Tenaska’s Taylorville Energy Center MYTHBUSTERS
Wednesday, Nov 17, 2010 - Posted by Capitol Fax Blog Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] Part 1, Electric Rates. Myth: Taylorville will put an “enormous economic burden” on consumers Fact: The Clean Coal Portfolio Standard caps residential rate increases at 2.015%, or $1.67/month, according to the ICC. Fact: Between now and 2015, the project will invest billions in Illinois, employ nearly 2,500 construction workers and purchase supplies from all corners of the state. The cost to ratepayers between now and 2015? ZERO. NOTHING. ZILCH. Myth: Taylorville will dramatically increase electric rates for large business customers Fact: Big business customers currently pay 40.5% less for electricity than residential and small business consumers. Even under their worst case scenario, large customers would still pay 37.1% less. ![]() Myth: Illinois has plenty of electricity. No new plants are needed. Fact: As Crain’s and others have reported, environmental regulations are expected to force 25-40% of Illinois coal plants to shut down by 2020. Since Illinois still relies on coal for half of our electricity, less supply and more demand means higher electric rates if cleaner supplies of reliable electricity, like Taylorville, are not built. And who benefits from that? SAY YES TO TENASKA’S TAYLORVILLE ENERGY CENTER! Learn the facts. For more information, visit cleancoalillinois.com
Kirk: Somebody else should’ve done what I could’ve done myself, but didn’t
Wednesday, Nov 17, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * Oh, for crying out loud…
In case he didn’t realize it, Mark Kirk is actually an “Illinois leader” himself. Kirk or the Republican Party or pretty much anybody else could’ve asked the judge to allow the state not to count military and other absentee ballots and not to conduct the official statewide canvass. They didn’t. And, just to repeat myself here, there is no current vacancy in the US Senate. Roland Burris is the Senator, which is why Kirk cannot be appointed to the seat right now. That vacancy does not occur until the results are certified as legal, per the judge’s orders. Burris could step down, but he has the right to remain in place until the judge’s order is fulfilled.
Question of the day
Wednesday, Nov 17, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * Sen. Bill Brady was back at the Statehouse yesterday. He’s staying in the Senate for now…
There are even rumors going around that Brady might be interested in running for governor again. * The Question: What should Bill Brady do now? PS: Let’s try not to get too snarky, OK? Thanks.
Catholics increase their pressure against civil unions, death penalty
Wednesday, Nov 17, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * The Catholic Conference of Illinois is turning up the heat against the civil unions bill, and urged action by its adherents this week…
It’s not completely clear what that “significant impact on the Church’s social service missions” means. Washington, DC’s archdiocese originally threatened to close homeless shelters and end various social service programs if the city enacted a gay marriage ordinance. Instead, they simply transferred a foster care program to another group and stopped paying for new employee spousal health insurance. Fran Eaton has her own translation…
* Robert Gilligan, the executive director of the Catholic Conference of Illinois, penned a recent op-ed that provides some clues…
So, it appears that the Catholics may no longer be in the foster child, adoption game if this passes. * Meanwhile, House Speaker Michael Madigan not only claimed that the civil unions bill has a good chance of passage, he also appeared to endorse it…
* Sen. James Meeks is probably hoping the bill never arrives in the Senate. He’s a social conservative and has opposed the idea in the past. He wouldn’t tell Chicago Tonight what he would do if he does have to vote, but said as Chicago’s mayor he would have a duty to uphold all the laws. Have a look… * The Catholic Conference is also urging abolition of the state’s death penalty. From its website…
* Related…
Bean concedes
Wednesday, Nov 17, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * As you most likely know by now, Congresswoman Melissa Bean has conceded to Republican Joe Walsh. Bean lost by just under 300 votes. She didn’t do nearly well enough when absentees and provisionals were counted yesterday…
* Walsh won despite being massively outspent…
* A big reason for his lack of funding was that the state and national GOP refused to help Walsh…
They didn’t think he could win because of his long history of personal problems. And those problems meant they didn’t really want to help him win. * Illinois now has 11 Republican members of Congress out of 19 total. They haven’t had a majority since 2004, and I’m not sure when they’ve ever had this many members here.
Joe Ricketts thought he had a sure thing
Wednesday, Nov 17, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * Joe Ricketts talked earlier this year about why he forked out all that money to buy the Chicago Cubs. Check it out… The most interesting part of the video was Ricketts’ description of a conversation he had five years ago with his son, Tom, who is now the Cubs chairman. “Why would I want to buy a baseball team?” Ricketts said he asked his son. “They sell every ticket, every game, win or lose,” Tom replied. “Now you’re talking about a business,” the elder Ricketts said. “Now you’ve got my interest.” Cub fans have changed a bit since that fateful conversation. Attendance is down the last two years, even though it’s still abnormally high for such an awful team. Fan dissatisfaction appeared to grow this year with every horrific loss. They have a ton of overpaid, underperforming players and they can’t find the right managerial mix. “If you take my money, and you start this business, you buy this baseball team, you have to come over and run it because I don’t want to be exposed to risk,” Ricketts told his son Tom. Well, the risk has injected itself anyway. * Reading a Tribune story this morning about the proposed Wrigley Field renovation plan gave me an idea…
Here’s the layout of the proposal. Click the pic for a larger image. Notice the “Triangle Building” to the west and “Cubs Alley” between the triangle and the park… ![]() The Triangle Building will include parking, concessions, shopping, dining and Cub offices. It may also include a hotel. Cubs Alley will have a retractable roof and will feature shops, restaurants, etc… ![]() The Ricketts see that development as a way to make more money. Understandable. But they can apparently afford to spend $200 million. So, how about they just put their cash into the stadium and find private investments for the ancillary stuff like the Triangle Building and Cubs Alley? There’d be no need for a government bailout and the park would be remodeled. * Anyway, back to the Statehouse, where things got a bit confusing yesterday…
When even the Speaker is confused, things aren’t going well. …Adding… Joe Ricketts penned an op-ed for Politico this week…
I suppose what Mr. Ricketts ought to explain is how government borrowing that allows him to build a big shopping mall and parking garage next to his ball park is something we really need, unlike those federal earmarks. * Jon Greenberg at ESPN also took a look at the elder Ricketts’ ironic fight against federal earmarks…
Yes, we can.
Madigan: No tax hike mandate
Wednesday, Nov 17, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * When your own Democratic House Speaker says you don’t have a mandate for a tax hike, then you don’t have a mandate for a tax hike…
Well, that’s it then. * Madigan also reiterated his desire to move a tax hike bill when he has Republican votes…
They might say “no,” but they’re still a bunch of pretty controlled ducklings. Madigan could probably pass a tax hike if he really wanted to. It wouldn’t be easy. A lot of his members are opposed to or frightened of raising taxes. But most know that they’re going to have to do it sooner or later. Might as well do it now in a lame duck session and get it over with. It would be better than waiting a year when the bond firms might start demanding it and a remap election is just around the corner. More…
Barring a massive and unprecedented economic recovery, he’s most likely right about the timeline. But you can’t dig yourself out of the hole until you pick up a shovel. * Madigan also offered up some advice for Gov. Pat Quinn…
A flat learning curve and lack of focus are two of Quinn’s greatest problems. * Roundup…
Morning Shorts
Wednesday, Nov 17, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * Illinois motorists urged to prepare for winter * 3 Illinois counties sue FEMA over flood mapping * Midnight deadline for FEMA flood applications * Ameren: The price you pay for electricity, gas is going up * Bean concedes; Walsh wins seat by 291 votes * Bean concedes; Walsh wins 8th District * Rep. Bean concedes 8th Congressional District race * Blagojevich retrial stalls (again) ethics committee inquiry into Jesse Jackson Jr. * FDIC issues report on Broadway Bank closure * Aldermen to vote on Mayor Daley’s 2011 budget * City Council to vote on Daley’s last budget * Cook County to pay $55 million to inmates at county jail * Taxpayers on the hook for strip searches * Daley names interim CPS chief * Philanthropist chosen as interim chief of Chicago schools * Daley names interim head for Chicago schools * Sun-Times: Mazany a good pick for interim CPS chief * Testy Stroger defends transition efforts * Stroger ally says Preckwinkle should ’shut up’ * CTA board could lose pay: Daley names new school chief; Metra deal? * Tribune: A dog with teeth * Lengthy jail term sought for Jon Burge * Feds want Burge to serve at least 24 years * Rosenthal: WGN-AM changes weekend lineup * Batavia mayor: city ‘on the upswing’ * A few bright spots dot Palatine’s bleak 2011 budget * SD159 looking to trim $2.7 million budget deficit * Naperville residents protest police layoffs * Ottawa closing in on creating port district * Tribune: U of Ay-Yi-Yi * Peoria council endorses natural gas tax * Woodford passes $6.6 million budget * McLean Co. Board approves $76M budget * Clinton mayor submits his resignation * EIU president says layoffs, furloughs unlikely * Sangamon County GOP holds off on on mayor pick * More cuts in store for city, mayor says * Four candidates seek three trustee seats in Chatham * 6 sites bid to host FutureGen’s carbon storage * Fairview council backs term limits; mayor plans veto
What the ICC Report on Tenaska-Taylorville Said
Wednesday, Nov 17, 2010 - Posted by Capitol Fax Blog Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] “After careful review of the FCR, the Commission concludes that the TEC facility features high costs to ratepayers with uncertain future benefits, and uncertainties that potentially add to already-significant costs.” – ICC Report, September 2010 Other Key Findings: • “The cost associated with electricity generated by the TEC is substantially higher than that which is associated with other types of generation facilities.” – Page 2 • “‘the true cost of the clean-coal portion of the plant is masked by the fact that approximately 46% of the electrical capacity is actually from natural gas’ and the clean-coal portion of the Taylorville facility is ‘approximately $10,641 per kilowatt’” - Page 18 • The report identifies serious “open issues” that should be addressed before the project proceeds. These include… • A disproportionate risk borne by consumers for cost overruns. • Lack of technical clarity and cost estimates for carbon sequestration. • Constantly changing plant design and configuration. • The plant’s true “clean coal” electricity generating capacity.
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Wednesday, Nov 17, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller