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Better late than never, or better never late?

Monday, Nov 22, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This might’ve been nice to know before the election

Go to the town in Cook County with the fewest people, the village of McCook, and it’s easy to run into a relative of Mayor Jeff Tobolski, who has just been elected to the Cook County Board. […]

Tobolski family members have a history of serving the village of McCook, a tiny west suburb near Lyons and Brookfield with large sections of industrial areas.

In fact, in 2009 alone, the greater Tobolski family had 17 government jobs and received about $350,000 in compensation from the village, as well as from the library and park districts, which are separate governmental entities the mayor doesn’t run. The jobs ranged from the mayor’s own job to full-time supervisory positions to part-time or seasonal work.

That doesn’t include the two family members at the Max whom Tobolski hired this year — his wife and Barofsky — who make about $60,000 a year each.

All Rahm, all the time kinda cut into the demand for stories like this one. Too bad. Tobolski defeated Tony Peraica for county board and nobody took notice until now.

Also, considering that the Tobolski clan has that little town of 200 souls pretty well sewn up, how truly stupid was it for Peraica to allegedly venture out at night to tear down Tobolski’s yard signs?

* I think the genesis of this story is one of the kabillion rumors floating around about why Tom Dart decided not to run for mayor. His brother, the reasoning goes, put the kibosh on it. The rumor is beyond silly, but here’s another better late than never story from the Sun-Times

Dart’s younger brother, Tim Dart, is a partner in a Chicago law firm that has a lucrative lobbying practice at City Hall that would have been threatened if voters had elected a Mayor Dart.

Last year alone, Tim Dart, 43, was paid $541,500 to lobby Daley’s staff, the City Council and city agencies on behalf of 15 clients, records filed by the younger Dart with City Hall show.

Tom Dart, 48, says his brother’s business wasn’t a factor in his decision not to run for mayor. But he acknowledges his brother would have provided campaign fodder for Dart’s opponents in a mayoral race.

“I would have had to tell him he couldn’t do business with the city,” says the sheriff, who won re-election earlier this month. “How it would have affected him, I wouldn’t have known.

Tim’s subscription price just doubled.

* Now, onto more timely matters

Mayoral candidate Rahm Emanuel on Sunday proposed tapping special taxing districts to pay for 250 police officers in blighted areas. […]

Emanuel proposed using $25 million in TIF funds to hire officers. He declined to discuss specifics, such as which neighborhoods would get the officers. To use the funds, Emanuel would need approval from aldermen.

It probably goes without saying that 250 cops is a drop in the bucket.

* Carol Moseley Braun announced her candidacy for mayor over the weekend. My favorite line from the coverage..

Braun is counting on her business experience running a small company that specializes in coffee, tea and spices to be a plus with voters.

* Sen. Sandoval was also there for Braun

Braun appeared on stage with U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush and state Sen. Martin Sandoval (D-Chicago). Also on stage was former Chicago Ald. Robert Shaw.

Sandoval criticized Braun’s rival, former White House chief of staff Emanuel, as someone who had grown up in the suburbs and “abandoned” President Obama before the midterm election.

Sandoval backed Hillary Clinton in the primary and openly flirted with supporting John McCain in the general. He doesn’t have much of a leg to stand on when it comes to Obama.

* Mayor Daley made a good point about Rahm Emanuel’s residency

“President Obama and Michelle live in Washington D.C., as you know, but really, they’re residents of Chicago,” Daley said. “People have left cities all over America to work in federal government for two years or four years, by the president. And they’re asked to do that. Many of them make sacrifices. So it is something that has been going on legally forever.”

Daley said it’s “accepted fact” that people leave their homes to work in the federal government in Washington without giving up their residency.

If that weren’t the case, Daley said, “then all those people who had worked before, then had violated federal law by voting, I guess. Talking about thousands and thousands of people, under this administration, the Bush administration, the Clinton administration, the Bush administration, the Reagan administration, the Carter administration, going back to the beginning of time, you know.

“Many people who work, even for congressmen, on their staff, leave Chicago and go down there, but they still always keep their residency.”

It’s apples to oranges, but how long did Mark Kirk really live in Illinois before he filed to run for Congress the first time?

* Hilarity

Ald. Bernie Stone’s son Jay filed his nominating petitions for mayor.

• He needed 12,500 signatures.

• He logged 280 signatures.

• He will not be running for mayor.

* And, finally, today is the last day to file for mayor and other city offices. You can keep track of the progress by clicking here.

It would really be nice if the elections board could put all this stuff on an actual web page rather than just update a pdf file, but whatever.


  1. - Bring Back Boone's - Monday, Nov 22, 10 @ 2:40 pm:

    The Tobolski story was brought up during the election. It was on CBS news and Tobolski answered every question they threw at him about it. Not news.

  2. - 47th Ward - Monday, Nov 22, 10 @ 2:42 pm:

    Yeah, that stuff about the Tobolski family would have been helpful, oh, about a month ago. Of course, what we didn’t know about Tobolski can’t be as politically harmful as what we did know about Peraica. Tony was his own worst enemy, and has been for some time.

    Did Carol Mostly Wrong get Sandoval when she hired Victor Reyes, or was he sold separately?

  3. - lake county democrat - Monday, Nov 22, 10 @ 2:42 pm:

    Beyond silly - right. I know if my running for office would cost my brother’s family half a million dollars a year, it wouldn’t even cross my mind not to run, regardless of what debts/obligations I might know he has. Anybody can find a $500K/year part-time job these days!

  4. - Rich Miller - Monday, Nov 22, 10 @ 2:45 pm:

    lcd, I think Tim would replace that income elsewhere if his brother was Chicago’s mayor. Count on it. And remove your goofy tinfoil hat. It’s really unbecoming.

  5. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Nov 22, 10 @ 2:47 pm:

    So, to recap the Sun-Times:

    If you’re related to Mayor Daley, you benefit.

    If you’re related to Tom Dart and he doesn’t run for mayor, you benefit.

    Look. If the Darts are corrupt, I’m sure that Tim would have found a way to get rich if Tom had been elected mayor.

    The ENTIRE premise of the story is ludicrous because not once do they even allege that either of the Dart’s are corrupt, let alone offer up any proof.

    The conflict-of-interest is tangential at best and relies on a crystal ball.

    Meanwhile, the Chicago Board of Elections, which is chaired by a registered lobbyist, will be deciding whether or not Rahm Emanuel is qualified to run, along with the fates of challengers for every aldermanic seat in the city.

    Where’s the Sun-Times on that one?

  6. - Segatari - Monday, Nov 22, 10 @ 3:07 pm:

    >Braun is counting on her business experience running a small company that specializes in coffee, tea and spices to be a plus with voters.

    Carol “Mo’Money” Braun - the person who lost to the last REAL CONSERVATIVE that ever got nominated for Senate. Took a quarter million dollars from who knows where, called George Will a member of the KKK, and made illegal trips to Nigeria a nation known more for chain email scams than anything else. Cue the Jefferson’s theme song…

    No, Braun was an embarassment to the state of Illinois who lucked her way into office winning a primary where the top two candidates hammered each other to where she got more votes simply because she was neither of those guys and people just wanted to make history on putting the first African American female in the Senate, never mind the fact that she had no idea what she was doing what the heck she was doing when she got there…sadly people didn’t learn their lessons back then with her when they put Obama into the White House. Doesn’t exactly matter who with a D by their name wins mayor, the only certainity is they’ll run the city into the ground.

  7. - just sayin' - Monday, Nov 22, 10 @ 3:09 pm:

    “… truly stupid was it for Peraica to allegedly venture out at night to tear down Tobolski’s yard signs?”

    Roger that.

    Stupid people do stupid things.

  8. - lake county democrat - Monday, Nov 22, 10 @ 3:11 pm:

    Rich, unbecoming perhaps, but I’d remind you the last time you accused me of wearing a tinfoil hat you essentially repeated the same theory two weeks later (re: Lisa Madigan’s motivation for declining to run for senate).

    That said, I hate to admit it but you have a point about Tim Dart replacing said income.

  9. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Nov 22, 10 @ 3:14 pm:


    Braun’s call for a federal program to invest $10 billion was bold and ahead of its time.

    We SURE could’ve used that money and those jobs in Illinois.

    I’m not saying she should be Mayor, but things aren’t as black-and-white as you’ve laid them out.

  10. - Dooley Dudright - Monday, Nov 22, 10 @ 3:19 pm:

    10 ILCS 5/3‑2(a): “A permanent abode is necessary to constitute a residence within the meaning of Section 3‑1. No elector or spouse shall be deemed to have lost his or her residence in any precinct or election district in this State by reason of his or her absence on business of the United States, or of this State.

  11. - Nikoli - Monday, Nov 22, 10 @ 3:23 pm:

    Rich, I am just wondering, but is that Matthew O’Shea running for Alderman 19th Ward, the same Matthew O’Shea currently serving as Tom Cross’s chief of staff?

  12. - Rich Miller - Monday, Nov 22, 10 @ 3:27 pm:

    Nikoli, no.

    Chicago’s Matt O’Shea is the 19th Ward Democratic Committeeman.

  13. - Jim - Monday, Nov 22, 10 @ 3:30 pm:

    3:30 and still no Meeks petitions.

  14. - DuPage Moderate - Monday, Nov 22, 10 @ 3:41 pm:

    While I don’t for a second believe that either of the Darts are crooked, and I further don’t think that the story even suggested it, the article did further expose what how inside and rigged Illinois politics is. This is just another example of political cronyism to the likely detriment of real leadership.

  15. - Mares eat oats - Monday, Nov 22, 10 @ 3:44 pm:

    Dudley do Right cites 10 ILCS 5/3‑2(a): “A permanent abode is necessary to constitute a residence within the meaning of Section 3‑1. No elector or spouse shall be deemed to have lost his or her residence in any precinct or election district in this State by reason of his or her absence on business of the United States, or of this State.

    This presents a classic case of statutory construction. First sentence says you need a permanent place of abode. Second sentence says that going to DC isn’t deemed a loss of residence. I think Rahm wins on this. He has a permanent place of abode. He just wasn’t using it because he was in DC.

  16. - Segatari - Monday, Nov 22, 10 @ 3:54 pm:

    >Braun’s call for a federal program to invest $10 billion was bold and ahead of its time.

    $10 billion in WHAT exactly?

  17. - Statesman - Monday, Nov 22, 10 @ 3:55 pm:

    You have to think that things must be getting pretty tough in Cicero for Sandoval.

    First he’s parading Meeks around Little Village and then he jumps on the Braun bandwagon.

    He’s in dire need of a dose of political ritalin (or perhaps something “soft” to strap to his back). Must be still in search of the double dip pension.

  18. - Anon - Monday, Nov 22, 10 @ 3:57 pm:

    As of 1:00 (the time stamp on the pdf) Sandi Jackson hadn’t filed to run for her aldermanic seat — or any other City-wide office.

  19. - soccermom - Monday, Nov 22, 10 @ 4:18 pm:

    Is the deadline 5 p.m.?

  20. - Rich Miller - Monday, Nov 22, 10 @ 4:21 pm:

    I believe so, yes.

  21. - Rod - Monday, Nov 22, 10 @ 4:26 pm:

    I think Rahm Emanuel’s proposal to use TIF funds to pay for additional police, arguing that it is actually for “economic development,” violates 65 ILCS 5/11-74.4-1 the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act. The Illinois TIF Act generally authorizes that TIF funds may be used for:

    • The administration of a TIF redevelopment project.

    • Property acquisition.

    • Rehabilitation or renovation of existing public or private buildings.

    • Construction of public works or improvements.

    • Job training.

    • Relocation.

    • Financing costs, including interest assistance.

    • Studies, surveys and plans.

    • Marketing sites within the TIF.

    • Professional services, such as architectural, engineering, legal, and financial planning.

    • Demolition and site preparation.

    The idea raised by Emanuel of using TIF’s to pay for police was first raised by a group of Aldermen in July. The idea was rejected by the Mayor at that time because on going expenses and transfers to the city general revenue fund from TIF’s are illegal based on existing state law. Why are we going back to this issue yet again? Police are not professional services to a TIF district. The Mayor was quoted at the time on FOX news as stating:

    “So when you go off budget, and you say ‘we’re gonna take money from here, here and here,’ how do you replace all that money?” How do you come back and create something like this? Affordable housing, retail, how do you create jobs?”

    I think Mayor Daley was correct in July and Rahm should give up the idea and just raise property taxes to pay for police.

  22. - GetOverIt - Monday, Nov 22, 10 @ 4:38 pm:

    @Statesman - I believe Victor Reyes is advising CMB, so Sandoval’s endorsement is a yawn. Someone really needs to challenge him the next go around and pull the plug on HDO’s life support machine.

  23. - GetOverIt - Monday, Nov 22, 10 @ 4:45 pm:

    The Sun-Times is reporting Emmanuels renter has filed his petitions…what is this guy smoking? I want some…

  24. - Amalia - Monday, Nov 22, 10 @ 4:56 pm:

    so we have two articles on two families with political businesses. really, Sun Times, that’s the best you can do? because some years ago, one of the local papers printed a boat load of families with multiple members on payrolls. not one lobbyist brother of someone not running for mayor, actual people on payrolls in the government in Chicago and Cook County. and there’s way more than what was in that article.

    why some families have had two or more people as judges at the same time in the County! maybe we should all contribute names and positions to a data base which Rich could maintain and for which he could charge a separate fee to access. let the connecting begin…O’Briens, Degnans, Nevilles, Rostenkowskis, O’Connors, Rotis, Cullertons…….it’s endless.

  25. - DuPage Moderate - Monday, Nov 22, 10 @ 5:16 pm:


    I think that would be a great list. Again, it is likely pervasive…which doesn’t say a lot for Illinois politics.

    The motto should be:
    “Get involved, get a job, and make sure your kids, kids kids, nephews, aunts, uncles, cousins and cousins cousins can get a job or profit on your “public service” position.”

    The question is, what public is being served. Should start calling it private service or family service.

  26. - shore - Monday, Nov 22, 10 @ 5:19 pm:

    “carol moseley braun’s business experience helps her relate.” just like alexi’s banking experience helped him do wonders for bright start. Next.

    Dart’s brother’s a lobbyist. My guess is that 3/4 of the politicians in this state have relatives either working for them or lobbying them or have some sort of financial stake in their political careers. I read in the sun-times today that rahm emanuel’s brother for example gets half of the take of lollapalooza.

  27. - Matthew_Gift - Monday, Nov 22, 10 @ 5:35 pm:

    Are they going to update the PDF at all. A lot of names of definite candidates are still missing like Jackson, Mendoza, Chuks O.

  28. - Amalia - Monday, Nov 22, 10 @ 5:42 pm:

    oh jeez….Roland Burris?!? who are the nut cases who passed petitions for him?

  29. - Emily Booth - Monday, Nov 22, 10 @ 8:46 pm:

    The nail in Carol Mosely Braun’s coffin was the scandal surrounding her public aid nursing home application for her mother. She left off some assets.

  30. - siriusly - Monday, Nov 22, 10 @ 9:47 pm:

    Martin Sandoval’s endorsement means next to nothing, to anyone. Just ask Senator-Elect Cheryl Jackson how many Hispanic votes she got.

    I can know he endorsed her, I’ve got the email he sent out from his district office to prove it.

  31. - Chicago Cynic - Monday, Nov 22, 10 @ 9:55 pm:

    That Sun-Times story on Dart is just the biggest pile of crap. Usually (but not always with the SunTimes) they pretend to have some evidence of some kind. At least that’s how it used to work. But this story just fabricated a theory out of whole cloth - well Tim Novak’s head anyway. No evidence. No anonymous source claiming they were told. Nothing. Just a classic slime-job.

    Sun-Times should be ashamed of themselves for this kind of crap.

  32. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Nov 23, 10 @ 9:16 am:

    Well said, Chicago Cynic! The last time I checked Tom Dart was in no way required to run for mayor and there is no law barring siblings from working in the same field.

    Too bad the Sun Times can’t identify any actual problems in government to focus on.

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