax increase (even greater than 1%), but not without accompanying cuts detailed in the budget. Permanent cuts, not accounting tricks. This moment calls for the Pat Quinn of old, not the Pat Quinn of the last two years. Will you return to that person?

  25. - JN - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 9:13 am:

    ==According to the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)==

    He said no snark.

  26. - Ravenswood Right Winger - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 9:14 am:

    1) Do you admit that the Cutback Amendment was a bad idea, causing less representative government and power to be concentrated in the hands of a few to the detriment of the many?

    2) Will you abolish (or at least, means-test) the free rides for seniors program?

    3) Will you abolish legislative scholarships?

  27. - Living in Oklahoma - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 9:17 am:

    It seems as if you are just simply outclassed in Springfield when it comes to political maneuvering. Why?

  28. - Amalia - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 9:18 am:

    1. are there prisoners who are incarcerated only because of drug possession charges and no record of other kinds of crime? if so, how will you work with law enforcement officials to use the space in prison for violent offenders. if not, what will you do to get policy makers to discuss other ideas for fighting violent crime?

    2. What will you do to move along the discussion on the death penalty and whether or not it can be used in Illinois?

    3. What discussions are you having with each department to find revenue raising opportunities in their operations?

    4. When can we expect that your management team will be in place, key staff in the Governor’s Office and all department heads? Or are you making no changes?

    5. Can you assess service in coordination with other governments and NGOs and encourage coordinated decisions about service delivery? some examples, victim services, parks and recreation, health clinics. This could create clarity at all levels of government, save money.

  29. - Ahoy - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 9:20 am:

    Do you actually have a realistic plan to solve the budget issue?

  30. - Sue - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 9:27 am:

    If you aren’t willing to do the fiscally correct revocation of free Senior Rides- just what will you be willing to cut to avoid Illinois going off of the cliff- what a lame excuse-”well the seniors like the program”- human beings are like that they appreciate things that are free-

  31. - just sayin' - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 9:30 am:

    How do you plan to deal with all of the bitter, disgruntled Republicans who assumed you would lose and who now won’t get the state jobs they were expecting?

  32. - Anonymous - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 9:34 am:

    Two part question:
    * How will you ensure that your “education surcharge” is in fact earmarked specifically to support education and not other General Fund purposes?
    * How will you ensure that those new, earmarked funds do not replace other existing education funding?

  33. - FarmerGeorge - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 9:35 am:

    The cutback amendment has led to leaders who hold a far greater share of power. Now that you are in the governors office and have to deal with the consequences of the cutback amendment (Madigan) you still think it was a good idea?

  34. - Vole - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 9:41 am:

    Gov. Quinn, what does non essential spending mean to you? You said you need to eliminate it. Is it time for you to begin doing so?

  35. - Angry Chicagoan - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 9:45 am:

    @FarmerGeorge, an excellent question. Quinn needs to think more about how to get stuff done politically rather than what “feels good” in the gut, and in his case this is the signature example.

  36. - fed up - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 9:52 am:

    Are you going to fix up the Gov’s Mansion for Lisa Madigan?

  37. - Anonymous - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 9:56 am:

    I’m with Angry Chicagoan and FarnerGeorge.

    Can you please ask Gov. Quinn this one? I know the amendment was in the distant past, but so far, the Cutback Amendment is Gov. Quinn’s main lasting legacy in Illinois. And it’s not a positive legacy.

  38. - Justica O ! - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 9:56 am:

    1. Would you consider including Alexi Giannoulious in a visible and meaningful role in state government ?

    2. Would you be willing to spend time and listen to concearns and needs of down state citizens of our state ?

  39. - LisleMike - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 10:01 am:

    Would you consider vetoing any spending bill that does not have a coresponding decrease by the same amount requested from somewhere else in the budget?
    Also, when will you restore Illinois’ (former) good name by honoring our debts to vendors and at least attempt pension reform for new hires, and shore up pension for existing state employees?

  40. - soccermom - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 10:03 am:

    Instead of focusing on the ancient history of the Cutback Amendment, I’d like to ask the Governor about his longterm strategy to invest in innovation and build (and keep!) new businesses in Illinois.

  41. - Wondering... - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 10:18 am:

    Here’s a dictionary… can you look up the word “mandate” and tell me why you think you election gave you one?

  42. - Cincinnatus - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 10:31 am:

    Hey, Rich,

    If you happen to get an interview with Quinn, and you happen to use one of our questions, could you post the name of the person whose question you used, and Quinn’s answer?

  43. - cassandra - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 10:48 am:

    In mid-2012, the current AFSCME contract, which covers the great majority of state employees, expires.

    AFSCME provided a huge amount of financial and volunteer support to your gubernatorial campaign.
    Many believe this was not only in exchange for the no-layoff agreement you signed shortly before they endorsed you but also in exchange for other, as yet unspecified concessions in the upcoming negotiations.

    Will you extend the no-layoff agreement in 2012 through 2016.

    Who will be your representative in these negotiations and what charge will you give them on behalf of the people of Illinois.

    Will citizens be informed of the final contract terms, including costs, before you sign off on it and in time for comment and revision.

  44. - Ghost - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 11:04 am:

    Gov, since the future of our State’s economy is in the education of our youth, what is your plan to increase the quality of education in the State?

  45. - Champaign Dweller - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 11:06 am:

    How is raising the state income tax and giving the increase to education going to solve, in whole or in part, our budget crisis?

  46. - Bman - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 11:06 am:

    How come we don’t hear about efforts to reduce the budget of the legislature? Talk about wasted money!

  47. - Responsa - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 11:12 am:

    Gov. Quinn, Do you believe that federal state and municipal employees need to be unionized in this day and age? Why or why not? Since it is the government bodies and agencies representing American taxpayers that are the actual employers and are already subject to safety, wage, and other laws and protections available to all American workers, what abuses do you think unions such as AFSME prevent and what benefits do they provide?

  48. - Vote Quimby! - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 11:14 am:

    (1) What protections do you have for the “education surcharge” to keep it from being simply a bookkeeping maneuver ie the lottery?
    (2) Are you aware of the public perception when you are in a Chicago deli while the Senate is in Springfield two days after an election? Your predecessor was chastised for not being visible in the Capitol, are you worried about that same perception of you?
    (3) What specific cuts do you intend to make to this year’s budget? Next year’s?
    (4) The Lt. Governor’s office is largely ceremonial (no offense). What plans do you have for Sheila Simon to expand the role of that office?

  49. - Leroy - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 11:14 am:

    Why are we in so much debt?

  50. - Aldyth - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 11:19 am:

    How will you report specific progress on your efforts to address the fiscal problems in Illinois to the people of Illinois?

  51. - phocion - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 11:23 am:

    Which cabinet level appointees will be replaced…and by whom?

    Will you support a gas tax increase to replace video gaming for infrastructure funding?

  52. - VanillaMan - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 11:24 am:

    Will you end the political practice of allowing politicians to name public buildings and other edifices after themselves, and instead honor our veterans and show citizens that serving our country in positions other than elected office, is the better, more noble, thing to do?

  53. - Gimmees - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 11:25 am:

    Did you really believe you were going to win?

  54. - DRB - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 11:30 am:

    What plans do you have to grow and expand economic activity in our state? What will you be doing to make our state more friendly to businesses to encourage them to move here? Do you understand that business and economic development is the real key to the state budget issues? Do you understand that you cannot tax yourself to prosperity?

  55. - CJ - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 11:46 am:

    I try to reconcile your stated desire to make the difficult decisions with your bill-signing tour fo the state. Those were feel good moments. Now you need to cut close to the bone in order to keep the boat afloat. I haven’t seen that in your character. Can you dig deep and do the tough stuff and anger your supporters, including, perhaps especially the unions?

  56. - Vickie - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 11:59 am:

    What are your plans with the administrative aspects of state government? Will you continue consolidating services into CMS or deconsolidate?

  57. - 47th Ward - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 12:25 pm:

    Governor, what do you want your legacy to be? How do you want to be remembered when they hang your portrait in the Capitol?

    A well-meaning bumbler whose heart is in the right place? Or a visionary who made the tough choices to do the right thing for the state? do you want to leave the state in better shape than you found it? Or do you merely wish to survive add some more populist gimmicks to your long resume?

    Finally and most importantly, what is your plan to achieve the legacy you’d like to have?

  58. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 12:29 pm:

    Dear Governor:

    Currently the State of Illinois provides over $1 billion per year in corporate tax expenditures, a.k.a. ‘tax loopholes.’ The Civic Federation has recommended sun-setting them all and reviewing them to determine which, if any, providea justifiable positive benefit.

    Will your administration follow through on their recommendation?

  59. - Been There - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 12:38 pm:

    What will you propose next year after you realize that your current proposed tax increase has not done enough to solve our problems?

  60. - Downstate Dem - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 12:44 pm:

    When will you address budget cuts and start making the difficult actions to necessary to get spending in balance with revenue.
    Your tax increase proposal won’t even come close to solving the problem.

  61. - Gregor - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 12:59 pm:

    When does the fumigation begin.

    When is the sit-down with Mike gonna happen, and will you two guys punt, yet again, or really DO something with the mandate and majority, other than put it on a shelf to admire and never use.

  62. - Newsclown - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 1:03 pm:

    Can you go a week’s worth of pressers without dragging references to Veterans into subjects that have nothing to do with them? You used to be the coolest guy when you did all that veteran-advocacy stuff, before it was cool, and yet never mentioned it yourself. Since the campaign, you’ve leaned on that button so hard it has a permanent divot in it. You earned the right, but how about a break now? One week. Seven days. Bet you can’t.

  63. - Michelle Flaherty - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 1:14 pm:

    Are you still carrying the Super 8 discount card, you know, the one the company stopped using several years ago. Can I see it?

  64. - Wally - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 1:24 pm:

    I read most of the questions, thought I was in a time warp, and had to look back at whom they were directed. Seems like these are questions would have been asked of Brady, not the guy who has been Governor for almost 2 years.

    Wasn’t Brady the guy painted as vague on details?

  65. - Angry Republican - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 1:32 pm:

    Enough questions about the budget, what about redistricting. What specifically will you do to ensure the remap is done fairly? Will the surfing rabbit (crazy district along Mississipi River) go away?

  66. - Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 1:33 pm:

    What is your long range 4 year plan for the State of Illinois? Please include generating income and paying expenses. What major bills do you plan on introducing and pushing in Springfield over the next 4 years.

  67. - Wensicia - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 1:45 pm:

    When are the school districts going to receive the money already owed to them?
    If you can’t get your tax increase for education will you gut our programs again, forcing another round of massive teacher layoffs?
    Will you agree that we should consider a recall vote if you neither raise revenue or decrease spending in the next year or two?
    Tell me, are you up to the task of helping Illinois’ recovery?

  68. - Oh, Please! - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 1:57 pm:

    What are your thoughts about maximizing use of existign highway capacity rather than simply continuing to expand it? For example, rather than expand I-290 between Cicero Avenue and I-294, a rather useless endeavor that would have no lasting benefit, why not convert all existing lanes to variable rate congestion pricing while at the same time extending the CTA Blue line to the I-290/I-294 merge, thus allowing persons unwilling or unable to pay congtestion pricing the alternative to park and use transit? Revenue from the facility could fund both transit and highway capital and operating in the corridor of travel.

  69. - Belle - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 2:24 pm:

    Most everyone seems to be afraid of Michael Madigan. It is now clear that Blago should have been more afraid of him.
    He seems pretty small and thin on TV. Since I have never met him, what is so scarey about him?
    Things are not going too well for most citizens these days. When are you going to go back to it being all about “us” and make things fair for citizens again?

  70. - JustaJoe - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 2:53 pm:

    When does the fumigation start?

  71. - illinoispoliticsaintbeanbag - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 3:24 pm:

    The state budget is broken beyond any band-aid fixes and needs a revenue increase…people will be just as mad (for about 6 mos…)over a 1% increase as a 2% increase - the increase would be split - 1% for schools - no “shell games” like the Lottery School Funds - the real deal - the other 1% for capital projects - Let all the gambling expansions - including video poker - die.

    How do you pass this - no gambling expansion 2% tax increase - The only leverage the Governor has is his veto power over the re-map (what the election was really about) - use this leverage to have the Dems pass the 2% increase or veto Speaker Madigan’s map - why would the Governor rubber stamp Madigan’s map without a little “shared sacrifice” - esp since Madigan did nothing to help get him re-elected - as long as Madigan is to be Speaker for life, at least his legacy could be to un-do the budget mess created by the games he directed for 30 years…comments ?

  72. - Earnest - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 3:34 pm:

    Governor Quinn, will you commit right now to completing the FY12 budget prior to the end of FY11?

  73. - Statesman - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 3:40 pm:

    Gov. Quinn:

    1. So when will the fumigation of the remaining Blago Appointees (i.e. Lavin) start? Should we be expecting pink slips for those left on the state payroll? Anytime soon?

    2. Just what that $13mil in your discrepancy fund go to? Can you provide specifics?

    3. If the state is behind on their payments, how were you able to find money to buy votes (strike that) settle your debt with the African American Ambulance Driver’s association in the final weeks of the election campaign?

  74. - Justsickofit - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 3:52 pm:

    How can Illinois justify raising taxes on young families making 50,000 a year, and not tax pension (defined benefit) plans of 100,000?

  75. - Rambler - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 3:53 pm:

    When Dan Hynes proposed a graduated income tax — which most states have — you chided him, saying you supported that before he did.
    So if you supported it then, why not now?
    Is it just that you can’t admit that Hynes was right?

  76. - jt - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 4:53 pm:

    How much are you going to cut Human Sevices again?

  77. - Holdingontomywallet - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 5:54 pm:

    Hmmmm, so much time spent bashing Brady on his vague message and vision for Illinois (and he deserved most of it). You would think that there wouldn’t be so many questions for Quinn. You mean he didn’t answer these during his campaign? I’m shocked…

  78. - someonehastosayit - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 6:05 pm:

    Would you support a repeal of the cutback amendment if it was revenue neutral? The current salaries and budgets of the two state reps would be divided into thirds.

  79. - southern illinoisan - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 6:18 pm:

    Will you look to fire exisiting department directors and replace them with competent, qualified and experienced professionals? I.E. — Monkin at ISP and Taylor at IDOC? We are still waiting………

  80. - Just The Way It Is One - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 7:24 pm:

    Many great political leaders write a book once they’re in office–will you? And since you like ending so many speeches with the following line, how about entitling it “TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE BE THE LAW OF THE LAND”? In terms of a rough dollar estimate, how much can the average Illinoisan count on for a reduction in property taxes? And to cut into the deficit even more, why not seriously consider raising income taxes at a slightly higher rate on the extremely wealthy, (i.e. those who’d likely not ever vote for you anyway) say, on those who earn over $250,000/year, to 4.5%, rather than to the apparent 4% for folks making over $60,000/year? (Even if only as a “temporary” revenue increase to help pull us out of this abyss? I mean, fair is fair, Pat, and the super-rich themselves know they can afford a bit more without even blinkin’ and still stay super rich)….Also, how about agressively moving forward with three, major public works/transportation projects as soon as possible ‘cuz they remain good ideas and will create globs of jobs–namely, the new PEOTONE AIRPORT (wh not just “damn the torpedos (critics) already and move “full speed ahead”?) and the ILLIANA TOLLROAD (why wait ’till 201l to start it when people could use the work NOW?) After all, Indiana’s Gov. is on board; let’s move it up! And why not re-propose the CROSSTOWN EXPRESSWAY? It’d ease city/suburban congestion and for the “JOBS Governor” create thousands upon thousands more with work/good wages? How about creating the “Illinois WPA” and welcome citizens’ suggestions on a number of public works projects throughout Illinois for the betterment of all while creating countless new jobs? This could be your legacy–the “FDR of Illinois!” (i.e. Pat Quinn creatively and unabashedly proposed (with the help of the people themselves at hundreds of Town Hall get-togethers with the Governor in every village, town, and hamlet in Illinois which he personally visited over four years time) and then actually formulated all KINDS of new government (and private sector) jobs by putting folks’ innovative ideas into practice–it would be a first in the Nation approach! Oh well, Guv., just a few ideas/questions to ponder on a lonely Friday night…

  81. - Retired Non-Union Guy - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 7:27 pm:

    1) Will you commit to no new spending until the budget is balanced?

    2) If you get the tax increase, will you commit every penny of it to deficit / debt reduction (catching up on bills owed including deferred school aid, starting to pay down the pension debt, etc.)?

    3) Since education is so important to you and it appears the major problem is at the elementary school level where kids aren’t learning the basics, will you cut the university budgets and divert those funds to primary schools?

    4) Just when are you going to get rid of the Blago holdovers?

    5) Would you consider a huge tax increase, say from the current 3% to 6% with a 4 or 5 year sunset, where the funds would be solely for debt reduction?

    6) Do you have a realistic plan to get the legislature on board with any of your goals?

  82. - Cheswick - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 8:28 pm:

    If you could have any amount of tax increase to fix the state’s financial situation, how much would you get?

  83. - South of the Loop - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 8:46 pm:

    Will you have a strained working relationship with Judy Baar Topinaka?

  84. - Tired of it all - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 9:36 pm:

    1)When will you take off all the people on Medicaid that really do not belong on Medicaid and welfare? There is a program Blago implemented that the state does not receive federal match. Why are these people allowed to have Medicaid when the state pays 100 % instead of the 45% for real Medicaid?
    2) I agree that the state is paying for too many Illegal immigrants and out of state residents. How do you propose to fix this.
    3) The state has more Medicaid clients than the majority of the states. Yet it has the least amount of state workers. People complain about not being able to get a hold of caseworkers or through the hot line for help. The tax payers of Illinois complain about the state workers yet complain they can’t get through. We are 1ST for the least amount of state workers
    4) When are you going to put the Legislators salaries in line with others states. For most of the Legislators this is their 2nd job and they are making 60,000-90,000 in their second job. Most people of the state would love to make that as their first and only job.

  85. - Cheswick - Friday, Nov 12, 10 @ 10:11 pm:

    We’re all Illinoisans and Americans if we’re here. How much do “illegal immigrants” contribute to the state’s economy?

Sorry, comments for this post are now closed.

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